FASNY: a leader in school lunches · We are hoping that this new newsletter will meet your changing...


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MARCHVolume 1, Issue 1

FASNY has been at the forefront of theschool lunch program “revolution” since 1994when the parents hired La Bonne CuisineCatering to provide healthy hot lunches totheir children. The school has been offeringhealthy and balanced meals long before thesubject became a debate in the media.

Unlike other schools, the FASNY lunchservice is not mandatory. Yet numerousfamilies sign-up and, most importantly, thechildren eat, enjoy their food, and developgood eating habits in so doing.

We are hoping that this new newsletter willmeet your changing needs.

FASNY: a leader in school lunches


We have been serving soups in Mamaroneck formany years but were reluctant to do so with theyounger students from fear of spills that would end-up burning the students.

We have resolved this issue by pouring the soupsinto cups a few minutes before the service.

For the past several weeks, the little ones havemade the soups a big success at the ScarsdaleCampus.

We are happy to report that we have alsointroduced the soup to the Larchmont Campus withas much success on February 5th.

Nous servons des soupes à Mamaroneck depuisdes années, mais par crainte de brûlures nous neservions pas les plus jeunes étudiants.

Nous avons résolu ce problème en versant lessoupes dans des gobelets quelques minutes avantle service.

Depuis plusieurs semaines les tout petits deScarsdale ont fait des soupes un grand succès.

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que ce succèsnous a suivis à Larchmont lors du premier servicede soupe le 5 février.

FASNY a été au-devant de la « révolution »des cantines quand en 1994 des parentsnous ont embauché pour fournir des repaschauds à leurs enfants. L’école offrait desrepas saints et équilibrés longtemps avant lamédiatisation du sujet.

Le service de cantine de FASNY n’est pasobligatoire contrairement à d’autresétablissements. Néanmoins les familles s’yinscrivent, et surtout les enfants mangent,apprécient, et développent de bonneshabitudes alimentaires.

Avec cette nouvelle « newsletter » nousespérons mieux répondre à vos besoins.

Recipe for Success:Sweet Potato and Carrot SoupQuantities for a pot of Soup1/2 minced onion4 sweet potatoes, diced6-8 carrots, diced (the goal is to have equal partscarrots and sweet potatoes)1 teaspoon Powdered Ginger2 cloves of garlic, minced2 teaspoons of olive oil1/4 teaspoon TarragonSalt and Pepper

Sauté onions in Olive Oil until slightly golden,Add Sweet Potatoes and Carrots,Add Water until Carrots and Sweet Potatoes aresubmerged,Add Ginger,Add Salt and Pepper to your own taste,Bring to a boil and mix once Carrots and Potatoesare cooked,Add Tarragon.Et voila!

L A B O N N E C U I S I N E CATERING INC.600 Mamaroneck AvenueHarrison, NY 10528Tel. 914 • 714• 5860 NEWSLETTER
