FALL11 Carpenter


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  • 8/4/2019 FALL11 Carpenter


    Online Media JMC 305(H)Arizona State University |Walter Cronkite School ofJournalism and MassCommunication

    Fall Semester 2011T/Th 12-1:50pmCronkite 318Prerequisite:JMC 201

    CONTACT Dr. Serena CarpenterEmail: Serena.Carpenter@asu.eduTwitter: @drcarp

    Office hours: Rm. #385, Thu. 10-11am, 2-6pmCourse hashtag: #jmc305Google plus circle: jmc305-fall11Teaching Handouts:http://serenacarpenter.com/?page_id=19


    Class Materials It is also mandatory that you purchase:1. Portable external hard drive. Buy itwithin two weeks. Itneeds to be a FireWire 400, not USB, and the size of the

    drive should be at least100 GB and must be Mac orMac/PCcompatible. Do not save material until drive has beenformatted. Try Frys Electronics or online (B&H Photo Video,TigerDirect, Apple store, Newegg or Amazon). It isrecommended to buy a G-Force (Technology) or Maxtorexternal hard drive. Do not leave cord connected whenstoring device. Avoid Western Digital. There also have beenconnection/reliability issues with LaCie and reliability issueswith Iomega.2. Headphones. Any standard headphone will work for thisclass.3. Three-ring binder. There are numerous handouts

    provided for this class because no text is required. You areexpected to troubleshoot problems on your own. I put many ofthe handouts on my Teaching webpage. There are FREEonline resources available including:

    Lynda (online video tutorials) http://www.lynda.com/

    Journalists Toolboxhttp://www.journaliststoolbox.org/

    Society of News Design toolkit http://toolkit.snd.org/


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    YouTube provides many tutorials as well.

    Course Goals

    Course Changes Class assignments and lectures reflect the changing nature ofonline communication. The professor may make changes inthe course schedule as the semester progresses, and thusstudents used to structure may experience discomfort in thisclass.

    Equipment Students will be able to check out equipment, including digitalcameras, audio recorders, video cameras and tripods.

    Equipment can be checked out for a maximum of 24-36hours from Room 608.

    Equipment for the weekend can be checked out if s/he

    picks up the camera after 3 p.m. on Friday and returns it by10 a.m. the following Monday.

    If you are one minute late, your check out privileges willbe revoked. Students are strongly encouraged to reserveequipment well in advanced.

    Equipment can be reserved by stopping in Room 608 or bycalling 602.496.5253. Hours are Mon.-Thur.8 am -10 pm, Fri. 8 am - 7 pm, and Sat. 10 am - 5 pm.

    It is the students responsibility to ensure that s/hehas all of the necessary equipment, NOT the lab employee.

    All equipment, and all content captured by theequipment, is the sole property of Arizona State University

    and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and MassCommunication. The content captured is intended for thesole purpose of meeting the goals and objectives of thiscourse, and may not be used, distributed or sold for anyother purpose without the express consent of the instructoror authorized administrator.

    Any violation of the video usage guidelines or theCronkite School Equipment Checkout Agreement is subjectto referral to the Standards Committee for possibledisciplinary action.


    To write and edit for online users

    To become more newer media literate To understand basic visual communication

    To shoot and edit visual media

    To create sites using basic HTML, contentmanagement systems, and Dreamweaver

    To understand how to connect content withonline users

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    Software Adobe Creative Suite 5 (CS5) (Photoshop, Dreamweaver),Fetch FTP, and Apple Final Cut Pro. Dreamweaver andPhotoshop on the video editing bay computers are olderversions than the rest of the building. Students must NOT

    work on Adobe projects in the editingbays or projects WILLBECOME CORRUPTED.


    Class Lab Hours

    Mon. Thurs. 7am 10pm, Fri. 7am 7pm, Sat.12pm 9pm, Sun. 11am 8pm

    Please check the sheet outside the door during theweekdays to see when labs are open.

    There are also video edit bays on the 6th floor for youruse.

    Software specialist Nic Lindh will be on hand to helpstudents in room 352 Tues/Thurs 2-5pm.


