Features You’ll Love


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Meet Store Manager for Zen Cart - a desktop applica-tion made to speed up the administration of your store and extend the functionality of the store web back-end.

Its fascinating how Store Manager accelerates various aspects of store management! What was routine then now is going to be a piece of cake! Updating thousands of products, inventory and orders at once; enhanced cat-egories, orders and customers management, advanced import/export tool, advanced filters and search options is what makes store management totally different experience!

Just imagine how much time you can save automating sin-gle-type operations and making necessary updates in 15 min-utes instead of 2 hours! And what if you have multiple stores?

Features You’ll Love

Major Category Management

• Create, edit, delete categories in one click

• Manage category tree using convenient drag-and-drop technology

• Manage category images, automatically resize and upload

Outstanding Product Management

• Create, edit, delete, copy&paste, clone products in the blink of an eye!

• Automatically and quickly resize and up-load product images

• Assign multiple categories to product(s) at once

Smart Customer&Order Management

• Add, edit, delete data easily

• Track customers’ orders

• Search customers and orders by name, address, email, phone, items purchased, etc

• Filter by time period or ordered products

• Send instant e-mail to a specific customer

• Print orders, invoices and packing slips

• Manage order statuses

Thorough Reports

• Nearly 10 built-in reports covering sales, inventory and customer data

• Easily create, modify, your own reports

Powerful Import/Export Wizard

• Export products, categories, manufac-tures, suppliers, customers into Excel/HTML

• Import products, categories into your Zen Cart store

• Use smart Wizard tips to get the task done quickly and accurately

• Save export//import settings to use them for future procedures

• Upload thousands of images to your store database at once

• Use resize product images option to spec-ify resizing rules for images

Advanced Locations and Taxes

• Add, edit or remove countries, zones, tax zones, tax classes and tax rates in one place, thus saving you time

• Define the address format for letters sent by postal mail, every country, ISO-3166 2-letter and 3-letter country code using Countries and zones section

• View and manage tax rates and their con-figuration for individual countries and re-gions

• Define multiple currencies if you wish to accept payment in other currencies

Success Kicking Addons

• Automated Product Import Addon - automates product import from external sources, synchronizes your database up-dates with your wholesale partner’s.

• eBay Integration Addon which allows you to export your Zen Cart products from your store to eBay in a quick man-ner

• Export orders from Zen Cart to Mail Or-der Manager software with Mail Order Manager Import/Export Addon.

• Integrate your store with QuickBooks software to export your products, cus-tomers and orders (Quickbooks Integra-tion Addon).

• Synchronize your product descriptions and images with ICEcat product catalogue with ICEcat Product Catalogue Integra-tion Addon.

• Use Shipping Integration Addon to han-dle your shipping much better and faster.Print postal shipping labels with postage, return address, verified delivery address and service barcodes directly from Store Manager.

Advantages Like a Rock

A Cut Above the RestStore Manager offers all necessary oppor-

tunities for fast store administration within one tool. Unlike modules that solve usually several specific tasks Store Manager simplifies and accelerates all aspects of store database management - products, categories, custom-ers, orders, discounts management.

Simple and Intuitive Interface

In comparison with a standard web store admin panel Store Manager offers much more convenient and user friendly interface. For a store owner this means faster updates of his one or multiple stores. Store Manager doesn’t require any programming skills and can be run by any Internet user.

World-class Support and Software Updates

Top-notch software should come along with high-quality support. MagneticOne provides you with both to make sure that your business becomes even more effective and successful.

Store Manager for Zen Cart Update Service allows you to purchase access (update service for 6,12,24 months) to latest releases and up-dates, download most recent versions includ-ing improvements and new features.

All the Benefits You Get

Spend an Hour, Save a DayOur customers acknowledge that Store

Manager can save hours daily on store up-dates. If your Zen Cart store database counts 1 000 products it usually takes 1-2 hours daily to update it (edit new/expired products, up-date prices, stock etc). Using Store Manager you will get this done in 10-15 minutes. From a monthly perspective Store Manager saves 30 to 40 hours - this is a whole week!

The Power on Your SideBuy one Store Manager instead of multiple

modules. You can use one Store Manager li-cense to manage your multiple stores.

Store Manager doesn’t require any special skills to run so you don’t have to pay a devel-oper to keep your store database organized - you can do all necessary update yourself or hire a manager and direct your attention to other important business tasks.

Free Yourself from Routine Tasks

Automating typical operations and spending less time to manage your store you increase the overall effectiveness of your business. Fast updates mean that your store database will al-ways contain up to date information - actual prices, quantities, images and descriptions.

More Information

Visit our websitewww.zencart-manager.com

To speak with a Product SpecialistCall 1-855-814-4511 contact@zencart-manager.com

EuropeanOfficeBandera, 42 st.,Ternopil 46000, Ukraine
