Fad Diets Nicholas Collela Robert Fahler. “Question, Answer and Facts” 0 How many Americans go...


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Fad DietsNicholas CollelaRobert Fahler

“Question, Answer and Facts”

0 How many Americans go on diets each year?

50 million Americans go on a diet each year, but only 5 %

manage to keep their weight off for the long run.

“Question, Answer and Facts”

0 How much money they think is spent on diet products, such as pills, drinks, weight loss programs throughout each year?

Consumers spend 30 billion dollars on products each year.

Magic diet that will help lose weight quickly without little effort.

The “new” and “revolutionary” FAD diets come in many disguises but are most likely old FAD diets making an encore appearance.

FAD Diets of the Past Decade

0Get into 3 groups of 50You will have 1-2 minutes to write down

as many FAD diets you can come up with

The Hollywood Diet

The South Beach Diet

The Atkins Diet

The Liquid Diet

The HCG Diet

The Acai Berry Diet

Why are Fad Diets so popular?

Risks of Fad Diets

Healthy Weight Management Alternatives

Easy Changes

0Water or low-fat milk.0Eat breakfast. Packing fruit for a snack instead of

buying chips or candy.0Eating more whole grains. 0Choosing lean meats like chicken and fish0Eating a serving of fruit and/or vegetable 0Watch your portion sizes

Physical Activity

The best way to burn calories!

Mr. Colella195lbs

6’3”Activity: Vigorous

Mr. Fahler165lbs5’10”

Activity: Moderate

How Can You Spot a Fad Diet?

Expert Groups0Form groups of 3 with your classmates; Each group

will be given a Fad Diet to research.

0Cabbage Soup Diet, Atkins Diet, Dunkan Diet, Paleo Diet, and HCG diet.

0Each group will be given a worksheet to complete0Each group will become an expert on their fad diet

and share the main points about their diet in our class discussion