    Video Editing (Final Cut Pro)

    Video Shooting (Sony Handicam)

    Image Editing (Photoshop)

    Web Editing (Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS)

    Content Management System (WordPress)

    Data Visualization (Google Maps, Timelines, Swivel)

    Design (Web, Typography)

    Writing (Online, Search Engine Optimization, Hyperlinking)

    Social Media (Twitter, Tumblr, Blogging, LinkedIn, Facebook,

    YouTube, Vimeo)

    Analytics (Bit.ly, Sitemeter, Google Analytics, Feedburner)

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    Please do not disrupt the class time with ringing cellphones, text messages, private conversations, etc. Duringclass time, you will be allowed to use a personal laptop onlyto take notes. You are prohibited to use the laptop duringclass time for personal reasons, such as email, webbrowsing, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Such activities are asevere distraction for not only the professor, but also yourpeers. Engaging in personal activities online will result in byasked to leave class by the professor, possible gradededuction, or discontinued use of the laptop.

    Drink and food are not allowed in the classroom.

    Please arrive to class on time and listen respectfullywhile the instructor, guest lecturer or other students arespeaking. This also includes not checking email orsocial networking sites.

    Tardiness and use of these devices/internet duringlectures will affect your final grade and you

    may be asked to leave the classroom. If you finish your assignment early, you can go online,

    however, if you are doing this during class, you will bedocked points each time.

    If you do not actively participate in class discussions,you will also be docked.

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    Attendance There are no excused absences. However, you can misstwo classes, and any absences beyond two classes will resultin a minimum of a full-grade penalty on your semester grade

    for each missed class. Tardiness is considered the same asan absence, and will affect your final grade. It is advised notto miss class because each class reflects a uniqueknowledge area.

    Deadlines Homework is due at the beginningof each class withoutexception. Assignments handed in one day, one hour or oneminute late will receive the minimum of two full gradedeductions.

    This is a class where you learn a new application almost

    every week. Thus, if you plan to do your assignment at thelast minute and you are unfamiliar with the technology, thereis a good chance you will be late. You should save yourselfenough time to be able to ask the professor a question if aproblem should occur, or save yourself enough time toresearch how to troubleshoot the problem.

    Academic Integrity Adhering to a high ethical standard is of special importance inthe world of journalism, where reliability and credibility are thecornerstones of the field. Therefore, the Cronkite School hasadopted a zero tolerance policy on academic dishonesty. If

    any student is found to have engaged in academic dishonestyin any form - including but not limited to cheating, plagiarizingand fabricating - that student will receive a grade of XE for theclass and will be dismissed from the Walter Cronkite Schoolof Journalism and Mass Communication. Reinstatement willnot be considered. There will be no exceptions. At thebeginning of every Cronkite class, each student will be givena copy of the full academic integrity policy, along withaccompanying information on plagiarism. Students must signa pledge that indicates they have read and understood thematerial and agree to abide by the policy.

    Cronkitezine If final project work is of high quality; it will be published onthe Cronkitezine online magazine. It can be accessed athttp://cronkitezine.asu.edu/fall2010/ ;http://cronkitezine.asu.edu/spring2010/ ;http://cronkitezine.asu.edu/fall2009/ ;


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    Assignments You will be given in-class assignments and exercises, as wellas outside of class assignments. You will have to completesome of the work on your personal computer or in a computerlab. Unless specified in the syllabus, all work must be printedand turned in at the beginning of class.

    All papers must be typed. Save all of your homework onyour external driveanda personal computer. At leastonce a year, a students computer crashes and s/he losesher/his work. In the online world, it is imperative to back upyour work.

    You also will work on a final project that will pull together theskills you will learn in this class. The instructor will divide theclass into teams. Each person is required to pull her/his ownweight. If one member does not pull their weight, their gradewill be adversely affected.

    Readings Readings are listed on the day that they are due. It is yourresponsibility to look ahead to the next class period todetermine what should be read for that days class.

    Grading Grading of assignments, exercises and the final project will bebased on your ideas, work ethic, meeting deadlines, quality ofwriting, grammar and spelling as well as your understandingof the web fundamentals. No C- or D+ grades can be given.And it takes a lot of hard work on every assignmentto get anA. Individual assignments and the final grade will be graded

    as follows:

    97-100% = A+ (youre a writing, reporting & multimedia star)94-96% = A90-93% = A-87-89% = B+84-86% = B (very competent)80-83% = B-77-79% = C+74-76% = C (average)60-69% = D (come see me)59% and below = E (come see me)


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    Online Media JMC 425-03(H) AssignmentsArizona State University |Walter Cronkite School ofJournalism and MassCommunication

    Points In-class assignmentsThree blog posts and six comments: 75 pointsOnline article: 80 pointsTwitter: 30 pointsVideo sidebar for online article: 80 pointsBanner: 15 points

    Professional website: 125 pointsFinal team project: 150 pointsHonors social media assignment: 100 points

    Blog and Comments Assignment: 75 pointsBlogOn the homepage, you should have these items by the first assignment duedate:

    Text box-provide your full name including a few sentences related to thesite purpose;

    Search engine box; Blogroll include at least three currentblogs that you perceive as

    credible related to your blog topic. Current means that they should haveproduced at least one post in the past three months.

