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Curriculum Vitae



Graziano Guella

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Fisica (Università degli Studi di Trento)

Competenze: Analisi chimica; Biomolecole; Chimica bioorganica; Chimica degli alimenti; Chimica dei composti naturali; Cromatografia; Determinazione strutturale dei composti organici; Lipidi; Lipidomica; Manipolazione chimica; Metabolomica; Proprietà delle molecole; Spettrometria di massa a tempo di volo; Spettroscopia di risonanza magnetica multinucleare

Via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo

0461 281536


Autore/Coautore di 238 pubblicazioni scientifiche peer reviewed

(hindex= 35, più di 4800 citazioni, da WoS October 2020)

Formazione Diploma Scuola Superiore Maturità Classica -Liceo Classico "A.Maffei" di Riva del Garda - conseguita nel Luglio 1975 con votazione di 60/60 Laurea-Università Chimica, Università di Padova, conseguita il 20 marzo 1981 con votazione di 110/110 e Lode. Tesi di Laurea "Indagine EPR su stati di tripletto fotoeccitati in cristalli molecolari di complessi a trasferimento di carica" svolta presso l'Istituto di Chimica-Fisica, Facoltà di Scienze MFN, Università di Padova - Relatore prof. Carlo Corvaja


accademica ed



Qualifica iniziale: Ricercatore Universitario con nomina ministeriale in data 18 maggio 1983, vincitore di un posto a concorso nazionale nel gruppo di discipline n. 84 presso la Facoltà di Scienze, Università di Trento, Istituto di Chimica. Vincitore di un posto per Prof. Associato ottenuta nel procedimento di valutazione comparativa svoltosi presso la Facoltà di FARMACIA dell’Università di Parma nel febbraio 2002. Chiamato nel luglio 2002 dall’Università di Trento (Facoltà di Scienze) a ricoprire il ruolo di professore di II fascia presso la Facoltà di Scienze con nomina a decorrere dal 01 settembre 2002

Qualifica attuale : Professore Ordinario di Chimica Organica presso il Dip di Fisica Impieghi e/o attività precedenti a)Istituto di Chimica Fisica, Università di Padova dal 1/4/81 al 1/6/81 per sviluppare le tematiche della Tesi.b) Insegnante Scuole Medie di Riva del Garda dal 10/10/1982 al 30/12/1982c) Istituto Agrario di S.Michele, Borsa di Studio in collaborazione con l'Istituto di Chimica, svolta presso lo stesso ex-Istituto di Chimica dal 2/1/1983 al 17/5/1983.

Incarichi Dipart. : Responsabile/Coordinatore del Laboratorio di Chimica Bioorganica dal 1997 al 2003 Responsabilità di ricerca : ·Proponente/Coordinatore del progetto 1999-2000 finanziato dalla Provincia Autonoma di Trento coinvolgente anche unità di ricerca esterne all'Università di Trento. ·Responsabile Scientifico Unità di Ricerca TN nel progetto nazionale MURST COFIN 2001 (coordinatore naz. Prof. E. Fattorusso) finanziato al 100% nel novembre 2001 dal titolo:"Sostanze naturali ed analoghi sintetici con attivita' antitumorale" ·Responsabile dell'Unità di Ricerca denominata DF-LBO1 e comprendente anche unità di ricerca esterne nel progetto SALTO (Studio del mancato Arrossamento del Lago di Tovel) finanziato dal Fondo Provinciale Progetti della Provincia Autonoma di Trento ·Responsabile dei Progetti in Conto Terzi con le imprese: Seeber (Laives, BZ) 2001-2002 e Watts (Lavis, TN) 2001-2002

Interessi di


1. Attività connesse alla Chimica Organica ed alle sue naturali interazioni con la Biologia e la Biofisica come a) la chimica dei prodotti naturali (la delucidazione strutturale di nuovi metaboliti secondari, la loro sintesi ed attività biologica e significato filogenetico) ed il loro potenziale uso in applicazioni farmacologiche e b) la caratterizzazione di interazioni supramolecolari di molecole organiche (naturali e/o sintetiche) con ciclodestrine o con membrane modello ed applicazioni delle metodologie bioorganiche nello studio di problematiche biofisiche. 2. Attività connesse alla Chimica Fisica Organica, attraverso lo sviluppo di nuove metodologie di ionizzazione a pressione atmosferica in spettrometria di massa, lo studio di reazioni ione-molecola in fase gas e l’indagine meccanicistica di reazioni di idrolisi di idruri covalenti utili per la produzione e lo stoccaggio di idrogeno molecolare, attraverso la messa a punto di nuove tecniche NMR.

Attività di


Riguardo alle tematiche del punto 1. negli ultimi anni (2003-2006) l’attività è stata piuttosto intensa. Queste tematiche rappresentano in effetti competenze “consolidate” da più di un ventennio. Dopo una lunga fase che ha visto il nostro gruppo di ricerca impegnato principalmente nella delucidazione strutturale di nuovi metaboliti secondari ed alla razionalizzazione di alcune vie biogenetiche attraverso le quali questi ultimi sono sintetizzati (linea di ricerca tuttora molto attiva che ha visto la partecipazione del gruppo coordinato dal sottoscritto ai progetti nazionali PRIN2001 e PRIN2003), in questi ultimi anni ho dedicato grandi sforzi per portare queste competenze in campi maggiormente applicativi della chimica bioorganica, come quelli della chimica supra-molecolare, delle interazioni proteine/membrane e della chimica ambientale. Grazie anche alla partecipazione del nostro gruppo di ricerca ad alcuni progetti finanziati dalla Provincia Autonoma di Trento come SALTO 2002 e CRENODAT 2004 (che hanno peraltro coinvolto molte unità di ricerca internazionali), si è potuto disporre in questo triennio di risorse finanziarie significative. Queste sono state prontamente investite in contratti part-time a neo-laureati o post-doc e nella necessaria modernizzazione della strumentazione analitica di Laboratorio con il completamento di uno strumento LC-MS (con possibilità di eseguire esperimenti MS/MS multipli) e soprattutto con l’acquisto di un nuovo strumento NMR a 400 MHz. Le tematiche delineate nel punto 2. si inseriscono in un recente ampliamento di interessi verso problematiche di ricerca in cui le competenze fisiche e chimiche possono armonizzarsi e trovare importanti sinergie. In particolare l'uso di sorgenti di ionizzazione come veri e propri reattori chimici, la messa a punto di nuovi metodi di ionizzazione chimica per spettrometria di massa

L’attività di ricerca sopra descritta è stata resa possibile dalla partecipazione del sottoscritto, come responsabile scientifico e coordinatore della propria unità di ricerca, a diversi Progetti di ricerca nazionali, qui di seguito riportati: 1. Responsabile Scientifico di Unità di Ricerca nel Progetto PRIN 2001-2003: "Sostanze naturali ed analoghi sintetici con attivita' antitumorale" , coordinatore nazionale Prof. E. Fattorusso 2. Responsabile Scientifico di Unità di Ricerca nel Progetto PRIN 2003-2005: “Prodotti naturali con attività antitumorale:aspetti strutturali e sintetici”, coordinatore nazionale Prof. E. Fattorusso 3. Responsabile Scientifico di Unità di Ricerca nel Progetto SALTO 2001-2004: “Studio del mancato Arrossamento del Lago di Tovel” finanziato dal Fondo Unico Provinciale Progetti di Ricerca della Provincia Autonoma di Trento; coordinatore generale dott. B. Borghi. 4. Responsabile Scientifico di Unità di Ricerca nel Progetto PAT-UNITN 2003,: “Aspetti strutturali, sintetici, biologici e biotecnologici di prodotti naturali di origine terrestre e marina”, Progetto speciale di Dipartimento finanziato dal Fondo Unico Provinciale Progetti di Ricerca della Provincia Autonoma di Trento 5. Responsabile Scientifico di Unità di Ricerca nel Progetto CRENODAT 2004-2006 “Biodiversità e valutazione dell’integrità delle sorgenti del Trentino e ricerche ecologiche a lungo termine”, coordinatore generale dott. M. Cantonati 6. Partecipante come ricercatore associato ad unità esterne ai progetti 2004-2006 INTERBERRY ed ECOPLAN della Provincia Autonoma di Trento 7. Responsabile di alcuni Progetti in Conto Terzi nel triennio 2002-2005 con Industrie della Regione come Seeber spa (Bolzano) e Watts (Trento) Ha svolto attività come “referee” di molti articoli sottoposti alla pubblicazione sulle seguenti Riviste:

Chemistry European Journal

European Journal of Organic Chemistry

Journal of Chromatography A

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry

Letters in Organic Chemistry



a società e



Socio della Società Chimica Italiana

Membro della American Chemical Society

Premi e


1. Premio assoenologi 2013 per gli studi avanzati di Chimica Enologica

2. Medaglia A. Quilico 2018 della Divisione Chimica Organica SCI con la seguente motivazione

Per l’originalità e la varietà dei suoi contributi alla chimica dei composti organici naturali marini e terrestri di rilevanza biologica, ecologica e chemo-tassonomica, e per lo sviluppo di approcci metodologici rigorosi ed innovativi con interessanti applicazioni alle scienze “omiche” e allo studio dei processi biologici complessi

Didattica Chimica

Chimica con esercitazioni di laboratorio

Chimica fisica e Bioanalitica

Chimica Organica

Pubblicazioni 2020 : Novak, M.; Krpan, T.; Panevska, A.; Shewell, L. K.; Day, C. J.; Jennings, M. P.; Guella, G.; Sepcic, K., "Binding specificity of ostreolysin A6 towards Sf9 insect cell lipids" in BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, v. 1862, n. 9 (2020), p. 183307.1-183307.10. - URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0005273620301383 . - DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2020.183307

2020 : Plotegher, N.; Perocheau, D.; Ferrazza, R.; Massaro, G.; Bhosale, G.; Zambon, F.; Rahim, A. A.; Guella, G.; Waddington, S. N.; Szabadkai, G.; Duchen, M. R., "Impaired cellular bioenergetics caused by GBA1 depletion sensitizes neurons to calcium overload" in CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION, v. 27, n. 5 (2020), p. 1588-1603. - DOI: 10.1038/s41418-019-0442-2

2020 : Arapitsas, Panagiotis; Guella, Graziano; Mattivi, Fulvio, "L’impact des réactions diffuses du SO2 sur le profil métabolomique des vins" in REVUE DES OENOLOGUES ET DES TECHNIQUES VITIVINICOLES ET OENOLOGIQUES, v. 2020, n. 174 (2020), p. 41-44. - URL: http://search.oeno.tm.fr/search/article/35aada39-99c2-4638-8ca1-56aafc493425

2020 : Lukić, Igor; Da Ros, Alessio; Guella, Graziano; Camin, Federica; Masuero, Domenico; Mulinacci, Nadia; Vrhovsek, Urska; Mattivi, Fulvio, "Lipid Profiling and Stable Isotopic Data Analysis for Differentiation of Extra Virgin Olive Oils Based on Their Origin" in MOLECULES, v. 2020, 25, n. 1 (2020), p. 1-20. - URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/25/1/4 . - DOI: 10.3390/molecules25010004

2020 : Bonaldo, Federico; Guella, Graziano; Mattivi, Fulvio; Catorci, Daniele; Arapitsas, Panagiotis, "Kinetic investigations of sulfite addition to flavanols" in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1 (2020). - URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-69483-0 . - DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-69483-0

2019 : Chemello, Francesco; Grespi, Francesca; Zulian, Alessandra; Cancellara, Pasqua; Hebert-Chatelain, Etienne; Martini, Paolo; Bean, Camilla; Alessio, Enrico; Buson, Lisa; Bazzega, Martina; Armani, Andrea; Sandri, Marco; Ferrazza, Ruggero; Laveder, Paolo; Guella, Graziano; Reggiani, Carlo; Romualdi, Chiara; Bernardi, Paolo; Scorrano, Luca; Cagnin, Stefano; Lanfranchi, Gerolamo, "Transcriptomic Analysis of Single Isolated Myofibers Identifies miR-27a-3p and miR-142-3p as Regulators of Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle" in CELL REPORTS, v. 26, n. 13 (2019), p. 3784-3797. - URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22111247 . - DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.02.105

2019 : Franco, Andrea M.; Tocci, Noemi; Guella, Graziano; Dell’Agli, Mario; Sangiovanni, Enrico; Perenzoni, Daniele; Vrhovsek, Urska; Mattivi, Fulvio; Manca, Gavina, "Myrtle Seeds (Myrtus communis L.) as a Rich Source of the Bioactive Ellagitannins Oenothein B and Eugeniflorin D2" in ACS OME

GA, v. 4 (2019), (2019), p. 15966-15974. - URL: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.9b02010 . - DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02010

2019 : Carlin, Silvia; Masuero, Domenico; Guella, Graziano; Vrhovsek, Urska; Mattivi, Fulvio, "Methyl Salicylate Glycosides in Some Italian Varietal Wines" in MOLECULES, v. 24, n. 18 (2019), p. 3260. - URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/24/18/3260/htm . - DOI: 10.3390/molecules24183260

2019 : Duhamel, Nina; Larcher, Roberto; Guella, Graziano; Pilkington, Lisa I.; Fedrizzi, Bruno; Barker, David, "Stereoselective Synthesis of the Spirocyclic Ring System of the Sesquiterpene Spirolepechinene" in ASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 8, n. 4 (2019), p. 462-465. - DOI: 10.1002/ajoc.201900191

2019 : Irene, C.; Fantappie, L.; Caproni, E.; Zerbini, F.; Anesi, A.; Tomasi, M.; Zanella, I.; Stupia, S.; Prete, S.; Valensin, S.; Konig, E.; Frattini, L.; Gagliardi, A.; Isaac, S. J.; Grandi, A.; Guella, G.; Grandi, G., "Bacterial outer membrane vesicles engineered with lipidated antigens as a platform for Staphylococcus aureus vaccine" in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, v. 116, n. 43 (2019), p. 21780-21788. - DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1905112116

2019 : Lunelli, L.; Caradonna, F.; Potrich, C.; Piotto, C.; Bettotti, P.; Vanzetti, L.; Pederzolli, C.; Guella, G., "A new silanizing agent tailored to surface bio-functionalization" in COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES, v. 181, (2019), p. 166-173. - URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S092777651930342X . - DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.05.034

2018 : Saber, Abdullah A.; Fučíková, Karolina; Mcmanus, Hilary A.; Guella, Graziano; Cantonati, Marco, "Novel green algal isolates from the Egyptian hyper-arid desert oases: a polyphasic approach with a description of Pharao desertorum gen. et sp. nov. (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta)" in JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, v. 54, n. 3 (2018), p. 342-357. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1529-8817 . - DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12645

2018 : Clamer, Massimiliano; Tebaldi, Toma; Lauria, Fabio; Bernabò, Paola; Gómez-Biagi, Rodolfo F; Marchioretto, Marta; Kandala, Divya T; Minati, Luca; Perenthaler, Elena; Gubert, Daniele; Pasquardini, Laura; Guella, Graziano; Groen, Ewout J N; Gillingwater, Thomas H; Quattrone, Alessandro; Viero, Gabriella, "Active Ribosome Profiling with RiboLace" in CELL REPORTS, v. 25, n. 4 (2018), p. 1097-1108. - DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.09.084

2018 : Arapitsas, P.; Guella, G.; Mattivi, F., "The impact of SO2 on wine flavanols and indoles in relation to wine style and age" in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 2018, (2018). - URL: www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-19185-5 ; http://rdcu.be/EPpk . - DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19185-5

2018 : Bonfio, Claudia; Godino, Elisa; Corsini, Maddalena; Fabrizi de Biani, Fabrizia; Guella, Graziano; Mansy, Sheref S., "Prebiotic iron–sulfur peptide catalysts generate a pH gradient across model membranes of late protocells" in NATURE CATALYSIS, n.s., v. 1, n. 8 (2018), p. 616-623. - URL: https://www.nature.com/natcatal/ . - DOI: 10.1038/s41929-018-0116-3

2018 : Tähtinen, Petri; Guella, Graziano; Saielli, Giacomo; Debitus, Cécile; Hnawia, Edouard; Mancini, Ines, "New Sulfur-Containing Polyarsenicals fro

m the New Caledonian Sponge Echinochalina bargibanti" in MARINE DRUGS, v. 16, n. 10 (2018), p. 382-395. - DOI: 10.3390/md16100382

