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Arranged by

Howard Wallach

• i n i i f I ■ National Guitar t ■ Woi ksiiop Booh am KliMM

in Tablature

Arranged by

Howard Wallach CONTENTS Signs, Symbols and Terms Used in ibis Rt**k

The Arranger,.,.„...„......

MUSIC of the RENAISSANCE Djunta (Anon) ,,,.,,.

Saltarello (Galilei) ....

Ga^liiirdi (Anon} ..

Pavarn* (Aftatgriartf) ......

Gal Liard u ( Altaignant) ............

Ij. Brosse (Attaignant) ..

Packington’is Pound (Cutting}

O’Sweet Oliver (Anon) .

Ptg-A-Rsunsey (Anon)

Wiisoo's Wilde (Anon) ..

Gnccnslecves (Anon) .

Kemp’s Jig (Amu) ....

Wackin’s Ale (Anon) ..............

Pissamezze (LeRoy) ...


MUSIC of the BAROQUE ERA Tordigliore (CaJvi) ..

Spagnoleua (Calvi) .........

Aria tli Fiorcnaa (Calvi) ....

Canaria (Cafvi) .«r„.„^rrr.,.,w..,

Villanu (Sanl) .......

Rujern ($at:z) .....

Espanoleta (Sant) ......

Canaries (Sum) .......

Menuei (Vide) ......

Gavotte (Virde) ....

Mcnuct 1 (Visee) ........

Munuci II (Visee) ....

Sarahunde (Visee) ...

Bourree (Visee) .....

MUSIC of the CLASSICAL PERIOD .. i. Prelude in C Majfjr (Curctisii) . 55

- 5 English Dance (Camlli) .. 56

.. S Waltz (Carnlli) .. 58

EO Sicillana (CantUi) . ...60

.12 Andantinn (Carcassi) ..62

■ 14 Study in A Minor (Cavcatti) ........

. 16 Study in E Minor (Cnrcassi) .. 6b

.18 Study in A Minor ,,..67

. 19 Study in E Minor (Aguado) ..,...68

.20 Andante in C Major (Sar) . ,...70

.23 Study in A Minor (Sor) . ,...72

,24 Minuet in G Major f.for) .. .73

.26 Study in A Minor (SwJ . 14

.28 Andante in E Minor fSor) ..... ......76

Study in C Major (Sar) ........78

Study in B Minor (Sor) ...,......,,,....80

'52 MUSIC of the ROMANTIC ERA .34 Lagrima iTrirrega) .. 83

37 Study in C Major (Tdrrtga) . 85

.38 Adelifa (Tdrrega)

39 El Noy de la Mare (Traditional) .. 88

Romance de Amor—Spanish Ballad (Tradithttal).91

.43 Romance tie Amor—TrCdlplO Version (Wtthtub) ..,,,,...94




&jpiyrig'liL0.\lM 11 □ward WnlLidi & 1 jllvi■:C Shrtw.'dter

l .k-L'HH-rl HsdiiRindy In Wcirkslinp- Art*. Inr. t^rinled in USA.

Acttuinirion amf (djiarul: Nalhuniel Gunsd

Cover : 1 unatliy Phi I pi

Cover photo of Hauser ^ruiljir nourttsv nil" Guitar SiiEnn InltTnatinnal

ESESN I -929395- t3-H

Copyrighled ima

Signs, Symbols and Terms

Used in this Book

Ri&bi Hand Indications p - Thumb

i - Index Finger

m * Middle Finger

li - Ring Finger

f - Arpeggiare the chord with right-hand

1 fingers or thumb

Left Hand indications

^ - Hammer-on if to a higher note* or or or 1

puliofF if to a lower note.

B or C - Bar indicated fret with 1st finger.

■/jB or VsC - Half bar indicated fret.

- Sharp. Raise die note one half step (one frer).

X - Double Sharp, Raise the note one whole step (two frets).

= Plat, tower the note one half step (one fret).

= Double flat. Lower the more one whole step (two frees).

Jj = Natural. Returns a sharp or flat to its natural position.

© = D * Tune the 6rh string down to D

(T) = G - Tune the 6th string down to G

- Tune the 3rd string down to P*

2 3 i (i . 1148 C? - Time Signatures. The number on top indicates the number of

beats per measure. The number on the bottom indicates which

note value equals one beat. A Y indicates chat the quarter note

equals one beat. An ' *T indicates char the eighth note equals one

beat. The C refers to mntrnn tim, which is the same as \ time.

The refer:-; ro cut tim, which is the same as ^ c ime.

= 1st and 2nd endings. Play r' I the I i rst time; play

i tilt second time, omit ring T " I.

I = Repeal signs..

D.C. at t ine = Dii Capo a! Vim. Repeat from the beginning until the word

Fine (end).

= Femnta. I in-ld sign. Indicates that the note should be held for

longer ttian its written duration.

= Tie. Joins two or more notes of the .time pitch to create one

longer note chat lasts for the duration of the combined note


Copyrighted material


Tempo hid icar ion.1;





And anti no





- Slowly; smoothly, leisurely,

- Quite lively; moderately last, her ween Andante and Allegro.

- Lively; fast, brisk1 rapid.

- Moving at a moderate rare.

- A little slower than Andante, but often used as if meaning a little faster.

- Slightly faster than Largo.

- Very stow; slower than Adagio.

