FastingOlogy · 2009-07-20 · You are making drastic changes in your life. This requires vision,...


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Lesson #18 – Part II


Cleanse formulas

*Step-by-Step Instructions

*Motivation to Press On


Robert Dave Johnston


Amazing Health Publishing


Health, Life, Freedom

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 2

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 3


Today we move forward with “at-home” kidney and liver cleansing

formulas. As I said last week, it is best if you are able to do these assignments in succession. However, if you find yourself moving at a

slower pace, that’s OK … just do your best. This may be the toughest part of the program, especially if you have never done a thorough body-cleanse. There may be physical discomfort as the body rids itself

of toxins. Hang in there and do not give up.

As the assignments get tougher, the rewards are also that much

greater. Let me conclude this foreword with the pep talk I have previously given. Note: What we are doing here is simple but not easy. You are making drastic changes in your life. This

requires vision, sacrifice and determination. There is

something you must keep very clear in your mind: “Sticking

to your guns and your progress will literally explode”.

Clarify and expand your goals. Write in your journal.

Remind yourself DAILY exactly why you want to lose weight

and improve your health.

Here’s a breakdown of what’s ahead next week: LESSON 18: Part III rounds up our aggressive detox series with a

powerful home formula designed to eradicate parasites from

the body. This portion of the detox cleanse will require

THREE WEEKS but will be the simplest to carry out.

Note: Download links for previous lessons will be at the

close of each PDF file in case you missed or misplaced an

earlier edition.


Important Reminder

The body detoxification recipes in these lessons can, in some cases, cause unpleasant symptoms. This “curative crisis” is part of the process of

restoring the body’s overall balance. However, if you suffer from a chronic illness or are taking prescription medications, it is strongly suggested that

you see your doctor before carrying out any type of detoxification program.

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 4



Hello and welcome to Lesson 18-Part II of the FastingOlogy™ course! By now you should be completing the 10-day colon cleanse from last

week. How is it going? The remedy-preparation process is awkward at first, but it gets A LOT easier. Once you get the hang of it, you will have learned to mix various supplements to create a powerhouse remedy. That holistic knowledge is very valuable!

I often receive e-mails from astonished members who report that their

bodies have expelled huge amounts of waste. They indicate that they feel lighter, have more energy, and are thinking more clearly. I’d love to hear of YOUR experience, so feel free to write in.

Today we are covering “at-home” kidney and liver-cleansing formulas.

The kidney cleanse will be first and last 5 days. Once done, you will

relax and do nothing for ONE day. Then you can jump into the liver

cleanse which will run another 16-to-24 hours. Please do NOT cut the colon cleanse short so that you can start the other assignments. Make

sure that you complete the full 10 days as indicated.


Kidneys are one of the most vital organs in the body. If you have abused your body with poor eating habits, then this will help

decrease a great deal of the damage.

The kidneys act as filters that remove toxins from the blood stream. They also help to

maintain fluid and Electrolyte balance. In short, the kidneys excrete the liquid waste that accumulates as part of the body’s normal metabolic functions.

The kidneys are located above the waist on both sides of

the spine. It is common for lower back pain to actually be

a symptom of kidney trouble.

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 5

A friend of mine suffered terrible back pain for years. He visited one doctor after another, only to find out much later that it was a kidney problem. After doing a detox like this one, his pain disappeared.

When the kidneys are not functioning properly,

metabolic waste begins to build up in the body. This retention can cause a condition called Uremia, which, if not treated, can result in life-threatening Renal Failure.

Waste retention is also related to other toxic

conditions such as Gout. Very common in our culture are Kidney Stones – hardened mineral deposits that can be VERY painful.

If not passed, kidney stones can block the flow of urine and cause a recurring and severe Urinary Tract Infection. A cleanse will flush the

kidneys so that stones can be passed easily. It also assists in the

adequate formation and passage of urine. Here’s a do-it-at-home kidney cleanse formula:


Do this cleanse for FIVE days. Later on we’ll come back and

do it for another 30 days. In an 8-to-12-ounce coffee

cup or mug, mix:

8 Ounces of Organic Apple Juice 20-30 Drops of Hydrangea Root Tincture 20-30 Drops Uva Ursi

Make the formula in the morning right after you wake up and drink it immediately. The taste can be slightly bitter. Follow up the remedy with a 12-ounce glass of water. When you are finished, have your breakfast as usual. After eating, take: (1) Capsule Ginger Root, (1) Capsule Parsley AND (1) Capsule Gravel Root.

