Farmers invited for talks tomorrow Modi inaugurates India


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TuesdayDecember 29, 2020



Illegal armsmanufacturing unitbusted, equipmentsseized

Ministers warnAshwani Sharmanot to cross limitsof decency





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Mohali-Khararflyover finallyopened to thepublic


Covid guidelines forsurveillance to remainin force upto Jan 31NEW DELHI: The Ministry ofHome Affairs (MHA) on Mondayissued an order to extend theearlier 'guidelines for COVID-19surveillance', which will remainin force upto January 31, 2021."While there has been a contin-uous decline in the active andnew COVID-19 cases, there isneed to maintain surveillance,containment and caution, keep-ing in view the surge in casesglobally, and emergence of anew variant of the virus in theUnited Kingdom (UK)," the MHAsaid in a press release.Accordingly, containment zonescontinue to be demarcatedcarefully; prescribed contain-ment measures strictly followedwithin these zones; COVID-ap-propriate behaviour promotedand strictly enforced; and theStandard Operating Procedures(SOPs) prescribed in respect ofvarious permitted activities fol-lowed scrupulously.

11 more UKreturnees testCOVID positiveAMARAVATI: Amid the risingglobal concerns about the newUnited Kingdom (UK) COVID-19 strain, 11 more UK returneestested positive while 17 are yetto be traced in Andhra Pradesh,an official statement said hereon Monday.According to a statement fromMedical and Health departmentof Andhra Pradesh, "Total re-turnees from the UK till date are1,363. Out of these, traced re-turnees are 1,346. Rest 17 areyet to be traced. Among thetraced, 1324 are in quarantine.""11 are tested COVID-19 posi-tive among UK returnees ofwhich 1 is from Anantapuramdistrict, 2 from East Godavaridistrict, 3 from Krishna district, 4from Guntur and 1 from Nelloredistrict," it added.

Amit Shah unveilsArun Jaitley's statueat Feroz Shah Kotla NEW DELHI: Union Home Min-ister Amit Shah on Monday un-veiled the six-foot-long statue offormer senior Bharatiya JanataParty leader and Delhi and Dis-trict Cricket Association (DDCA)president late Arun Jaitley atFeroz Shah Kotla Cricketground here on his 68th birthanniversary. Taking to twitter, hesaid “Arun Jaitley ji’s pioneeringcontribution in promoting cricketwill never be forgotten. We willalways miss him as an incredi-ble person dedicated towardsnation’s progress. My tributes toArun ji on his jayanti.” At the oc-casion, BCCI President and for-mer Indian captain Sourav Gan-guly, opener batsman ShikharDhawan, former Indian openerGautam Gambhir attended theunveiling ceremony along witha number of DDCA officials.

HTET to be held onSaturday, SundayCHANDIGARH: Board ofSchool Education Haryana,Bhiwani is conducting TeacherEligibility Test (HTT) Level-1, 2and 3 on January 2 and 3,2021 that is a Saturday andSunday.Giving more information, thespokesperson of board saidthat the Level-3 examination isbeing conducted in theevening session on January 2,2021 and the examinations ofLevel- 1 and Level-2 will beheld on January 3, 2021 in theevening and morning sessionsrespectively.

DRS needs to bethoroughly lookedinto by ICC:Tendulkar

Vaishno Devi shrine receive season's first snowfallAGENCYJAMMU, DEC 28

World famous cave shrine of ShriMata Vaishno Devi situated inTrikuta Hills of Katra town in Reasidistrict of Jammu and Kashmir haswitnessed season’s first snowfall, anofficial here said.

He said that the snowfall on theTrikuta Hills, including at the‘Bhawan’ (sanctum sanctorum) ,started on Sunday night and lastedfor nearly half-an-hour.

There was no disruption inmovement of devotees, he saidadding, “many high-altitude areas inthe Union Territory witnessed snow-fall, while the plains, including Jam-

mu city, received intermittent rainsamid heavy cloud cover during mostpart of the day thus dipping the tem-

perature.”The pilgrimage to the shrine

continued and the devotees were

also seen enjoying the snowfall.Meanwhile the chopper services

that remained hit due to inclementweather conditions and fog on Sun-day have resumed and were opera-tional on Monday.

Katra, the base camp for the pil-grims visiting Vaishno Devi shrine,recorded a maximum of 14.8 de-grees Celsius against Saturday’s19.8 degrees Celsius, while the min-imum temperature settled at 5.7 de-grees Celsius.

Jammu also recorded a dip oftwo notches in the day temperature.He said the night temperature inJammu was recorded 3.2 degrees,which was below the season's aver-age.


Punjab Chief Minister CaptainAmarinder Singh on Monday is-sued a stern warning against van-dalisation of mobile towers anddisruption of telecom services inthe state, and directed police totake strict action against all thoseresorting to such unlawful activities.

Making it clear that he will not toleratedestruction of any private or public proper-

ty in Punjab, the Chief Ministersaid he was forced to toughen hisstance as his repeated appeals toperpetrators of such acts had beenignored. The Chief Minister assert-ed that he will not let Punjab byplunged into anarchy at any cost andnobody can be allowed to take lawinto their hands. Pointing out thathis government had not objected to,

or stopped, peaceful protests in the stateagainst the Centre’s black Farm Laws for thepast several months, he said.

Amarinder issues warning againstdamage to mobile towers PUNE, DEC 28

In what could be termed asNew Year gift, Adar Poon-awalla, Chief Executive Offi-cer, Serum Institute of Indiaon Monday said 40-50 mil-lion doses of COVID-19 vac-cine have already been stock-piled, adding that Covishieldrollout is expected in Janu-ary.

"We have 40-50 milliondoses of Covishield stock-piled. Once we get regulato-

ry approvals in a few days, itwill be down to the govern-ment to decide how muchthey can take and how fast.We will be producing around300 million doses by July2021," said Poonawallawhile doing a media interac-tion via video conference.

"Initially, in one or twomonths the offtake will beslow. Once the logistics andeverything work out well wecan expect the rollout for Co-vishield in January," he said.

India to roll out COVID-19vaccine in January


While presiding over the firstmeeting of Pong Area Devel-opment Board here today,Chief Minister Jai RamThakur said that permissionshould be sought fromBBMB to carry out sports ac-tivities such as para sailing,para gliding, water scooter,kayaking, speed boat, cruiseboat, water zorbing balls,house boat, shikara, floatingjetty and floating restaurant.He said that possibilitiesshould also be explored forsetting up of an Institute ofExcellence in water sport incollaboration with IndianNavy/ Coast Guard so thatmaximum tourists are attract-ed towards Pong Dam reser-voir.

Jai Ram Thakur said thatthe main objective of theBoard was to ensure integrat-ed and planned developmentof Pong area and preparepolicies and plans to pro-mote tourism and culture inthe Pong area and also helpin generating employmentopportunities. He said that

Pong Dam would also bedeveloped under the ‘NaiRaahein Nai Manjilien’. Hesaid that there should beclarity in the concept onlythan desired target could beachieved.

He said that Rs. 7.96crore was being spent underthis scheme to develop it asa major tourist's attraction.The Chief Minister said thateffective steps must be tak-en to undertake permissibleactivities in the area. Hesaid that effective stepsmust also be taken to attract private funding forexecution of tourism proj-ects. He said that stepswould be taken to strength-en the Pong Area Develop-ment Board.

HP CM directs to carryout more water sportsactivities in Pong Dam


US President Donald Trump has signedthe Tibetan Policy and Support Act(TPSA) of 2020 into law, thus, stallingChina from installing their own DalaiLama.

On Sunday (local time), Trumpsigned into law, "H.R. 133, an Actmaking consolidated appropriations forthe fiscal year ending September 30,2021, providing coronavirus emer-gency response and relief, and for oth-er purposes."

With the TPSA becoming a law,

Lobsang Sangay, President of the Cen-tral Tibetan Administration, took toTwitter and said, "History made again!President Trump signs the Omnibusbill, which means the Tibetan Policyand Support Act of 2020 is now LAW!"

The US Congress had on Decem-ber 21 passed the TPSA of 2020, whichhas been included in a governmentspending bill, could become anothersource of friction in the alreadystrained ties between US and China,Kyodo News reported.

In February this year, the House ofRepresentatives had unanimouslypassed the Bill to strengthen policy in

support of Tibet, a move that was re-ciprocated as "encouraging and em-powering" by the representatives of the

Himalayan Buddhist region that hasbeen under the control of China forseveral decades.

The spiritual leader has exiled him-self in India ever since the rebellionagainst the Chinese rule in 1959. TheDalai Lama is known for his messagesof unity and compassion.

The Dalai Lama institution has ex-isted for more than 600 years, duringwhich there have been changes.

On the religious level, the US doesnot have and neither do Chinese whoare not Tibetan Buddhists, the right tointerfere with the decisions regardingthe succession of the Dalai Lama,

which absolutely rests with the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhist leaders and the people of Ti-bet.

The 14th Dalai Lama has dealt withall Chinese Communist Party (CCP)leaders, from Mao Zedong to Xi Jin-ping, and is in a unique position to notonly have a deep understanding of thecomplexities of Chinese leadership butalso to stay ahead of them in the geopo-litical game between Beijing andDharamshala.

The present Lama has furtherstepped up his game over the past fewyears.

Jolt for China as Trump signs Tibetan Policy

Farmers invited for talks tomorrowGovt says committed to find logical solution AGENCYNEW DELHI, DEC 28

The government on Mondaywrote to protesting farmer unionsinviting them for the next roundof talks on December 30 and saidit is committed to finding "logi-cal solution" to relevant issueswith "honest intentions and openmind".

In the letter to the farmer or-ganisations protesting againstnew farm laws, Agriculture Min-istry Sanjay Agarwal said thefarmers in their communicationto the government had said that"they have always been ready totalk with an open mind".

The letter came two days af-ter the farmer unions said that thegovernment had been urgingthem for talks and proposed thatthe talks be held on December 29at 11 am.

Agarwal said in the letter thatthe meeting will discuss the threefarm laws, the minimum supportprice structure besides the ordi-nance to curb air pollution in theDelhi-NCR region and electrici-ty amendment bill.

The letter in Hindi said thatthe Sanyukt Kisan Morcha hadsent an e-mail on December 26 inwhich it had accepted the requestof talks by the government and

informed about the date and timeof next meeting.

"You have apprised that thefarmer organisations have beenready for talks with an open mindand will remain so. The govern-ment is also committed for a log-ical solution of the relevant is-sues with honest intentions andan open mind," the letter said.

It said the meeting for "an ac-ceptable solution" will be held aton December 30 at 2 pm at Vi-gyan Bhawan with the ministeri-al committee.

The farmer unions protestingagainst the three farm laws had

on Saturday proposed holdingthe next round of talks with thegovernment on December 29.

They had said the first twopoints in their agenda for talkswere modalities to repeal thethree farm laws, and mechanismand procedure to bring a law forproviding a legal guarantee onMSP.

The farmer unions had onDecember 23 rejected the gov-ernment proposal for talks, urg-ing it not to repeat the "meaning-less amendments" which havebeen rejected before and to comeup with a concrete proposal in

writing.Farmers are protesting on

Delhi borders since November26 against agriculture laws re-cently enacted by the govern-ment.

They are protesting againstFarmers' Produce Trade andCommerce (Promotion and Fa-cilitation) Act, 2020, the Farmers(Empowerment and Protection)Agreement on Price Assuranceand Farm Services Act, 2020 andthe Essential Commodities(Amendment) Act, 2020. Theyare demanding the repeal of thethree laws.

25 farmer unionssupport new

farm lawsNEW DELHI: Representatives ofaround 25 farmer organisationson Monday gave a memorandumto Union Agriculture MinisterNarendra Singh Tomar in supportof the new farm laws."Today representatives from dif-ferent farmers organizations fromall over the country gave memo-randum in support of the newfarm bills and said these are inthe interest of farmers and shouldnot be taken back.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi in-augurated India's first-ever driver-less train on Delhi Metro's MagentaLine and launched National Com-mon Mobility Card on the AirportExpress Line on Monday, via videoconferencing.

"The inauguration of the firstdriverless metro train shows howfast India is moving towards smartsystems. Today Delhi Metro is be-ing connected to the National Com-mon Mobility Card. A few decadesago, when the impact of urbanisa-tion and the future of urbanisationwere both clear, the country saw adifferent attitude," said PM Modi.

There was not much attentionabout the needs of the future, half-hearted work was done, confusionpersisted, he added.

"Unlike this, modern thinkingsays that urbanisation should not beseen as a challenge and used as anopportunity. An opportunity in

which we can build better infra-structure in the country. An opportu-nity through which we can increaseEase of Living.

This difference of thinking isseen in every dimension of urban-ization," said PM Modi.

In 2014, only five cities had ametro rail.

Today, metro rail services areavailable in 18 cities, the PrimeMinister stated.

Modi inauguratesIndia's first-ever

driverless metro train

100th 'Kisan Rail'flagged offNEW DELHI: Prime MinisterNarendra Modi on Monday flaggedoff the 100th "Kisan Rail" from San-gola in Maharashtra to Shalimar inWest Bengal via video-conferenc-ing. The multi-commodity train serv-ice will carry vegetables such ascauliflower, capsicum, cabbage,drumstick, chilli and onion as wellas fruits like grape, orange, pome-granate, banana and custard apple,according to an official statement.

LOST & FOUNDI, Preeti Sharma wife of Sh. Ramit Sharma, r/o #245/18, D o g r a n G a t e , K a i t h a l , declared that old Regd. Sale deeds no. 6436/1 dated 12.11.2014 and Sale deed no. 2029/1 dated 15.6.2016, of my Property have been lost on 20.12.2020 at Bus Stand, Kaithal. A Complaint no. 132280252001244 has been also registered in Police Station, Kaithal. If any body found please contact me at Mobile No. 9896338839.



Disabled and economically weaker students are being given a golden opportunity to learn computers and tailoring. Kumud Lata Singh, the director of the Swavlamban Kendra at Sanjay Vihar, said that this self-reliant center is given to me with courtesy of the National Handicapped Development Finance and Corporation of the Government of India.

It is also an opportunity to train those with disabilities, who are financially weak but they have the desire to become something in their mind. To realize this spirit, one can take training in computer as well as many other technical courses including tailoring at this Swavlamban

running a number of schemes with the Shankar Sharma and Mr. Anil Kaushik, they Center. In which some courses are absolutely intention of rehabilitating the economically have set up this self-reliance center next to my free and some with a nominal fee.weak and the disabled and the differently residence. He has a generous heart and takes This scheme, which fulfills the dream of abled people, with a variety of loan off to help the eligible people wholeheartedly. Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is arrangements that provide an opportunity to My Swavlamban center was started in the being opened in every corner of the country undertake various types of enterprise at month of February last year in 2019, only then with the intention of making the life of nominal interest rates. it had to be closed due to corona epidemic, disabled brothers and sisters self dependent,

Kumud Lata told that I also had an but now as the Haryana government has with the courtesy of the NHFDC Department accident, I was just incapacitated and was o rdered to reopen the educa t iona l of the Government of India. Mr. Rajan Sehgal, suffering from financial disasters, but my institutions, our Swavlamban Kendra has Chairman cum Managing Director of husband came to know about this department also started working. The candidates have NHFDC, who is an officer from Indian Forest through some medium, so my husband started coming here, so our humble request Service and has been associated with his requested help, due to which the chairman and is that you people should take full advantage utmost service in NHFDC to bring a new associate of NHFDC with the support of the of this by joining Swavlamban Kendra and get light to the lives of the differently abled department and its project manager, Dr. Vineet help to overcome the helplessness and people due to his visionary thinking. Apart Rana, and its capable officers Mr. Manoj Sahu, troubles of life.from Swavlamban Kendra, NHFDC is



Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Lao Tzu

ABOHAR,DEC 28 (RAJ SADOSH). : In this season of giving something, the family of Indian American Shree Saini, Miss America Washington and Miss India Worldwide has donated a Cadillac Escalade car to “Wheels for Wishes and Wellness Foundation” for children in need. Shree said, “When we leave this world, we take nothing with us. So why not give it all away while we are here? Instead of always thinking of ways we can be benefited, think of ways you can benefit the world. I encourage all to take action and find ways to give back. Instead of waiting to have someone ask you for help, take initiative”. “Wheels for Wishes and Wellness” is a nonprofit car donation program that benefits children’s charities throughout the USA. Proceeds from car donations help make dreams come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions around the country.With over 78 million dollars in donations, “Wheels for Wishes” has helped to grant over 10,356 wishes to local children nationwide. Shree said, “Let us all be generous with our time and love. Forever and ever grateful to Julia Morley, Eric Morley and Steve Douglas, founders of “Miss World” for creating the largest and the most philanthropic international women empowerment organization 70 years ago.

Shree Saini family donates car for needy children


MANMOHAN SHARMAHANSI,DEC 28: According to the directions of Superintendent of Police, Nitika Gehlot for preventing crimes, the Bhatla Outpost police, under Sadar police station has arrested an accused for threatening to kill. The arrested accused was identified as Sombir son of Rohtas resident of Bhatla, who along with his other accomplices, entered the house of Monu, another resident of Bhatla on December 26, 2020 and threatened to kill him by putting a pistol on his temple.Sombir is serving the sentence in a murder case, who was out on parole. He has been arrested and presented in the court, and two other accused in this case, Manjeet resident of Sandlana and Sunil resident of Petwad have also been sent to jail.

One arrested for threatening in Bhatla

RNI NO. 61323/95 | Printed and Published by Gaurav Goel for Yugmarg Prakashan from 28/1, Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh and printed at Yugmarg Publications,

Kurali Road, Khanpur, Kharar Distt. Mohali (PB), Editor Chander Trikha, Ph.:(off) 0172-5002721, 2972414. E-mail:

Postal Code No. G/CHD/0186/2016-2018

I, Yasoda Devi M/o HAV I, Gurpreet Saul S/o Parmjit I, Surinder Dutt S/o Charinji I, Divya Sharma W/o Manav I, Raj Kishore Agnihotri F/o I, No.15479832A Rank DFR I, Gurmit Singh S/O Bachan S u r e n d r a K u m a r h i s Saul R/o VPO Jamsher Khas, Lal R/o House No. 554, Street Dua R/o H.No. 13, Daulat No.15496130X rank ALD Name Bhola Nath Rai Unit 5 Singh R/O Vill: Barwala, Service No 15669679L Patti Karala, Jalandhar have No. 04, New Town Moga Puri, Jalandhar, have changed Ghanshyam Babu presently Armd Regt C/O 56 APO Teh-Sahnewal (Ludhiana) Unit 4 Corps SIG, Regt changed my minor daughter’s declared that my minor son my name to Divya Dua after residing at Lodhar post Declare My Son's Wrong Have Changed My Name To C/o 99 APO declare that name from Pallvi to Pallvi Kanish Dutt alias Kuwam marriage. Mandhana Kanpur nagar Name Aryan And Correct Gurmeet my son’s army service Saul. All concerned may note. known by above both names 72778 Uttar Pradesh-209217 india Name Aryan Rai. 63372record my name and DOB 900026 and the same person. I , G h a d g e S u c h i t a declare that I have Changed 63372 I, Lakhbinder Singh S/O is wrongly mention as I, Gurpreet Saul S/o Parmjit 90007 R a m c h a n d r a W / o my name from Raj Kishore I, Gurpreet Singh S/o Amarjit Sukhdev Singh R/O Vill: Yasoda Devi (08-10-1965) Saul R/o VPO Jamsher Khas, I hitherto known as AARTI No.15500808A rank SWR Agnihotri to Raj Kishore. Singh R/o Vpo. Sema Kalan Kotla Ajner (Fatehgarh instead of correct name & Patti Karala, Jalandhar have MEHRA D/o MANJIT Salunke Satish dharnidhar Vide affidavit No. AN (Bathinda) changed my Sahib) Have Changed My DOB Yashoda Devi (01-01- changed my minor daughter’s S I N G H a n d W / o presently residing at Fattepur 792425 minor daughter name from Name To Lakhwinder Singh.1965) name from Tanishka to G U R I N D E R S I N G H PO Nagarsoga Ta Ausa, Distt 72737 S e h a j p r e e t i K a u r t o 63372

900026 Tanishka Saul. All concerned MEHAT Residing at, Patti Latur Maharashtra-413520 I , h i t he r to Known a s Sehajpreet Kaur. I, Rita Rani W/o Narinder may note. Bura , Dakha , D i s t r i c t India declare that I have MALKIT SINGH CHAHAL 63372 Kumar R/o Vpo. Mehta

900026 Ludhiana, PUNJAB- 141102, Changed my name from S/o KULWANT SINGH R/o. I Amritveen D/o Gian Singh (Bathinda) changed my name It is for general information India have changed my name G h a d g e S u c h i t a VPO. Khankot Tehsil Baba W/o Gurpreet Singh Momi to Reeta Rani.that I NARESH KUMARI, and shall hereafter be known Ramachandra to Suchita Bakala Dis t t Amri t sar R /o Ga l i I she r S ingh 63372Wife of Raj Kumar, Residing as JASMINE KAUR. It is Satish Salunke. Vide affidavit Punjab. have changed my Numberdar Wali, Opp. Post I, Davinder Singh S/O at Bahadar Lahri, Pathankot, c e r t i f i e d t h a t I h a v e No.AN 792441 dated on26- name and Shall hereafter be Office, Railway Road, Tajinder Singh Sidhu R/O Punjab-145023 declare that complied with other legal 12-2020 k n o w n a s M A L K E E T TarnTaran have changed my Sekha Kalan (Moga) Have name of mine has been r e q u i r e m e n t s i n t h i s 72737 SINGH name from Amritveen to Changed My Name To wrongly written as NARESH connection I, Army No.15504778P rank 72737 Amritveen Kaur Momi. Davinder Singh Sidhu.DEVI in my minor son 90002 SWR Rakesh Gurjar S/o I , Radha Kushwah W/O 63372 63372SHUBHAM aged 14 years I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s Suraj Bhan Gurjar R/o 90 Krishnapal singhR/O - I Gurpree t S ingh S /o I , G u r j e e t K a u r W / O educational documents. The SUKHDEV KAUR W/O Armd Regt C/o 56 apo India 131, Tarlok avenue Salempur Naunihal Singh R/o Gali Gursharan Singh Sidhu R/O actual name of mine is P A W I T T E R S I N G H declare that in my army , Muslamana, Backside verka Isher Singh Numberdar Wali, Sekha Kalan (Moga) Have NARESH KUMARI, which Residing at, HO 117 NEW record my father name is milk plant , Jalandhar , have Opp. Post Office, Railway Changed My Name To m a y b e a m e n d e d PUNJAB MATA NAGAR mentioned as Suraj Bhan changed my name From Road , TarnTaran have Gurjeet Kaur Sidhu.accordingly. PAKHOWAL ROAD NEAR Gurjar but his correct name is Radha Singh to Radha changed my name from 63372

