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12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

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Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003)(GEOG1016) (GEOG1008) (L81161)(L81113) (L81123)

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283 items

Imperialism readings (Professor Stephen Legg) (26 items)

Essential reading (3 items)

Political geography: world-economy, nation-state and locality - Colin Flint, Peter J. Taylor,2018

Book | Core | Chapter 3

Imperial Circuits and Networks: Geographies of the British Empire1 - Alan Lester, 2006-01Article | Core

Imperial Delhi: the British capital of the Indian empire - Andreas Volwahsen, 2004Book | Core | chpt 1 in Edwards Resources Centre EHG box

Geographies of empire: European empires and colonies c. 1880-1960 - R. A. Butlin, 2009Book | Recommended

Chapter 1, Geography, imperialism and colonialism: concepts and frameworks - R.A. Butlin,2009


Gentlemanly Capitalism and British Expansion Overseas I. The Old Colonial System,1688-1850 - P. J. Cain, A. G. Hopkins, 1986-11


Gentlemanly Capitalism and British Expansion Overseas II: New Imperialism, 1850-1945 -P. J. Cain, A. G. Hopkins, 1987-02


British imperialism, 1688-2000 - P. J. Cain, A. G. Hopkins, 2002Book

Imperial Geographies - D. ClaytonChapter

Imperial Geographies - D. ClaytonChapter


12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

Empires - Michael W. Doyle, 1986Book

Gentlemanly capitalism and British imperialism: the new debate on empire - Raymond E.Dumett, 1999


A political geography of the British Empire - C. B. Fawcett, 1933Book

Political geography: world-economy, nation-state and locality - Colin Flint, Peter J. Taylor,2018

Book | Recommended

The Imperialism of Free Trade - John Gallagher, Ronald Robinson, 1953Article

Africa and the Victorians: the official mind of imperialism - Ronald Edward Robinson, JohnGallagher, Alice Denny, c2015


Edge of empire: postcolonialism and the city - Jane M. Jacobs, 1996Book

Colonial urban development: culture, social power and environment - Anthony D. King,1976


Spaces of colonialism: Delhi's urban governmentalities - Stephen Legg, 2007Book

Spaces of colonialism: Delhi's urban governmentalities - Stephen Legg, 2007Book

The lion's share: a history of British imperialism 1850 to the present - Bernard Porter, 2012Book

Glittering decades: New Delhi in love and war - Nayantara Pothen, c2012Book

Lutyens abroad: the work of Sir Edward Lutyens outside the British Isles - Jane Ridley,British School at Rome, 2002


Culture & imperialism - Edward W. Said, 1994, c1993Book

Political geography: world-economy, nation-state and locality - Colin Flint, Peter J. Taylor,2018



12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

Globalization and protest - J. WillsChapter

Postcolonialism (Professor Stephen Legg) (19 items)

Essential reading (3 items)

Walter Crane and the Imperial Federation Map Showing the Extent of the British Empire(1886) - Pippa Biltcliffe, 2005

Article | Core

Geography's empire: histories of geographical knowledge - F Driver, 1992Article | Core

Orientalism - Edward W. Said, 2003Book | Core | This IS a whole book but it is a classic and very rewarding, do read if you


The imperial map: cartography and the mastery of empire - James R. Akerman, c2009Book

Decolonising geography: postcolonial perspectives - A. Blunt, J. WillsChapter

Geographies of empire: European empires and colonies c. 1880-1960 - R. A. Butlin, 2009Book

Critical imperial and colonial geographies - D. ClaytonChapter

Geography and Some Explorers - Joseph Conrad, March 1924Article

Post-colonialism, De-colonization and Geography - J. CrushChapter

In Search of The Imperial Map: Walter Crane and the Image of Empire - Felix Driver, 2010Article

Maps, knowledge and power - B. HarleyChapter

The new geography and the new imperialism: 1870-1918 - B. HudsonChapter

Culture & imperialism - Edward W. Said, 1994, c1993Book

Geographies of postcolonialism: spaces of power and representation - Joanne P. Sharp,


