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FACSIMILE VERIFICA DELLA PREPARAZIONE PERSONALE LETTERATURA INGLESE Bibliografia di riferimento: L. M. Crisafulli – K. Elam, Manuale di letteratura e cultura inglese, Bononia UP, 2009, pp. 7-410.

Oppure: John Peck and Martin Coyle, A Brief History of English Literature , Macmillan, 2013. 1) Fill in with the appropriate information: (You will be given a list of British authors, and a list of titles of literary works, and you will have to provide the missing information).

Author Period and/or current in Literary history


Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte Victorian Age Novel

As You Like It Shakespeare Renaissance/Early modern literature/Elizabethan literature


Mrs Dalloway



Author Period and/or current in Literary History

Title of one of his major works

Literary genre

James Joyce Modernism/Early twentieth century

Dubliners Short Stories

Daniel Defoe Early eighteen century Robinson Crusoe Novel

Christopher Marlowe



2) Read the following passage and write a short (150-250 words) description/commentary on it. Your reply should include the answer to the following questions:

When (in what period/century) was it written? What is this passage about?

No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to

be an heroine. Her situation in life, the character of her father and mother, her own person and

disposition, were all equally against her. Her father was a clergyman, without being neglected,

or poor, and a very respectable man, though his name was Richard—and he had never been

handsome. He had a considerable independence besides two good livings—and he was not in

the least addicted to locking up his daughters. Her mother was a woman of useful plain sense,

with a good temper, and, what is more remarkable, with a good constitution. She had three sons

before Catherine was born; and instead of dying in bringing the latter into the world, as

anybody might expect, she still lived on—lived to have six children more—to see them growing

up around her, and to enjoy excellent health herself. A family of ten children will be always

called a fine family, where there are heads and arms and legs enough for the number; but the

Morlands had little other right to the word, for they were in general very plain, and Catherine,

for many years of her life, as plain as any. She had a thin awkward figure, a sallow skin without

colour, dark lank hair, and strong features—so much for her person; and not less unpropitious

for heroism seemed her mind. She was fond of all boy’s plays, and greatly preferred cricket not

merely to dolls, but to the more heroic enjoyments of infancy, nursing a dormouse, feeding a

canary-bird, or watering a rose-bush. Indeed she had no taste for a garden; and if she gathered

flowers at all, it was chiefly for the pleasure of mischief—at least so it was conjectured from her

always preferring those which she was forbidden to take.

(Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey)

FACSIMILE VERIFICA DELLA PREPARAZIONE PERSONALE LETTERATURA ANGLO-AMERICANA Bibliografia di riferimento: G. Fink et al., Storia della letteratura americana. Dai canti dei pellerossa a Philip Roth, Rizzoli e M. Bacigalupo, "America: una cultura etica?", http://www.academia.edu/6588052/America_una_cultura_etica 1) Fill in with the appropriate information: (You will be given a list of Anglo-American authors, and a list of titles of literary works, and you will have to provide the missing information).

Author Period and/or current in Literary history


Moby Dick H. Melville Nineteenth Century Novel

The Wings of the Dove

H. James Early Modernism Novel



Author Period and/or current in Literary History

Title of one of his major works

Literary genre

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Transcendentalism Self-reliance essay

Don de Lillo Postmodernism Cosmopolis novel



b) Read the following passage and write a short (150-250 words) description/commentary on it. Your reply should include the answer to the following questions:

When (in what period/century) was it written? What is this passage about?

The liquor soon mounted into their heads, as it generally does even with the arrantest topers

[inveterate drinkers] newly landed from sea…

I observed, however, that one of them held somewhat aloof, and though he seemed desirous

not to spoil the hilarity of his shipmates by his own sober face, yet upon the whole he refrained

from making as much noise as the rest. This man interested me at once ; and since the sea-gods

had ordained that he should soon become my shipmate (though but a sleeping-partner one, so

far as this narrative is concerned), I will here venture upon a little description of him. He stood

full six feet in height, with noble shoulders, and a chest like a coffer-dam. I have seldom seen

such brawn [=muscle] in a man. His face was deeply brown and burnt, making his white teeth

dazzling by the contrast ; while in the deep shadows of his eyes floated some reminiscences

that did not seem to give him much joy. His voice at once announced that he was a Southerner,

and from his fine stature, I thought he must be one of those tall mountaineers from the