2018 : Arapitsas, Panagiotis; Guella, Graziano; Mattivi, Fulvio, "Il destino della SO2 nei vini. Nuove indagini gettano luce sulle sue reazioni" in OICCE TIMES, v. 74, n. APR (2018), p. 19-23

2017 : Ferrazza, R.; Griffin, J. L.; Guella, G.; Franceschi, P., "IsotopicLabelling: An R package for the analysis of MS isotopic patterns of labelled analytes" in BIOINFORMATICS, v. 33, n. 2 (2017), p. 300-302. - URL: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/ . - DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw588

2017 : Dong, Y. i; Ferrazza, R.; Anesi, A.; Guella, G.; Franceschi, P., "TLC surface integrity affects the detection of alkali adduct ions in TLC-MALDI analysis" in ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 2017, n. 409(24) (2017), p. 5661-5666. - URL: link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00216/index.htm . - DOI: 10.1007/s00216-017-0501-9

2017 : Buonanno, F.; Anesi, Andrea; Guella, Graziano; Ortenzi, C., "Blepharismins used for chemical defense in two ciliate species of the genus Blepharisma, B. stoltei and B. undulans (Ciliophora: Heterotrichida)" in THE EUROPEAN ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL, v. 84, n. 1 (2017), p. 402-409. - URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tizo/current . - DOI: 10.1080/24750263.2017.1353145

2017 : Cenci, Lucia; Bertolla, Maddalena; Anesi, Andrea; Ambrosi, Emmanuele; Guella, Graziano; Bossi, Alessandra Maria, "Micro- versus nano-sized molecularly imprinted polymers in MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis of peptides" in ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 409, n. 26 (2017), p. 6253-6261. - URL: link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00216/index.htm . - DOI: 10.1007/s00216-017-0569-2

2017 : Piotto, Chiara; Guella, Graziano; Bettotti, Paolo, "Fluorinated surfaces: smart substrates for matrix-free laser desorption ionization" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 31, n. 14 (2017), p. 1228-1230. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0231 . - DOI: 10.1002/rcm.7897

2017 : Martini, Luca, Matteo; Maranzana, Andrea; Tonachini, Glauco; Bortolotti, Giulia; Scapinello, Marco; Scotoni, Mario; Guella, Graziano; Dilecce, Giorgio; Tosi, Paolo, "Reactivity of fatty acid methyl esters under atmospheric pressure plasma jet exposure: An experimental and theoretical study" in PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS, v. 2017, (2017), p. e1600254. - DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201600254

2017 : Buonanno, Federico; Anesi, Andrea; Di Giuseppe, Graziano; Guella, Graziano; Ortenzi, Claudio, "Chemical defense by erythrolactones in the euryhaline ciliated protist, Pseudokeronopsis erythrina" in ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v. 34, n. 1 (2017), p. 42-51. - URL: http://www.bioone.org/loi/jzoo . - DOI: 10.2108/zs160123

2017 : Pilati, S.; Brazzale, D.; Guella, G.; Milli, A.; Ruberti, C.; Biasioli, F.; Zottini, M.; Moser, C., "The onset of grapevine berry ripening is characterized by reactive oxygen species accumulation and 13-lipoxygenase-derived galactolipid peroxides in the chloroplasts" in ACTA HORTICULTURAE, v. 1157, n. 1157 (2017), p. 105-112. - URL: http://www.actahort.org/members/showpdf?session=31486 . - DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1157.17

2017 : Piotto, C; Bettotti, P; Guella, G, "Fluorinated bulk surfaces as matrix-free mass spectrometry transducers" in Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA: IEEE, 2017, p. 609-611. - (PROCEEDINGS OF IEEE SENSORS ...). Proceedings of: IEEE Sensors, Glasgow, 29/1072017

2017 : Salem, A. B.; Di Giuseppe, G.; Anesi, A.; Hammami, S.; Mighri, Z.; Guella, G., "Natural Products among Brown Algae: The Case of Cystoseira schiffneri Hamel (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyceae)" in CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, v. 14, n. 4 (2017), p. e1600333. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1612-1880 . - DOI: 10.1002/cbdv.201600333

2017 : Pilati, Stefania; Bagagli, Giorgia; Sonego, Paolo; Moretto, Marco; Brazzale, Daniele; Castorina, Giulia; Simoni, Laura; Tonelli, Chiara; Guella, Graziano; Engelen, Kristof; Galbiati, Massimo; Moser, Claudio, "Abscisic acid is a major regulator of grape berry ripening onset: New insights into ABA signaling network" in FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 8, (2017), p. 1093. - URL: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpls.2017.01093/full . - DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01093

2017 : Bertolla, Maddalena; Cenci, Lucia; Anesi, Andrea; Ambrosi, Emmanuele; Tagliaro, Franco; Vanzetti, Lia; Guella, Graziano; Bossi, Alessandra Maria, "Solvent-Responsive Molecularly Imprinted Nanogels for Targeted Protein Analysis in MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry" in ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 9, n. 8 (2017), p. 6908-6915. - URL: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/aamick . - DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b16291

2017 : Fiori, Luca; Volpe, Maurizio; Lucian, Michela; Anesi, Andrea; Manfrini, M.; Guella, Graziano, "From Fish Waste to Omega-3 Concentrates in a Biorefinery Concept" in WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, v. 2017, n. 8 (2017), p. 2609-2620. - URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12649-017-9893-1 . - DOI: 10.1007/s12649-017-9893-1

2017 : Saber, A. A.; Cantonati, Marco; Mareš, J.; Anesi, A.; Guella, G., "Polyphasic characterization of Westiellopsis prolifica (Hapalosiphonaceae, Cyanobacteria) from the El-Farafra Oasis (Western Desert, Egypt)" in PHYCOLOGIA, v. 56, n. 6 (2017), p. 697-709. - DOI: 10.2216/16-107

2016 : Anesi, A.; Buonanno, F.; di Giuseppe, G.; Ortenzi, C.; Guella, G., "Metabolites from the Euryhaline CiliatePseudokeronopsis erythrina" in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 2016, n. 7 (2016), p. 1330-1336. - DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201501424

2016 : Saber, Abdullah A; Cantonati, Marco; Vis, Morgan L.; Anesi, Andrea; Guella, Graziano, "Multifaceted characterization of a Lemanea fluviatilis population (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) from a glacial stream in the south-eastern Alps" in FOTTEA, v. 16, n. 2 (2016), p. 234-243. - URL: http://fottea.czechphycology.cz/pdfs/fot/2016/02/08.pdf . - DOI: 10.5507/fot.2016.014

2016 : Cenci, L.; Guella, Graziano; Andreetto, E.; Ambrosi, E.; Anesi, Andrea; Bossi, A. M., "Guided folding takes a start from the molecular imprinting of structured epitopes" in NANOSCALE, v. 8, n. 34 (2016), p. 15665-15670. - DOI: 10.1039/C6NR03467E

2016 : Cenci, L.; Anesi, A.; Busato, M.; Guella, G.; Bossi, A. M., "Molecularly imprinted polymers coupled to matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry for femtomoles detection of cardiac troponin I peptides" in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR RECOGNITION, v. 2016, n. 29 (1) (2016), p. 41-50. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-1352 . - DOI: 10.1002/jmr.2494

2016 : Cantonati, Marco; Spitale, Daniel; Scalfi, Alessia; Guella, Graziano, "Exploring the contrasting seasonal strategies of two crenic macroalgae" in FOTTEA, v. 16, n. 1 (2016), p. 133-143. - URL: http://fottea.czechphycology.cz/pdfs/fot/2016/01/11.pdf . - DOI: 10.5507/fot.2015.029

2016 : Fiori, L.; Volpe, M.; Lucian, M.; Anesi, A.; Manfrini, M.; Guella, G., "Fish wastes to omega-3 concentrates in a biorefinery concept" in Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Mines Albi, France: Mines Albi, 2016, p. 1062-1075. - ISBN: 979-10-91526-05-0. Proceedings of: 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Albi, France, 23-26 May 2016. - URL: http://www.wasteeng2016.org/

2016 : Borovin, Evgeny; Callone, Emanuela; Papendorf, Benjamin; Guella, Graziano; Dirè, Sandra, "Influence of sol-gel conditions on the growth of thiol-functionalized silsesquioxanes prepared by in situ water production" in JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, v. 16, n. 3 (2016), p. 3030-3038. - DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2016.11031

2016 : Anesi, Andrea; Obertegger, Ulrike; Hansen, Gert; Sukenik, Assaf; Flaim, Giovanna; Guella, Graziano, "Comparative analysis of membrane lipids in psychrophilic and mesophilic freshwater dinoflagellates" in FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 7, n. APR2016 (2016), p. 524. - URL: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpls.2016.00524/pdf . - DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00524

2016 : Mekhelfi, Tarak; Adouni, Khawla; Zaiter, Lahcene; Guella, Graziano; Benayache, Samir; Benayache, Fadila; Venskutonis, Petras Rimantas, "Antioxidant activity of extracts, cis and trans tilirosides, and other compounds from Thymelaea microphylla Coss. et Dur" in DER PHARMACIA LETTRE, v. 8, n. 3 (2016), p. 233-239. - URL: http://scholarsresearchlibrary.com/dpl-vol8-iss3/DPL-2016-8-3-233-239.pdf

2016 : Skočaj, Matej; Yu, Yang; Grundner, Maja; Resnik, Nataša; Bedina Zavec, Apolonija; Leonardi, Adrijana; Križaj, Igor; Guella, Graziano; Maček, Peter; Kreft, Mateja Erdani; Frangež, Robert; Veranič, Peter; Sepčić, Kristina, "Characterisation of plasmalemmal shedding of vesicles induced by the cholesterol/sphingomyelin binding protein, ostreolysin A-mCherry" in BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, v. 1858, n. 11 (2016), p. 2882-2893. - URL: www.elsevier.com/locate/bbamem . - DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2016.08.015

2016 : Ferrazza, Ruggero; Cogo, Susanna; Melrose, Heather; Bubacco, Luigi; Greggio, Elisa; Guella, Graziano; Civiero, Laura; Plotegher, Nicoletta, "LRRK2 deficiency impacts ceramide metabolism in brain" in BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, v. 478, n. 3 (2016), p. 1141-1146. - URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0006291X . - DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.08.082

2016 : Dong, Y.; Guella, G.; Franceschi, P., "Impact of tissue surface properties on the desorption electrospray ionization imaging of organic acids in grapevine stem" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 30, n. 6 (2016), p. 711-718. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0231 . - DOI: 10.1002/rcm.7495

2016 : Paoli, Marco; Anesi, Andrea; Antolini, Renzo; Guella, Graziano; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Haase, Albrecht, "Differential Odour Coding of Isotopomers in the Honeybee Brain" in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 6, (2016), p. 21893. - URL: www.nature.com/srep/index.html . - DOI: 10.1038/srep21893

2016 : Yu, Yang; Skočaj, Matej; Kreft, Mateja Erdani; Resnik, Nataša; Veranič, Peter; Franceschi, Pietro; Sepčić, Kristina; Guella, Graziano, "Comparative lipidomic study of urothelial cancer models: association with urothelial cancer cell invasiveness" in MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, v. 12, n. 11 (2016), p. 3266-3279. - DOI: 10.1039/C6MB00477F

2015 : Gasperotti, Mattia; Passamonti, Sabina; Tramer, Federica; Masuero, Domenico; Guella, Graziano; Mattivi, Fulvio; Vrhovsek, Urska, "Fate of Microbial Metabolites of Dietary Polyphenols in Rats: Is the Brain Their Target Destination?" in ACS CHEMICAL NEUROSCIENCE, v. 8, n. 6 (2015), p. 1341-1352. - URL: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acncdm . - DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.5b00051

2015 : Clamer, Massimiliano; Tebaldi, Toma; Marchioretto, Marta; Bernabò, Paola; Bertini, Efrem; Guella, Graziano; Dalla Serra, Mauro; Quattrone, Alessandro; Viero, Gabriella, "Global translation variations in host cells upon attack of lytic and sublytic Staphylococcus aureus α-haemolysin1" in BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, v. 472, n. 1 (2015), p. 83-95. - URL: http://www.biochemj.org/content/ppbiochemj/472/1/83.full.pdf . - DOI: 10.1042/BJ20150284

2015 : Mattivi, Fulvio; Arapitsas, Panagiotis; Perenzoni, Daniele; Guella, Graziano, "Influence of storage conditions on the composition of red wines" in S. Vidal, S.E. Ebeler, G.L. Sacks, P. Winterhalter (edited by), Advances in Wine Research, USA: ACS, 2015, p. 29-49. - (ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES). - ISBN: 978-084123010-1. - DOI: 10.1021/bk-2015-1203.ch003

2015 : Anesi, Andrea; Guella, Graziano, "A fast liquid chromatography-mass Spectrometry methodology for membrane lipid profiling through hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography" in JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, v. 1384, (2015), p. 44-52. - DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2015.01.035

2015 : Lencioni, V; Jousson, Olivier; Guella, Graziano; Bernabò, P., "Cold adaptive potential of chironomids overwintering in a glacial stream" in PHYSIOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, v. 2015, n. 40(1) (2015), p. 43-53. - DOI: 10.1111/phen.12084

2015 : Milan, Manuela; Bigler, Christian; Salmaso, Nico; Guella, Graziano; Tolotti, Monica, "Multiproxy reconstruction of a large and deep subalpine lake's ecological history since the Middle Ages" in JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH, v. 2015, n. 41 (2015), p. 982-994. - URL: http://www.elsevier.com . - DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2015.08.008

2015 : Dong, Yonghui; Guella, Graziano; Mattivi, Fulvio; Franceschi, Pietro, "High Production of Small Organic Dicarboxylate Dianions by DESI and ESI" in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 26, n. 3 (2015), p. 386-389. - DOI: 10.1007/s13361-014-1065-y

2015 : Botić, Tanja; Cör, Darija; Anesi, Andrea; Guella, Graziano; Sepčić, Kristina; Janussen, Dorte; Kersken, Daniel; Knez, Željko, "Fatty acid composition and antioxidant activity of Antarctic marine sponges of the genus Latrunculia" in POLAR BIOLOGY, v. 2015, n. 38 (2015), p. 1605-1612. - DOI: 10.1007/s00300-015-1722-z

2014 : Guella, Graziano; Barbara, Rossi; Ferrazza, Ruggero, "DOSY-NMR and Raman Investigations on the Self-Aggregation and Cyclodextrin Complexation of Vanillin" in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL, v. 118, n. 25 (2014), p. 7147-7155. - DOI: 10.1021/jp504406j

2014 : Maruša, Novak; Kristina, Sepčić; Nada, Kraševec; Igor, Križaj; Peter, Maček; Gregor, Anderluh; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "Targeted Lipid Analysis of Haemolytic Mycelial Extracts of Aspergillus niger" in MOLECULES, v. 19, (2014), p. 9051-9069. - DOI: 10.3390/molecules19079051

2014 : Fiori, Luca; V., Lavelli; Duba, Kurabachew Simon; P. S. C., Sri Harsha; H. B., Mohamed; Guella, Graziano, "Supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from seeds of six grape cultivars: modeling of mass transfer kinetics and evaluation of lipid profiles and tocol contents" in THE JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, v. 94, (2014), p. 71-80. - URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896844614001776 . - DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2014.06.021

2014 : G., Valotto; Quaranta, Alberto; Guella, Graziano, "IBIL analysis of road dust samples from San Bernardo Tunnel" in SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA. PART A, MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 2014, n. 117 (2014), p. 459-464. - DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2013.07.058

2014 : Adriana, Vallesi; Claudio, Alimenti; Sergio, Federici; Graziano Di, Giuseppe; Fernando, Dini; Guella, Graziano; Pierangelo, Luporini, "Evidence for Gene Duplication and Allelic Codominance (not Hierarchical Dominance) at the Mating Type Locus of the Ciliate,Euplotes crassus" in JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY, v. 61, n. 6 (2014), p. 620-629. - DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12140

2014 : Marco, Cantonati; Guella, Graziano; Daniel, Spitale; Nicola, Angeli; Andrea, Borsato; Valeria, Lencioni; Maria L., Filippi, "The contribution of lake benthic algae to the sediment record in a carbonate mountain lake influenced by marked natural water-level fluctuations" in FRESHWATER SCIENCE, v. 2014, n. 33(2) (2014), p. 499-512. - DOI: 10.1086/676471

2014 : Tamburini, Sabrina; Anesi, Andrea; Ferrentino, Giovanna; S., Spilimbergo; Guella, Graziano; Jousson, Olivier, "Supercritical CO2 induces marked changes in membrane phospholipids composition in Escherichia coli K12" in THE JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY, v. 247, n. 6 (2014), p. 469-477. - DOI: 10.1007/s00232-014-9653-0