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 6

After the five days, discontinue the above and begin taking ONE Cap of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium Oxide DAILY to help maintain kidney health. Very Important: Please make sure to drink at least half-a-

gallon of water every day. A common kidney cleanse

“symptom” often reported is dark urine with a foul

“sulphuric” smell. If you have kidney stones, you may have

pain. In most cases, however, the discomfort will be



The liver is an amazing organ. It is so powerful

and loyal that even if you cut out a chunk it would

grow back and keep working. With proper nutrition and detoxification, even a tired and ill liver can regenerate itself. This is imperative since

the organ is the site of many key Metabolic Functions.

I was challenged with a severe liver condition for many years. Today, although still present, this illness has virtually no effect on my health. But I have had to do a lot of work via intermittent juice fasting, water fasting AND cleanses like the detox recipes being presented this. The hardest part was Quitting Cigarettes, which pour

hundreds of Toxic Chemicals into the body. I had to become willing to go to any lengths to achieve my goal.

Liver problems include: poor digestion, abnormal cholesterol levels, allergies, fatty cysts, Cirrhosis, Cancer, Gallstones and Hepatitis. Even if you do NOT have liver problems, there are many reasons to do this


You have to remember: the liver is the primary organ

responsible for ridding the body of toxins. This means that

everything that we eat, drink and breathe has to be

processed by the liver.

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 7

The liver manufactures cholesterol and Amino Acids. It also aids in digestion by taking out surplus Glucose, converting it to Glycogen, and storing it for energy.

The liver removes ammonia – a toxin produced by protein digestion-

and turns it into Urea so that it can be excreted by the kidneys.

The liver secretes Bile – a component needed to digest fat – and stores it in the Gall Bladder. For this reason, a good liver cleanse can give your body a tremendous

boost in its capacity to process fat.


To undertake this assignment, you will have to plan to fast from one afternoon to the next morning (approximately 18 hours). You will also have to be near a bathroom

and have ready access to lots of potable water.

IMPORTANT: During a cleanse, the liver can excrete notable amounts of

toxins into the blood stream. These toxins have to be filtered by the kidneys,

which need to be working efficiently to handle the load.

The colon will also play a key role in ridding the body of these liver toxins.

Therefore, always do the kidney and colon cleansings FIRST! In addition, it is

best if women wait until AFTER their menstrual period to do a liver cleanse.

When you have completed the FIVE day kidney cleanse AND rested for a full 24 hours, you are ready to start the liver detox. As I said, you

will need an entire afternoon and the following morning to successfully complete this cleanse.

So do NOT do it if you are in a hurry. Make sure that you

can spend the time needed to do it thoroughly and without


A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 8


On the first day of the liver cleanse, stay away from

fatty foods. In fact, eat as little as you can,

preferably nothing at all.

Eat your last meal by 3pm the day that you plan on

carrying out the procedure.

At 6pm, drink 3/4 cup of water with ONE TABLESPOON of

Epsom salt.

At 8pm of that day, drink 3/4 cup of water ONE

TABLESPOON of Epsom salt.

At 10pm, drink a mixture of 1/2 cup of olive oil AND

the juice from one grapefruit (approx. 3/4 cup of

juice). Take FOUR L-ornithine capsules and go at once

to bed. If you find that you cannot fall asleep, take

as many as FOUR more L-ornithine caps.

After 6am the next morning, drink 3/4 cup of water with

ONE TABLESPOON of Epsom salt.

Two hours later, drink 3/4 cup of water with ONE

TABLESPOON of Epsom salt.

You may eat a light breakfast after 10am of that day.

Eat light meals without too much meat for the rest of

the day.

IMPORTANT! The human liver does most of its work during the early AM hours

while the body is asleep. Since a lot of other functions are reduced when we

are sleeping, this appears to be the best time for the liver to process what we

have eaten. It is therefore indispensible that you take the olive oil-grapefruit

mixture no later than 10pm. We want to stimulate the liver, but we also want

you to have enough time to go to sleep. If you DO NOT take the L-ornithine,

then you are in for a very rough night – WIDE AWAKE! The water and Epsom

salt mixture will induce your body to expel all of the contents in your digestive

system. What that means is this: You are going to experience diarrhea.

Make sure to drink lots of water so your body does not dehydrate. The body

will need plenty of liquids so it can flush out all of the poisons and toxins

accumulated in your liver.

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 9

In the morning, your bowel movement will likely contain some greenish fatty looking particles ranging anywhere in size from a bean to a lime. Do not be horrified! Rather, be thankful that your body is getting rid of this garbage. These are toxic deposits that can cause

severe illness later on. Begin taking 1,000 mg Milk Thistle daily for a minimum of six months after completing this liver detox.

