FAQ About Hinduism


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  • 7/30/2019 FAQ About Hinduism


    These FAQs are meant to provide the reader with a brief introduction to Hinduism from the perspective of question and


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    1) What is Hinduism?Hinduism or Sanatana Dharmais the worlds oldest religion. It is the native religion of India. It predates recorded history and

    has no human founder. Vedic records dating back 6,000 to 10,000 years show that even in that time period, Hinduism was

    considered an ancient religion. Today, there are almost 1 billion Hindus spread around the world. That makes one out of every

    sixth person in the world a Hindu. Its modes of worship are diverse and range from grand festivals such as the Kumbhmela(a

    religious gathering of over 45 million people) to the simpledarshan(devotional seeing) of home shrines. Its places of worshipinclude millions of ancient and contemporary shrines andmandirs. Hinduism recognizes theVedasas the most ancient and

    authoritative body of religious literature. They are the foundational scriptures common to all branches of Hinduism.

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    2) What is Sanatana Dharma?Sanatana Dharma is by its very essence a term that is devoid of sectarian leanings or ideological divisions. This is evident by

    the very term itself. The two words, "Sanatana Dharma", come from the ancient Sanskrit language. "Sanatana" is a Sanskrit

    word that denotes that which does not cease to be, that which is eternal. The word " Dharma" is a term that is only properly

    rendered into the English language with difficulty. Its approximate meaning is "Natural Law," or those principles of reality

    which are inherent in the very nature and design of the universe. Thus the term Sanatana Dharma can be roughly translatedto mean "The Eternal Natural Way."

    Since Sanatana Dharma is referring to those ways of being which are in concert with the Absolute, and are therefore axiomatic

    laws, this term is not referring to something which is open to alteration. Just as the laws of gravity, mathematics or logic are

    not open to sectarian debate or relative opinion (gravity, for example, is an inherent law of nature regardless of whether one

    believes in the law of gravity or not), similarly the subtle laws of God transcend all partisan concerns.

    Also sometimes known as Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma is the world's most ancient culture and the religion of almost one

    billion of the earth's inhabitants. Though the majority of followers are Indian (South Asian), Sanatana Dharma claimsadherents from almost every nationality, race and ethnic group in the world, including an ever-increasing number of

    Americans. There are approximately 2 million followers in America, of which roughly half are from India and half (1 million)

    are non-Indian Americans (Hispanics, Caucasians, African-Americans, etc.). Statistics aside, Sanatana Dharma represents much

    more than just a religion; rather, it provides its followers with an entire way of life and with a coherent and rational view of


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    3) What is Reincarnation?The word reincarnate means to "reenter the flesh." We Hindus believe the soul is immortal and keeps reentering a fleshy body

    time and time again in order to resolve experiences and thereby learn all the lessons life in the material world has to offer.

    Hindus believe in reincarnation. To them, it explains the natural way the soul evolves from immaturity to spiritual illumination.

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    4) Why is Hinduism so Complex to Understand?Well, Hinduism was not born out of the thoughts of one particular philosopher or at one particular time. It is an accumulation

    of the knowledge and experience of seers from ancient time. Also as it does not impose the supremacy of one specific

    postulation hence many complementary at times totally different concepts exist because of this openness. This advantage

    makes it sophisticated.

    5) So could it not be understood by simple minds?It could certainly be and it is. Apart from being sophisticated it is also having various step by step procedures that arose out of

    the sophisticated thesis, for the layman to follow.

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    6) Why is it sometimes so confusing?There are multiple reasons for that. Trying to do an in and out analysis without getting on to taste its fruit by practicing would

    make one feel exhausted. Because it is not a religion of limited contours. It is really an ocean of knowledge.

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    7) But don't we find quite contradicting statements in Hindu scriptures? What explains that contradiction?Science tells us that water becomes ice when its temperature falls to zero degrees centigrade or below. The same science also

    tells that water can exist even in temperatures below zero degree in certain conditions and the water is called super-cooled

    water. Which one to believe? The fact remains that both the statements are true however contradicting they are. Hinduism -

    an open religion - supports the view that there could be multiple facets of the same truth! And hence the things that have a

    value in them would find their place in Hinduism. Some scriptures would say knowledge is the way to the Supreme and some

    would say devotion is the way! There is no need to be confused. Choose the way that is appropriate in your situation, but do

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    remember just because one is appropriate for you, the others do not cease to be true!!

    8) Who is a Hindu?Hindu is a name given to people living east of the river Indus in India. Thus Hinduism became the term used to describe the

    religion practiced by these people. Those who practice Hinduism usually refer to the religion as sanatana dharma (the eternal


    A Hindu accepts the authority ofVedas (Vedic scriptures) and follows the common practices and worldview that has roots in

    sanatana dharma such as dharma, karma,samsarasand ahimsa. A Hindu is inclined to revere the divine in every manifestation

    and is tolerant of the peaceful practices of other faiths.