- Slow; between Andante and Largo,

- Moderately; at a moderate rate.

Types of Pieces


Gag 1 iarda/Gal 3 i ard








Sici liana

- 17th and 18th-century French dance in quick \ time.

- Ifkh-crntury dance in moderately quick triple time (any time signature with three beats to

the measure).

- 17th and 18th-century French dance in moderate } time.

■ Graceful dance in moderate triple time.

- Courtly 16th-century dance in rather slow duple merer (any rime signature with two bears ro

the measure).

- 16th-century Italian dance in mode rare j rime,

- A non - dance piece, sometimes of an introductory character.

- 16th-century Italian dance in fast triple meter.

- 17th and 18 th-century dance in slow triple meter and of a dignified character.

- A piece in | time or meter in moderate tempo suggestive of a pastoral scene.

Tablacure Explanation

Tablature is a system ol notation that graphically represents the strings and

frets of the guitar fingerboard. Each note is indicated by placing a number,

which indicates the fret to play, on the appropriate string.

2nd Siring. Wth fnrtJ

Jth String. 3!li fret

The Arranger Howard Wallach was bum in Cleveland, Ohio. At the age uf ten, lie began performing on

bruit ji22 and 1rla.s5.Lcal guitar. AfrL-F studying with guitar virtuoso Miguel Rubio at the

Conservatory of Lausanne, Switzerland, lw completed his Bachelor of Music at the Peabody

Conservatory ot the Johns Hopkins University under the renowned educator Aaron Shearer.

K.L$ graduate studies were undertaken at the University of" Houston.

Mr. WsJIach has giv^n many solo ami ensemble peTfbrmaniCCS on both guitar and Lure in

Switzerland, Ho It i more, Houston, Washington., D.C.h Cleveland and Philadelphia, Cur¬

rently residing in Houston, be teaches at Houston Community College and at lee College

in Baytown, Tt^as.

Thle one

BZ22-KQC-S6HT ^ria,l


Danza ANON (16lh Cenlury)

,6 1. !J J iIH , 3J- 4 'uiTn „i ,»- ■i j n, j' ^aJn i i J cs - — „ ji. r<¥ti* i/ - P" “—v-

5'-TTf T 5*f * *f Tf T

A A A_A_ii. A

0 4 j. Q 0 ft fk /I J 4 A u y U f ^ u A | i 2 -1-—--4- —1- B-; 2—i-=— - —a-a- —a—--

ft tf ij i ,44 ^ j4 4-*J. 3-T*^ 3 4- -hjLJ^l fll j j 4 4 i J j Ji w M . * J 2 1

■JC' H ,, m *1^ ' w — . . -n p s

v *Y f 5,r ‘r r zf i frp - ^ * i i i r r 4

T 1 f 7 7“ i i ^ ° ci M ^ 5 5 f ^ 1 l * v 1/ * £ U 0 tr 7 7 -A 4 -i 4—1—+- —4-ffl“ -1— -1—*—s-§- -4-4-2- B 2 2 -a- -a—a-

a, J. N 1—1 » 2J aJol ^4_4* 4 ~4jZ o o 1 41 1 3 J Jr tr .<> Jt” ■' I J r ^ ” > 3d ■ m 53B i “ m “+“1B' fik s 11 * 1 ■ »., # 1 “ t. L 3 9 W Lkt_1 1 * %7 *

h r T t f J T r f

-T—-8- ° 4 B 0 -,3-a-3- ? 3 *- W - “ -3—t-1

A ^ . - ■ - --=-2-a-- -r-fl-«- -£-& --G-a-

B 2 -----a-—e— —a-a —a-e-

B III-1 B LI-,

ti t A J i/*t\ j ^ i °j ij- 4J^J oj b ii-1

1!L_1 V * , ^ * * : ^ • J-v * -. *— ^ *. l r, 1 ^

iVSI/ "__; m_h___"M---T_ , m_ ^_■ 1_TM_ill_i_J

r r t * 'f T '


r f r f f

q_a. «a -ii_ii

*1 1

1 ^ 1 c ^ ft ^ 1 Tl fl 7 ft ft | J J a J U JE ■£ ^ z- J 0 0 * -—----4- 4———-- - -“-4—---- —— -4-f-r- B —-^-2— 3 3

—a—4- -0— —a- -J--fr-2-—


Copyrighted material

Copyrighted material


Gagliarda © =D

ANON (16th Century)

jl i 2J 1

' - £3 11 ---1

T ̂ :jj- -J— 4— -- i i *- x ' r


T 1


f r


T f


: 1 ■1— -o-s— -2-



Copyrighted material

Copyrighted material


La Brosse Pierre Attaingmant

(c. 1480 -d 1552)

Copyrighted material

Copyrighted material

Copyrighted material


Wilson's Wilde

ANON M6tb Century}

T -°- -3-u

5 ft 1

A 1 ft p ft ft D v y

Copyrighted material



iM» "J =f m l ™ t .j “J 2 °a j* “J

* - - —1 f


r ——--————a-

r -0---^-£—-B“- -T-e-

—n-^ -a-9-—2-a- -a- ^Jk- B .. .. . - -9- -


jp^ i *A—, —j—! ̂ L . j j ,j -j j

4 r

-2-e-2r--4-5- F* 4-e-

r r--0---

r i—-*---

-T- —*--- —B- -8--—-e~— -a--—-a—

4 °-=- La- -a-


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