12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham


Geographies of postcolonialism: spaces of power and representation - Joanne P. Sharp,c2009


Postcolonial geographies: an exploratory essay - J.D. Sidaway, 2000-12-01Article

The rhetoric of empire: colonial discourse in journalism, travel writing, and imperialadministration - David Spurr, c1993


Postcolonialism: an historical introduction - Robert Young, 2001Book

Chapter 9, New Delhi - Tristram Hunt, 2014Chapter

Foucault (Professor Stephen Legg) (21 items)

Essential reading (3 items)

Historical geography 2007--2008: Foucault's avatars -- still in (the) Driver's seat - R. J.Mayhew, 2009-06-01

Article | Core

Governmentality and the maternal body: infant mortality in early twentieth-centuryLancashire - Francesca Moore, 2013-01

Article | Core

Chapter 21, Michel Foucault - Chris Philo, 2011Chapter | Core

Surveillance & Society Foucault IssueJournal

Space, knowledge and power: Foucault and geography - Jeremy W. Crampton, Stuart Elden, c2007


Space, knowledge and power: Foucault and geography - Jeremy W. Crampton, Stuart Elden, c2007


Surveillance, power, and modernity: bureaucracy and discipline from 1700 to the presentday - Christopher Dandeker, 1990



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(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

Power, Space, and the Body: A Critical Assessment of Foucault's - F Driver, 1985-12Article

Power and pauperism: the workhouse system, 1834-1884 - Felix Driver, 2004Book

The Spaces of Power - S. EldenChapter

Discipline and punish: the birth of the prison - Michel Foucault, 1979Book

Space, knowledge and powerChapter

The subject and power - Michel FoucaultChapter

Introduction - C. GordonChapter

Space and the Structuring of Disciplinary Power: An Interpretive Review - Matthew G.Hannah, 1997


Governmentality and the mastery of territory in nineteenth-century America - Matthew G.Hannah, 2000


Space and Government: Governmentality and Geography - Margo Huxley, 2008-09Article

Foucault's population geographies: classifications, biopolitics and governmental spaces -Stephen Legg, 2005-05


The Birth of the Clinic: an unknown work of medical geography - Chris Philo, 2000-03Article

Michel FoucaultChapter | Recommended

Entanglements of power: geographies of domaination/resistance - J. P. Sharp, P. Routledge,C. Philo, R. Paddison


Colonial Sexuality (Professor Stephen Legg) (22 items)

Essential reading (3 items)


12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

Chapter 4, Sexual orientatations: geographies of desire, from: Dissident geographies : anintroduction to radical ideas and practice - A. Blunt, J. Wills, 2000

Chapter | Core | ebook

An intimate and imperial feminism: Meliscent Shephard and the regulation of prostitutionin colonial India - Stephen Legg, 2010

Article | Core

Prostitution, race, and politics: policing venereal disease in the British Empire - PhilippaLevine, 2003

Book | Core

Introduction, or Why Have a Book on Geographies of Sexualities - G. Brown, K. Browne, J.Lim


Introduction, or Why Have a Book on Geographies of Sexualities - G. Brown, K. Browne, J.Lim


The history of sexuality - Michel Foucault, 1981Book

Prostitution and Racialised Sexuality: The Regulation of Prostitution in Britain and theBritish Empire before the Contagious Diseases Acts - Philip Howell, 2000-06


Race, space and the regulation of prostitution in Colonial Hong Kong - 2004/08Article

Geographies of regulation: policing prostitution in nineteenth-century Britain and theempire - Philip Howell, 2009


Chapter 1, Introduction : Britain and the historical geography of regulationism - PhilipHowell, 2009


Empire and sexuality: the British experience - Ronald Hyam, 1990Book

Oriental Sore' or 'Public Nuisance': The Regulation of Prostitution in Colonial India,1805-1889 - M. S. Kumar


Governing prostitution in colonial Delhi: from cantonment regulations to internationalhygiene (1864–1939) - Stephen Legg, 2009-11


Stimulation, Segregation and Scandal: Geographies of Prostitution Regulation in BritishIndia, between Registration (1888) and Suppression (1923)* - 2012/11


