FCPT5S Writting&ReadingStrategies


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Esta publicación se terminó de imprimir durante el mes de junio de 2012. Diseñada en Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola; Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, México La edición consta de 1,126 ejemplares.


Director General Mtro. Julio Alfonso Martínez Romero Director Académico Dr. Manuel Valenzuela Valenzuela Director de Administración y Finanzas C.P. Jesús Urbano Limón Tapia Director de Planeación Ing. Raúl Leonel Durazo Amaya WRITING AND READING STRATEGIES Módulo de Aprendizaje. Copyright ©, 2011 por Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora todos los derechos reservados. Tercera edición 2012. Impreso en México. DIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA Departamento de Desarrollo Curricular Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur Hermosillo, Sonora. México. C.P. 83280

COMISIÓN ELABORADORA: Elaborador: Edna Elinora Soto Gracia Revisión Disciplinaria: Jesús Moisés Galaz Duarte Corrección de Estilo: Diana Patricia Lugo Peñúñuri Apoyo Metodológico: Jesús Moisés Galaz Duarte Supervisión Académica:

Mtra. Luz María Grijalva Díaz Diseño: María Jesús Jiménez Duarte Edición:

Cynthia Deyanira Meneses Avalos Coordinación Técnica: Claudia Yolanda Lugo Peñúñuri Diana Irene Valenzuela López Coordinación General: Dr. Manuel Valenzuela Valenzuela


Ubicación Curricular






Nombre: _______________________________________________________________

Plantel: __________________________________________________________________

Grupo: _________________ Turno: _____________ Teléfono:___________________

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Presentación ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Mapa de asignatura .............................................................................................................................................. 8 BLOCK 1: CONSIDERING A PURPOSE FOR WRITING ........................................................................ 9 Didactic Sequence 1: Blogs ...............................................................................................................................10 • Personal blogs ............................................................................................................................................11 • Classroom blogs (school blogs or educational blogs) ..............................................................................11 • Social blogs ................................................................................................................................................12 • Blog talk ......................................................................................................................................................12 • Creating a blog ...........................................................................................................................................16 Didactic Sequence 2: Wikis ...............................................................................................................................19 • Wikis in the classroom ...............................................................................................................................20 • Creating a Wiki ............................................................................................................................................23 BLOCK 2: IDENTIFYING TYPES OF TEXTS ......................................................................................... 29 Didactic Sequence 1: Prediction Text ................................................................................................................30 • Purpose of a text .........................................................................................................................................31 • Parts of a paragraph ...................................................................................................................................33 • The hamburger metaphor ...........................................................................................................................36 • Transition words ..........................................................................................................................................39 • Writing paragraphs .....................................................................................................................................43 Didactic Sequence 2: Persuasive text ...............................................................................................................47 • Advertisements ...........................................................................................................................................49 • Rhetorical questions ...................................................................................................................................49 • Skimming ...................................................................................................................................................50 • Thesis and supporting ideas ......................................................................................................................54 Didactic Sequence 3: Descriptive text ...............................................................................................................57 • Descriptive writing .......................................................................................................................................58 • Sense adjectives .........................................................................................................................................60 • Sense verbs ................................................................................................................................................62 • Scanning .....................................................................................................................................................65 • Chapters of “The Little Prince” ....................................................................................................................71 BLOCK 3: BUILDING HEALTHY HABITS ............................................................................................ 73 Didactic Sequence 1: Informative text ................................................................................................................74 • To write an informative text .........................................................................................................................76 • Newspapers ................................................................................................................................................78 • Handouts and flyers ....................................................................................................................................79 • Health informative texts...............................................................................................................................82 Didactic Sequence 2: Instructive text .................................................................................................................95 • Instructive for different purposes ................................................................................................................96 • Following and writing instructions ..............................................................................................................96 • Writing and reading strategies ....................................................................................................................98 Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................................121




“Una competencia es la integración de habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes en un contexto específico”.

El enfoque en competencias considera que los conocimientos por sí mismos no son lo más importante, sino el uso que se hace de ellos en situaciones específicas de la vida personal, social y profesional. De este modo, las competencias requieren una base sólida de conocimientos y ciertas habilidades, los cuales se integran para un mismo propósito en un determinado contexto.

El presente Módulo de Aprendizaje de la asignatura Writing and Reading Strategies, es una herramienta de suma importancia, que propiciará tu desarrollo como persona visionaria, competente e innovadora, características que se establecen en los objetivos de la Reforma Integral de Educación Media Superior que actualmente se está implementando a nivel nacional.

El Módulo de aprendizaje es uno de los apoyos didácticos que el Colegio de Bachilleres te ofrece con la intención de estar acorde a los nuevos tiempos, a las nuevas políticas educativas, además de lo que demandan los escenarios local, nacional e internacional; el módulo se encuentra organizado a través de bloques de aprendizaje y secuencias didácticas. Una secuencia didáctica es un conjunto de actividades, organizadas en tres momentos: Inicio, desarrollo y cierre. En el inicio desarrollarás actividades que te permitirán identificar y recuperar las experiencias, los saberes, las preconcepciones y los conocimientos que ya has adquirido a través de tu formación, mismos que te ayudarán a abordar con facilidad el tema que se presenta en el desarrollo, donde realizarás actividades que introducen nuevos conocimientos dándote la oportunidad de contextualizarlos en situaciones de la vida cotidiana, con la finalidad de que tu aprendizaje sea significativo.

Posteriormente se encuentra el momento de cierre de la secuencia didáctica, donde integrarás todos los saberes que realizaste en las actividades de inicio y desarrollo.

En todas las actividades de los tres momentos se consideran los saberes conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales. De acuerdo a las características y del propósito de las actividades, éstas se desarrollan de forma individual, binas o equipos.

Para el desarrollo del trabajo deberás utilizar diversos recursos, desde material bibliográfico, videos, investigación de campo, etc.

La retroalimentación de tus conocimientos es de suma importancia, de ahí que se te invita a participar de forma activa, de esta forma aclararás dudas o bien fortalecerás lo aprendido; además en este momento, el docente podrá tener una visión general del logro de los aprendizajes del grupo.

Recuerda que la evaluación en el enfoque en competencias es un proceso continuo, que permite recabar evidencias a través de tu trabajo, donde se tomarán en cuenta los tres saberes: el conceptual, procedimental y actitudinal con el propósito de que apoyado por tu maestro mejores el aprendizaje. Es necesario que realices la autoevaluación, este ejercicio permite que valores tu actuación y reconozcas tus posibilidades, limitaciones y cambios necesarios para mejorar tu aprendizaje.

Así también, es recomendable la coevaluación, proceso donde de manera conjunta valoran su actuación, con la finalidad de fomentar la participación, reflexión y crítica ante situaciones de sus aprendizajes, promoviendo las actitudes de responsabilidad e integración del grupo.

Nuestra sociedad necesita individuos a nivel medio superior con conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores, que les permitan integrarse y desarrollarse de manera satisfactoria en el mundo social, profesional y laboral. Para que contribuyas en ello, es indispensable que asumas una nueva visión y actitud en cuanto a tu rol, es decir, de ser receptor de contenidos, ahora construirás tu propio conocimiento a través de la problematización y contextualización de los mismos, situación que te permitirá: Aprender a conocer, aprender a hacer, aprender a ser y aprender a vivir juntos.



Writing and Reading



Considering a purpose for



Identifying types of texts


Building healthy habits

Tiempo asignado: 20 horas

Considering a purpose for writing.

Competencias profesionales: 1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Unidad de competencia: Usa herramientas de información y comunicación para tener acceso, integrar, manejar, crear y comunicar información al tiempo que integra conocimiento y habilidades que son relevantes en el siglo 21.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se

encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local,

nacional e internacional.


Didactic Sequence 1. Blogs.

Start Up Activity


Activity: 1 Product: Questionnaire. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes his/her weaknesses and strengths in the use of “Social networking sites.

Registers his/her experience in the use of “Social networking sites” in a questionnaire.

Shows openness to feedback when he/she becomes aware of his/her weaknesses and strengths.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Are You Addicted to Social Networking Sites?

Social networking sites like My Space, Facebook and Twitter can be great resources for staying in touch with friends, but they should never become a substitute for physical interaction with others. To help you determine if you use social networking sites appropriately, we have added the questionnaire below. Answer "yes" or "no" to each question and then total your answers to determine if you are addicted to social networking sites.


1. Are you a member of multiple social networking sites? ________ 2. Do you visit your social networking sites with no goal or specific purpose in mind? ________ 3. Are you usually surprised by how much time you spend on a social networking site? ________ 4. Have you ever said no to an activity with your family or friends because of social networking sites? ________ 5. Have you ever ignored a responsibility like homework or chores because of social networking sites? ________ 6. Do you ever stay up late or get up early to spend more time on social networking sites? ________ 7. Have you ever hidden your time on social networking sites from family or friends? ________ 8. Have you ever used social networking sites when a parent or teacher has told you not to? ________ 9. Do you prefer to interact with people on social networking sites rather than face to face? ________ 10.Has anyone ever commented on how much time you spend on social networking sites? ________ 11.Do you have more friends on your social networking sites than you do in your real life? ________ 12.Do you become frustrated or angry when a social networking site goes down or is unavailable? ________

If you answered "yes" to between one and four questions then you are most likely not addicted to social networking sites.

If you answered "yes" to between five and eight questions then you may be addicted to social networking sites.

If you answered "yes" to nine or more questions then you are likely to be addicted to social networking sites. Your use of these sites is most likely getting in the way of your real life and you may even be using them as a substitute for getting out and making friend. http://www.teenissues.co.uk/addicted-social-networking-sites.htmltml

Activity: 1

11 BLOCK 1

Development activities

Read the text about Blogs and look for the underline words in your English dictionary. Then draw a mind map to organize information. Present it to your teacher in a separate paper.


The term blog is an abbreviation of “web log.” Some blogs are like diaries but without the privacy. Many are used for reporting breaking news while others are an outlet for commentary and analysis. Whatever a blog may have in common with a log, journal, or diary, the important difference is that a blog is specifically intended for viewing by and interacting with, someone other than the author. The rationale for blogging is the same rationale for writing or communicating in general: to effectively participate as a knowledgeable member of society. Blogs like Social networking sites (My Space, Facebook and Twitter) can be great resources too; since it will help you easily do so many tasks that you already perform. It will make you think that you are on the cutting edge of cool! Three things to think about when you begin a blog are the author, the audience, and your purpose. First, there are several authors to consider: your teacher, your classmates, and you. Second, you need to think about primary audiences: the teacher and the students.

Teacher classroom Students classroom

Third, a factor to consider with your blog is its purpose. Three of the most common functions of a classroom. Blogs are to communicate information, promote discussion, and display work. This sequence of the module discusses the creation, use, and effectiveness of blogs as instructional tools. It is worth spending some time thinking about the best way for you to handle these possibilities for blogging. Here are three blogs that you can choose. Personal blogs: Use blogging as a personal journal and keep it private. Blogging for oneself can be a wonderful method of "venting" or "getting it all out". It’s important to set aside a time to blog every day. You have to look for a "keep private" check box within any blog server used. Use first letters of names when writing about others. For example, "E made me very mad today." This ensures that no feelings will be hurt should someone stumble upon your blog. Once you have blogged for a while, go back and review and ask yourself these questions: Have you learned the sources of stress in your life? Can you identify any running themes? Is a particular person toxic to your emotional health? Finally, design or upload funny photos, make your blog something you enjoy, have fun! Classroom Blogs (school blogs or educational blogs): The education blog can be a powerful and effective technology tool for students and teachers alike. Blogs work well for students because they can be worked on at virtually any time, in any place with an Internet-enabled computer. Hence, they can be used by computer savvy teachers to create a classroom that extends beyond the boundaries of the school yard. There are numerous educational benefits of blogs. Blogs are:

Highly motivating to students, especially those who otherwise might not become participants in the class. Excellent opportunities for students to read and write. Effective forums for collaboration and discussion. Powerful tools to enable scaffold learning or mentoring to occur.

Activity: 2


Readings are categorized according to the blog structure and understanding of the writer.

You can use a blog to pose questions and prompt discussion among your classmates. This might be a prelude to an upcoming lesson or review of something you have been introduced by your teacher. Topics could include current events, primary sources, editorials, or books reflections.

