Fat Burning and Body Contouring Phrase 2-4



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Fat Burningand Body

ContouringPhase 2-4


Welcome to Phase 2,3 & 4

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Welcome to Beyond Slim Phase 2,3 & 4

Welcome to the life changing Beyond Slim fat burning and body-contouring experience that represents 21 years of our own clinical experience in holistic integrative medicine. Over the last 2 years we have successfully delivered weight loss programs to hundreds of clients through our 2 clinics in Queensland, Australia, with coaching & support packages available through our naturopaths and doctors online.

Now letʼs get you organized … timelines, guidelines, boosting products and food/personal products choices.

Guidelines1.Nutritional detoxification and drainage of key

excretory organs during Phase 1 is the

essential platform and often omitted in other programs.

2.Absolute dietary adherence to type and amount of food throughout Phases 2 & 3.

3.Regular minimum daily water intake.

4.Regular monitoring of weight, measurements, ph levels & ketone residues.

5.Use of metabolic boosting products as prescribed.

6.Any noncompliance will be reflected in the weight loss monitoring and may set your loss program back considerably.

7.Regular coaching, monitoring and accountability sessions are vital for your success.

TimelinesPhase 1 1-3 weeks

Nutritional Detox Plan

Phase 2 3 - 6 weeks + 3 day transition Rapid Fat Burning and Body Re-Shaping stage.First 2 days fat loading then VLCD (500 calorie/day restricted diet) + Fat Metaboliser dietary drops and supportive products.

Phase 3 3 weeksTransition phase to a higher caloric diet.Resets the bodyʼs metabolism and locks in the weight loss achieved in Phase 2. Avoid processed, starchy or sugary foods.

Phase 3 4 weeksTransition to unrestricted calorie program.Long term healthy dietary and lifestyle changes are incorporated to ensure long term sustainable weight loss.

Welcome to Phase 2,3 & 4

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Metabolic Boosting Products1. Emotional Power Cream: to improve mood and de-stress mind and body (contains coded CHI vibrational energy programs to calm, relax and balance energies, and strengthen the body from negative emotions). Dosage: Apply a dab to inner wrist or neck three times daily. Deeply inhale the aromatic essential oils and become centred and grounded.

2. Fat Metaboliser Dietary Drops: Bio-energetic supporting dietary product containing flower essences, D30 po tency HCG (Human C h o r i o n i c G o n a d o t r o p h i n ) , Hypothalamus & Thyroid optimizing s u b t l e e n e r g y p a t t e r n s . Dosage: Use 6 drops under the tongue twice daily.

3. CHI Organ Detox Formula I: Homeo-vibrational formula in alcohol and water. May assist with organ detox and drainage. Dosage: 20 drops in water and drink daily.

4. Weight Loss Balance Salts: Bio-energized organic Himalayan salts to remineralize and support the adrenals.

Contains coded CHI vibrational emotional programs to support optimal weight loss beliefs and food cravings. Dosage: 5 -10 grains in water and drink daily.

5. Protein Powder Shakes: to support liver detoxification and protein status.

6. Additional Kit Components: Recipes, calor ie calculat ion spreadsheet, Ketosticks & pH papers.

7. CHI bio-energized MCT Oil: This is the only oil allowed on this p r o g r a m . M e d i u m C h a i n Triglyceride oil (coconut oil) is interesting because, when it is metabolized in the body, i t behaves more like a carbohydrate than a fat. The fuel of preference for the body is carbohydrate, and the body will use up its store of carbohydrate before using other fuels.

The bio-energized formulas and drops comply with the TGA exempt ions in Austra l ia as bioenergetic products.

Homeopathy is a safe and e f fec t i ve na tu ra l energe t i c medicinal art discovered by the German scientist Dr Samuel H a h n e m a n n i n 1 7 9 6 . Administration of tiny quantities of specifically prepared substances assist the body to heal itself.

Homeopathy is considered an energetic medicine because it works vibrationally rather than a direct biochemical interaction. Energetic medicine works on the human energy field; it influences, ha rmon ises , ba lances and normal ises the phys io log ic patterns and biological activities.

The energetic qualit ies and therapeutic effectiveness of energetic medicines can be influenced by o ther s t rong electromagnetic fields, so it is important to store them away from mobi le phones, computers, microwaves and other equipment emitting strong electromagnetic radiation.

Food Preparation1.Get stocked up on food and

ready with some recipes for the first few days.

2.Start to empty your cupboards and fridge of tempting foods during the loading phase. Eat it or throw it out.

✓Find a quality organic fruit, veggie & meat outlet and buy :

✓apples, grapefruit, oranges, berries and lemons

3.greens, especially spinach and silver beet, lettuces, shallots, onions and herbs (if organic p roduce i s no t ava i l ab le chemical free washes can treat your produce but organic is always the better option)

4.Invest in some cleaner, non-toxifying, personal care items like: aluminium free deodorant, SLP & paraben free soaps & shampoos, herbal toothpastes, organic skin care products. (see Resources )

5.Try to avoid the major dirty dozen items (see Resources). Supermarket shopping may be limited to: cartons of spring water, bottles of mineral water, some free range meat, some veggies, frozen berries, some personal care items.

Beyond Slim Phase 2

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Phase 2Days 1-2: The Gorge "Gain before Loss"๏Take the Fat Metaboliser (FM)

dietary drops under tongue twice daily while undertaking the 2 day gorge. The FM dietary drops are best taken orally at least 20 minutes away from food, and avoid or minimise consuming strong tasting substances that can work as an antidote to their b io-energet ic nature. Th is includes coffee, mint toothpastes or cigarettes. For best results hold the drops for up to two minutes in your mouth before swallowing.

๏The gorge is the overfeeding start of the part of the Beyond Slim weight loss program. This usually doesnʼt make sense to most that start the program. Do NOT try to limit your food during these days: the fattening food is necessary for the diet to work correctly and more importantly to re-establish the structural fat thatʼs been reduced or lost by years of fad-dieting. The more you eat in this phase, the better results you are going to have. Those who do not load to the fullest may also experience difficult hunger pains throughout the low calorie diet (VLCD phase). You SHOULD gain weight on the loading days. You will lose it all within the first week, probably even the first few days!

๏The Gorge prepares the body for the following low calorie phase of the program, where your body will be burning the available long term fa t r ese rves as f ue l , t he abnormal fat deposits. Loading is invaluable so use it well and

enjoy these two days fully! Some people may need to gorge for more than 2 days if they have been nutritionally depleted.

Here are some healthy options for loading high in desirable fats and carbohydrates that are converted into fats.✓Avocados: Guacamole with

spicy chill i sauce, organic mayonnaise or yoghurt.

✓Butter, ghee, soft cheeses, sour cream, cream - use to improve the taste of all meals, especially roasted vegetables.

✓Saturated fats from organic meats, pates, stocks and also premium dairy products.

✓Organic cold pressed oils: use lots of avocado oil, coconut oil, o l i v e o i l , s e s a m e o i l o n everything!

✓N u t s : a l m o n d s , w a l n u t s , macadamia, pecans, pine nuts. Soak overnight in water to dissolve the enzyme inhibitors and improve digestibility.

✓Seeds: Pumpkin, pepi tas, sesame, sunflower. You can

even fry with butter or ghee or make tahini.

✓Coconut: oil, water, cream, meat - contain lauric acid which supports thyroid function, anti parasitic and raises metabolism.

✓Anti pastas and olives: You can eat these stuffed with soft cheeses or even tahini.

Want More to Eat?

Brown rice, raw honey, corn, dried fruits, fruit, sweet potato, pumpkin and parsnips, sprouted Essene or sourdough breads, lathered in nut butters, butter or other luxurious healthy toppings.

What Foods Should You Avoid?