2014 : G., Flaim; U., Obertegger; Anesi, Andrea; Guella, Graziano, "Temperature-induced changes in lipid biomarkers and mycosporine-like amino acids in the psychrophilic dinoflagellatePeridinium aciculiferum" in FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, v. 59, n. 5 (2014), p. 985-997. - DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12321

2014 : Benayache, Samir; Tarak, Mekhelfi; Khawla, Kerbab; Guella, Graziano; Lahcene, Zaiter; Fadila, Benayache, "Phytochemical constituents of Thymelaea microphylla Coss. et Dur. from Algeria" in DER PHARMACIA LETTRE, v. 2014, n. 6 (2014), p. 152-156

2014 : Yu, Yang; Vidalino, Laura; Anesi, Andrea; Macchi, Paolo; Guella, Graziano, "A lipidomics investigation of the induced hypoxia stress on HeLa cells by using MS and NMR techniques" in MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, v. 10, n. 4 (2014), p. 878-890. - DOI: 10.1039/c3mb70540d

2014 : S., Pilati; D., Brazzale; Guella, Graziano; Milli, Alberto; C., Ruberti; F., Biasioli; M., Zottini; C., Moser, "The onset of grapevine berry ripening is characterized by ROS accumulation and lipoxygenase-mediated membrane peroxidation in the skin" in BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, v. 14, (2014), p. 87. - DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-14-87

2014 : Jan, Mareš; Marco, Cantonati; Guella, Graziano; Daniel, Spitale, "The benthic chlorophyte genusJaoa(Ulvales), a putative China endemic, in Lake Garda, Italy: ecology, taxonomy, and molecular analyses" in FRESHWATER SCIENCE, v. 2014, n. 33(2) (2014), p. 593-605. - DOI: 10.1086/675860

2014 : Martini, Luca, Matteo; G., Dilecce; Guella, Graziano; A., Maranzana; G., Tonachini; Tosi, Paolo, "Oxidation of CH4 by CO2 in a dielectric barrier discharge" in CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, v. 2014, n. 593 (2014), p. 55-60. - DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2013.12.069

2014 : Gasperotti, Mattia; Masuero, Domenico; Guella, Graziano; Mattivi, Fulvio; Vrhovsek, Urska, "Development of a targeted method for twenty-three metabolites related to polyphenol gut microbial metabolism in biological samples, using SPE and UHPLC–ESI-MS/MS" in TALANTA, v. 128, (2014), p. 221-230. - DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.04.058

2014 : Marco, Cantonati; Guella, Graziano; Jiří, Komárek; Daniel, Spitale, "Depth distribution of epilithic cyanobacteria and pigments in a mountain lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations" in FRESHWATER SCIENCE, v. 33, n. 2 (2014), p. 537-547. - DOI: 10.1086/675930

2014 : F., Buonanno; Anesi, Andrea; Guella, Graziano; S., Kumar; D., Bharti; A., La Terza; L., Quassinti; M., Bramucci; C., Ortenzi, "Chemical Offense by Means of Toxicysts in the Freshwater Ciliate,Coleps hirtus" in JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY, v. 61, n. 3 (2014), p. 293-304. - DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12106

2013 : Ascenzi, Daniela; Guella, Graziano; G., Guella; Tosi, Paolo, "Formation of polynuclear copper complexes of guanine-based nucleobases in the gas phase studied by ESI-MS" in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 354-355, (2013), p. 303-311. - DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2013.06.016

2013 : Crupi, Vincenzo; Fontana, Aldo; M., Giarola; Guella, Graziano; D., Majolino; Mancini, Ines; Mariotto, Gino; A., Paciaroni; Rossi, Barbara; V., Venuti, "Cyclodextrin-Complexation Effects on the Low-Frequency Vibrational Dynamics of Ibuprofen by Combined Inelastic Light and Neutron Scattering Experiments" in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL, v. 117, n. 14 (2013), p. 3917-3926. - DOI: 10.1021/jp400509r

2013 : V., Crupi; Guella, Graziano; S., Longeville; D., Majolino; Mancini, Ines; A., Paciaroni; Rossi, Barbara; V., Venuti, "Influence of Chirality on Vibrational and Relaxational Properties of (S)- and (R,S)-Ibuprofen/methyl-β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes: An INS and QENS Study" in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL, v. 117, (2013), p. 11466-11472. - DOI: 10.1021/jp403099a

2013 : Mattivi, Fulvio; Vrhovsek, Urska; Malacarne, G.; Masuero, Domenico; Zulini, Luca; Stefanini, Marco; Moser, Claudio; Velasco, Riccardo; Guella, Graziano, "Gli oligomeri del resveratrolo nelle foglie delle viti resistenti (Merzling X Teroldego) infettate da P. Viticola" in L'ENOLOGO, v. 49, n. 7-8 (2013), p. 69-80

2013 : Gasperotti, Mattia; Masuero, Domenico; Guella, Graziano; Palmieri, L.; Martinatti, P.; Pojer, E.; Mattivi, Fulvio; Vrhovsek, Urska, "Evolution of Ellagitannin Content and Profile during Fruit Ripening in Fragaria spp." in JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, v. 61, n. 36 (2013), p. 8597-8607. - DOI: 10.1021/jf402706h

2013 : Cazzolli, Giorgia; T., Škrbić; Guella, Graziano; Faccioli, Pietro, "Unfolding Thermodynamics of Cysteine-Rich Proteins and Molecular Thermal-Adaptation of Marine Ciliates" in BIOMOLECULES, v. 3, (2013), p. 967-985. - DOI: 10.3390/biom3040967

2013 : V., Nanni; M., Zanetti; M. Bellucci, C. Moser; P., Bertolini; Guella, Graziano; M., Dalla Serra; E., Baraldi, "The peach (Prunus persica) defensin PpDFN1 displays antifungal activity through specific interactions with the membrane lipids" in PLANT PATHOLOGY, v. 62, n. 2 (2013), p. 393-403. - DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2012.02648.x

2013 : Guella, Graziano, "Chemodiversity, phylogenetic significance and ecologicalrole of Natural Products", 2013

2013 : Vrhovsek, Urska; Malacarne, G.; Masuero, Domenico; Zulini, Luca; Guella, Graziano; Stefanini, Marco; Velasco, Riccardo; Mattivi, Fulvio, "Quantificazione di resveratrolo, piceide, pterostilbene e 11 viniferine indotte da P. viticola in foglie di viti resistenti" in L'ENOLOGO, v. 49, n. 7-8 (2013), p. 81-89

2013 : S., Hammami; A., Ben Salem; M. L., Ashour; Guella, Graziano; Z., Mighri, "A novel methylated sesquiterpene from seagrass Posidonia oceanica(L.) Delile" in NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, v. 27, n. 14 (2013), p. 1265-1270. - DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2012.725401

2013 : Crupi, Vincenzo; Guella, Graziano; D., Majolino; Mancini, Ines; Rossi, Barbara; V., Venuti; Verrocchio, Paolo, "Vibrational dynamics and chiral pr

operties of racemate and pure enantiomers of ibuprofen complexed in cyclodextrins: State of art" in Ibuprofen: Clinical pharmacology, medical uses and adverse effects, USA: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013, p. 349-368. - ISBN: 9781626186590

2013 : Guella, Graziano, "Looking at Natural Products: Problems and Opportunities" in PIn proceeding of: 4ème Journées Scientifiques sur la Valorisation des Bioressources, Tunisia: University Monastir, 2013. Proceedings of: Quatrièmes Journées Scientifiques sur la Valorisation des Bioresources, Sousse, TUNISIA, 04-05 May 2013

2012 : Fedrizzi, B.; Guella, G.; Perenzoni, D.; Gasperotti, M.; Masuero, D.; Vrhovsek, U.; Mattivi, Fulvio, "Identification of intermediates involved in the biosynthetic pathway of 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol conjugates in yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa)" in PHYTOCHEMISTRY, v. 2012, n. 77 (2012), p. 287-293. - DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2012.01.017

2012 : G., Flaim; U., Obertegger; Guella, Graziano, "Changes in galactolipid composition of the cold freshwater dinoflagellate Borghiella dodgei in response to temperature" in HYDROBIOLOGIA, v. 2012, n. 698 (2012), p. 285-293. - DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1070-8

2012 : Ascenzi, Daniela; Tosi, Paolo; Guella, Graziano, "Barrierless ionic pathways in the synthesis of methyl esters of small carboxylic acids" in Special Issue COST CM-085 The Chemical Cosmos ISSN 2279-8773, Perugia, Italy: Master-Up s.r.l. Virt&L-coll, 2012, p. 14-14. Proceedings of: WG3-meeting Oxygen in Planetary Atmospheres, Perugia, Italy, 17-18 settembre 2012

2012 : Vrhovsek, Urska; Guella, Graziano; Gasperotti, Mattia; Pojer, E.; Zancato, M.; Mattivi, Fulvio, "Clarifying the Identity of the Main Ellagitannins in the Fruit of the Strawberry, Fragaria vesca and Fragaria ananassa Duch." in JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, v. 60, (2012), p. 2507-2516. - DOI: 10.1021/jf2052256

2012 : Ascenzi, Daniela; Tosi, Paolo; Guella, Graziano, "Barrierless ionic pathways in the synthesis of methyl esters of small carboxylic acids" in VIRT&L-COMM, v. 2012, n. Special Issue: COST CM-0805 The Chemical COSMOS (2012), p. 14-15. - URL: http://www.hpc.unipg.it/ojs/index.php/virtlcomm/issue/view/6

2012 : Vrhovsek, Urska; G., Malacarne; Masuero, Domenico; Zulini, Luca; Guella, Graziano; Stefanini, Marco; Velasco, Riccardo; Mattivi, Fulvio, "Profiling and accurate quantification of trans-resveratrol,trans-piceid, trans-pterostilbene and 11 viniferins induced by Plasmopara viticola in partially resistant grapevine leaves" in AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF GRAPE AND WINE RESEARCH, v. 2112, n. 18 (2012), p. 11-19. - DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-0238.2011.00163.x

2012 : F., Buonanno; Guella, Graziano; C., Strim; C., Ortenzi, "Chemical defence by mono-prenyl hydroquinone in a freshwater ciliate, Spirostomum ambiguum" in HYDROBIOLOGIA, v. 2012, n. 684 (2012), p. 97-107. - DOI: 10.1007/s10750-011-0972-1

2012 : Guella, Graziano, "Taking Lessons of Chemistry from Nature", 2012

2012 : Guella, Graziano; Callone, Emanuela; Mancini, Ines; F., Dini; G., Di Giuseppe, "Diterpenoids from marine ciliates: Chemical polymorphism of Euplotes rariseta" in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 2012, n. 27 (2012), p. 5208-5216. - DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201200559

2012 : Fiori, Luca; M., Solana; Tosi, Paolo; M., Manfrini; C., Strim; Guella, Graziano, "Lipid profiles of oil from trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) heads, spines and viscera: Trout by-products as a possible source of omega-3?" in FOOD CHEMISTRY, v. 134, n. 2 (2012), p. 1088-1095. - DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.03.022

2011 : P., Yimsiri; Fiori, Luca; S., Sonwai; Guella, Graziano, "Supercritical CO2 extraction of mango butter for cocoa butter replacement" in Abstracts 13th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Francia: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 2011, p. 145-145. Proceedings of: 13th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, The Hague, 9th-12th October 2011

2011 : Mancini, Ines; Defant, Andrea; T., Mesaric; F., Potocnik; U., Batista; Guella, Graziano; T., Turk; K., Sepcic, "Fatty acid composition of common barbel ( Barbusbarbus) roe and evaluation of its haemolytic and cytotoxic activities" in TOXICON, v. 2011/57, n. 7 (2011), p. 1017-1022. - DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2011.04.004

2011 : Flaim, G.; Camin, F.; Guella, G.; Obertegger, U., "Adaptation to ultraviolet radiation: a case study of Borghiella dodgei - a psycrophilic dinoflagellate" in 16th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), Trento: Grafiche Stile, 2011, p. 30-30. Proceedings of: IAP, San Michele (Italy), 21-28 August 2011

2011 : V., Crupi; Guella, Graziano; D., Majolino; Mancini, Ines; A., Paciaroni; Rossi, Barbara; V., Venuti; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele, "Effect of the chiral discrimination on the vibrational properties of (R)-, (S)- and (R,S)-ibuprofen/methyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes" in PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, v. 91, (2011), p. 1776-1785. - DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2010.512575

2011 : Guella, Graziano; U., Vrhovsek; G., Guella, "Ion mobility mass spectrometric investigation of ellagitannins and their non-covalent aggregates" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 25, (2011), p. 827-833. - DOI: 10.1002/rcm.4932

2011 : Mattivi, F.; Vrhovsek, U.; Malacarne, G.; Masuero, D.; Zulini, L.; Stefanini, M.; Moser, C.; Velasco, R.; Guella, Graziano, "Profiling of Resveratrol Oligomers, Important Stress Metabolites, Accumulating in the Leaves of Hybrid Vitis vinifera (Merzling x Teroldego) Genotypes Infected with Plasmopara viticola" in JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, v. 2011, 59, n. 10 (2011), p. 5364-5375. - DOI: 10.1021/jf200771y

2011 : V., Crupi; Guella, Graziano; D., Majolino; Mancini, Ines; B., Rossi; R., Stancanelli; V., Venuti; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele, "A Phase Solubility Study on the Chiral Discrimination of Ibuprofen by β-Cyclodextrin Complexes" in FOOD BIOPHYSICS, v. 2011/6, (2011), p. 267-273. - DOI: 10.1007/s11483-011-9211-6

2011 : Guella, Graziano, "Adventures of Natural Products Chemists into Lipidomics World" in NatPharma:Nature Aided Drug Discovery, Napoli: Yes Meet, 2011, p. ML8-ML8. Proceedings of: NADD, Napoli, 5-9 giugno 2011

2011 : Scarduelli, Giorgina; Guella, Graziano; Ascenzi, Daniela; Tosi, Paolo, "Synthesis of Liquid Organic Compounds from CH4 and CO2 in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Operating at Atmospheric Pressure" in PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS, v. 8, n. 1 (2011), p. 25-31. - DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201000044

2011 : Defant, Andrea; Mancini, Ines; L., Raspor; Guella, Graziano; T., Turk; K., Sepcic, "New structural insights into saraines A, B and C, macrocyclic alkaloids from the mediterranean sponge Reniera (Haliclona) sarai" in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 2011/20,21, (2011), p. 3761-3767. - DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201100434

2011 : Obertegger, U.; Camin, F.; Guella, Graziano; Flaim, G., "Adaptation of a psychrophilic freshwater dinoflagellate to ultraviolet radiation" in JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, v. 2011, n. 47 (2011), p. 811-820. - DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2011.01025.x

2011 : Defant, Andrea; Mancini, Ines; L., Raspor; Guella, Graziano; T., Turk; K., Sepcic, "New structural insights into saraines A, B and C,macrocyclic alkaloids from the Mediterranean sponge Reniera (Haliclona)sarai" in Atti del congresso, Lecce: universita' del Salento, 2011, p. 935-935. Proceedings of: XXIV Congresso nazionale della Societa' chimica italiana, Lecce, Italia, 11-16 settembre 2011

2010 : Autieri, Emmanuel; M., Sega; Pederiva, Francesco; Guella, Graziano, "Puckering free energy of pyranoses: A NMR and metadynamics-umbrella sampling investigation" in THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 133, n. 9 (2010), p. 095104-1-095104-14

2010 : V., Crupi; Guella, Graziano; D., Majolino; Mancini, Ines; Rossi, Barbara; R., Stancanelli; V., Venuti; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele, "T-dependence of the vibrational dynamics of ibuprofen/diME-beta-cyclodextrin in solid state: A FT-IR spectral and quantum chemical study" in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, v. 2010, n. 972(1-3) (2010), p. 75-80. - DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2010

2010 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Sandron, Tommaso; L., Modeo; F., Verni; F., Dini; G., Petroni, "Keronopsamides, a New Class of Pigments from Marine Ciliates," in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 2010, n. 3 (2010), p. 427-434. - DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.200900905

2010 : K. C., Nicolaou; A., Ortiz; H. J., Zhang; Guella, Graziano, "Total Synthesis and Structural Revision of Vannusals A and B: Synthesis of the True Structures of Vannusals A and B" in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v. 132, n. 20 (2010), p. 7153-7176. - DOI: 10.1021/ja100742b