As an educational tool, blogs may be integrated in a multi-faceted manner to accommodate all learners. Blogs can serve at least four basic functions. 1. Collaboration. Blogs provide a space where teachers and students can work to further develop writing or other skills with the advantage of an instant audience. Teachers can offer instructional tips, and students can practice and benefit from peer review. 2. Discussions. A class blog opens the opportunity for students to discuss topics outside of the classroom. With a blog, every person has an equal opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions. 3. Student Portfolios. Blogs present, organize, and protect student work as digital portfolios. 4. Classroom Management. Class blogs can serve as a portal to foster a community of learners. They can be used to inform students of class requirements, post handouts, notices, and homework assignments, or act as a question and answer board. A recommended blog for academic activities is the model MY BLOG, YOUR BLOG; this model is to create different blogs for different authors. This might be as few as two –one for the teacher and one for the students – or the teacher might create a blog for each student. Remember that multiple blogs can be easily linked together. Each blog in your group can have a list of links to all the other blogs in the sidebar. This naturally makes more sense when students can take a more active role. The teacher makes sure that he/she has passwords for every account so you can be monitored and edit any inappropriate content that may be posted on blogs representing your class. Beyond that, you as student should be responsible for managing and approving comments to your own blogs. Social blogs. Blogging is not just an act of publishing but also a communal activity. It is more than leaving comments; it is about creating connections. For instance, through comments you may meet folks, who in turn write for the blog, and then in the process become a friend. It is time to re-embrace and extend that philosophy! Establishing those kinds of relationships becomes an even bigger challenge as newer tools emerge, enabling new kinds of sharing. Whether it is Friend feed, videos or photos, we are constantly figuring out ways to share information about us on the web. In other words, our digital life is spreading out across the web. Remember our first rule: The best way to learn is to jump in head first. So let’s do it! Learn more and pick up a free blogging service, or use another with which you are already familiar.

Activity: 2 (continuation)

BLOG TALK Blogger: Any contributor to a blog. Blogging: The processes of creating or maintaining a blog. Multi-Blog: An online "conversation" taking place between several blogs. Post: Is an individual entry in a blog. Rant means to speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way. It can also be a noun. In blogs, a rant is a written personal complaint. Rave means to speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration. Tag: Same as a keyword. Helps people to search and find relevant posts. Theme: A “style” or “template” for your blog. Choose it under “Presentation” in your control panel.

13 BLOCK 1


Activity: 2 Product: Mind map and a vocabulary table.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary, the steps and sequences to be written in a mind map.

Uses mind maps to show relationship and sequence of blog’s information and searches new vocabulary in the dictionary.

Appreciates the effective use of the internet in his/her academic development.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Dictionary search.

Word Dictionary meaning

1. Rationally 2. Resources 3. Venting 4. Stumble 5. Hence 6. Savvy 7. Boundaries 8. Otherwise 9. Scaffold 10. Foster 11. Establishing 12. Challenge

Fold and post the paper here.

Activity: 2 (continuation)


Pair work. Read the blog entries about a class trip to the local zoo. The trip was arranged to support a science unit of work on conservation. Then read the tables below the texts and follow instructions. The blog entries are categorized in authoring levels according to the blog structure and understanding of the writer or blogger. The first entry is level 2, you will find spelling errors. The second entry is level 3 and the links are not formatting. The third entry shows a good level and it is authoring at level 4 but you’ll have to improve it.

Science Zoo trip. The zoo trip was fun and the teachers were really nice to take us their. We saw lotz of animals. I liked the tiger but they are endangered in the wild in Africa. Our group took some cool fotos with the class camera. My favourite is the one with Charles falling over. Here is one of the Giraffe. The giraffe is amazin. Its neck is so long it can reach leaves high in trees.

This entry is related to the purpose of the trip; it is more timely but does contain errors –spelling, grammatical and factual. The student has included an image. Authoring at level 2. This entry shows a limited level for understanding.

Find 5 spelling errors and write them in the box. Then compare the results with your classmate.

Misspelled word Corrected words

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The conservation trip to the Zoo.

Today's trip to the Zoo was really enjoyable. The Auckland Zoo has lots of animals from many places. The tiger was my favorite. They are such a beautiful animal but are endangered in the wild throughout India and Asia. I can't believe people kill them for medicine or fur coats. The Giraffe is such a cool animal, it can eat leaves high in trees that other animals can reach. Giraffes are not endangered but their homes are being reduced as land is used or farms. I found some info on giraffes at: www.animalplanet.com/animal/1256dt675738hjsu3n4978493jdjgh2jjdsd3dnu3.asp

This is a better entry, focused on the purpose of the trip. The student has included links to research but just inserted the link rather than formatting this. The student has linked issues to the animals they saw. The post is relevant and timely. Blog writing or authoring is at level 3.The entry is structured, with links (the links are raw and need processing) and images, few errors. This entry has reached an acceptable level for understanding.

Write in a paragraph on how to format the links for the text.

Activity: 3

15 BLOCK 1


Activity: 3 Product: A paragraph. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary, the steps and sequences to be written in a mind map.

Uses mind maps to show relationship and sequence of blog’s information and searches new vocabulary in the dictionary.

Identifies the process of recording and reporting events and using blogging tools.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Conservation trip to Auckland Zoo. The Science class went on a trip to Auckland Zoo as part of our conservation unit. The teacher gave us a workbook to work through and asked us to look at the endangered animals. Tigers are endangered throughout the world. Tigers are hunted and poached for their fur and for use in medicines. There are several species of Tigers like the Siberian Tiger, the Sumatrun Tiger. I found some information about Tigers at Animal Planet – Tigers. Giraffes are amazing. They are so well adapted to their Niche. Their neck has the same number of bones as our but is so long. This lets them eats leaves high in trees. This is a huge help for them as they don't have to compete with other animals for food. Animal Planet – Giraffe. The trip was really cool. It was nice to get out of the classroom, but it was very useful to see the animals we have been learning about. I still wonder if it is fair to keep animals in zoos. Wild animals should be in the wild, but I guess the wild is shrinking. We need to take responsibility for this. I would like to help. I might join the WWF rangers on the WWF web site. Mr. T's Blog entry on the trip is really good and the photos are really good, even the one of Charles.

This entry is well structured and shows insight and understanding. The student has included relevant and appropriate links, the entry is well structured and flows. The student offers personal opinion which shows depth of understanding and insight. The post is relevant and timely. Blog writing or authoring is at level 4. The entry is structured, with processed links and images, few errors. This entry shows a good level of understanding.

According to the author, the levels of “Blog Writing” or authoring are given in the tables below the texts. Imagine that you have been on the trip, rewrite the text at level 5, this means that you have to improve the passage. Then compare it with your classmate.

Taken from: Andrew Churches, Blog Journaling Rubric - Bloom's Digital Taxonomy 02/01/09

Activity: 3 (continuation)


After you have learned all about Blogs, discuss in class the steps to create one. Each service is a little bit different; but the basic operation will be similar.

1. Go to: http://www.blogger.com/start.

2. Click on. Create your Blog now. 3. Enter you e-mail address and fill in the other required information. 4. Name your blog. Fill in the required 5. Pick your template. information. 6. You have successfully created your Blog. 7. Select the setting tab; here you can make your changes.

8. Click on the permission link. Select 9. Add each author by e-mail address only blog Authors. Select add Authors. separated by a comma.

Activity: 4

17 BLOCK 1


Activity: 4 Product: Flip chart. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the steps to create a blog and the difference between free blogging services.

Demonstrates the difference between free blogging services and the process of blogging by writing information and present it in class.

Collaborates with classmates by giving his/her opinion about the difference between free blogging services and the steps to follow when creating blogs.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Finally, an e-mail invite will be sent to your address. You will then need to log in with their Google account or create one. You can find a video that can help you more at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA4s3wN_vK8 Team work. After studying the pictures, watching the recommended video, and investigating the difference between free blogging services, have a team discussion. Then write information in a flip chart and present it to class. Free blogging services: Edublogs: http://edublogs.org/

WordPress: http://wordpress.com/ Live Journal: http://www.livejournal.com/

Use this space for drafting

Activity: 4 (continuation)


Closing Activity


Activity: 5 Product: Blog writing rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Presents his/ her blog in class and evaluate the work of his/her partner.

Creates a blog about “Effective use of Blogs in the classroom” or other topic and evaluates his/her partner’s work with a rubric.

Shows interest and ability when using a rubric to evaluate blog writing and appreciates the way his/her work is assessed.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Pair work. Base on the information you have studied, create a blog about the effectiveness of its use in the classroom or choose a topic of a current event, primary sources, editorials, or books reflections. Then present your blog in class and finally evaluate some blogs assigned by your teacher with the “Rubric” provided below.

Blog Writing Rubric

5 points – CONTENT 4-5 points – Topic fully discussed with several examples from experiences and research. 2-3 points – Topic only cursorily discussed with only one example provided. 1 point – Topic barely discussed with no examples provided.

5 points – COHERENCY AND ORGANIZATION 4-5 points – Coherent and well-organized. 2-3 points – Somewhat difficult to follow. 1 point – Not organized.

5 points – ACCURACY 4-5 points – Few errors in spelling and grammar. 2-3 points – Many spelling or grammar errors, but still comprehensible. 1 point – Meaning unclear due to spelling or grammar errors.

5 points – CREATIVITY 4-5 points – Creative presentation of topic including pictures or links to other websites. 2-3 points – Semi-creative presentation without pictures or links. 1 point – Completely uncreative presentation.

Total score

Activity: 5

19 BLOCK 1

Didactic Sequence 2. Wikis.

Start Up Activity


Activity: 1 Product: Crossword puzzle. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies previous and new vocabulary.

Practices and reinforces previous vocabulary and solve puzzle applying new vocabulary.

Integrates social and procedural decisions when solving a crossword puzzle with classmates.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Pair work. How much vocabulary did you learn from the previous sequence about “Blogs”? Use the clues provided to solve the crossword puzzle.


How much do you know about Wikis? Use the clues provided to solve the crossword puzzle with your partner.


Activity: 1

Across 3. Conversation between several blogs. 4. Same as a keyword. 5. Write with enthusiasm or admiration. 6. A style or template for your blog. Down 1. Any contributor to a blog. 2. An individual entry in a blog.

Across 3. A wiki service. 4. Copy data from a computer. Down 1. An encyclopedia on the web. 2. Transfer data from computer to device. 3. Word of Hawaiian origin meaning quick.


Development activities

Activity: 2

21 BLOCK 1

Activity: 2 (continuation)


Reading comprehension rubric.


3 Points The response demonstrates an understanding of the complexities of the text. • Addresses the demands of the question. • Effectively uses text-relevant1 information to clarify or extend Understanding.

2 Points The response demonstrates a general understanding of the text. • Partially addresses the demands of the question. • Uses text-relevant(1) information to show understanding.

1 Points The response demonstrates a minimal understanding of the text. • Minimally addresses the demands of the question. • Uses minimal information to show some understanding of the text in relation to the question.

0 Points The response is completely incorrect, irrelevant to the question, or missing (2).


1. Text-relevant: This information may or may not be an exact copy (quote) of the text but is clearly related to the text and often shows an analysis and/or interpretation of important ideas. Students may incorporate information to show connections to relevant prior experience as appropriate.

2. An exact copy (quote) or paraphrase of the question that provides no new relevant information will receive "0" Points.


Activity: 2 Product: Reading comprehension rubric.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Writes answer to the questions in the Reading activity.

Applies his/her knowledge about the reading “Wikis” and reports in a rubric the work of his/her partner.

Shows interest and ability when using a rubric to evaluate reading comprehension and appreciates the way his/her work is evaluated.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

23 BLOCK 1

Activity: 3



Activity: 3 Product: Poster or Power point presentation.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and understands general ideas about “How to create a WIKI” in a text.

Searches and adds information about “How to create a WIKI” to be use in an oral presentation.

Shows his/her creativity to present information about how to create a WIKI” and collaborates working in teams.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 3 (continuation)

25 BLOCK 1


Activity: 4 Product: Wiki Rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Integrates information to participate in a wiki page and evaluates the work of his/her partner.

Applies his/her knowledge and searches for information to collaborate in a wiki page link given by the teacher.

Shows interest and ability when using a rubric to evaluate a presentation about wikis and appreciates the way his/her work is assessed.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 4


Activity: 5

27 BLOCK 1


Activity: 5 Product: Rubric for presentation a Wiki.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Integrates and writes information in an article to be presented in class and evaluates the work of his/her partner.

Creates a Wiki article about a special location, personality, or event in his/her community. Then reports his/her classmates results using a rubric.

Shows interest and ability when using a rubric to evaluate a wiki article presentation and values his/her work assessment.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points


Tiempo asignado: 20 horas

Identifying types of texts.

Competencias profesionales: 1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Unidad de competencia: Revisa y practica lecturas con el fin de entender e identificar el enunciado principal de un párrafo así como los diferentes tipos de textos.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se

encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local,

nacional e internacional.


Didactic Sequence 1. Prediction text.