Sugar, packaged and processed foods especially those containing trans-fats and preservatives as they have damaging health effects. Itʼs also best to avoid wheat and milk as they tend to cause stress on the body and have been linked to many food sensitivities as well as specific d i s e a s e s . Yo u c a n c h o o s e whatever beverage to drink on the loading days, including alcohol and soft drinks (if you must).

Beyond Slim Phase 2

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Day 3: Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) Fat Burning PhaseNow is the time to get focused and controlled. On the third day, introduce the well planned VLCD (very low calorie diet) with 500 calories/day whilst you continue the FM dietary drops. Your body will interpret this as a danger, even though there is no danger, and the hypothalamus will go into a burn/e m e r g e n c y m o d e . T h e hypothalamus will then signal the need to access the normally locked away, unwanted fat reserves, to provide for your energy needs.

Fat Burning

In the presence of the FM bio-energetic dietary supplement, the low calorie diet will stimulate the release of the long term stored fat reserves, and you will find that you are surprisingly not hungry. This will release about 1500 to 3000 calories into your blood stream per day to use as energy and nutrition d e p e n d i n g o n y o u r n e e d s . However you will need to begin a disciplined approach to eating small, regular Fat Burn Meals or snacks and begin your dedicated approach to water consumption. Your resting metabolic rate will be between 1700 and 2700 calories per day, depending on your sex, age, level of activity, thyroid function etc. You may need increased calories if you are very active or participate in strenuous exercise. Water You need at least 2 + litres a day to enable the fat burn process, so sip, sip, sip.

Stick to the Plan

If you want great results, stick to the plan as much as possible. Keep drinking and always have a ready

source of fresh water nearby and sip and refill as your new ritual throughout the day. It is best to plan your food for the day and pack in advance if necessary.

Measure & weigh

Measure and weigh every day at approximately the same time and record in your journal. Keep a journal of any emotions, challenges or insights that arise during the program, as you may be surprised with what comes up.

Metabolic Boosting

Take all supportive metabolic boosting products.


Test your urine with Ketostix and record reading. If no colour or trace is indicated, do not eat any fruit or tomatoes during that day. The ketone colour reading indicates the traces of ketone being excreted and indicates the degree of fat burning taking place. So we are aiming for an optimum level as often as possible.

Test your saliva and urine pH at least 3 hours after meals (NOT the early morning sample) and record. If you find that you are acidic (pH <6.4), then you may need to add in a metabolic alkaliser or take some alkaline greens.

Beyond Slim Phase 2

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Fat Burn Allowable Foods✓ Protein - 100 grams (weighed raw) grilled, braised or steamed ‣ Beef, veal, or venison, bison,

(strip all visible fat off)‣ Chicken breast (skinless) ‣ White fish, lobster, crawfish,

prawns, shrimps, crabmeat.✴Any white fish such as sea bass, flounder, sole or halibut (salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. ✓ Vegetables or Salads - one large handful of the following: ‣ Fennel root - steamed or grilled‣ White, yellow, or red onions‣ Asparagus, ‣ Cabbage‣ Cauliflower‣ Spinach

‣ Beet greens (not the beet itself)‣ Lettuces of any kind; the darker

green the better for nutrition‣ F ie ld Greens (dande l i on ,

rocket,radicchio, cilantro, basil and others)

‣ Tomatoes (count as fruit)‣ Celery‣ Red radishes‣ Cucumbers

Mix : You can mix any combination of 3 vegetables or salads listed on the VLCD. This does NOT mean a handful of each vegetable, just 3 at each meal and remember, tomatoes are counted a fruit. You have about 150 calories to work with which will go a long way with many of these vegetables. ✓ Fruit - can be eaten by itself or with lunch or dinner but only 2 pieces/day.

‣ Apples (organic) ‣ ½ grapefruit (organic) ‣ Oranges - not if you are diabetic ‣ Strawberr ies, b lueberr ies,

raspberries✓ Added flavours • Fresh lemon/lime juice - juice of

one lemon/lime daily is allowed for all salad & cooking purposes.Oils - only MCT oil is allowed and only 2 teaspoons per day. No butter, margarine or salad dressing as these can de-activate the process.

• white or black pepper• organic raw apple cider• balsamic vinegar (with no sugar

content)• sea salt• organic garlic• organic basil, parsley, thyme,

marjoram, or any other organic herbs

• any un-pickled hot pepper is allowed

Beyond Slim Phase 2

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Daily Food Plan SuggestionOn Rising:• 1-2 glasses of water with added

20 drops of CHI Organ Formula drops with the weight loss detox salts - ideally before your meal. You can even add the juice of 1 lemon to alkalize your body.

• Take the 6 drops of the Fat Metaboliser dietary drops under the tongue

Breakfast:• Green Tea, herbal tea or organic

coffee, with no sugar or milk. 1 tablespoon of milk is allowed in 24 hours. Be careful with coffee as it is dehydrating & can add to your toxic load. Stevia may be used as a natural sweetener if desired as it is a herb that does not raise the glycemic index. It is the ʻno riskʼ option.

• 1/2 grapefruit. • Only 2 fruits a day allowed.

Lunch: • 100gms of chicken breast, veal,

beef, fresh white fish, prawns, crabs or lobster, preferably wild stocks, organic or free range. You need to diligently remove all visible fat before cooking and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional oils or fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed.

• Three types of vegetable or saladonly to be chosen from the above list per meal.

• One breadstick (Grissini) or one Melba toast or one organic brown rice cracker.

• An apple or a handful of strawberries, one orange or a half of a grapefruit.

Dinner: • The same four choices as lunch.

Do not have beef twice in one day!

• Take 6 drops of the Fat Metaboliser dietary drops under the tongue

VegetariansSubstitute for 100gm of meat the following:• 1 egg – poached, boiled or raw.

Plus add the white of 3 eggs to the whole egg.

• 100gm no-fat cottage• Whey protein powder (measure

out appropriate calories)

Which Foods/Beverages Should Be Avoided Absolutely?• CHEWING GUM OF ANY KIND.

It can stimulate hunger cravings.• N o n o r g a n i c s k i n c a r e ,

c o s m e t i c s , c o n d i t i o n e r s , chemical shampoos.

• S u l fi t e c o n t a i n i n g f o o d s (commercially smoked beef, pork, fowl).

• Monosodium glutamate (MSG).• A r t i fi c i a l s w e e t e n e r s ,

( N u t r a S w e e t , S p l e n d a , Saccharin).

• Trans-fats, (hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils).

• Alcoholic beverages of any kind.• NO Fruit Juices of any kind.

(Mangosteen is an exception).• Over-the-counter drugs without

the advice of a l icensed physician.

• Genetically modified food (try to buy organic).

• Farm raised fish.

Record Daily Weight, Body measurements, Urinary ketones

Fat Burn level Ketone residue in urine indicates if you are fat burning

A c i d b a s e balance

pH saliva & urine. Diet restrictions favouring proteins can lead to an overly acidic body. Alkalize with lemon juice or Metabolic Alkaliser.Free Diet & Weight Loss Journal Usehttp://www.fitday.com to monitor your caloric intake daily, or use the calorie counting software we have provided.

Monitoring Steps:

Beyond Slim Phase 3

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Phase 3Transition “Low Starch Maintenance Phase”This Transitional phase is 3 weeks duration. The ultimate purpose of the phase 3 is to lock in a new set point for your metabolism, the hypothalamus control system, and t o r e fi n e f u r t h e r y o u r understanding and awareness of the key problematic foods in your past dietary practices. The key to success is simple – no sugars, no starch. No FM dietary drops are taken in the maintenance phase, but you can continue the other metabolic boosters.