    On the About/Contact page, you must have these items:


    Email address, and


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    At least one paragraph focused on your background and one related tothe purpose of the site.

    Posts (20 points each post) = 60 pointsStudents must complete three blog entries. The posts are due by the beginningof class on each due date. Late posts will not be accepted. You are encouraged

    to read each others blogs. I will post your classmates URLs on my website(http://www.serenacarpenter.com). Please email me your URL on the first daythat the assignment is due.

    Blog entries should demonstrate that you are an expert or that you care about aparticular topic. Your blog posts should reflect what you have learned in class.

    The posts should reflect research. Please see the grading rubric for requiredblogging elements. Remember to:

    Keep your blog posts short.

    Add detail via hyperlinks. Do not hesitate to talk about someone elsesblog including linking to it.

    Write an informational headline.

    You should also show a good command of Standard English and have

    some flair and originality. This should be a reflection of you and your passion, not another persons


    Remember the world of blogging is about sharing useful, insightful andeducational information.

    The blog must be educational, entertaining and show that yourunderstand topic.

    You cannot use copyrighted material. You can only link to content. Youcannot use copyrighted material. Use your own material or creativecommons content. Please see the Teaching page on places to obtain freemultimedia and how to properly attribute.

    Two Comments (5 points each week) = 15 pointsYou are also required to post one comment per week totaling four comments.The comment is due on the same day of your blog post. You must comment ontwo separate blogs related to your blog topic each week.

    Comments must add informational value to the bloggers post. You want toengage in dialogue with the blogger. Do not write comments such as good jobor nice post. These types of comments will receive a zero grade.

    On the due date of when each blog post is due, you must email me atSerena.Carpenter@asu.edu: 1) the URL of the blog post featuring yourcomment, not the URL of the blog and 2) your actual commentin the email.

    You must comment on at least four different blogs throughout the semester.

    Looking forward to reading your blogs! This is an important step inunderstanding how craft content for online users. Remember comments areoften indexed by Google.

    Twitter assignment: 30 points

    1. Basics

    Fill out your bio, add a photo, and share your URL.


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    Set up Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, or Seesmic

    2. Write down your Twitter goal(s) in summary paper. Examples include:

    Get more social media mentions of your blog or site

    Find sources

    Increase readership

    Build reputation in a niche area Build relationships with clients

    Find new story angles

    3. Identify and follow 25 people (excluding friends) that will help you attain

    your goal.

    4. Tweet Posts 15 posts per week for two weeks

    Tweet ten original informative tweets related to your goal topic area per week.

    Retweet or @reply someone five times per week.

    Use a hashtag in three hashtags in three separate posts.

    Most tweets should contain links.

    5. Use URL shortener

    Sign up for bit.ly or another URL shortener service. YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR AN

    ACCOUNT BEFORE TWEETING. You must share only shortened URLs. Connect your

    Tweetdeck to your bit.ly account in settings > services

    6. Reflection Summary

    Share with me what you learned and your thoughts about Twitter in meeting your goals.

    If you have used Twitter for some time, please share with me some innovative approaches to

    your use of Twitter. I would love to learn from you.


    Online Article Assignment: 100 pointsGroup members will each write an article under the theme decided by theirgroup. Please keep in constant communication with your group throughout thesemester to ensure that you are not including the same elements as othermembers of your group in your article. Remember that your idea for this articlemust have many visual tentacles for sidebars.

    A common mistake I see is that reporters cite a few sources and write theircontent around those sources. This article is an in-depth piece. Your goal shouldbe to inform and educate news users on this topic. I must learn something fromyour piece, which requires primary research. Primary research requires citingoriginal material, not sources cited by someone else. I should be able to verifythe authenticity of your information. You must verify the information present byyour sources. Do not wait until the last minute. I will be critical when grading


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    your assignment. You will receive a grading rubric, which will reflect how you willbe graded.