Start Up Activity


Activity: 1 Product: Diagnosis questionnaire. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies different types of texts for various purposes in an appropriate range of situations.

Applies previous knowledge to answer a questionnaire about different kind of texts.

Shows openness to feedback made by the teacher.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

How much do you know about types of texts? Underline your choice answer then check them with your teacher.

1. What is the purpose of the following? Don’t miss this offer, today is the last day! a. To persuade you to buy something. b. To provide clear facts about something. c. To tell you how to do something.

2. What type of text is the following passage? The boy was astonished by what he saw inside. Never could he have imagined that, there in the middle of the desert, exist a tent like this one. The ground was covered with the most beautiful carpets he had ever walked upon, and from the top of the structure hung lamps of hand-wrought gold, each with a lighted candle.

a. Descriptive b. Instructive c. Informative

3. What type of texts would you need to use to tell someone how to wire a plug? a. Descriptive b. Instructive c. Informative

4. This is an example of a persuasive text: I had to leave my sick bed to visit Bert Baxter before school. It took me ages to get there, what with feeling weak and having to stop for a rest every now and again, but with the help of an old lady who had a long black moustache I made it to the front door.

a. True b. False

5. A cooking recipe is an example of which type of text? a. Descriptive b. Instructive c. Informative

6. What type of text is this? Everyone was in a state of high excitement, all the women in light cotton saris worn specially for the occasion, now clambering over the side, screaming when the boat rocked and clutching each other in pleasurable panic.

a. Descriptive b. Instructive c. Informative

Activity: 1

31 BLOCK 2

Development activities

Read the passage and write on the line what piece of writing is each one of them. What is a TEXT?

Text is any piece of writing. This could be a letter, an e-mail, a novel, a poem, a recipe, a note, instructions, an article in a newspaper or magazine, writing on a webpage or an advert. All of these examples can be called texts.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. _____________________________________ 4. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________ 5. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________ 6. _____________________________________

Activity: 2

What might the purpose of a text be?

When you are reading or writing any text think about the purpose of the text or why it has been written. An advert might be trying to persuade you to buy something. A letter from school might be to inform you about something. A novel might describe somewhere or someone to you. A car manual might instruct you how to do something to your car. Depending on the purpose of the text, different methods will be used to get the message across to the reader. For more specific information on some of the different types of text we are going to study:

Persuasive texts - Informative texts - Instructive texts - Descriptive texts. In what type of texts will you find the following piece of writing?

1. At the crystal moon, at the red branch _________________________________

of the slow autumn at my window.

2. Buy now pay next year! _________________________________

3. This is to let you know that… _________________________________

4. To change batteries press the… _________________________________

Activity: 2a



Activity: 2 Product: A paragraph. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Revises and practices reading and recognizes different types of text.

Applies his/her knowledge about the different types and purposes of texts.

Shows ability and positive attitude when reading different types of texts for various purposes.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Which of the following is not a piece of text? Discuss in class and circle it.

1 2 3 4

What is the purpose of the above texts? __________________________________________________________________________________________________








Activity: 2b

33 BLOCK 2

Activity: 3

The Paragraph A paragraph is the basic unit of organization in writing in which a group of related sentences develops one main idea. A paragraph can be as short as one sentence or as long as ten sentences. The number of sentences is unimportant; however, the paragraph should be long enough to develop the main idea clearly. A paragraph may stand by itself. In academic writing, a paragraph is often used to answer a test question. A paragraph may also be one part of a longer piece of writing such as a chapter of a book or an essay. You will first learn how to write good paragraphs, and then next semester you will learn how to combine and expand paragraphs to build essays. A paragraph has three major structural parts: Topic sentence Supporting sentences Concluding sentence A good paragraph also has the elements of unity and coherence. Unity means that you discuss only one idea in a paragraph. Coherence means that your paragraph is easy to read and understand because your supporting sentences are in a logical order and connected by appropriate transition signals. Literally, the word coherence means "to stick together."

Topic Sentence The topic of a paragraph is what it is about; it gives only the main idea. Every good paragraph has a topic sentence, which clearly states the topic and the controlling idea of the paragraph. It is usually (but not always) the first sentence in the paragraph.

Supporting Sentence The supporting sentence develops the topic sentence. They explain the topic sentence by giving reasons, examples, facts, statistics, and quotations.

Concluding Sentence The concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader with important points to remember.


Activity: 3c

35 BLOCK 2


Activity: 3 Product: Paragraph. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the structural parts of a paragraph.

Writes topic sentences to provide a focus for the paragraph. Writes enough details in his/her paragraphs to give more information.

Collaborates with classmates to revise the paragraphs.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Read the Wheaton Town paragraph (activity 3c) and answer the questions.

1. In what type of text (Persuasive, Informative, Instructive, or Descriptive) would you find the

paragraph about the Wheaton River? _________________________________________________

2. How wide is the Wheaton River? ___________________________________________________________________

3. Why is the Wheaton River beautiful? ________________________________________________________________

4. What happen when the leaves of the trees fell and cover the river? ______________________________________


5. What is so extraordinary about Wheaton Hill? ________________________________________________________


6. How big is the old tree? __________________________________________________________________________

7. Name the three landmarks that make the town a famous place: _________________________________________

_______________________________________, __________________________________________________________

Activity: 3d

Write a paragraph about your hometown with a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. Use the Wheaton town paragraph as a model. Don’t forget to include details for each supporting sentence. __________________________________________________________________________________________________










Activity: 3e



Activity: 4 Product: A paragraph. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Orders a paragraph following the steps for preparing a hamburger.

Uses the model “Metaphor of the Hamburger” to write a well-organized paragraph.

Values the importance of a metaphor and the way we can relate it to the fundamental unit of composition: the paragraph.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 4

37 BLOCK 2


Activity: 5 Product: Paragraphs. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the topic sentence and the supporting sentences in a paragraph.

Applies his/her knowledge about the structural parts of the paragraph by recognizing topic sentences and ordering supporting sentences.

Integrates new knowledge in order to write a well organize paragraph.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 5



Activity: 6 Product: Paragraphs. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Writes topic sentences for well-organized paragraphs.

Applies his/her knowledge about topics sentences to provide a focus for the paragraph.

Collaborates with classmates to revise the paragraphs.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 6

39 BLOCK 2

Activity: 7



Activity: 7 Product: Exercise. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies transition words to show cohesion between sentences in a paragraph.

Applies “Transition words” to indicate relationship between sentences in a paragraph.

Shows openness to feedback made by the teacher.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 7b

41 BLOCK 2


Activity: 8 Product: Exercise. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies transition words and topic sentences in paragraphs.

Reads paragraphs to recognize transition words and topic sentences.

Integrates new vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 8

In recent years viruses have been shown to cause cancer not only in chickens but also in mice, cats, and even in some primates. ______________________, it is a reasonable hypothesis that viruses might cause cancer in humans.

We do not seek solitude.__________, if we find ourselves alone for once, we flick a switch and invite the whole world in through the television screen.

(Eugene Raskin, "Walls and Barriers")

Little girls, of course, don't take toy guns out of their hip pockets and say "Pow, pow" to all their neighbors and friends like average well-adjusted little boys. ____________________, if we gave little girls the six-shooters, we would soon have double the pretend body count.

We drove the wagon close to a corner post, twisted the end of the wire around it one foot above the ground, and stapled it fast. ___________________, we drove along the line of posts for about 200 yards, unreeling the wire on the ground behind us.



Activity: 9 Product: Transition words chart. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the three major structural parts of a paragraph.

Reads a paragraph to recognize their three major structural parts.

Shows openness to feedback provided by his/her classmates.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 9

43 BLOCK 2

Activity: 10

Animals Sports



Activity: 10 Product: Rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Writes and checks clear, unified and coherent paragraphs.

Provides criteria to evaluate paragraphs using a rubric.

Collaborates and shows respect to his/her partner when working in pairs.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 10 (continuation)

Favorite celebrity

Questions you might ask when writing a paragraph.

Does it have a topic sentence that says

what the paragraph is about? Is it unified? Do all the other sentences

stick to the topic? Is it adequately developed with specific

details to make it interesting? Does it contain errors in spelling,

punctuation, grammar, or sentences construction? (remember that you’ve already studied the use of punctuation).

45 BLOCK 2


Activity: 11 Product: Paragraph production. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies transition words and topic sentences in paragraphs.

Reads paragraphs to recognize transition words and topic sentences to be applied in writing assignments.

Integrates new vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 11


Closing Activity


Activity: 12 Product: Rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Writes a paragraph using the three major structural parts of a paragraph.

Provides criteria to evaluate paragraphs using a rubric.

Collaborates and shows respect to his/her partner when working in pairs.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 12

47 BLOCK 2

Didactic Sequence 2. Persuasive text.

Start Up Activity


Activity: 1 Product: Written ideas. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies ideas of a subject to let them roll out on the paper.

Writes down whatever idea pop into her/his mind about having recess or extra recess in high school and begins identifying persuasive texts writing process.

Shows interest when applying previous knowledge.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 1




Development activities


Activity: 2 Product: Questionnaire. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the purpose of persuasive texts.

Uses language and other textual features to persuade.

Shows a positive attitude when learning a new topic and a sense of initiative to learn.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 2

49 BLOCK 2


Activity: 3 Product: Written feedback. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies rhetorical questions in persuasive texts.

Uses rhetorical questions in persuasive texts.

Shows interest when acquiring new knowledge.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 3

CLEAR YOUR DEBTS FAST! Do you owe more money than you are making?

Do you have lots of different debts?

It's quick and easy to apply and you could get the money within just 2 days! Yes that's right 2 days, so why waste time. So if you want to clear your debts, make home improvements, go on a holiday or just buy something you've always wanted call us now on 0900 7895 2369.


Activity: 4


The title

Bits called abstract or summary

The last sentence of the whole thing

Diagrams or pictures

The first for each paragraph


51 BLOCK 2


Activity: 4 Product: Written feedback. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies information from ads using skimming strategy.

Uses skimming strategy to find and obtain information when reading ads.

Shows interest when acquiring and applying new knowledge, as well as showing a sense of initiative to learn new strategies.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 4b



Activity: 5 Product: Text analysis. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies information using the skimming strategy.

Uses the skimming strategy to find and obtain information.

Collaborates with his/her partner on the activities developed by pairs.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 5

53 BLOCK 2

Activity: 6

Are you smoking? Does someone in your family smoke?

I believe that smoking is bad for you. It is important to give up but it is even better not to have started at all. One reason for my thinking this is that it is unhealthy. Smokers suffer a range of diseases from lung cancer to high blood pressure. Another reason is that it’s very expensive. A final reason is that smoking is very unattractive. Smokers’ clothes smell of smoke and it gives them bad breath. There are a number of reasons why smoking is bad for you. It is unhealthy, it is expensive and it makes you unattractive. Don’t even think of starting!



Activity: 6 Product: Persuasive text. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and writes the thesis and supporting ideas in persuading texts.

Organizes a text using thesis and supporting ideas to persuade the reader.

Shows interest and curiosity about the importance of learning reading strategies and its use.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 6b

Workers need a break Workers in most industrialized countries have shorter work weeks and more holidays than do American workers. A thirty-hour work week could have many advantages for workers and their families. For one thing, parents would have more time to spend with their children to strengthen the family ties that seem to be loosening these days. Increased leisure would permit workers to pursue hobbies and other interests that could enrich their own lives and refresh them for the return to work. There would also be more time for community activities. When the PTA at the children’s school asks for help in the annual fundraiser, help is more likely to be offered. Increased leisure is a mixed blessing, but on the whole it’s a benefit that more workers should receive.

Thesis: Shorter work week for American workers. 1st Support: Time to be with children. 2nd Support: More energy for returning to work.

Thesis: Not everyone would use this time constructively. 1st Support: More time in front of TV. 2nd Support: Increased family tension.

55 BLOCK 2

Closing Activity

Activity: 7



Activity: 7 Product: Rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Orders ideas to write a persuasive dialogue using notes and examples.

Formulates a written dialogue to be presented in speaking and written form, in a convincing manner and take account of other viewpoints.

Shows disposition to approach the opinions and arguments of others with an open mind. Engages in constructive and critical dialogue.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 7a

57 BLOCK 2

Didactic Sequence 3. Descriptive text.

Start Up Activity


Activity: 1 Product: Written ideas. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies descriptive words and phrases in a “Descriptive text”.

Applies strategies and skills to read a descriptive text.

Shows interest when applying previous knowledge.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 1


Development activities

Descriptive words: http://www.msgarrettonline.com/descripwords.html

Activity: 2

Remember Adjectives are describing words - they tell you more about nouns. Nouns are 'naming' words (person, place or thing). Adjectives tell you more about the noun. Using adjectives makes descriptive writing more interesting.