Once you have finished the liver cleanse, it is time to do a Warm Water Enema. Follow the same directions given in

Bonus #2. The difference is that you would do the enema with only water, rather than coffee.

Some people are “anti-enema” and run for the door at the

slightest mention of “anal insertion”. I am confident that

you ARE NOT one of these people, right? If you ARE squeamish, go ahead and do it anyway!

Doing a warm water enema AFTER a liver detox is VERY IMPORTANT. Why? Because it will make sure that ALL residual toxins and fatty

debris are flushed out of the colon! You don’t want this to be reabsorbed into your body. You have done a lot of cleansing work. Keep moving forward. Do the enema!

It will be important to do this cleanse again in about TWO months.

Some, more stubborn toxins may remain. A second flush will give them another aggressive push – OUT! In some instances, the follow-up cleanse is more dramatic than the first.

So please repeat this liver cleanse in roughly eight weeks. By then we will be at the tail end of the course … I will remind you!

That’s it for today.

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 10

This Week’s Assignments

1) Make Sure To Complete The 10-Day Colon Cleanse AND Wait a Full 24 Hours PRIOR to Starting The Kidney & Liver

Cleansings. Please make sure to follow through with every

detail of last week’s assignment before you start here.

Maximum benefits are achieved by doing all of these

cleansings in succession. But, above all, listen to your

body. If you have to take more time to do them, that is

fine. The important part is that you do them, even if it

takes a bit longer. But DO NOT procrastinate! These

remedies can dramatically improve your health.

2)Carry Out the Kidney Cleanse for FIVE days. Rest for 48

Hours. Move on To The Liver Cleanse. Make Sure to Follow

ALL of the Directions exactly as they are given In This


Follow the directions and complete the five-day kidney

cleanse. When you are finished, rest for 48 hours. Then

begin the liver cleanse, starting at 3pm of the target day.

It is HIGHLY suggested that you fast while you are doing

the liver cleanse. By this point you are a much more

seasoned “faster”, so use that to your advantage! Get

plenty of rest during these cleanses and drink at least

HALF-A-GALLON of water daily.

3) Stay Close to AND Communicate with The Person or Persons

You Selected When You Took The DECLARE AND DESIGNATE Steps

on Page 9 of Lesson #1. If there was ever a time when you

needed this person beside you, it is now. Detox cleansing

can create a lot of unpleasant symptoms including weakness,

dizziness, diarrhea, fever and mood swings, among others.

It is preferable that you have somebody nearby to keep an

eye on you and assist you. So – like I always say - don’t

be a Lone Ranger please. Moreover, go to Fitness Through

Fasting’s -- Fasting Forum #1 or Forum #2 and post

messages. Ask for a buddy! Read other people’s posts and

reach out! You will find many others on the same path. You

may even make life-long friends!

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 11

See You In 7 Days!

All the Best,

Robert Dave Johnston

Publisher FastingOlogy™

Previous Lessons – Lesson #1 … Click Here to access.

Lesson #2- Part I … Click Here to access.

Bonus (Twenty Questions) … Click Here to access.

Lesson #2- Part II … Click Here to access.

Lesson #2–Part III … Click Here to access.

Bonus 2(Intermittent Fasting & Home Enemas) Click Here to access.

Lesson #3 … Click Here to access.

Lesson #4 – Part I Click Here to access.

Lesson #4 – Part II Click Here to access.

Lesson #5 Click Here to access.

Lesson #6 Click Here to access.

Lesson #7 Click Here to access.

Lesson #8 Click Here to access.

Lesson #9 Click Here to access.

Lesson #10 Click Here to access.

Lesson #11 Click Here to access.

Lesson #12 Click Here to access.

Lesson #13 Click Here to access.

Lesson #14 Click Here to access.

Coming Up Next … Lesson 18: Part III

This Lesson Concludes (FOR NOW!) our

aggressive detox series. Here we will look

at a powerful yet simple “at-home” formula

designed to wipe out parasites from your

body. This portion of the detox cleanse will

require THREE WEEKS but will be the simplest

to carry out.

A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston

All Rights Reserved 2007-2009 Page 12

Lesson #15 Click Here to access.

Lesson #16 – Part I Click Here to access.

Lesson #16 – Part II Click Here to access.

Lesson #17 Click Here to access.

Lesson #18 – Part I Click Here to access.

PS: Remember to type in the appropriate password you receive via e-mail each week along with

the link to the lessons.