    The article must include:

    Researcho Examples are linking to primary sources used, including data, doing

    shoe-leather reporting (you could count how many restaurants arelocated within two blocks of the school in the Phoenix area that offersub sandwiches), and speaking with experts.

    o Articles should not contain a large amount of opinionated informationfrom sources.

    o Never assume. Read each sentence and determine whether thatinformation is an assumption.

    Diversity of sourceso Citing only the opinion of people with no direct experience with the

    issue will result in a low grade. Think about each source and whatvalue they add to understanding the issue. You are not allowed to citeyour classmates.

    Educational informationo Provide specifics and details. An example is Arizona has one of the

    worst K-12 educational systems. I would like statistics andcomparative data to back up your claims, rather than assumptionsand generalizations.

    The article must include elements:

    Headline Remember to include keywords.

    Summary deck This is one to two sentences summarizing the article.

    Your name By Serena CarpenterLocation PHOENIX Article begins

    Subheads (if necessary) Break up lengthy articles. Be literal.

    Meaningful links in bold

    At the end of the article, provide:

    A pull quote A quote from your article that pulls the reader into the article.

    Info box idea(s) history, stats, background, map, timeline, etc.

    Video sidebar idea - It must be related to the text story, but cannot have thesame

    focus. For example, if you write a text story on state laws related to streetperforming; the video sidebar could be on the life of a street performer.

    Bold the words you plan to treat as links. In the order of the links within yourarticle, place corresponding URLS at the end of your article.



    To hand in the assignment, please provide a printed and emailed copy, double-spaced at the beginning of class.

    Video Sidebar Assignment: 80 pointsYou are encouraged to experiment with visual storytelling. The key is to


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    capitalize of the visual aspect. Avoid wallpaper video. For example, a piece oneducation should only include shots that help understand education, rather thanrandom shots of students working at a desk or walking on campus. Think abouthow to best communicate the story or information. It is encouraged to go beyond

    just an interview and a few b-roll shots, especially for those individuals with abroadcast background. You will receive a grading sheet, which will reflect how

    you will be graded.

    Required elements:1. Interview

    2. Visual component select the component(s) most appropriate for yoursidebar. Examples include b-roll, photos, graphics, text, etc. The visualcomponent should add value to the piece.


    Structure:The video sidebar can be in either a:

    1. Story format:http://vimeo.com/4419244

    2. Information-based format:http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbg1mw_online-courses_tech

    Hand in the high-quality .mov in class by moving it to my external hard drive atthe beginning of class. Have it exported before class.

    ExamplesBroll: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13554Interviews: http://www.madison.com/wsj/projects/hiphop/index.htmlStory: http://cronkitezine.asu.edu/specialprojects/asucrime/saftey.html

    Social Media Assignment: 100 points (Honors Assignment)Employers are increasingly attracted to people who understand how to use socialmedia to connect content including ROI. Most traffic to information organizationscomes from search engines or social media sites, and that is why understandinghow to connect your content is so important. This skill is becoming increasinglyimportant for public relations professionals, entrepreneurs and journalists.

    Twitter: You will be expected to regularly tweet original content over a two-month period. And you are expected to use the bit.ly URL shortener andreach outside your circle of friends. 25pts

    Slideshare: Pick a topic about social media topic or for a client. Create aPowerPoint on that topic. Demonstrate that you are knowledgeable in somearea. 10pts

    Social Media News Release: Write a news release for a client. The news

    release will -feature SEO elements key words and content to be used inmultiple formats: Twitter, video, photos, headline, audio, URLS, etc. A clientcan be a non-profit, news organization, writer, business, professor, Cronkiteschool, etc. You can use PRX Builder, PressIt, PitchEngine, or PressLift 25pts7 rules for a perfect press releasehttp://www.rocketwatcher.com/blog/2010/02/perfect-press-releases.html?

    Social Media Monitoring:You need to identify an individual blogger in yourdesired professional area and write a one-page report about what youlearned about social media from them. 10pts


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    Online Presence:You will sign up for and complete your bios on multiplesites. Hand in the URLs. 10pts

    Reflection Paper:You must do more than simply list what you did. Focuson what you learned and how online communication is evolving. Also, addROI tables to your paper. 20pts

    o This paper must be at least 4-pages double-spaced.o URLs and screen grabs are not part of the 4-pages.