100077 T A G O R E S C H O O L Suraj Bhan. Vide affidavit kushwah . All Concerned Gurpreet Singh to Gurpreet I, Gursharan Singh Sidhu S/O I , Kalwant Singh S/o M O D E L T O W N No.AN 792407 note. Singh Momi. Natha Singh R/O Sekha Harbans Singh R/o Moh LUDHIANA, PUNJAB- 72737 98748 63372 Kalan (Moga) Have Changed Guru Ka Khuh, Gali Jit Singh 141002 have changed my I, Army No.15497784N rank I, Lakhwinder Singh S/o I, Amarjeet Singh S/o Iqbal My Minor Son Rajwinder Kanda Advocate Wali, Tarn name and shall hereafter be ALD Rang Nath S/o Ram Rampal Singh R/o Laleana Singh R/o Vill: Jiwan Wala Singh To Rajwinder Singh Taran have changed my name known as SUKHWINDER Kailash R/o 46 Armd Regt (Bathinda) changed my name (Faridkot) changed my name Sidhu. to Kulwant Singh. KAUR. It is certified that I C/o 56 apo India declare that to Lakhwinder Singh Wander. to Amarjit Singh. 63372

900020 have complied with other in my army record my mother 63372 63372I, Sukhdev Singh S/o Jagjit legal requirements in this name is mentioned as Ram I , A r s h j o t K a u r W / o I , Gurpreet Singh S/o Singh R/o 173-A, Gurudwara connection Savari but her correct name is Lakhwinder Singh Wander Sikander Singh R/o Vill: Lane, G.T.Road, Partap 90002 Ram Sawari. Vide affidavit R/o Laleana (Bathinda) G o b i n d g a r h Te h - J a i t u Nagar, Amr i t sa r have I h i t h e r t o k n o w n a s No.AN 792420 changed my name to Arshjot (Faridkot) changed my name c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o PARMJEET KAUR W/O 72737 Kaur Wander. to Gurpreet Singh Dhillon.Sukhdev Singh Bhui. G U R P A L S I N G H I, Army No.15498734P 63372 63372

900020 MÀNGAT Residing at, rank ALD Jay Chand S/o I, Jazzar Singh S/o Jarnail I Rajpal Kaur Dhami D/O I, Maneet Kaur W/o Surjeet Village MANGATKER, SRI Hublal R/o 46 Armd Regt Singh R/o Bilaspur Teh-Payal Surinder Singh R/O Village Singh R/o H.No.588/V-4, M U K T S A R S A H I B C/o 56 apo India declare (Ludhiana) changed my name Chahlan Po Ladhran Tehsil S h i v G a l i , C h o w k PUNJAB 152026, have that in my army record my to Jujhar Singh. Samrala. Distt Ludhiana Lachhmamsar, Amritsar changed my name and shall mother name is mentioned 63372 Have Changed My Name To have changed my name to hereafter be known as as Annpurna but her correct I, Arshdeep Kaur D/o Malkit Rajpal Kaur Grewal.Manjeet Kaur. PA R A M J E E T K A U R name is Annpurna Bai. S i n g h R / o P h e r o r a i n 63372

900020 MANGAT. It is certified that Vide a ff idav i t No .AN (Ludhiana) changed my name I Jaspreet Singh Dol S/O I Ruly Khatun w/o Army I have complied with other 598317 to Arshdeep Kaur Sidhu. Sukhvir Singh R/O Vpo No.14932246Y Rank Hav legal requirements in this 72737 63372 Roomi Tehsil Jagraon Distt MD Zirat Ali R/o 55 (i) Mech connection I, Shiv Kali Agnihotri M/o I, Paamjit W/o Shamsher Ludhiana Have Changed My Bde HQ Coy Presently 90002 No.15496130X rank ALD Bahadur R/o Vpo. Kot Fatuhi Name To Jaspreet Singh.residing Village Chinabazar, I, Neelam w/o Sh.Krishan Ghanshyam Babu presently Teh-Garshankar (Hoshiarpur) 63372PO Palgachhi, Distt Malda Kumar, R/o V.P.O. Sandlana residing at Lodhar Bithoor, Punjab, changed my name to I R a n j e e t K a u r W / O (West Bengal), Pin Code Distt Hisar declare that My Lodhar, Kanpur nagar Uttar Paramjit Kaur. D a r s h a n S i n g h Vi l l . (732127).Have Changed My Name is Neelam instead of P r a d e s h - 2 0 9 2 1 7 i n d i a 63372 M a n a k m a j r a T e h s i l Name Ruly BIBI To Ruly Leela Devi. In future, My declare that I have Changed I Gurleen Kaur W/O Varinder Malerkotla (Sangrur) Have Khatun.Please Note. Name is Neelam for all my name from Shiv Kali Singh Sandhu R/O Raman Changed My Name Ranjeet

90003 purposes. Agnihotri to Shiv Kali. Vide Mandi District Bathinda Kaur To Ranjit Kaur.I Ruly Khatun w/o Army 72783 affidavit No. AN 792422 Have Changed My Name 63372No.14932246Y Rank Hav I Sharanjeet Kaur Dhaliwal 72737 Karamdeep Kaur. I, Karamjeet Kaur D/o MD Zirat Ali R/o 55 (i) Mech W/o Lovepreet Singh Brar I, Army No.15504778P 63372 Gurditt Singh R/o W.No. 1 Bde HQ Coy Presently R/o Jaitu (Faridkot) have rank SWR Rakesh Gurjar I, Soni Kumari Spouse Of B h a n s i n g h C o l o n y residing Village Chinabazar, c h a n g e d m y n a m e S/o Suraj Bhan Gurjar R/o Army No.15503855H Rank (Faridkot) have known by PO Palgachhi, Distt Malda Sharanjeet Kaur Brar after 90 Armd Regt C/o 56 apo SWR Name Anil Kumar both names Preetpal Kaur (West Bengal), Pin Code marriage. India declare that in my Yadav R/O Gram Sari and Karamjeet Kaur.(732127).Declare That in My 98723 army record my mother Bahadur Post Shahbaz Kuli 63372Husband Army Service I, Parwinder S/o Charanjit name is mentioned as S a r a n B a h a d u r , I, Najar Singh S/O Labh Record My DOB Mentioned R/o Vill. Machhiana, Distt. Saumoti Devi but her Ghazipur,Uttar Pradesh Singh R/O Vill: Rattan Palon, 0 3 / 0 5 / 1 9 8 8 w h i c h i s Jalandhar-144032, have correct name is Somvati. 233227 Declare That I Have Teh-Amloh (Fatehgarh incorrect My Correct DOB is c h a n g e d m y n a m e t o Vide a ff idav i t No .AN Changed My Name From Sahib) Have Changed My 03/05/1990. Parwinder Kumar 792409 Soni Kumari To Soni Yadav. Name To Nazar Singh.

90003 72778 72737 63372 63372


Leaders of BJP, JJP will not be allowed to enter village : Gurlal

MAINPAL KASHYAP JJP's Indri. And for a long time they INDRI 28 DEC spoke against Dushyant Chautala.

They said that the government is In the village of Kadrabad in Indri, insulting the agitating farmers the farmers have put a banner on today as terrorists and Khalistani. the main road of the village, on On the other hand, government is which it is written, 'No itself committing hooliganism in representatives of JJP and BJP the state. In order to stop the allowed to enter the village'. farmers going in the movement, Speaking on the occasion, Gurlal the roads were dug by machines Singh and other farmers said that if and many kinds of atrocities were they enter the village, they will done on the farmers. Gurlal Singh themselves be responsible for any said that when the JJP and BJP attack on them. There is a lot of candidates came to the village anger among the agitating farmers asking for votes before the about 40 farmers, who lost their elections, they made many lives and were martyred in the breathtaking promises to the movement. The villagers also public and today after getting raised slogans against Gurdev power, they are working to axe Singh Ramba, a candidate from their feet.





Swavlamban Kendra started in Yamunanagar


I, Asha Mishra W/o Late: Dinanath Mishra R/o Balihar Uttar Pradesh now R/o Arihent spinning Milej Malerkotla (Sangrur) declare that my son ShriBhagawan and his wife Divya Tiwari are out of my control. So i disown with them from my m o v e a b l e / i m m o v e a b l e property. If anybody dealing with them at his/her own risk.

63372I, Rupinder Kaur (Jasvir Kaur) W/o Sukhwinder Singh R/o Vill: Balial Teh-Bhawanigarh (Sangrur ) declared that she is known by both the names.

63372I, Surinderpal Singh S/o Jagan Nath R/o Jalalabad Purbi (Moga) declare that my wife had died she had k n o w n b y t w o n a m e s B a l j i n d e r K a u r a l i a s Balwinder Kaur.


PUBLIC NOTICES I, Deen Dayal s/o Ruldu Ram, RO ward number 4 Ghagga (Patiala) state that my son Shanki Garg and his wife Monica are beyond my control. So I evict them f r o m m o v a b l e a n d i m m o v a b l e p r o p e r t y . Anyone who has nothing to do with me and my family will be responsible.

50008I, Tej Kaur W/o. Late No. 1158274 Hony Bb/sub Babu Singh R/o. 1303/12, Phase-11, Tehsil & District Sas Nagar, Mohali, Punjab That My Daughter Manjeet Kaur Dob Is 11-6-1972 R/o. 1303/12, Phase-11, Tehsil & District Sas Nagar, Mohali Punjab. She Has No Sources Of Income After The Death Of Her Husband Mr. Jasbir Singh On 29-4-2012. She Is Fully Dependent On Me . The Above Statement True And Correct

60017Shyam Laal S/o Ramnath And Asha Rani W/o Sh. Shyam Laal R/o H. No 779 Purni Sabji Mandi Jagadhri Teh . Dis t t . Yamunagar Dec l a r e Tha t My Son Guarav And His Wife Preeti And His Son Angad Is Out Control . I, Disinherit Them From My Whole M o v e a b l e / i m m o v e a b l e Proper t ies . I Have No R e l a t i o n Wi t h T h e m , Anybody Deal ing With Them At Their Own Risk. I Shall Not Be Responsible For Any Of Them Act And Conduct.


Govt jobs beinggiven on meritbasis: Sharma


Haryana Transport and MiningMinister, Mr. Mool Chand Sharmasaid that government jobs in thestate are being given on merit basis.Besides this, development worksare being done in an unbiased man-ner so as to ensure every develop-ment of section of the state in anequivalent way.

Mr. Mool Chand Sharma wasaddressing a gathering today afterlaying the foundation stone of thework of CC Lining for BallabgarhDistributary at a cost of about Rs. 2crore in Faridabad.

He said that after the construc-tion of Ballabgarh Distributary CCLining, the farmers of Sahupura,Sunped, Malerna, Sagarpur upto thefarmers of village Piala will begreatly benefited. Apart from irriga-tion of 1929 hectares of landthrough Ballabgarh Distributary,adequate water will also be avail-able for plants in parks and sectorsof many wards of this region. The11-kilometer long Rajwaha CC lin-ing to be built at any cost of Rs. 2crore will result in better supply ofcanal water. It will also ensure theseamless flow of water.

The Minister said that eversince he got the chance of servingthe people of Ballabhgarh Assem-bly Constituency, no stone has beenleft unturned in eradicating corrup-tion. He said that those who indulgein corrupt practices will not bespared under any circumstances. Hesaid that the development works ofthe area are being completed on pri-ority basis. Efforts are being madeto make Ballabhgarh AssemblyConstituency a role model of devel-opment not only for Faridabad dis-trict but also for entire Haryana.

He said that the Prime Minister,Mr. Narendra Modi and the ChiefMinister of the state, Mr. ManoharLal by giving utmost priority to theworks pertaining to public interestare working effortlessly to ensureimplementation of all-round devel-opment.

Speaking on Farm Ordinances,he said that Prime Minister, Mr.Narendra Modi and Union DefenseMinister, Mr. Rajnath Singh by in-teracting directly with the farmersare giving detailed informationabout the advantages of Farm Ordi-nances.

These three Farm Ordinanceswill prove to be effective for the de-velopment of farmers.

Gupta electedhead of Cattle


At the meeting of the Cattle FeedVendor and Manufacturers Associa-tion, Rajesh Gupta was unanimous-ly elected as the head. In the meet-ing held here, animal feed vendorsgathered. In the organised meetingit was said that the objective of allof them is that there should be bal-anced and nutritious feed availableto the animals of our farmers. Thequality we give, should be com-pletely pure. According to that, themanufacturer and seller should fixthe price. Officials of the associa-tion said that along with this, the as-sociation will maintain goodwill inother products associated withthem.

Along with this, those problemswill also be dealt with which aremeant to harass businessmen with-out any reason. In today's meeting,other officials were unanimouslynominated Jagmohan Garg on thepost of Secretary, Mukesh Garg andSachin Jindal on the post of DeputyChairman and Ashok Garg on thepost of Treasurer. The businessmenalso unanimously spoke of support-ing the farmers. Rajesh Gupta saidthat his association condemns thecontinuous incidents of theft andlooting in Assandh and demands theadministration to resolve all the is-sues quickly. He said that his asso-ciation will always work with theVyapar Mandal.

Bhinder joinsDelhi movement


Jitendra Singh Vicky Bhinder, aprogressive young farmer of Sha-habad, joined the Delhi Movementwith the plough of 1962. This be-came the subject of discussion andthe media also talked about it dur-ing the farmers’movement. JitendraBhinder said that in the winter ofwinter, the farmer is sitting on thestreets and many farmers have beenmartyred in the movement. He saidthat this pathetic condition of thecountry's strong pillar farmers is adirect attack on democracy. VickyBhinder said that when they areagainst these agricultural ordi-nances then why are they beingforcefully imposed on the farmers.Bhinder said that the governmentshould immediately withdraw theseblack agricultural ordinances. Hesaid that today it has been more thana month and the farmers are sittingon a dharna leaving both their house.


3HARYANATwo IAS officers shiftedCHANDIGARH: Haryana Government has issued the transfer and posting orders of two IASofficers with immediate effect. Mr. Jitender Yadav, Chief Vigilance Officer, Urban Estates,Haryana, Administrator, HSVP, Gurugram and Additional Director, Urban Estate, Gurugramhas been posted as Additional CEO, Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority, Guru-gram, in addition to his present duties. Vinay Partap Singh, Commissioner, Municipal Corpo-ration, Gurugram, Chief Administrator, Shri Mata Sheetla Devi Shrine Board, Gurugram, Dis-trict Municipal Commissioner, Gurugram and Additional CEO, Gurugram Metropolitan Devel-opment Authority, Gurugram has been posted as Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Gu-rugram, Chief Administrator, Shri Mata Sheetla Devi Shrine Board, Gurugram, District Munici-pal Commissioner, Gurugram and Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Manesar.YUGMARG, CHANDIGARH, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020


Moving ahead in Sirsa’s illegal armsrecovery case, Haryana Police hasbusted an illegal arms manufacturingunit in Uttar Pradesh and recovered alarge quantity of equipments used inmaking illegal weapons.

Giving this information here to-day, Haryana Police spokesperson in-formed that the crackdown was madeby a CIA team at the behest of kingpinIstaq Ahmed, a resident of Bazar Mo-halla, Baheri, district Bareilly in UP,who was arrested in connection withrecovery of huge illegal arms in Sirsa.The illegal unit was busted by policeduring a raid at Beheri area in UP.

As many as 19 butts of illegal pis-tol, 10 barrel, 19 springs, 20 screws, 3triggers, one unfinished pistol and oth-er items were recovered from the unit.Two other accused have been identi-fied during interrogation who will bearrested soon.

So far, four accused including thekingpin have been arrested in this casewith the recovery of 22 illegal pistols,

72 live and empty cartridges.It is noteworthy that on December

19, a police team on secret informa-tion had nabbed Dara Singh andAmarjeet Singh after the recovery ofhuge cache of weapons in Sirsa. Dur-ing their remand period, police arrest-ed Avtar Singh alias Ladi, a resident ofPunjab, alongwith five illegal pistolsfrom a hotel in Hisar. Later on, king-

pin of the network Istaq Ahmed, wasapprehended from Bareilly in UP.

The probe reveals that Istaq Ah-mad is a person of criminal nature andhas already been arrested in illegalarms case. UP police has booked himafter busting illegal weapons manu-facturing unit in 2019. In addition, hewas on the radar of the Uttar PradeshSTF team.

Illegal arms manufacturing unitbusted, equipments seized


In order to empower theyouth, the head and sub-prin-cipals have been appointed inthe student groups of two ma-jor educational institutions ofKaithal. Slada Baloo, thehead of the All Students Jatgroup, said that Amit Kailramhas been elected as the headand Ashish Baloo in Kaithal'sJat College Students Group.Apart from this, in the RKSDCollege Students Group,Amit Kailram has been elect-ed as the head and Avalok Ha-

jwana as the vice-president.He said that the responsibilityof these four will be to keepthe youth organised in thecollege and remove the col-lege related problems of theyouth.

They thanked all theyouth on their appointment.After this, all the young andelected officials reached theKisan Bhavan of Congressunder the leadership of socialworker Ramkumar Bansal.All the youth here supportedRamkumar Bansal preparingfor the upcoming city councilchairman election and as-

sured that the entire team ofyouth are with him. In the up-coming MC chairman elec-tions, he will campaign forRamkumar Bansal in publicand will open his support tothe youth team. On this occa-sion Shanki Karoda, ManojTaragarh, Pawan Karoda,Deep Balu, Titu Karoda,Mona Karora, Maggi Balu,Rahul Balu, Nanu Kailram,Ajay Pahalwan, Ashish Kail-ram, Sonu Kailram, JasbirKailram, Raju Kailram,Pravesh Kailram, Jugga Balu, Mohit Kharak, KuldeepKailram etc.

Youth extends supportto Bansal for MC poll


A general body meeting of Lions Club,Kaithal Central was held here which waspresided over by its President Lion AjayDua, Advocate. Addressing the meeting

Dua called upon the members to dedicatethemselves for the welfare of the needypeople. He also announced the projects tobe undertaken in the coming new year2021. He also expressed his pleasure overthe maximum participation of its mem-bers.

AGM of Lions Club held


Congress's 136th Foundation Day was cele-brated at Congress Bhavan in Kurukshetra.Ladwa Congress MLA Mewa Singh congratu-lated all the citizens and said that Congress hasbeen engaged in the service of the country forthe last 136 years. The Congress Party workedto liberate the country. At that time there wasa huge shortage of food grains. Since then tilltoday, the Congress party has made a hugecontribution in the progress of the country.

Today in this country from needle to ship inthis country are being manufactured. Thefarmer has produced so much grain that no onecan starve in the country now. The Congressparty has a huge contribution in all this devel-opment work. Congratulations to all the peopleof light, before the program, former ministerand Congress leader Ashok Arora, that LadwaMLA Mewa Singh hoisted the Congress Partyflag in Kurukshetra Congress Bhavan. On thisoccasion, all the prominent Congress workersof district Kurukshetra were present.

Arora, Singh celebrateCongress foundation day

Subhash Sudha laysfoundation of tubewellSANGEETAKURUKSHETRA, DECEMBER 28

MLA Subhash Sudha said that the drinking water problem ofthe people of the city is constantly being resolved. Tube Wellsare being installed in various sectors and wards of the city todiagnose the prob-lem of drinking wa-ter. Sudha was ad-dressing the foun-dation stone of thedrinking watertubewell on Mon-day. He said that theproblem of drinkingwater of the peoplewill be eliminatedwith the construc-tion of this tubewell. A budget of 9 lakh rupees will be spent onthe construction work of this tubewell.

He said that equal development works are being done in allthe wards and sectors of Thanesar city. According to the needsof the people, development works are being implemented. Noperson in the city will be allowed to face problems due to drink-ing water and sewerage drainage etc. Councillors Gurdial Ka-jal, Gyan Chand, Rampal Sharma, Balbir Panchal, MohinderSingh, Pritam, Sahadev, Kamal Sharma, Kripal Singh etc. werepresent on the occasion.

Youth dies in roadaccident


A 26-year-old man died in a road accident. The de-ceased youth has been identified as Bhavnit Singh, res-ident Shahabad. Bhavnit Singh was the only child ofhis parents. According to the information, 26-year-oldBhavnit Singh alias Kaka and his uncle's son VikramjitSingh went to Fatehgarh Sahib on Sunday morning af-ter riding a bullet bike. But while returning in theevening, his bike hit a trolley while rescuing a personon the road near Shambhu barrier due to which bothBhavneet and Vikramjit Singh, fell on the road andwere seriously injured. Both were taken to the hospitalwhere doctors declared Bhavnit alias Kaka dead. WhileVikramjit Singh was seriously injured. His treatment isunderway at PGI Chandigarh. At the same time, thereis an atmosphere of mourning in his family due to thedeath of Bhavnit Singh. Bhavnit Singh and VikramjitSingh had left the house after having breakfast in themorning. They said that they would return home earlyin the evening but the accident happened. BhavnitSingh used to run an Electric showroom on the railwayroad of Shahabad and started work recently. Bhavnitwas associated with social institutions and blood dona-tion in the city. On 29 October also this young man haddonated blood.


Film actor Raza Murad and Karnal's promising martial artsplayer Satish Kumar Rana joined the chief guest in a grand ho-nour ceremony held at Le Meridien Hotel. The Maxizon TouchSuccess Celebration Programme was organised in Gurugram inwhich theleaders whodid excellentwork werea w a r d e d .A b h i s h e kBachchan ,Amit Big-B,N a r e n d r aArora werealso present.The organis-ers of thee v e n t ,Bhushan Singh and Priyanka Singh, welcomed all the guestswith flowers. Bhushan Singh and Priyanka Singh, directors ofMaxizon Touch Pvt Ltd, said, "We will continue to work tire-lessly to end India's unemployment and provide proper guid-ance to the people."

Blood donation camp held inmemory of Udham Singh


A blood donation camp was organiSed on behalf of Gram Pan-chayat Kalampura in memory of the great revolutionary martyrUdham Singh. Haryana Chief Minister's representative SanjayBathla was the chiefguest. At the sametime, BJP RamnagarDivision General Sec-retary Pramod Nagpal,Kamal Munjal of Ur-ban Circle and ArunSharma, a social work-er were also present.

A number of peo-ple donated blood onthe occasion in the camp. They were welcomed by villagers in-cluding Sarpanch Bansi Lal. Firstly, a floral respect was paid tothe portrait of martyr Udham Singh. In the camp, Sanjay Bath-la encouraged the blood donors by donating blood himself. Hesaid that blood donation is Mahadan which can save one's life.There is no other alternative to blood. Everyone should partic-ipate more actively in this social work for saving the lives ofother people.


The office bearers of Rotary ClubKarnal presented 1000 N-95 masks toDC Nishant Kumar Yadav at theDeputy Commissioner Office of MiniSecretariat on Monday. The DeputyCommissioner also thanked the offi-cials of the Rotary Club and said thatthe social organisations of Karnalhave helped the administration infighting Covid-19. Assistant Governorof Rotary Club, Dr. PK Jain told theDeputy Commissioner that the organ-isation participates in social serviceactivities. The Rotary Club is pursuingsocial service by collaborating in thePulse Polio campaign, organisingblood donation camps and providingessential items from time to time tochildren with special support needs ofMDD Bal Bhavan. Vinod Kumar,Manish Bansal, Vinod Mishra, Man- ish Aggarwal and Jagdish Agrawal were present on the occasion.