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Orientalist Sociology and the Creation of Colonial Sexualities - Philippa Levine, 2000Article

Chapter 11, Space and Place : The marketplace of colonial sex - Phillippa Levine, 2003Chapter

Sexuality, gender and empireChapter

Law and discipline in nineteenth century English state formation: the Contagious DiseasesActs of 1864, 1866 and 1869 - M. Ogborn, 1993


Imperialism, sexuality and space: purity movements in the British Empire - R. PhillipsChapter

Imperialism, sexuality and space: purity movements in the British Empire - R. PhillipsChapter

Sex, politics and empire: a postcolonial geography - Richard Phillips, 2006Book

Race and the education of desire: Foucault's History of sexuality and the colonial order ofthings - Ann Laura Stoler, 1995


Introduction to Medical Geography: (3 items)

General Texts: (3 items)

A companion to health and medical geography - Brown, Tim, McLafferty, Sara, Moon,Graham, 2010


A companion to health and medical geography - Tim Brown, Sara McLafferty, GrahamMoon, 2010


Geographies of health: an introduction - Anthony C. Gatrell, Susan J. Elliott, 2015Book

Lecture 1: Introduction: The Nature of Medical Geography (14 items)

Selected Research from the XII International Symposium in Medical Geography 2007Article | Examples of some recent research directions in medical and health geography


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'Themes in British health geography at the end of the century' - Asthana, S et al, 2002Article

'Medical geography: concept and definition' - Barrett, F.A.Chapter

World atlas of epidemic diseases - A. D. Cliff, Peter Haggett, Matthew Smallman-Raynor,2004


Geographies of health: an introduction - Anthony C. Gatrell, Susan J. Elliott, 2015Book

'Why abortion rates vary: a geographical examination ofthe supply of and demand forabortion services in the United States in 1988' - Gober, P.


'Man, disease and environmental associations: from medical geography to healthinequalities' - Hayes, M.


'Disease mapping' - Howe, G.M.Chapter

Accessibility and utilization: geographical perspectives on health care delivery - Joseph, A.E., Phillips, David R., 1984


'From medical to health geography: novelty, place and theory after a decade of change' -Kearns, R. A. and Moon, G.


Disease ecology: an introduction - Learmonth, A. T. A., 1988Book

'The centrality of medical geography to human geography: the traditions of geographicaland medical geographical thought' - Mayer, J. D.


Applied medical geography - Pyle, Gerald F., 1979Book

'Medical or health geography? Populations, peoples and places' - Rosenberg, M.Article

Lecture 2. Historical Perspectives:The Foundations of MedicalGeography (10 items)

'Finke's 1792 map of human diseases: the first world disease map?' - Barrett, F. A.Article


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'The first global map of the distribution of human diseases: Friedrich Schnurrer's Charteüber die geographische Ausbreitung der Krankheiten, 1827' - Brömer, R.


'From Siam to New York: Jacquest May and the 'Foundation' of medical geography' -Brown, T., and Moon, G.


World atlas of epidemic diseases - A. D. Cliff, Peter Haggett, Matthew Smallman-Raynor,2004

Book | Pages 1-19

World atlas of epidemic diseases - A. D. Cliff, Peter Haggett, Matthew Smallman-Raynor,2004


'Medical geography: its methods and objectives' - May, J.M.Article

Cartographies of disease: maps, mapping, and medicine - Koch, Tom, 2005Book | Pages 15-40

'Approaches to medical geography: an historical perspective' - Paul, B.M.Article

'Introduction: foundations to medical geography' - Pyle, G. F.Article

'Histories of medical geography' - Valencius, C. B.Chapter

Lecture 3: Contemporary Themes I:Spatial Epidemiology (8 items)

Atlas of disease distributions: analytic approaches to epidemiological data - Cliff, A. D.,Haggett, Peter, 1988


Spatial diffusion: an historical geography of epidemics in an island community - Cliff, A. D.,1981


'The distribution of schizophrenics in Nottingham' - Giggs, J. A.Article


'Update. Spatial aspects of epidemiology: the interface with medical geography' - Glass,G. E.



