Experience sharing and Lessons learnt during implementation of Environment & Social Management...


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Experience sharing and Lessons learnt during implementation of

Environment & Social Management

Framework (ESMF)

Engr. DILSHAD AHMEDDeputy District Officer, (C&W)

Highway Sub-Division Faisalabad.dilshaddil@gmail.com , 0300-8666930


Environment cost inclusion in bidding Documents Environmental documentation Monitoring of schemes Public Consultation Third Party Validation (TPV) Trainings of Contractor Hiring of Contractors Environment Specialist. Training of labor By District Highway Department Capacity building of Government officers World Bank Policy (4.01) Urban Unit Key Role Constraints during implementation

Environment &

Social Managem

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ork (ESMF


Environment cost inclusion in bidding Documents

Environment & Social Management Plan is part of bidding document. Schemes categorized as E-2; ESMP cost is part of Bill of Quantities (BOQ) Contractor filled the Item rates for ESMP. ESMP cost also part of Procurement Plans of CDGF Contractors becomes sensitized with Environment & Social parameters to make compliance with in its true spirit.

Environment &

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Environmental Documentation;

Environmental & Social Screening of EEP’s and ADP schemes. Environment & Social Management Plan (ESMP) prepared for E-2 category schemes. IEE studies of E-1 category schemes are on track. Documents had been reviewed by CPU ESSS and senior staff at Urban Unit. Further review by World Bank. These documents becomes part of scheme documents later on.

Environment &

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Environment &

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For Monitoring of projects by ESMF; A committee notified by DCO Faisalabad.

Environment & Social provisions incorporated in ESMPs were monitored. ESMF committee comprised on ESSS, 1) DO Environment 2) DO Social Welfare, 3) Focal persons of PCGIP. (D.O / DDO Road) Monitoring reports generated by ESSS.

Environment &

Social Managem

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Public Consultation

Public consultation carried out during site visits of projects by ESMF committee notified by DCO Faisalabad. Public consultation carried out pre and during stages of projects to record their grievance. Public view were recorded and grievance rectified by Highway Staff on-site or as per nature of issue.

Environment &

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Third Party Validation (TPV)

TPV of environmental & social attributes by JERS Consultants previously. (PCGIP – 2013-14) Public consultation carried out during site visits of projects by TPV team.

No significant Environmental & Social Issue raised during Projects Execution.

Environment &

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Trainings of Contractor

Various Training Sessions and meetings held in District Highway Office by the help of The Urban Unit and Highway Staff. Training of Contractors on ESMPs held at City Program Unit, DCO office.

Environment &

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Environmentalists hired by Contractors

Contractors have hired the service of Environmentalists for projects to achieve environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable schemes. Environmentalists had been trained by ESSS CPU.

Environment &

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Training of labor By District Highway Department

Workforce onsite been trained during site visits to ensure personal & workplace safety during construction phase of projects.

Environment &

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Capacity building

Urban Unit had organized lot of training sessions on environment and social prospective. City Program Unit (CPU) is facilitating departments in executing environmental and social studies to make compliance with national environmental laws and ESMF.

Environment &

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World Bank Policy

It is appreciating policy from WB that environment & social component got high weightage in development projects. Applicability of ESMF target on ADP schemes is commendable.

Environment &

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Urban Unit -Key Role

Urban Unit playing key role in implementation of ESMF. CPU facilitated at its best to ensure environmental & social attributes compliance in projects. Government officials cooperating with CPU and Urban Unit to make PCGIP a success story.

Environment &

Social Managem

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ork (ESMF


Constraints during implementation of ESMF By District Highway Department


There is need to empower ESSS or P.D or Dept. Officers to impose plenty or fine on contractors who violates environmental & social laws. No Previous Practice by the Highway Department & Contractors. No Legal Powers to Departmental Officers.

Environment &

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Experience Sharing and Lessons Learnt during Implementation

Experience Sharing and Lessons Learnt during Implementation

• Safe Running Projects.• Zero Accident• Safeguard to Labour & Equipments.• Safe Environment on Site• Amicable Social Behavior of Public.• Training of Contractors to implement ESMP in

true spirit.

Experience sharing and Lessons learnt during implementation

Experience Sharing and Lessons Learnt during Implementation

Engr. DILSHAD AHMEDDeputy District Officer, (C&W)Highway Sub-Division