Rotary Club presents1000 N-95 masks

Road from Sidhwan canal to Lodhi club to be developed as smart road: AshuLUDHIANA: Punjab Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Minister Mr Bharat Bhushan Ashutoday informed that the road starting from Sidhwan Canal bridge till the Lodhi Club Road (through

Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar) would be developed into a smart roadby the Ludhiana Improvement Trust. He informed that this roadwould be developed into a smart road with a cost of Rs 4.61 crore.Accompanied by Ludhiana Improvement Trust Chairman Mr Ra-man Subramaniam, Mayor Mr Balkar Singh Sandhu, CouncillorsMr Hari Singh Brar, Mrs Amrit Varsha Rampal, and Senior Con-gress leader Mr Sunil Kapoor, Mr Bharat Bhushan Ashu todaylaid the foundation stone of the start of this project.





The Aam Aadmi Party(AAP) will contest the up-coming Municipal Corpora-tion and Municipal Commit-tee elections in Punjab on itselection symbol 'Broom'.The announcement wasmade jointly by party in-charge and MLA from DelhiJarnail Singh and state presi-dent and MP BhagwantMann during a press confer-ence convened at the partyheadquarters on Monday.

Leader of Opposition(LoP) in Punjab LegislativeAssembly Harpal SinghCheema, deputy Leader ofOpposition Sarabjit KaurManuke, MLA Kultar SinghSandhwan, Aman Arora,Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer,Principal Budhram, ProfBaljinder Kaur, Jai KishanSingh Rodi, Kulwant Singh

Pandori, Jagtar Singh JaggaHissowal, Manjit Singh Bi-laspur, Master Baldev Singh,Rupinder Kaur Ruby, Amar-jit Singh Sandoya, party gen-eral secretary HarchandSingh Barsat, secretaryGagandeep Singh Chadhaamong other leaders werepresent on the occasion.

Jarnail Singh said thatAAP would contest all theseats in the forthcoming lo-cal bodies’elections with fullvigor.

“These elections will befought on the party's electionsymbol. It is a golden oppor-tunity for the people thistime to bring change in thecities by electing their coun-cillors among the people,who would work for the peo-ple,” he added. He alsoasked the government offi-cials working in the electionsto perform their duties with-out any pressure.


Flaying him for stooping too low inhis efforts to tarnish Farmers strug-gle, Senior Punjab Congress lead-ers on Monday dared AshwaniSharma to not cross lines of propri-ety and decency in political dis-course.

In a hard-hitting joint statementissued here Senior Cabinet Minis-ters including Brahm Mohindra,Bharat Bhushan Ashu, Vijay InderSingla, OP Soni and Sunder ShamArora castigated Ashwani Sharmafor levelling unfounded allegationsagainst the top police officer of thestate adding that this hollow poli-ticking won't help bjp's alreadyfailed cause.

"You have called our farmersKhalistanis, urban-naxals and ul-tra-left, have not you", the Minis-ters asked him adding BJP onlymasters in deflecting the issue,which won't work in Punjab as

farmers have seen through yourmachinations and vile promises.

His frustration in face of massivepublic rejection of farmer laws isunderstandable but losing mentalbalance so soon is not, CabinetMinister Brahm Mohindra quippedreferring to state bjp president's al-legations against the DGP. TheMinisters collectively flayed Shar-

ma for trying to vitiate peaceful at-mosphere of Punjab by these irre-sponsible statements warning bjpleader to abstain from any suchthing and focus on resolvingfarmer concerns.

Underlining state government'sresolve to ensure welfare of farm-ers, Industries Minister SunderSham Arora said that our Anndatas

have been named and shamed byBJP whose nefarious designs theyhave seen through. BJP is shame-lessly trying to divert attentionfrom pressing issues the nationfaces by indulging in irresponsibleand dangerous politicking, he saidadding Punjab government wouldnever allow centre to succeed in itsplans to destroy agriculture at be-hest of crony capitalists.

This is shameful, petty, repre-hensible and totally uncalled forwhat Sharma has said, CabinetMinister Bharat Bhushan Ashu saidadding this tantamount to tarnish-ing farmers struggle by callingthem goons.

Pointing out that BJP had miser-ably failed to read pulse of farmersacross country, Education MinisterVijay Inder Singla said Punjabisespecially are feeling cheated bycentre policies and would demon-strate their anguish by packing offBJP from the state in next assemblyelections.

Ministers warn Ashwani Sharmanot to cross limits of decency

AAP will contest localbodies’ elections acrossstate on party symbol

Toddlers pay homage toSahibzaade, mata Gujar Kaur

JAGRAON: Blossoms conventschool paid tribute to Sahibzaade onthe occasion of singh sabhacommemorating their sacrifices forhumanity. The school informed thestudents regarding the sikh historyand martyrdom of sahibzaade andMata Gujar Kaur. School principal Dr.Amarjeet Kaur Naaz said that there isnobody in this world as great as ShriGuru Gobind Singh and his family asthey always fought for the sake ofhumanity and laid down their livesfighting against wrong but neveraccepted injustice. Naaz furtheradded that it is very important to letthe students know about about theglorious past as we need to get overall the social evils and build goodcitizens so that world can be a betterplace in future. She appealed theparents to always remind theirchildren of such great souls as we geta lot to learn from them. At thisoccasion, school chairman Harbhajansingh johal, president manpreet singhbrar and director major singh johalwere also present.

Sodhi hands over Rs.10 lakh tofamily of deceased journalist AmarjitSingh Behl

FEROZEPUR: Punjab governmenthonouring its commitment for thewelfare of the Journalists fraternity, acheque of compensation of Rs.10lakh was handed over by RanaGurmit Singh Sodhi, Cabinet Minister– Sports and Youth Affairs, to the wifeof the deceased journalist AmarjitSingh Behal, who succumbed toCovid-19 infection. Amarjit SinghBehl, was working as a journalist forAjit group of newspapers. DescribingAmarjit Singh Behl as an upright anddedicated journalist, the CabinetMinister said that the journalist was afine human being too, who wascommitted to professional ethics andworked in the field of a journalist for38 years. Such loss is irreparable notonly to the family but to the wholejournalist fraternity but he would be asource of inspiration for others. TheMinister also assured fulsomesupport from the State Government inthe future too. Remembering AmarjitSingh Behl Journalist by observing 2-minute silence, the financialassistance cheque on behalf ofPunjab government was handed overby Rana Sodhi at the local Ajit officeto Parminder Kaur wife of Journalist.His brother Swarnjit Singh Behal wasalso present on this occasion.Notably, the Chief Minister PunjabCapt Amarinder Singh hadannounced to extend relief of Rs.10lakh to the accredited o yellow cardholder journalists in case of deathdue to Covid-19. Prominent amongpresent were – Tapinder Singh,Jaswinder Singh Sandhu, GurinderSingh, Harcharan Singh Sandhu,Partap Singh Hira, Kulbir Sodhi,Rakesh Chawla, Pritpal Singh,Amritpal Singh Congress leader,Davinder Jang, Ravi Dutt Chawla,Vicky Narula and others.

Term his attack on DGP as political frustration

Gurdwara TahlianaSahib's yearly Jorh-Mela on Jan 2

HARPREET SINGH GILLRAIKOT: The yearly Jorh-Mela will becelebrated at Gurdwara TahlianaSahib Patshahi 10th, Raikot onJanuary 2, 3 and 4, 2021 under themanagement of Jathedar Jagjit SinghTalwandi Member ShiromaniCommittee. Giving information aboutthis, the manager of Gurdwara sahib,Kanwaljit Singh Gill said that AkhandPath will start on December 31, 2020at 10 am, Nishan Sahib will bedressed on January 1, 2021. Bhog ofShri Akhand Path will be performedon January 2 at 8 am. On January 2from 9 am to 4 pm, there will beKirtan Darbar, during which kathawachak will narrate katha, and thehazoori ragis will enthrall the sangatwith Shabad Kirtan. He appealed tothe sangats of the city to make properarrangements for cleanliness at thevenues of Nagar Kirtan.


The road of Astha Enclavewas inaugurated by con-stituency derabassi in-charge and senior Con-gress leader DeepinderSingh dhillon and in hisspeech he said that whatdevelopment is done in Zi-rakpur in last 20 years andwhat landmark has beengiven to Zirakpur by NKSharma's party Raisingthis question, he chal-lenged NK Sharma for anopen debate. "Elections arealways connected with thedevelopment and if ourparty wins tomorrow, thenafter five years you havethe right to ask what wehave done for you,"Dhillon said.

Give your vote to theCongress party, this timein the MC elections of zi-rakpur. He said that theMunicipal Council of Zi-rakpur was formed in the

year 2000 and from theyear 2000 till the year2020 the Municipal Coun-cil of Zirakpur has beenoccupied by NK Sharma'sparty.

And I challenge NKSharma to have an opendebate on what landmarkhas given by them to Zi-rakpur. He said that in thisMC election NK Sharma'sparty would definitely losecontrol of Zirakpur MC

and you should cast yourvote for Congress partyonly. Our party has donemany development worksin Zirakpur and many de-velopment works are beingdone and will be done infuture also.

He declared NavjotSingh as the candidate ofward no. 26 and appealedto the people to vote forhim as this young man willcome to you and sit with

you and listen to all yourproblems and solve them.On this occasion, the resi-dents of Astha Enclavepledged their full supportto Navjot Singh.

Amjad Khan, SurinderKaur, Pawan Kumar, ArunAgarwal, Kamaljit KaurSodhi, Surinder Bansal,Vinay Dutta, Mohan LalGarg and residents ofAstha Enclave were pres-ent on the occasion.

Inauguration of road done by Dhillon


"Punjabi bhasha pasarbhaichara" conducted a sem-inar on topic "present farmermovement- problems andprobabilities". The seminarwas presided over by mittarsain meet, kernel DS Grewaland Balwinder Singh. Stagesecretary Prof Karam SinghSandhu talked about the mo-tive behind the conduct ofseminar and said that it is re-ally essential to let the peopleknow about the farmer Agita-tions. Balwinder singh talk-ing about farm laws said thatthey have been passed by the

government in accordancewith the influential corporatefamilies and stand nowhereis progress of farmers or agri-culture.

He further said that it isthe first time that farmers,labourers, scholars and com-mon people have come to-gether to protest for onecause which can probablygive birth to an anti-corruptpolitical party. The otherspokesperson including ker-nel DS Grewal, HardeepSingh Galib, Harban singhakhara, avtar jagraon, mahin-der singh sekhon, harbakshsingh grewal, Dr. SurjitDaudhar addressed the gath-

ering and talked about thedrawbacks and negative ef-fects of the farm laws. In hisaddress, president mittar sainmeet said that we need toprovide more strength to thePunjabi culture in order toavoid such exploitation in fu-ture. S. Jaswinder Singhthanked all the guests and au-dience for being part of thefunction. At this occasion,gurpreet singh, charanjeetsingh bhandari, darshansingh sandhu, prabhjot sohi,rajdeep toor, baldev singhgarcha, ranjeet hathoor, ra-mandeep singh, Dr. BhushanGarg, deedar singh and oth-ers were present.

Seminar on farmer protests conducted


Municipal elections maystart at any time but takingthe initiative, Finance Minis-ter Manpreet Badal has an-nounced about a dozen Con-gress candidates and a thirdlist will be released soon.

The Finance MinisterManpreet Singh Badal wasthanked at the headquarters.Kunder the direction ofChief Minister Capt.Amarinder Singh and underthe leadership of FinanceMinister Manpreet Badalwill seek votes for the over-all development of the cityand will become the Mayorof Congress as SAD-BJPgovernment has neglectedthe city for last ten years.However, under the leader-ship of the Finance Minister,

the main task of the city wasto drain the rain water, roads,drinking water, new watertank, sewerage system andproper sanitation arrange-ments, which has brought

great relief to the citizens, hesaid.

Educated, intelligent andpopular leaders are beingfielded. Finance MinisterManpreet Singh Badal said

that his agenda was to makethe city the most beautifulcity in the world for which hewas working hard and in thedays to come by setting upbig factories.

We will contest on developmentissues: Mayoral candidate

New udaan-aajeevika to open


Special arrangement for exhibition and sale of hand-icrafts made by women of SHGs of the district inNawanshahar under a special initiative of the district

administration on the occasionof New Year to promote SHGsin the district under the PunjabState Rural Livelihoods Mis-sion has been done. DeputyCommissioner Dr. Sheena Ag-garwal said that under this, anew flight will be launched infront of Raja Hospital on MotaSingh Road of Nawanshahar

from 10 am to 5 pm daily from January 1 to 3.SHGHaat is being opened where handicrafts and fooditems made by women artisans of self-help groupswill be displayed and sold. She said that the handi-craft items available for purchase would includebamboo baskets, toys, embroidered table cloths,hand-woven woolen garments, coloured mats, deco-rative items, handmade bangles and many more.Similarly, foods like jam, pickle, jam, mixed flour,moringa medicinal powder will be sold. He appealedto the people of the city to make this livelihood to getthe best goods at the lowest possible prices.


Farmers are the backboneof the country's economyand account for 80 percent of the food stock, butPrime Minister NarendraModi's attitude towardstheir agitation and rights ishighly reprehensible as hehas not seen a farmer onthe streets for the lastthree months. This wasstated by the District Pres-ident of Youth CongressRural BathindaLakhwinder Singh Luckyin a statement after an im-portant meeting with theworkers of the Youth Con-gress and said that the

Prime Minister of thecountry should abandonhis arrogant attitude to-wards agriculture bills.

He said that PrimeMinister Narendra Modi,who formed the govern-ment by showing gooddays, has proved to be themost false PM who isplaying into the hands ofbusiness houses AmbaniAdani. He said that todaythe country and especiallythe farmers of Punjab

were in a bad conditionwhich was not being takencare of by the governmentbut it was gratifying thatunder the able leadershipof the Chief MinisterCapt. Amarinder Singhdebts were forgiven, homejobs were given and bigdecisions were made togive great relief. He saidthat the entire team ofYouth Congress are stand-ing with farmers struggleand in the days to come.

PM's attitude to farmers' movementis irresponsible: Youth Cong


The 49th Nagi Day was cele-brated at Nagi War Memorialat Sadhuwali Cantonment –small village located in SriKaranpur close to Internation-al Boundary) in memory ofgallant soldiers of the IndianArmy who laid down theirlives for the nation during fa-mous Battle of Nagi on 27-28December 1971, in violationof the ceasefire.

A grand ceremony washeld in Sadhuwali Cantt tocommemorate the sacrificesmade by these young men. Inthe ensuing battle, a total of 21

Indian Soldiers including threeofficers made the supreme sac-rifice in the line of duty. In thiswar, heroism was shown bythe Indian Army in the Battleof Nagi with 51 ParachuteBrigade, 4 Parachute Regi-ment, 9 Para Field Regimentand 410 Field Company and18Cavalry Regiment to defeat

the enemy. Dur-ing the ceremo-ny, army person-nel, veer naris,civil dignitaries,and locals ofShikarpur weregiven a warmwelcome fol-lowed by vari-

ous programmes at Nari WarMemorial by SudershanChakkar Division, with partic-ipation from soldiers, retiredpersonnel, families enthusias-tically and saluted in honour oftheir martyrs. Army PipeBand, Khalsa Yudh Kala Gat-ka and Gorkha Khukri danceespecially graced the occasion.

Army celebrates 49th Nagi Dayto remember 21 jawans’ sacrifice

Guru Kirpa lok sevasociety conducts

protest march JAGRAON, DEC 28 Guru Kirpa Lok seva socie-ty Jagraon staged a protestmarch against the centralgovernment. The socialwelfare society raised slo-gans against the govern-ment and PM modi forpassing the new farm lawsand marched from MoriGate to jhansi rani chownkvisiting different areas ofthe city with banners. Thesociety said that they pro-vide complete support tothe farmers and will provideevery possible help to thefarmers as they are strug-gling for right. They ap-pealed the government tolisten to the farmers anddismiss the new farm laws.At this occasion, pratapsingh, charanjeet singhbhandari, balwinder singh,kulbir singh, ravinderpalsingh, sukhwinder singh,gurmel singh, gurpreetsingh, gursevak singh,prince arora.

Dr Amar Singh chairsmeeting of Airport

Advisory CommitteeSahnewal

LUDHIANA, DEC 28:Member Parliament (MP)Fatehgarh Sahib Dr AmarSingh, who is also a Chair-man of the Airport AdvisoryCommittee of Sahnewal onMonday, chaired a meetingof the committee to discussvarious agendas at BachatBhawan here. MP Dr AmarSingh was accompanied byDeputy Commissioner (DC)Ludhiana Varinder KumarSharma, Airport Director SKSaran, Additional DeputyCommissioner (ADC Gener-al) Amarjit Singh Bains andCongress leader KamilSingh Boparai.



Hamirpur in grip of severe coldHAMIRPUR: Entire Hamirpur district continued to be in the grip of severe coldthanks to chilly winds sweeping across the district and coming from nearbyDhauladhar ranges of Himalayas as well as last night rains. About 11 mm rainwas recorded in the district during the last twenty-four hours. There was no rainin the district till afternoon on Sunday. However, sky remained overcast withdark clouds and sun and clouds continued to play hide and seek game. Therains at this juncture are considered beneficial for the growth of the alreadysowing Rabi crops as well as those to be sown till Lohri. Meanwhile, theDepartment of Meteorological has forecast ground Frost conditions & coldwaves very likely in isolated pockets of the lower hill areas of the state duringthe next three days.

HIMACHAL/JKToddler drowns inJhelum in BandiporaSRINAGAR: An 18-month-old babydrowned in river Jhelum on Monday innorth Kashmir district of Bandipora,official sources said. They said a babyboy, identified as Faizan Ahmad,slipped and fell into river Jhelum invillage Sadunara of Hajin inBandipora on Monday. “Other peoplepresent in the area also jumped tosave the baby boy, but could not doso,” they said. They said body ofFaizan was later fished out from theriver. “After completing all the legaland medical formalities, the body ofthe deceased was handed over to hisrelatives for last rites,” they added.

NIT Srinagar signsMoU with IIT Delhi tocollaborate onacademic activitiesNEW DELHI: A Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) has beensigned between the National Instituteof Technology (NIT) in Srinagar andthe Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),Delhi to collaborate on differentacademic activities. The scope ofcollaboration on academic andresearch activities in the MoUincludes Academic and Researchcollaboration in the areas of mutualinterest, exchange of students andfaculty, exchange of academicinformation, scholarly information,materials and publications, andadmission of NIT Srinagar studentsfor direct PhD entry at IIT Delhi. Forresearch collaboration, proposals forcollaborative research work under thisMemorandum will be submitted withthe prior approval of the Head of eachinstitution or his/her nominee. "Eachinstitution will nominate one of itsmembers as its representative in-charge of the cooperative programme.Individual programme of work underthis Memorandum will be jointlyplanned and conducted by thenominees of both parties," read theMoU. "Neither National Institute ofTechnology Srinagar nor IndianInstitute of Technology Delhi will beheld responsible for any liability to theparty, and neither party shall berequired to purchase any insuranceagainst loss or damage to anyproperty due to activities to which thisagreement relates," it said.

Hamirpur reports 40new COVID-19 casesHAMIRPUR: As many as 40 moreCOVID-19 cases were detected in thedistrict, CMO Dr Archana Soni saidhere on Sunday. She said that while29 people were found through RT-PCR test, eleven others weredetected through Rapid antigen test.Those found positive includeseventeen females and twenty-threemales. The CMO said that for peoplefrom Dhabiri village of Badsar areatwo from the nearby Jajri area wereamong those found positive in the list.Similarly, four people from Anu Kalanarea of the Hamirpur town have alsobeen found positive and had beenadvised Home quarantine. Most of thenew patients were the primarycontacts of the old patients. It’s worthmentioning here that the influx of thenew patients has come at a timewhen the number of cured peoplewas on an increase and the activecases were on decline. The healthofficer has appealed to the people toabide by the government advice andwear face masks and maintain socialdistancing while venturing out.

Newly elected DDCmembers sworn inacross Jammu regionJAMMU: To mark the establishment ofthe three-tier Panchayati Raj System inthis part of the Union Territory of Jammuand Kashmir, the swearing in ceremonyof the newly elected DistrictDevelopment Council members washeld here on Monday across JammuDivision. The oath taking ceremony washeld at all district headquarters where all14 members of the DistrictDevelopment Council were sworn in.Deputy Commissioner, Jammu, SaritaChauhan administered the oath to thenewly elected District DevelopmentCouncil (DDC) members at animpressive function held here at theBhawan, Gandhi Nagar. Four of themembers took oath in Dogri language, 6in Hindi, 3 in English and 1 in Punjabi.Jammu has elected 5 women membersincluding – a young woman SurekhaDevi, 29, from Arnia. The venue wore afestive look with an aura of jubilationamong the elected members and theaccompanying family members, friendsas well as supporters.

Major tourist resorts experienceanother snowfall in Himachal


All major tourist resortincluiding Shimla, Kufri, Fagu,Mashobra Narkanda, Chail(Solan), Kasouli, Manali andDalhousie received major spellof Snowfall on Monday andmany places lashed by lightrainfall in the state.

As people and tourists cameout of their houses and hotel inthe morning, they were dazleafter finding there surroundingwrapped in thick blanket ofsnow. Many places were rainingand cloudy till this morning asthick fog covered thesurrounding. Met Officerecorded one feet(30cm)Snowfall at tourist Kufri ,Dalhousie in Chamba 22 cm,Tourist resort Manali 14 cm,Shimla nine mm, Jubberhatifour cm and Kalpa one cm.

Power supply and Vehiculartraffic was also disrupted partlybut it likely to be stored soon.

Thunderstorm andinclement weather also bringcheers on the faces of farmersas the timely winter rain would

help in good Rabi crops. Reportof rain or Snowfall also arrivingall state and minimumtemperatures plunged downseveral degrees below thenormal. Palampur in Kangrarecorded 16 mm rain, Nahan inSirmaur 14.6 mm, Solan 13.8mm, Chamba 13 mm, Kangra12.8 mm,Una 9.8 mm,Sundernagar 8.8 mm, Mandi

8.4 mm, Bhuntar 7.9 mm,Seobagh 7.4 mm, Jubberhati 7.4mm and Dharmshala 2..6 mm.

Minimum temperature ofKeylong in Lahaul Spiti districtwas minus 7.4 mm, Kalpa inKinnuar minus 3.1 degrees,Dalhousie minus 3.6 mm,Kufriminus 2.4 degrees, Shimlaminus 1.1 degrees andJubberhati minus 0.1 degrees.

Tourist resort Manali was0.2 degrees, Una and Hampur2.8 degrees each, Bilaspur threedegrees, Chamba and Mandi3.2 degrees, Bhuntar in Kullu3.9 degrees, Sundernagar fourdegrees, Kangra five degreesand Nahan in Sirmaur 7.9degrees. Met Office forecastmainly dry weather in next 24hrs in the state.


Deepika Jain from ward-5 of citycouncil filed her nomination papersfrom Ward 5 of Municipal elections. OnMonday, she has filed nomination

papers along with her supporters.Peoplehave been struggling with variousproblems for the last five years, she saidwhile promised to fulfill their demands.Dirty water flows, piles of dirt andbroken roads occurred in the last fiveyears, she said.