2010 : P., Tähtinen; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; A., Bagno, "Structure and NMR of Natural Polyarsenicals" in cHEMISTRY- THE CREATIVE FORCE, Nuernberg (Germany): Euchems-Congress 2010, 2010, p. Va.017-.. Pro

ceedings of: 3rd EuChems Chemistry Congress, Nuernberg, 29th August-2nd September 2010

2010 : Defant, Andrea; Rossi, Barbara; Viliani, Gabriele; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "Metal-assisted regioselectivity in nucleophilicsubstitutions: a study by Raman spectroscopyand density functional theory calculations" in JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, v. 2010, n. 12 (2010), p. 1688-1693. - DOI: 10.1002/jrs.2631

2010 : Fiori, Luca; Solana, Miriam; Tosi, Paolo; M., Manfrini; Strim, Cristian; Guella, Graziano, "Supercritical extraction of omega-3 rich oil from trout waste" in Proceedings 12th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Lorraine, France: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 2010, p. 1-12. - ISBN: 9782905267726. Proceedings of: 12th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Graz, Austria, 9th-12th May 2010

2010 : Patel, Nainesh Kantilal; Fernandes, Rohan Pascal; Guella, Graziano; Miotello, Antonio, "Nanoparticle-assembled Co-B thin film for the hydrolysis of ammonia borane: A highly active catalyst for hydrogen production" in APPLIED CATALYSIS. B, ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 2010/95, (2010), p. 137-143

2010 : Guella, Graziano, "New methodologies in the investigation of chemical diversity of natural products" in Meeting Program and Abstracts, Pisa: Simone Gabrielli,Letizia Modeo and Claudia Vannini, 2010, p. 21-21. Proceedings of: GDRE, Pisa, 2-8 settembre 2010

2010 : Bernabò, Paola; Luigi, Caputi; Alessandra, Franceschini; Frassanito, Rita; Guella, Graziano; Jousson, Olivier; Valeria, Lencioni, "The adaptive potential of natural populations of two aquatic insect species in relation to temperature variations and pollutants", 2010. - URL: http://acesap.fem-environment.eu/activity-2-adaptation---aquatic-environments/

2010 : Marco, Cantonati; Daniel, Spitale; Alessia, Scalfi; Nicola, Angeli; Guella, Graziano; Frassanito, Rita; Carlo, Andreoli; Nicoletta La, Rocca; Isabella, Moro; Katia, Sciuto, "Target species: Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C. Agardh", 2010. - URL: http://acesap.fem-environment.eu/activity-2-adaptation---aquatic-environments/

2010 : G., Flaim; E., Rott; Frassanito, Rita; Guella, Graziano; U., Obertegger, "Eco-fingerprinting of the dinoflagellate Borghiella dodgei: experimental evidence of a specific environmental niche" in HYDROBIOLOGIA, v. 1, n. 639 (2010), p. 85-98. - DOI: 10.1007/s10750-009-0013-5

2010 : Fiori, Luca; Solana, Miriam; Guella, Graziano; Strim, Cristian; Tosi, Paolo, "Grape seed oil: supercritical extraction, chemical analysis and fractionation" in Proceedings 12th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Lorraine: Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 2010, p. 1-10. - ISBN: 9782905267726. Proceedings of: 12th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Graz, 9th-12th May 2010

2010 : Domenico, D'Alelio; Andrea, Gandolfi; Monica, Tolotti; Adriano, Boscaini; Giovanna, Flaim; Guella, Graziano; Nico, Salmaso, "Genetic diversity and adaptive traits in the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens", Trento, 2010. - URL: http://acesap.fem-environment.eu/activity-2-adaptation---aquatic-environments/

2010 : V., Crupi; Guella, Graziano; D., Majolino; Mancini, Ines; A., Paciaroni; Rossi, Barbara; R., Stancanelli; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele; V., Venuti, "Effect of the chiral recognition process on the vibrationalproperties of (R)-, (S)- and (R,S)-ibuprofen/beta-cyclodextrins inclusion complexes" in XII International Workshop on Complex Systems- Book of Anstracts, Trento: Edizioni 31, 2010, p. 56-56. Proceedings of: XII International Workshop on Complex Systems, Andalo, Trento ( Italia), 15-18 March 2010

2010 : Guella, Graziano; G., Di Giuseppe; F., Dini, "Structures, Biological Activities and Phylogenetic Relationships of Terpenoids from Marine Ciliates of the Genus Euplotes" in MARINE DRUGS, v. 8, n. 7 (2010), p. 2080-2116

2010 : V., Crupi; D., Majolino; V., Venuti; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; B., Rossi; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele; R., Stancanelli, "Temperature Effect on the Vibrational Dynamics of Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes: Investigation by FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy and Numerical Simulation" in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A, MOLECULES, SPECTROSCOPY, KINETICS, ENVIRONMENT, & GENERAL THEORY, v. 2010, n. 114 (25) (2010), p. 6811-6817. - DOI: 10.1021/jp101888

2010 : V., Crupi; Guella, Graziano; D., Majolino; Mancini, Ines; A., Paciaroni; B., Rossi; V., Venutia; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele, "Effect of the chiral discrimination on the vibrational properties of (R)-, (S)- and (R, S)-ibuprofen/methyl-b-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes" in PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, v. 2010, (2010), p. 1-10. - DOI: 10.1080/14786435

2010 : Gasperotti, Mattia; Masuero, Domenico; Vrhovsek, Urska; Guella, Graziano; Mattivi, Fulvio, "Profiling and Accurate Quantification of Rubus Ellagitannins and Ellagic Acid Conjugates Using Direct UPLC-Q-TOF HDMS and HPLC-DAD Analysis" in JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, v. 58, n. 8 (2010), p. 4602-4616. - DOI: 10.1021/jf904543w

2010 : A., Poli; Defant, Andrea; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "DNA interaction with antitumoral molecules: a study by UV- spectroscopy, circular dichroism and docking calculations" in XII International workshop on complex systems- Book of abstracts, Trento: Edizioni 31, 2010, p. 69-70. Proceedings of: XII International Workshop on Complex Systems, Andalo ( Trento), Italia, 15-18 March 2010

2009 : Mancini, Ines; Defant, Andrea; L., Raspor; Guella, Graziano; T., Turk; K., Sepcic, "NEW STRUCTURAL EVIDENCES FOR SARAINES A-C, MACROCYCLIC ALKALOIDS FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN SPONGE Reniera(Haliclona) sarai" in 6th European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Programme and Abstracts Book, Porto, Portugal: Luís Vieira, Carlos Gil Martins and Sara Cravo CIMAR Associate Laboratory & CEQUIMED.UP, 2009, p. 98-98. Proceedings of: 6TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON MARINE NATURAL PRODUCTS, Porto, Portugal, 19th- 23rd July 2009

2009 : Scarduelli, Giorgina; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; G., Dilecce; S., De Benedictis; Tosi, Paolo, "Methane oligomerization in a dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure" in PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS, v. vol. 6, n. no. 1 (2009), p. 27-33. - DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200800096

2009 : P., Ramoino; F., Dini; P., Bianchini; A., Diaspro; Guella, Graziano; C., Usai, "Biophysical effects of the natural product euplotin C on the Paramecium membrane" in JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. A, NEUROETHOLOGY, SENSORY, NEURAL, AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY, v. Vol. 195, n. no. 11 (2009), p. 1061-1069. - DOI: 10.1007/s00359-009-0479-7

2009 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Mariotto, Gino; B., Rossi; Viliani, Gabriele, "Vibrational analysis as a powerful tool in structure elucidation of polyarsenicals: a DFT-based investigation of arsenicin A" in PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, n. n° 11 (2009), p. 2420-2427. - DOI: 10.1039/b816729j

2009 : Guella, Graziano; Callone, Emanuela; Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines; G., Di Giuseppe; F., Frontini; F., Dini, "NEW DITERPENOIDS FROM DIFFERENT STRAINS OF THE MARINECILIATE Euplotes rariseta" in 6th European Conference on Marine Natural Products; Programme and Abstracts Book, Porto, Portugal: Luís Vieira, Carlos Gil Martins and Sara CravoCIMAR Associate Laboratory & CEQUIMED.UP, 2009, p. 102-102. Proceedings of: 6th European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Porto, Portugal, 19th-23rd July 2009

2009 : M., Cantonati; S., Scola; N., Angeli; Guella, Graziano; Frassanito, Rita, "Environmental controls of epilithic diatom depth-distribution in an oligotrophic lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations" in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, v. Vol. 44, n. no. 1 (2009), p. 15-29. - DOI: 10.1080/09670260802079335

2009 : P., Bernabò; L., Caputi; Frassanito, Rita; Guella, Graziano; Jousson, Olivier; V., Lencioni, "Cold resistance in Pseudodiamesa branickii (Nowicki): physiological, molecular and biochemical aspects" in 17th International symposium on Chironomidae, Tianjin: Nankai university, 2009, p. 1-1. Proceedings of: 17th International symposium on Chironomidae, Tianjin, 6-10 July 2009

2009 : A., Defant; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "Synthesis and in-vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of novel naphtindolizinedione derivatives, Part II: improved activity for aza-analogues." in ARCHIV DER PHARMAZIE, v. 342, n. 2 (2009), p. 80-86. - DOI: 10.1002/ardp.200800177

2009 : A., Giordana; G., Ghigo; G., Tonachini; Ascenzi, Daniela; Tosi, Paolo; Guella, Graziano, "The Reaction of N2O with Phenylium Ions C-6(H, D)(5)(+): An Integrated Experimental and Theoretical Mechanistic Study" in THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 131, n. 2 (2009), p. 024304-1-024304-10. - DOI: 10.1063/1.3148366

2009 : Tosi, Paolo; Ascenzi, Daniela; Franceschi, Pietro; Guella, Graziano, "Ion chemistry in gaseous discharges at atmospheric pressure" in PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 18, n. 3 (2009), p. 034005-1-034005-9. - DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/18/3/034005

2009 : P., Bernabò; L., Caputi; Frassanito, Rita; Guella, Graziano; Jousson, Olivier; V., Lencioni, "The adaptive potential of natural populations of two aquatic insects in relation to temperature variation and pollutants" in ACE-SAP 2nd Annual general meeting, Trento: Edmund Mach Foundation, 20

09, p. 1-1. Proceedings of: ACE-SAP 2nd Annual general meeting, Trento, 7 May 2009

2009 : B., Rossi; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; E., Rigo; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Mariotto, Gino, "Vibrational properties of ibuprofen-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes investigated by Raman scattering and numerical simulation" in JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, v. 40, n. 4 (2009), p. 453-458. - DOI: 10.1002/jrs.2150

2009 : P., Tahtinen; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; A., Bagno, "Structure and NMR of Natural Polyarsenicals" in 12th European symposium Organic Reactivity Book of Abstracts, Haifa, Israel: Technion, 2009, p. P15-P15. Proceedings of: 12th European symposium Organic Reactivity (ESOR), Haifa, Israel, 6th-11th September 2009

2009 : V., Crupi; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; D., Majolino; Rossi, Barbara; R., Stancanelli; V., Venuti; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele, "Effect of temperature on the vibrational dynamics of IBP-betaCD inclusion complexes: investigation by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and numerical simulation" in Atti del convegno, Asti, Italia: Trotta Francesco, 2009, p. V-O2-V-O2. Proceedings of: II Congresso nazionale di Chimica etecnologie delle ciclodestrine, Asti, Italia, 3-5 maggio 2009

2008 : Ascenzi, Daniela; Guella, Graziano; G., Guella; Tosi, Paolo, "Formation and fate of the intermediate in the electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction of phenylium ion with benzene" in Contributions 16th Symposium on atomic and surface physics and related topics (SASP 2008), Innsbruck Austria: Innsbruck University Press, 2008, p. 91-92. - (Conference series). Proceedings of: 16th Symposium on atomic and surface physics and related topics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 20-25 January 2008. - URL: http://sasp2008.epfl.ch/

2008 : L., Modeo; Frassanito, Rita; I., Andreoli; D., Carducci; Guella, Graziano; G., Rosati; F., Verni; F., Dini; G., Petroni, "Multidisciplinary characterization of two new species of colored stichotrichs belonging to the genus Pseudokeronopsis (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea) which produce novel secondary metabolites." in Convegno nazionale della Società Italiana di Protistologia: Book of abstracts, [S.l.: s.n.], 2008, p. 27-27. Proceedings of: Convegno nazionale della Società Italiana di Protistologia, Camerino, 11-12 aprile 2008

2008 : Guella, Graziano; Ascenzi, Daniela; Bassi, Davide; E., Braga; Tosi, Paolo, "ElectroSpray mass spectrometric investigations of the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox cycle in copper-nucleobases complexes" in Contributions 16th Symposium on atomic and surface physics and related topics (SASP 2008), Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2008, p. 93-94. - (Conference series). Proceedings of: 16th Symposium on atomic and surface physics and related topics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 20-25 January 2008. - URL: http://sasp2008.epfl.ch/

2008 : Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines; M., Cantonati; Guella, Graziano, "Modern mass spectrometric strategies in 'Lipidomics'" in Book of Abstracts, Siena: Divisione di Spettrometria di Massa-SCI, 2008, p. 141-141. Proceedings of: 1st French-Italian Conference on Mass Spectrometry MASSA 2008 - Fundamentals and applications of mass spectrometry, Siena, June 30 - July 4, 2008

2008 : M., Giarola; Guella, Graziano; Mariotto, Gino; F., Monti; Rossi, Barbara; Sanson, Andrea; A., Sbarbati, "Vibrational and Structural Investigations on Adipose Tissues" in PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, v. Vol. 88, n. no. 33-35 (2008), p. 3953-3959. - DOI: 10.1080/14786430802585141

2008 : G., Flaim; E., Rott; Guella, Graziano; Frassanito, Rita, "Eco- fingerprinting of Borghiella dodgei (Dinoflagellata): experimental evidence of a narrow environmental niche." in 15th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP): Book of Abstracts, [S.l.: s.n.], 2008, p. [n.d.]-[n.d.]. Proceedings of: 15th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), Ramat, Israel, 23rd-30th November 2008

2008 : Tomazzolli, Rossella; M., Dalla Serra; Frassanito, Rita; G., Fracasso; S., Cingarlini; M., Colombatti; Guella, Graziano, "Lipid composition analysis of detergent resistant membranes through a multi-technique approach" in 2nd European conference on chemistry for life sciences, Bologna: Monduzzi, 2008, p. 113-116. - (Medimond international proceedings). Proceedings of: 2nd European conference on chemistry for life sciences, Wroclaw, 4th-8th September 2007

2008 : P., Tahtinen; G., Saielli; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; A., Bagno, "Computational NMR spectroscopy of organoarsenicals and the natural polyarsenic compound Arsenicin A" in CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 14, n. 33 (2008), p. 10445-10452. - DOI: 10.1002/chem.200801272

2008 : Defant, Andrea; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "Microwave-assisted multi-component synthesis of aza- and diaza-, benzo- and dibenzofluorenedione derivatives" in SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS, v. 38, n. 17 (2008), p. 3003-3016. - DOI: 10.1080/00397910802044249

2008 : Patel, Nainesh Kantilal; Fernandes, Rohan Pascal; Guella, Graziano; Kale, Ashwin; Miotello, Antonio; Patton, Barbara; C., Zanchetta, "Structured and nanoparticle assembled Co-B thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition: A very efficient catalyst for hydrogen production" in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C, v. 112, n. 17 (2008), p. 6968-6976

2008 : Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "Ecologic and philogenetic roles of secondary metabolites of spring organisms: introduction, methods and perspectives." in M. Cantonati, E. Bertuzzi, D. Spitale (edited by), The spring habitat: biota and sampling methods, Trento: Museo tridentino di scienze naturali, 2008, p. 307-316. - (Monografie del Museo Tridentino di scienze naturali). - ISBN: 9788853100085

2008 : Frassanito, Rita; M., Cantonati; G., Flaim; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "A new method for the identification and the structural characterisation of carotenoid esters in freshwater microorganisms by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. vol. 22, (2008), p. 3531-3539. - DOI: 10.1002/rcm.3761

2008 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Defant, Andrea, "Synthesis of marine natural products with antimalarial activity" in MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, v. 8, n. 12 (2008), p. 1265-1284

