February 17, 2019 - files3.ecfiles.com 02-17-19-1.pdf · ministerios étnicos y universitarios,...


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Father Chuck Durante Fr.Chuck@stacathedral.com

Rector, Ext. 106 Fr. Lucio Zuñiga-Rocha Fr.Lucio@stacathedral.com Parochial Vicar, Ext. 101

Joseph Bell & Robert Dangel Deacons

P O E- : Office@STACathedral.com

P O H Monday: 11:00-4:30 PM

Tuesday thru Friday: 8:30-4:30 PM

S Rocío Grady

Office Administrator Ext. #100 Rociog@STACathedral.com Mary Ann Dangel

Bookkeeping Ext. #108 Tammie Sheely

Religious Education Ext. #110 Jack Hallsted

Bookstore Manager Ext. #112

G S H Monday: C

Tues—Thurs: 11:00-2:00PM Friday: C

Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM-1:00PM

S A I N T T H O M A S A Q U I N A S C A T H E D R A L 3 1 0 W E S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , R E N O , N V 8 9 5 0 3

Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno

O 775/329-2571 F 775/329-2824 G S 775/329-3011

WEB: stacathedral.com Religious Ed: aquinasccd@stacathedral.com WSTA: WSTA@stacathedral.com



y 17

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HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY WEEKEND! The following le er is being sent to all registered parishioners but since many of you may not be registered, and we have visitors every week, I reprint it here. Thank you for your considera on of our annual appeal and please remem-ber CSA 2019 in your prayers.

For Christ, We Serve Together CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL 2019

Dear Parishioner and CSA Donor: When I was a boy I remember my father volunteering to help in a brand new program at church that would raise money for the bishop's work throughout the Diocese of Reno. It was called the Bishop's Nevada Catho-lic Services Appeal and the year was 1968. Parishioners working on the appeal literally knocked on the doors of neighborhood Catholics to acquire pledges. My father was one of those parishioners for St. Thomas Aqui-nas Cathedral. The diocese was the whole state of Nevada and that first year the appeal raised some $313,000 for the diocesan needs of seminary educa on, religious educa on and other diocesan programs. We have come a long way in the diocese since then with more Catholics and more parishes in northern Ne-vada and greater needs. So for the 51st year our bishop is seeking support from us for the various ministries of the church throughout the diocese through the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). This support is needed to fund the works of the Church for fiscal year 2019-20. (The capital campaign will move into its final year, to-ward crea ng an endowment that will eventually supplement these and other annual needs.) The theme for CSA this year is "For Christ, We Serve Together". If you’re a registered parishioner you prob-ably received the CSA flyer and le er from Bishop Calvo. We are the Church of the Diocese of Reno, the Peo-ple of God. What we do as Church in northern Nevada includes, among other things, Catholic educa on and forma on, outreach to the poor, the sick and the imprisoned, support of life and family, ethnic and campus ministries, as well as support, forma on and ongoing educa on of seminarians, deacons, and priests. The Catholic Services Appeal provides the majority of funding for all these works of the offices of the bishop. For most of these works, CSA is currently the only source of support. No single parish can do all this but all of the parishes of our diocese, working together under the guidance and leadership of our bishop, can accom-plish so much more. The diocesan goal for Catholic Services Appeal 2019 is $1,686,825 and our parish goal is $98,296 of that total. Unlike many other diocese's annual appeals, our Catholic Services Appeal provides added direct bene-fit to every parish that surpasses its goal by returning funds back to the parish for its needs. Therefore all money donated over our goal will come back to our parish to help with the many special needs that arise here. Will you join me in support of CSA 2019? On the weekend of February 23-24 we will kick off our CSA col-lec on for 2019. Baskets will be available in the sanctuary of the church so that everyone can bring their gi to the altar of the Lord. Please pray about what you can do this year and plan to bring your pledge and first contribu on in the envelope. You may also mail in your pledge to the parish or contribute by credit card online by going to renodiocese.org, the diocesan website. (If you choose that convenient method, please be sure to include your parish name so we will get credit. If you'd like, you may print out your pledge and bring it to church with you so that you can bring it to the altar at mass as well.) May the Lord guide you in your discernment of what you can give and may God bless you many mes over for the measure you share. Yours in Christ Jesus,

Fr. Chuck Durante, Rector

DEL ESCRITORIO DEL PADRE CHUCK ¡¡FELIZ FIN DE SEMANA DÍA DE LOS PRESIDENTES! La siguiente carta se envía a todos los feligreses registrados, pero como muchos de ustedes no están registrados y te-nemos visitantes todas las semanas, decidí reimprimir la carta. Gracias por considerar nuestra Campaña Anual y man-tenga CSA 2019 en sus oraciones.


