Feature Fusion Hierarchies for Gender Classificationbebis/FabienICPR08.pdf · hierarchy which...


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Feature Fusion Hierarchies for Gender Classification

Fabien Scalzo1, George Bebis2, Mircea Nicolescu2, Leandro Loss2

1 Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles2 Computer Vision Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Nevada, Reno



We present a hierarchical feature fusion model forimage classification that is constructed by an evolution-ary learning algorithm. The model has the ability tocombine local patches whose location, width and heightare automatically determined during learning. The rep-resentational framework takes the form of a two-levelhierarchy which combines feature fusion and decisionfusion into a unified model. The structure of the hierar-chy itself is constructed automatically during learningto produce optimal local feature combinations. A com-parative evaluation of different classifiers is provided ona challenging gender classification image database. Itdemonstrates the effectiveness of these Feature FusionHierarchies (FFH).

1. Introduction

The generalization of new image acquisition devicesand the development of new feature appearance extrac-tors have recently increased the interest of combiningcomplementary modalities to perform complex imageclassification tasks. The fusion of different feature setsis promising for a large extent of applications in med-ical imaging, biomedical, remote sensing, robotics andcomputer vision. Hierarchical approaches [5, 3, 2] toimage classification are particularly interesting to solvecomplex problems because they are capable to decom-pose them into tasks that are often easier to tackle.However, those approaches often tend to manually de-fine the structure of their hierarchy depending on thefeatures involved [7], and can only exploit a limitednumber of features.

The current paper addresses these problems by pre-senting a framework, named Feature Fusion Hierarchies(FFH) (Section 2), that performs image classificationbased on a large set of features extracted from Gaborand Laplace filters. The learning of optimal Feature Fu-

sion Hierarchies (FFH) is a particularly challenging taskbecause both the structure and the parameters of the hi-erarchy have to be estimated. To this end, we proposeto exploit a genetic learning algorithm (Section 3) to ex-plore the space of possible hierarchies.

The effectiveness of the framework is evaluated inSection 4 on a gender classification task from facial im-ages, which is a two-class image classification problem.Results are compared to the state-of-the-art by report-ing the accuracy of different classifiers used within theframework: Nearest Neighbors Classifiers (NN), Lin-ear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Support Vector Ma-chines (SVM) and Kernel Spectral Regression (KSR).

2. Feature Fusion Hierarchies

Feature Fusion Hierarchies (FFH) address the prob-lem of fusing high-dimensional registered feature setsfor image classification. The representational frame-work takes the form of a two-level hierarchy whichcombines local feature fusion and decision fusion into aunified model (Figure 1).

Given a feature set I(x, y, f), where (x, y) denotesa position in the image, and f is a feature, the featurefusion level is defined as a set of compound features C.Each compound feature Ci combines a subset of fea-tures fCi

over a local window θCi. This fusion is per-

formed using a dimensionality reduction technique, anddenoted Ri(IfCi

,θCi). It is learned a supervised way

(e.g. LDA). A key property of this functionRi is to op-erate locally in the sense that it exploits local adaptivewindows [4] whose parameters θCi

= {x, y, Sx, Sy}are automatically adjusted during learning (position inthe image (x, y), width Sx and height Sy). The out-put of the function Si = Ri(IfCi

,θCi) corresponds to a

vector of lower dimensionality. An additional classifieris learned on the top of the first level to form the sec-ond level D corresponding to the decision fusion. Itsinput data correspond to the compound feature output{S1, S2, . . . , Sn} merged into a single vector S.

Feature Extraction

Decision Fusion

Feature Fusion Cn




Figure 1. Overview of a Feature Fusion Hierarchy(FFH). For a given image, Gabor and Laplace featuresare extracted and used as input to local feature fusionoperators Ci. The second level classifier exploits theresponses Si to produce a single decision value.

3. Learning of Fusion Hierarchies

Learning Feature Fusion Hierarchies is particularlychallenging because both the structure and the parame-ters of the model have to be estimated. Unlike many ex-isting methods, we neither manually assign which fea-tures to combine nor the local regions of interest onwhich the system should focus. Instead, we rather letthe system learn what is the optimal hierarchy in termsof discriminative power.

