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History Department

In last week’s lessons we looked at how the life of Tom changed whilst Britain changed around him.

For this cover lesson I want you to complete a “Storyboard” of 6 images which show how Tom’s life changed….use lots of colours and try to complete the events in the correct, chronological order! Don’t forget to write a sentence under each box to say what’s happening!

Things you could include:-

• Tom as a boy learning to weave with his Dad

• Tom falling in love with the girl

• Tom leaving the countryside to go to the city

• Tom learning how the power loom worked

• Tom working his way up in the factory to being second in charge

• How the factory changed – lots of child workers

• Tom witnessing how the child injured her leg underneath the machine

• Tom showing the new accountant (young man) around the factory

History DepartmentTom’s journey through the Industrial

Revolution by…………………...

History Department

STARTER ACTIVITY : CHRONOLOGY :place the following dates in order onto the timeline


50BC 100BC 1066 1642

1750 1767 1779 1785

History Department


Begin to explore why factory reform was needed

History Department


History Department

QUIZ TIMETrue or False?Children today in the UK can only work with a permit by the council?

History Department

QUIZ TIMETrue or False?Children are allowed to work in a factory, or in a building site?

History Department


True or False?Children are allowed to work during the hours of 0900 and 1530 hrs?

History Department

QUIZ TIMETrue or False?Children are allowed to work before 7am in the morning, but not after 8pm in the evening?

History Department

QUIZ TIMETrue or False?If a child works for more than four hours, they must take a break of 1 hour?

History Department


True or False?If a child works without having a two week break from any work during the school holidays in each calendar year then s/he breaks the law

History Department

Why have these laws been made?

History Department

Page 27

History Department

History Department

History Department

History Department

History Department

History Department

Looking at the image on p27 can you list in bullet points what life would have been like for a child working in a factory?