2008 : A., Bagno; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; G., Saielli; P., Tahtinen, "Spettroscopia NMR computazionale di derivati arsenicali: il poliarsenicale naturale arsenicina A" in Giornate di chimica organica fisica e meccanicistica: COFEM 2008: Book of Abstracts, [S.l.: s.n.], 2008, p. [n.d.]-[n.d.]. Proceedings of: COFEM 2008, Sestri Levante, 24-26 Settembre 2008

2008 : P., Tahtinen; G., Saielli; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; A., Bagno, "An NMR-DFT study of the first natural polyarsenical in nature: arsenicin A" in Book of abstracts of World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists, [S.l.: s.n.], 2008, p. [n.d.]-[n.d.]. Proceedings of: WATOC 2008, Sydney, 14th-19th September 2008. - URL: http://www.watoc2008.com

2008 : Patel, Nainesh Kantilal; B., Patton; C., Zanchetta; Fernandes, Rohan Pascal; Guella, Graziano; Kale, Ashwin; Miotello, Antonio, "Pd-C powder and thin film catalysts for hydrogen production by hydrolysis of sodium borohydride" in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 33, n. 1 (2008), p. 287-292

2008 : F., Trielli; D., Cervia; G., Di Giuseppe; C., Ristori; T., Kruppel; B., Burlando; Guella, Graziano; A., Viarengo; P., Bagnoli; M., Delmonte Corrado; F., Dini, "Action mechanisms of the secondary metabolite Euplotin C: signaling and functional role in Euplotes" in JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY, v. Vol. 55, n. no. 5 (2008), p. 365-373. - DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2008.00335.x

2008 : M., Dalla Serra; O., Cirioni; R. M., Vitale; G., Renzone; M., Coraiola; A., Giacometti; C., Potrich; E., Baroni; Guella, Graziano; M., Sanseverino; S., De Luca; G., Scalise; P., Amodeo; A., Scaloni, "Structural Features of Distinctin Affecting Peptide Biological and Biochemical Properties" in BIOCHEMISTRY, v. Vol. 47, n. no. 30 (2008), p. 7888-7899. - DOI: 10.1021/bi800616k

2008 : T., Turk; K., Sepcic; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "3-Alkylpyridinium and 3-alkylpyridine compounds from marine sponges, their synthesis, biological activities and potential use" in Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Amsterdam: Elsevier BV, 2008, p. 355-397

2007 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; M., Frostin; E., Hnawia; D., Laurent; C., Debitus; F., Pietra, "The first sulfurated polyarsenic compounds discovered in nature: Arsenicin B and -C from the New Caledonian sponge Echinochalina bargibanti" in 5th European conference on marine natural products: 16-21 September 2007, Ischia, Naples, Italya: programme and abstracts, Napoli: Ziino, 2007, p. 30-30. Proceedings of: 5th European conference on marine natural products, Ischia, 16-21 September 2007

2007 : Defant, Andrea; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "Synthesis and in vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of novel naphthindolizinedione derivatives" in ARCHIV DER PHARMAZIE, v. vol. 340, n. n° 3 (2007), p. 147-153. - DOI: 10.1002/ardp.200600160

2007 : Guella, Graziano, "Experiments and Theory in the Structural Determination of Arsenic-containing Natural Products". Contributo a "V European Conference on Marine Natural Products" in V European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Conferenza ad invito: Università di Napoli, 2007, p. 57-58. Proceedings of: V ECMNP, Ischia (Na), 16-21 september 2007

2007 : D., Koss; K., Hindley; K., David; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; K., Sepcic; T., Turk; K., Rebolj; G., Riedel; B., Platt; R. H., Scott, "A comparative study of the actions of alkylpyridinium salts from a marine sponge and related synthetic compounds in rat cultured hippocampal neurons" in BMC PHARMACOLOGY, v. 7, n. 1 (2007), p. 1-17. - URL: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2210/7/1 . - DOI: 10.1186.1471-2210-7-1

2007 : Patel, Nainesh Kantilal; Fernandes, Rohan Pascal; Guella, Graziano; Kale, Ashwin; Miotello, Antonio; Patton, Barbara; C., Zanchetta; P. M., Ossi; V., Russo, "Pulsed-laser deposition of nanostructured Pd/C thin films: a new entry into metal-supported catalysts for hydrogen producing reactions" in APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, v. 254, n. 4 (2007), p. 1307-1311

2007 : Rossi, Barbara; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Rossi, Flavio, "Vibrational dynamics of inclusion complexes by Raman scattering: an experimental and numerical study" in PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, v. 87, n. 3-5 (2007), p. 559-567. - DOI: 10.1080/14786430600887657

2007 : Scarduelli, Giorgina; Guella, Graziano; G., Guella; G., Dilecce; S., De Benedictis; Tosi, Paolo, "Chemistry of methane-nitrogen in a dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure" in XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases: ICPIG 2007: Book of abstracts, [S.l.: s.n.], 2007, p. [n.d.]-[n.d.]. Proceedings of: ICPIG 2007, Prague, 15th-20th July 2007

2007 : D., Cervia; M., Garcia Gil; E., Simonetti; G., Di Giuseppe; Guella, Graziano; P., Bagnoli; F., Dini, "Molecular mechanisms of euplotin C-induced apoptosis: involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and proteases" in APOPTOSIS, v. Vol. 12, n. no. 8 (2007), p. 1349-1363. - DOI: 10.1007/s10495-007-0075-7

2007 : Guella, Graziano; Patton, Barbara; Miotello, Antonio, "Kinetic features of the platinum catalyzed hydrolysis of sodium borohydride from B-11 NMR measurements" in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C, v. 111, n. 50 (2007), p. 18744-18750

2007 : Mancini, Ines; Defant, Andrea; Guella, Graziano, "Recent synthesis of marine natural products with antibacterial activities" in ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, v. vol. 6, n. n° 1 (2007), p. 17-48

2007 : Patel, Nainesh Kantilal; Guella, Graziano; Kale, Ashwin; Miotello, Antonio; B., Patton; C., Zanchetta; L., Mirenghi; P., Rotolo, "Thin films of Co-B prepared by pulsed laser deposition as efficient catalysts in hydrogen producing reactions" in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, v. 323, n. 1 (2007), p. 18-24

2007 : Guella, Graziano; Callone, Emanuela; G., Di Giuseppe; Frassanito, Rita; F., Frontini; Mancini, Ines; F., Dini, "Hemivannusal and Prevannusadials: new Sesquiterpenoids form the marine ciliate protists Euplotes vannus: the putative biogenetic precursors of dimeric terpenoid Vannusals" in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, n. n° 31 (2007), p. 5226-5234. - DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.200700455

2007 : Rossi, Barbara; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "Vibrational properties of inclusion complexes: the case of indomethacin-cyclodextrin" in SOFT-INFM research and development center on complex dynamics in structured systems: activity report 2004-2006, Roma: Università La Sapienza. CSU, 2007, p. 77-77

2007 : Tomazzolli, Rossella; M., Dalla Serra; Frassanito, Rita; G., Fracasso; S., Cingarlini; M., Colombatti; Guella, Graziano, "Lipid composition analysis of PSMA-associated microdomains" in Book of abstracts, Wroclaw: University of Wroclaw, 2007, p. 310-310. Proceedings of: 2nd European conference on chemistry for life sciences, Wroclaw (Poland), 4-8 September 2007. - URL: http://www.lifesciences2007.uni.wroc.pl

2007 : Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines; A., Gropuzzo; M., Dalla Serra; Guella, Graziano, "Analisi del raspberry ketone tramite HPLC/APCI-MS" in 20° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Analitica: la chimica analitica per l'ambiente e gli alimenti: Book of Abstracts, [S.l.: s.n.], 2007, p. [n.d.]-[n.d.]. Proceedings of: 20° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Analitica: la chimica analitica per l'ambiente e gli alimenti, Viterbo, 16-20 settembre 2007

2007 : C., Zanchetta; B., Patton; Guella, Graziano; Miotello, Antonio, "An integrated apparatus for production and measurement of molecular hydrogen" in MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 18, n. 5 (2007), p. N21-N26

2007 : Ascenzi, Daniela; N., Cont; Guella, Graziano; Franceschi, Pietro; Tosi, Paolo, "New insights into the reaction mechanisms of Phenylium ions with Benzene" in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A, MOLECULES, SPECTROSCOPY, KINETICS, ENVIRONMENT, & GENERAL THEORY, v. vol. 111, n. no. 49 (2007), p. 12513-12523. - DOI: 10.1021/jp075860h

2007 : P., Ramoino; C., Usai; S., Maccione; F., Beltrame; A., Diaspro; M., Fato; Guella, Graziano; F., Dini, "Effect of the bioactive metabolite euplotin C on phagocytosis and fluid-phase endocytosis in the single-celled eukaryote Paramecium" in AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY, v. Vol. 85, n. no. 1 (2007), p. 67-75. - DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2007.08.001

2007 : Franceschi, Pietro; Guella, Graziano; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Tosi, Paolo; Dilecce, G.; De Benedictis, S., "Chemical processes in the atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of benzene" in PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS, v. 4, n. 5 (2007), p. 548-555. - DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200700004

2007 : Guella, G.; Ascenzi, D.; Franceschi, P.; Tosi, P., "The intriguing case of organic impurities contained in synthetic methanol: a mass spectrometry based investigation" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 21, n. 20 (2007), p. 3337-3344. - DOI: 10.1002/rcm.3222

2006 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; M., Frostin; E., Hnawia; D., Laurent; C., Debitus; F., Pietra, "Determinazione strutturale di metaboliti poliarsenicali bioattivi isolati dalla spugna tropicale Echinochalina bargibanti" in VII convegno nazionale: giornate di chimica delle sostanze naturali: 7-10 giugno 2006: Acquafredda - Maratea, Potenza, Italia: Università degli studi della Basilicata, 2006, p. 40-40. Proceedings of: 7. giornate di chimica delle sostanze naturali (NAT7), Maratea, 7-10 giugno 2006

2006 : Guella, Graziano; Ascenzi, Daniela; N., Cont; Franceschi, Pietro; Mancini, Ines; Tosi, Paolo, "Atmospheric pressure plasma as catalysts of bioorganic gas phase reactions" in Book of abstracts, Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, 2006, p. 177-177. Proceedings of: MOLEC 16th European conference on dynamics of molecular systems, Levico Terme, 11-15 September 2006. - URL: :www.unitn.it/events/molec2006/index.htm

2006 : Frassanito, Rita; G., Flaim; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "Natural products from freshwater ecosystems: unexpected high production of astaxanthin esters from the dinoflagellate Tovellia sanguinea sp. inedit" in Book of Abstracts: Natural products: a chance for the future of mankind, [S.l.: s.n.], 2006, p. 36-36. Proceedings of: 4th International Conference on Natural Products, Leysin, 28th-31st May 2006

2006 : Mancini, Ines; Defant, Andrea; Guella, Graziano, "Sintesi altamente selettiva di entrambi i regioisomeri di derivati Indolizino-5,12-dionici" in SCI 2006: XXII congresso nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana : Firenze, 10-15 settembre 2006: atti del congresso, Firenze: Università di Firenze, 2006, p. 370-370. - (ORG-P064). Proceedings of: 22. congresso nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana SCI2006, Firenze, 10-15 settembre 2006. - URL: http://www.sci2006.unifi.it/varie/congresso_sci_atti.pdf

2006 : D., Cervia; D., Martini; M., Garcia Gil; G., Di Giuseppe; Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; P., Bagnoli, "Cytotoxic effects and apoptotic signalling mechanisms of the sesquiterpenoid euplotin C, a secondary metabolite of the marine ciliate Euplotes crassus, in tumour cells" in APOPTOSIS, v. Vol. 11, n. no. 5 (2006), p. 829-843. - DOI: 10.1007/s10495-006-5700-3

2006 : Guella, Graziano; I., N'Diaye; M., Fofana; Mancini, Ines, "Isolation, synthesis and photochemical properties of almazolone, a new indole alkaloid from a red alga of Senegal" in TETRAHEDRON, v. 62, n. 6 (2006), p. 1165-1170

2006 : Ascenzi, Daniela; F., Casagrande; Guella, Graziano; G., Guella; Tosi, Paolo, "The oxidation chemistry of benzene/air mixtures in atmospheric pressure plasma environments" in Contributions: 15th Symposium on atomic, cluster and surface physics, Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2006, p. 188-191. - (Conference series). Proceedings of: SASP, Obergurgl, 4-9 February 2006. - URL: http://www.uibk.ac.at/c/c7/c722/Tagungen/SASP2006/index.html

2006 : Frassanito, Rita; A., Gropuzzo; E., Baroni; M., Dalla Serra; Guella, Graziano, "Determinazione del 4-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanone (raspberry ketone) mediante cromatografia liquida-spettrometria di massa a pressione atmosferica" in Book of abstracts of SCI 2006: La chimica e le grandi domande della scienza e della società: l'eredità di Avogadro, [S.l.: s.n.], 2006, p. 9-9. Proceedings of: 22° Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana SCI 2006, Firenze, 10-15 Settembre 2006

2006 : Franceschi, Pietro; Guella, Graziano; Ascenzi, Daniela; Penasa, Luca; Tosi, Paolo, "Chemistry of organic molecules in non thermal plasmas" in Contributions: 15th Symposium on atomic and surface physics and related topics, Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2006, p. 58-58. Proceedings of: SASP, Obergurgl, 4-9 February 2006. - URL: http://www.uibk.ac.at/c/c7/c722/Tagungen/SASP2006/index.html

2006 : Ascenzi, Daniela; Franceschi, Pietro; Guella, Graziano; Tosi, Paolo, "Phenol production in Benzene/Air plasmas at atmospheric pressure: role of radical and ionic routes" in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A, MOLECULES, SPECTROSCOPY, KINETICS, ENVIRONMENT, & GENERAL THEORY, v. vol. 110, n. no. 25 (2006), p. 7841-7847. - DOI: 10.1021/jp062406p

2006 : Guella, Graziano; C., Zanchetta; B., Patton; Miotello, Antonio, "New insights on the mechanism of palladium-catalyzed hydrolysis of sodium borohydride from B-11 NMR measurements" in THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, v. 110, n. 34 (2006), p. 17024-17033. - DOI: 10.1021/JP063362N

2006 : Rossi, Barbara; Viliani, Gabriele; Verrocchio, Paolo; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; F., Rossi, "Raman scattering experiments and numerical simulation on inclusion complexes formed by beta-cyclodextrin with the anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin" in BIFI 2006, Book of Abstracts, Zaragoza, Spain: Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems, University of Zaragoza ( a cura di), 2006, p. 135-135. Proceedings of: BIFI 2006 - II International Conference, From Physics to Biology: the interface between experiment and computation, Zaragoza ( Spain), 8th-11th February 2006

2006 : Ascenzi, Daniela; Guella, Graziano; G., Guella; N., Cont; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Tosi, Paolo, "Radical and ionic pathways in the oxidation of benzene/air mixtures in atmospheric pressure plasmas" in Book of abstracts, Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, 2006, p. 126-126. Proceedings of: MOLEC 16th European conference on dynamics of molecular systems, Levico Terme, 11-15 September 2006

2006 : Frassanito, Rita; G., Flaim; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "High production of unexpected carotenoids in Dinophyceae: Astaxanthin esters from the freshwater dinoflagellate Tovellia sanguinea" in BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY, v. Vol. 34, n. no. 12 (2006), p. 843-853. - DOI: 10.1016/j.bse.2006.05.013

2006 : A., Drechsler; C., Potrich; J. K., Sabo; Frisanco, Mauro; Guella, Graziano; M., Dalla Serra; G., Anderluh; F., Separovic; R. S., Norton, "Structure and Activity of the N-Terminal region of the Eukaryotic Cytolysin Equinatoxin II" in BIOCHEMISTRY, v. Vol. 45, n. no. 6 (2006), p. 1818-1828. - DOI: 10.1021/bi052166o

2006 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; I., N'Diaye; M., Fofana, "Isolamento, sintesi e proprietà fotochimiche dell'almazolone, un nuovo alcaloide indolico da un'alga rossa del Senegal" in VII convegno nazionale: giornate di chimica delle sostanze naturali: Book of Abstract, [S.l.: s.n.], 2006, p. 75-75. Proceedings of: 7. convegno nazionale: Giornate di chimica delle sostanze naturali (NAT7), Maratea, 7-10 Giugno 2006

2006 : Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "Chimica e biologia a confronto: pigmenti e altri metaboliti secondari prodotti da dinoflagellati del lago di Tovel" in STUDI TRENTINI DI SCIENZE NATURALI - ACTA BIOLOGICA, v. Vol. 81, n. Suppl. 2 (2006), p. 413-426