Guidelines The 3 days at the beginning of Phase 3 are critical to the re-setting of your hypothalamus. The 3 days or 72 hours begin after your last FM dietary drops dosage.Continue a calorie build from 800 - 1000- 1200each day during this 72 hour period, however an extra apple or an extra 150 grams of meat is allowed if you feel much hungrier or lack energy. Resume eating a healthy diet without serious calorie restriction. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning and record daily during this 3 week period. A fluctuation of ½ to 1 kg is normal at this point. This will be your weight allowance for 3 weeks.If you do gain 1kg or more during this stage, you must correct the problem on the day the scales show the1kg increase. This can be done with a steak day, as outlined shortly. Deviation from

this protocol can cause weight gain. Avoid sugars and excessive GI starches (carbohydrates) during this phase. Increase your protein and healthy fat consumption during this phaseIncrease your calorie intake to normal levels during this phase. Do not tightly restrict your calories.Record in a food diary, all foods that you reintroduce in order to be analytical about any possible food sensitivities that will cause fluid retention.

Daily food plan suggestion Lunch/Dinner: • 1st Day 800 calories @ 150 grams

protein • 2nd Day 1000 calories @ 200

grams protein

• 3rd Day 1200 calories @ 250 grams protein

Steak Day:A steak day starts by skipping breakfast and lunch. You must do this on that same day (not the next day). Continue to consume plenty of water and healthy beverages. For dinner, eat a large steak with either an apple or raw tomato. Thatʼs it, a steak day. If you find it difficult to abstain from eating until dinner then have the steak or high protein meal as a late lunch. As an alternative to steak consider a large protein shake. If this is done correctly, the scales should show an immediate drop of approximately 500gm overnight.New Set PointItʼs important to remain within 1 kilo of your last FM dietary drops dosage weight in either direction. The reason is you are creating a new Set Point and need a stable weight and basic metabolic rate (BMR) for a sustained period. Therefore this 3 week phase 3 is the critical phase for resetting your hypothalamus. During this phase you can supplement your diet with healthy fats and proteins to reach a caloric level that would support your new lower weight and metabolism. However, absolutely no carbohydrates or sugars.Do record everything that gets reintroduced into your diet. The most common sources of food sensitivities we have observed are with dairy foods, nuts and grains. Grains are off the list, so be watchful of your response to all dairy and nut consumption, especially process, low fat or even

Beyond Slim Phase 3

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However, avoid sweet mixers, liqueurs, and dessert alcohols.

✓Avoid very sweet fresh and dried fruits due to the high sugar content.

✓Avoid starchy root vegetables such as potatoes, winter squash, pumpkin, parsnip, corn, beans, beets, peas and lentils. No grains or foods made from grains. Also avoid processed meats (deli meats, ham, prosciutto, sausage) and trans-fats, which means avoid anything processed.

✓Check ingredients and labels as you shop to avoid ingesting starch or sugars.

✓Limit your use of nuts. Small amounts in recipes will be okay. Check the starch content of the nuts and remove the skins if possible.

✓Eat organic foods as much as possible and avoid fast food restaurants and processed foods.

✓Avoid artificial sweeteners and sodas.

✓Do a steak day if you go over 1 kg of your last FM dietary drops dose weight. It is of utmost importance that the meals skipped are on the same day as the scale registers an increase of more than 1 kg and that missing meals are not postponed until the following day.

✓ If this weight loss is not rectified (due to having light meals not skipping of meals) then several days of strict dieting may be necessary to co r rec t t he situation.

✓Avoid losing weight during phase 3. You want to maintain your loss within 1 kg of your last FM dietary drops dose weight in either direction.

such as pizza, ice cream, or healthy desserts and casseroles in your future, just not the junk food varieties you have eaten in the past. For healthy maintenance following the program, our tip is to make healthier, choices and avoid the junk.Stay PositiveLearn to love your body. You may have always struggled with your w e i g h t , s e l f e s t e e m , a n d confidence. Now is the time to change all of that. Treat yourself with respect and enjoy this new lifestyle and the thinner, healthier body you have achieved so far. Visualize yourself at your goal weight wearing a beautiful new dress or sharp tailored suit. See yourself with the body youʼve always wanted. Imagine the scale registering your goal weight and be proud of all youʼve accomplished thus far. It does takes some mental effort to see yourself as a slender pe rson bu t t he p rocess o f visualization combined with a strong desire for success is a powerful means to achieve your weight loss goals.

Tips for Success✓Avoid all starches and sugars for

the three weeks of the phase 3 part of the program then introduce healthy carbohydrates back into your diet slowly as you begin the Phase 4 Maintenance phase of the program.

✓Enjoy eggs, cheese, dairy, healthy fats, and more variety of non-starchy vegetables and fruits.

✓You may enjoy an alcoholic beverage such as wine, beer or liquor with meals during phase 3.

pasteurized products. Hidden food sensitivities can cause a potential fluid retention response by the body and weight gain. Resist the temptation to introduce too many new foods at once. Introduce foods selectively, one at a time so you can identify any reactive foods that causes a weight gain or a digestive reaction. Begin by increasing protein, stocks and broths, ghee, olive oil, fruit and low GI vegetables during the first few days. Introduce foods like nuts and dairy one at a time so you can identifyany negative food reactions or isolate “problem” foods quickly and easily.Make sure to take in a reasonable amount of calories as soon as you begin phase 3 of the diet because, as you are no longer burning your fat stores for fuel, your body requires energy and proper nutrition to function properly. Do not push to lose more weight during maintenance where stability is paramount or you may have disastrous results, start to gain weight again, or end up with health and nutrition issues. Follow the plan exactly as instructed and you should be successful.You No Longer have CravingsMany people notice when they begin the phase 3 portion of the program that they no longer crave the breads, starches, and sugars that they used to find so appealing. Embrace this experience. Make a choice to change your lifestyle. Eat more fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins and fats. Allow yourself to give up processed food products and fast foods. It is these foods that caused you to gain weight in the first place. Enjoy the taste of whole, natural and organic foods. There are delicious, healthy versions of any food you enjoy

Beyond Slim Phase 4

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Phase 4

Lifetime StrategiesNow begin to SLOWLY over 3 w e e k s a d d b a c k i n s o m e carbohydrates, sugar and starch as you follow the requirement not to gain or lose more than 1 kg. If the scales tips over 1 kilo on that day, t h e n y o u h a v e t h e s a m e instructions as phase 3 and enjoy a steak day with an apple or raw tomato.

Tips for Success1.Take constant note of those

food items that generate weight gain. Reduce or avoid that foodʼs consumption.

2.Systematically support your body restoration, particularly with targeted supplementation.

3.Continue to monitor your weight daily so that you can adjust accordingly.

4.Take up enjoyable, daily exercise activities that promote enhanced development of lean muscle mass.

5.Commence this period with healthy low glycaemic index carbohydrates such as carrots, Essense bread, and brown rice.

Week 1๏Try Not To Gorge Yourself

๏Most patients are surprised how small their appetite has become and yet how much they can eat without gaining weight. In most cases you will no longer suffer from an abnormal appetite and feel satisfied with much less

food than before. In fact, most are usually disappointed that they cannot manage to eat much of their first normal meal, which they have been planning for weeks.

Rules for week 1★Three meals a day. Do not eat

to excess. Eat slowly and enjoy your meals

★Keep your portions small. You have been doing it for weeks!

★Eat any meat protein and eggs, milk, cream, cheese, butter, olive oil, salad dressings, and spices.

★Most vegetables except NO starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn also. No beans or rice or cereals or breads.

★Eat any kind of fruit.

★NO Wheat, bread, pasta, crackers tortillas etc.

★Some exercise is required.

Rules for week 2 & 3★Exercise required: Minimum of ½ hour walking a day

★Meals same as week one except you can add some beans or brown rice to 1-2 meals (lunch or dinner) a day

★Breakfast: Protein/vegetable ★Lunch: Protein /vegetable. You

can add beans , s ta r chy vegetables or rice to this meal OR dinner. Fruit (optional)

★Dinner: Protein/vegetable. IF YOU DID NOT ADD beans or rice or starchy carbohydrates to lunch, you can for dinner.