Adverbs are words that tell us more about verbs....they add information to the verb. Any verb you use can have an adverb added. e.g. The girl smiled nervously.

59 BLOCK 2

Activity: 2a



Activity: 2 Product: A descriptive text of a place.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes how language and other textual features are used to achieve descriptive writing.

Uses adjectives and other textual features to write descriptive texts.

Shows a positive attitude when learning a new topic and a sense of initiative to learn.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 2c

61 BLOCK 2

Activity: 3

When I was six years old I decided, against my mother’s advice, that I could pet bees. The sun was warm on my back and the bees were buzzing around the sweet-smelling flowers of the le Sound = 'She sounds melancholic like Madonna.' Sound = 'She sounds melancholic like Madonna.' mon tree. Some of the bees were sitting so still that I just had to touch one. The bees felt soft and furry, and I could feel its “buzziness.” Then I let out the loudest yell I could make. I thought my finger was going to explode. My mother yelled out the back door, “I told you so!” She pulled out the stinger and put ice on my finger. The cold ice dulled the pain, and I knew that I was going to live.


Activity: 3a (continuation)

Sense Verbs

Sense verbs are used in descriptive writing, these are verbs that describe someone's sensation, feeling or perception. We can use sense verbs with adjectives to describe our personal opinions and thoughts about things. Here are some examples of sense verbs: Sound = She sounds melancholic like Madonna. See= Can you see that airplane?' Look = She looked magnificent in the painting. Hear =I heard the phone ringing. Feel = Abdul felt his chair move. Taste= I don’t like to taste spice food. Watch ='They watched the film together. Smell =Cigarette smoke smells burnt.

63 BLOCK 2


Activity: 3 Product: Descriptive texts. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes how language and other textual features are used to achieve descriptive writing.

Uses sense verbs - adjectives and other textual features to write descriptive texts. Uses technology to practice the use of “Sense Verbs”.

Integrates the use of technology when practicing writing descriptive texts.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 3c

Search the internet at the following websites, practice “Sense Verbs”, print the results and post the results sheet here. www.oup.com/.../nef_upperint_grammar04_b02/ www.lingva.com/cafe/.../inter/senseverbs1.htm



Activity: 4 Product: Descriptive paragraph. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes how language and other textual features are used to achieve descriptive writing.

Uses sense verbs - adjectives and other textual features to write descriptive texts.

Shows interest when writing about his/her own experience.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 4

65 BLOCK 2

Activity: 5


Decide what you are looking for.

Star from the page number in the index.

Look for clues such capital


Star from what you are looking and ignore anything else.


Activity: 5a (continuation)

67 BLOCK 2


Activity: 5 Product: Reading strategy questionnaire.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the work of world literature from a famous author by using the strategy of scanning.

Answer questions analyzing ways in which writer use imagery, personification, and figures of speech, to evoke readers’ emotions.

Shows a positive attitude to literature, recognizing it as a potential source of personal and cultural enrichment.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 5b



Activity: 6 Product: A descriptive text. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes that pictures and drawings help present and define words in meaningful way.

Writes to describe a picture demonstrating mastery of grammar, diction, and paragraph and sentence Structure.

Shows interest when applying strategies to create a written text.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 6

Drawing of chapter 26 in “The little Prince”.

69 BLOCK 2

Activity: 7



Activity: 7 Product: Reading rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies information by adopting the reading strategy of scanning.

Shows Ability to read and understand different texts, adopting strategies appropriate to a reading purpose.

Show disposition to approach the opinions and arguments of others with an open mind.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 7a

71 BLOCK 2

Closing Activity


Activity: 8 Product: Reading rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognized work of world literature from a famous author.

Writes and demonstrates mastery of grammar, diction, and paragraph and sentence structure.

Shows interest when applying strategies to answer and give his/her own opinion.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Activity: 8


Tiempo asignado: 20 horas

Building healthy habits.

Competencias profesionales: 1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Unidad de competencia: Escribe y lee textos informativos para obtener más conocimiento de un área en particular y aprende mediante textos instructivos a seguir los pasos o a dar instrucciones de recetas, concejos de salud, documentos académicos, etc.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se

encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local,

nacional e internacional.


Didactic Sequence 1. Informative text.

Start Up Activities


Activity: 1 Product: Ice breaker activity. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes different images in a picture.

Reports to his/her classmates a picture from different angles to reinforce key points in grammar and to be prepared for coming activities.

Collaborates with classmates to create a positive group atmosphere.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Pair work. Look at this picture closely, who do you see? Tell your classmate to stand at a 5 meter distance, who does he/she see? AMASSING!

An illusion is an image or representation believed to be real in our mind’s eye, but that is not actually real. In other words, because of the way our eyes and brain work, our eyes are tricked into seeing something that is not really there or into seeing something happen that did not really happen. Illusions can be very deceiving and unreliable. When you read an informative task like a newspaper article or official document (memorandums, letters, invoices), do you think they are reliable or trustworthy? ______________________________________________________

When you look at this picture closely, you see Albert Einstein. But if you stand at a 5 meter distance, it will become Marilyn Monroe.

Activity: 1

75 BLOCK 3


Activity: 2 Product: Table. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Analyzes the questions about newspaper reading with his/her partner.

Discusses the answers about newspaper reading with his/her partner.

Collaborates in pairs creating a positive group atmosphere.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Pair work. Ask your partner the following questions and discuss them. Then, fill in the table with the answers

1. How often do you read a newspaper?

2. Which newspaper(s) do you usually read?

3. When do you usually read the newspaper?

4. Do you usually read it thoroughly or skim through it?

5. Which sections of the newspaper do you read first?

6. What do you like about your favorite newspaper?

7. What are the different newspapers like in your country?

Your Partner You

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Activity: 2


Development activities

Read the information.

Informative texts. An informative text is a text that wants to advise or tell you about something. This writing piece is designed to communicate facts and data. When you begin writing an informative paragraph and section, think about your readers’ needs for orientation. Tell them how your message is connected with what they already know using orienting words and phrases, by explaining technical terms, and by using the old to amplify and support the new.

Informational text forms (such as explanations, reports, news articles, magazine articles and instructions) are written to communicate information about a specific subject, topic, event or process. These texts use vocabulary, special design elements, and organizational patterns to express ideas clearly and make them easier to read.

• A newspaper article might give you information about a health issue like giving up smoking. • A website might give you information about a movie, band or something that you are interested in. • A handout from school might be advising you about what your child will be doing during the next term. • Passages in the form of letters, memos, newspaper articles, faxes, schedules, etc. might give inside office


Tips for reading informative texts:

• Set purpose for reading. Ask yourself why you are reading this particular text. • Look over the text to see which elements appear (such as headings, subheadings, illustrations and

captions, etc.). • Examine the titles, headings, and subheadings, and SCAN for words that stand out. • Look for words and phrases that might give you clues about how the information is organized. • Read any overviews, summaries or questions. In a shorter piece, read the opening and concluding

sentences or paragraphs. • Examine each illustration and read the titles or captions. • Recall what you already know about the topic. • Record some questions you might have about the topic.

Activity: 3

Informative texts use words that: • Are descriptive • Are precise and to the

point • Relate to the subject • Are in the present


Informative texts usually:

Avoid repetition Contain facts

Give information in a clear way.

Introduces the subject and then developing it

Use orienting words and phrases you know: • Until now • Obviously • Normally • Previously • Everyone is familiar

with remember that • of course

77 BLOCK 3


Activity: 3 Product: Coherent paragraphs. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies informative texts for various purposes.

Applies information about informative texts for various purposes.

Shows initiative when acquiring new knowledge.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

An informative paragraph should tell your readers all they need to know about a single idea, in a logical sequence, without wasting their time with irrelevant detail. Here are some advises to take into on account when you write an informative text. Read and analyze the information above and assemble sentences into coherent paragraphs to write about “informative texts” in a separate piece of paper.

Post and fold your paper here.

Activity: 3a

To write an informative text


Reading a Newspaper.

Look in your dictionary for the following newspaper vocabulary. Then choose the correct word to complete statements.

1. Cartoons ________________________________ 2. Gossip columns __________________________ 3. Reviews _________________________________ 4. Headlines _______________________________ 5. Want ads ________________________________ 6. Classified section _________________________ 7. Sections ________________________________

8. Sensational _______________________ 9. Scan ____________________________ 10. Editorials _________________________ 11. Reporters ________________________ 12. Forecast _________________________ 13. Advertising ____________________ 14. Opinions ______________________

Activity: 4

I like reading newspapers, especially on Sundays. I get a big cup of coffee, buy the New York Times

and sit down for a long 1._________________ through the various 2.__________________. Of course, I

tend to head right to the 3._________________ sometimes called the "funnies". By looking at the first

page, I see what the principle stories are by looking at the 4._________________. One of my favorite

sections is where various opinions are expressed in the 5.___________________. Some of these

opinions are 6.____________________, but they are not nearly as bad as the

7._____________________, which usually make me laugh! I would always like a better job, so I go to

the 8.______________________ and take a look at the 9. ____________________. The New York Times

has wonderful 10._______________________, who do an excellent job getting the facts right.

Unfortunately, the weather 11._______________________ is often quite wrong. One last thing, do you

know why the New York Times is so large? Because of the 12.__________________________, which

sometimes takes up an entire page!

79 BLOCK 3


Activity: 4 Product: Newspaper extracts. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies parts of a newspaper to be used in short extracts.

Applies newspaper vocabulary when reading short extracts.

Shows initiative when acquiring new knowledge.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Look at these newspaper extracts. Match the parts of a newspaper with the appropriate extract. Write the correct answer on the line.

business news - classified ads - editorial - gossip column - horoscope - news in brief – sports section – letters page - TV page - weather forecast

1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. ________________________ 5. ________________________ 6. _________________________ 7. ________________________ 8. ________________________ 9. _________________________ 10. ________________________

Activity: 4a

RG to get new


RG to get Taurus: Today’s the day to make those important decisions to make those important. .decisions

Sir, Following the recent debate on educational standards, I would like to remind your readers that.

Robbie and Britney share late-night taxi.

Beckham penalty saves the day

PICK OF THE DAY: 9.00 Channel 4 Where are they now? Takes a look at what has happened to some of the people who have made the headlines in the last ten years.

For sale: Mercedes SLK, 2002, 34,000 miles, silver, one owner, immaculate, $20,000

Car theft up: Latest police figures show that car theft has risen 15% since 2000.

The Sun says: The proposed strike by teachers is wrong. Our children should not…



Activity: 5 Product: Paragraphs. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the topic sentence and the supporting sentences in a paragraph.

Applies his/her knowledge about the structural parts of the paragraph by recognizing topic sentences and ordering supporting sentences.

Integrates new knowledge in order to write a well organize paragraph.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Choose a newspaper; keep track of an article you read to fill in the information. Make sure to choose the article from a variety of sections.

Headline of article: ______________________________________________________________

Issue date: _____________________________________________________________________

Section: _________________________________________________Page:_________________

1. Why I chose this article: ______________________________________________


2. One interesting thing I learned: ________________________________________


3. One connection I can make between this article and something else I know

about (personal experience, school, a book, a movie, etc.):















Activity: 5

W-H Formula

The W-H Formula helps our

reading comprehension.

The W-H questions are:

who, what, when, where,

why, how. If each time that

we read a news article we

remember to apply this

formula, we will always find

in the first paragraph or so

answers to the questions,

and at once understand

much of the story.

Sometimes it helps to

actually write out the 6

questions and the 6


81 BLOCK 3

Read other informative texts, use the “Tips for reading informative text,” select the best answer for each question and underline it.

1. What is this advertisement for? a) A summer trip. b) A travel company. c) A special deal. d) A free magazine.

2. How much do the sunglasses cost? a) They are free with a subscription. b) They cost $1 c) They cost $3 Canadian. d) They cost $21. 95 US.

3. What is the limit of this offer? a) $3 US b) Time. c) Canadian residents. d) Residents outside America.

4. Who cannot benefit from this special deal? a) Canadians. b) UK residents. c) North Americans. d) US residents.

Pair work.

Activity: 6

Free sunglasses and case Purchase a 12 month subscription to Vacation the Nation today and receive a free pair of Sunnies Sunglasses with your very own soft leather case. To get your free Sunnies follow these 3 easy steps.

1. Purchase a copy of Vacation the Nation, New York's #1 Travel magazine.

2. Fill out the application card (found in the center of the magazine).

3. Mail the card and $21.95 US to the address provided.

This is a limited time offer only. Application and funds must be received no later than Dec 1st 2011. Canadian residents should add $3 US for shipping. Offer not available for residents outside of North America.