2006 : Ascenzi, Daniela; Guella, Graziano; G., Guella; Tosi, Paolo, "Production of phenol in benzene/air plasmas at atmospheric pressure" in Europh

ysics conference abstracts: 18th europhysics conference on the atomic and molecular physics of ionised gases, Piacenza, Italia: DFS Dire fare stampare, 2006, p. 497-497. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts). - ISBN: 9782914771382. Proceedings of: European Physical Society, Lecce, 12-16 July 2006. - URL: http://escampig18.ba.imip.cnr.it/content.php?content.4

2006 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; M., Frostin; E., Hnawia; D., Laurent; C., Debitus; F., Pietra, "On the first polyarsenic organic compound from nature: Arsenicin A from the New Caledonian marine sponge Echinochalina bargibanti" in CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 12, n. 35 (2006), p. 8989-8994

2006 : P., Ramoino; C., Usai; A., Diaspro; P., Bianchini; Guella, Graziano; F., Dini, "Euplotin C modulates dihydropyridinesensible calcium channels in Paramecium" in CYTOMETRY. PART A, v. Vol. 69A, n. no. 5 (2006), p. 444-444

2006 : Rossi, Barbara; Viliani, Gabriele; Verrocchio, Paolo; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; F., Rossi, "Vibrational dynamics of inclusion complexes by Raman scattering: an experimental and numerical study" in X International workshop on disorder system: abstracts, London: Taylor and Francis, 2006, p. 1-1. Proceedings of: 10th international workshop on disorder system, Molveno (TN), 18-21 March 2006

2006 : Tomazzolli, Rossella; M., Dalla Serra; G., Bellisola; M., Colombatti; Guella, Graziano, "A fluorescence-based assay for the reductase activity of protein disulfide isomerase" in ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, v. Vol. 350, n. no. 1 (2006), p. 105-112. - DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2005.11.037

2006 : G., Flaim; O., Moestrup; D., Calliari; Guella, Graziano; Frassanito, Rita, "Autoecology of a new freshwater dinoflagellate from Lake Tovel (Italy)" in 14th workshop of the international association of phytoplankton taxonomy and ecology (IAP), [S.l.: s.n.], 2006, p. 8-8. Proceedings of: 14th workshop of the international association of phytoplankton taxonomy and ecology, Sapanca, 4th-11th September 2005

2006 : Defant, Andrea; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "Regioselectivity in the multi-component synthesis of Indolizinoquinoline-5,12-dione derivatives" in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. vol. 18, (2006), p. 4201-4210

2006 : Rossi, Barbara; Verrocchio, Paolo; Viliani, Gabriele; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "Vibrational properties of inclusion complexes: the case of indomethacin-cyclodextrin" in THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. vol. 125, n. no. 4 (2006), p. 44511-44517. - DOI: 10.1063/1.2217952

2005 : Rossi, Barbara; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Viliani, Gabriele, "Low frequency Raman scattering of organic host-guest complexes of biological interest" in International Workshop on Neutron Brillouin Scattering, firenze: INFM Firenze, 2005, p. 01-01. Proceedings of: 1st international workshop on neutron Brillouin scattering, Perugia, 12-14 June 2005

2005 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; H., Zibrowius; Pietra, Francesco, "Profile of indole alkaloids in scleractinian corals of the family Dendrophyllidae by online LC/ESI-MS technique" in 23rd informal meeting on mass sp

ectrometry, Padova, Italia: Servizi Grafici Editoriali, 2005, p. 41-41. Proceedings of: 23rd informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Primiero (TN), 15th-19th May 2005

2005 : Rossi, Barbara; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Viliani, Gabriele, "Low frequency Raman scattering of organic host-guest complexes of biological interest" in 5th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (5IDMRCS), Lille, Francia: USTL, 2005, p. 45-45. Proceedings of: 5th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (5IDMRCS), Lille, 7th-13th July 2005

2005 : Mancini, Ines; Frassanito, Rita; M., Cantonati; M., Tardio; Guella, Graziano, "On-line identification of secondary metabolites in freshwater microalgae and cyanobacteria by combined liquid chromatographyûphotodiode array detection-mass spectrometric techniques" in JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, v. 1082, n. 1 (2005), p. 33-42. - DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2005.02.066

2005 : Perazzolli, Chiara; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "Benzene-assisted atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization: a new liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry approach to the analysis of selected hydrophobic compounds" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 19, n. 4 (2005), p. 461-469. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rcm.1807/pdf . - DOI: 10.1002/rcm.1807

2005 : Frassanito, Rita; A., Gropuzzo; M., Dalla Serra; Guella, Graziano, "Tecniche api-ms nella determinazione quantitativa di 4-(4'-hydroxyphenyl) -2-butanone (lampone chetone)", 2005, 1 p

2005 : Mancini, Ines; Defant, Andrea; Guella, Graziano, "Investigation of the regioselective one-port synthesis of indolizino-quinoline-5,12-dione derivatives" in First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry, Conference Book, Vienna, Austria: University of Wien. Fakultät für Chemie. Institut für Organische Chemie, 2005, p. P17-P17. Proceedings of: First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry, Wien, 1st-2nd April 2005

2005 : D. J., Koss; K. P., Hindley; K., David; J. L., Jones; R. A., Kylanpaa; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; K., Sepčić; G., Riedel; R. H., Scott; B., Platt, "Bioactivity of a naturally occurring alkyl-pyridinium salt and related synthetic oligomers in rat cultured hippocampal neurones", 2005, 1 p

2005 : Rossi, Barbara; Scarduelli, Giorgina; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Viliani, Gabriele, "Raman scattering investigation on the inclusion complex of anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin with beta-cyclodextrin" in MMDmeeting workbook: poster sessions, Genova, Italia: CNR-INFM, 2005, p. 263-264. Proceedings of: MMDmeeting: matter, materials and devices, Genova, 22-25 June 2005

2005 : M., Faimali; F., Garaventa; Mancini, Ines; A., Sicurelli; Guella, Graziano; V., Piazza; G., Greco, "Antisettlement activity of synthetic analogues of polymeric 3-alkylpyridinium salts isolated from the sponge Reniera sarai" in BIOFOULING, v. 21, n. 1 (2005), p. 49-57

2005 : Frassanito, Rita; G., Flaim; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "LC/ESI-MS characterization of carotenoid-esters produced by freshwater organisms" in 23rd Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Padova: Servizi Grafi

ci Editoriali, 2005, p. 44-44. Proceedings of: 23rd Informal meeting of mass spectrometry, Primiero (TN), 15th-19th May 2005

2005 : Guella, G.; Ascenzi, D.; Franceschi, P.; Tosi, P., "Gas-phase synthesis and detection of the benzenediazonium ion, C6H5N2+: a joint atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and guided ion beam experiment" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 19, n. 14 (2005), p. 1951-1955. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rcm.2009/pdf . - DOI: 10.1002/rcm.2009

2005 : Guella, Graziano; Franceschi, Pietro; Tosi, Paolo, "Structure and stability of oligomeric clusters produced in the ionization of acetonitrile" in CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, v. 415, n. 4-6 (2005), p. 265-270. - DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.09.012

2005 : Guella, Graziano; G., Guella; Ascenzi, Daniela; Sterni, Adriano; A., Bott; Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines; Tosi, Paolo, "Ion chemistry of organic molecules in corona discharges" in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionised Gases, Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, 2005, p. 02.222/1-02.222/4. Proceedings of: 27th ICPIG, Eindhoven, 17-22 July 2005

2004 : Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco; L., Bongiorni; F., Dini; Guella, Graziano, "Structural elucidation by LC-MS of new ceramides from Ulkenia sp., a marine fungoid protist belonging to Traustochytrids" in Book of abstracts, Bari: Università di Bari. SCI. Divisione Spettrometria di Massa, 2004, p. 178-178. Proceedings of: MASSA 2004 International symposium on mass spectrometry, Bari, 26-30 September 2004

2004 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; C., Debitus; Pietra, Francesco, "Suberein, a novel dimeric styryl sulfate from the verongid sponge Suberea creba from New Caledonia" in Proceedings XI international symposium on marine natural products, università di Napoli: Università di Napoli, 2004, p. 69. Proceedings of: XI MANAPRO, Sorrento (NA), 4-9 September 2004

2004 : D., Spitale; F., Dini; Guella, Graziano; F., Ghetti; M., Tardio; M., Cantonati, "Il sottoprogetto 6 (Ecofisiologia del Gs in situ mediante mesocosmi) del Progetto SALTO/BEST: sintesi e conclusioni", Trento: Museo tridentino di scienze naturali, 2004, 5 p. - (Acta Biologica)

2004 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; M., Sauvain; C., Debitus; A. G., Duigon; F., Ausseil; J. L., Meou; Pietra, Francesco, "New 1,2,3,4,-tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyridinium alkaloids (phloeodictynes) from the New Caledonian shallow-water haplosclerid sponge Oceanapia fistolosa. Structural elucidation from LC-tandem-MS-soft-ionization techniques and discovery of antiplasmodial activity" in ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, v. 2, n. 5 (2004), p. 783-787

2004 : Mancini, Ines; Sicurelli, Adriana; Guella, Graziano; T., Turk; P., Macek; K., Sepcic, "Synthesis and bioactivity of linear oligomers related to polymeric alkylpyridinium metabolites from the Mediterranean sponge Reniera sarai" in ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, v. 9, n. 2 (2004), p. 1368-1375

2004 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; M., Sauvain; C., Debitus; A., Duigou; F., Ausseil; J., Menou; Pietra, Francesco, "New 1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrimidinium alkaloids(phloeodictynes) from the New Caledonian s

hallow-waterhaplosclerid sponge Oceanapia fistulosa. Structural elucidationfrom mainly LC-tandem-MS-soft-ionization techniques anddiscovery of antiplasmodial activity" in ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, v. 2, n. 5 (2004), p. 783-787. - DOI: 10.1039/B313348F

2004 : Callone, Emanuela; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; F., Dini, "Investigation of chemical and biological properties od euplotin C and its inclusion complex with cyclodextrins" in Sigma-Aldrich young chemists symposium, Riccione: Sigma-Aldrich, 2004, p. 56-56. Proceedings of: 4. Sigma-Aldrich young chemists symposium (SAYCS 2004),, Riccione (RN), 17-19 maggio 2004

2004 : Rossi, Barbara; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Viliani, Gabriele, "Kinetic studie of glutathioneS-transferase-catalysed processes through on-line liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry" in PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, v. 84, n. 13-16 (2004), p. 1373-1382. - DOI: 10.1080/14786430310001644116

2004 : Frassanito, Rita; M., Cantonati; M., Tardio; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano, "On-line identification of secondary metabolites in freshwater phytoplankton samples ( Lake Tovel, Italian Alps) by combined HPLC-API techniques" in Abstracts presentations, Montreux: International association of environmental analytical chemistry, 2004, p. 52-52. Proceedings of: 21st Montreux LC/MS symposium on liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry, Montreux, 10-12 November 2004

2004 : R., Tomazzoll; Guella, Graziano; G., Bellisola; M., Colombatti; G., Menestrina, "Fluorescent Assay to Demonstrate the Interaction of Thioredoxin Reductase and Protein Disulfide Isomerase" in Convegno Nazionale per la Ricerca INterdisciplinare in Fisica della Materia, Genova: INFM, 2004, p. 15-15. Proceedings of: INFMEETING, GENOVA, 8-10 GIUGNO 2004

2004 : Callone, Emanuela; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; F., Dini, "Lipid membrane diversity among different protistian families" in ELSO 2004, Dresda: European life scientist organizations, 2004, p. 509-509. Proceedings of: ELSO 2004, Nice, 4-8 September 2004. - URL: http://www.elso.org/index.php?id=abstrlist2004&fl=C

2004 : Guella, Graziano; Callone, Emanuela; Mancini, Ines; G., Di Giuseppe; F., Dini, "A phylogenetic perpspective of the secondary metabolites from marine ciliates: a comparison with rDNA and multivariate morphological analysis" in Proceedings XI international symposium on marine natural products, Napoli: Università di Napoli, 2004, p. 133-133. Proceedings of: XI MANAPRO, Sorrento (NA), 4-9 September 2004

2004 : Guella, Graziano; Callone, Emanuela; Mancini, Ines; G., Uccello Barretta; F., Balzano; F., Dini, "Chemical and structural properties of the inclusion complex of Euplotin C with Heptakis(2,6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin through NMR spectroscopy, electrospray mass spectrometry and molecular mechanics investigations" in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 2004, n. 6 (2004), p. 1308-1317

2004 : D., Savoia; C., Avanzini; T., Allice; Callone, Emanuela; Guella, Graziano; F., Dini, "Antimicrobial activity of euplotin C, the sesquiterpene taxonomic marker from the marine ciliate Euplotes crassus." in ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, v. 48, n. 10 (2004), p. 3828-3833

2004 : Tomazzolli, Rossella; Guella, Graziano; G., Bellisola; M., Colombatti; G., Menestrina, "Fluorescent assay to the test protein disulfide isomerase activity induced by Thioredoxin reductase" in SIBPA 2004: XVII congresso nazionale della Società di biofisica pura ed applicata, Genova: CNR, 2004, p. 20-20. Proceedings of: SIBPA 2004, Pisa, 23-25 settembre 2004

2003 : B., Rossi; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Viliani, Gabriele, "Kinetic studies of glutathione S-transferase catalysed processes through online liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry", 2003. Proceedings of: 9th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Molveno-Andalo ( Trento), 10-13 March 2003

2003 : B., Rossi; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Viliani, Gabriele, "Experimental and computational study of enzyme reactions", 2003. Proceedings of: INFMeeting 2003, Genova, 23-25 giugno 2003

2003 : D., Savoia; T., Allice; C., Avanzini; Callone, Emanuela; Guella, Graziano; F., Dini, "Antileishmanial activity of euplotin C, the sesquiterpene taxonomic marker from the marine ciliate Euplotes crassus", 2003. Proceedings of: 4th European Congress of Protistology, S.Benedetto del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno), September 2003

2003 : Guella, Graziano; Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines, "A new solution for an old problem: the regiochemical distribution of the acyl chains in galactolipids can be established by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 17, n. 17 (2003), p. 1892-1994

2003 : G., Anderluh; M., Dalla Serra; G., Viero; Guella, Graziano; P., Macek; G., Menestrina, "Pore formation by Equinatoxin II, a eukaryotic protein toxin, occurs by induction of nonlamellar lipid structures" in THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 278, n. 46 (2003), p. 45216-45223. - DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M305916200

2003 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; H., Zibrowius; F., Pietra, "On the origin of quasi-racemic aplysinopsin cycloadducts, (bis)indole alkaloids isolated from scleractiniam corals of the family dendrophylliidae: involvement of enantiodefective Diels-Alderases or asymmetric induction in artifact processes involving....." in TETRAHEDRON, v. 59, n. 44 (2003), p. 8757-8762

2003 : M., Faimali; V., Piazza; G., Greco; K., Sepcic; Mancini, Ines; A., Sicurelli; Guella, Graziano; T., Turk; S., Geraci, "Antifouling activity of synthetic analogues of polymeric 3-alkylpyridinium salts isolated from the sponge Reniera sarai", 2003, p. 81. Proceedings of: International Symposium ' Chemistry and Biology of Marine Organism', Kolympari, Crete, 21-26 September 2003

2003 : M., Cantonati; M., Sturm; A., Lami; M., Filippi; N., Angeli; P., Appleby; F., Corradini; F., Cristofolini; F., Dini; E., Gottardini; Guella, Graziano; P., Guilizzoni; V., Lencioni; M., Lazzara; M., Manca; A., Marchetto; J., Massaferro; K., Oeggl; N., Rose, "Paleolimnology of a mountain lake of the Alps once interested by a spectacular summer reddening due to dinoflagellate bloms", 2003. Proceedings of: 3rd international limnogeology congress (ILIC3), Tucson, Ariz., 29 March - 2 April 2003

2003 : Guella, Graziano; D., Skropeta; Mancini, Ines; F., Pietra, "Investigations on the acid-catalyzed stereospecific conversion of Laurencia microcladia sesquiterpenes into indene- and guaiazulene-type skeleta", 2003. Proceedings of: International Symposium 'Chemistry & Biology of marine organisms', Kolympari, Crete, 21-26 September 2003