★Do not eat late at night. Try to finish your dinner around 6:00PM

★You can double the amount of fruit as on the VLCD calorie diet. Fruits are always optional.

Rules for week 4 ★At this time a fluctuation of ½ to

2.5 kilos of the weight reached on the day of thelast FM dietary supplemental dose is normal.

★Same meals as week three except you can add some beans or brown rice or potatoes or bread (two slices) up to three meals a day. Fruits are always optional.

Beyond Slim Phase 4

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Breakfast: Cereals and/or fruit juices are some of the worst foods that you can eat for breakfast. The dominant part of your breakfast must be protein followed by NON starchy vegetables and some fruit. Over time your body will create a “set point”. Even though your weight may go up and down it will remain remarkably fixed if you follow this plan.

Guidelines for healthy nutrition long term• Incorporate a plant based diet

with vegetables, fruits and whole grains. These foods contain invaluable micronutr ients , phytochemicals, antioxidants and fibre. Minimum daily fibre intake should be 30 grams.

• Reduce fat intake to 15-20% of total calories. Choose health-promoting fats (essential fatty acids) and avoid saturated and hydrogenated (trans-) fats.

• Eat adequate protein (0.8 g/kg body weight daily) from lean sources; including wild fish from cold, deep-water, organic poultry and eggs, legumes, low-fat fermented dairy products,nuts and seeds.

• Eliminate the intake of refined sugar and refined carbohydrates, processed foods, alcohol and caffeine.

• Reduce exposure to pesticides and herbicides. Buy organic whenever possible. Fresh food is always preferable to frozen food and frozen food is always preferable to canned food.

• Eliminate the intake of artificial food additives, colours and preservatives.

• Keep salt intake low and potassium intake (in green leafy vegetables) high.

• Drink adequate water—generally 2-3 litres daily (depending on your weight).

• Identify and eliminate food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities.

Follow Up Rounds of Beyond SlimMany individuals completing the program plan on doing a second, third or more round. If this is the case, then it is with experience that we ask you to consider additional coaching and detox support to prepare your body effectively before another round. It is ideal to support the liver, the lymphatic flow and bowel for a period in between the rounds of dietary drops.

Such steps will assist to promote more effective weight loss in the coming rounds, by ensuring that toxic or acidic waste accumulations from previous systems are effectively eliminated. That way, there are no inhibitions to your continued success. The system does push the body into a coerced stated of fat elimination and so by its nature increases certain natural by-products. If these are not eliminated effectively during the program, they get stored, awaiting removal.

By proper preparation and detox, it will assist in the long term reconstruction of your overall wellbeing and vitality.

Beyond Slim Phase 4

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What Makes The Beyond Slim Different From Any Other Weight Loss Program?✓Comprehensive program design with many

resources.✓Re-sets the hypothalamus with a new BMR

(Basic Metabolic Rate).✓Weight loss usually begins from the fourth

day of phase 2 protocol.✓Suitable for young, old, male, female, athlete,

slight loss to massive loss involved with obesity.

✓Carves and sculpts the body with no sagging skin.

✓Dissolves stubborn fat from abdomen, hip, waist, buttocks, and top of arms.

✓Experience of well-being, energy, and sometimes stamina improvement during & after the program.

✓Safe, non-invasive and non-surgical.✓Medically-based design and support. ✓No side-effects.✓Based on a 50 year old proven program but

vastly improved & streamlined & does not require injections.

✓Long lasting, sustainable weight loss as long as healthy habits are adhered to.

✓Little hunger during the very low calorie diet.✓Designed to return candidates to normalized

calorie intake without further fat gain.

Beyond Slim Resources

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Beyond Slim Resources

Supportive Fat Burning Formulations: 1. Emotional Power Cream:

Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, 100% pure essential oils of Rose Geranium, Atlas Cedarwood, Y lang Ylang, M a n d a r i n . A d d i t i o n a l Components:CHI vibrational programs for dissolving stress and enhancing mood& can be used with the Accelerated Release Technique for stress reduction.

2. Fat Metaboliser (FM) Bio-energetic Dietary Drops:

Flower Essences plus D30 potency hormonal homeopathic, HCG, thyroid and CHI subtle energy patterns in water and alcohol base. Bach Flower essences:• Cherry Plum – help people

avoid stress eating and stay in calm control.

• Crab Apple, the cleansing remedy, will help to feel better about oneself and the body, espec ia l l y when fee l ing embarrassed by tight clothes. Can help improving feelings of self-worth and regulate mood swings

• Chestnut Bud: can help to change negative behaviour patterns, break conscious or unconscious habits that make weight loss difficult. Helpful for p e o p l e t o t e n d t o e a t

mindlessly by making one more self –observant.

F u n c t i o n : t o s u p p o r t accelerated fat burning and body reshaping.

3. CHI Organ Formula I:Component: Bio-energized water and alcohol in 50mlAdditional components: CHI vibrational programs to support organ & lymphatic detox & drainage.

4. Food Detox Salts:Organ ic H ima layan sa l t crystals to remineralize and s u p p o r t a d r e n a l s . B i o -energetically imprinted with 1 7 5 0 C o m p l e x H o m e o -v ibra t iona l In format iona l (C.H.I.)™ programs to support detoxification and balancing of the body to food additives,

p r e s e r v a t i v e s a n d f o o d sensitivities.

5. Weight Loss Balance Salts:Organ ic H ima layan sa l t crystals to remineralize and support the adrenals. Bio-energetically imprinted with over 2000 Complex Homeo-v ibra t iona l In format iona l (C.H.I.)™ programs to support optimal weight loss beliefs and food cravings.

6. Protein dietary shakes:Component: 30 sachets of Formula dietary Whey Protein IsolateFlavours: Vanilla, ChocolateFunction: to support liver detoxificat ion and as an optional protein replacement.

7. CHI Bio-energized MCT Oil: This is the only oil allowed on this program. MCT oil is interesting because, when it is metabolized in the body, it b e h a v e s m o r e l i k e a carbohydrate than a fat. The fuel of preference for the body is carbohydrate, and the body wi l l use up i ts s tore of carbohydrate before using other fuels.

8. Additional Kit Components:‣ FatBurn Recipes‣ C a l o r i e C a l c u l a t i o n

Spreadsheet ‣ Ketosticks ‣ pH papers (Optional)

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9. Online 6 monthly Beyond Slim Lifestyle Coaching Program

Components: ‣ Online coaching program for

sustaining healthy habits, l i f e s t y l e , m i n d s e t a n d motivation long term.

‣ 12 online videos delivered fortnightly.

‣ 12 Lessons with 12 Action guides.

‣ Candida Buster Plan‣ Parasite Buster Plan‣ Resources, Recipes and Tips

Personal Products: The Dirty Dozen. What Personal Care Ingredients Should Be Avoided? As our bodyʼs biggest organ, your Skin is your most important immune defence barrier as well as your largest organ for eliminating waste. Commercial products with harmful petroleum ingredients can plasticize and constipate your skin, making germs more likely to get in and toxins less likely to get out of your body, resulting in neither you or your skin being as radiant and healthy as you could be!✴Propy lene Glyco l (PG) /

Butylene Glycol

✴Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)/Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

✴DEA (diethanolamine)/MEA (Monoethano lan i ine) /TEA (triethanolamine)

✴Sodium Hydroxide ✴Triclosan ✴DMDM & Urea (Imidazolidinyl)✴Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) ✴Liutane or Propane ✴Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40) ✴Mineral Oil ✴FD&C Color Pigments ✴Fragrances

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Commonly AskedQ’s & A’s

Food:Q. How Much ʻVegetablesʼ Can I Actually Eat?A. It is not easy to get the right quantity of vegetables worked out exactly. Fortunately, there is a fair degree of scope for adjustment. Remember that one of the main reasons for continued hunger is insufficient vegetables. The vegetables on the list are what is commonly referred to as "negative calorie" vegetables, which means that your body will burn more calories to digest them than you actually obtain from them (which is rather handy), and the fibre content is essential to keep the bowels moving comfortably. The calorie content of most of these vegetables is low, so you have plenty of scope to be generous here.