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(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

Spatial analysis in epidemiology - Dirk Pfeiffer, c2008Book

London International atlas of AIDS - Smallman-Raynor, Matthew, Cliff, A. D., Haggett, Peter,1992


Spatial epidemiology - Thomas, R. W., 1990Book

Lecture 4 : Contemporary Themes II:Post-Medical Geography and the'New Geography of Health' (12 items)

'Themes in British health geography at the end of the century: a review of publishedresearch1998-2000' - Asthana, S. et al


'Placing geographies of public health' - Brown, T and Duncan, C.Article

'Prairies, psychedelics and place: the dynamics of region in psychiatric research' - Dyck, E.Article

A companion to health and medical geography - Brown, Tim, McLafferty, Sara, Moon,Graham, 2010

Book | especially pages 13-78, 587-603

A companion to health and medical geography - Tim Brown, Sara McLafferty, GrahamMoon, 2010


'Hidden geographies: the changind lifeworlds of women with multiple sclerosis' - Dyck, I.Article



'Man, disease and environmental associations: from medical geography to healthinequalities' - Hayes, M.


'Medical geography, care and caring' - Parr, H.Article

'From medical to health geography: novelty, place and theory after a decade of change' -Kearns, R. A. and Moon, G.


'Medical geography: critical medical and health geography' - Parr, H.


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(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham


'Moving away from the psychiatric asylum: Nottingham's rehabilitation landscape' -Pinfold, V.


Agri-Food Geographies (36 items)Read selectively beyond the essential readings

Topic 1. Agricultural change and the evolution of the modern agri-foodsystem (15 items)

The geography of agriculture in developed market economies - Ian R. Bowler, 1992Book | Core | Chapter 1 ‘The industrialisation of agriculture’.

The geography of agriculture in developed market economies - Ian R. Bowler, 1992Book | Core | Chapter 1 ‘The industrialisation of agriculture’.

Chapter 5, Transformation of the farm sector - Peter J. Atkins, 2001Chapter | Core

The geography of rural change - Brian W. Ilbery, 1998Book | Core | Chapter 4: From agricultural productivism to post-productivism

The geography of rural change - Brian W. Ilbery, 1998Book | Core | Chapter 4: From agricultural productivism to post-productivism

Mobilising the commodity chain concept in the politics of food and farming - Peter Jackson,Neil Ward, Polly Russell, 2006-4


Worlds of food: place, power, and provenance in the food chain - Kevin Morgan, TerryMarsden, Jonathan Murdoch, 2006

Book | Core | Particularly Chapter 3: Geographies of Agri-Food.

Worlds of food: place, power, and provenance in the food chain - Kevin Morgan, TerryMarsden, Jonathan Murdoch, 2006

Book | Core | Particularly Chapter 3: Geographies of Agri-Food.

The biopolitics of food provisioning - David Nally, 2011-01Article | This is an advanced level reading; but will be of interest to those of you who

want to go into more detail on this topic.

Environment and food - Colin Sage, c2012Book | Core

Environment and food - Colin Sage, c2012Book | Core

The food system: a guide - Geoff Tansey, Tony Worsley, 1995


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Geographies of global change: remapping the world - R. J. Johnston, Peter J. Taylor, MichaelWatts, 2002

Book | Core | From farming to agri-business: the global agro-food system, Chapter 4

Bringing political economy into the debate on the obesity epidemic - Anthony Winson,2004-1


Rural geography: processes, responses, and experiences in rural restructuring - MichaelWoods, 2005

Book | Core

Topic 2. The farm crisis and post-productivism (7 items)

Conceptualizing agriculture: a critique of post-productivism as the new orthodoxy - NEvans, C Morris, M Winter, 2002-6-1


The geography of rural change - Brian W. Ilbery, 1998Book | Core | Chapter 4: From agricultural productivism to post-productivism.

The geography of rural change - Brian W. Ilbery, 1998Book | Core | Chapter 4: From agricultural productivism to post-productivism.