The proposed method uses an evolutionary approach(summarized in Algorithm 1) to explore the space ofpossible hierarchies. The optimal solution is the onethat offers the best classification accuracy on the val-idation data while minimizing the number of featuresused and the total area covered by the patches. In thefollowing, we discuss the encoding of genomes (Sec-tion 3.1), the fitness function (Section 3.2) as well asthe crossover and mutation strategies (Section 3.3) ofthe proposed GA, respectively.

Algorithm 1 Genetic Learning Algorithm1: // Generate the initial population2: {P} ← generate()3: // Evaluate the fitness of each genome g ∈ P4: F ← eval(P)5: for each i < nIteration do6: // Rank-based selection7: P ′ ← select(P,F)8: // Crossover9: P ′ ← combine(P ′)

10: // Mutate11: P ′ ← mutate(P ′)12: // Evaluate13: Fc ← eval(P ′)14: // Create the new population using elitism15: P ← generate(F ,Fc,P ′, C)16: end for

3.1. Genome Representation

Each evolving individual (i.e. genome) in the pop-ulation is represented as a binary vector encoding thestructure and the parameters of a specific hierarchy.

A genome defines the hierarchy as a set ofNc combi-nations Ci. Each combination in the genome is definedby two parts:

• The structure corresponds, for each combinationin the hierarchy, to the subset of features that arecombined fCi = {f1, . . . , fn}.

• The parameters θCi= {x, y, Sx, Sy} of a com-

bination define the spatial position x, y and sizeSx, Sy of the local window in the image on whichthe fusion is performed.

As illustrated in Figure 2, a genome encodes thesetwo types of information, structure and parameters, intoa single binary vector. Given n features at the first level,the structural part is represented as a n-length vector en-coding the presence of the features in the combination.Each bin is associated with one bit whose value is 1is the corresponding feature is a part of the combina-tion. For the parameter part, variables {x, y, Sx, Sy}are each represented as b bits vector. Parameter b ischosen such that x, y cover the entire image. Duringlearning, an additional constraint insures that x, y are inthe image coordinate and Sx, Sy are strictly positive.

3.2. Fitness

The goal of the optimization framework is to find thestructure and the parameters of the hierarchy that per-


forms best in terms of classification accuracy. There-fore, the fitness function fit(g) is set proportional to theclassification rate r of the genome encoded hierarchy g,

fit(g) = r(g) + α1n+ α2s−1 (1)

where n is the number of zeros in the structure part ofthe genome g and s is the total area covered by thepatches. Parameters α1 and α2 are used respectivelyto support combinations that both have a fewer numberof features and are defined over a smaller window.

00 1 0 11

Features Local Window

f1 f2 f3 fn x y Sx Sy

100 1 00 1 0 11



c1 c2 c3 c4

Figure 2. A Feature Fusion Hierar-chy made of four compound features(c1, c2, c3, c4) is encoded into a genome.The structural part and the parametersare embedded into a single binary vector.

3.3. Mutation and Crossover

The crossover operator uses individuals in the pop-ulation that have been selected to generate offsprings.A bi-parental crossover is used in our algorithm to pro-duce new individuals.

Given N individuals selected in a linear Rank-basedstrategy, the algorithm produces a new population of thesame size. To this purpose, two parents are picked atrandom from the pool of individuals and used in thecrossover operation. This is done using the result ofa random crossover operator. Each bit of the vector israndomly chosen (with probability 1/2) from one of thetwo parent vectors. The second offspring consists of thecomponents not chosen for the first resulting vector.

The mutation operation is performed using a singlepoint mutation operator which picks a mutating generandomly with the mutation probability using a biasedcoin toss. After the mutating gene is selected, its valueis inverted.

3.4. Elitism

An elitist strategy is used to prevent from losing thebest solutions found at each iteration. The best 10 chro-

mosomes are copied to the population in the next gen-eration.

4. Experimental Evaluation

The effectiveness of the proposed framework is nowevaluated on a gender classification task. Given a setof facial images captured under various conditions, thetask is to correctly identify the gender (Male or Female)of the subject present in the image.