Q. Is all meat the same calorie count?A. Meat calories will vary according to the type of meat, beef being the h i g h e s t c a l o r i e c o n t e n t . Consumption is approximately 90 - 160 calories per meal depending on the meat chosen. This means around 300 calories or less from meat per day. The two fruit will provide approximately 70-80 calories, giving a total of 300-400 calories depending on your choices for the day. So you are left with roughly 100-200 calories to make up the vegetables intake. Now this is a substantial caloric amount for the permitted vegetables, so you can usually be relatively generous!

Q. What can I use if I want a bulky meal in winter?A. Looking quickly at a calorie counter ( included with your program), you will find that tomato has about 13 ca lor ies per 100grams, the same as spinach and asparagus. 100gms of celery also provides 13 calories, and cucumber is a calorie treat at 8 calories per 100grams. If you really want to lash out, lettuce is only 7 calories per 100grams, and a sprinkle of salt, pepper and apple cider vinegar can really brings out the taste of lettuce. In addition, steaming, boiling the vegetables can put some wonderful flavours into the cooking water that can be additionally seasoned, thereby providing a fulfilling soupy addition to the meal.

Q. How can I add flavour and stick to the programme?A. Using plenty of spices and herbs are important during this journey where your system is being driven to dig deep into its

reserves. Salt, pepper, apple cider vinegar, mustard powder, cayenne pepper, turmeric, garlic and onion powder, oregano, sweet basil, pa rs ley, t hyme , mar jo ram, coriander…all of these and other spices should be used generously for seasoning as they provide antioxidant support as well as flavour. Salt may be a problem if fluid retention is strong.

Q. Do I have to exclude all fats?A. You need to avoid the oils, butter, mayonnaise or dressings but you are allowed 1 teaspoon of the MCT oil daily

Q . W h a t a b o u t s u g a r o r sweeteners?A . Remember to avo id no sweeteners other than stevia. Some people have got away with very small amounts of xylitol successfully, but only explore this option if you are vigilant as well as adventurous.

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Q. Can I include any other foods?A. It is critical that you do not add foods that are not listed & allowed, as all things not listed are likely to switch off the effect of the Fat Metaboliser drops and the fat b u r n i n g p r o c e s s a n d m a y compromise your outcome. So donʼt be tempted or persuaded.

Q. What Can We Do About Our Diet When We Are Eating Out Or Travelling?A. When eating out, simply request a grilled selection of meat protein, with a particular request for absolutely no oil be used and always request lemon/lime on the s i d e f o r a d d e d fl a v o u r . I f vegetables offered are not on the permissible list, then request a salad without dressing and again lemon on the side. Donʼt forget that you have many allowable seafood

items, so fresh prawns & oysters may become a great restaurant snack. Keep plenty of chilled mineral water and serve it in a stemmed glass, so it feels like a special drink. Herbal teas are a welcome beverage change but look for organic blends, and the same with coffees. Avoid coffee in the evenings as it may prove too stimulating and may interfere with your regular sleep. If you are not a regular coffee drinker, then we have found it can be too stimulating to introduce to your VLCD. However, if a regular coffee drinker we recommend organic and freshly ground and only up to midday or early afternoon.

Q. How can I use the CHI Bio-energized MCT oil supplied?A. Cook with it, add it in your salad as a dressing, and include it in your protein shake. It helps with Ketosis, energy levels, appetite suppression and bowel movement, so a total of 2 teaspoons a day and no more.

Q. What makes it different from other oils?A. MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides. Most naturally occurring fats are triglycerides - tri meaning that each molecule have three carbon chains. In the medium chain triglycerides each chain has 6 - 12 carbon atoms, and for the medically refined grades of MCT oil each chain has 8 - 10 carbon atoms. MCT oils occur naturally, and the most abundant source is coconut oil. Most MCT oil is refined from coconut oil. MCT oil is interesting because, when it is metabolized in the body, it behaves more like a carbohydrate than a fat. Carbohydrates are quick acting - athletes take glucose tablets to provide energy, the body heats rapidly when we drink alcohol - typically carbohydrates will be used within a few hours of eating, which is why we eat so frequently. By contrast, the primary role of fats is to store energy - animals fatten up to prepare for the rigor of winter. The body normally tries to store the fats we eat, but will use them as fuel if there is not enough fuel available from carbohydrates. First it will use the fats in the food, and if these are insufficient it will start to deplete the fat storage in our body tissue. Fats metabolize more slowly and typically it will take a day or so for the fat content of food to be used. That is why we feel full after a fatty meal, and why it really is a good thing to line to stomach with milk before drinking - the fat slows down the metabolism of the alcohol.Long chain fats (i.e. the normal varieties) are converted into chemicals called chylomicrons by the digestive system, and these are then transported around the body by the lymphatic system before entering the circulatory system. This is a relatively slow process, and so fats metabolize more slowly than carbohydrates. Unlike other fats, MCT oil does not go into the lymphatic system; instead it is transported directly to the liver where it is metabolized, so releasing energy quickly, just like a carbohydrate, and creating lots of ketones in the process.

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Fluids:Q . W h a t h o t d r i n k s a r e recommended?A. Yerba mate tea, green tea, black tea, white tea, herbal teas or mineral water are all allowable drinks on the recommended list.

Q. How much water is optimum and why?A. We recommend you drink at least two, even three litres of pure, filtered water or mineral water per day. This will help you to drain and detoxify metabolic debris and cellular wastes which builds up in the body over time. Adding in additional 1-2 litres of herbal beverages wi l l support your antioxidant status, kidney and elimination functions even further. Many people are not used to drinking much water and have to train their body hydrate by sipping water frequently every 10-15 minutes throughout the day. Many people think drinking so much will cause the body to store more water, making weight loss more difficult. On the contrary, the body is more l i ke l y t o s to re flu ids when consumption of water falls below its needed requirements. And water is vital to the body for hydration as well as flushing out stored toxins. Do this protocol perfectly and be greatly rewarded!

Measurements:Q. What do I have to measure, how and why? A. Body Measurements:Youʼll need to measure & record each day: Weight, Chest, Waist, Buttock, Hips, Thighs & Bicep.Body Mass Index (BMI):This formula calculates your weight-to-height ratio. Either way, it is a

measure of general fitness and health. The goal is to have the ratio, or Body Mass Index (BMI) equal about 22, although it should be noted that anything under 25 is considered healthy. Over 25 is considered overweight and over 30 is considered obese. Researchers have found that the lowest combined rate of heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and even death occurred in men whose BMI was between 20 and 23.9. Once your BMI gets higher than that, disease and death rates start rising about 10 percent per index point - or about every 3 to 4 kg for most people (depending on height).

Waist to Hip Ratio: Measurement and definition of central adiposity.Central adiposity as measured by waist hip ratio (WHR) can be calculated from measurements undertaken at the clinic of waist and hip circumference using a standard measuring tape. A WHR of greater than 1.0 for men or 0.85 for women is indicative of android obesity. Where body mass index (BMI) is a summary of total adiposi ty, WHR provides a measure of fat distribution.

Researchers came up with this test after they discovered that just having a little extra weight isnʼt always a problem. Itʼshow that weight is distributed on your b o d y t h a t c a n m a k e a b i g difference. Itʼs called your Waist to Hip Ratio. For weight to be considered heal thy, women should have a waist-to-hip ratio of less than 0.8. A healthy waist-to-hip ratio for men is less than 0.9.

Taking Your MeasurementsIdeally do thisin the morning, before you eat or at the same time each day.• Itʼs normal for women to slightly

gain weight before their period, so delayweighing yourself until after your period.

