Faisal Abdillahi White 2. A…is for Abdominals They are the muscles that are between your pelvis...


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Faisal Abdillahi

White 2

A…is for Abdominals

They are the muscles

that are between your

pelvis and thorax.

B…is for Bicep

It is the anterior part of

the upper arms. This

muscle has two heads.

C…is for Cardiac Muscle

Striated muscle in the

heart. It contracts to

help the heart pump

blood throughout the


D…is for Deltoid

The deltoid is the

muscle of the

shoulder. It is

made up of three

different muscles.

E…is for Epithelium

Epithelium is the

tissue that is

composed of the

cells that lines many

structures of the


F…is for Femur

The femur is the bone of

the thigh. It’s the longest

and largest bone of the


G…is for Gingival

Consists of mucosal

tissue and lies over

the alveolar bone.

H…is for Heart

The heart is a muscular

organ in all vertebrates .

It’s responsible for

pumping blood

throughout the whole


I…is for Ileum

The ileum is the last region

of the small intestine. It

takes the food from the

stomach into the large


J…is for Jejunum

The jejunum is the

middle portion of the

small intestine.

K…is for Keratin

Keratins are fibrous

structural proteins that

from hard structures.

L…is for Large Intestine

It is the end of the

digestive system. It’s

function is to absorb

water and nutrients

from food material.

M…is for Maxilla

The maxilla is the

upper part of the jaw,

which is attached to

the skull and has no


N…is for Nares

The nares are the

nostrils of the nose. It’s

one of the beginning

airways of the

respiratory system.

O…is for Orbital

Orbital is a word in

anatomy that means

pertaining to the eye.

P...is for Patella

The patella is the

anatomical word for the

kneecap. It lies above

the joint where the tibia

and femur connect.

Q…is for Quadriceps

The quadriceps are the

muscles that make up

the anterior part of the

upper leg. It is made up

of four different


R…is for Retina

The retina is the

tissue that lines the

inner part of the


S…is for Submandibular Gland

The submandibular

gland lies in the

mandible. It makes

saliva and sends in

into the mouth.

T…is for Triceps

The triceps are the

posterior muscle of the

upper arm. It consists of

three separate muscles.

U…is for Ulna

The ulna is the larger

of the two bones in

the forearm. It also

makes up the elbow.

V…is for Vein

The veins are the blood

vessels in the body that

take blood from the

body towards to heart.

Carries de-oxygenated


W…is for White Blood Cells

White blood cells are the

largest cells in your

blood. They are part of

your immune system

and help you fight

against infection.

X…is for X-chromosome

The x-chromosome is

one of the two gender-



Y…is for Yellow Marrow

Yellow marrow is bone

marrow that is yellow

from fat. It is also found at

the ends of long bones.

Z…is for Zygomatic Bone

The zygomatic bone

is the prominence

part of the cheek

bone. It is a lateral

part of the upper