Alleghanian Ridge in Virginia. When the revelry of his companions had mounted to its height,

this man slipped away unobserved, and I saw no more of him till he became my comrade on the

sea. In a few minutes, however, he was missed by his shipmates, and being, it seems, for some

reason a huge favourite with them, they raised a cry of “Bulkington ! Bulkington ! where’ s

Bulkington ?”and darted out of the house in pursuit of him.

(H. Melville, Moby Dick)

FACSIMILE VERIFICA DELLA PREPARAZIONE PERSONALE LINGUISTICA INGLESE Bibliografia di riferimento: Ballard, Kim. 2013 (3rd ed.). The Frameworks of English. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. (solo Part I, Part II, Part III e Part V). NB. La seconda, ma non la prima, edizione di questo libro va pure bene. Gli studenti che abbiano studiato nel corso di Lingue e Culture Moderne di Genova possono, in alternativa, utilizzare i libri di testo del primo e del secondo anno (Roach e van Gelderen, rispettivamente), con l'aggiunta del solo Capitolo 3 da Ballard. Gli esercizi nel test di linguistica inglese sono simili a quelli che si trovano in Ballard. Si tratta di esercizi che possono essere svolti senza la necessità di dizionari, quali l'identificazione di 'word classes', divisione in morfemi (di parole comuni), identificazione di sintagmi ('phrases'), tense and aspect, clause structures, sentence types, descrizione di consonanti e vocali, identificazione di vocali all'interno di parole usando l'IPA, struttura sillabica, identificazione dell'accento primario e secondario. Un esempio di test è fornito di seguito.

English Linguistics

Sample solutions are in red.


1. Describe the following phonemes:

/V/, /l/

/V/ is a central, (open-)mid, neutral vowel.

/l/ is a lateral, voiced approximant.

2. Divide the segments making up the word steak according to the following template:

Onset Peak Coda

Pre-initial Initial Post-initial Pre-final Final Post-final 1 Post-final 2 Post-final 3

s t eI k


3. Divide the following words into prefixes, roots (R)/combining forms (CF) and suffixes:

prefix root/CF suffix

unreliable __un_______ ______rely________ ______able_________________

readership ___________ ____read______________ _____er, ship________________

4. What word-formation strategy does stagflation (< stagnation + inflation) illustrate? ___blend(ing)____


5. Identify the clause structure of the following examples by labelling the elements using S, V, O, C, A.

I have never seen you so angry. [I]S [have never seen]V [you]O [so angry]C

Who asked for your advice? [who]S [asked]V [for your advice]O

He has given up everything. [He]S [has given up]V [everything]O

I didn’t leave it in the kitchen. [I]S [didn’t leave]V [it]O [in the kitchen]A or C

6. Identify the type of each underlined phrase.

I’ve never seen you so angry. adjective phrase

Who asked for your advice? prepositional phrase

He’s given up everything. noun phrase

I didn’t leave it in the kitchen. noun phrase

7. Identify the tense, aspect and voice (active vs. passive) of the underlined phrases.

He should have been prevented from taking the pills. Past tense, perfect aspect, passive voice.

They claim to have been unaware of her decision. No tense, perfect aspect, active voice.

They’ve been arguing for ages. Present tense, perfect + progressive aspect, active


8. List all subordinate clauses in the following text.

The number of police CCTV cameras trained on Britain's roads has almost doubled over the last three years,

giving police forces and the intelligence agencies access to up to 26 million images a day. There are now

more than 8,000 cameras in the network, with senior officers hopeful of extending it further because they

regard it as a key tool that helps to cut crime and save lives.

Subordinate clauses:

trained on Britain's roads,

giving police forces and the intelligence agencies access to up to 26 million images a day,

hopeful of extending it further or just of extending it further,

because they regard it as a key tool that helps to cut crime and save lives,

that helps to cut crime and save lives,

to cut crime and save lives.