• Weighing yourself right after exercise is useless because your weight can fluctuate wildly due to changes in water content. You may weigh heavier or lighter than normal.

• If you weigh yourself at night you are also weighing any food you have eaten and any liquids you have drunk during the day.

$Q. Where do I need to measure?A. Chest: Measure around the largest part of your chest. To help keep it accurate is time, use the nipple line as a guide.Biceps: Measure midway between the top of your shoulder and elbow.Waist: Measure at the narrowest point, approximately one inch above your belly button. No cheating! Donʼt pull in your belly or stick it out.Hips: Refer to the diagram under the Waist to Hip ratio section.Buttock: Around the largest part of your buttocks with your heels together.

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Thigh: Thighs are measured separately. Stand with your legs slightly apart. Measure your upper leg where the circumference is largest.

Exercise:Q. What type of exercise is recommended?A. NO Heavy Exercise during your P h a s e 2 F a t B u r n i n g Zone.However, if you are in excellent shape or an athlete you can stay on your program. Otherwise, you may only walk, swim, do floor and ball exercises or yoga, so low heart rate exercise only.

Water:Q. Why do I have to drink so much water?A. Water is the carrier that mobilizes the fat and carries it out of your body. It is also important to flush the released toxins stored within your fat via the kidneys. The Formula for the correct amount of water to drink is: Your Weight (kilos) x 0.33 = Amount of water (in litres) per day.

Q. Does Water Play An Essential Role In Fat Burning?A. The core fact says it all - water is the carrier that mobilizes and transports fat out of the body. So you need to establish a new set of rituals and behaviours around your water consumption. Water will work hard for you as long as you supply it as a resource for your body. Drink at least 1.5 – 2+ litres of water daily. If you need to lose more than 15 kgs then your entry body weight may require more daily water. If you are not

used to drinking that much water, then start with an increased amount and gradually increase what you drink per day until you reach the desired level. You will need to train your dehydrated body to learn to hydrate again effectively. If your urine is not clear, you are not drinking enough water! If you are only used to drinking when you are thirsty, then you are already dehydrated, so drink pro-actively and you body will respond positively. Tea & coffee do not count as part of your daily water intake, 2 litres of pure, preferably filtered water daily is essential. Carry a water bottle (preferably non-plastic as plastic will leech phlalates into your water) around and sip your water

slowly throughout the day (every ½ hour or so) and do not drink it all at once. Drinking a large amount of water all at once will only flush out through the kidneys & not assist the fat burn process.

Hypothalamus and Metabolism:Q. What does the hypothalamus do and why is it so important to fat burning?A. The Hypothalamus regulates impor tan t au tomat ic bod i ly f u n c t i o n s a n d m a i n t a i n s homeostasis:

‣ Itʼs your Weight Regulating Mechanism controlling hunger.

‣ It controls your metabolism & the rate at which your body burns fat, deposits and stores fat release for energy (fat banking capacity).

‣ I t c o n t r o l s t h e c o m p l e x operation of storing and issuing fuel to the body (manages the deposits and withdrawals of fat and sugar).

‣ Regulates sleep cycles.‣ Hormonal regulation. ‣ Regulates & determines energy

levels ‣ Regulates mood, thirst & a host

of other functions.

Q. What Causes Abnormal Functioning Hypothalamus and will that lead to Difficulty Losing Weight?A. Toxins and a few other badies.✴Candida/Fungus✴Bacteria/ Parasites✴Toxic Liver & Colon✴Nutritioal deficiencies✴Emotional Stress✴Genetics✴Heavy metals & Chemicals✴Allergies/sensitivities✴Electromagnetic Pollution✴Lack of sleep & sun✴Food additives✴Modified food – radiated,

pasteurized, GMO, ✴Chlorine & Fluoride from water

drunk & bathed✴Toxins from personal care


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✴Drugs✴Lack of exercise

Note: thus TOXINS in the 21st century can cause an abnormal hypothalamus. Primary causes can come from a myriad of things ranging from yeast, fungus, excess caloric intake, toxic load, stress, e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c r a d i a t i o n , chemicals, allergies, infections and genetics etc. All of these factors can cause hormonal imbalances, including a sluggish adrenals and thyroid compounding the problem.

Q. What is Happening When I Begin the VLCD?A. The swap to VLCD will trigger the mobilization & burning of fat from connective tissue & fat reserves (adipose tissue) which increases your energy levels and leads to rapid weight loss. This can be up to ½ kilo a day and a lot of centimetres. Remember fat is a great source of nutritious energy, as many nutrients are locked away with the stored fat and so released for use.

Q. Why Does The Hypothalamus Get Involved?A. The main function of the Hypothalamus is Homeostasis. In other words, to maintain the bodyʼs status quo and control all the automatic functions of the body such as:• Pituitary gland regulation & the

whole interplay of endocrine glands.

• Blood pressure regulation.• Breathing, heart rate, digestion,

sleep, sex.• Bladder functions & water


• Ovarian & testicular function.• Mood, behavioural functions &

sleep patterns. • Hunger & salt cravings, plus

feeding reflexes.C o n t r o l o f t h e r e g u l a t o r y mechanism and determining the set point that affects hunger, metabolism and the body fat burn and fat storage rate. The hypothalamus receives constant inputs about the state of the body, and is able to initiate or make adjustments/changes if any basic indicator gets out of whack. Factors such as blood pressure, body weight & body temperature, establish a body set point. This set point may fluctuate over time but it will remain remarkably fixed and is one of the key factors behind the unwanted fat you are currently targeting with the Beyond Slim program. Your achievable set point may be the last stable metabolic rate set by your body. However, if your target is even more weight loss, then a second cycle may be needed to achieve this new set point. During the Phase 2 protocol the Hypothalamus interact to provide

a key to access your Abnormal Fat Fixed Deposit (AFFD). The Fat Burn process accesses fat that has accumulated around the normal ʻsize area ̓ of the body. The results are likely to return you to your pre-AFFD body contour or shape. This is why the first developer of this programme Dr. Simeons, entitled his original 1950ʼs manuscript & scientific paper Pounds and Inches. Q . W h a t D o e s T h e Hypothalamus Have To Do With Being Overweight?It is likely that the Hypothalamus can easily become dysfunctional due to the larger quantities and poorer quality of food being consumed and due to the accumulated toxins and stress we are exposed to in our daily environment. In the presence of regular overeating or excessive energy supply, it seems to lose the natural triggering response to fullness or having a satisfied eating response or satiety. It does not appear to receive this input about the ex t ra energy or overfeeding. Once this dysfunctional pattern starts, it is hard to lose adipose tissue or fat thereafter. Over time even eating small amounts of food can cause weight increase because of this dysfunction. This can become a never-ending cycle. Many people report even after eating a big meal they donʼt feel satisfied, but their food cravings continue. In fact, Dr Simeons reported that almost all chronically obese candidates are chronically hungry, which is the vicious fat cycle at its worst. It appears that almost everything the Hypothalamus does is re la ted in some way to controlling weight loss. So when the hypothalamus is dysfunctional, food becomes increasingly more

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important and yet increasingly unfulfilling.We end up never feeling satisfied with the foods we have eaten, gradually eating more to compensate. From a metabolic standpoint, the Hypothalamus not only governs the motivation to eat, but most i m p o r t a n t l y h o w e a t i n g i s experienced & interpreted by the body. However, working with the Beyond S l im program, the Hypothalamus wi l l begin to provide the key to access this abnormal fat, or ʻshape fat ̓ and release its calories for fuel.

Constipation:Q. Is Constipation Likely On The Program & What Do I Do About It?A. Due to the restricted diet, it is common to have an evacuation of the bowel only once every two to three days, provided that plenty of fluids are taken as directed.