    Banner Assignment: 15 pointsA banner is the first object people see when visiting your site. It gives them animpression of your Web site. It is usually the most creative element of the Website, and thus requires more time to create than any other element. It will befeatured on every single page of your site.

    ExamplesDesigning a Web site banner http://www.entheosweb.com/photoshop/banner.asp

    Photoshop Banner1. This banner will be used for your professional site. Think about a

    professional color. Muted colors or black is best.2. Must save it as a .jpg and .psd file, and put in your folder on the server

    Grading Criteria 10 points -- typography, color, layout, graphics

    5 points -- "Wow!" factor: Will a potential employer be impressed? Is itoriginal? Does it look professional? Do the images reflect you in the bestmanner? Does it do a good job of reflecting what you what potentialemployers to see? Does it look credible?

    Group Project: 150 pointsThis assignment requires SOLID REPORTING. This means research,aggregating data, making phone calls, etc. The journalistic and storytellingaspects are more important to me than the technical requirements, thus, I willapply more weight to those aspects when grading.

    This assignment revolves around one topic. The group will write several differentstories focused on the group topic. Members will be docked for a lack ofcontribution.

    Do not take elements from the web. If your work is of high quality and has

    informational value, it will be published in the CronkiteZine online magazine. If itis of superb quality, it will be submitted to journalism competitions. I expect youto revise your work to make your package even better for publication. You willreceive a handout on the grading criteria related to this assignment.

    Online Portfolio: 125 pointsThis is a portfolio that demonstrates the breadth of your professional work. Becreative! If you use a template for either the portfolio or final project, you will


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    receive a grade of 0.



    ResourcesFree icons http://www.iconfinder.net/ultimateandhttp://www.tripwiremagazine.com/category/iconsChoosing colors with Color Scheme Designer http://colorschemedesigner.com/Or search my delicious page http://www.delicious.com/serena15

    Contents of the Portfolio1. A home page or introduction page that introduces the site and your work.2. A brief biography of yourself including the site purpose3. Contact information for yourself on a separate page

    4. Text of your resume and employers should be able download a PDF copyof your resume

    5. A page of work examples6. A Home button on each page7. Photos and videos must be prepared for the web8. Your design work MUST BE original. Copying someone else's page layouts

    is worthless (and earns zero points) because you're supposed to bedemonstrating YOUR OWN design skills.

    9. Meeting the deadline is necessary. Late assignments always receive azero.

    10. Search engine optimization basics meta tags, headlines, name, text oneach page

    Grading Criteria Skillful use of color, typography, white space, no CRAP (principles of web


    "Wow!" factor: Will a potential employer be impressed? Is it original?

    Content that reflects you professionally

    Correct (standards compliant) use of HTML or XHTML and CSS

    Writing and style, mechanics, grammar, spelling (errors can makesomeone decide not to hire you)

    Use of elements taught in class

    Extra credit:25 points of extra credit

    Continue writing your blog. Or begin another one. Each post must have at leastone meaningful link. You are required to write at least 12 posts including thethree you have already written. This should not be done at the very end of thesemester. Each post should be well thought out and edited. The extra credit isdue on the last day of class.


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    Online Media JMC 305(H) Tentative ScheduleArizona State University |Walter Cronkite School ofJournalism and MassCommunication


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    WEEK 1 08.18Lecture: 1) You, me, and the syllabus, 2) survey of skills andbackground, and 3) Google search basicsLab: Comment on this article using yourreal and full namefor this assignment. You may have to register. Email me yourfull comment. Edit your comment before posting because itwill likely appear on Google results. Blogging, empowerment,and the adjacent impossible by Scott Rosenberghttp://www.wordyard.com/2010/10/08/blogging-empowerment-and-the-adjacent-possible/If you finish early, begin to think an idea for your professionalblog. Your blog topic must be approved by me. Try using blogsearch engines: http://blogsearch.google.com/,http://technorati.com/ ,http://www.postrank.com/all_topicsReading: Google 5 questions to help you discover yourblogging niche http://www.profkrg.com/5-questions-to-help-you-discover-your-blogging-niche

    WEEK 2 08.23Lecture: 1) The purpose of blogs, 2) equipment checkoutpolicy, 3) use of copyright material, and 4) RSS readersLab:Discuss blogsReadings: Read the State of the Blogosphere.http://technorati.com/blogging/state-of-the-blogosphere/

    NPR Takes Web-First Approach to Blogginghttp://blogs.sfweekly.com/thesnitch/2010/09/npr_launches_local_sites.phpBlogging for PRhttp://www.webpronews.com/insiderreports/2004/10/12/blogging-for-prHow to Name Your Bloghttp://ariwriter.com/how-to-name-your-new-blog/Due: Pitch your blog idea to me including the title/name ofyour blog.