Deepika files papersfrom ward-5

Cong celebrates its Foundation Day


Congress is celebrating its 136th Foundation Day at Unaheadquarters today. The Congress Party was founded in 1885.Congress celebrated its foundation day at MC Park in Unatoday. During this, the Congress district president alsodistributed sweets. Congress State Spokesperson Vijay Dograsaid that today Congress is celebrating 136th and Seva Dal98th Foundation Day. Congress leaders Pt Jawaharlal Nehruto Narasimha Rao, Indira Gandhi contributed significantly intaking the country forward and reached a strong position.Vijay Dogra said that the unity and integrity of the country isbeing hurt today. Politics is being done in the name of religionin the country, false cases are being filed against people. In thecoming times, the Congress party will propagate its policies tothe people and will return to power in 2022.

New ideas will be included in policiesunder vision of new India: Dr Lal SinghJYOTI SYALUNA, DEC 28

Under the Vision of New India-2022 document, the youth willbe included in the policies by listening to their views byproviding an opportunity to express their views in anindependent manner. Giving this information, Dr. Lal SinghDistrict Youth Officer and Nodal Officer Youth Parliament saidthat in the same sequence, the programmes organized by theYouth Program Department, Ministry of Youth Affairs andSports, Government of India, involving the youth in the agegroup of 18 to 25 years. He said that in order to know the viewsof the youth towards the social, economic, scientific and currentconditions of the nation, in the programme of the PrimeMinister's mind, it was said to organize youth parliaments at thedistrict, state and national levels. Dr. Lal Singh informed thatthe competition of youth nominated by National ServiceScheme Nodal Officers of District Una, Bilaspur and Shimlaand District Youth Officers of these districts will be conductedin virtual mode in the Video Conference Hall of SmallSecretariat of District Una and two from each district youth willbe selected and sent to participate in the state level competitionin the first week of January. The programme will be inauguratedby Deputy Commissioner Una Raghav Sharma. He informedthat the National Education Policy 2020 will bring changes inthe education of India to the youth at the district level in thecompetition, promote the powers of the community and usetechnology for their upliftment, advancing rural economy in thenew scenario under the Advanced India Campaign and for thefarmers with zero budget natural farming they have to keeptheir thoughts and ideas on subjects like boon.

Anger among people for not makingBangana a panchayat persists


The demand for making Bangana as a NagarPanchayat has been unchecked by the peoplefor a long time but the demand of the villagersof this area has not been met yet, although thearea is the home area of Panchayati RajMinister Virendra Kanwar. One may findresentment in the Panchayati Raj elections fornot making Bengal a panchayat. The people ofthe area say that there are panchayats in thevicinity of Muchali, Hatli, Dohgi, and thepopulation in these panchayats is also verylarge. These panchayats can also be combinedto form a Nagar Panchayat. The people of thearea have been demanding to make Bangana aNagar Panchayat for the last nearly 10 years.People believe that if Bangana is made a NagarPanchayat, then the developmental work ofthis area can be accelerated. People allege that

due to having large panchayats, there is nodevelopment in all the wards. By making thisarea a Nagar Panchayat, the condition ofelectricity, water, sewerage, drains, lanes andconnectivity routes can be better. The peopleof the area say that the demand for making thearea a Nagar Panchayat starts during theelections, but later this work gets in coldstorage. People allege that assurances to makethis area a Nagar Panchayat during electionsare given to the residents by various parties buteven after several years, no Nagar Panchayathas been formed in Sub Divisional Bangana. Inthis regard, Block Development OfficerYashpal says that no government instructionshave been received so far to make this area aNagar Panchayat. Block Congress PresidentVivek Vicku said that to speed up developmentin the area as soon as the Congress comes topower, making Bengal a Nagar Panchayat willbe the first task.

Holi Khad withchemical water

spreading pollutionPANKAJ KATNAMAHATPUR, DEC 28

About eight kilometers from thevillages of Mahatpur, Jakheda andDehlan, Holi is joining the Swanriver through the villages of Khad,Vasdehada, Raipur Sahodan,Raipur Bade, Chandatgarh andKhanpur got polluted andchemical-rich water of theMahatpur Industrial Area isflowing into the Holi Khad and isgetting into the Swan River. As aresult, the atmosphere of theadjoining villages is gettingpolluted. Fear of adverse effects onthe health of the people working inthe fields along the ravine and thelocal people is arising due to thesmell of chemical water.Especially in the rainy days, due tothe excessive abundance ofmosquitoes etc. in these villages,the fear of diseases is increasing.The department has mixed thewater near Rai Mehatpur Aunarailway line under ground nearHoli Khad bridge. Because ofwhich the atmosphere waspolluted due to the foul smell ofchemical water. The issue wasraised by the locals for quite sometime. Executive Engineer PraveenSharma of Badh Control Board of

Una said that now the departmenthas sent the proposal to make thewater containing chemical waterup to eight kilometers to the higherofficials of the department. Workwill be started after gettingpermission.

Pirpanjal receives heavy snowfall, normal life disruptedRAJOURI, DEC 28

With heavy snowfall in thehigher reaches of the Pirpanjalmountain range, normal life inthe Rajouri district faceddisruption.

The roads in the Rajouri

district have been blocked dueto the snow. "Pirpanjalreceived heavy rainfallresulting in roadblocks in thedistrict," says a police officer.However, the work ofremoving the blockade due tosnow is in progress.

COVID software of NIC selectedfor Digital India Award


The government of India hasselected COVID-19 softwaresample collection managementsystem prepared by NationalInformation Science Centre,Himachal Pradesh for DigitalIndia Award-2020. This Awardwill be given in the innovation inpandemic category. The Awardwould be presented by PresidentRam Nath Kovind for which avirtual Function is beingorganised on 30th December,2020 at New Delhi.

A Spokesperson of theNational Information ScienceCentre (NIC), Himachal Pradeshtold here today that HimachalPradesh was given theresponsibility to developsoftware at National level. Underthe dynamic leadership and

guidance of Chief Minister JaiRam Thakur and activeparticipation of National HealthMission and Health Department,NIC Himachal Pradesh designedand developed this software. Hesaid that this software had beenprepared for Indian Council ofMedical Research (ICMR).

The Scientist of HimachalPradesh prepared this software asper the directions of DirectorGeneral of NIC Dr. Neeta Vermaduring April this year by workingrelentlessly for around 20 hoursper day. This software is beingused by more than one lakhsample collectors of all the statesand union territories of thecountry and so far, around 8crore samples have beencollected.

The Spokesperson said thatdetails of persons going for

Rapid Antigen and RT-PCR testsfor COVID-19 virus was alsobeing uploaded on this software.After COVID-19 test, the reportsof person were also beinguploaded in this software. Hesaid that one web application andtwo mobile applications havebeen included in this system.

He said that under thissoftware, the informationrelating to infected patients wasalso available on portal toall the deputy commissioners andhealth officers. Apart from this,the data was also being used inAarogya Setu App. TheSpokesperson said that theselection of this software fornational award was indeed amatter of great pride for the stateand National InformationScience Centre.

Governor sends off reliefmaterial to fire incident

affected familiesSHIMLA, DEC 28

Governor Bandaru Dattatraya today sends off arelief material for the affected families in the fire

incident at Rohru in Shimla district.Many families have becomehomeless after a fire incident tookplace in Bagi village of Lowerkotiarea in Rohru tehsil. The Governorflagged-off a vehicle with reliefmaterial through the districtadministration in the presence of

Deputy Commissioner Shimla Aditya Negi, whichincluded kitchen sets, blankets and tarpaulin etc.This relief material has been given through StateRed Cross. Secretary to the Governor RakeshKanwar was also present on the occasion.

Max temp above normal in Kashmirbarring Gulmarg, Kokernag resorts


Barring world famous ski resortof Gulmarg and tourist resort ofKokernag, the maximumtemperature was above normalon Monday in the Kashmirvalley, where sun was out thismorning after upper reachesreceived snowfall.

However, rain continued toelude plains, including summercapital, Srinagar, where themaximum temperature Mondaywas 10.5 degree, 2.6 notchesabove normal as the sun wasout. The sky would be partly tomainly cloudy and the

maximum and minimumtemperature would be around 8degree and minus one inSrinagar during the next 24hours.

He said Qazigund, gatewayof Kashmir on Srinagar-Jammu national highway,recorded 8.7 degree, which was0.8 degree above normal.

World famed health resortof Pahalgam, about 100 kmfrom here in south Kashmir, themaximum temperature was 6.4degree, 0.7 degree abovenormal. However, the waterlevel in water bodies, includingriver Lidder passing through

Pahalgam, remained low assnow on upper reachesremained frozen.

Kupwara, where a freshavalanche warning has beenissued in the upper reachesduring the next 24 hours, themaximum temperature was 9.3degree, 1.3 notches abovenormal.

However, the famed skiresort of Gulmarg, where largenumber of skiers and touristsare out on the world classslopes since early this morning,the maximum temperature wasminus 2.6 degree which was 4.2notches below normal.

Two held with 500 grams heroin KHARAR/MOHALI: CIA Staff Mohali has succeeded in arresting two persons following therecovery of 500 gram heroin from their possession. The value of this heroin is estimated to bearound Rs 2.5 crore in the international market. A luxury vehicle used for heroin smugglingwas also recovered from the accused. Disclosing this here today in a press note, District PoliceChief Mr. Satinder Singh said that under the campaign launched against drug traffickers, SIDeepak Kumar was present at the village Saneta in connection with the checking of the vehi-cles. He received an intelligence tip that Vinay and Ankus, who are friends, had brought hero-in from Haryana side for sale in Chandigarh, Mohali and nearby areas. As per information acase under the NDPS Act was registered at Sohana Police Station. The police acted and arrestedboth the accused over coming in a vehicle HR 05 AH 1801 and 500 grams of heroin was re-covered from them. Preliminary interrogation of the arrested persons revealed that they usedto bring heroin from Delhi and supply it to Chandigarh, Mohali and surrounding areas.




Tributes paid to Nagiwar heroes

RAJ SADOSHABOHAR: Remembering & payingtribute to our fallen braves is a sacredduty. The Sudershan Chakra Divisioncommemorated the 49th Nagi Day atSriganganagar. During the 1971 war,on 25/26 Dec, Pakistan, hadoccupied Indian Territory at Nagi afterannouncement of the ceasefire.Indian Army units, viz, 4 ParachuteRegiment, 9 Parachute FieldRegiment, 410 Field Coy & 18Cavalry, evicted the enemy in a swiftoperation on this day. The Battle ofNagi epitomises the true ethos ofIndian Army, wherein 21 Brave Heartsmade the supreme sacrifice anddefended the honour of the nation. Aspecial evening was organised as atribute to those fallen soldiers. Thefunction included recreation of thebattle by means of a Light & Soundshow & cultural presentations likefusion pipe bands, traditional martialart display of gatka by Sikh soldiers &Khukri dance by Gorkhas. The eventwas attended by gallant veterans,Veer Naris, serving personnel, civildignitaries, media persons & familiesof army personnel. The war veteransand Veer Naris present at the eventwere felicitated for their sacrifice forthe nation. On the occasion, a wreathlaying ceremony was carried out atNagi War Memorial to honour thesupreme sacrifice. The Nagi WarMemorial stands on the hallowedsand dunes where 21 of our soldierslaid down their lives to defend thehonour of the motherland.

Langar organised byShaheed Bhai BhupinderSingh Longia society

KHARAR/MOHALI: Shaheed BhaiBhupinder Singh Longia SocialWelfare and Education Societyorganized a langar in memory of themartyrs here yesterday. This langarwas arranged by Prabhu Buildersand Promoters, Hira Singh NagarKharar in association with theresidents of the area. City CongressPresident Yaspal Bansal, Ujjal SinghLongia, Saranjit Singh, Rajiv Kamboj,Bhupinder Singh Happy, Pal Singh,Sukhwinder Singh Sukhi and otherdignitaries graced the occasion.

Women's Congresscelebrated Christmas

KHARAR/MOHALI : The Women'sCongress organized a Christmasfunction in Ward No. 22 of Khararunder the chairmanship of KhararCity President Rajni Masih. Thefunction was specially attended bySwaranjit Kaur, District President,Women's Congress and KanwarbirSingh Sidhu, son of Health MinisterBalvir Singh Sidhu. Various speakerson the occasion shed light on the lifeof Jesus Christ and appealed to himto follow the path shown by him.

Organizations working forchild welfare mandatoryregister by Dec 31:DCJALANDHAR: Deputy CommissionerGhanshyam Thori on Monday saidthat as per directions of PunjabGovernment, the registration of anyNon-Government Organization (NGO)which provides free housing, food,education and medical facilities to theneedy children for their protection andcare, is mandatory.Thori said these organizations arerequired to register themselves underSection 41 (1) of the Juvenile Justice(Care and Protection of Children) Act,2015. He added if any NGO isworking on care and protection ofchildren and has not yet beenregistered, it should immediatelycontact the District ProgrammeOfficer or the District ChildDevelopment officer at their office inKapurthala Chowk with relevantdocuments before December 31 forregistration.He said if any non-registeredorganization is found functioning afterthe due date, strict action would betaken against that organization underSection 42 of the Juvenile Justice(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.


The Mohali-Kharar flyover, which has been anuisance to the people of this area for the lastmany years, was finally fully operational todayand it gave a lot of a relief and convenience tothe people of the area.

Traffic on all the lanes of the flyovers wasopened this morning under the supervision ofKharar SDM Himanshu Jain and other officials.With the commissioning of this flyover, thedrivers traveling to Himachal, Jammu andKashmir and Punjab would get a lot of relief asthe construction of this flyover has always cre-ated long traffic jams on Mohali-Kharar road.

SDM Jain while talking to this correspon-dent said that all traffic is flowing through theflyover and now their won’t be any traffic jameither under the flyover or at Kharar Bus StandChowk. He said that all the remaining work un-der this flyover would be completed before Jan-uary 15.

It is pertinent to mention here that whenSDM Himanshu Jain took charge of Kharar inOctober last year, he paid close attention to thisflyover and it was due to his hard work that thiswork was expedited and finally it has becomeoperational.

Mohali-Kharar flyover finallyopened to the public


The District Bureau of Em-ployment and Entrepreneur-ship (DBEE), Mohali is pro-viding much needed succorto the unemployed. The mostrecent is the example ofdumb young man from Mo-hali who was rendered job-less in April 2020 due to pan-demic outbreak. This youngman is now happily em-ployed as Data Entry Opera-tor at Baba Farid Universitydue to job facilitation/ assis-tance rendered by the Dis-trict Bureau of Employmentand Entrepreneurship. Shar-ing details Rajiv Kumar

Gupta, Additional DeputyCommissioner (Develop-ment) informed thatCOVID19 took its toll byrendering young Shubamjobless. Striving for monthson his own, Shubam couldnot get a job. On having readabout District Bureau of Em-ployment facilitating place-ments, he walked into theBureau office at District Ad-ministrative Complex Mo-hali along with his father.Thereafter his journey waseasy; he submitted his re-sume and gave his optionsfor the type of job that wouldlike to be enlisted in. Subse-quently, the DBEE officialsshared his resume with theprospective employers.

DBEE Mohali bringshope for deaf anddumb young man


The group leaders of theJathebandi decided fromtoday to start a hungerstrike against the blacklaws of the Modi govern-ment at the Nizjarpura tollplaza under the chairman-ship of the Kisan Sang-harsh Committee Punjab,the Kisan SangharshCommittee at the Niz-jarpura Toll Plaza in Am-ritsar. The sitting is dedi-cated to the farmers.

In this hunger strike oftoday by Angrej SinghChatwind, Mangal SinghRampura, Sohan SinghRampura, Balbir SinghChatwind and GajjanSingh Chatiwind. In thishunger strike, every day 5farmers will sit on hungerstrike continuously, aslong as the Modi govern-ment does not sit with thefarmers and cancel theagricultural laws.

On this occasion,Davinder Singh Chatwindand Gursahib SinghChatwind said that our op-

position will continuewith the Modi govern-ment. Under this, in thecoming time, Boycott ofAdani and Ambani itemswill continue.

On this occasion,Paramjit Singh Chatwindsaid that this fight is afight for democracy. Atthis time democracy is be-ing violated by the Modigovernment. Apart fromthese, Sandeep Singh Mit-ta, Hardeep Singh, RasalSingh, British Singh andTarsem Singh were present.

Hunger strike begins on Nijjarpuratoll plaza against black agri laws


Municipal Corporation ofBathinda is in a state of tur-moil for the elections and to-day the Shiromani Akali Dalhas released the first list ofone candidate which washanded over to former Minis-ter Sikander Singh Maluka,ex-Chief Parliamentary Sec-retary Mantar Singh Brar,fromer MLA Sarup ChandSingla, Former MLA Dar-shan Singh Kotfatta and Dis-trict President Balkar SinghBrar released in which wardnumber seven, Sherry Goyal

ward No. 8, Councilor HarpalSingh Dhillon Ward No. 10New face Anand Gupta, WardNo. 11 Bibi Preet Sharma,Ward No. 14 Former Coun-cilor Rajwinder Singh SidhuCity President, Ward No. 15Bibi Jagtar Kaur Sidhu, WardNo. 16 Former Urban Presi-dent Daljit Singh Brar, WardNo. 22 Suresh Chouhan,Ward No. 23 Kamaljit KaurMann, Ward No. 31 SumanBala, Ward No.34 PankajMaheshwari, Ward No. 36Abhay Kumar Khangwal Ad-vocate, Ward No. 37 SurjitSingh Nagi, Ward No. 39Former BJP Councilor An-

jana Rani, Ward No. 41 Ran-jan Deep Kaur Mann , WardNo. 43 Karamjit KaurGurthari ,Ward No. 44 For-mer Councilor HarvinderSharma Ganju, Ward No. 45Mrs. Kamla Mehra, Ward No.46 Des Raj Kaur, NirmalSingh Sandhu, former coun-cilor of ward no 48. Releas-ing the list, the Akali leader-ship claimed that they havegiven preference to new facesfor this election who have al-ways been at the forefront ofthe party and they have beendeveloping the city for thelast ten years in alliance withthe Shiromani Akali Dal.

SAD releases 1st list of 21candidates for corporate polls


In wake of empow-ering the economi-cally weaker peo-ple, Bharat VikasParishad (North-1)in association withBank of Maharastraorganized a campwherein a total of1200 residents ofDhanas were bene-fited by openingtheir zero balance accountand free insurance policy atSD Mandir, Milk Colony,Dhanas.

Raj Bala Malik, Mayor,MC Chandigarh was thechief guest on the occasionand lauded the efforts ofParishad for this initiative.According to Ajay Dutta,National Cordinator, BVP &nominated councillor, MCsaid nation wide Bharat

Vikas Parishad came in tobeing with aim to social andeconomical upliftment of so-

ciety. This camp will surelyprovide strength to individu-als and society at large. Alsopresent on the occasion in-cludes Vivek Dhawan,DGM, Bank of Maharashtra,Ashok Goyal, Working Pres-ident, BVP, Rakesh Sehgal,Arunesh Aggarwal, SurinderSharma, Ramesh Singla,Ashwani Sood, SatishBhasker, Sanjeev Gupta,Ashok Berry and others.

1200 people benefited withzero balance bank account


In order to promote trans-parency, accountability andintegrity under the leadershipof Lalit Mohan Pandey, ChiefVigilance Officer, VigilanceDepartment, the companyNational Fertilizers Limited(NFL) Nangal, held a quar-terly review vigilance meet-ing at Nangal.

All the vigilance officersof Nangal, Bathinda, Panipat,Chandigarh, Lucknow,Hadrabad, Bhopal and Vijay-pur units participated in thismeeting. The Company'sGeneral Manager RakeshMarkan welcomed Lalit Mo-han Pandey, Chief VigilanceOfficer and called upon theVigilance Officers from allthe units to act with solemnpledge and honesty. ChiefVigilance Officer Lalit Mo-

han Pandey, who led thequarterly review vigilancemeeting that went on all daylong, told all vigilance offi-cers from all the units to behonest and to spread aware-ness among the workers ofoutside areas by sensitizingall the employees on the illeffects of corruption, and toorganize activities to promoteintegrity, emphasized to re-plenish the company's futureassets and moral values inthem.

He said, vigilance officersfrom all the units in their sub-mission have to follow therules in all walks of life, do

all the work in an honest andtransparent manner, demon-strate honesty in the publicinterest. He said in our per-sonal behavior, it should beour prime responsibility toreport an incident of corrup-tion to any suitable agency.

He also released Vigilancee-Bulletin made by NangalUnit. The General Managerof the company RakeshMarkan and senior officialsalong with Lalit MohanPandey, Chief Vigilance Offi-cer, in this meeting discussedin detail the work manage-ment and projects of thecompany.

NFL holds quarterly reviewvigilance meeting


The district administrationand the municipal corpora-tion have been makingcontinuous efforts to makethe city of Batala dumpfree under the 'MyGarbage, My Responsibili-ty' campaign.

Mohammad Ishfaq,Deputy Commissioner,Gurdaspur has been hold-ing weekly meetings withthe officials of the Munici-pal Corporation, janitorsand Batala residents to im-prove the sanitation situa-tion in Batala so that the

ground realities could beknown and action could betaken accordingly.

Mohammad Ishfaq,Deputy Commissioner,Gurdaspur held a meetingat Shiv Batalvi Auditori-um, Batala today to review

the sanitation system of thecity. The Deputy Commis-sioner asked the officials ofthe Municipal Corporationand the janitors to joinhands with all the residentsof the city in the clean updrive. He said that people

should be sensitized to dif-ferentiate between dry andwet garbage. He said thatunder the first phase 30major garbage dumps inthe city would be eliminat-ed and large plastic en-velopes for dry garbagewould be placed on thesedumps and separatearrangements would bemade for wet garbage. Hesaid that the people wouldbe encouraged to segregatethe garbage and volunteerswould be deployed at everydump along with the clean-ers who would motivatethe people to separate thewet and dry garbage.

Batala residents to co-operate withAdmn to make city dump free DALJEET AJNOHA


Inaugurating the work of Inter-locking Tiles in Bazigar Mo-halla of Local Ward No. 10 un-der the Urban Environment Im-provement Program launchedby the Punjab Government, In-dustry and Commerce MinisterSundar Sham Arora said thatwith the completion of ongoingdevelopment works in variouswards Will get great conven-ience.

Industry Minister SundarSham Arora said that PunjabGovernment was giving specialpriority to ensure necessary fa-cilities in the wards so that theresidents could get state of the

art facilities. He said that thePunjab government under theleadership of Chief MinisterCapt. Amarinder Singh wasworking tirelessly for the de-velopment of urban and ruralareas. He said that under thesecond phase of Urban Envi-ronment Improvement Pro-gram launched by the PunjabGovernment in the last week ofOctober, 62 developmentworks would be completed indifferent areas of Hoshiarpur ata cost of Rs. 18 crore which

would further strengthen the in-frastructure in almost everyward. Will get Among otherspresent on the occasion wereChairman Improvement TrustAdvocate Rakesh Marwaha,Former Councilor SudarshanDheer, Khushveer Singh,Parvesh Kanwal, SurinderSharma, Jagir Singh, RamAsra, Nirmal Singh, KamaljitSingh, Somnath, Shadi Lal,Former Councilor BalwinderKumar Bindi and Naveen Ku-mar etc. were present.