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    What is the Hindu definition of God?

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    Hinduism gives us the freedom to approach God in our own way, without demanding conformity to any dogma. Hindus

    believe in one supreme God who created the universe and who is worshipped as Light, Love and Consciousness. Hindus

    believe that there is one all-pervasive God which energizes the entire universe. We can see Him in the life shining out of the

    eyes of humans and all creatures. Hindus also believe in many devas who perform various kinds of functions, like executives in

    a large corporation. These should not be confused with God. There is one Supreme God only.

    What is sometimes confusing to non-Hindus is that we may call this one God by many different names, according to our

    tradition.Truthfor the Hindu has many names, but that does not make for many truths. Hindus believe in one God, one

    humanity and one world. People with different language, different cultures have understood this one God in their own way.

    One of the unique understandings in Hinduism is that God is not just far away, living in a remote heaven, but is also inside ofeach and every soul in the heart and consciousness, waiting for you and me to discover. Knowing the One Great God in this

    intimate and experiential way is the goal of Hindu spirituality.

    9) What makes Hinduism really great?Hinduism is a great banyan tree. On its "sakas"(limbs) one can see the principles of all the great religions of the world. The

    total surrender Yoga which Jesus Christ spoke of one can see in the Bhagavad Gita. The statement of the Sufis that "I am God"

    one can see in the Upanishads as "Aham Brahmasim." The statement of Lao-Tse that everthing is Tao can be seen as

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    "Everything is Brahman" in the Upanishads. In Hinduism alone one can see the strange coexistence of an atheist, an agnostic

    and a theist. When Socrates and the Sufis were persecuted in the West, in India we adored Buddha, who did not recognize the

    authority of the Vedas, and toleratedCharvaka, who ridiculed the Vedas and attacked the mere existence of God. So let us

    face it, in Hinduism one can find a religion tailor-made for each of us, whatever be our way of thinking.

    Hinduism recognizes the fact that people are on different levels. Matters do not apply or appeal to all persons in the same

    manner. My mother could go into a trance just by looking at the picture ofShri Krishna. But for you and I, that isunimaginable. I could appreciate and admire Sanskrit lyrics in the Mahabharata, but for you that may be difficult. That is the

    reason why Hinduism, which is filled with hundreds of ideas, will appeal to all.

    Hinduism is the most developed school of thought for understanding human nature, freeing oneself from fear, ignorance, and

    unhappiness, and for growing towards individual enlightenment.

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    10) What is Moksha?

    Moksha is ultimate liberation. This is the goal of human life. Moksha is the liberation of the soul from the cycles of birth and

    death; thereafter, it remains eternally in the service of God in His abode.

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    What is the Meaning of Aum or Om?Om is the most sacred syllable often spoken during the practice of any Hindu rites. It is a holy character of the Sanskrit

    language, the language of God. The character is a composite of three different letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The English

    equivalent of those are "a", "u", and "m", and represent the Trinity. The Trinity is composed of the three supreme Gods:

    Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. These three letters when pronounced properly in unison

    create an invigorating effect in the body. Because of its significance this sacred syllable is spoken before any chants to show

    God we remember him. This sign also represents the whole universe.

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    12) What is Yoga?

    Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning "union of Atman (individual Self) with Brahman (Universal Self)." Atman and Brahman are

    both Hindu theological terms.

    Interestingly, the Sanskrit root for "yoga" is "yuj;" i.e., "to yoke" [to the Spirit], and the Latin root for "religion" is "religio;" i.e.,

    "to link-back" [to the Spirit]. Therefore it is a fallacy that "yoga" is not "religion" as the two words basically have the same

    meaning. With this basic understanding, it sounds almost as odd to say "I do yoga" as it does to say "I do religion." Fine but

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    which one?

    Of course, it is in the Hindu religion that one finds all the many forms of Yoga. The Hindu religion (also known by the names

    Sanatan Dharma, "Vedic Dharma" and even "Yoga Dharma") is the spiritual foundation from which arose the Buddhist, Jain

    and Sikh Dharmas or religions.

    13) What is Karma?Karma is the law of action and reaction (cause and effect) applied to life. The tmreaps fruits, good or bad, according to its

    past and present actions; these fruits are experienced either in this life or in future lives. God is the giver of the fruits of all

    living beings actions.

    Karma helps explain the disparities that occur in the human population such as: prosperity or poverty, happiness or misery,

    good health, illness, or disability. Behind every individuals existence there partly lies his own past deeds, which are directly

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    responsible for many of the events during his lifespan, be it painful or pleasant. We are what we are because of our deeds and


    14) Who is the Founder of Hinduism?Unlike the other religions of the world, Hinduism or more properly Hindu dharma did not originate with any single prophet or

    at a particular period of human history. It has been there from prehistoric times. It is based on the spiritual conceptsdiscovered by numerousrishis(enlightened sages). These concepts are impersonal like other concepts in science. These

    concepts have been validated by innumerable people. Hinduism invites everyone, irrespective of the cultural background, to

    validate the truth of the spiritual concepts for themselves.