2003 : Mancini, Ines; A., Sicurelli; Guella, Graziano; K., Sepcic; T., Turk; P., Macek; V., Piazza; M., Faimali; S., Geraci, "Synthesis and bioactivities of 3-alkylpyridinium salts related to the polymeric metabolite from the marine sponge Reniera sarai", 2003, p. 83. Proceedings of: International Symposium 'Chemistry and Biology of Marine Organism', Kolympary, Crete, 21-26 September 2003

2003 : G., Di Giuseppe; F., Erra; Guella, Graziano; Callone, Emanuela; F., Dini, "Relazioni filogenetiche all'interno del genere Euplotes (Ciliata, Hypotrichida)", 2003, p. 24. Proceedings of: 64° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana, Varese, 2003

2003 : Frassanito, Rita; Guella, Graziano; G., Di Giuseppe; M., Cantonati; M., Tardio; Mancini, Ines; F., Frontini; F., Dini, "An integrated molecular approach to the study of the phylogeny and of the secondary metabolism of the freshwater dinoflagellate Glenodinium sanguineum", 2003. Proceedings of: 10th European Conference on Ciliate Biology, S.Benedetto del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno), September 2003

2003 : Guella, Graziano; D., Skropeta; Mancini, Ines; F., Pietra, "Calenzanane sesquiterpenes from the red seaweed Laurencia microcladia from the bay of Calenzana, Elba island: acid-catalyzed stereospecific conversion of Calenzanol into indene- and guaiazulene-type sesquiterpenes" in CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 23, n. 9 (2003), p. 5770-5777

2003 : Callone, Emanuela; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; F., Frontini; F., Dini, "Liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry tecnique : a powerful tool for fast and effective dereplication of protista’s secondary metabolites" in 10th European Conference on Ciliate Biology: Luporini, 2003, S.Benedetto del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno), 2003

2003 : Guella, Graziano; Callone, Emanuela; Mancini, Ines; F., Frontini; F., Dini, "New terpenoids from protista cell cultures: towards an understanding of their biogenesis" in CISCI 2003, 2003, Torino, 22-27 giugno 2003

2003 : Mancini, Ines; B., Rossi; Guella, Graziano, "Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions Catalysed by Glutathiobe S-Transferase", 2003, p. 73. Proceedings of: 21. Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana SCI2003, Torino, 22-27 giugno 2003

2003 : M., Cantonati; N., Angeli; Frassanito, Rita; Guella, Graziano; M., Lazzara; A., Lami; V., Lencioni; M., Tardio, "Neo- and paleolimnology of a mountain lake once affected by spectacular red blooms", 2003. Proceedings of: 9th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Espoo, Helsinkii, 25-28 August 2003

2002 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; M., Sauvain; C., Debitus; A., Duigou; F., Pietra, "New antiplasmodial pyridinium-guanidine alkaloids from the Haplosclerid sponge Oceanapia fistulosa from New Caledonia: structur

al aids from LC-Tandem-MS soft-ionization techniques", 2002, p. P26. Proceedings of: 3rd European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Elmau Castle, 15th-20th September 2002

2002 : Frassanito, Rita; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; M., Cantonati; M., Tardio, "Electrospray- ion trap mass spectrometry characterization of new galactolipids isolated from the freshwater dinoflagellate Glenodinium sanguineum", 2002, p. 63-64. Proceedings of: MASSA2002 An International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry, Cetraro (CS), 27th June-1st July 2002

2002 : Mancini, Ines; A., Sicurelli; Guella, Graziano; K., Sepcic; T., Turk, "Sintesi di sali di polialchilpiridinio, metaboliti bioattivi isolati dalla spugna Reniera sarai", 2002, p. P101. Proceedings of: II S.A.Y.C.S Sigma Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium, Riccione (RN), 7-8 ottobre 2002

2002 : Frassanito, Rita; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines, "New mass spectrometric methodologies in the structural characterization of membrane lipids", 2002, p. 39. Proceedings of: SIBPA2002 XVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics and I Italian-Slovenian Workshop of Biophysics, Trento, 11-14 settembre 2002

2002 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; H., Zibrowius; F., Pietra, "Cicloaplisinopsine, nuovi alcaloidi bis-indolici isolati da scleractinie tropicali della famiglia Dendrophyllidae", 2002, p. P130. Proceedings of: XXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica, Roma, 16-20 settembre 2002

2002 : Guella, Graziano; D., Skropeta; Mancini, Ines; F., Pietra, "The First 6,8-Cycloeudesmane Sesquiterpene from a Marine Organism: the Red Seaweed Laurencia microcladia from the Baia di Calenzana, Elba Island" in ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR NATURFORSCHUNG. B, A JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES, v. 57, n. 10 (2002), p. 1147-1151

2002 : G., Menestrina; M., Comai; C., Potrich; M., Dalla Serra; Guella, Graziano; Frassanito, Rita; C., Meneghini; S., Mobilio; S., Morante, "Metal ions and the conformation of peptides forming amyloid deposits in": Acta Cryst. vol A58(Supplement), p. C245., 2002. Proceedings of: XIX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Geneva, Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland, 6-15 August 2002

2002 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; D., Savoia, "Attivita’ biologiche e proprieta’ strutturali di nuovi terpenoidi da ciliati marini", 2002. Proceedings of: XI Congresso Italo Latinoamericano di etnomedicina, Pavia, 9-13 settembre 2002


2002 : D., Laurent; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; M., Roquebert; F., Farinole; F., Pietra, "A New Cytotoxic Tetralone Derivative from Humicola grisea, a Filamentous Fungus from Wood in the Southeastern Lagoon of New Caledonia" in TETRAHEDRON, v. 58, (2002), p. 10872-10877

2002 : Guella, Graziano, "Terpenoids from marine ciliates:structure, biological activity, ecological role and phylogenetic significance", 2002, p. 2

0-21. Proceedings of: 3rd European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Monaco di Baviera (Germany), 15-20 settembre 2002

2001 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; D., Laurent; C., Debitus; Pietra, Francesco, "Nuovi Composti Poliarsenicali Attivi da una Spugna Poecilosclerida Tropicale": Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2001, p. P020. Proceedings of: XXVII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica, Trieste, 3-7 settembre 2001

2001 : M., Frostin; E., Hnawia; D., Laurent; C., Debitus; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Bioactive polyarsenic compounds from a poecilosclerid sponge", 2001. Proceedings of: 10th International Symposium on Marine Natural Products, Okinawa- Japan, 24-29 June 2001

2001 : Guella, Graziano; D., Skropeta; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Rearrangements in the calenzanane-class sesquiterpenes isolated from Laurencia microcladia", 2001. Proceedings of: 3rd Italian German Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Ravenna, March 30-April 1 2001

2001 : Guella, Graziano; M., Cantonati; Frassanito, Rita; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "First finding of scytonemin in red algae: phylogenetic and ecological implications", 2001. Proceedings of: 3rd Italian German Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Ravenna, March 30-April 1 2001

2001 : Guella, Graziano; Callone, Emanuela; F., Dini; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Caratteristiche strutturali e possibili applicazioni di complessi delle euplotine con beta-ciclodestrine": Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2001, p. P162-P162. Proceedings of: XXVII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica, Trieste, 3-7 settembre 2001

2001 : Guella, Graziano; D., Skropeta; S., Breuils; Mancini, Ines; F., Pietra, "Calenzanol, the first member of a new class of sesquiterpene with a novel skeleton isolated from the red seaweed Laurencia microcladia from the bay of Calenzana, Elba Island" in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 42, n. 4 (2001), p. 723-725

2001 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; A., Defant; M., Candenas; C., Armesto; D., Depentori; F., Pietra, "Polar metabolites of the green alga Caulerpa Taxifolia that is invading the Mediterranean Sea, and a comparison with tropical strains from bioactive terpenoids" in Fourth International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia, Marseille: Boudouresque C, Meinesz A, Graves V, GIS Posidonie publ., 2001, p. 128-137. Proceedings of: Fourth International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia, Lerici-Italy, 1st-2nd February 1999

2001 : Guella, Graziano; Skropeta, D.; Breuils, S.; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Calenzanol, the first member of a new class of sesquiterpene with a novel skeleton from the red seaweed Laurencia microcladia from the Bay of Calenzana, Elba Island" in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 42, n. 4 (2001), p. 723-725

2000 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Highly diastereoselective, biogenetically patterned synthesis of (+)-(1S,6R)-volvatellin(=(+)-(4R,5S)-5-hydroxy-4-(5-methyl-1-methylenhex-4-en-4-en -2-ynyl)cyclohex-1-ene-1-carbaldehyde)" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 83, (2000), p. 694-701

2000 : M., Cavazza; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Synthesis of 1-oxaazulan-2-ones and furanotropones: a reexamination and extension to analogues of colchicinoids" in TETRAHEDRON, v. 56, n. 13 (2000), p. 1917-1922

2000 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Sintesi diastereoselettiva e biogeneticamente guidata della volvatellin", 2000, p. ORPO5. Proceedings of: XX Convegno della Società Chimica Italiana SCI2000, Rimini, 4-9 giugno 2000

2000 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; A., Oztunc; Pietra, Francesco, "Conformational Bias in Macrocyclic Ethers and Observation of High Solvolytic Reactivity at a Masked (=2-Furylmethyl) C-Atom" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 83, n. 2 (2000), p. 336-348

2000 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; H., Zibrowius; Pietra, Francesco, "Configuration, conformation and reactivity of highly functionalized eunicellane diterpenes isolated from the gorgonians Eunicella cavolinii and Eunicella singularis from Marseille" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 83, (2000), p. 1561-1575

2000 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Highly diastereoselective, biogenetically patterned synthesis of (+) (1S,6R)-volvatellin" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 83, n. 4 (2000), p. 694-701

2000 : Guella, Graziano; F., Pietra, "A New-Skeleton Diterpenoid, New Prenylbisabolanes, and their Putative Biogenetic Precursor, from the Red Seaweed Laurencia microcladia from Il Rogiolo: Assigning the Absolute Configuration when two Chiral Halves are Interconnected by Single Bonds" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 83, n. 11 (2000), p. 2946-2952

2000 : D., Laurent; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; F., Farinole; M., Roquebert; Pietra, Francesco, "Cytotoxins, Mycotoxins and Drugs from a New Deuteromycete, Acremonium neo-caledoniae, from the Southwestern Lagoon of New Caledonia" in PLANTA MEDICA, v. 66, n. 1 (2000), p. 63-66

2000 : G., Pocsfalvi; A., Malorni; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Molecular characterization of a highly heterogeneous mixture of glucosylceramides from a deep-water Mediterranean scleractinian Dendrophyllia cornigera" in RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 14, n. 23 (2000), p. 2247-2259

2000 : Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Peculiarità strutturali e probabile biogenesi di nuovi diterpeni da una alga rossa Laurencia microcladia", 2000. Proceedings of: Giornate di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali NAT5, Napoli, 21-23 giugno 2000

2000 : Guella, Graziano; D., Skropeta; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Uno Studio dettagliato della degradazione chimica di nuovi sesquiterpeni isolati da un'alga rossa Laurencia microcladia", 2000. Proceedings of: Giornate di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali NAT5, Napoli, 21-23 giugno 2000

1999 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; A., Oztunc; Pietra, Francesco, "High Solvolytic Reactivity And Conformational Bias in New Obtusallenes,A R

are Family of C15 Macrocyclic Ethers", 1999, p. P3. Proceedings of: First Italian-Japanese Symposium of Org. Chemistry, Napoli, 9-13 giugno 1999

1999 : Mancini, Ines; Guerriero, Antonio; Guella, Graziano; T., Bakken; H., Zibrowius; Pietra, Francesco, "Novel 10-Hydroxydocosapolyenoic Acids from Deep-Water Scleractinian Corals" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 82, n. 5 (1999), p. 677-684

1999 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; Pietra, Francesco, "Metabolites with a Novel C30 backbone from marine ciliates" in ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE, v. 38, n. 8 (1999), p. 1134-1136

1999 : G., Pocsfalvi; Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Mass spectral analysis of new glycosphingolipids from a deep-water coral", 1999, p. 103. Proceedings of: 17th Informal meeting on mass spectrometry, Fiera di Primiero (TN), 23-27 maggio 1999

1999 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; H., Zibrowius; Pietra, Francesco; D., Laurent, "A novel type of a second epoxy bridge in eunicellane diterpenes: isolation and" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 82, n. 10 (1999), p. 1681-1689

1999 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; H., Zibrowius; Pietra, Francesco, "Nuovi metaboliti di tipo eunicellanico isolati da una gorgonia dellecoste mediterranee francesi", 1999, p. 94. Proceedings of: XXVI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica, Giardini Naxos (ME), 1-5 settembre 1999

1998 : F., Trielli; A., Viarengo; F., Dini; U., Delmonte Corrado; Pietra, Francesco; Guella, Graziano; B., Marchi; B., Burlando, "Effects of euplotins on hypotrichs (Ciliophora): possible role of Ca2+ - mediated cytotoxicity'." in JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY, v. 45, n. 1 (1998), p. 25-25

1998 : Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Antipodal pathways to secondary metabolites in the same eukaryotic organism" in CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 4, n. 9 (1998), p. 1692-1697

1998 : C., Debitus; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; J., Waikedre; Pietra, Francesco; J., Guemas; J., Nicolas, "Quinolones from a bacterium and tyrosine metabolites from its host sponge, Suberea creba from the Coral Sea" in THE JOURNAL OF MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 6, n. 3 (1998), p. 136-141

1998 : Di Maggio, Rosa; Campostrini, Renzo; Guella, Graziano, "Gels from Zirconium n-butoxide and Cerium(III)2,4-pentanedionate:a pyrolysis study by coupled thermogravimetry,gaschromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis" in CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v. 10, (1998), p. 3839-3847

1998 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Defant, Andrea; M., Candenas; C., Armesto; D., Depentori; Pietra, Francesco, "Polar metabolites of the tropical green seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia which is spreading in the Mediterranean Sea. Glycoglycerolipids and stable enols (alpha-keto esters)" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 81, (1998), p. 1681-1691

1998 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; Pietra, Francesco, "Nuovi triterpeni da colture di ciliati marini della morfospecie Euplotes vannus", 1998. Proceedings of: XXV Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica, Folgaria (TN), 8-12 settembre 1998

1998 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Chiasera, Giuseppe; Pietra, Francesco, "Glutathione S-transferase catalysed dehalogenation of haloaromatic compounds which lack nitro groups near the reaction centre" in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 39, (1998), p. 1611-1614

1997 : K., Sepcic; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco; M., Dalla Serra; G., Menestrina; K., Tubbs; P., Macek; T., Turk, "Characterization of Anticholinesterase-active 3-alkylpyridinium polymers from the marine sponge Reniera sarai in aqueous solutions" in JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS, v. 60, n. 10 (1997), p. 991-996

1997 : Guella, Graziano; A., Oztunc; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Stereochemical features of sesquiterpene metabolites as a distinctive trait of red seaweeds in the genus Laurencia" in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 38, n. 47 (1997), p. 8261-8264

1997 : F., Dini; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Natural products of Euplotes: their usefulness in taxonomic distinctions and their possible ecological role", 1997, p. 76. Proceedings of: Proceedings of the X International Congress of Protozoology, Sidney, 1997

1997 : Guella, Graziano; Oztunc, A.; Chiasera, G.; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Twelve membered O-bridged, cyclic ethers of red seaweeds in the genus Laurencia exist in solution as slowly interconverting conformers" in CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 3, n. 8 (1997), p. 1223-1231

1997 : F., Dini; Guella, Graziano; M., Pighini; Pietra, Francesco, "Structural, functional and phylogenetic comparative analysis of the secondary metabolites produced by Antarctic and world-wide distributed ciliate protists in the genus Euplotes", 1997, p. 141-147. Proceedings of: Third Meeting on Antarctic Biology, Camerino, 1997

1997 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; P., Amade; Pietra, Francesco, "Hanishenols A-B, novel linear or methyl-branched glycerol enol ethers of the Axinellid Sponge Acanthella Carteri (= Acanthella aurantiaca) from the Hanish Islands, Red Sea'" in TETRAHEDRON, v. 53, (1997), p. 2625-2628

1997 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco; P., Amade; C., Rousakkis, "Hanishin, a semiracemic, bioactive C9 alkaloid of the axinellid sponge Acanthella carteri from the Hanish Islands. A shunt metabolite?" in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 38, (1997), p. 6271-6274