Q. What if I have no bowel movement to a couple of days?A . I f y o u h a v e n o b o w e l movements for two or three days and you stop losing weight, you must get the bowels moving again.Ground flax seed, vitamin C and Magnesium and plenty of water will help move the bowels. If

your stools are so dry as to be uncomfortable during evacuation, contact your physician. Q . W h a t M i g h t C a u s e Fluctuations in My Weight Loss?After the fourth or fifth day of dieting, the daily loss of weight begins to decrease to one pound or somewhat less per day, and there is a smaller urinary output. Men often continue to lose regularly at that rate, but women tend to be more irregular in spite of faultless dieting. There may be no drop at all for two or three days and then a sudden loss, which re-establishes the n o r m a l a v e r a g e . T h e s e fluctuations are more l ikely var iat ions of retent ion and elimination of water, which, are more marked in women than in men. If in doubt, test for ketones, and a positive test result indicates you are still burning fat.Remember that you are living on the abnormal fat you are losing rather than on your very restricted caloric intake.

Interruptions to the programme:Q. What If I have Interruptions to My Weight Loss/Adherence to the Program?1.Past Fixed Degree of Obesity:

If, some period of your life, you have maintained acertain fixed degree of obesity for five years or more & at some time rapidly increased beyond that weight, then in the course of treatment the former level is reached. It may take two weeks of no loss, in spite of your booster products and d ie t , be fo re fu r the r reduction is normally resumed. This may be related to reaching a previously established Set

Point, which may then need to be overridden on the first or even second cycle.

2.Menstruation: Another interruption often occurs a few days before and during the menstrual period and in some w o m e n a t t h e t i m e o f ovu la t ion . I f a woman becomes pregnant during treatment – and this is by no means uncommon – she will at once cease to lose weight. In this case, stop your Metabolic Booster& do a pregnancy test five days later, no sooner or a f a l s e p o s i t i v e m a y b e registered. Oral contraceptives may be used during treatment.

3.Dietary Errors: If you have weight gain, it is 99% because you have strayed from the diet plan, unless it happens on or about the day of ovulation or during the three days preceding the onset of menstruation, in which case, ignore it. It cannot be emphasized enough that to average a daily loss of .5 to 1 kg a day, you must follow the regimen strictly.

4.Cheating: People are always surprised at gaining weight the following day from a salted almond, a couple of potato chips, a small glass of tomato juice or an extra orange. The smallest error is immediately detectable at the daily weighing, but most people have to go through the experience before they believe it. Do NOT cheat, as it is a waste of time and money and NOT WORTH IT! Know that if you cheat, you will gain more than you would not on a programme. To get your mind off of wanting to cheat, focus your attention on something else. You can take a walk, go to the library, movie

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theatre, or visit with friends. It is also nice to find a support system, whether it is through an online group (visit here), a buddy who is following the diet with you, family member(s), etc. Just make sure you have someone to stop you from cheating. Create a cabinet in your kitchen which supports your diet. Store your teas, stevia, apple cider vinegar, miracle noodles, etc. and use this special place to “snack” with items that are all allowed on the protocol. Do NOT create your own substitutions. Dr Simeons created a specific list of foods to eat and studied each food intensely. I t needs to be precisely followed.

5.Unforseen Interruptions: If an interruption occurs to your program lasting >4 days, then you must increase your diet to at least 800 calories by adding meat, eggs, cheese and milk to your diet after the third day, otherwise you will find yourself hungry and weak. If the interval lasts <2 weeks, then you can directly resume the programme and the 500 calorie diet.

If the interruption lasts longer, then you must again eat normally until you have had your th i rd Fat Metabol ic dose. Interruptions occurring before 20 effective Fat Metabolic doses are to be avoided if possible as some weight is liable to be regained afterwards. After the 20th Fat Metabolic dosing, an unavoidable interruption is only a loss of time.

Stalling, Stopping or slowing down Fat Burning: Q. What do I do if I stop burning Fat?A. When you stall or gain, here are some things to consider:• Your body might have decided

that your current weight is your 'normal' weight. Dr Simeons tells us in 'Pounds & Inches' that you cannot reduce below that weight using a hormone. Though you may really want to lose those extra 5 kilos, if your hypothalamus has decided otherwise, the booster products will stop working and you will start to have real hunger, because it will no longer be able to get the extra calories that stave off the hunger from 'abnormal fat stores' when they no longer exist! If that is the case, Simeons advises that you increase calories to 800 for the rest of the Protocol, but if you are near the end of your round, I recommend you finish your course according toPhase

2 instructions here and start Phase 3 at your current weight.

• You may also want to take measurements and compare to those you took before the Protocol to find that you have lost centimetres, even though the scale hasn't budged!

• You may have reached a stage where the reduction begins to happen onlyevery other day or two. This is typical after the first week or so and no cause for alarm.

• You may not be drinking enough water. It is *required* that you drink at least 2 litres of water daily. 3 litres is even better.

• You can do an 'apple day'. Eat nothing but up to 6 apples for one day, and only as much water as you feel you need (some only eat the apples and don't want any more water). This will release water weight, and show a loss most times. It is a purely psychological thing, but it helps many people feel better and 'break' their stall.

• Get enough sleep. Sleep is *essential* to proper weight loss under this program. If you're not getting enough sleep, your body will retain weight because it isn't properly rested.

• You may be consuming more t h a n 5 0 0 c a l o r i e s d a i l y unknowingly. Hence use a calorie tracker to calculate your daily consumption.

• If you eat more salt in the food you prepare, and your body isn't used to thatsodium level, your blood volume will increase to handle the extra salt, which will translate into a gain because you're retaining water to boost

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that blood volume. In other words, watch your salt intake.

• Remember what Simeons said about losing. You lose fat from the body cells but the cells do not disappear at the same time. The cell structure is still present for two to three days while the body breaks down the cellulose and fills the cell with water in order to release it (through urine). Once the fat cell is removed, the scale will drop.

• Sensitivity/allergies to foods (like lemons) may cause weight stalls. Listen to your body. The guru is you! Remember that spices also have calories.

• Pay attention to weight gains, they usually signify a mishap in the protocol, like not drinking enough water, eating too many/too few calories, too much salt, or (inadvertently) eating foods not allowed on the protocol.

• In women, menstrual periods increase water retention, and water weight shows on the scale. If you know you are following the plan and are not cheating, you just need to accept that the stall/gain is temporary and continue to follow the protocol. The drop will happen once themenstrual cycle is normalized in the body.

• I f you are fo l low ing the programme to a "T" and have no other explanations for a stall/gain, look at your life and the levels of stress. Stress causes cortisol which hinders weight loss and/or causes you to gain weight. Try to remain calm and stress-free.

Cosmetics:Q. Are There Any Restrictions On My Use Of Cosmetics/ Skin Care?A. When weight loss is not forthcoming, then cosmetics may also be the reason. Personal care products and cosmetics CAN and DO frequently interfere with weight reduction. The fats, oils, creams and ointments applied to the skin are absorbed just as if they have been eaten. Remember our skin is the largest organ of human body a n d h a s g r e a t a b s o r p t i v e properties. Many skin care products have preservatives and chemical ingredients which can adversely affect the functioning of the hypothalamus and thyroid gland.