TO: All employees.

FROM: VenessaHardwrightMEMO. SUBJECT: Reduction in staff DATE: December 28, 2011. As anticipated, the recent merger with FGA United has resulted in overlap of some functions. Consequently, it is necessary to reduce our work force in those areas in which we have significant duplication of effort. Effective March 3, we will experience a 30% reduction in staff, right across seniority lines. Persons affected will be notified by the end of next month. These employees will receive two months' severance pay. Our personnel office will hold a series of meetings in the middle of February to discuss unemployment insurance benefits and to help those affected secure new jobs. If you plan to attend, call Marcos Twine at extension #131. We thank you for all your hard work. Unfortunately this layoff could not be avoided. We wish you employment success in the future. Vanessa Hardwright CEO. ZBT Electronics.

1. What is the purpose of this memo?

a) To announce changes in company structure.

b) To declare a merger with FGA United. c) To motivate employees to work

harder. d) To request attendance at upcoming

meetings. 2. When will employees be informed about

their company status?

a) In December. b) In January. c) In February. d) In March.

3. According to the memo, what is TRUE?

a) FGA United will secure jobs for all employees.

b) No executives will be made redundant.

c) Not all departments are affected by the merger.

d) Some employees will receive a bonus.


Read the informative text; choose and underline the answer that best complete each of the following statements. Then answer the questions.


Many people think that being healthy is not being sick. They think that if a person is in good physical shape, that person is healthy. But there are problems with thinking of health in physical terms alone. Do you know students who are always getting into fights? Would you call these people healthy? And what about a person who never seems to feel happy no matter what he or she does? Being in good shape is important. Yet there is much more than that to good health. Besides physical health, your total health picture takes into account your mental health and your social health. In other words, being healthy also means feeling good about yourself and getting along with others. Health is a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being. The three sides of your health are connected, like the side of a triangle. Each side affects the other two sides. For example, being physically tired can make you grouchy. Being depressed for a long time can make you feel weak and run-down. To be healthy, you need to have a balanced health triangle. You can accomplish this by working to keep each side of your triangle healthy. Thanks to modern research, we know more about health than ever before. We now know that many diseases and illnesses can be blamed at least partly on bad health habits. These bad habits include eating the wrong foods and using tobacco or alcohol or drugs. Other bad habits are getting too little exercise and handling stress poorly. Practicing good health habits lessens our chances of illness and helps us stay well. Good health habits include the following:

Choosing the right foods.

Avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. Taking part in a regular program of exercise.

Learning ways of handling stress. This knowledge has led health educators to add a word to our language. That word is wellness. Wellness is actively making choices and decisions that promote good health. Wellness is more than just the absence of illness. It is a way of living. It is taking an active role in trying to reach and stay at a high level of health. When you practice wellness, you work at having a balanced health triangle. You also stay alert for ways to protect and improve your health. 1. Total health is made up of mental, social, and physical.

a) well-being b) stress c) weaknesses d) support 2. Discovering who you are and knowing how to express your emotions are part of you.

a) physical health b) wellness c) social health d) mental health 3. Actively making decisions that promote good health is called.

a) exercise b) wellness c) total health d) knowledge

Activity: 6a

83 BLOCK 3


Activity: 6 Product: Questionnaire and table. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and infers vocabulary when reading an informative text.

Uses the scanning strategy for reading a text with unfamiliar vocabulary.

Shows openness to feedback made by his/her partners.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

1. What is wellness? _________________________________________________________________


2. What are the three sides of total health? ___________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________, _______________________________________________

3. Why the three sides of health are connected like the sides of a triangle?



4. What do you need to do to when practicing good health habits? ____________________




5. Name some rules in your school that promote wellness: _____________________________________________



6. What sport do you practice? _____________________________________________________________________

6b. Are these things beneficial or harmful for your health? Complete this table with your partner(s). Change partners and share what you wrote.

Why is it Beneficial for your health Why is it Harmful for your health

Energy drinks


Fast Food




Activity: 6a (continuation)


Pair work pre-reading activity. Read the headline of the following newspaper text only, discuss with your partner and guess if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

a. Energy drinks are definitely harmful to children. T F

b. The drinks Red Bull and Monster Energy have several health benefits. T / F

c. A doctor says energy drinks can actually kill children. T / F

d. Another doctor says these drinks should be monitored for poisons. T / F

e. Around a half of U.S. pre-teens consume caffeine-filled energy drinks. T / F

f. Sales of the drinks in the U.S. have fallen over the past two years. T / F

g. A Red Bull spokesperson agreed there were safety concerns. T / F

h. Red Bull is banned in a few nations because of tiny amounts of cocaine. T / F

7a. Read the informative text and circle any words you do not understand. With your partner, group unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.

Energy Drinks Harmful to Kids. 15th February, 2011

Energy drinks packed full of caffeine may be harmful for children.That’s the conclusion of a new report from the University of Miami. Study author Judith Schaechter said popular drinks like Red Bull and Monster Energy have no health benefits. Many of the ingredients used to make them are not regulated. Dr. Schaechter warned that children with conditions such as diabetes, mood swings and heart, kidney or liver diseases may have negative reactions to the drinks and could even die after drinking them. Report co-author Steven Lipshultz said: “Pediatricians need to be aware of the possible effects of energy drinks.” He advised that: “Toxicity surveillance should be improved and regulations of…sales…should be based on appropriate research assessing energy drink safety. Nearly a third of American children between the ages of 12 to 14 regularly buy these beverages. Sales are steadily rising in the U.S. from $6.5 billion in 2008 to $6.9 billion in 2009. Sales for 2010 are expected to be much higher. American teens say the drinks help them at school. Tracy Wong, 18, said she needs them because, “it pumps my system full of caffeine. That's why I have energy. Caffeine energizes you and keeps you awake." A Red Bull spokesman said: “Red Bull Energy Drink is available in over 160 countries because health authorities across the world have concluded that [it] is safe to consume.” However, it is banned in Germany and Taiwan for containing minute traces of cocaine.

ESL/EFL lessons Copyright © 2004-2011 by Sean Banville.

Word Dictionary meaning









Activity: 7

85 BLOCK 3

Pair work. Ask your partner to read the energy drinks text, listen and fill in the gaps. Now you read the text to your partner and have him/her write the missing word(s). Then check and compare results. Energy drinks (1) __________________ full of caffeine may be harmful for children. That’s the conclusion of a new

report from the University of Miami. Study author Judith Schaechter said popular drinks like Red Bull and Monster

Energy have no health (2) ________________. Many of the ingredients used to make them are not (3) __________.

Dr. Schaechter warned that children with conditions such as diabetes, mood (4) ___________________and heart,

kidney or liver diseases may have negative reactions to the drinks and could (5) ____________________ die after

drinking them. Report co-author Steven Lipshultz said: “Pediatricians need to be aware of the possible effects of

energy drinks.” He advised that: “Toxicity surveillance should be improved and regulations of…sales…should be

based (6) ________________________ appropriate research assessing energy drink safety.”

Nearly a third of American children between the ages of 12 to 14 regularly buy these (7) _________________.

Sales are steadily rising in the U.S. from $6.5 billion in 2008 to $6.9 billion in 2009. Sales for 2010 are (8)

______________ to be much higher. American teens say the drinks help them at school. Tracy Wong, 18, said she

needs them because, “it pumps my system full (9) ________________________ caffeine. That's why I have energy.

Caffeine energizes you and keeps you (10) ____________________." A Red Bull spokesman said: “Red Bull

Energy Drink is available in over 160 countries because health authorities across the world have (11

___________________ that [it] is safe to consume.” However, it is banned in Germany and Taiwan for containing

(12) _____________________ traces of cocaine.

7c. Synonym match. Match the following synonyms from the article and write the letter on the corresponding line. Check with your partner. 1. Packed ________ a. Monitoring

2. Regulated ________ b. Crammed

3. Conditions ________ c. Drink

4. Surveillance ________ d. Drinks

5. Appropriate ________ e. Pushes

6. Beverages ________ f. Controlled

7. Pumps ________ g. Tiny

8. Concluded ________ h. Illnesses

9. Consume ________ i. Determined

10. Minute (adj.) ________ j. Suitable

Activity: 7b



Activity: 7 Product: Exercises and rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary when reading an informative text, completes statements and answer questions.

Practices vocabulary when reading an informative text, completing statements and answering questions. Applies a rating scale to evaluate his/her partner’s achievement.

Shows openness to feedback when he/she is made aware of his/her weaknesses and strengths.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Answer the following questions and then ask them to your partner. Fill in the table with the answers and check the pair work using the rubric below.

Question Your partner’s answers Your answer

a) Did you like reading this article?

b) How popular are energy drinks in your country?

c) What do you do if you need to stay awake to study or work?

d) Are energy drinks a good thing to help people study?

e) Is caffeine good or bad for you?

f) Would you like your system to be pumped full of caffeine?

g) If 160 countries have approved Red Bull, is it safe?

h) What do you know about the history of energy drinks?

i) If Red Bull has cocaine in it, why have only two places banned it?

PairWork Rubric



1 points Fair

3 points Good

5 points

Participation Poor

Shows no team effort. Fair

Shows little team effort. Good

Shows active team effort.

Completion Poor

doesn't complete their part of the assignment

Fair completes their part of the assignment

Good completes their part of the assignment


Poor Does not read instructions and asks what to do.

Fair Reads instructions but asks for clarification.

Good Reads instructions and follows directions.

Total points

Activity: 7d

87 BLOCK 3

Read the text carefully; choose and underline the answer that best complete each of the following statements.

Fitness and you Many people think of fitness, like health, in purely physical terms. They think fitness means being in good shape or being able to play a sport well. But fitness has more than just a physical side. When you are fit you are ready to handle whatever comes your way from day to day. Being fit carries many benefits. Some are listed in the box:

An important key to fitness is exercise. Regular exercise gives you added energy and helps you fight disease and illness. It also makes you look and feel better. In general, it improves your sense of well-being. In recent years, Americans have discovered this key to fitness. Aerobics----rhythmic, nonstop, vigorous activities that aid the heart have become very popular. So have programs involving weight training. More and more people are turning to Lifetime sport to maintain fitness. Among the good exercises that can be enjoyed throughout life are swimming, bicycling, soccer, running, and hiking uphill. Different exercises offer different fitness benefits. Some exercises help increase your flexibility. Others build muscles strength. Still others build endurance. The sport or activity you choose should reflect your abilities and interests. Being feet has many benefits. The most important one is that you feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, you are more likely to make healthy choices. An effective fitness program requires thoughtful planning and careful thinking. Here are seven steps to follow in developing your own program:

1. Choose an activity that you enjoy. 2. Identify the best time of day to exercise. 3. Set realistic goals. 4. Don’t exercise too much a one time. 5. Reward yourself. 6. Don’t exercise just for now – make your fitness program

a part of your future, too. 7. Make friends with others who exercise. 8. Enjoy an activity with your family.

Activity: 8

Benefits of Fitness Being fit….

Helps you be at ease with yourself and sure of yourself. Gives you more energy and helps you keep your weight down.

Prepares you mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially for the ups and downs of life. Increases your chances of succeeding in whatever tasks you take on and help you feel confident. Helps you to manage stress and have more fun.



Activity: 8 Product: Questionnaire and report. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and infers vocabulary when reading an informative text to identify weaknesses of his/her partner.

Uses scanning strategy for reading a text with unfamiliar vocabulary to write a report to his/her partner.

Shows openness to feedback when he/she is made aware of his/her weak level of fitness.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

1. The importance of fitness is that it prepares you to:

a. handle whatever b. be top athlete c. run long races d. study wellness comes your way

2. A vigorous nonstop activity that aids the heart is called:

a. warming up b. target pulse rate c. an aerobic exercise d. endurance

3. Exercises help increase: a. rhythm of the heart b. flexibility c. energy d. weight

4. In planning an exercise program, you need to: a. get plenty of sleep b. set realistic goals c. find a partner d. see a doctor

5. Flexibility, muscles strength and endurance are: a. exercise b. fitness benefits c. activities d. sports

8a. Do you get enough exercise? Here are some questions that will help you decide whether you need more exercise to improve your fitness. Ask your partner the questions and then answer them.

Fitness Questionnaire

Question Your partner You

Do you get tired easily from physical activities?

Do you get tired easily from mental activities?

Do you have low endurance (resistance) of the muscles, heart, or lungs?

Do you have poor posture?

Do you exercise just for one or two semesters or for a short period of time?

If your partner answers to any of these questions: YES, go back to the text to write a report giving her/him some advice so he/she can work on a level of fitness. First present the report to your teacher.