Rural geography: multifunctional rural geographies - reactionary or radical? - McCarthy,James, Dec 2005


From Productivism to Post-Productivism... and Back again? Exploring the (Un)changedNatural and Mental Landscapes of European Agriculture - Geoff A. Wilson, 2001


‘Neo-productivist’ agriculture: Spatio-temporal versus structuralist perspectives - Geoff A.Wilson, Rob J.F. Burton, 2015-04

Article | Here Wilson and Burton revisit the debate about productivism andpost-productivism and propose some new concepts including ‘neo-productivism’

Rural geography: processes, responses, and experiences in rural restructuring - MichaelWoods, 2005

Book | Core

Topic 3. Agricultural animals and sustainability (14 items)

For an introduction to animals in geography: (7 items)

Animal geographies I - H. Buller, 2014-04-01Article


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The dictionary of human geography - Derek Gregory, ebrary, Inc, c2009Book | Core | Gregory, D., Johnston, R., Pratt, G., Watts, M., Whatmore, S. (2009)

‘Animals’ entry

Chapter 1, Witnessing the animal moment - Jody Emel, 1998Chapter

Animals and modern cultures: a sociology of human-animal relations in modernity - AdrianFranklin, 1999


Animals and modern cultures: a sociology of human-animal relations in modernity - AdrianFranklin, 1999


Geography’s circle of concern - Jonathan Murdoch, 2003-8Article

Animal spaces, beastly places: new geographies of human-animal relations - Chris Wilbert,Chris Philo, 2000

Book | Core | Animal spaces, beastly places, An Introduction. Chapter 1.

Selected references on animals in agri-food geography (see alsoreference list on the final slide of the last lecture) (4 items)

Beasts of a different burden: agricultural sustainability and farm animals. - H. Buller, C.Morris

Chapter | Core

Beasts of a different burden: agricultural sustainability and farm animals - H. Buller, C.Morris

Chapter | Core

Genetic technologies and the transformation of the geographies of UK livestockagriculture: a research agenda - C. Morris, L. Holloway, 2009-06-01


Taking stock of farm animals and rurality. - R. Yarwood, N. EvansChapter | Core

Selected references on sustainability (3 items)

Sustainability - W. AdamsChapter

Spaces of sustainability: geographical perspectives on the sustainable society - MarkWhitehead, 2007



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Spaces of sustainability: geographical perspectives on the sustainable society - MarkWhitehead, 2007


Development geographies - Nick Clare (74 items)

1 - Conceptualising development geographies (19 items)

Essential (1 items)

Introducing human geographies - Paul J. Cloke, Phil Crang, Mark Goodwin, MyiLibrary, 2014Book | Core | Chapters 20 and 21

Recommended (12 items)

Development Geography - Hodder, Rupert, 2005Book | Recommended | Read Chapter 1

The development dictionary: a guide to knowledge as power - Wolfgang Sachs, c2010Book | Recommended | Especially chapter 1 on 'Development'

Development as freedom - Amartya Sen, 2001Book | Recommended | Especially Chapter 1

Theories and practices of development - Katie Willis, c2011Book | Recommended | Especially chapter 1

Poverty and development into the 21st century - Tim Allen, Alan Thomas, 2000Book | Recommended | Especially chapters 1 and 2

The Companion to Development Studies, Third Edition - Desai, VandanaPotter, Rob, 2014Book | Recommended | All of the readings are short but excellent.

Feminisms in development: contradictions, contestations, and challenges - AndreaCornwall, Elizabeth Harrison, Ann Whitehead, 2007

Book | Recommended | Especially the introduction

More Than 100 Million Women Are Missing - Amartya SenBenjamin M. Friedman


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Samson B. KnollBernard LewisAlison LurieAdam Michnik

Robert Darnton

Jon Day

Jenny Uglow

David Cole

Robert F. Worth, 1990

Article | Recommended

Geographies of Development : An Introduction to Development Studies - Potter, RobertBook | Recommended | Especially Chapter 1 'Questioning Development'

Geographies of developing areas: the Global South in a changing world - Glyn Williams,Paula Meth, Katie Willis, 2014