1997 : A., Viarengo; F., Dini; U., Delmonte Corrado; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco; F., Trielli; B., Marchi; T., Kruppel; B., Burlando, "Effects of euplotins and environmental stressors on hypotrichs (ciliophora): possible role of Ca2+-mediated cytotoxicity", 1997, p. 208. Proceedings of: Proceedings of the X International Congress of Protozoology, Sidney, 1997

1997 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Analisi conformazionale di nuovi prodotti naturali marini mediante studio di NMR dinamico e calcoli di Meccanica Molecolare", 1997. Proceedings of: Chimica Organica Fisica e Meccanicistica COFEM 97, Folgaria (TN), 11-14 giugno 1997

1997 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; C., Debitus; J., Waikedre; Pietra, Francesco, "Un derivato fortemente citotossico dalla Nortopsentin D, nuovo alcaloide bis-indolico isolato dalla spugna Dragmacidon sp.", 1997, p. 40P. Proceedings of: IV Convegno Nazionale Giornate di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali NAT4, Salerno, 24-26 settembre 1997

1997 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; A., Oztunc; Pietra, Francesco, "Nuove acetogenine da un'alga rossa Laurencia obtusa del Mediterraneo. Analisi conformazionale mediante NMR dinamico e calcoli di meccanica molecolare", 1997. Proceedings of: IV Convegno Nazionale Giornate di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali NAT4, Salerno, 24-26 settembre 1997

1997 : Guella, Graziano; F., Marchetti; Pietra, Francesco, "Rogioldiol A, a New Obtusane Diterpene, and Rogiolal, a Degraded Derivative, of the Red Seaweed Laurencia microcladia from Il Rogiolo along the Coast of Tuscany: a Synergism in Structural Elucidation" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 80, n. 3 (1997), p. 684-694

1996 : F., Dini; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Secondary metabolites in the Antarctic ciliate protist Euplotes: an exercise of comparative analysis among worldwide congeneric species", 1996, p. 52-55. Proceedings of: International Workshop on theEcology of the Ross Sea (Antarctica), Taormina, 1996

1996 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; Pietra, Francesco, "Hydrolytic breakdown of the euplotins, highly strained, adaptive, hemiacetal esters of the marine ciliate Euplotes crassus : a mimic of degradative pathways in Nature and a trick for the assignement of the absolute configuration" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 79, n. 3 (1996), p. 710-717

1996 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; Pietra, Francesco, "Nuovi terpenoidi da ciliati marini del genere Euplotes : Chimica e Biologia a confronto", 1996. Proceedings of: XXIII Convegno Nazionale della Div. Chimica Organica, Monopoli (Bari), 22-27 settembre 1996

1996 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; C., Debitus; Pietra, Francesco, "From inactive nortopsentin D, a novel bis(indole) alkaloid isolated from tha Axinellid sponge Dragmacidon sp. from deep waters south of New Caledonia, to a strongly cytotoxic derivative" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 79, (1996), p. 2075-2082

1996 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; Pietra, Francesco, "Epoxyfocardin and its putative biogenetic precursor, focardin, bioactive, new skeleton, diterpenoids of the marine ciliate Euplotes focardii from Antarctica" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 79, n. 2 (1996), p. 439-448

1996 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; Pietra, Francesco, "Rarisetenolide, epoxyrarisetenolide and epirarisetenolide, new skeleton sesquiterpene lactones as taxonomic markers and defensive agents of the marine ciliated m

orphospecies Euplotes rariseta" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 79, n. 8 (1996), p. 2180-2189

1996 : I., N'Diaye; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Almazole D, a new type of antibacterial 2,5-disubstituted oxazolic dipeptide from a red alga of the coast of Senegal" in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 37, n. 17 (1996), p. 3049-3050

1995 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; C., Debitus; Pietra, Francesco, "Novel Naamidine-Type Alkaloids and Mixed-Ligand Zn++ Complexes of a Calcareous Sponge, Leucetta sp., from the Coral Sea" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 78, (1995), p. 1178-1184

1995 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; Pietra, Francesco, "From Epiraikovenal, an Instrumental Niche-Exploitation Sesquiterpenoid of Some Strains of the Marine Ciliated Protist Euplotes raikovi, to an Unusual Intramolecular tele Dienone-Olefin [2+2] Photocycloaddition" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 78, n. 7 (1995), p. 1747-1754

1994 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; A., Tomei; F., Pietra, "Preuplotin, a putative biogenetic precursor of the euplotins, bioactive sesquiterpenoids of the marine ciliated protist Euplotes crassus" in JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. PERKIN TRANSACTIONS. I, v. 2, (1994), p. 161-166

1994 : Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; F., Erra; F., Pietra, "Raikovenal a new sesquiterpenoid favoring adaptive radiation of the marine ciliate Euplotes raikovi, and its putative biogenetic precursor, preraikovenal." in JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 22, (1994), p. 2585-2586

1994 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; C., Debitus; D., Duhet; Pietra, Francesco, "Imidazolone and imidazolinone artifacts of a pivotal imidazolthione, zyzzin, from the poecilosclerid sponge Zyzza massalis from the Coral Sea. The first thermochromic system of marine origin" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 77, (1994), p. 1886-1894

1994 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Damirianina, metabolita centrale di una serie di alcaloidi indolici della spugna Damiriana verticellata del Mar dei Coralli", 1994, p. P9. Proceedings of: III Convegno Nazionale Giornate di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali, Amalfi (SA), 29 maggio-1 giugno 1994

1994 : I., N'Diaye; Guella, Graziano; Chiasera, Giuseppe; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Almazole A and almazole B, unusual marine alkaloids isolated from an unidentified red seaweed from the coasts of Senegal" in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 35, n. 27 (1994), p. 4827-4830

1994 : Guerriero, Antonio; D'Ambrosio, Michele; Guella, Graziano; F., Dini; Pietra, Francesco, "Secondary Metabolites of the Green Seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia Introduced into the Mediterranean Sea, and a Comparison with Ciliates of the Genus Euplotes" in First International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia, Marseille (France): GIS Posidonie publ., 1994, p. 171-176. Proceedings of: First International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia, Marseille - FRANCE, 17th-18th January 1994

1994 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; I., N'Diaye; Pietra, Francesco, "AlmazoleC, a new indole alkaloid bearing an unusually 2,5-disubstituted oxazole moiety, and its putative biogenetic peptidic precursor , from a Senegalese delesseriacean seaweed" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 77, n. 7 (1994), p. 1999-2006

1994 : Mancini, Ines; M., Cavazza; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Competition among 1,2- and 1,3-acyl shifts and reduction reaction in the UV irradiation of cyclopent-2-en-1-ones bearing a C-3 terminal-alkyne chain" in JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. PERKIN TRANSACTIONS. I, v. 1994, (1994), p. 2181-2185

1994 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; C., Debitus; Pietra, Francesco, "Oceanapins A-F, unique branched ceramides isolated from the Haplosclerid sponge Oceanapia cf. tenuis of the Coral Sea" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 76, (1994), p. 51-58

1993 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; C., Debitus; Pietra, Francesco, "Una serie di ceramidi, nuove per ramificazione a entrambe le catene , isolate dalla spugna Oceanapia cf. tenuis", 1993, p. 111-111. Proceedings of: XXI Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica-SCI, Palermo, 28 settembre-2 ottob 1993

1993 : F., Dini; Guella, Graziano; P., Giubbilini; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Control of interspecific relathionships in marine ciliate protists by most evolved natural products" in NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN, v. 80, (1993), p. 84-86

1993 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; C., Laboute; C., Debitus; Pietra, Francesco, "Hemifistularin 3: a degraded peptide or biogenetic precursor? Isolation from a sponge of the order Verongida of the Coral Sea or generation from base tratment of 11-oxofistularin-3" in JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. PERKIN TRANSACTIONS. I, v. 1993, (1993), p. 3121-3125

1992 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "C15 Acetogenins and terpenes of the dictyoceratid sponge Spongia zimocca of il Rogiolo: a case of seaweed-metabolite transfer to, and elaboration within a sponge?" in COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY. B, COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY, v. 103, n. 4 (1992), p. 1019-1023

1992 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Chiasera, G.; Pietra, Francesco, "Rogiolenyne D, the likely immediate precursor of rogiolenyne A and B, branched C15 acetogenins isolated from the red seaweed Laurencia microcladia of the Il Rogiolo. Conformation and absolute configuration in the whole series" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 75, n. 1 (1992), p. 303-309

1992 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Chiasera, Giuseppe; Pietra, Francesco, "On the unusual propensity by the red seaweed Laurencia microcladia of Il Rogiolo to form C15 oxepanes: isolation of rogioloxepane A,B, C and their likely biogenetic acyclic precursor, prerogioloxepane" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 75, n. 1 (1992), p. 310-322

1992 : Guella, Graziano; Chiasera, G.; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Conformational Studies, from temperature-dependent NMR specta, of mari

ne polyalogenated chamigranes", 1992. Proceedings of: Seventh International Symposium on Marine Natural Products, Capri (NA), July 5th-10th 1992

1991 : Guella, Graziano; Chiasera, G.; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Conformational analysis of marine polyhalogenated beta-chamigranes through temperature-dependent NMR spectra" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 74, n. 4 (1991), p. 774-786

1991 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Sintesi di bretonine, gliceril eteri marini poliolefinici", 1991. Proceedings of: Giornate di Chimica delle Sstanze Naturali. Convegno Nazionale SCI Divisione di Chimica Organica, Maratea (PZ), 2-5- giugno 1991

1991 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Rogiolenine: le prime acetogenine C15 non lineari isolate dall'alga Laurencia microcladia del Rogiolo, Mar Tirreno", 1991. Proceedings of: Convegno nazionale Giornate di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali, NAT2, Maratea (PZ), 2-5 giugno 1991

1991 : I., N'Diaye; Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; J., Kornprobst; Pietra, Francesco, "Konakhin, a novel type of degraded sesterterpene. Isolation from a marine sponge of Senegal" in JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 2, (1991), p. 97-98

1991 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "Synthesis of the bretonins, polyolefinic esterified glyceryl ethers of an unidentified sponge from the north- Brittany sea:absolute configuration and novel structure assignment" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 74, (1991), p. 941-950

1991 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; I., N'Diaye; Pietra, Francesco, "C20 Furanoterpenic aldehydes co-occurring in dyctioceratid sponge with conjugated furanosesterpenic tetronic acids" in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 32, n. 44 (1991), p. 6415-6416

1990 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; M., Cavazza; Pietra, Francesco, "On the absolute configuration of penlanfuran and related sesquiterpenoids of the sponge Dysidea fragilis from the North-Brittany sea" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 73, (1990), p. 652-658

1990 : Guella, Graziano; Chiasera, G.; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Rogiolol-acetate : a new halogenated chamigrane from the sponge Spongia zimocca. An interesting case of dynamic process investigated by NMR lineshape analysis", 1990. Proceedings of: Congresso Interdivisionale della SCI, CISCI 90, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), 30 settembre- 5 otto 1990

1990 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; M., Cavazza; Pietra, Francesco, "On the absolute configuration of penlanfuran and related sesquiterpenoids of the sponge Dysidea fragilis from the North-Brittany sea", 1990. Proceedings of: Congresso Interdivisionale della SCI, CISCI90, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), 30 settembre-5 ottob 1990

1990 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Chiasera, G.; Pietra, Francesco, "Rogiolol acetate: a novel beta-chamigrane-type sesquiterpene isolated from a marine sponge" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 73, n. 6 (1990), p. 1612-1620

1989 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Chiasera, Giuseppe; Pietra, Francesco, "Sphinxolide, a 26-membered antitumoral macrolide isolated from an unidentified Pacific nudibranch" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 72, n. 2 (1989), p. 237-246

1989 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; H., Zibrowius; Pietra, Francesco, "Aplysinopsin-type alkaloids from Dendrophyllia sp., a scleractinian coral of the family Dendrophylliidae of the Philippines. Facile photochemical Z/E photoisomerization and thermal reversal" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 72, n. 7 (1989), p. 1444-1450

1989 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Bretonin A and isobretonin A, unique glycerol derivatives isolated from a demosponge of Brittany waters" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 72, n. 5 (1989), p. 1121-1124

1989 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; D., Duhet; B., Richer De Forges; Pietra, Francesco, "Ethyl 6-bromo-3-indolcarboxylate and 3-hydroxyacetyl-6-bromoindole, novel bromoindoles from the sponge Pleroma menoui of the Coral Sea" in ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG. SECTION C, BIOSCIENCES, v. 44, n. 11-12 (1989), p. 914-916

1989 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Chiasera, G.; Pietra, Francesco, "Nuovi macrolidi da un nudibranco dell'Oceano Pacifico", 1989. Proceedings of: Convegno Nazionale Giornate di Chimica delle Sstanze Naturali, Maratea (PZ), 28-31 maggio 1989

1988 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Pietra, Francesco, "A synthesis of (S)-(+)-cryptone" in GAZZETTA CHIMICA ITALIANA, v. 108, (1988), p. 447-449

1988 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; H., Zibrowius; Pietra, Francesco, "Novel aplysinopsin-type compounds from scleractinian corals of the family Dendrophyllidae of the Mediterraneanand the Philippines. Configurational-assignment criteria, stereospecific synthesis, and photoisomerization" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 71, (1988), p. 773-781

1988 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Isolation of ergosta-4,24(28)-dien-9-one from both Astrophorida demosponges and subantarctic hexactinellides" in COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY. B, COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY, v. 90B, (1988), p. 113-115

1987 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Verapliquinones:novel diprenylquinones from an Aplidium sp. (Ascidiacea) of Ile-Verte waters, Brittany" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 70, n. 3 (1987), p. 621-626

1987 : Mancini, Ines; Guella, Graziano; Guerriero, Antonio; A., Boldrini; Pietra, Francesco, "Adriadysolide, the First Monoterpenoid Isolated from a Marine Sponge" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 70, (1987), p. 2011-2018

1987 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Struttura e reattività di nuovi alchil glicerol enol eteri insaturi isolati dalle spugne Raspailia pumila e Raspailia racemosa", 1987. Proceedings of: Xvii Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica, Fiuggi, 13-18 settenbre 1987

1987 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Oxidative breaking of long-chain acetylenic enol ethers of glycerol of the marine sponge Raspailia pumila and R. ramosa" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 70, n. 5 (1987), p. 1400-1411

1987 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "Raspailynes, novel long-chain acetylenic glycerol enol ethers from the marine sponge Raspailia pumila e R. racemosa" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 70, n. 4 (1987), p. 1050-1062

1986 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Pietra, Francesco, "(+)-Raspailyne-A, a novel, acid-sensitive acetylenic enol ether glyceride from the marine sponge Raspailia pumila" in JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 1, (1986), p. 77-78

1985 : Guella, Graziano; Mancini, Ines; Guerriero, Antonio; Pietra, Francesco, "New Furano-Sesquiterpenoids from Mediterranean Sponges" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 68, n. 5 (1985), p. 1276-1282

1985 : Guella, Graziano; Guerriero, Antonio; Pietra, Francesco, "Sesquiterpenoids of the Sponge Dysidea fragilis of the North-Bryttany Sea" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 68, n. 1 (1985), p. 39-48

1984 : Guella, Graziano; M., Cavazza; Guerriero, Antonio; Pietra, Francesco, "Synthesis of the Alleged Natural Monoterpenoid a-Santolinenone" in HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, v. 67, n. 5 (1984), p. 1248-1253

1983 : Guella, Graziano; Guerriero, Antonio; P., Traldi; Pietra, Francesco, "Penlanfuran, a new furanoid sesquiterpene from the marine sponge Dysidea fragilis (Mont.) of Brittany. A striking difference with the same Hawaiian species." in TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v. 24, n. 36 (1983), p. 3897-3898

1983 : Guella, Graziano; L., Pasimeni; C., Corvaja; C. A., Dore; M., Vicentini, "Crystal structure of biphenyl-1,2,4,5-tetracyanobenzene 1:1 CT complex and EPR investigation of photoexcited triplet excitons" in MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS, v. 91, n. 1-2 (1983), p. 25-38

1982 : L., Pasimeni; Guella, Graziano; C., Corvaja, "EPR investigation of excited triplet states in single crystals of charge-transfer complexes of diphenylacetylene-tetracyanobenzene" in JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, v. 47, n. 2 (1982), p. 240-250. - DOI: doi:10.1016/0022-2364(82)90117-2

1981 : L., Pasimeni; Guella, Graziano; C., Corvaja, "EPR study of spin polarization of charge-transfer triplet excitons in anthracene-tetracyanobenzene single crystals" in CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, v. 84, n. 3 (1981), p. 466-470