Q. What are suitable or ideal products to use?A. We formulate our own suitable organic skin care products that may help you on this program. Current estimates are that you absorb an average of over 160 chemicals through your skin every day. We stock pure natural organic sk in ca re w i th no harmfu l chemicals and are widely regarded as topical skin nutrition. Q. What makes Eternity Skin Nutrition different?A. Will not interfere with weight loss like so many other skincare or cosmetics do because of h o r m o n e s a n d t o x i n s i n products.Eternity Crystal Beauty is next generation skin care which offers topical skin nutrition bio-energized with CHI anti-aging p rograms kep t ac t i ve w i th spec ia l ly prepared a t tuned crysta ls wi th in the bot t les, a l l e v i a t i n g t h e n e e d f o r preservatives. Eternity is intuitive

w i t h n a t u r a l , n o u r i s h i n g formulations designed to address y o u r s k i n ʼ s 2 1 s t c e n t u r y needs.CHI Health Innovations is utilizing the latest breakthroughs in green chemistry to bring you Eternity. Through a sophisticated c o m b i n a t i o n o f b o t a n i c a l p h y t o n u t r i e n t s a n d g r e e n technology, Eternity Skin Care eliminates the use of destructive toxins and enhances bio-nutrient effectiveness with hundreds of e n e r g i z e d C H I v i b r a t i o n a l programs. Eternity Skin Care empowers you with safety and pure skin nutrition along with intuitive bio-energized vibrational programs. Why is this important? Skin will perform at o p t i m a l l e v e l s w h e n d a i l y regimens provide antioxidants and bio-available nutrients while calming the signs of inflammation and minimizing the visible signs of aging. The meticulously created formulas of Eternity Skin Care f e a t u r e C H I ™ e n h a n c e d botanicals, energized by specially attuned crystals, which calms the signs of inflammation, promotes natural luminosity, and protects

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your skin against oxidizing effects of free radicals.We have found in clinics that working with Eternity Crystal skin care products and skin care that does not interfere with hormones (it does not contain hormones or toxic chemicals) or with the endocrine system, has been a great tool for women while they are undergoing the Beyond Slim Program.

Surviving the VLCD (500 calorie diet)Q. What are the best tips to keep me motivated and on track d u r i n g t h i s p a r t o f t h e programme?A. 1.If your brain is used to so much

g lucose that you cannot concen t ra te we l l , t r y L -glutamine, the amino acid, which acts just like sugar in the brain.

2.If you are experiencing muscle twitches, you can try taking some extra magnesium.

3.As strange as this may sound, vigorous exercise causes your weight loss to slow down. Exercise builds muscle mass which weighs more than fat, so you still burn fat, but you stay at the same weight. Dr. Simeons explains in Pounds and Inches: “The muscles have retention of water which the tired circulation cannot at once eliminate.” He also advises to not exert yourself while on the VLCD, anything more than a game of tennis, a vigorous swim, a run, a ride on horseback or a round of golf is too much.

4.If something strange suddenly appears on the programme ( l ike rashes, acne, etc.) ,

remember that fat cells store hormones, pesticides, and other toxins. When the body canʼt release the toxins through urine or sweat, it will lock the toxin into the fat cells to prevent the toxin from taking over your body. When you lose weight the abnormal fat cells are released which means that the toxins are simultaneously released and released into the bloodstream. If you had an experience with something in the past that gave you a problem, like a rash, it is probable that the weight loss will cause the problem to come back as the toxin (problem) is released. This is a good thing because it means the body is ridding itself of the stored toxins. Also remember that many skin disorders have their root in the colon, therefore cleansing it can alleviate or eliminate the skin disorders.

Fat : Q. Are there different types of Fat?A. Yes: • Structural Fat- This kind of fat

fills the gap between various

organs, a sort of packing material. It protects coronary arteries and keeps skin smooth and taut. We all need this kind of fat for our health and protection.

• Normal Reserve of Fat - This fat is what the body freely draws from. With this kind of fat as normal reserve in most cases the body contour (shape) is still visible. Normal Reserve fat is a nutritional form of energy.

• Abnormal Fat Reserve - This is typically adipose tissue. This kind of fat accumulation is the type that the overweight patient suffers from. Even though it is a potential source of energy or fuel, unlike the normal reserve it is not available to the body in a nutritional emergency. It is as though a key has been lost to unlock this fixed deposit and hard to lose fat reserve.

Q . W h a t i s t h e k e y T o Metabolizing Abnormal Fat Reserves?A. The Hormone dosages in the metabolic boosters &and the hypothalamus provide a KEY. In combination, they open a door which allows access to hard to lose FAT. It is like unlocking a safe. The metabolic Boosters will

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metabolize stored Abnormal Body Fat, about 2000 -2500 calories of abnormal fat is released a day! That is almost a pound (and inches) daily. Q. Why Am I Not Hungry On This VLCD? (500 Calorie per Day Diet or Very Low Calorie Diet) A. When on this program your body doesnʼt have to tell itself it is hungry. Your body is actually using 2500-3000 calories a day. That is why you can lose up to 1 lb or ½ kilo a day. Your bodyʼs skin also shrinks as well. That is why you do not end up with stretch marks from the rapid weight loss.

Ketones Q. What are these and why am I testing for them?A. These are a test that indicate Fat Burn very reliably. Test First in the Morning Urine. Test on Day two and three of the VLCD (so day 4 & 5 of the program) and if you are in a plateau.If you are not showing ketones and not losing weight or inches, eliminate all fruit from your diet for the next 48 hours then test again in AM. If still no ketones are registering, eliminate all tomatoes AND fruit from the diet for the next 48 hours and then test in AM. If still not showing ketones AND not losing weight and or inches, speak to one of our consultants.The abnormal fat stores accumulate fat as very long fatty acids. Theyʼre ordinarily difficult to break down because theyʼre so long. When the body must use its fat stores for energy (our goal to lose weight), these fat cells begin to release the long fatty acids into the blood to be used as fuel, particularly by the brain, the fatty acids go to the liver where they are literally cut into two carbon fragments (ketoacids.)

They are then utilized (burned) by many tissues, including the brain. The brain operates just as well on a diet of ketoacids as it does on glucose. Whatʼs left (the incompletely burned fragments) are called ketones, and they are what spill into the urine to be swept from the body. This also why drinking water is a must on the Beyond Slim diet as urinating expels ketones.When the body is in the fat burning state — where it has no carbohydrate to burn and is breaking down body fat for fuel, the body is in a state of ketosis-lipolysis (ketosis for short.)

This is the only metabolic pathway for fat breakdown (lipolysis.) Therefore, there is no lipolysis without ketosis, no ketosis without lipolysis. The two terms are biologically linked and, therefore, it is appropriate that they be linguistically linked.So being in ketosis simply means that youʼre burning your fat stores and using them as the source of fuel they were meant to be. This is where the test strips come in... TWO REASONS why you test.

While they are in no way the only way to full proof your diet, most of us feel more secure with a way to test to know if we are in ketosis at any given time and at what level. The test strips provide a quick and private way to determine that. Urine can be collected in a clean disposable cup or simply held under the urine stream and removed immediately. Simply dip the reagent end of the strip into a urine specimen. Tap edge of strip to remove excess liquid and check colour within 10-15 seconds against the colour chart provided on all test strip brandsʼ bottles.

A beige or cream colour indicates NO KETOSIS detected. Any shade of pink/purple indicates some level of ketones in the urine.Some people get very hung up on the fact that their friendʼs/husbandʼs/daughterʼs etc strip shows a darker colour all the time, etc. We are all different. Some of us lose better

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This Body measurement chart is to help you track your body fat changes. You should use the measuring tape provided by our staff to measure the 5 key body parts as noted above. The measuring tape should be snug and not too lose or too tight. You will begin to see just after a couple of weeks changes in your size. It is not just weight, it is body size also.

Measurement History

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Week  1 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Frid Sat Sun









NB. • You can break-up the meals provided the foods eaten are deducted from the regular meals. • Please check every meal against your diet check list sheet before eating. • Remember the slightest deviation from the diet have disastrous results as far as the weight is


Track Your Weight, Diet and Mood Diary - Week 1

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Week  2 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Frid Sat Sun









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Track Your Weight, Diet and Mood Diary - Week 2

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Week  3 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Frid Sat Sun









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Track Your Weight, Diet and Mood Diary - Week 3

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Week  4 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Frid Sat Sun









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Track Your Weight, Diet and Mood Diary - Week 4

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