Book | Recommended | More copies of the 1st edition available

The (im)possibility of development studies - Stuart Corbridge, 2007-05Article | Recommended

From the local to the global: key issues in development studies - Gerard McCann, StephenMcCloskey, 2015

Book | Recommended | Especially chapters 1, 2, and 10


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Alternative (2 items)

Development's Paradox: is Washington DC a Third World city? - Eve Bratman, 2011-10Article | Further Reading

A radical history of development studies: individuals, institutions and ideologies - UmaKothari, 2005

Book | Further Reading

Web pages (4 items)

UN Women - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women |UN Women – Headquarters


ILO Research Guides: Gender equality: HomeWebsite

UN Millennium Project | About the MDGsWebpage

Sustainable Development Goals .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge PlatformWebpage

2 - Migration and development (17 items)

Essential (2 items)

Migration is development: how migration matters to the post-2015 debate - Peter D.Sutherland, 2013-12

Website | Core

The Migration-Development Nexus: Current Challenges and Future Research Agenda -Tanja Bastia, 2013-07

Article | Core

Recommended (8 items)

Which migration, what development? Unsettling the edifice of migration and development- Parvati Raghuram, 2009-03

Article | Recommended

Migration and development: reconciling opposite views - Alejandro Portes, 2009-01Article | Recommended

Migration and Development: A Theoretical Perspective - Hein de Haas, 2010Article | Recommended


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Transforming South-North Relations? International Migration and Development - KavitaDatta, 2009-01

Article | Recommended

International Migration, Remittances and Development: Myths and Facts - Hein De Haas,2005

Article | Recommended

South–South Migration: Challenges for development and social policy - Katja Hujo, NicolaPiper, 2007-12

Article | Recommended

Intersectionality, migration and development - T. Bastia, 2014-07-01Article | Recommended

Making migrant domestic work visible: The rights based approach to migration and the‘challenges of social reproduction’ - Juanita Elias, 2010-11-10

Article | Recommended

Alternative (5 items)

Migration as development strategy? The new political economy of dispossession andinequality in the Americas - Nicola Phillips, 2009-06-26

Article | Further Reading

Migration, Remittances, and Household Strategies - Jeffrey H. Cohen, 2011-10-21Article | Further Reading

Migrants as transnational development agents: an inquiry into the newest round of themigration–development nexus - Thomas Faist, 2008-01

Article | Further Reading

The Migration-Development Nexus Evidence and Policy Options State-of-the-Art Overview -Ninna Nyberg-Sorensen, Nicholas Van Hear, Poul Engberg-Pedersen, 2002-12

Article | Further Reading

The ‘Diaspora option’, migration and the changing political economy of development -Hélène Pellerin, Beverley Mullings, 2013-02

Article | Further Reading

Websites (2 items)

ILO Research Guides: International labour migration: HomeWebsite

International Organization for MigrationWebsite


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3 - Urban development (19 items)

Essential (2 items)

Development Geography - Hodder, Rupert, 2005Book | Core | Chapter 5

The Companion to Development Studies, Third Edition - Desai, VandanaPotter, Rob, 2008Book | Core | Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3

Recommended (14 items)

Slumdog Cities: Rethinking Subaltern Urbanism - ANANYA ROY, 2011-03Article | Recommended

Urban geography: a global perspective - Michael Pacione, 2009Book | Recommended | All chapters in Part 5 are useful

The continuing debate about urban bias: the thesis, its critics, its influence and itsimplications for poverty-reduction strategies - G. A. Jones, S. Corbridge, 2010-01-01

Article | Recommended

Urbanization as a Global Historical Process: Theory and Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa -Sean Fox, 2012-06

Article | Recommended

Urban poverty in the global South: scale and nature - Diana Mitlin, David Satterthwaite,2013

Book | Recommended

Cities and development - Sean Fox, Tom Goodfellow, Jo Beall, 2016Book | Recommended

Postcolonialising informality? - Ann Varley, 2013Article | Recommended

Urbanization as a Global Historical Process: Theory and Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa -Sean Fox, 2012-06