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    Its uniqueness lies in its being based on the super conscious experiences and spiritual realizations of a galaxy of spiritual

    masters, sages and seers, each of whom could claim prophet-hood. Built on such a firm foundation of spiritual experiences

    which are verifiable, the Hindu religious tradition has been flowing continuously like the river Ganga for several millennia. That

    is why Hindu dharma has been designated as Sanatana (perpetual) dharma.

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    15) Why do Hindus regard the cow as sacred?

    People who ask if cows are considered sacred should understand that Hindus regard all living creatures as sacred-mammals,

    fishes, birds and more. The cow symbolically represents all other creatures to the Hindu. The cow is a complete ecology, a

    gentle creature and a symbol of abundance. Yes, the cow is considered very sacred in Hindu religion and for very good reason.

    Its good qualities are those that we can emulate.

    Traditionally, the bulls work in the agricultural farms, cows provide milk as a baby, mother provides milk, later it is the cow.The generous cow gives milk and cream, yogurt and cheese, butter and ice cream, ghee, buttermilk etc. That makes one

    respect and love the cow. This is largely true in India even today! Even after their natural death their skin provides leather. In

    modern times, however, the tanneries which use extremely carcigenous chemicals to process leather have been polluting the

    scarce drinking water. It is true that most people respect the right of way to cows and in fact to any animal, when they stray in

    a street. They are viewed as food producers and not as food itself. Actually, the word for cow in Tamil is "pasu". The word for

    animal in Sanskrit is the same "pasu". In other words, the cow personifies "animals" in general. All animals are sacred in


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    16) What is the significance of the Swastika?Swastika which is regarded divine by Hindus. The word swastika means auspicious in the Sanskrit language and hence is used

    to symbolize the welcoming of auspiciousness and driving away evils. The symbol also represents the changing of the universe

    around the unchanging nature of God. Unfortunately the sign has been abused by group such as the Nazis during World War


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    17) Are Hindus "idol" worshippers?

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    No, Hindus are not "idol" worshipers.

    It is about graven images, like the Christian cross with Jesus hanging on it, or statues of Mother Mary and Saint Theresa, or the

    holy Kabaa in Mecca, or the Adigranth enshrined in the Golden Temple in Amritsar, or the Arc and the Torah of the Jews or the

    image of a meditating Buddha. All these graven images are stood before in awe by the followers of these religions. All religions

    have their symbols of holiness.

    The question is, does this make all the above religions idol-worshipers? The answer is, No.

    Similarly, Hindus are not idol worshipers in the sense implied. Hindus invoke the presence of great souls living in higher

    consciousness into stone images so that we can feel the presence of God. Though we may have a stone image of a God, we

    are invoking the physical presence of the God into the stone image to bless us. In Hinduism one of the ultimate attainments is

    that the seeker transcends the need of all form and symbol.

    There is no religion that is more aware of the transcendent, timeless, formless, causeless Truth. Nor is there any religion which

    uses more symbols to represent Truth in preparation for that realization. Yoga means to yoke oneself to God within. You are a

    Hindu if you believe in karma, reincarnation, the existence of God everywhere in all things, and the existence of beings that

    are on a greater evolutionary path than us. Karma, reincarnation, invocation of the Deity is pragmatic laws known to Hindus

    who believe in these eternal Truths.

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    18) How will be a Hindu marriage ceremony?

    The Hindu marriage ceremony is one of the oldest in the world, well established by 3000 BC. It consists of several rituals, each

    with a distinct meaning and purpose. It is performed under the guidance of a pundit, or priest, who recites mantras (verses)

    written in Sanskrit. A formal engagement precedes the wedding ceremony. Engagement is symbolized by the bride's parents

    giving a coconut, considered sacred fruit, to the groom. The groom's parents present a sari to the bride and sweets are

    distributed among the families. The wedding day is chosen by consulting astrological charts to select an auspicious day. A daybefore the wedding, designs in Henna is applied to the bride's body. A deeply colored design is considered a good sign for the

    couple. It is a common belief among Hindu women that the darker the imprint on the bride's palms the more her mother-in-

    law will love her. Hindu weddings take place under a canopy called a Mandap, outside if possible. The groom arrives in a

    wedding procession and the couple exchange garlands of flowers. The bride's father joins their hands, giving her to her new

    husband. The couple circles the sacred fire four times. At the end of the ceremony the couple receives blessings from all the


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    19) Does Hinduism prohibit meat eating ?

