Expensive Cost of Medicine Affects Household Expenditure



Academic Article Review

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The article Expensive Medicine Cost Affect Household Expenditure written by Associate Professor Dr Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh which is the Head of unit for Hospital and Health Management, Health Economy, Faculty of Economics of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She has presented many papers and proceedings locally and abroad and is a a member on HTA reviews on cost effectivenss, a member of the Health Economics Association Malaysia, the Malaysian Public Health Physicians Association, MySPOR (Malaysian Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research Group) and One Health with the Global Health Institute. The article has been published in Berita Harian on Tuesday, 7th March 2015. The issue emphasized by the author in this article is the increase in price of the medicine. This issue rose due to the crisis in economic system where the price of most goods in the market is increasing that makes the purchasing power of the consumer decreased slightly. According to the author, this increase in term of price of the medicine however only affects the patients such as cancer and kidney failure patient. The increase of market price of the medicine also has become one of the reasons for the increasing cost in the world as a whole. The author also stated that the price of the pure medicine also will increase largely as it was not been used widely. It is due to the certain requirement that need to be fulfilled before these medicines can be approved by the Ministry of Health to be used in the clinics and hospitals. Due to the higher cost in obtaining this pure medicine, most patients would rather buy the generic medicine that would give them the same effect as the pure medicine with cheaper price. Due to this increase in the market price of the medicine, rather than going to meet their medical doctor the patients will just get the medicine prescribed for their disease from the pharmacy of dispensary. However, this situation has opened the door for the supplier to gain more profit by changing the type of the medicine prescribed for the patient and adding the types of medicine that the patients need to consume. This unethical behaviour of the supplier happens in most countries that have used the different dispensary system and to make things worse, the loose in term of regulation implemented also has led to this problem.The author has proposed a solution for this problem in order to reduce the impact of the increase in medical cost for the patient. The solution given is by the existence of the national insurance payment system. This system can be used to cover the cost of medicine taken by the patient without taken in consideration either the medicine is taken from private or government hospitals.The author has emphasized a good issue as the cost of medicine has increasing globally. This situation happens as a result of the economics condition as a whole. Medicine can be considered as a basic need of the society as there is a significant increase in term of the number of patient for serious disease such as diabetic, cancer and also heart disease especially in Malaysia. Therefore, the increase in the cost of obtaining medicine has affect most of the household economy. Other than that, the issue also has to be taken seriously by the government as it gives a great impact towards the economics of the country. Other than that, in term of the language used by the author is easy to be understood by the layman. As the article was published in local newspaper in Bahasa Malaysia, the author has used a simple language that has been used by layman and makes it much easier for the issue to be understood. The author also has provides chronological situation that leads to the ethical problem by the supplier of the medicine. This chronological explanation has made it easier for the reader to see how the manipulation of price that used by the supplier in order for them to gain more profit in the extent of hardship faced by the patients.