    Lecture: Setting up your blog and blogrollLab and Assignment: Cometo class with a topic,personalphoto and a name for your blog to create your first blog post.The names must include the title of the blog. I do not wantblogs about your personal life; it must be professional andfocused on one topic. The purpose is to establish yourself asan expert in a topic area. You should be prepared to beginwriting your first blog post during this class period. To furtherprepare, find blogs that relate to your topic. You want to be


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    focused and unique.Reading: How to blog on Wordpress.com video tutorialhttp://www.socialmedia.biz/2009/05/25/how-to-blog-on-wordpresscom-video-tutorial/Learn WordPress http://learn.wordpress.com/

    WEEK 3 08.30Lecture: 1)Writing and structuring content for the web(hyperlinks, summary decks, headlines), 2) search engineoptimization (SEO), and 3) information design/typographyReadings: Usability expert: BBC publishes the worlds bestheadlines http://www.poynter.org/column.asp?id=31&aid=162650The Ten Mistakes http://www.holtuncensored.com/hu/the-ten-mistakes/Linking in Journalismhttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/business/media/13reach.html?_r=4&ref=media&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=sloginH is for Hypertext: What Makes a Good Link2/122Twelve Tips for Optimizing your Site for Search Engineshttp://www.kcnn.org/modules/seo/At Yahoo, Using Searches to Steer News Coverage, New

    York Times

    09.01Lecture: 1) Microblogging (Twitter and Tumblr/Posterous)and 2) group projectsLab: In class, set up your Twitter account and follow

    INDIVIDUALS in your field.Readings: This site provides a great PDF manual of Twitterbasics (http://www.davidrisley.com/twittermanual/).http://mashable.com/2009/05/31/twitter-tutorials-youtube/Helpful links to learn about Twitterhttp://stevebuttry.wordpress.com/2009/04/10/helpful-links-for-learning-about-twitter/Twitter Cheat Sheethttp://thesocialmediaguide.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Sample-Twitter-Cheat-Sheet1.jpgDue: Yourfirst blog post and 2 comments including aminimum of 3 blogs for your blogroll and contact page

    with appropriate transparency items are due.

    WEEK 4 09.06Lecture: 1) Social media and 2) online reputationLab: Sign up your name for several accounts that helpestablish your online identity.Readings: A Facebook Story: A Mothers Joy and a


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    Familys Sorrow, The Washington PostWhy The Washington Post Used Facebook Updates to TellA Mothers Story, Poynter

    09.08Lecture: 1) How to compose photos, 2) how to use a digital

    camera, and 3) posting to TwitpicLab: Shoot three properly framed photos that tell a story andshoot one creative photo. The three photos should be relatedto one another (Wide, Medium, Close). Photos should beuploaded to the server in your folder. The best photos will be

    judged by the class and receive a prize!Readings: Photos as Web Contenthttp://www.useit.com/alertbox/photo-content.htmlHow to Take Great Photographshttp://www.advancedphotography.net/great-photographs-2/

    WEEK 5 09.13Lecture: 1) Online video trends 2) broadcast v. online, and 3)visual communicationReading: The Video Explosionhttp://www.ajr.org/Article.asp?id=4428 . Following class,please reserve a camera and other equipment for the nextthree following classes. Check out cameras before coming toclass. You will need Sony handicam, tripod, handheld mic,and mini to xlr mic cable. Bring your external hard drive toclass as well during those times.Audio: Interview with Brian Stormhttp://www.peachpit.com/podcasts/episode.aspx?

    e=36063d0e-cda5-4ea9-8d20-c6b04e4c9567Lecture and Lab: Finish Photoshop banner.Due: Pitch ideas for your group project.Due: Your second blog post and two comments

    09.15Lecture: 1) Framing interviews with consumer cameras and2) microphone basicsLab: Interview a classmate with a video camera. Theinterview could be used later for their personal site. Mustcheck out camera equipment before class begins.Assignment: Bring headphones to class.