    There are actually very less things as prohibits, commands, mandates etc. in Hinduism. So in this case too Hinduism does not

    prohibit, but it recommends that meat eating could be avoided for spiritual benefits and kindness towards fellow creatures.

    20) Is there a rule about Hindus eating meat?Ahimsameans refraining from injuring-physically, mentally or emotionally-anyone or any living creature. The Hindu who

    wishes to strictly follow the path of non-injury to all creatures naturally adopts a vegetarian diet. As in other matters,

    Hinduism has very few rigid "do's and don'ts." Rather, its injunctions are called restraints and observances. The ultimate

    authority for answers to such questions is one's own conscience. Today in America and Europe there are literally millions of

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    vegetarians. This is because they want to live a long time and be healthy. Many feel a certain moral obligation to their own

    conscience which they wish to fulfill. There are no commandments. Hindu religion gives us the wisdom to make up our own

    mind on what we put in our body, for it is the only one we have, in this life at least.

    21) What are the Marks on the Forehead of Hindus?There are many virtual lotuses of power locus in the human body. The one at the place between the eye brows is highly

    powerful (which could be felt). This highly sensitive point is protected with thekumkumorchandandots.Shaivasadorn their

    forehead with the Holy Ash the one with medicinal power and spiritual meaning and thevaishnavaswith theshri churnam

    and so on each indicative of something.

    22) Who can become a Hindu ? Can one be a Hindu only by birth ?No, not at all. As the knowledge in Hinduism is not in a closed boundary, Hinduism does not limit itself to any closed boundary

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    of land, language or race. In fact people embracing Hinduism have been there for ages.

    23) Why are there so many Gods in Hinduism?The ancient seers ofIndiarecognized that all of Gods creation does not just center around man, but that man shares the

    universe with numerous life forms. Some life forms have less powers and abilities than humans while others have more. God

    grants some of these various higher beings cosmic powers and assigns them the responsibilities of running the machinery of

    the universe. These higher beings are also known asdevts,devsor Gods. While Hindus respect these gods to be higher

    than humans, and even propitiate them in times of need, Hindus also readily acknowledge that these gods are clearly

    subservient to and have their origin and sustenance in one Supreme God. Hindus are thus monotheists, worshippers of one

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    Supreme God, in every sense of the word.

    Historically, many groups have been unwilling or unable to understand the true position and function of the various Gods

    within Hinduism. Consequently, out of misunderstanding or prejudice, they have incorrectly labeled Hinduism as polytheistic

    in the sense of the ancient Roman or Greek pantheon. However, this is incorrect. Just as other religions consider themselves

    monotheistic while still accepting the existence of angels and other superhuman divinities, Hinduism should be considered

    monotheistic in the same sense.

    24) What are the Hindu Scriptures?

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    Hinduism is not based on one single text book. Though it could be said that Vedas are the base, in essencevedais nothing but

    knowledge. It is the science of the self and Supreme. The science cannot be limited to one book so is Hinduism. If you are

    looking for a source where all the principles are given, then there are three texts. They are called "Prasthana Traya" the

    principal three. They all present the same truth.

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    The first is the Upanishads. These are parts of the Vedas. There are innumerable Upanishads. Ten of them were chosen by Sri

    Sankara, a great saint and philosopher, as to contain the ideas in all the Upanishads put together. This forms the first principal

    text. These are unaltered, raw, first-hand observations of spiritual phenomenon. They do not try to propose a model to fit theobservations. The observers have not imposed their ideas or even tried to classify the observations.

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    The second is the Brahma Sutras. This was authored by Veda Vyasa, who masterminded the current organization of the Vedas

    and the same person who authored other great works like Mahabharata andBhagavata. Brahma Sutras present the concept in

    the Upanishads in a logical and highly technical manner. It is a scholarly work which establishes the concepts in the

    Upanishads on a strong logical foundation.

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    The third is the Bhagavad Gita. This is a record of the conversation between Sri Krishna andArjuna. This text talks about the

    practical application of the concepts in the Upanishads to everyday life. It is said in one of the scriptures, " If the Upanishads

    can be considered as cows, the Bhagavad Gita can be considered as milk." Truly, the Gita is the essence of the Vedas. It is apart of the Mahabharata. The Bhagavad Gita consists of 18 chapters and about 700 verses. It deals in depth with all Yogasor

    ways ofGod-Realization. The Bhagavad Gita never commands one what to do, instead it gives the pros and cons of every issue

    and the final decision is left to oneself.

    Thus these three texts present the Hindu philosophy and religion in a scientific and practical manner as observation,

    modeling and application.

    Hindu texts are typically seen to revolve around many levels of reading, namely gross/physical, subtle and supramental. This

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    allows for many levels of understanding as well, implying that the truth of the texts can only be realized with the spiritual

    advancement of the reader.