Article | Recommended

Urban Responses to Climate Change: Theories and Governance Practice in Cities of theGlobal South - Dirk Heinrichs, Kerstin Krellenberg, Michail Fragkias, 2013-11

Article | Recommended

The Return of the Slum: Does Language Matter? - ALAN GILBERT, 2007-12-07Article | Recommended

Planet of slums - Mike Davis, 2006Book | Recommended


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The Routledge handbook on cities of the Global South - Sue Parnell, Sophie Oldfield, 2014Book | Recommended

Ordinary Urban Spaces: Between Postcolonialism and Development - Stephen Legg, ColinMcFarlane, 2008-01

Article | Recommended

Geographies of development: an introduction to development studies - Robert B. Potter,2018

Book | Recommended | Chapter 9

Alternative (2 items)

A Politics of the Poor - Richard Pithouse, 2008-02Article | Further Reading

From `Dangerous Classes' to `Quiet Rebels' - Asef Bayat, 2000-09Article | Further Reading

Websites (1 items)

UN-Habitat - United Nations Human Settlements ProgrammeWebsite

4 - Social movements and post-development (19 items)

Essential (2 items)

Encountering development: the making and unmaking of the third world - Arturo Escobar,2012

Book | Core | Chapter 1

Development studies and the post-development critique - John Rapley, 2004-10-01Article | Core

Recommended (13 items)

The companion to development studies - Vandana Desai, Robert B. Potter, 2014Book | Recommended | Chapters 1.4, 2.11, & 2.13

Introducing human geographies - Paul J. Cloke, Phil Crang, Mark Goodwin, MyiLibrary, 2014Book | Recommended | Chapter 22

Separated by common ground? Bringing (post)development and (post)colonialism together- DAVID SIMON, 2006-03

Article | Recommended


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(Post)development and Post-colonialism: Separated by Common Ground? - David Simon,2005-12

Article | Recommended

Spaces of postdevelopment - James D. Sidaway, 2007-06Article | Recommended

NGOs and Feminisms in Development: Interrogating the ‘Southern Women's NGO - GoogleSearch

Webpage | Recommended

The last refuge of the noble savage? A critical assessment of post‐development theory -Kiely Ray, 1999

Article | Recommended

Beyond the Third World: Imperial Globality, Global Coloniality and Anti-Globalisation SocialMovements - Arturo Escobar, 2004

Article | Recommended

Social movements in the global south: dispossession, development and resistance - SaraC. Motta, Alf Gunvald Nilsen, 2011

Book | Recommended | Especially chapter 1

After Post-Development - Jan Nederveen Pieterse, 2000Article | Recommended

NGOs and Feminisms in Development: Interrogating the ‘Southern Women's NGO’ - LataNarayanaswamy, 2014-08

Article | Recommended

The global development crisis - Ben Selwyn, 2014Book | Recommended

NGOs and Social Change: Agents or Facilitators? - Jenny Pearce, 1993Article | Recommended

Alternative (4 items)

Creating Spaces of Resistance: Development NGOs and their Clients in Ghana, India andMexico - Janet G Townsend, Gina Porter, Emma Mawdsley, 2004-11

Article | Further Reading


Article | Further Reading

Degrowth, postdevelopment, and transitions: a preliminary conversation - Arturo Escobar,2015-7

Article | Further Reading


12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

Hope Movements: Naming Mobilization in a Post-development World - Ana CeciliaDinerstein, Séverine Deneulin, 2012-03

Article | Further Reading

Cultural Geography

Lecture 1: Geographies of Memory (4 items)

Place - T. CreswellChapter

National identity and the politics of memory: remembering Bruce and Wallace in symbolicspace - Tim Edensor, 1997


Space, memory and identity - N. JohnsonChapter

Cast in Stone: Monuments, Geography, and Nationalism - Nuala Johnson, 1995-02Article

Lecture 2: Military Geographies (4 items)

THE NEW GEOGRAPHY AND THE NEW IMPERIALISM: 1870-1918 - Brian Hudson, 1977-09Article