Arora starts work on interlocking tiles

State level meeting ofdistrict mentors of Hindi

subject organisedGURDASPUR (VERMA): An online meeting washeld under the leadership of State CoordinatorHarpal Singh Bajak regarding the mission 100 per-cent, of Hindi Block Mentors and DMs of 22 dis-tricts. Special role was played by DM Rajan techni-

cian in this meeting.Addressing on the oc-casion, State Coordi-nator Harpal SinghBajak said that , afterpreparing the PPTeach head shouldbring to the notice ofthe District EducationOfficer or Nodal Offi-cers and PPT shouldbe discussed by headswith all the teachers.

he asked the BM's to be sure to share with theirschool teachers as well. He informed that the lastdate of this mission is 31st January and similarly, un-der the each One Ask One campaign, through thebuddy group in schools, the senior will ask his othercompanions to ask questions ,so that they can revise,and the names should be sent of those who are tak-ing extra classes.

Ashu flags offawareness rally to

make Budha Nullahfree of solid waste

LUDHIANA, DEC 28Punjab Food, Civil Supplies& Consumer Affairs MinisterMr Bharat Bhushan Ashu to-day flagged off an awarenessrally for educating the mass-es for making Budha Nullahfree of solid waste. Studentsof 7 city colleges participatedin this awareness rally, thatwas flagged off from nearChand Cinema, here. MLAsRakesh Pandey, Mr SurinderDawar and Mr Sanjay Tal-war, Mayor Mr Balkar SinghSandhu, Senior Deputy May-or Mr Sham Sunder Malho-tra, Deputy Mayor MrsSarabjit Singh, MC Commis-sioner Mr Pardeep KumarSabharwal, several council-lors, were also present on theoccasion. While addressingthe gathering, Mr BharatBhushan Ashu said that stu-dents of SCD GovernmentCollege, Government Col-lege for Girls, Kamla LohtiaSanatan Dharam College,Arya College, GovernmentITI, SDP College and Gov-ernment Polytechnic Collegewould visit the areas alongthe Budha Nullah.



PM Modi, other top BJP leaders pay tributes to JaitleyNEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday paid tributes to his formercabinet colleague and late BJP leader Arun Jaitley on his birth anniversary, andsaid his warm personality, intellect, legal acumen and wit are missed by all those heclosely interacted with. Other BJP leaders also remembered the former financeminister who for many years remained the most articulate party voice on a gamut ofissues and was considered one of its sharpest political minds. Born in 1952, Jaitleydied in August last year. "Remembering my friend, Arun Jaitley Ji on his birthanniversary. His warm personality, intellect, legal acumen and wit are missed by allthose he closely interacted with. He worked tirelessly for India's progress," Moditweeted. In his tributes, Home Minister Amit Shah said Jaitley was an outstandingparliamentarian whose knowledge and insights had very few parallels. "He made alasting contribution to Indian polity and served the nation with great passion &devotion. My heartfelt tributes," he said.

7Online lecture serieson ‘NationalMathematics Day’ held

HARPREET SINGH LEHALJALANDHAR: The PG department ofMathematics under the aegis of BansilalMathematical Society organised DBTsponsored online lecture series tocelebrate “National Mathematics Day” onthe birth anniversary of SrinivasaRamanuj. Professor Ajay KumarAggarwal vice principal and Hodwelcomed chief guest principal Dr S. KArora. Dr Tabish Nawaz interacted withthe students on the topic “EnvironmentalMathematical Models”. Dr Ashu Behland professor Ranjita Guglani conductedstage. The vote of thanks was deliveredby Professor Anju Chhabra. Sheexpressed a heart full gratitude to DrTabish Nawaz for sparing his valuabletime and also thanked to all theparticipants.

Navjot Kaur of HMVget first prize in GeetaShlokocharanCompetition 2020JALANDHAR: Navjot Kaur of B.A. Sem3 of Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalayahas brought laurels by winning the first

position in GeetaShlokocharanCompetition 2020organized bySanskrit BhartiPunjab. She hasbeen awardedwith Cash Prize ofRs. 1500/ alongwith Certificate.

On this achievement, Principal Prof. Dr.Ajay Sareen congratulated her andSanskrit Department . Dr. Meenu Talwaralso congratulated the student on herachievement

'Kar bhala ho bhala'gives away almonds toprotesting farmers SUKH NAHARJAGRAON: Social welfare association"Kar bhala ho bhala" gave away nearly 1quintal almonds to the farmers protestingin Delhi against the central governmentfor passing new farm laws. Theassociation said that every section hasbeen helping the farmers in differentways in order to extend their support tothem and in the same series, theassociation conducted a langar ofalmonds for the farmers. Associationchairman Amit Arora has been in Delhifor two days in order to provide a helpinghard to the farmers. The associationhighly applaused farmers fordeterminedly staging protests againstgovernment inspite of sheer cold andalso gave moral support to them. Theyalso appealed the government not totest the patience of farmers. At thisoccasion, vice president NaneshGandhi, Bhupinder Singh Murli, VishalSharma, Mahesh Tandon, Happy maanand other association members werepresent.

LPU organises three-day ‘Nritya AbhivyaktiMahotsav’

ASHOK KAURAPHAGWARA: Division of StudentWelfare at Lovely Professional University(LPU) organized three-day ‘NrityaAbhivyakti Mahotsav’, where 25renowned artists of professionaldiligence from Pune, Gujarat, Assam,MP, New Delhi, UP, Haryana, Rajasthan,Punjab and more performed for variousdance forms including Garba, Bihu,Kalbelia, Dhamal, Bhangra, Bhawai,Bagheli, Lavani and more.

Nitish accepted tobecome CM on requestof JDU, BJP and VIPleaders: Sushil ModiPATNA: Nitish Kumar did not want tobecome the Chief Minister, said BJPleader Sushil Kumar Modi while addingthat he accepted to become the CM onthe request of JDU, BJP and VIPleaders. Speaking to reporters here onMonday, Sushil said, "He [Nitish Kumar]did not want to be the Chief Minister.BJP and JDU leaders told him that wefought the poll on his name and visionand said that people had voted for him.In the end, he accepted to become theCM on request of JDU, BJP and VIPleaders." "Leaders of JD (U) have saidthat whatever has happened inArunachal Pradesh will not affect thealliance in Bihar and Bihar government.BJP-JD(U) alliance in Bihar isunbreakable. The government will workfor five years under the guidance ofNitish Kumar," he added. His statementcomes a day after incumbent Bihar ChiefMinister said he had no desire tobecome the CM and the BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) could make its ownChief Minister. During the JD(U)'snational executive meeting, Kumar hadsaid that he is not attached.

COVID-19: Over 20,000 newinfections reported in a day


India's COVID-19 caseload roseto 1,02,07,871 with 20,021infections being reported in aday, while recoveries havesurged to 97.82 lakh, accordingto Union Health Ministry dataupdated on Monday.

The death toll increased to1,47,901 with 279 new fatalities,the data updated at 8 am showed.

The number of people whohave recuperated from thedisease surged to 97,82,669,pushing the national recoveryrate to 95.83 per cent, while theCOVID-19 case fatality ratestands at 1.45 per cent.

The COVID-19 activecaseload remained below 3 lakhfor the seventh consecutive day.

There are 2,77,301 activecoronavirus infections in thecountry, which comprise 2.72per cent of the total caseload, thedata stated.

India's COVID-19 tally hadcrossed the 20-lakh mark onAugust 7, 30 lakh on August 23,40 lakh on September 5 and 50lakh on September 16. It wentpast 60 lakh on September 28,70 lakh on October 11, 80 lakhon October 29, 90 lakh onNovember 20 and crossed theone-crore mark on December 19.

According to the IndianCouncil of Medical Research(ICMR), 16,88,18,054 sampleshave been tested up to December27 with 7,15,397 samples beingtested on Sunday.

The 279 new fatalitiesinclude 66 from Maharashtra, 29

from West Bengal and 25 fromKerala.

The 1,47,901 deathsreported so far in the countryinclude 49,255 fromMaharashtra followed by 12,069from Tamil Nadu, 12,062 fromKarnataka, 10,453 from Delhi,9,598 from West Bengal, 8,306from Uttar Pradesh, 7,094 fromAndhra Pradesh and 5,299 fromPunjab.

The health ministry said thatmore than 70 per cent of thedeaths occurred due tocomorbidities.

"Our figures are beingreconciled with the IndianCouncil of Medical Research,"the ministry said on its website,adding that state-wisedistribution of figures is subjectto further verification andreconciliation.

12 new cases pushAndamans tally to 4,924PORT BLAIR: Twelve more persons have tested positive forCOVID-19 in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, pushing thecoronavirus tally in the Union Territory to 4,924, a healthdepartment official said on Monday. All the new cases weredetected during contact tracing, he said. Nine more people werecured of the disease in the last 24-hours, taking the total numberof recoveries in the archipelago to 4,798, he said. The UnionTerritory now has 64 active COVID-19 cases, while 62 peoplehave died so far due to the disease, the official said. A total of1,76,895 samples have been tested for COVID-19 so far in theUnion Territory and the positivity rate is 2.78 per cent, he added.

Odisha logs 234 new cases, 3 deathsBHUBANESHWAR: Odisha has recorded 234 new Covid-19cases, 319 recoveries and three deaths on Sunday, according to theState Health Department on Monday. The new cases werereported from 24 of the 30 districts of the state, with 136 personsin quarantine. The total number of positive cases has gone up to3,28,738 cases, while the number of recoveries stands at 3,24,068.While there are 2,753 active cases in the state, 1,864 persons havesuccumbed to the deadly virus till now.


Congress President SoniaGandhi and former party chiefRahul Gandhi on Monday gavethe party's 136th FoundationDay event a miss with seniorparty leader A K Antonyunfurling the flag at the AICCheadquarters here.

A number of senior partyfunctionaries were present at themeeting, inclding AICC generalsecretary Priyanka GandhiVadra.

Others present includedsome of the "letter-writers" likeGhulam Nabi Azad and AnandSharma, who had sought anorganisational overhaul in theparty, besides Sachin Pilot whorevolted against the Congressgovernment in Rajasthansometime ago.

While Sonia Gandhi hasbeen avoiding attending publicevents, Rahul Gandhi left on ashort personal visit abroad onlyon Sunday.

Later speaking to reporters,Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said the

government should listen to thevoice of farmers and should notdub the agitation as a "politicalconspiracy".

Thousands of farmers arecamping on Delhi's borders topress for the repeal of three newcentral agriculture laws.

"To say that this is a politicalconspiracy is wrong. I feel thatthe words being used forfarmers are a sin. Thegovernment is answerable to thefarmers and the governmentshould talk to the farmers andtake back the laws," she said.

She said the jawansprotecting the country's bordersare the sons of farmers and thegovernment should understandthat the farmers are the'annadatas' (food givers) of thecountry. She did not answerqueries on Rahul Gandhi'sabsence. Rahul Gandhi left forabroad on Sunday afternoon ona short personal visit and wouldbe away for a few days. Theparty has not disclosed thelocation where Gandhi istravelling, but according tosources he has left for Milan.

Sonia Gandhi, Rahulskip Congress

Foundation Day event

Ration truck sent by NSUI Pathankot towardsTikri border to support agitating farmers


Under the leadership ofAbhiyam Sharma ,a truck ofration was sent by NSUI teamto Tikri Border for the supportof the agitatingfarmers.District presidentAbhiyam Sharma informedthat teams of NSUI Presidentsfrom various states hadreached Tikri and Singhuborder to contribute theircontribution to the farmersmovement under theleadership of National CapitalNSUI Neeraj Kundan.Whereas NSUI workers underthe leadership of PunjabPresident Akshay Sharmagathered there. He told thatthe peasant movement isgoing on there with greatdiscipline, because everyperson knows his

responsibility towards thismovement. Abhiyam Sharmasaid that mothers, sisters,children and the elderlyamong the agitating farmersfeel as if their sons have goneto fight against the enemycountry to protect their owncountry . He said that all thedaily needs are provided bythe donors with such ease thatthere is no distinction of whohas come from which state ordistrict. Everyone presentthere is present to contribute

to its national importance.District President AbhiyamSharma invited everyone tocontribute more and more tothis movement so that BharatMata once can be freed fromthe shackles of black laws. Heappealed to the Modigovernment to withdraw theselaws and speak positivelywith the farmers, so that thefortunes of the farmers do notbecome like BSNL, UGC,Reserve Bank of India,Demonitaization.

One arrested with 120bottles of illicit liquor


120 bottles of illicit liquorhave been recovered fromPawan Kumar, a residentof nearby village Ghoh.Inspector Inderveer Singhof Excise Department wasinformed in ShahpurkandiPolice Station that PawanKumar, resident of villageGhoh, who is selling cheapliquor from outsidecontracts at expensiveprices,is bringing liquorfrom outside contractstoday, on which ASIBalkar Singh ofShahpurkandi Policestarted checking the

vehicles by making abarrier near victoria Estatenear village Pangoli and ina short time a car wascoming from Mamoontowards Pangoli Chowk.ASI Balkar Singh said that

as the car driver saw thepolice party beingblocked, he started his carfrom behind by running toone side and ran away, onwhich the police partygrabbed the person and

asked him about theluggage kept in the car.The driver of the car hasbeen identified as PawanKumar resident Ghoh,who was carrying 60bottles of Three-X CheerzRum Punjab and 60 bottlesof Orange Marka, Sale forHimachal Pradesh. Whileinterrogating , the personcould not give anysatisfactory response, forwhich the police tookpossession of the accusedPawan Kumar, his Alto carand 120 bottles of liquorkept in the car and filed acase under the Excise Actagainst the accused andinitiated further action.

Rural police freeze property worth 22 lakh97 thousand for two drug traffickers


As per the guidelines givenby DGP Punjab, SSP DhruvDahiya has instructed all theGOs and SHOs of the districtto get the property ofsmugglers falling in theirrespective areas. Theproperty of two drugtraffickers has been freezedby Amritsar. In thisBikramjeet Singh, aliasBikka Putra Balak Singhresident of Kakkar police

station, Lopokedistrict, Amritsar,against whom acase was registeredunder the NDPSAct in Lopokepolice station in2018 In which 1 kg40 grams of heroinwas recovered fromit. It has sold a heroin andbuilt a residential house inKakkar Kalan village of 14Marle, which costs around 11lakhs and 72 thousandrupees. It has been freezed

by the rural police.Similarly, a casewas registeredagainst GurdevSingh alias Sonu'sson HarjinderSingh, resident ofvillage Kakkarpolice station,Lopoke district,

Amritsar, in the year 2019,under the NDPS Act at ThanaLopoke. It recovered 7 kg of590 grams of heroin.Gurudev Singh alias Sonu A12-marle house has been

built in Kakad Kalan villageby selling heroin. The cost ofwhich is estimated to bearound 11 lakh 25 thousandrupees has been given freezeby the Rural Police Amritsar.SSP Hick Dhruv Dahiyainformed the press that a zerotolerance policy has beenadopted against drugtraffickers. No drugtraffickers will be spared.Any drug addicts buyproperty in the name of arelative or someone else tohide their black earnings.

Residents of four mohallas of wardno 8 Garhshankar meet Kirpal


Residents of four mohallas of ward no.8Garhshankar met Advocate PankajKipal Member Shri Guru Ravidassfoundation regarding problem ofdrinking water, as pipelines for watersupply has not been installed in thesemohallas, due to which people aresurviving for drinking water. AdvocatePankaj Kipal said that it was a shame forthe government and the Nagar councilthat the general public was still thirstyfor drinking water. He announced agrant of Rs. 2 lakh from the MP LADFund of Member Parliament ShamsherSingh Dullo for laying pipelines of

drinking water for solving the problemof drinking water being faced by thepeople in these four mohallas of WardNo. 8 Garhshankar. He assured thatgrant of Rs. 2 lakh would be sent in aday or two to solve this problem.

SBI Mohali organises AnimalAdoption Awareness cyclothon


SBI AO Mohaliorganised an AnimalAdoption Awarenesscycle Ride “Ride InRed” (Cyclothon) inassociation withCyclegiri group andChhatbir Zoo officialswhich started from SBIAero Arcade branch at Aerocity Mohali till Chhatbir Zoo inwhich more than 100 participants took part, where SBI AOMohali adopted a “Royal Bengal Tiger” {The NationalAnimal of India} for one year. This Cyclothon was done tocreate an awareness among public to adopt a Zoo animalwhich was flagged by Sh. Sukhbir Singh Birdi, DGM(B&O) AO Mohali and Dr. M. Sudhagar (IFS) FieldDirector Chhatbir Zoo. During this ride “Santa Claus”distributed Masks and Sanitizers among participants and allthe guidelines from Govt. of India for prevention of Covid-19 were adhered by all the participants. Field DirectorChhatbir Zoo expressed thanks for adopting a Zoo animalto SBI AO Mohali and motivated the other participants foradoption of Zoo animal.

Chinese woman, twoothers held in instant loan

apps fraud in TelanganaMEDCHAL-MALKAJGIRI, DEC 28

Three persons, including a Chinese woman, werearrested in a case registered in Cyberabad pertainingto instant loan apps fraud, the police said on Sunday.The accused include Parshuram Lahu Takve, hiswife Liang TianTian (who is a Chinese national)and SK Aaqib, a student. One more person is said tobe absconding. The company account with a privatebank, with an amount of Rs1.42 crores, was alsofrozen. According to the police, on 18th November2020, a victim Bhumana Prasad from Uppal,Hyderabad had taken a loan amount of Rs.3,500/-from one App My Bank and within one week hepaid it. Later he took a loan for Rs.4,500/- from thesame Loan App and again he paid the amount. Laterwhen he verified his bank statement (at anationalised bank) he found that an amount of Rs.26,000/- was credited to his bank account from 14different loan applications i.e., Bubble loan, RupeeBazar, Ok cash, rupee factory, Paisa Loan, Onehope, Cash bee, In Need, Snapit loan, cashalo.






The Covid-19 virus has had unexpected effects. Inthe sphere of education, there was much agonyabout online lessons, newly modelled examina-

tions, admission processes and, overall, unfamiliar fu-tures. But none of this could be considered unexpectedduring the spread of the virus. What has come as a sur-prise is the decision of Delhi University to introducefive reserved seats for each college affiliated to it inde-pendent of the accepted quota laws. Candidates whoare five per cent or at most 10 per cent short of the cut-off mark of the college for that particular subject wouldbe chosen for these ‘discretionary’ seats. Three namesfrom the college and two from the university — that is,from the college principals and the vice-chancellor re-spectively — would go to a committee of Delhi Uni-versity in what is expected to stand in for a show oftransparency. The rationale is that the pandemic mayhave caused undeserved slips from the required stan-dard, and a few seats should be reserved for such can-didates.There has been an outburst of objections from teachersand principals as well as from Right and Left studentsassociations. The decision is being seen not only as ar-bitrary but also illogical: there is no defined procedureby which to select just those candidates affected nega-tively by the pandemic. How can an incontrovertibleconnection be established? ‘Discretion’ is subjectiveand opaque. There appears to be no educationally at-tuned reasoning behind the university’s decision,which has led many to suspect that a ‘managementquota’ is being created. The university has denied thisbut the grounds for objection in principle are plentiful,and these are being voiced by different segments in-vested in fair selection and high standards. The choiceof five would be dependent on personal decisions ofpeople powerful in the administration, thus undermin-ing the system of lawful reservations. Such arbitrari-ness threatens excellence. More, this is a route to cor-ruption — sweeteners or nepotism or promises of quidpro quo could determine who gets in. This is apartfrom the fact that DU colleges have made 25 per centexpansions for economically weaker section reserva-tions with no increase in infrastructure. But in thiscase, practical problems are secondary to the ones inprinciple. The university has not addressed those ques-tions yet.

Famous five: DU'snew covid quota



Thailand and Malaysia,among the top emerg-ing markets in South-

east Asia, are likely to out-perform expectations among17 developing markets sur-veyed by Bloomberg.

This according to a re-port published in Decemberby Bloomberg investmentstrategist Simon Flint andco-authored by MichelleJamrisko. The report, whichis not intended as investmentadvice, studied a total of 17emerging markets and fore-casts their potential for 2021based on 11 indicators ofeconomic and financial per-formance.

The study revealed thatthe top 5 developing marketswhich could beat expecta-tions are Thailand, Russia,South Korea, Taiwan andMalaysia in that order.

India, although garneringa middle rank of 11th, scoredthe highest in terms of ex-pected GDP Growth in 2021with analysts expecting thenation of 1.38 billion peopleto grow at a rate of 9 per-cent. This is followed byChina at 8.1 percent and thenthe Philippines at 7.5 per-cent. Thailand earned itsnumber one ranking due toits strong foreign exchangereserves and high potentialfor portfolio inflows. Sec-ond-ranked Russia's strengthlay in its healthy external ac-counts, a strong fiscal profileas well as an undervalued ru-

ble. Taiwan and South Korea(joint third) have strong cur-rent account positions andforeign reserves, as well asan outstanding balancesheets. Taiwan and Malaysia(ranked 5th) also have goodpotential for portfolio in-flows, and both actuallyscored better on that metriccompared with Thailand.Philippines, which ranks10th overall, also has robustforeign exchange reserves,third-highest only behindRussia and Thailand.

Malaysia which snared5th position has an underval-

ued currency with z-score ofnegative 1.4. The z-score isobtained by determining acurrency's current real effec-tive exchange rate (REER)and comparing that to itsfive-year average. Othercountries with currencieswhich are lower than theirexpected value includeBrazil, Turkey and Hungry.

Among all the countriessurveyed, Malaysia stands togain the most once theCOVID-19 pandemic is un-der control. The Bloombergreport uses Goldman Sachs'effective lockdown indexes

to measure the room thateach country's economy hasto expand once normal busi-ness activities resume. Thoseindexes should all eventuallyconverge near to zero. Theother countries which standto benefit most from lock-down relief are the Philip-pines and Chile. Chinascored poorly in the studyand in fact is in 17th position- last place. The reason beingthat the high expectations arealready factored into the cur-rent markets and there islimited room to for invest-ments to multiply compared

with other markets on thelist. There is also concernwith the valuation of China'scurrency. Its valuation isthird-highest based onBloomberg's computationsand may tumble. On the flipside, its central bank may in-tervene should it strengthen.

Brazil lags the others in16th spot because of mount-ing fiscal deficit and debtconcerns. Poland, in 15thplace, has a weak fiscal posi-tion as well as a potential forequity flows to revert to themean. Other countries whichrisk equity flows mean re-

version are Poland and India.Two countries that are

potentially susceptible to aneconomic shock are Turkey(joint 7th) and Colombia(joint 12th) due to their highcurrent account deficits ofnearly 4 percent of GDP andpoor net investment posi-tions. However, it should benoted that this is a superfi-cial indication since otherfactors have to be consid-ered. Australia and NewZealand are known to runaverage current accountdeficits of above 4 percent ofGDP for decades withoutproblems. Generally, the re-port says that many emerg-ing market economies arepoised to recoup economicloses, judging from the vari-ous metrics. Healthy foreignreserves, particularly in Asia,provide a cushion for exter-nal shocks, but elevateddebt-to-GDP readings willbe worth monitoring for sta-bility risks.

The report continues,"Developing-nation assetsare headed for a back-to-back winning year, thanks tounprecedented monetary andfiscal stimulus deployed tofight the pandemic. As theglobal recovery takes hold,and the Federal Reservekeeps interest rates low, riskappetite should continue tostrengthen in 2021 amidfavourable valuations and at-tractive real yields that lureforeign buyers."