Activity: 8 (continuation)

89 BLOCK 3

Read the NEWSPAPER article carefully, scan it and underline true or false. Then answer

the questions.

Are You Addicted to the Internet?


A new study shows that teens who spend too much time online and experience withdrawal when they go offline are

more prone to depression. Does this ring true for you or for someone you know?

As Roni Caryn Rabin reports in the Science Times: Researchers who followed more than 1,000 students at high schools in Guangzhouall of them free of anxiety and depression at the start of the study found that after nine months, rates of severe depression among “pathological” users were 2.5 times those of the others. The study was published Aug. 2 in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. It used self-rating scales to assess anxiety and depression, along with an addiction test that asks questions like “How often do you feel depressed, moody or nervous when you are offline, which goes away once you are back online?” Of the 1,041 subjects, 94 percent were classified as normal Internet users and 6 percent as moderately pathological or at severe risk for addiction. After nine months, 87 students, or 8.4 percent, developed mild to severe depression. While depression is an established risk factor for excessive Internet use, the study suggests the reverse may also be true, said the lead author, Dr. Lawrence T. Lam, of the School of Medicine, Sydney, in Australia. He speculated that users often went days or weeks without getting enough sleep, which can contribute to depression, and tended to react intensely to the online game world. “Failure in the game-playing is as real as failure in other parts of their life,” he said. True or False. 1. Students from Guangzhouall were free of anxiety after a nine month research. True False

2. One of the questions asked was: How often do you feel temperamental? True False

3. 13 students didn’t develop severe depression. True False

4. Users were depressed because they didn’t sleep. True False

5. Happiness may be a consequence of abuse of the internet. True False

Activity: 9



Activity: 9 Product: Questionnaire. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies information from a report and integrates new vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Applies the acquired information to answer questions based on a reading using the scanning reading strategy.

Shows openness to feedback when he/she is made aware of his/her weaknesses and strengths.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

1. Tell us how you think your Internet use affects you. ____________



2. How much time do you spend online? _____________________________________

3. Do your Internet habits keep you from getting enough sleep? __________________

4. Have you experienced the kind of depression and emotional reactions the researchers describe, or observed

in others? _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why do you think excessive Internet use contributes to depression in teenagers?


9b. Q’s about the “New York Times” news. Watch the video on the recommended web page and use it to answer the following basic news questions.

HOW many text messages does the first teen interviewed in the video say she had last month?


WHAT is the “battle going on in classrooms across the country”?


WHY is the “old traditional way” of teaching now starting to change? WHY do experts believe that young brains

need downtime?___________________________________________________________________________________


WHO does this video remind you of? _________________________________________________________________

WHERE is the school profiled in the video located? _____________________________________________________

WHEN do you think the “shift taking place at the intersection of education and technology” really began?


Activity: 9a

91 BLOCK 3

Closing Activity

Search the Internet and find out more about energy drinks. Write and share what you discovered with your partner(s) in the next class. Use visuals to reinforce your text presentation such as drawings, poster, and pictures in a separate paper. _________________________________________________________________________________________________































Activity: 10



Activity: 10 Product: Rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Writes a report based on the information taken from the internet and integrates new vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Applies the acquired information to write a report based on a reading from the internet using the scanning reading strategy.

Shows openness to feedback when he/she is made aware of his/her weaknesses and strengths.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Fill in the rubric to evaluate your partner’s report and ask your partner to evaluate yours.

Criteria Points

1 2 3 4

Organization Sequence of information is

difficult to follow.

Reader has difficulty

following work because student jumps around.

Student presents information in

logical sequence which reader can


Information in logical,

interesting sequence which

reader can follow.

Content Knowledge

Student does not have grasp of information;

student cannot answer questions

about subject.

Student is uncomfortable

with content and is able to

demonstrate basic concepts.

Student is at ease with

content, but fails to elaborate.

Student demonstrates full

knowledge (more than required).

Grammar and Spelling

Work has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical


Presentation has three

misspellings and/or

grammatical errors.

Presentation has no more than

two misspellings and/or

grammatical errors.

Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical


Neatness Work is Illegible. Work has three

or four areas that are sloppy.

Work has one or two areas that

are sloppy.

Work is neatly done.

References and visual aids

Work displays no reference and no

visual aids.

Work does not have the required

reference and poor visual aids.

Reference section was completed

incorrectly and clear visual aid.

Work displays the correct

reference, written correctly with

appropriate and clear visual aids.


Activity: 10 (continuation)

93 BLOCK 3


Use this chart to record your thinking before, during and after reading the following the New York Times article on the next page. To begin, use the “K” or “What I Know” column to make a list of things you already know about the topic before you read it. In the “W” or “What I Want to Know” column, make a list of questions that come to your mind either before you read or while you’re reading. Finally, in the “L” or “What I Learned” column, make a list of facts you learned from the article, including, if possible, the answers to some of your questions. Headline of article: _________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

What I know What I want to know What I learned

Activity: 11



Activity: 11 Product: K/w/l chart. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Analyzes an article using strategies of the reading process.

Demonstrates knowledge and ability when using strategies of the reading process.

Shows interest and ability when using reading strategies.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

READ the extended news article taken from the New York Times. Then, WRITE OUT the answers to the W-H questions.

Libya -Protests and Revolt

Libya, an oil-rich nation in North Africa, has been under the firm, if sometimes erratic, leadership of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi since he seized power in 1969. But in February 2011, the unrest sweeping through much of the Arab world erupted in several Libyan cities. Though it began with a relatively organized core of antigovernment opponents in Benghazi, its spread to the capital of Tripoli was swift and spontaneous. Colonel Qaddafi lashed out with a level of violence unseen in either of the other uprisings, but an inchoate opposition cobbled together the semblance of a transitional government, fielded a makeshift rebel army and portrayed itself to the West and Libyans as an alternative to Colonel Qaddafi's erratic control. Momentum shifted quickly, however, and the rebels faced the possibility of being outgunned and outnumbered in what increasingly looked like a mismatched civil war. As Colonel Qaddafi’s troops advanced to within 100 miles of Benghazi, the rebel stronghold in the west, the United Nations Security Council voted to authorize military action, a risky foreign intervention aimed at averting a bloody rout of the rebels by loyalist forces. On March 19, American and European forces began a broad campaign of strikes against Colonel Qaddafi and his government, unleashing warplanes and missiles in a military intervention on a scale not seen in the Arab world since the Iraq war.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who did it? _______________________________________________________________________________________

What did that person do? ___________________________________________________________________________

When did that person do it? _________________________________________________________________________

Where did that person do it? ________________________________________________________________________

Why did that person do it? __________________________________________________________________________

How did the person do it? ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 11 (continuation)

95 BLOCK 3

Didactic Sequence 2. Instructive text.

Start Up Activity


Activity: 1 Product: Foldable health triangle. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary used in instructive texts.

Elaborates a foldable triangle following details.

Enjoys the activity and share results with classmates.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Read the instructions and follow the steps to create a foldable “Health triangle”. Keep the triangle close to you so you can remember that the three sides of your health are connected, like the sides of a triangle.

Step 1. Line up one of the short edges of a sheet of paper with one of the long edges to form a triangle. Fold and cut off the leftover rectangle.

Step 2. Fold the triangle in half, then unfold. The folds will form an X dividing four equal sections.

Step 3. Cut up one fold line, and stop at the middle. This forms two triangular flaps. Draw an X on one tab, and label the other three Physical, Mental and Social. Step 4. Fold the X flap under the other flap, and glue together to make a three-sided pyramid.

Step 5. Write the main ideas about the three parts of health on the back of the appropriate side of the pyramid. If you don’t remember go back to didactic sequence 1 and read information from the text “WHAT IS HEALTH?” Taken from URL of Glencoe’s health Web page.

Activity: 1


Development activities

Instructive Texts

An instructive text is a text that instructs or tells you how to do something. Instructions are often written down and can be in the form of notes to help the reader to complete a task, to make something, to follow recipes, or to read academic instructions. The structure usually consists of three elements:

A goal (often the title). A list of materials (things you need).

A list of ordered steps (what you need to do).

Sequence words are used when you want to tell someone, how to do something that must be done in steps. These words help you understand the correct order in which to do things.

Following and writing instructions. If you write you have the opportunity to write your opinion, if you are the reader you have to be particularly careful. When you see instructions on signs, or in recipes or DIY (do it yourself) manuals they are usually written using the imperative. The imperative is formed by using the verb without to or any noun or pronoun in front of it. E.G: You need to turn left at the Post office, becomes Turn left at the post office. This type of instruction doesn't say WHO has to follow it.

Activity: 2

INFINITIVE COMPLEMENT The Infinitive complement is used to give advice or instructions. It is formed with a simple verb and an infinitive complement. Simple verb Infinitive complement Remember + to press the button. Make sure + to recharge the batteries. Negative verb Infinitive complement Don’t forget + to turn off your computer. Don’t try + to click two times.


Sequence words or adverbs also known as “Order words” are used in sentences of paragraphs that tell sequence of events. Sequence words are use when you want to tell someone, how to do something that must be done in steps and each of these steps should be done in specific order, they are used in manuals, stories, recipes, etc. First - Next - Finally - Then - After that - Last First locate your cable modem. Then, unplug the computer when you finish. Next, open internet explorer and type. After that, you can be sure to unplug it. Finally, close the wireless network connection.

97 BLOCK 3


Activity: 2 Product: Instructive texts. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies an “Instructive Text” and its elements.

Applies vocabulary related to instructive texts and their elements.

Shows initiative when acquiring new knowledge about instructive texts.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

What kind of instructive text is it? Is it a recipe, an instructive manual, or an academic instruction? Write the correct answer under the picture. ________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________ Write the name of the element of the instructive text. _______________________ _______________________


Activity: 2 (continuation)


Here is an example of an electronic device manual. Scan the text, answer the questions, and fill in the grid on the following page.

How to connect a wireless modem: 1. Choose your wireless equipment. Make sure that you have the

equipment you need. 2. Connect your wireless router.

First, locate your cable modem or DSL modem and unplug it to turn it off. Next, connect your wireless router to your modem. Your modem should stay connected directly to the Internet router to your modem. Later, your computer will wirelessly connect to your router, and the router will send communication through your modem to the Internet.

3. Configure your wireless router. Using the network cable that came with your wireless router, you should temporarily connect your computer to one of the open network ports on your wireless router. Turn your computer on. It should automatically connect to your router. Next, open Internet Explorer and type in the address to configure your router, you may be asked for a password, refer to the instructions included with your router.

4. Connect your computer. If your computer does not have wireless network support build in, be sure to plug your network adapter into your USB port, and the antenna on top of your computer (in a desktop computer), or insert the network adapter into an empty PC card slot (in a laptop) .Windows XP will automatically detect the new adapter, and may prompt you to insert the CD that came with your adapter. The one-screen instructions will guide you through the configuration process.

Step 1: Right click the wireless network icon in the lower –right corner of your screen, and then click View Available Wireless Networks.

Step 2: The wireless Network connection window should appear and you should see your wireless connection listed with the network name you chose. If don’t, click Refresh network list in the upper-left corner. Click your network, and then Connect in the lower-right corner.

Step 3: Windows XP prompts you to enter a key. Type the encryption key that you wrote down earlier in both Network key and Confirm network key boxes, and then click Connect.

Step 4: Windows XP will show its progress as it connects to your network, after you’re connected, don’t forget to close the Wireless Network Connection window. YOU’RE DONE.

Adapted from: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/moredone/wirelesssetup.mspx

1. Have you ever followed instructions to connect a wireless modem? ____________________________________

2. Write down the goal of the manual:_______________________________________________________________

3. Write down the list of materials or devices needed to connect a wireless modem.



4. Does the instructive manual have a list of ordered steps? ____________________________________________

5. Write down the sequence words used in the text? ___________________________________________________


6. Write down the “Infinitive complements” you find in the text. __________________________________________


Activity: 3

99 BLOCK 3


Activity: 3 Product: Information grid. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes information through the scanning reading strategy.

Uses the scanning reading strategy to find and obtain information.

Shows interest and ability when using reading strategies.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

What are they instructing someone to do? How to…

Who are they giving the instructions to?

What is needed? Tools, devices, etc.




Finally… Close the Wireless Network Connection window and YOU’RE DONE.

Activity: 3 (continuation)



Activity: 4 Product: Information grid. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies information from an authentic document.

Uses the scanning reading strategy to find and obtain information from an authentic document.

Shows interest and ability when using reading strategies in an authentic document.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

When you buy any electric device like a hair drier, a blender, a car stereo, home stereo, an iPod, a cell phone, etc., you will find information in a manual that tells you how to connect wires or how to use it. Find any of these manuals, bring it to class and fill in the grids like you did in the previous activity.