The everywhere war - DEREK GREGORY, 2011-09Article

War and Peace - S. KirschChapter

From Military Geography to militarism's geographies: disciplinary engagements with thegeographies of militarism and military activities - Rachel Woodward, 2005-12-01


Lecture 3: Feminist Geographies (4 items)

Geography and the construction of difference - Geraldine Pratt, Susan Hanson, 1994-03Article

Masculinity – femininity - G. Kraft, M. PrattChapter

Situating knowledges: positionality, reflexivities and other tactics - G. Rose, 1997-09-01Article


12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

Geography and gender: what belongs to feminist geography? Emotion, power and change- J. Sharp, 2009-02-01


Lecture 4: Animal Geographies (6 items)

Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontiers of 'Human' Geography - KayAnderson, 1995


Human-non-human - H. LorimerChapter

Animals, Geography, and the City: Notes on Inclusions and Exclusions - Chris Philol,1995-12


reprinted in:

Animal geographies: place, politics and identity in the nature-culture borderlands - JenniferR. Wolch, Jody Emel, 1998

Book | pp. 51-71

Nature and human geography - S. WhatmoreChapter

The Ecological Crisis (Dr. Chris Ives) (3 items)

Sustaining biodiversity and people in the world's anthropogenic biomes - Erle C Ellis,2013-09


A safe operating space for humanity - Johan Rockström, Will Steffen, Kevin Noone, ÅsaPersson, F. Stuart Chapin, Eric F. Lambin, Timothy M. Lenton, Marten Scheffer, Carl Folke,Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Björn Nykvist, Cynthia A. de Wit, Terry Hughes, Sander vander Leeuw, Henning Rodhe, Sverker Sörlin, Peter K. Snyder, Robert Costanza, Uno Svedin,Malin Falkenmark, Louise Karlberg, Robert W. Corell, Victoria J. Fabry, James Hansen, BrianWalker, Diana Liverman, Katherine Richardson, Paul Crutzen, Jonathan A. Foley, 2009-9-24


The Anthropocene: Are Humans Now Overwhelming the Great Forces of Nature? - Steffen,WillCrutzen, Paul JMcNeill, John R, Dec 2007


Sustainability (Dr. Chris Ives) (6 items)

The United Nations Sustainable Development Summit: 17 Goals to Transform Our World -18/1/2016


12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

Audio-visual document

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Sustainable DevelopmentChapter

Section 6:30 - Sustainability - Mark WhiteheadChapter

Sustainability Science - R. W. Kates, 2001-4-27Article

What is Sustainability? - Tom Kuhlman, John Farrington, 2010-11-01Article

National natural capital accounting with the ecological footprint concept - MathisWackernagel, Larry Onisto, Patricia Bello, Alejandro Callejas Linares, Ina Susana LópezFalfán, Jesus MéndezGarcı́a, Ana Isabel Suárez Guerrero, Ma Guadalupe Suárez Guerrero, 1999-06


Valuing Nature Lecture (Dr. Chris Ives) (10 items)

Videos (5 items)

Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Classes of Values - 30/6/2015Audio-visual document

Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Market Based Valuation Method - 31/8/2015Audio-visual document

Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Travel Cost Method - 2015-11-17Audio-visual document

Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Hedonic Pricing Method - 8/12/2015Audio-visual document

Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Contingent Valuation - 23/3/2016Audio-visual document

Text book chapters (1 items)

Chapter 4, Environmental and ecological economics - W.N AdgerChapter

Journal Articles (4 items)


12/26/20 Exploring Human Geography (GEOG1003) (GEOG1016) (GEOG1008)

(L81161) (L81113) (L81123) | University of Nottingham

A typology for the classification, description and valuation of ecosystem functions, goodsand services - Rudolf S de Groot, Matthew A Wilson, Roelof M.J Boumans, 2002-6


The role of social values in the management of ecological systems - Christopher D. Ives,Dave Kendal, 2014-11


Whose conservation? - G. M. Mace, 2014-09-26Article

Reasons to Conserve Nature - Richard G. Pearson, 2016-05Article

Chapter 21; from Key thinkers on space and place - Chris PhiloChapter

