EXPLORATION & CONQUEST Group: Aidan Morgensteren, Jon Guyton Josemiguel Cisneros Silva, Chris...


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Group: Aidan Morgensteren, Jon Guyton Josemiguel Cisneros Silva, Chris Sanchez, Dillon Collins, Logan Bonner

PORTUGUESE EXPANSION•Portugal was impelled to send out exploration expeditions for their own personal gain. Some people went out for trade, wealth, glory and to spread Christianity. Bernial Diaz del Castillo, a sailor and conquistador, quoted, •“to serve God and His Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich, as all men desire to do.”


• Phillip II of Spain inherited the Portuguese crown in 1580 and created a 60 year union between the country’s. He ruled the entire Iberian peninsula. • The Portuguese invented the Caravel, a faster and more reliable ship and started seeking routes to the spice trade. • In 1500, Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered Brazil on the south American coast and later settled and influenced the culture greatly.


• Cristofer Columbus was Spanish born and Portuguese trained in sailing. He got his motivation to explore from Marco Polo’s documents and his discoveries.

• Columbus discovered islands in the

Caribbean including the Bahamas

and Hispaniola.

• Columbus’s crew were to mutiny if

they do not see land in 3 days after

Months of sailing. This is when they

Spotted birds which means land.


• The African Slave trade took place across the Atlantic Ocean from the 15th-19th century.

• In the period of 1450-1600, there was an estimated 367,000 slaves exported from Africa. 293,000 of these slaves were imported to North America and 50,000 to Brazil.

• The Portuguese were the first to engage in the New World slave trade in the 16th century (year 1526) and other countries soon followed


• Shipowners considered slaves as cargo to be transported to the Americas as quickly as possible.

• They were sold into labor at coffee, Tobacco, sugar, and cotton plantations

• First Africans imported to the English colonies were classified as “Indentured Servants”

• By the middle of the 17th century, slavery had hardened as a racial caste. They and their offspring were considered property of their owners in North America.


• They estimated that there were 12 million slaves shipped across the Atlantic

• The year 1441 was the start of the European slave trade in Africa

• Portuguese Captain Antao Cionc and Nano Tristao captured 12 Africans in Cabobraco (Modern Mauritania)

• On November 3rd 1493 Christopher Columbus’s 2nd voyage, he began the 1st trans-Altlantic slave trade. A shipment of several hundred Taino people (Indians in South Amberica) from then Dominican Republic to Spain.


• January 22, 1510 is the start of the systematic transportation of African slaves to the new world. King Ferdinand of Spain authorized a shipment of 50 slaves to the Dominican Republic.

• In November of 1528 A slave called Estaban was the first African slave to step foot on what is now the United States of America.


• When the Europeans first arrived into North America, they depended solely on the natives for everything.

• Their diseases devastated the Natives destroying populations and causing widespread fear.

• The French Huguenots landed and established a colony at Saint Johns River in 1560.

• Jacques Le Moyne mapped Florida and wrote about the war between the French and Spanish.


• The French had made treaties with the Native Americans, but the French colony fell to Spain. This resulted in the deaths of (many) Indians.

• Ponce de Leon sailed from Cuba to explore the Florida peninsula in 1521, but they were drove out by the natives.

• They gave up on searching Florida for gold and es resources but they realized it would be great defensively. In In1559 Spanish soldiers marched from Mexico to settle the the borders.


• Portuguese expansion1. True or false. The Portuguese started exploring for wealth, glory, and to

spread Christianity. 2. What conquest began the Portuguese expansion?

A. BrazilB. CeutaC. Lisbon

3. Equipped with the ______________, the Portuguese were able to sail to the spice islands


• African Slave Trade1. True or False. There were more slaves imported to North America than

Brazil.2. What were the first Africans imported to the English colonies called

A. SlavesB. ServantsC. Indentured ServantsD. Workers

3. True or False. The year 1451 was the start of the European Slave Trade.4. How many Africans did Antao Goncalves & Nuno Tristao capture?

A. 15B. 12C. 9


• Sixteenth-Century Incursions1. True or False. Europeans depended on Natives when they first arrived.2. Who mapped Florida?

A. Ponce de LeonB. Jacques Le MoyneC. Huguenots

3. Spain settled Florida for ___________