What are they instructing someone to do? How to…

Who are they giving the instructions to?

What is needed? Tools, devices, etc.





…………………………………………………………………………………………..YOU’RE DONE.

Activity: 4

101 BLOCK 3

DICTIONARY USE. Pair Work. Look for the following “Verbs for instruction” in your English dictionary and compare the meaning with your partner.

Verbs Meaning Verbs Meaning

1. Access 2. Analyze 3. Belong 4. Connect 5. Create 6. Dial 7. Drop 8. Exchange 9. Expose 10. Get on 11. Heat 12. Identify 13. Make sure 14. Perform

15. Place 16. Plug 17. Press 18. Process 19. Recharge 20. Remember 21. Research 22. Run(a machine) 23. Save 24. Send 25. Spill 26. Store 27. Unplug 28. Use

5a. Choose a verb to complete the statements.

Spill – put – heat – expose – keep - recharge – save - unplug

1. _____________________ your hair dryer after you use it.

2. Don’t forget to___________________ your work in the laptop computer.

3. _______________________ the batteries often.

4. _______________________ your hair dryer away from water.

5. Don’t ________________________ drinks on your laptop computer.

6. Don’t ________________________ metal in the microwave.

7. Don’t _________________________ closed containers in the microwave.

8. Don’t _________________________ your laptop computer to extreme heat or cold.

5b. Take turns giving advice for using the items mentioned on previous activity. Use these phrases. 1. Don’t forget to _________________________________________________________________________________

2. Remember to __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Try to _________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Make sure to __________________________________________________________________________________

5. Be sure not to _________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 5




Activity: 5 Product: Dictionary use and paragraph.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies words and verbs for giving instructions and infinitive complements to give advice using household items.

Practices writing advice on how to use a useful item and practices infinitive complements to give advice for using household items.

Collaborates in pairs to create a positive group atmosphere.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Choose a useful item that you own. Imagine you’re going to lend it to a friend. Write a paragraph giving advice on how to use it. Use “Verbs for instructions”, “Sequence Adverbs” and “Infinitive complements” as much as possible.

























Activity: 5c

103 BLOCK 3

Read the easy paper craft instruction that may help you to present your homework. Lemon Juice Burning Materials: -Paper -Sponge -Lemon or lime juice -Heat gun -Plastic container -Tile -Paintbrush How to do it: Tear the edges of your paper for a ragged effect. Pour a little lemon juice into a plastic container, and brush or sponge around outer edge of paper. Juice might also be splattered or sponged across the full sheet—try a couple of practice sheets to see what happens. Place juicy paper on a piece of tile. Begin heating with heat gun. Keep gun moving slowly. Paper will begin to brown in places that have been painted with juice.

Continue heating juice until paper has browned to your satisfaction.

An example of a finished book layout using juice burned papers.

Taken from: gomakesomething.com

6a. Remember a craft or something you have made to present your homework or something you have made to decorate your room or your backpack. Write instructions step-by-step and use pictures or drawings. Evaluate your paper in the rubric, by choosing the score that you deserve according to your criteria. Then present the results to your teacher.

Fold your paper and post it here.

Activity: 6



Activity: 6 Product: Persuasive text. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies writing terminology and assessment criteria by evaluating him/herself using a rubric.

Evaluates hi/her own progress using a rubric that help to understand writing terminology and assessment criteria.

Shows interest and ability when using a rubric to evaluate informative writing.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Writing to Inform Rubric

Score Point 4

My paper is well developed and I have more than enough information to inform the reader about the topic. The information is clearly presented with lots of elaboration.

There are plenty of specific details that more than adequately explain the topic.

I have a clear organization and I don't stray from it. I wrote for the intended audience

Score Point 3

My paper is fairly well developed and I have enough information to inform the reader about the topic. The information is clearly presented with some elaboration.

There are some specific details that adequately explain the topic but some of the details may not really help explain.

I have an organization and I try to stick to it.

I wrote for the intended audience.

Score Point 2

My paper has little development and a minimum amount of information. The information does not clearly explain the topic and some of it might even interfere with my explanation.

I used details but they may be the wrong details or they may not help to explain the topic.

I wrote for the intended audience.

Score Point 1

I saw the prompt and I tried to write a response. I wrote very little and what I wrote is confusing or inaccurate.

If I have details they are not enough to explain the topic.

If I do have an organization it is not clear or I stray far from it. I may not address the intended audience.

Activity: 6b

105 BLOCK 3


Activity: 7 Product: Step-by-step instructions card.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies sequencing and instructional in a text.

Develops the ability to sequence events.

Enjoys the activity and integrates new vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Sequencing activity. Read the text and write the instructions step-by-step, use infinitive complements and sequence adverbs. Then following the sequence, number the pictures.

__________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Activity: 7


We have already studied about wellness and have concluded that hygiene is an important factor in this matter. Read the brochure carefully and answer the questions.

1. How many times do you wash your hands daily? ____________________________________________________

2. Why should we wash our hands? Write two important reasons. ________________________________________


3. When should we wash our hands? _______________________________________________________________



4. What do we need to keep germs off our hand? _____________________________________________________



Activity: 8

107 BLOCK 3

Pair work. Rewrite the instructions for washing your hands using the drafting process. Use infinitive complements, sequence adverbs. Ask your partner to evaluate your instructions using the rubric. Then write the instructions again on a cardboard to be posted at home or at your school’s restroom (use pictures or drawings). _________________________________________________________________________________________________































Activity: 8a


Writing Instructions Evaluation Rubric


Activity: 8 Product: Writing rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Comprehends and understands writing terminology and assessment criteria when using a rubric.

Uses reading and writing strategies to understand instructions in a brochure and get prepared for post-writing activity.

Collaborates in pairs creating a positive group atmosphere and appreciates the way to assess a written text.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Criteria Developing

(1 point) Approaching Level

(2 points) At Level

(3 points) Above Level

(4 points) Score

Purpose & Form

• Does not follow format for written instructions.

• No evidence of reader awareness.

• Some evidence of appropriate format for instructions and audience awareness.

• Follows basic format for written instructions.

• Appropriately demonstrates audience awareness.

• Format carefully follows guidelines for writing instructions.

• Clearly evident that writing recognizes needs of readers.


• Very disorganized

• Logic of steps in instructions is unrecognizable or incorrect.

• Some evidence of attempts to logically sequence instructions.

• Instructions may contain too much information.

• Attempts in using graphics.

• Generally logical and coherent sequencing of instructions.

• Each instruction contains one step or task.

• Some use of graphics to supplement the written.

• Distinguished by clear and logical sequencing of instructions.

• Graphics placed in appropriate places to supplement written explanation.

Mechanics & Spelling

• Work has not been edited & contains many spelling & mechanical errors.

• Many errors in spelling and mechanics that distract the reader.

• Work has been well edited.

• Occasional spelling, mechanical errors do not distract the reader.

• Work is free of all spelling and mechanical errors.

Total Score

109 BLOCK 3

Read the following information discuss it with your teacher and classmates. In your academic life and daily life, you will be reading many kinds of material such as articles, essays, critiques, reports, analysis, instructions, letters, etc. When you read you have to read critically – interpreting, evaluating, inferring, and reacting to the reading. You have to make notes as you read, analyze and evaluate what you have read, and compare between several works. We are going to practice some strategies that will help you understand what the reading is about and will help you to retain the content. We have already studied the strategy of skimming and scanning, think of another strategy that may help you. Note taking is a writing strategy that can help you to organize information and to put ideas together. It is also an effective way to gather information from two or more sources - your textbooks and class lectures or presentations. Use the following tips to take good notes:

Read all the section and write down notes. Quote, write a passage from a text or speech by another. Marginal Annotation

Summarize ideas writing words and short phrases. Paraphrase, write your own words; don’t write the same words on the text or words of the author.

Select only the important ideas. You have to be selective.

Marginal Annotation

Types of Annotation Example

Circling unknown words. …redressing the apparent asymmetry of their relationship.

Marking definitions. def To say that the balance of power favors one party over another is to introduce disequilibrium.

Marking Examples. Ex …Concessions may include negative sanctions, trade agreement…

Numbering lists of ideas, causes, reasons, or events.

Components of power include self-image, population and natural resources.

Placing asterisks next to important passages. *

Power comes from three primary sources…

Putting questions marks next to confusing passages.

? War prevention occurs through institutionalization of mediation…

Drawing arrows to show relationship. Natural resources Control of industrial Manufacture capacity

Activity: 9




Note Taking

1 2 3


Read the text about wellness and the examples of summarizing, paraphrasing, and quote when note taking. Later read the “Health” and “English“ texts and fill in the grids with appropriate information.

Wellness Even when I am not in the high country, when the business of getting a living keeps me away from the rush and rhythm of bright mountain rivers and trout, wild country keeps me company. Rivers move freely in mind and memory, rivers that I have known and many that I have only heard of, read about, visited through the books and the stories of other anglers. I have generously stirred all these rivers into my imagination. There is solace even in the dream of such places, such water, and such fish. There is more than a touch of magic in wildness: just the possibility of it nourishes the spirit. Memories of favorite trout fishing rivers keep one company and give comfort.

Segner, Page. Call of the River. San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Company. 1996

Summarizing: Memories of favorite trout fishing rivers keep one company and give comfort.

Paraphrasing: It is not necessary to be in the mountains to enjoy memories of fishing for trout in high country streams. Even when one is not able to get away from the obligations of a job, favorite remote regions that one has visited, or just heard of from other anglers, are comforting and can be energizing.

Quote: “There is more than a touch of magic in wildness: just the possibility of it nourishes the spirit.”


American youth are in worse physical shape than earlier generations, many fitness experts claim. According to the US Surgeon General, only about one-half of US children get regular exercise, and one-fourth don’t take part in physical activity at all. As a result, obesity among children and adolescents has increased substantially since the 1960’s. The conveniences of modern-life--notably television, video games and computers--get much of the blame for creating a nation of youthful couch potatoes. In addition, school officials often scale back or eliminate physical education programs when budget squeezes occur. Nonetheless, innovative physical educators are working to reverse the trend by acquainting kids with activities that interest them—and that can help them maintain fitness throughout life.

“Youth Fitness.” CQ Researcher. 26 Sept 1997. Congressional Quarterly Inc.




Activity: 9a

111 BLOCK 3


Activity: 9 Product: Note taking grids (tables). Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies information through the reading technique of note taking.

Develops note taking reading technique when filling in the gird with appropriate information.

Enjoys and values the activity and integrates new vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points


Private correspondence was the pride and joy of fourteenth-century Italians. Exchanging letters with commercial information had been a tried and true technique of Italian business for a century or more. As the generations passed, these business letters increasingly became joined by purely private correspondence. People gradually accustomed themselves to the writing desk; men to impart information and convey orders; women to respond and give advice; children to send a word of affection; stewards and notaries to render accounts. Not all women knew how to write. The lower down the social ladder, the less likely they were to possess that precious skill, and the problem of illiteracy seems to have grown worse in Tuscany in the fifteenth century. Some men, laborers and peasants in particular, were also illiterate, but they were less numerous than illiterate women. By 1830 there is abundant evidence of a clear need and desire to write; innumerable letters have been preserved.

Aries, Phillippe & George Duby.A History of Private Life, V.II. Harvard U. Press. 1988.




Activity: 9a (continuation)


Pair work. Read the following texts and take notes using the technique “marginal annotation”. Then, answer the questions below and discuss results with a partner. Finally, evaluate each other’s annotations with the rubric provided.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous?

Is talking on a cell phone hazardous to your health? It is difficult to know for sure. Some research suggests that heavy users of mobile phones are at a greater risk of developing brain tumors. However, many other studies suggest there are no links between cancer and cell phone use. The main problem with the current research is that mobile phones have only been popular since the 1990s. As a result, it is impossible to study the long term exposure of cell phone use. This concerns many health professionals who point out that many cancers take at least 10 years to develop. Another concern about these studies is that many have been funded by those who benefit financially from the cell phone industry Over three billion people use cell phones on a daily basis, and many talk for more than an hour a day. Cell phone antennas are similar to microwave ovens. While both rely on electromagnetic radiation, the radio waves in cell phones are lower in radio frequency (RF). Microwave ovens have enough RF to cook food and are therefore known to be dangerous to human tissues. However, the concern is that the lower frequency radio waves that cell phones rely on may also be dangerous. It seems logical that holding a heat source near your brain for a long period of time is a potential health hazard. Some researchers believe that other types of wireless technology may also be dangerous to human health, including laptops, cordless phones, and gaming consoles. Organizations that are concerned about the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation suggest replacing all cordless devices with wired ones. They say that many cordless phones emit dangerous levels of EMR even when they are not in use. They even suggest keeping electronic devices, such as computers and alarm clocks out of bedrooms, or at least six feet from your pillow. A growing number of health professionals worldwide are recommending that cell phone users err on the side of caution until more definitive studies can be conducted. They recommend that adults use headsets or speaker phones and that children and teens, whose brain tissue are still developing, use cell phones only for emergencies. Concerned medical experts use the example of tobacco to illustrate the potential risks. Many years ago, people smoked freely and were not concerned about the effects of cigarettes on their health. Today, people know that cigarettes cause lung cancer, though it is still unknown exactly how or why. Some doctors fear that the same thing will happen with devices such as cell phones.