India ranks11th inemerging markets


Finally it is going to end.We are getting to closeof it. Not the Pandemic.

Only the year 2020 whichbrought with it a virus withcrown over its head.The cur-tains are drawn. An eventfulyet uneventful year. The yearends but the pandemicstrides on. A Year that oughtto be but shall never be for-gotten. The unusual eventsthat rolled out this year shallforever remain etched in ourmemories, and will becomebedtime stories for ourgrandkids.

It was the year of thePandemic and lockdowns. Ithad stilled the world - takenus all within its virulent

grasp. The entire world hadpressed the 'pause button'.We didn't work, didn't travel,didn't go to school or col-lege, didn't celebrate, anddidn't even mourn the part-ings of our near and dearones. Dropping in of friends,enjoying a meal out withloved ones, traveling to meetthose miles away had allcome to a suddenhalt. It wasa strange year. It broughtwith it a Covid culture,which is now universalwhether it is New Delhi orNew York. Keeping a safedistance, wearing masks, andconstantly keeping handssanitized is the way of lifenow. Undeniably, Covid haschanged our world.

Looking back, this hasbeen one of the most unusualyet noteworthy years of mylife. I remember the mid-days of March when Covid-19 cases had just startedpouring in. At that time,though positive cases wereminimal, threat perceptionwas at its maximum. Therewas so much fear of the lurk-

ing invisible danger thateven stepping out of thehouse was always met withsome sort of hesitation. Wehad to muster courage evenfor going to the nearby parkfor a walk. A hurried roundand we would rush backhome before the hooter.

The sound of the hootergave me an eerie feeling,bringing back black andwhite memories of the 1965and 1971 wars when sirenswould blow at any time dur-ing the day or night to warnof a possible aerial attack byenemy forces. The same fearbut the enemy invisible thistime. Amidst all this storm,there was, however, a silverlining. Every member of the

family was at home. Allover, it was a time of familyreunions. To pass our timeand to keep ourselves fit, wehad even converted our smalllawn into a badminton court-yard. We cooked new dishes,played cards, watched TVseries, caught up on eachother's lives and shared somememorable moments aftermany years.

Considering the serious-ness of the situation, wehave been adhering to all theguidelines strictly and takingall necessary precautions.Still, Corona entered ourhouse. My elder son was tak-en in its pestilential clutches.And I, in my early sixtieswas advised to leave the

house and stay out with mybetter-half who is in her latefifties. We stayed out for acouple of days for the so-called 'quarantine period' -aterm we did not know of ayear before. To add insult toinjury, all this happened dur-ing Diwali.There was no Di-wali Puja this time. We weredeprived of not only the fes-tivities but also the belovedcompany of our children. Noornate invitations for LaxmiPuja, no exchanging of giftsand sweets. Hope GoddessLaxmi would understand andnot mind it and keep coming.Now everything is fine. Still,the fear of Covid looms largeon our faces. It is withheartfelt relief that we are

bidding 2020 a goodbye. Notin a century has mankindwitnessed and experiencedanother year like it and nocountry, race, or human be-ing has remained unaffectedby the trail of devastation ithas brought. Yet we remainpositive.

We remain strong andsteadfast.Join me in prayingthat the New Year will bringback the hope and joy we allhave deep within our hearts.For a new year lies aheadand none can say what is instore. The curtains must partagain and reveal the un-known. Whatever it may be,we shall face it and embracewith unwavering positivityand resolute hope.


Literature & Health

According to diagnos-tic criteria, eventhose who consider

themselves to be casualsmokers might be addictedto cigarettes. According tofindings published in theAmerican Journal of Pre-ventive Medicine, re-searchers at Penn State Col-lege of Medicine and DukeUniversity found that manylight smokers -- those whosmoke one to four cigarettesper day or fewer -- meet thecriteria for nicotine addic-tion and should therefore beconsidered for treatment.

"In the past, some con-sidered that only patientswho smoke around 10 ciga-rettes per day or more wereaddicted, and I still hear thatsometimes," said JonathanFoulds, professor of publichealth sciences and psychia-try and behavioral health,Penn State. "But this studydemonstrates that manylighter smokers, even thosewho do not smoke everyday, can be addicted to ciga-rettes. It also suggests thatwe need to be more precisewhen we ask about cigarettesmoking frequency." Ac-cording to Jason Oliver, as-

sistant professor of psychia-try and behavioral sciences,Duke University, when as-sessing nicotine addiction --clinically referred to as 'to-bacco use disorder' -- clini-cians are encouraged to ful-ly assess the 11 criteria list-ed in the 5th edition of theDiagnostic and StatisticalManual (DSM-5). As ashortcut, he said, cliniciansmore typically ask smokershow many cigarettes theysmoke per day.

"Lighter smoking iscorrectly perceived as lessharmful than heavy smok-ing, but it still carries signif-icant health risks," Oliversaid. "Medical providerssometimes perceive lightersmokers as not addictedand, therefore, not in needof treatment, but this studysuggests many of them mayhave significant difficultyquitting without assistance."The researchers examinedan existing data set from theNational Institutes ofHealth, including more than6,700 smokers who hadbeen fully assessed to findout if they met the DSM-5criteria for tobacco use disorder.

Casual smoking canlead to nicotine

addiction, says studySUSHIL PANDIT

Government is giving all what thefarmers are asking for, but stillthe farmer of the country is

struggling in the chilling winter, awayfrom home, sitting on thestreets, and why is he reiteratinghis fundamental rights? What issuch a big problem that even af-ter being explained by lakhs ofleaders and policymakers of thegovernment, these farmers didnot understand? Why they areon the path of agitation, ignor-ing Delhi decree and talks? Theanswers of all these are asbizarre as all the questions may be. Forexample, we are getting what we wantand there is no guarantee for it. We willkeep what we have, but can anyone elsehave the right over it? What we producewill be sold in the market, but based onwhat conditions will be the sale and wewill not know who will be the buyer?As much as it seems bizarre and base-less in reading and listening, the newagricultural laws are also going to createan equally bizarre, distressed and inter-mittent situation for the farmers.

This article is based on the circum-stances of the present farmer movementand the inclusivity of simplicity and ac-curacy. When three agricultural billswere passed in the top panchayat of thecountry, only after that they were beingopposed by the farmers, who are a partof the democratic process. In the present

circumstances, the possibility of opposi-tion parties being farmer friendly is alsobeing seen. But it should also be notedthat before the 2014 elections, the thenCongress government was also over-whelmed by the idea of taking the credit

of doubling farmers in-come, wanted to bring agri-cultural legislation, but itscredit, or may we say con-demnation came on theBJP.

In the present scenario,these three agricultural lawsbased on the right to stor-age, change in mandatingand contract farming have

become a battle for the supremacy ofthe government and the survival of thefarmer, the demand of the farmers is tobe given the support price of crops,Modi ji says they are ready to give sup-port price in writing, then what is theconflict?

It is to be noted here that just a fewdays ago, Haryana Chief MinisterManohar Lal and Deputy Chief MinisterDushyant Chautala said in their state-ment continuously and other veteranleaders of the government are alsochanting that the MSP will continue justas before, but it will continue support isa matter of price, whereas the problemand issue of farmers is the same. Thatthere is as much difference between thesupport price of the government and thefarmers as there can be between speechand action.

The central government fixes thesupport price of 23 crops, but the gov-ernment mainly procures wheat and rice(paddy) crops. According to a report, inthe year 2019-2020, about 1184 lakhtonnes of paddy (jiri) was produced, inwhich the government procured only511 tonnes, while the wheat crop wasabout 1076 lakh tonnes. The govern-ment procured 390 lakh tonnes. Similar-ly, out of 231 lakh tonnes of pulses, thegovernment capacity was to buy a totalof 28 lakh tonnes. If we talk aboutcoarse grains, about 454 lakh tonneswere produced in 2019-20 and the gov-ernment could purchase only 4 lakhtonnes. In order to fulfill the responsi-bility, the government is purchasingonly about 30 to 32 percent of the totalyield of the farmer every year, which isdifferent from the existing support pricesystem and the expected MSP of thefarmer. Now it comes to the statementthat the support price of the governmentis not ending and the cost price of thecrop is strengthened and ensured ac-cording to the expectations of thefarmer. But how to implement it perma-nently? Now the thing to be seen is thatthe government will consider this move-ment as an instigation of the oppositionpolitics, or introduce dogma by provid-ing a system of need and expectation, itwill preserve the supremacy of the selfand making the survival of the farmersecure, will ensure its role in giving evi-dence of successful and efficient gover-nance.

Difference between government'sdeclared, expected MSP of farmer

The Gardener LXIV: ISpent My Day

I spent my day on thescorchinghot dust of the road.Now, in the cool ofthe evening, Iknock at the door ofthe inn. It isdeserted and inruins.A grim ashath tree spreads itshungry clutching roots through thegaping fissures of the walls.Days have been when wayfarerscame here to wash their weary feet.They spread their mats in thecourtyard in the dim light of theearly moon, and sat and talked ofstrange lands.They woke refreshed in themorningwhen birds made them glad, andfriendly flowers nodded theirheadsat them from the wayside.


(By: Rabindranath Tagore)


HANDIGARH: During these turbulent times of the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of term insurance has been Crealised by people across the spectrum. That is why the

search for "term insurance" on Google has jumped manifolds and has been in demand all through the pandemic. And cleaving through these tough times, the insurance sector also witnessed a wave of positive changes ranging from launching new products to simplification of the process. By launching brand new products like Corona Kavach, Corona Rakshak, and Arogya Sanjeevani-IRDAI made sure that buying and understanding the terms of policies should no longer remain a daunting task. According to Santosh Agarwal, CBO-Life Insurance,, Treading the same path, with the intent of simplifying the process and bringing more people under the coverage of insurance, Insurance regulator IRDAI, has come out with a standardised term insurance policy "Saral Jeevan Bima" which will be rolled out from January 1, 2021. This standardised policy will have a standard wording for sum assured with uniform features that will reduce the hassle of first-time buyers. This standard term plan will be available for buyers between 18 and 65 years of age. The maximum age at maturity is 70 years, which implies that when the person reaches that age, the plan will automatically terminate. The policy term can be between five and 40 years. This will be having a minimum and maximum sum assured of Rs 5 Lakh and Rs 25 Lakh, respectively.




CHANDIGARH: ICICI Prudential Life Insurance has launched ‘ICICI Pru Guaranteed Pension Plan’, an innovative retirement plan that offers guaranteed life-long income to lead a financially independent retired life. A non-linked non-participating individual annuity product, it provides customers with the flexibility to choose between Immediate and Deferred Annuity. Commenting on the launch, Mr. Amit Palta, Chief Distribution Officer, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, said, "We are delighted to bring to customers a guaranteed life-long income solution that can provide certainty in today's unpredictable times. With a higher life expectancy, absence of any social security, rising inflation and healthcare costs, it is imperative for customers to plan for a secure retired life. The ‘ICICI Pru Guaranteed Pension Plan’ is a versatile retirement planning product enabling customers to receive regular income immediately upon retiring or later – an option which will be relevant to people for whom retirement is still sometime away.”

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance launches Guaranteed Pension Plan

ew Delhi : People are wearing masks as a possible defense from covid-19 and other winter led health issues. In the Ncurrent winter season it is crucial to be careful while taking

preventive measures. Along with wearing mask every time you step out, it is equally necessary to sanitize the face mask and

clothes. Equator Advanced Appliances brings you the ultimate solution to tackle the same with its unique Super Combo EZ 5000 CV. The new range of washing machines makes life easier with its Sanitize Wash Cycle. With Equator’s in-built Sanitize cycle, it helps to kill germs by heating the water at a temperature of 74 degrees Celsius. The anti-microbial Drum Baffles further reduces the growth

of bacteria while keeping the clothes safe. The machine also helps sanitize different clothing fabrics like Wool, Khadi, etcthat can be adjusted based on the type of fabrics being washed to ensure optimal care and protection. Speaking about the Sanitize Wash Cycle, Atul Vir, CEO &Founder, Equator Advanced Appliances said, “Considering the on-going pandemic situation, consumers sensitivity to health and hygiene is at a heightened level.

Hyundai Foundation announces 2nd Edition of H-Social Creator

Stay Safe this Winter with Equator Washing Machine’s Sanitize Cycle

handigarh, :To encourage health and safety amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, RSPL Group, Cmanufacturers, and marketers of Ghadi – India’s

no. 1 detergent powder – today unveiled its all-new #BachaavMeinHiSamajhdaariHaicampaign.Ghadi detergent is India’s first brand to create awareness through its packaging. India’s first awareness initiative via packaging aims to reach more than 10 crore Indian households. They will be reminded of always wearing a face mask and to be more responsible and committed to public safety. The awareness initiative will be showcased on the Ghadi detergent packet wherein the

actual logo is covered with a printed mask. In addition to the messaging on the pack, Ghadidetergent is also activating a huge network of distribution channels, simultaneously asking their retail partners to join the movement to spread the message.

handigarh, : Hyundai Motor India Foundation (HMIF), a philanthropic Carm of the Hyundai Motor India

limited, announces the second edition of globally renowned ‘H-Social Creator’, a Youth contact CSR Program. H-Social Creator made its debut in India last year. The program was first instituted by Hyundai Motor Company in Korea in 2015.H-Social Creator is a Youth Contact Program to build Social Innovators and Future Thinkers. The platform encourages graduate or post graduate students to develop a novel idea based on any of these four categories namely Road Safety, Environment, Clean India, with a new addition of Health category. With H-Social Creator, HMIF is on the pursuit for India’s Next Social Innovator who can bring about an innovative social change for the ‘Progress for Humanity’. The idea should delve to create a meaningful impact in societies and communities.Commenting on the initiative, S.S Kim, MD & CEO, HMIL, said, “Our effort to provide budding minds with the concept of open innovation has culminated into H-Social Creator generating new ideas and resolve challenges faced by society.”

mritsar, :Cinépolis India and Nexus Malls have joined hands to roll out a unique offer available only across four Amalls in the Nexus Malls portfolio, where patrons would

can avail tickets for DC’s latest release, Wonder Woman 1984 only at Re. 1. With an intent to reinstate the going experience at Seawoods Grand Central Mall, Navi Mumbai, Ahmedabad One, Ahmedabad, Westend Mall, Aundh and Mall of Amritsar, Punjab, Nexus Malls and Cinépolis India have come together to unveil the sequel of Wonder Woman at an exclusive price for these three days. Cinépolis will be dedicating 1 auditorium every day where all shows will be run with this exclusive offer. The special offer can be availed using the code CINEWW84 only on BookMyShow and PayTM.Speaking on the initiative, Mr. Devang Sampat, CEO Cinépolis India said, “2020 has been very challenging for the entire movie industry and for the exhibition industry in particular. However, we are now ready to move on and this association with Nexus Malls is a fantastic opportunity to do just that. The association is a win-win for our patrons, wherein they get to experience Wonder Woman 1984 the way it was originally intended by DC and Patty Jenkins; at the same time, they can avail a Never-Seen-Before offer for a movie of this scale. We are delighted to be able to bring this association and this offer to our patrons in line with our promise of providing them a world class movie experience.”

himla / Dharamshala, :ICICI Prudential Life Insurance has Slaunched ‘ICICI Pru Guaranteed

Pension Plan’, an innovative retirement plan that offers guaranteed life-long income to lead a financially independent retired life. A non-linked non-participating individual annuity product, it provides customers with the flexibility to choose between Immediate and Deferred Annuity.The Immediate Annuity option enables customers to start receiving regular income immediately by paying a one-time premium. On the other hand, the Deferred Annuity option gives customers the flexibility to start receiving the income at any point later, for instance closer to their retirement. Customers have the option to defer the start of the income for a period of 10 years. Longer the deferment, higher would be the income.This product enables customers to plan and lead a financially independent retired life.To address the challenge of rising inflation customers also have the option to top-up their contribution and thereby increase the income they receive.

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance launches Guaranteed Pension Plan

Online tutoring witnesses 400% average growth: Data

Vinod Cookware launches itsCast Iron range of products

HANDIGARH: Upholding the Indian traditions, Vinod Cookware, one of the Clargest and oldest cookware brands in

India, announces its Designer range of Legacy Cast Iron products in India.The range of products includes Frypan, Kadai, Grill pan, and Tawas in varied sizes, accentuating every kitchen need. The versatile cookware, adds a touch of style with its minimalist design. The multi-functional products, can be used forSautéing, Pan-frying, Searing, Baking, Braising and Roasting.The products are suitable for all heat sources including electric& gas. The thick bottom of the cookware ensures even heat distribution with superior temperature resistance and no hot spots. Being Toxic free, chemical free and enamel free; ensures healthy cooking. With its rugged & natural cast iron construction, the cooking also, adds dietary iron to the food. The naturally non-stick cookware, incorporates cooking oils throughout the life of the pan.To drive the message, on age oldcooking methods and its benefits with Cast Iron Cookware.

Fight against coronavirus: Ghadi detergent promotes "mask on"mbala, : Few studies have reported presentation of

myocarditis in patients who were infected with Acoronavirus infection. It is a condition in which inflammation happens in the heart muscles, which may result in

abnormal functioning of the heart.Dr. Raghav Sharma, head of department & senior interventional cardiologist at Meditrina Hospital, Ambala Cantt said that there are chances that patients who are infected with coronavirus may present with heart-related symptoms such as breathing problems, chest pain, changes in ECG, and rise in troponin levels. He further said that coronavirus infection is a disease that causes inflammation by means of the release of interleukins and

cytokine storm. It can affect the heart by causing inflammation of heart muscles, known as myocarditis. It may also lead to occlusion in the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. Hence patients who are infected with coronavirus should be treated for heart disease if they show signs. The World Heart Federation states that if you have an underlying health condition, such as heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity, don’t let COVID-19 stop you attending your regular check-ups.

QuickHeal Reveals Threat Predictions for 2021

HANDIGARH: 2020 has been a year of unexpected events, with COVID-19 Cstriking a blow to the world, and bringing

overnight changes to our lifestyles. While going digital was one of the primary transitions for businesses, it also created an opportunity for cybercriminals to use pandemic as their new bait - and eventually inject malware in the systems to barge in and steal sensitive data. Strengthening cybersecurity hence became the need of the hour for most businesses as they gear up for 2021. To understand this better, Quick Heal Technologies Limited one of the leading providers of IT Security and Data Protection Solutions, has released its threat predictions that will share the future of cybersecurity in 2021 and beyond. Speaking on these security predictions, Himanshu Dubey, Director, Quick Heal Security Labs, said, “Undoubtedly, 2020 started with a significant unforeseen event. Nobody would have imagined of COVID-19 and how it might disrupt economies worldwide. More importantly, the pandemic acted as a huge opportunity for cyber criminals to innovate their attack strategies further, and steal sensitive data for their personal gain.

Asian Granito India Ltd is eyeing exponential growth from export business in FY21 despite COVID

EW DELHI: Asian Granito India Limited (AGIL), manufacturer of one Nof India’s leading tiles brand is

eyeing exponential growth from exports business in the current fiscal. Anti-China sentiments, reduction in gas prices and robust export orders from USA, Europe, UK and Middle East are driving the export business in the current fiscal and it is expected to get further momentum in coming months. Company is also expanding its business network in over 120 countries from 100 currently. Asian Granito is largest exporter among organised players from India.

Covid causing short-lived heart damage; expert

s winter comes along, the air gets accompanies your exhalation. the lungs and leaves one feeling crisp and dry. That has a direct 4. You will notice the belly naturally pump light and relaxed.Aeffect on the metabolic inward with every exhalation. Avoid These are gentle movements done

functioning of the body. Yoga and tensing the face and the rest of the body. to lubricate and mobilise joints. Ayurveda strongly advocate adapting with 5. You can gradually increase to 50 strokes Especially helpful in cold dry the changing seasons; hence it becomes of breath and more. weather when the joints stiffen up. important to make the necessary changes Time of day: Practice this early morning Practice of sukshma vyayam to your diet and exercise. takes just 10-15 minutes Start your day with a warm glass and it has the power to of water. This helps to aid the unblock the stagnant flow sluggish digestion during the of energy in our joints. It winters and helps clear the sharpens the senses, bowels effectively. refreshes the mind, and Kapalbhati is also known as the redirects life back in.breath of fire. It increases the Make a fist, extend your agni or fire element in the body. hands forward at shoulder It improves the functioning of height. Make outer circles the digestive and respiratory with your wrists followed systems. With regular practice, it by inner circles. helps cleanse the frontal lobes of Can be done standing or the lungs, releases toxins and seated with legs stretched drains the sinus beds. open. Point your toes Method forward in plantar flexion 1. Sit on the mat in a cross- and then turn your toes legged position or on a chair toward you in dorsiflexion. with your back upright. The Keep the movement from the on an empty stomach.focus is on active exhalation. The ankle joints. Avoid during pregnancy, menstruation and inhalation is passive. Dhanurasana is a backward in case of high BP.2. Keep the eyes and mouth closed as you bend, also known as the bow Similar to kapalbhati, the practice of start the first round with 20 active pose. Not only does help to bhastrika is done with active exhalations. effectively open the spine, but inhalation and exhalation. It raises the 3. Release the breath actively through the also improves respiration and heat in the body and helps clear the nose and belly. There will be a sound that digestion.toxin build up. It gives great power to

handigarh : Keeping in view of the medicinal plants across all its developments so challenging times many famlies have far as its social responsibility initiative. The Cwitnessed during these times, on the modern architecture and design elements of

occasion of 20th anniversary, Gillco ‘Gillco Palms’ is going to be a classic abode Developers & Builders Pvt Ltd., have with a bundle of gratifying amenities offering 2 committed to develop region's first project BHK units with the most stylish outlook in its s u p p o r t i n g category. Facilities g o v e r n m e n t ' s like jogging track, i n i t i a t i v e o f 2 4 x 7 s e c u r i t y ecofriendly & quality surveillance, round housing for all while the clock ambulance keeping heal th, availability, power wellness & safety as backup backed by the its salient points – project's connectivity ‘GILLCO PALMS’. with other parts of T h e u p c o m i n g TriCity by road, project 'Gillco Palms' which passes through in sec 115 on Kharar-Landran Road, Mohali is the heart of this suburb, prominent shopping designed to bring the feeling of plush malls, movie theatres, school, and hospitals are environment & will be provisioned with present in the proximity of this residential solutions like building materials with minimal project. The features of Gillco Palms are not impact on nature with region's biggest just relevant in today’s times, but also in the initiative of planting over 15,000 herbal & future decades.

handigarh/ SHIMLA: Backed by Maruti Suzuki’s values of trust and partnership, CMaruti Suzuki’s Super Carry celebrates

four years of success. Maruti Suzuki forayed into the commercial segment in 2016 with its first commercial vehicle Super Carry. The powerful mini truck has empowered more than 70,000 owners with customised experiences in line with their versatile business needs and all-round characteristics. Speaking on the milestone, Mr. Shashank Srivastava, Executive Director (Marketing & Sales), Maruti Suzuki India Limited, said, “Specifically engineered for the ambitious Indian mini-truck customer with superior mileage; Super Carry has always ensured that no load feels too heavy. With 75% market share of Super Carry petrol sales, it’s the 1st LCV mini-truck launched with a BS6 petrol variant offering a powerful 1196cc 4 cylinder dumdaar engine. Celebrating 4 phenomenal year, we are extremely proud that Super Carry has created a niche for itself within a short span and has become the second best-selling Mini-Truck in the Light Commercial Vehicle Market. The diverse customer base of over 70,000+ proud owners stands testament for the success of Super Carry. We take this opportunity to thank all our trusted buyers for their unflinching support to reach this milestone.”Maruti Suzuki launched the Super Carry mini truck back in 2016, with the S-CNG variant of Super Carry launched in 2017. The BS6 compliant S-CNG variant aligned to the Company’s Mission Green Million was launched in 2020. Super Carry S-CNG variant comes with a unique bi-fuel engine with 5L petrol tank.