    Due: Twitter Assignment

    WEEK 6 09.20Lecture: 1) Shooting b-roll and sequencesLab: Shoot two separate sequences of your partner in class.Nothing can be staged and it must be on a tripod.Assignment: Bring headphones to class.


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    Due: Your third blog post, photograph and twocomments

    09.22Lecture: 1) Using Final Cut Pro to edit video, 2) saving video,3) preparing and uploading video to YouTube, and 4)encoding and publishing Flash videoLab: Editing and uploading video. Bring headphones to class.Assignment: Bring headphones to class.Supplemental: Ken Stones Final Cut Prohttp://www.kenstone.net/fcp_homepage/fcp_homepage_index.html or E-how tutorialshttp://www.ehow.com/video_4442350_rendering-final-cut-pro-5_.htmlLog and transfer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4dd-tAosHYKDMC Final Cut Prohttp://multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/tutorials/finalcut/

    WEEK 709.27

    Lecture: 1) Preparing photos for the web using Photoshop, 2)saving and labeling files for the web and 3) Visual and auralembeds including Google map mashupsLab: Research online articleSupplemental: The Options Barhttp://www.photoshopessentials.com/photoshop-text/photoshop-text-options-bar.phpCharacter Palettehttp://www.photoshopessentials.com/photoshop-text/photoshop-text-character-palette.phpIntroducing Photoshop Layers

    http://www.photoshopessentials.com/basics/layers/layers-intro.phpLogo Typeface and Arthttp://www.peachpit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=20939&seqNum=4

    09.29Lecture: 1) Typography, 2) web design, and 3) Photoshop

    basicsReadings: To a T and Typomaniahttp://www.typeculture.com/academic_resource/movies/HTML Color Nameshttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp Top Ten Mistakes in Web Designhttp://www.useit.com/alertbox/9605.html Biggest Mistakes in We Design 1995-2015http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/biggest-mistakes-in-web-


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    design-1995-2015.htmlColor Scheme Designer


    WEEK 810.04

    Lecture: 1) Photoshop basics and 2) Photoshop bannerLab: Create banner for your personal pageReadings:http://www.dreamcss.com/2009/02/20-useful-resources-for-improving-your.htmlPhotographic palettes http://24ways.org/2006/photographic-palettes30 Complete Photoshop Guides for Beginnershttp://10steps.sg/tutorials/photoshop/30-complete-photoshop-guides-for-beginners/Due: Online Article

    10.06Lab: Create banner for your personal page

    WEEK 9 10.11Lecture: 1) HTML and 2) TextEditLab: Practice codingSupplemental: Basis HTML http://www.j-learning.org/build_it/page/basic_html/HTML Dog http://www.htmldog.com/HTML Character Cheat Sheet:

    http://www.intuitive.com/coolweb/entities.htmlLab: Bring quality digital version of your resume to class toformat with bullets, lists

    10.13Lab: Work on video in lab.

    WEEK 10 10.18Lecture and Lab: 1)Using Dreamweaver and 2) setting upyour folders for your portfoliosSupplemental: Using Dreamweaver

    http://multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/tutorials/webdesign/dreamweaver/Due: Bring in materials for your portfolios. This includes Worddocuments, personal photos, articles, and videos.Due: Video

    10.20Lecture and Lab: 1) Dreamweaver


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    WEEK 11 10.25Lecture and Lab: 1) CSSDue Photoshop Banner

    10.27No class (Journalism Interactive conference)

    Week 12 11.01Lecture and Lab: 1) CSS

    11.03 Lecture and Lab: Work on portfolios or group projectsDue Social media assignment (Honors)

    Week 13 11.08Lecture and Lab: 1)CSS and 2) signing up for your ASUwebpage account

    11.10Lecture and Lab: Work on portfolios or group projects

    Week 14 11.15Lecture and Lab: Work on portfolios or group projects

    11.17No class (National Communication Associationconference)

    Week 15 11.22Lecture and Lab: Work on group projectsDue Portfolios

    11.24Lecture and Lab: Work on group projects

    Week 16 11.29Lecture and Lab: Work on group projects

    12.01Lecture and Lab: Work on group projects


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    Week 17 12.08Final Project Due 10amGroup Projects are due. Groups will show the class theirwebsites in an informal presentation.