Gender classification is particularly interesting be-cause it is one of the most important visual tasks forhuman beings. Social interactions critically depend onthe correct gender perception of the parties involved.The automatic learning of the visual features that arerelevant for this task is therefore particularly interestingand challenging.

The dataset and the protocol used in our experimentsare described in Section 4.1. In Section 4.2, we presentthe Gabor and Laplace convolutions that are used to ex-tract different features on each image and thus producethe input data of the Feature Fusion Fierarchies. Quan-titative results for different classification techniques arecompared to the state-of-the-art and discussed in Sec-tion 4.3.

4.1. Dataset

The dataset used in our experiments is the samethat has been used by SUN et al. in their comparativestudy [6]. It contains 400 distinct frontal images and isparticularly challenging due to the presence of differentraces, facial expressions, and lighting conditions. The400 images were equally divided between males and fe-males. Some of these images are illustrated in Figure 3.As experimental protocol, the average error rate wasrecorded using a three-fold cross-validation procedurewith the restriction that the number of male and femalefaces must be equal in each separate training, validationand test set.

As it was mentioned in [6], it must be noticed thatthis database is more challenging than those used inother studies, where the same person appears multipletimes in the dataset or where the intraclass variation islow.

4.2. Feature Extraction

Each image is convolved by a set of Gabor andLaplace filters to produce features that constitute the in-put data of our framework. A particularity of Gabor Fil-ters is to share some characteristics with certain cells of


Figure 3. Illustration of the Gender Classi-fication Database [6] used during our ex-periments. The images are particularlychallenging due to the large intra-classvariation.

the visual cortex. In addition these filters have demon-strated improved accuracy in many computerized visualtasks [7]. A Gabor Filter is a linear filter whose impulseresponse is defined by a harmonic function multipliedby a Gaussian function,

g(x, y) = exp(−x′2 + γ2y′2

2σ2) cos(2π


λ+ ψ) (2)

x′ = x cos θ+ y sin θ y′ = −x sin θ+ y cos θ (3)

where λ is the wavelength of the cosine factor, θ repre-sents the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripesof a Gabor function in degrees, ψ is the phase offset indegrees, and γ is the spatial aspect ratio that specifiesthe ellipticity of the support of the Gabor function.

A number of 35 Gabor Filters and 5 Laplacian Filterswere used to convolve each image and creating the firstlevel feature set.

4.3. Results

For the purpose of these experiments, we comparethe effectiveness of four different classifier, namelynearest neighbors NN, support vector machine (SVM),linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and kernel spectralregression KSR [1].

Both KSR and SVM techniques exploit kernel pro-jection, also known as the “kernel trick”, to use the lin-ear classifier to solve a nonlinear problem by mappingthe observations into a higher-dimensional space, wherethe linear classifier is subsequently used. In our experi-ments, a Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel is used asa projection matrix,

K(xi, xj) = exp(−γ||xi−xj ||2), γ > 0 (4)

The classification results after a three-fold cross-validation are reported in Table 1 for different classi-fiers. It can be observed that the use of our Feature Fu-sion Hierarchies (FFH) reduces significantly the clas-

sification error of a PCA-based framework and outper-forms the results obtained by PCA-GA approach [6].This can be explained by the fact that the Feature Fu-sion Hierarchies exploit local features whereas PCA-GA computes the projection on the full image. The bestresults are obtained using a recently developed spectralregression technique [1], SVM classifiers comes sec-ond. The number of compound features used duringthese experiments was automatically selected by repeat-ing the classification for a different number of parts untilno significant improvement was observed. This occurstypically around 15 compound features.

NN LDA SVM KSRPCA[6] 17.7% 14.2% 8.9% -%

GA-PCA[6] 11.3% 9% 4.7% -%FFH 10.9% 7.2% 4.3% 3.8%

Table 1. Results for three different clas-sifiers are reported for PCA, GA-PCA [6]and the Feature Fusion Hierarchies (FFH).

5. Conclusion

We presented Feature Fusion Hierarchies (FFH) thatcombines a two-level fusion framework with powerfullocal adaptive patches. Both the structure and the pa-rameters of the models are learned using an evolution-ary learning algorithm. Our experimental results exceedthe best published results, and highlight the contributionof our generic framework.


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