Expert: Adapt to yogic lifestyle this winter

handigarh, : Teachers who have made a switch to online tutoring from the conventional physical Cclassroom set-up have witnessed an average 4x

growth in their teaching business in 8-week of signing up, revealed data. The data by a digital tutoring solutions provider, Teachmint is based on the analysis of the spike in the number of student enrollments observed among active teachers on the platform.Data revealed that there are 2.5 lakh teachers who have signed up till date and this number is growing by more than 50,000 new registrations every month. Through this period of growth, the trend of tutors on the platform scaling their practice has stayed its course even after the pandemic induced lockdown had started to wind down over the last two months.Date further revealed that an individual teacher's growth stories range from a 200% growth to 1000% growth in student enrollments, with some teachers now adding as many as 1600 students to their classrooms, clearly underscoring the value educators can derive by switching over to digital platforms.

India’s powerful mini truck, Super Carry celebrates 4 phenomenal years

Gillco launches ‘Gillco Palms’ - Ecofriendly & Quality Housing for all

How to make life Saral with a Standardized Saral Jeevan Bima?

Minister Shripad Naik introduces Nispanda appinister for Ayush, Shripad Y Naik, said that during the COVID pandemic, Yoga has helped people manage not only their physical but also their mental health. He also Mpraised The Yoga Institute (TYI) Mumbai for both, its COVID-led initiatives during the

pandemic, and also for 102 years of dedication to serve people and society.The Minister was Chief Guest at a virtual meet organized to celebrate the completion of 102 years of the institute. During the occasion, he soft launched the Nispanda Meditation app and lauded TYI’s several COVID-led initiatives.The app provides knowledge and support for practitioners and students of meditation. It comes with a library of videos for guided meditation for each situation. The app is available on Android, iOS and the internet.Minister Naik said, “I would like to congratulate the entire team at TYI on completing 102 years of excellence and service to the humans of the world. Your dedication, honesty and integrity are helping to preserve the valuable Indian traditions of yoga and changing the lives of millions of people around the world every single day.”He added that during the trying pandemic times people started learning about the real value of Yoga. “It helped them to manage not only their physical health and immunity, but also mental and emotional wellbeing.” While praising The YTI’s COVID-led initiatives, he said, “Right from serving free meals to supporting the frontline warriors with Annam Brahma movement, The Yoga Institute went above and beyond its call of duty to touch as many lives as they could.”He described Nispanda as the meditation app that the world has been waiting for. “This app is meditation delivered to you in the palm of your hands. Nispanda is going to revolutionize the way the world has been meditating and it will take us a step closer to 360-degree health,” he said.

dvocate Satind Raj ASingh Nagpal

has been appointed by Shiromani Akali Dal Badal as the President of Circle Garhshankar. Senior leaders were present on the occasion.

JK TYre Gets Recognition from CII for Its Sustainable Manufacturing Practice

HANDIGARH: JK Tyre & Industries Limited, a leading Tyre manufacturer, Chas been on the forefront of sustainable

growth. As its ethos, it has been making all out efforts to maintain its leadership in energy usage and this reduction in carbon footprints. JK Tyre’s efforts have been recently recognized by ‘being’ conferred with two prestigious recognitions from Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). JK Tyre’s plant in Kankroli, Rajasthan won National Water Award for its exemplary efforts in water conservation taking a 3M approach to water conservation – Measure, Monitor and Management. The award was announced during the 14th CII National Awards for Excellence in Water Management 2020. JK Tyre’s Kankroli plant has the lowest water consumption in the world, in the Tyre Industry. The Company’s Chennai plant was recognized as Excellent ‘Energy Efficient Unit’ for the sixth consecutive time since 2015. Additionally, the plant also qualified for the recognition of ‘National Energy Leader’ during the 21st National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2020 Forum by CII.

Cinépolis and Nexus Malls join hands to roll out a unique movie-going experience at Mall of Amritsar

handigarh, : A tricity based enthusiastic couple has established a unique Ayurveda start-up 'BetaSys Healthcare' to support the CPM's 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' and Vocal for Local mission,

which aims at not only to promote Ayurveda but also popularize the age-old herbs-based pathy. The USP is a good taste of all the formulations. The couple interacted with the media at the press club here. During the press conference, the start-up unveiled ‘AyuStri’, a special women tonic

fo r mens t rua l problems , which also improves immunity. Niraj B h a s i n , M D , BetaSys Healthcare said, “Allopathic medicines give immediate relief, but do not remove t h e d i s e a s e .

Whereas Ayurveda has the ability to eliminate any disease from its root. Herbal products are good because they do not harm the body. Indians did not suffer much from Covid, because of using basic herbs like turmeric, basil in daily life, which strengthen immunity. That is why we focused on Ayurveda products right from the beginning. In pre-Corona time the consumption of Ayurveda products was 15%, which has grown to 90%.”

Tricity couple establishes unique start-up to promote Ayurveda

Paree Sanitary Pads associates with Youth show Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya

handigarh: Paree, a homegrown sanitary pad brand has invariably Cbeen ahead of the curve when it

comes to feminine hygiene. Over the years, Paree has been progressive in its outlook and the recent association with Zing TV’s No.1 fiction show Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya as their title sponsors is yet another step in advocating an open dialogue about periods and talking about the real issues faced by women such as heavy flow, mood swings etc. The integration with the series is an attempt to reach out to youth who are the changemakers and trendsetters of today and never shy away from following their heart. Paree has constantly been a driving force for initiating dialogues on menstruation and related issues.

(AESL) launches its first VSAT center in India in Haryana

urugram : Heralding a revolution in the digital learning sector, Aakash GEducational Services Limited (AESL), the

national leader in test preparatory services, has launched a one-of-its kind and its first Virtual Classroom center in Punhana, Nuh in Mewat region of Haryana. Classes will be delivered through New Age Satellite Technology to students who wish to become Doctors and IITians. The center has two classrooms, is equipped with state-of-the-art audio video equipment and can accommodate upto 100 students at a time. AESL plans to opens more such centres across India in the coming months in remote areas where students who wish to clear competitive exminations have no access to proper coaching. In Tier 4 cities like Punhana, students have to face lot of hinderances to pursue their education due to multiple reasons like Internet connectivity issues, lack of proper coaching centres and commuting issues. Hence, they sometimes have no choice but to leave their home and stay in hostels in other cities to get coaching.



uperstar Salman Khan on Sunday said his upcoming film "Radhe - Your Most Wanted Bhai" will arrive in Stheatres on Eid 2021 provided the scenario is safe

for people to come to cinema halls amid the coronavirus pandemic. Directed by Prabhudheva, "Radhe" was scheduled to hit Indian screens during the festival on May 22 this year but was delayed in the wake of the ongoing health crisis. Asked about the impending release of "Radhe...", Khan said he wants the film to release on Eid 2021 but the date is yet to be locked. "'Radhe..' will release when it has to. The situation is grave now... when people start going back to theatres and when they have money to spend on entertainment... "We had made a commitment of Eid release last year and will give commitment for this Eid soon. If everything is clear, we will release it this Eid or it will release whenever it has to," he told reporters. Khan, who is at his Panvel farmhouse with his family, was interacting with select media on his 55th birthday. The release of "Radhe" is not more important than the health and safety of the audience, the actor emphasised. "... Important thing is when we release 'Radhe' everyone should be safe that time in theatres. And God forbid, if something happens it won't be acceptable. We will have to plan it successfully," he said. "COVID-19 is surging everywhere. It is still here and it will be here tomorrow as well," he added. "Radhe" also stars Disha Patani and Randeep Hooda.

'Radhe' likely to be released on Eid 2021

Radhe..' will release when it has to. The situation is grave now... when people

start going back to theatres and when they have money to spend on


Parineeti to play covert agent in her next withRibhu Dasgupta

ctor Parineeti Chopra will be reuniting with her The Girl on The ATrain director Ribhu Dasgupta for

an action-thriller in which she will play the role of an undercover agent. The yet-untitled film revolves around a covert rescue operation of Indian agents, led by Chopra's protagonist.It is not (set in) an India-Pakistan backdrop. The film has Parineeti as a covert agent, she is leading the operation. The film is also about her personal journey and her revenge, a source close to the film's team told a news agency.According to the insider, the film's ensemble cast also features Rajit Kapur, Kay Kay Menon, Dibyendu Bhattacharya and Hardy Sandhu, among others.The project, scheduled to go on floors in March, is produced by Reliance Entertainment.

Comedy is all about rhythm: Aahana Kumractor Aahana Kumra, known for her This is the first time I was offered a workplace comedy "Dix Pour Cent".performances in drama features comedy. On OTT, there is a huge space Narrated through the eyes of four high-Alike "Lipstick Under My Burkha" for humour because there isn't any. The profile agents of Bollywood celebrities,

and "Khuda Haafiz", says her latest digital platform mostly tends to offer the show narrates the behind-the-scenes comedy series "Sandwiched Forever" content in the dark, crime and thriller stories of the magic and the madness gave her the opportunity to try a new space," Kumra, who plays a badminton which keeps the star system running.genre. player in the show, told a news agency. "There are so many things that agents Directed by Rohan Sippy, the show The actor has also recently completed do to make sure you have a good and revolves around a newlywed couple - shooting for another comedy series, happy career. There is a huge system Naina (Kumra) and Sameer, played titled "Call My Agent", and said 2020 that works behind to streamline your life. by Kunaal Roy Kapur, who struggles turned out to be a "brilliant" year for her I now have a lot more respect and to manage their folks and in-laws work wise. empathy for my agents and managers. who live next door. "2020 has been a difficult year for Now I understood the way it is," she The 35-year-old actor, who starred everybody. For me it has been brilliant, I said.this year in thriller web series had back-to-back releases. I am grateful "Call My Agent" also stars Soni Razdan, "Marzi" and zombie horror show for the appreciation I have got for all the Rajat Kapoor and Ayush Mehra."Betaal", said "Sandwiched work. I hope I have an exciting lineup The French original was created by Together" marks her maiden next year." Fanny Herrero and showrun by Cedric comic project. "Call My Agent", directed by Shaad Ali, Klapisch."Comedy is all about rhythm... is a Hindi remake of the French

everal Bollywood celebrities including actors Rajkummar Rao and Tusshar Kapoor on Monday Sexpressed happiness over the release of actor-

philanthropist Sonu Sood's autobiography 'I Am No Messiah.'The book that has been co-written by Meena Iyer was released earlier this month under the Ebury Press imprint.Actor-filmmaker Tusshar Kapoor took to Twitter to congratulate the 'Dabangg' actor on his autobiography and also urged people to order their copy of the book."More than anything else, 2020 taught us how to be compassionate warriors amidst adversity," he tweeted."Congratulations to @SonuSood on his inspirational book

#IAmNoMessiah with @Meena_Iyer. Order #IAmNoMessiah in English and Hindi," his tweet further read.Actors Aparshakti Khurrana and Rajkummar Rao on the other hand took to their Instagram stories for congratulating Sood."Congrats paaji for this one. I have seen @sonu_sood

work tirelessly for others. Read about his story in his book #IAmNoMessiah," wrote Khurrana along with a picture of the book."Thank u for showing us the path @sonu_sood. Can't

wait to read the book," wrote Rajkummar Rao on his Instagram story.Sood, who has worked towards helping the needy during

the on-going Covid-19 pandemic has inspired and won the hearts of many.

The autobiography 'I Am No Messiah' will chronicle his experiences during the pandemic. Written in the first

person, the book will reveal the emotional and often challenging journeys he undertook along with

the people he rescued.He will narrate the many stories he heard and the interactions he had, and will also share how this experience not only changed his outlook but also his life's purpose.

Rajkummar, Tusshar congratulate Sonu Sood for his autobiography

Irrfan Khan starrer lastfilm 'The song of scorpions' to release in 2021

ate actor Irrfan Khan's last film titled L'The Song of The

Scorpions' is set to be released in 2021. Film critic and movie

trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter on Monday and announced the news. "IRRFAN'S LAST MOVIE... #Irrfan's last film - #TheSongOfScorpions - to release in 2021... Directed by Anup Singh... Presented by Panorama Spotlight and 70mm Talkies."Adarsh also posted a short clip that featured a message, "A golden chance to witness the magician on the big screen for the last time!!!" past which a portrait of the 'Angerzi Medium' star is showcased in the video.The message is played in the backdrop of a desert, which showcases a blow of wind post which Khan's face close up is shown

followed by the announcement of the film release 'Early 2021' is displayed.

Kirti takes break from social mediactor Kirti Kulhari on Monday said she will be away from social media for a few days Kulhari took to Twitter and Instagram to inform her fans Aabout her break from internet and also wished them Happy New Year.

"Time for a little break from social media. All you people, have a beautiful end to 2020 and wishing you all a #HappyNewYear #2021," the actor wrote alongside her photograph.Kulhari, 35, who is garnering acclaim for her performance in season two of "Criminal Justice", expressed her gratitude for all the love coming her way. The show premiered on December 24 on Disney+ Hotstar. "Thank you for all the love for #CriminalJusticeBehindClosedDoors #keepitcoming #behadabhaar," she said.The season headlined by Kulhari, is about Anu Chandra, who has confessed to stabbing her husband (Jisshu Sengupta).Titled "Criminal Justice: Behind Closed Doors", it features actors

Pankaj Tripathi and Anupriya Goenka reprising their roles as lawyers.Produced by Applause Entertainment in association with BBC Studios, the

eight-part Hotstar Special is directed by Rohan Sippy and Arjun Mukerjee and is written by editor-screenwriter Apurva Asrani.



Avalanches kill 12 inmountainous areanear Iran's capitalTEHRAN: Iranian rescue workershave ended their search for survivorsfollowing a series of avalanches thatkilled 12 people in a mountainous areanorth of the capital, state TV reported.The avalanches struck in four differentareas on Friday following strong windsand snowfall a day earlier. The Alborzmountain range where the avalanchesoccurred is a popular weekenddestination for hiking and climbing.Fridays are a day off for most Iranianworkers. State TV aired footageshowing emergency crews using ahelicopter to search for the missing.Iran's Red Crescent Society alsoreleased photos of rescue workersunloading body bags from a helicopteron Saturday. The report said 11 peoplewere found dead, and one died afterbeing transferred to a hospital. It saidrescue teams found 14 missing peopleduring the operation. Authorities saidmany had disregarded reports by themeteorological office about possiblestrong winds on Friday. Deadlyavalanches are a rare phenomenon inIran. In 2017, two avalanches killed 11hikers.

Russia records 27,787new COVID-19 casesin past 24 hoursMOSCOW: Russia has registered27,787 COVID-19 cases in the past 24hours, down from 28,284 the daybefore, bringing the total to 3,078,035,the federal response centre said onMonday. "Over the past 24 hours,27,787 coronavirus cases wereconfirmed in 84 regions, including3,748 cases (13.5 per cent) withoutclinical symptoms," the centre said,adding that the cumulative case counthas now reached 3,078,035, with therate of increase at 0.9 per cent.Moscow confirmed 6,253 newcoronavirus cases over the givenperiod, down from 6,620 the daybefore. The Russian capital wasfollowed by St. Petersburg with 3,748cases, down from 3,761 the daybefore, and the Moscow region with1,606 new cases, down from 1,609 theday before. No new cases wererecorded in the Chukotka AutonomousRegion. The response centre reported487 coronavirus fatalities, down from551 the day before, raising thecountry's death toll to 55,265. Totalrecoveries count 2,471,309 after20,480 people were discharged fromhospitals over the past day, down from24,390 the day before. According tothe national public health watchdog,Rospotrebnadzor, over 89.5 milliontests to detect COVID-19 have beenconducted in Russia since thebeginning of the pandemic, and660,009 suspected carriers remainunder medical monitoring.

7 Pakistani soldierskilled in Balochistangun attackHARNAI: Seven Pakistan soldierswere killed in a gun attack on FrontierCorps (FC) Balochistan post in Harnaidistrict here, according to the country'sArmy. The "terrorist fire raid" targetedan FC post located in Shahrag area ofHarnai late on Saturday, Dawnreported. "During [an] intenseexchange of fire, seven brave soldiersembraced shahadat while repulsingraiding terrorists," an Inter-ServicesPublic Relations (ISPR) statementsaid. The incident comes five daysafter 10 suspected "terrorists" werekilled in a gun battle with securityforces during an intelligence-basedoperation in Balochistan's Awaranarea. Earlier in October, 14 securitymen -- seven personnel of the FrontierCorps and as many civilian guardswere killed in an armed attack on theirconvoy on the Coastal Highway in theOrmara area of Gwadar district.Balochistan is a resource-rich but leastdeveloped province of Pakistan wherea movement for freedom is ongoing forthe past several decades. ManyBaloch believe that the region wasindependent before 1947 and wasforcibly occupied by Pakistan. Whilesuccessive governments havepromised to criminalise enforceddisappearance, none has takenconcrete steps and the practicecontinues with impunity. The PakistanArmy has launched several operationsin Balochistan and has supportedcriminals, which locals call "deathsquads". A large number of politicalactivists, intellectuals, women andchildren in Pakistan's Balochistanprovince are victims of enforceddisappearances by the securityagencies. Many of them arelanguishing in detention centreswhereas mutilated bodies of some ofthese abducted Baloch are found inisolated places.

NIIT stock up 3.5 pcafter board approves Rs237 cr buyback proposalNEW DELHI: Shares of skills andtalent development major NIIT Ltdrose by 3.5 per cent in intra-day tradeon Monday after the company said itsboard has approved an up to Rs 237crore buyback proposal at Rs 240 perequity share. The buyback price of Rs240 per share is at a 20 per centpremium to the closing price lastweek. "The board of directors at itsmeeting held on December 24 hasinter-alia approved a proposal forbuyback of up to 9.87 million equityshares of the company for anaggregate amount not exceeding Rs237 crore," said NIIT in regulatoryfilings at stock exchanges.

Gold rises Rs 185, silver jumps by Rs 1,322NEW DELHI: Gold prices gained Rs 185 to Rs 49,757 per 10 gram in thenational capital on Monday, in line with the rally in price of the precious metalglobally, according to HDFC Securities. In the previous trade, the yellow metalhad closed at Rs 49,572 per 10 gram. Silver prices also jumped Rs 1,322 toRs 68,156 per kilogram from Rs 66,834 per kilogram in the previous trade. Inthe international market, gold was trading with gains at USD 1,885 per ounce,while silver was also quoting in the green at USD 26.32 per ounce. "Goldprices gained amid dollar decline. Concerns over the new strain of coronavirusand lockdowns have also lifted gold prices," according to HDFC SecuritiesSenior Analyst (Commodities) Tapan Patel.

Stock markets scale newheights on positive global cues


Extending gains for the fourthstraight session, benchmarkgauges Sensex and Nifty racedto new peaks on Monday in linewith broad-based rallies inglobal equities.

The BSE benchmark Sensexsettled up by 380.21 points or0.81 per cent at its all-timeclosing high of 47,353.75. Theindex also scaled its fresh recordintra-day peak of 47,406.72.

The NSE Nifty ended123.95 points or 0.90 per cent upat new closing high of13,873.20. It also touched its all-time intra-day high of13,885.30.

On the Sensex chart, Titan,SBI, L&T, IndusInd Bank,Ultratech Cement, HDFC Bankand Asian Paints were topgainers. While, HUL, SunPharma, Dr Reddy and BajajFinServ closed with losses. Ofthe Sensex constituents, 26stocks settled with gains and 4with losses.

In the previous trading dayon Thursday, the 30-shareSensex had surged 529.36 pointsor 1.14 per cent to close at46,973.54. The broader NSENifty had zoomed 148.15 pointsor 1.09 per cent to 13,749.25.Markets were closed on Fridayon account of Christmas.

Elsewhere in Asia, boursesin Mainland China, Japan, South

Korea, Hong Kong and otherkey markets ended withsignificant gains. Investorsentiment globally was upbeatafter the US cleared a USD 2.3trillion pandemic aid and the

European Union and the UKstruck a Brexit trade deal lastweek. Meanwhile, the global oilbenchmark Brent crude futuresrose 1.25 per cent to USD 51.94per barrel.

Rupee settles 6 paise higherat 73.49 against US dollar

MUMBAI: The rupeeappreciated by 6 paise to closeat 73.49 (provisional) againstthe US dollar on Monday,tracking weakness in theAmerican currency andpositive domestic equities.The sustained foreign fundinflows also supported therupee, traders said. At theinterbank forex market, thedomestic unit opened at 73.52against the US dollar andwitnessed an intra-day high of73.47 and a low of 73.61. Thelocal unit finally settled at73.49 against the Americancurrency, registering a rise of6 paise over its previous close.On Thursday, the rupee hadsettled at 73.55 against the USdollar. Forex and equitymarkets were closed onFriday for Christmas.

Meanwhile, the dollar index,which gauges the greenback'sstrength against a basket of sixcurrencies, slipped 0.25 percent to 89.99. On the domesticequity market front, BSESensex ended 380.21 points or0.81 per cent higher at47,353.75, while the broaderNSE Nifty jumped 123.95points or 0.9 per cent to13,873.20. "Indian Rupeeappreciated on weakness inDollar and surge in stockmarkets. Market sentimentsimproved as US PresidentDonald Trump signed USD2.3 trillion coronavirus reliefaid and spending package andas the UK and EuropeanUnion secured tradeagreement," Saif Mukadam,Research Analyst, Sharekhanby BNP Paribas, said.

China jails journalistZhan for 4 years over

Wuhan COVID-19 reports


Citizen journalist Zhang Zhan,who was detained in May for herlive stream reporting fromWuhan over COVID-19, hasbeen sentenced to four years ofimprisonment on Monday, HongKong Free Press (HKFP)reported.

She has been convicted of"picking quarrels and provokingtrouble" for her reporting in thechaotic initial stages of theoutbreak.

Dozens of her supporters anddiplomats gathered outsideShanghai Pudong New DistrictPeople's Court on Mondaymorning before the trial began,according to HKFP.

The police, however, pushedjournalists and observers awayfrom the entrance.

The New York Timesreported that the 37-year-oldformer lawyer is on a hungerstrike since June. According toher lawyers, she has been forced

fed via a nasal tube as concernsgrow about her health.

"She said she refuses toparticipate in the trial. She saysit's an insult," Ren Quanniu, oneof the lawyers said after visitingZhang in mid-December inShanghai, where she is beingheld.

Ren, who visited separatelylater, pleaded with Zhang to eat.But she refused, Ren said.