1. According to the article, do cell phones lead to brain tumors? _________________________________________

2. Why does the article mention the 1990s? __________________________________________________________


3. Why does the article mention micro wave ovens? ___________________________________________________


4. How is cell phone use compared to tobacco use in this article? _______________________________________


Activity: 10

113 BLOCK 3


Activity: 10 Product: Annotation rubric. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary and types of annotation to improve textbook reading.

Uses marginal annotation to improve textbook reading.

Collaborates creating a positive group atmosphere working in pairs.

Auto-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Annotation Rubric

4 points 3 points 1 point Score

The text is saturated with marks and marginal comments.

Many marks and many marginal comments are present.

Marks and marginal comments are present, but are sparse.

Marginal comments accomplish a great variety of purposes.

Marginal comments accomplish a variety of purposes.

Marginal comments only accomplish a few purposes.

Annotations reveal an understanding of the complexities in the text.

Whole section lacks annotation.

Only skimpy annotations throughout book.

At least 25 vocabulary words are marked in text.

Less than 25 vocabulary words marked in text (more than 15).

Less than 15 vocabulary words marked in text.

Total score

Activity: 10 (continuation)


Pair work. Read the following texts and take notes using the technique “marginal annotation”. Then, answer the questions below and discuss results with a partner. Finally, evaluate each other’s annotations with the rubric provided.

Mapping is a way of drawing a diagram to describe a topic and its related ideas. Mapping is a visual learning strategy and useful when writing. This strategy helps you organize your ideas, and help you remember what you have read. Here are the types of charts or graphic organizers that you can use when you do your pre-writing.

Charts taken from English Works! at Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C.

11a. Go back to the instructive text “A perfect cup of tea for Gran”, choose and draw a type of map to organize information.

Fold and post the paper here.

Activity: 11

When you want to compare examples, qualities, facts,

and descriptions use charts.

To show definitions, examples, themes, descriptions, and

definitions use spiders or stars.

To show categories, analysis, structures, descriptions and

examples use hierarchies or tree.

115 BLOCK 3

The following paragraph describes the sequential effects of taking the psychedelic drug LSD. Look for the underlined words in the dictionary. Then read the paragraph and draw a process diagram that describes this response sequence on the next page. Compare your diagram with your classmates. Psychedelics are… a group of drugs that produce hallucinations and various other phenomena that very closely mimic certain mental disorders. These drugs include lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, peyote, psilocybin, and various commercial preparations such as Sernyl and Ditran. Of these, LSD is probably the best known, although its use has apparently diminished since its heyday in the late 1969s. LSD is synthesized from lysergic acid produced a fungus (ergot) that is parasitic on cereal grains such as rye. It usually produces responses in a particular sequence. The initial reaction may include weakness, dizziness and nausea. These symptoms are followed by a distortion of time and space. The senses may become intensified and strangely intertwined –that is, sound can be “seen” and colors “heard.” Finally, there may be changes in mood, a feeling of separation of the self from the framework of time and space, and changes in the perception of the self. The sensations experienced under the influence of psychedelics are unlike anything encountered within the normal range of experiences. The description of users therefore can only be puzzling to nonusers. Some users experience bad trips or “bummers,” which have been known to produce long-term effects. Bad trips can be terrifying experiences and can occur in experienced users for no apparent reason.

---Wallace, Biology: The World of life, pp632-33

Word Dictionary meaning

1. Psychedelics

2. Diminished

3. Heyday

4. Ergot

5. Rye

6. Intertwined

7. Encountered

8. Puzzling

Activity: 11b



Activity: 11 Product: A process diagram. Points:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the steps and sequences to be written in a map.

Uses mapping to show relationship and sequence in texts.

Collaborates with classmates when comparing diagrams.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Process diagram

Activity: 11b (continuation)

117 BLOCK 3

Closing Activities

Scan the following text carefully. Then, answer the questions below with the appropriate information from the text. Finally, complete next activity matching columns.

Eliminating Trans Fats Does your mouth water when you think of potato chips, donuts, and pie? Many people prefer "junk food" to healthy food because they develop a taste for it. Processed, baked, and fried foods typically contain a high amount of trans fats. Trans fat raises the bad cholesterol in your body and lowers the good cholesterol that the body needs. Fatty foods do more than cause obesity. Trans fats build up in the body and block blood flow to the heart. People whose diet contains a high percentage of trans fats are at risk for heart disease and stroke. Trans fat is a semi-solid type of oil. It is made by adding hydrogen to liquid oil. Food companies and restaurants like to use trans-fat oil because it is inexpensive and makes food like crackers and baked goods last longer. It also improves the taste and texture of food. Trans fats became very popular in the second half of the 20th century. This is around the time when butter got a bad name. People were told to use margarine instead because it was made from trans fats. Today doctors know how dangerous these processed foods are. In countries such as the US and Canada there are new government restrictions on food production. Food and beverage makers have to attach a Nutrition Fact label to their products. These list daily recommendations and detail all ingredients including the amount of trans fats in a product. New York City banned trans fats from all restaurants. Even fast food chains such as McDonalds are being forced to change their recipes. In Europe, food manufacturers have started using a voluntarily labeling system at the consumers' request. We all need some fat in our diet. There are three different types of fats: saturated fats, trans fats, and unsaturated fats. Doctors recommend that we get most of our fatty calories from unsaturated fats. Neither butter 'nor margarine fit in this category, though there are some spreads that contain zero trans fats. Labels are a good way to avoid eating fatty foods that are dangerous for your health. Another way is to avoid eating out. When shopping for groceries, buy the majority of your goods in the fresh food aisles. 1. Do you eat junk food? Why and how often? If not, why not? ___________________________________________


2. Do you think children and youth care about eating healthy food these days? ____________________________

3. Is obesity a problem in your culture? If yes, why do you think so? If no, why not? _________________________



4. Do you think nutrition labels on packaging must be included and required by law? _______________________

5. Do you think trans fats will be eliminated from all foods in the future? ___________________________________

Activity: 12


1. Avoid ( ) Snacks that do not provide any nutrition.

2. Banned ( ) Just thinking of this food makes you want to eat it (idiom).

3. Diet ( ) A condition of having too much body fat.

4. Hydrogen ( ) When the natural form of the food is changed greatly

(usually with a machine).

5. Junk food ( ) Usually from animals, solid at room temperature.

6. Majority ( ) Try to stay away from.

7. Make mouth water ( ) Not allowed.

8. Obesity ( ) What a person chooses to eat.

9. Processed ( ) A colorless gas that burns easily.

10. Saturated fat ( ) The largest amount.

Fill in the grids with the appropriate information from the text.




Activity: 12 (continuation)

119 BLOCK 3


Activity: 12 Product: Grids, diagram, and Rubric.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the steps and sequences to be followed when elaborating a map.

Uses mapping to show relationship and sequence in texts.

Collaborates with classmates when comparing diagrams.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

Pair work. Draw a map from the reading “Eliminating trans Fats” to show causes-effects or chronological order since the time trans fats became popular in the 20th century to the time when voluntarily labeling in Europe began. Then discuss similarities and differences in your work and evaluate each other’s annotations in the rubric.

Fold and post the paper here.

Dimensions (Categories)

Proficient 4

Very Good 3

Acceptable 2

Not Yet 1



All necessary labels are present and are carefully and accurately placed.

All labels are present and most are accurate.

All but one or two labels are present. Several labels are not accurately placed.

Several labels are not present and many are not accurately or carefully placed.

Visual Appeal

Map is colorful and neat looking. Labels are clear and easy to read.

Color has been used over most of the map. A few labels are not easy to read.

Color has been used on less than half of the map. Many labels are difficult to read.

Use of color is limited or not at all. Most labels are difficult to read.

Map Elements

Includes clearly written standard map elements:

Title. Scale. Key.

Latitude and longitude lines.

Includes most standard map elements. Most are accurate and easy to read.

Missing several standard map elements.

Missing most standard map elements.

Total Score

Activity: 12a



Activity: 13 Product: Written report for WRS class, rubric.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Organizes a written form to explain his/her ideas in a written way.

Writes in an understandable and organized way his/her ideas, expresses his/her feelings, and supports a conclusion.

Collaborates creating a positive group atmosphere working in pairs.

Co-evaluation C MC NC

Obtained points

You and your group are about to finish your course. As a group, you will now create in your “Listening and Speaking” assignment a Video Library with video pods of “Informative Speeches “elaborated individually. In your “Writing and Reading” subject, you will write the speech for the video. It is very important that you follow the instructions provided for this assignment closely.

1. Choose a speech topic to write about (there is a list of informative speech topics on your Listening and Speaking textbook.

2. Write your speech. 3. Gather some audience to deliver your speech. 4. Practice by reading it to your audience. 5. Use Visual aids during your speech delivery. 6. Video Tape your speech and present it to your Listening and Speaking teacher for correction and

assessment. 7. Ask your teacher to sign it. 8. Your “Instructional Speech“ must be 5 to 8 min. maximum and 2 to 3 min. minimum.

Performance Assessment 0 1 2 3 4 5


Introduced adequately

Audience orientation/goodwill

Forecast of audience relevance

Preview major points


Coherence/organizational structure


Precise language

Verbal aids/vivid language

Transitional phrases



Summarize major points

Restate purpose

Audience connection/application

Conversational style/rate/pausing

Audience adaptation

Q&A feedback response


Activity: 13

121 BLOCK 3


Asen S. 1992. “Teaching and learning with technology”. Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. Alexandria, VA. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. 2000. “The Little Prince”. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade & Reference Publishing. Béliveau Richard, Gringas Denis. “Live well, eating well. 2009.” McClelland and Stewart Publishers Bricknell Brett, Wade Jan. 1985. “Fitness for Teenagers” Martin Educational Publishers. Glenco-/McGraw-Hill. 2005 “Educational Blogs”. Educational and Professional Publishing Group of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York, New York. Kirszner Laurie, Mandel Stephen. 1989. “The Holt Handbook” Second Edition. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. United States of America. Langan John.1998. “Ten Steps to Building College Reading Skills”. Third Edition. McWhorter Katheleen T. 2001.

“Academic Reading”. Fourth Edition. AddisonWesley Longman, Inc. Printed in the United States of America.

Oshima Alice and Hogue Ann. 2008. “Writing Academic English”. Pearson Longman Inc. Page Jack. 2001. “Checkpoints”. Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley Educational publishers Inc. Printed in the United States of America. Piontek Jeffrey, Conlklin Blane. 2010. “Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts, Oh My!” Shell Educational Publishing Inc. Huntington Beach, CA. Rosa Alfred, Eschholz Paul. 2004. “Models for Writers” Eight Edition. Bedford/St. Martin’s. Boston MA.

Electronic Sources NETWORKS: Learning network: www.nytimes.com/learning Retrieved February 2011 http://www.glencoe.com/sec/teachingtoday/educationupclose.phtml/ BLOGS: Andrew Churches, Blog Journalling http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/file/view/blogging+rubric.pdf47 Retrieved April 2011. SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT TEXT: www.scottishparloamentlive.com.The Scottish Parliament 1999–2003: Working for you (2003) © Scottish Parliament Public Information Service. Retrieved January 2011. INFORMATIVE WRITING: Ttext:http://www.pearson.com.au/LinkedFiles/Free/9781740813617/HEPEveryday.pdf Retrieved April 2011. ORIGAMI FIGURES: Praweb-japan.org/.../origami2/images/top-pict.jpg Retrieved February 2011. WIKIS: http://deborahharris.wikispaces.com/file/view/So+you+think+you+want+a+WIKI.pdf Retrieved April 2011.

THE LITTLE PRINCE: www.angelfire.com/hi/littleprince/frames.html Retrieved February 2011. NEW YORK TIME LEARNING NETWORK: http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/category/lesson-plans/academic-skills PURPOSE FOR WRITING: http://www.uop.edu.jo/download/PdfCourses/TW/PurposesforWriting.pdf