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Sarah Breedlove Walker (Madam CJ)

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Birthday: December 23Political:Religion: African Methodist EpiscopalHometown: Delta, Louisiana


Madam CJ Walker I am so proud that my company has been recognized as a credit to the women of our race. At Booker T Washington’s request, I am the main speaker at next month’s NNBL convention. Nervous? Nahhh… Honored? YAHHH!! August 16, 1912


Madam CJ Walker Abandon the washtub and join the thousands of colored women who have found a more pleasant and profitable occupation – join Lelia College to learn how!May 20, 1908

Madam CJ Walker I’m off on a tour of 9 states. Can’t wait to tell all the black women that to gain respect and succeed in a white-run world , a good appearance is crucial. They should give their hair proper attention.Jan 5, 1906

Madam CJ Walker Off to Denver! Wish me luck selling my three hair products door –to- door.July 2, 1905

Madam CJ Walker My secret hair mixture seems to be working!! My hair is now looking so straight and shiny. It works best with a heated steel French comb.March 23, 1905

Madam CJ Walker I think my bald patches and dandruff are making me crazy! Had a weird dream last night…a big black man showed up and told me what to mix up for my hair.January 28, 1905

Mary McLeod Bethune

Ida Wells -Barnett

Charlotte Hawkins Smith

Personal Information


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Basic Information


Networks: NACW, NNBL, Madame CJ Walker Hair Culturist Union of America Birthday: December 23,1867Political: NAACP

Religion: African Methodist EpiscopalHometown: Delta, Louisiana.


Networks: Sex: FemaleBirthday: December 23 1867Hometown: Delta, LouisianaRelationship Status: married

Political Views: This is the greatest country under the sun. We should protest until the American sense of wrong and injustice is aroused. Religious Views: African Methodist Episcopal

Activities: Social & Civil Rights Activist, Philanthropy,

Interests: Beauty Products, music, art, theater, luxury cars

Favorite Music: Irving Berlin, ragtime music

Favorite Movies: Vanity Fair

Favorite Books: The Secret Garden, Phantom of the Opera

Education: Self-taught. No formal education except some night school in St. Louis, MO

Personality Traits: Hard-working, strong-willed, fighter, survivor, generous, inspirational spirit, devoted, kind

Madam CJ

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Invention Information

Invention Name: “Walker System” – hair care products; and “Walker Method” – hair styling method

Patent Date: (Unknown) Original products were invented in 1905

Use/Application: The “Walker System” includes shampoo, a pomade or “hair grower” and hair gloss. The Method involves vigorous brushing and the application of heated hair combs. The Method transforms stubborn, lusterless hair into shining smoothness.

Impact on Society: The Walker System and Method creates a safe and comfortable way for black women to be pampered. This kind of attention boosts black women’s self-confidence and alleviates the daily stress that black women suffer from. In addition to feeling physically beautiful, this allows women to have a beautiful mind and soul.

Importance of the Invention Today: Women of all backgrounds are succeeding in starting their own businesses and are highly respected in the industry

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