"She's much paler than in hervideos and photos -- deathlypale," Ren said, adding thatZhang appeared to have agedseveral decades. "It's really hardto believe that she's the sameperson as you saw online."

China's court system isnotoriously opaque, withsensitive cases often heardbehind closed doors.

The trial comes just weeksbefore an international team ofWorld Health Organizationexperts are expected to arrive inChina to investigate the originsof COVID-19.

Trump signs massive coronavirus reliefand spending package into law


US President Donald Trumphas signed into law a massiveUSD 2.3 trillion spending billthat includes a USD 900billion coronavirus reliefpackage, averting agovernment shutdown andextending coronavirus aid tomillions suffering from theeconomic impact of thepandemic. Trump initiallyrefused to approve thelegislation for days afterreceiving it. He had called thebill a disgrace . It was notimmediately clear whyTrump, who leaves office onJanuary 20, finally decided tosign the bill into law. He hadbeen under growing pressurefrom both sides of Congress tosign the bill. I am signing thisbill to restore unemploymentbenefits, stop evictions,provide rental assistance, addmoney for PPP, return ourairline workers back to work,add substantially more moneyfor vaccine distribution, andmuch more, Trump said in a

statement. The massive billincludes USD 1.4 trillion tofund government agenciesthrough September. Hissignature avoids a partialgovernment shutdown, asspending was set to run outTuesday and it puts an end todays of uncertainty over whenmillions of Americans willreceive the desperately neededeconomic relief provided bythe bill. Among its manyprovisions, the coronavirusrelief package includes directpayments to qualifyingAmericans, worth up to USD600 per adult and child; a

boost in weeklyunemployment benefits; andfunds for small-business aidand vaccine distribution. Inthe statement, Trump said thatas president it is hisresponsibility to protect thepeople of our country fromthe economic devastationand hardship that wascaused by the "China virus".I understand that manysmall businesses have beenforced to close as a result ofharsh actions by Democrat-run states. Many people areback to work, but my job isnot done until everyone is

back to work, he said.Trump also indicated hiscontinued objections to thebill and insisted that he waspushing for the USD 2000payment per American. OnMonday the House will voteto increase payments toindividuals from USD 600to USD 2,000. Therefore, afamily of four wouldreceive USD 5,200.Additionally, Congress haspromised that Section 230,which so unfairly benefitsBig Tech at the expense ofthe American people, will bereviewed and either beterminated or substantiallyreformed, Trump said.Likewise, the House andSenate have agreed to focusstrongly on the verysubstantial voter fraudwhich took place in theNovember 3 Presidentialelection, he said.Fortunately, as a result of mywork with Congress inpassing the CARES Actearlier this year, we avoidedanother Great Depression.


There has been a sharp decline inincremental cost of market borrowingsfor non-banking finance companies(NBFCs) -- especially those with strongparentage -- over the past nine months,Motilal Oswal Financial Services saidon Monday.

For example, BAF raised two-yearfunds at 4.7 per cent in Decembercompared to over 7 per cent for three-year borrowings in February.

For HDFC, cost of long-term funds(five years) fell nearly 200 basis pointsto sub-6 per cent over the same period.Within vehicle financiers, MMFS hasbeen the biggest beneficiary, with thecost of three-year borrowings decliningby 250 basis points to 5.25 per cent inthe past nine months.

Among larger NBFCs, while thecost of borrowing fell for ShriramGroup entities, it still remains around 8per cent.

While the cost of marketborrowings has declined sharply, saidMotilal, NBFCs have a lower share ofmarket borrowings now as compared totwo years ago. This is because post the

IL&FS crisis companies meaningfullycut down their non-convertibledebenture and commercial paperexposure. These players focused onbank borrowings and alternative sourceslike sell-downs and external commercialborrowings to raise incremental money.Only four players -- HDFC, LICHF,BAF and LTFH -- still have over 40 percent share of market borrowings.

Motilal said these players are likelyto benefit more than others.Nevertheless, players with a highershare of bank borrowings will alsobenefit, albeit to a lesser extent, asbanks have cut their marginal cost oflending by 80 to 90 basis points sinceFebruary and some companies havemoved to repo-linked borrowings frombanks.

Sharp decline in incrementalCoF to boost margins for

NBFCs: Motilal Oswal


Over 4.15 crore taxpayers havealready filed their income tax returns(ITR) for assessment year 2020-21(FY2019-20) till December 26, theIncome Tax Department said onSunday.

As the deadline to file ITR byindividuals nears, the tax departmentalso urged people to file their ITRfor assessment year (AY) 2020-21early to avoid last minute rush.

"More than 4.15 crore IncomeTax Returns for AY 2020-21 havealready been filed till 26th ofDecember, 2020. Hope you havefiled yours too!," the departmenttweeted.

This includes over 2.34 croretaxpayers filing ITR-1, over 89.89lakh filing ITR-4, over 49.72 lakhITR-3 and over 30.36 lakh filingITR-2.

The deadline to file ITR byindividual taxpayers for FY2019-20ends on December 31, 2020, while

the same for taxpayers whoseaccounts require to be audited isJanuary 31, 2021.

The due date has been extendedfrom July 31 and October 31, 2020,respectively in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the close of deadline forfiling ITR without payment of latefees for FY2018-19 (AY 2019-20),over 5.65 crore returns were filed bytaxpayers. The deadline last yearwas extended till August 31, 2019.

Giving a comparative analysis ofthe ITRs filed, the I-T departmentsaid 4.14 crore ITRs were filed tillAugust 26, 2019, compared to over4.15 crore filed till December 26,2020.

Over 4.15 cr ITRs for fiscal 2019-20 filed till Dec 26 Lingertech ties up with 15 hotels &introduces contact-less experience


Lingertech, a cloud basedhotel management start-upannounced that it has tied upwith 15 hotels acrossnorthern India to add to thecomfort and leisure ofhospitality. Using this cloudbased technology, Lingertechis helping small and mediumhotels to adopt technologyeasily and seamlessly at anaffordable cost. The hotel isprovided with seamlessservices in managing all

hotel departments like thefront office, housekeeping,restaurant, accounts, healthclubs, banquets, etc. It is alsohelping the hotels inmanaging the entire hoteldepartments on a single

window. Commenting on thenew tie-ups, Sandeep Kumar,Founder – Lingertech, ''Withcustomers becomingconfident in travelling, it isimportant for hotel players toprovide a reassurance &experience to plan theirholidays at ease.” He furtheradded that hotels need to betech driven be it motels,small hotels or big brands.With the ease of technologyLingertech & small hotelsaim to bring lifestyleexperiences.''

Amid pandemic, Pacific islands work to offset food shortagesJAKARTA, DEC 28

Coronavirus infections havebarely touched many of theremote islands of the Pacific, butthe pandemic's fallout has beenenormous, disrupting the supplychain that brings crucial foodimports and sending pricessoaring as tourism wanes.

With a food crisis looming,many governments have beguncommunity initiatives to helpalleviate shortages: extendingfishing seasons, expandingindigenous food gatheringlessons and bolstering seeddistribution programs that allowresidents greater self-reliance.

We initially started with5,000 seeds and thought we

would finish them in ninemonths' time. But there was avery big response, and wefinished distributing the seeds inone week, said Vinesh Kumar,head of operation for Fiji'sAgriculture Ministry.

The project providesresidents with vegetable seeds,saplings and basic farmingequipment to help them growtheir own home gardens.

Fiji resident Elisabeta Waqasaid she had contemplatedstarting a garden before thepandemic, but -- with no job,extra time at home and seedsfrom the ministry and friends --finally took action. Looking tohave zero financial investment,Waqa collected buckets, crates

and other potential plantersdiscarded on the side of the roadand in the trash. Soon her yardtransformed into containers ofgreen beans, cucumber, cabbageand other produce. When I

started harvesting about two,three weeks later, that's when Irealized: My gosh, this is ahobby people have had for solong. I thought about just howmuch money I could save my

doing this, Waqa said.Geographically isolated withlimited arable land and increasedurbanization, many of the Pacificisland countries and territorieshave seen their populations shiftfrom traditional agriculture-based work to tourism. The trendhas created an increased relianceon imported food such as cornedbeef, noodles and other highlyprocessed foods instead of thetraditional diet of locally grownitems like nutrient-rich yams andtaro. Eriko Hibi, director of theFood and AgricultureOrganization of the UnitedNations Liaison Office in Japan,called the shift a triple burden ofhealth issues: undernutrition,micronutrient deficiencies and

obesity. When the pandemic hit,nearly all the countries in theregion closed their borders.Shipping supply chainsincluding fertilizer for farms andfood were disrupted, causingprices to rise. In Suva, Fiji, thecost of some fresh fruits andvegetables rose by up to 75%during the first weeks. At sametime, tourism which Hibi saidaccounts for up to 70% of somecountries' gross domesticproduct came to a halt, leavingthousands unemployed withdecreased access to food. It's notjust about the availability of theprices in the market but also thepurchasing power of theconsumers, which has gonedown, Hibi said.


I like it when peopleboo me, saysCristiano RonaldoDUBAI: Juventus' Cristiano Ronal-do said he likes it when people boohim while admitting that playing inempty stadiums is "boring".Fans have not been allowed to be inthe stands across Europe with someexceptions, due to the coronaviruspandemic. However, Ronaldo ishoping for things to change in thecoming year."For me I have to be honest, to playin an empty stadium is boring in myopinion. We, the players, respect allthe protocol and health is the mostimportant thing of all, of course, but Idon't like it, to be honest," Goal.comquoted Ronaldo as saying at theGlobe Soccer Awards."I do it first of all because I love foot-ball. My passion is always football. Iplay for my family, my kids, myfriends, the fans. But I don't like it, tobe honest. It's so weird. I like whenpeople boo Cristiano. When I touchthe ball they 'boo', I like it. I hope in2021 they can change the rules andwe can see the stadiums full of peo-ple," he added.At the Globe Soccer Awards, Ronal-do bagged the Player of the Centuryaward. Barcelona's Lionel Messi,Liverpool's Mohamed Salah and for-mer player Ronaldinho were also inthe race to bag the accolade but thePortuguese outclassed all to clinchthe award."Cristiano Ronaldo presented withthe PLAYER OF THE CENTURY2001-2020 Globe Soccer Awards,by HH Sheikh Mansoor Bin Mo-hammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum --Chairman of Dubai Sports Council,at tonight's gala," Globe SoccerAwards' tweet read.Bayern Munich's RobertLewandowski, during the event,won the Player of the Year award.The club's coach Hansi Flickbagged the Coach of the Yearaward. Also, Bayern Munich wonthe Club of the Year award.Manchester City manager PepGuardiola won the Coach of theCentury award. Spanish giants RealMadrid won the Club of the Centuryaward during the event.

SA vs SL: Fit-againRabada joinsProteas Test squadCENTURION: Proteas seamer Kag-iso Rabada has been medicallycleared of the right adductor musclestrain injury, which saw him ruled outof the One-Day International Seriesagainst England last month. He willjoin the Test squad, which is current-ly on Day Three of the first Test matchagainst Sri Lanka from Monday.The 25-year-old has successfullygone through all the COVID-19 andpre-Bio-Secure Environment (BSE)entry protocols and is expected toenter the BSE before the start of thesecond session, CSA said in a re-lease.Earlier, Dean Elgar, Aiden Markramand Faf du Plessis all scored qualityruns against a depleted Sri Lankanbowling attack as the host nationfought back on the second day ofthe first Test in Centurion on Sun-day.Opener Elgar fell five short of a cen-tury and struck a confident 95 in-cluding 16 fours and shared a fluentfirst-wicket partnership of 141 withMarkram, who marked his recall tothe national team with 68 (94 balls,14 fours).Du Plessis, playing his first Testmatch since standing down as skip-per, ended the day well with an un-beaten 55 (81 balls, 9 fours). Hewent on to score a century on Mon-day.Debutant Luthu Sipamla madeamends for a tough opening day byfinishing as the pick of the bowlerswith four for 76, the Sri Lankansslipping from 340 for six overnight to396 all out.

Kibu Vicunasatisfied with KeralaBlasters' first winBAMBOLIM : Kerala Blasters FCsecured a 2-0 victory over Hyder-abad FC and coach Kibu Vicunawas pleased to finally get a win inthe ongoing seventh season of Indi-an Super League (ISL).Abdul Hakku's header (29') gaveKerala the lead in the first half be-fore Jordan Murray (88') sealedthree points for Vicuna's side.The Kerala Blasters' coach Vicunaexpressed his satisfaction with theperformance of the players whowere given a chance in the absenceof seasoned trio of CostaNhamoinesu, Bakary Kone, andGary Hooper."They have different injuries andthey were not ready to play tonight.But I am very happy with the per-formances of Abdul Hakku,Sandeep (Singh), and Jordan (Mur-ray). They played very well," said Vi-cuna at the post-match presenta-tion.





India skipper Virat Kohli has beennamed the ICC Male Cricketer ofthe Decade and the ICC Men's ODICricketer of the Decade while Aus-tralia batsman Steve Smith baggedthe ICC Men's Test Cricketer of theDecade award. Afghanistan spinnerRashid Khan was named the ICCMen's T20I Cricketer of the Decade.

Kohli was competing againstteammate Rohit Sharma, former Indiaskipper MS Dhoni, Sri Lanka pacerLasith Malinga, former Sri Lankaskipper Kumar Sangakkara, Australiapacer Mitchell Starc and South Africabatsman AB de Villiers. "My only in-tention was to make winning contri-butions for the team and I just strive todo that in every game. Stats just be-come the byproduct of what you wantto do on the field," Kohli said afterwinning the award. Kohli is the onlyplayer to score 10,000-plus ODI runsin this decade. He smashed 39 cen-turies and 48 fifties during this periodwith an average of 61.83. FormerAustralia skipper Smith scored 7040Test runs in this decade with an aver-age of 65.79. He smashed 26 hundredand 28 fifties to accumulate thoseruns. Rashid was the highest wicket-taker in the T20Is as he scalped 89wickets including three four-wickethauls and two five-fors.

Earlier on Sunday, Kohli was

named the skipper of ICC's Test Teamof the Decade. Apart from Kohli,Ashwin was also included in the line-up. In the team, four players are fromEngland, two from India, two fromAustralia, one from Sri Lanka, NewZealand, and South Africa. The TestTeam of the Decade includes somenotable names like Alistair Cook,Kane Williamson, Steve Smith, BenStokes, and Kumar Sangakkara. Thebowling side is covered by DaleSteyn, Stuart Broad, James Anderson,and Ravi Ashwin. Test Team of theDecade: Alistair Cook (England),David Warner (Australia), KaneWilliamson (New Zealand), ViratKohli (c) (India), Steve Smith (Aus-tralia), Kumar Sangakkara (Sri Lan-ka), Ben Stokes (England), Ravi Ash-win (India), Dale Steyn (SouthAfrica), Stuart Broad (England),James Anderson (England).


Johnny Mullagh, the best player of the1868 Aboriginal team that became thefirst sporting team from Australia to tourinternationally, has been inducted intothe Australian Cricket Hall of Fame.

Mullagh is considered one of the bestplayers of his era, highlighted by taking245 wickets at 10 and scoring 1698 runsat 23.65 during that inaugural tour. Mul-lagh featured in 45 of the 47 matchesplayed during the tour.

"Johnny Mullagh and the1868 Aboriginal team pavedthe way for so many futureAustralians to showcase theirskill and talent on the worldstage.

To consider the team's featswere in an era dictated by in-equality, makes their storyeven more remarkable andworthy of recognition," PeterKing, Australian Cricket Hall of Fame Chairman, said in an officialstatement.

"The Australian CricketHall of Fame is proud to hon-our Johnny Mullagh for hiscontribution to Australia'scricketing history and nationalidentity," he added.

Learning to bat with a redgum bat at Pine Hill Station inthe West Wimmera region ofVictoria, Mullagh will long beremembered as a pioneer of the

sport, now recognised as the first Abo-riginal inducted to the Australian Crick-et Hall of Fame.


Faheem Ashraf's valiant 91and stand-in skipper Moham-mad Rizwan's fighting 71helped Pakistan avoid the fol-low-on on the third day of thefirst Test against NewZealand here on Monday.

Pakistan folded for 239courtesy an all-round bowlingperformance from the Kiwis,but it was Faheem andRizwan's brilliant partnershipthat helped visitors pull off arecovery from 80/6. For NewZealand, Kyle Jamiesonpicked three while TimSouthee, Neil Wagner, andTrent Boult bagged two wick-

ets each.Resuming at 30/1, Pak-

istan got off to the worst pos-sible start as New Zealandpacers took the wickets ofboth Abid Ali and Moham-mad Abbas in the first 15overs of play to leave the

team at 45/3.Jamieson continued from

where he left the other dayand sent back Abid beforeBoult dismissed Abbas in the34th over. Tim Southee thencame firing on all cylindersand picked two wickets in the

same over as Pakistan slippedto 52/5 in reply to NewZealand's 431.

New Zealand gave awayjust 32 runs and picked fourwickets in the first session toextend their dominance in thegame.

Neil Wagner, who wasbowling with a fractured toe,dismissed Fawad Alam toleave Pakistan reeling at 80/6.However, much to the sur-prise, wicket-keeper batsmanRizwan and Faheem stitcheda 107-run stand for the sev-enth wicket. Both the bats-men brought up their half-centuries before MitchellSantner ran Rizwan out witha brilliant throw.

Johnny Mullagh inducted intoAustralian Cricket Hall of Fame

Kohli crowned ICCmale cricketerof the decade

NZ vs Pak: Faheem, Rizwan help visitors avoidfollow-on after Kiwi pacers run riot


Cameron Green (17*) and PatCummins (15*) played crucialknocks to help Australia stayafloat in the game after the Indi-an bowlers ran through the hosts'top-order in their second essayon the third day of the BoxingDay Test at the MelbourneCricket Ground (MCG) on Mon-day.

At stumps, Australia's scoreread 133/6 - lead by 2 runs - asIndia kept a tight rein on thehosts' batsmen and did not allowthem to settle. With the Indiantail once again failing to con-

tribute much, India ended theirfirst innings on 326. But with alead of 130 in the bag, the visit-ing bowlers came out all gunsblazing to ensure that the hostsnever really hit the accelerator intheir second innings.

After the top-order col-lapsed, it was Green and Cum-mins' resilience that ensured thatthe horror of an innings defeatwas avoided after their scoreread 99/6 at one stage with skip-per Tim Paine sent back to thepavilion by Ravindra Jadeja.With another 31 runs needed tomake India bat again and just 4wickets left, the game was spoiltto go either ways. But the duo of

Green and Cummins put theirfoot down and battled it out.

Australia witnessed a poorstart to their second innings asUmesh Yadav dismissed JoeBurns in the fourth over, bring-ing in Marnus Labuschagne tojoin Matthew Wade. Both pro-vided their side with some mo-mentum till Ravichandran Ash-win cut short their partnership bydismissing Labuschagne (28).

Labuschagne's dismissalbrought Steve Smith out in themiddle. Smith's (8) poor run con-tinued as he could not contributemuch and Jasprit Bumrah senthim packing in the 33rd over.When the team was two runs

short of touching the 100-runmark, Australia lost the wicket ofWade, who played a knock of 40from 137 balls. Mohammed Sir-aj then got hold of Travis Head ashalf of Australia's side was sentback to the pavilion. From 98/3,the score suddenly read 99/6with Paine's dismissal.

Earlier, resuming day at277/5, India got off to a decentstart but just when things ap-peared to be going well for thevisitors, skipper Ajinkya Rahanegot run out while attempting arisky single. Jadeja though keptpicking the runs as he hit his 15thhalf-century and India extendedtheir lead over 100.

DRS needs to be thoroughly looked into by ICC: TendulkarAGENCYMELBOURNE, DEC 28

Little Master Sachin Tendulkar hascalled for a revamp Decision ReviewSystem (DRS) after several 'umpire'scall' went in Australia's favour on daythree of the Boxing Day Test at the Mel-bourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on Mon-day.

During the second session, severalDRS went in Australia's favour eventhough there were three reds and the ballwas seen clipping the stumps.

The on-field umpire had given notout and as a result of 'Umpire's Call' In-dia were denied wickets on day three.

Former Indian cricketer Tendulkarsaid the DRS needs to be thoroughlylooked into by the International CricketCouncil (ICC) as players opt for a re-view when they're unhappy with the de-cision taken on the field.

The Legendary batsman empathised

on the 'Umpires Call' as it is still unclearas to why sometimes a batsman is givenout and sometimes he survives.

"The reason players opt for a reviewis because they're unhappy with the de-cision taken by the on-field umpire. TheDRS system needs to be thoroughlylooked into by the @ICC, especially forthe 'Umpires Call'," Tendulkar tweeted.

In the ongoing third day, India skip-per Ajinkya Rahane has declared run outby the third umpire and was not giventhe benefit of doubt like Tim Paine. TheAustralia captain was given not out dur-ing a close run out a call on day one ofthe ongoing Boxing Day Test.

Australia spin legend Shane Warnetoo had made his emotions known on so-cial media and said that for him Painewas riding back to the pavilion. Mean-while, Umesh Yadav and RavichandranAshwin's early strikes strengthened In-dia's hold of the Boxing Day Test asAustralia lost two early wickets in theirsecond innings. Australia witnessed apoor start to their second innings as JoeBourns was dismissed by Umesh in thefourth over. Matthew Wade was thenjoined by Marnus Labuschagne on thefield. Both provided their side with somemomentum but their partnership was cutshort by Ashwin, who dismissedLabuschagne (28).

Bowlers put India on top at MCG


Australia has their back againstthe wall in the Boxing Day Testas India inch closer to victory af-ter a dominating show from theirbowlers on the third afternoon atthe Melbourne Cricket Groundon Monday. But Matthew Wadehas backed Cameron Green andPat Cummins to contribute withthe bat and said a lead of any-thing over 100 would be good.

After the Indian bowlers ranthrough the hosts' top-order intheir second essay, it was Greenand Cummins who played crucialknocks to help Australia stayafloat in the game. At stumps,Australia's score read 133/6 --lead by 2 runs with 4 wickets inthe bag.

"We will take anything.Cummins has done well for us inthe past. And we all know whatGreen is capable of if he gets go-ing. It would be really nice ifthese two can get a nice partner-ship. We will take anything andanything over 100 would begood," Wade said in the virtualpress conference, after the end ofthe day's play.

Lead of anythingover 100 would begood, says Wade

‘Plan is to be patientand get hosts out asquickly as possible’MELBOURNE : Australia issix down in their second es-say of the ongoing BoxingDay Test against India at theMelbourne Cricket Groundand the Indianpacers are look-ing to go for thekill and not letthe tail wag.Pacer Moham-mad Siraj saidthe plan is toconcentrate onthe basics andto end Aus-tralia's innings as soon aspossible on Tuesday."Our plan is to get Australiaout as quickly as possible.Our plan is to concentrate onthe basics and be patient,"said Siraj while replying to aquery from a news agency. Despite Umesh Yadav's ab-sence, the Indian bowlersmade sure that they did notput the foot off the pedal.Having walked off with painin the calf muscle.


The reason playersopt for a review isbecause they're

unhappy with the decisiontaken by the on-field umpire.The DRS system needs to bethoroughly looked into bythe @ICC, especially for the'Umpires Call, says Sachin.