Es mados feligrés y donantes de CSA: Cuando era niño, recuerdo que mi padre se ofreció como voluntario para ayudar en un nuevo programa en la Iglesia que recaudaría dinero para el trabajo del obispo en toda la Diócesis de Reno. Esto sucedió en el año1968 y se le llamó la Campaña de Servicios Católicos de Nevada. Los feligreses que trabajaban en la Cam-paña literalmente llamaron a las puertas de los católicos del vecindario para que se comprome eran. Mi pa-dre fue uno de esos feligreses de la Catedral de Santo Tomás de Aquino. La Diócesis era todo el Estado de Nevada y ese primer año la Campaña recaudó unos $ 313,000 para las necesidades diocesanas de educación de seminario, educación religiosa y otros programas diocesanos. Hemos recorrido un largo camino en la Dió-cesis desde entonces con más católicos y más parroquias en el Norte de Nevada ahora con mayores necesi-dades. Por lo tanto, durante 51 años, nuestro Obispo está buscando nuestro apoyo para los diversos ministe-rios de la Iglesia en toda la Diócesis a través de la Campaña de Fondos de Servicios Católicos (CSA). Este apo-yo es necesario para financiar las obras de la Iglesia para el año fiscal 2019-20. (La Campaña de Fondos de capital se trasladará a su úl mo año, hacia la creación de una dotación que eventualmente complementará estas y otras necesidades anuales). El lema para CSA de este año es "Por Cristo, Servimos Juntos". Si usted está registrado en nuestra Parro-quia probablemente usted recibió el folleto y la carta de CSA del Obispo Calvo. Somos la Iglesia de la Diócesis de Reno, el Pueblo de Dios. Lo que hacemos como Iglesia en el Norte de Nevada, incluye, entre otras cosas, educación y formación católica, ayuda a los pobres, enfermos y encarcelados, apoyo a la vida y la familia, ministerios étnicos y universitarios, así como apoyo, y formación con nua para la educación de los semina-ristas, diáconos y sacerdotes. La Campaña de Fondos de Servicios Católicos proporciona la mayoría de los fondos para todas estas obras de las oficinas del Obispo. Para la mayoría de estos trabajos, CSA es actual-mente la única fuente de apoyo. Ninguna parroquia puede hacer todo esto, pero todas las parroquias de nuestra Diócesis, trabajando unidas bajo la guía y el liderazgo de nuestro Obispo, pueden lograr mucho más. La meta diocesana para la Campaña de Fondos de Servicios Católicos 2019 es $ 1, 686,825 y nuestra meta parroquial es $ 98,296 de ese total. A diferencia de muchas otras campañas anuales de la Diócesis, nuestra Solicitud de Servicios Católicos proporciona un beneficio directo adicional a cada parroquia que supere su obje vo se le devolverán fondos a la parroquia para sus necesidades. Por lo tanto, si sobre pasamos nuestra meta de $ 98,296 el restante se regresará a nuestra parroquia para ayudar con las muchas necesidades es-peciales que surgen aquí. ¿Se unirá a mí en apoyo de CSA 2019? El fin de semana del 23 al 24 de Febrero, iniciaremos nuestra colec-ción de CSA para 2019. Las canastas estarán disponibles en el Santuario de la Iglesia para que todos puedan llevar su ofrenda al Altar del Señor. Ore por favor sobre lo que pueda donar este año y planee traer su pro-mesa y su primera contribución en el sobre. También puede enviar su ofrenda a la Parroquia o contribuir con tarjeta de crédito en línea en renodiocese.org, el si o web diocesano. (Si elige ese método conveniente, ase-gúrese de incluir el nombre de su Parroquia para que podamos obtener crédito. Si lo desea, puede imprimir su recibo de pago y traerla a la Iglesia para que pueda llevarlo al Altar en Misa). Que el Señor lo guíe en su discernimiento de lo que puede dar y que Dios lo bendiga muchas veces en la medida que comparte. En Cristo Jesús, P. Chuck Durante, Rector

FEBRUARY Monday, February 18 President’s Day Office Closed

Tuesday, February 19 & 26 6:00 AM Men of Saint Joseph 5:15 PM Confirma on Classes 7:00 PM RCIA

Wednesday, February 20 & 27 6:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismá co

Thursday, February 21 & 28 1:00-6:30 PM Adora on concluding w/Benedic on 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy 5:30-6:30 PM Confessions 7:00-9:00 PM Adult Choir Prac ce

Saturday, Saturday 23 8:15 AM Communion & Con nuing Ed Classes 3:00-4:30 PM Confessions

Sunday, 24 Russian Piroshky and pastries A er morning masses in Righini Hall

Readings of the Week Mon: Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2,5-6,10,12,24,35; Mk 6:53-56 Tue: Gn 1:20 -- 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13 Wed: Gn 2:4-9,15-17; Ps 104:1-2,27-28,29-30; Mk 7:14-23 Thu: Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30 Fri: Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37 Sat: Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-4abc, 5-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10 Sun: Jer 17:5-8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; 1 Cor 15:12, 16-20; Lk 6:17, 20-26

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, February 16

8:00 5:00

Purifica on of the Church For the health of Jack Hallsted

Sunday, February 17—VI Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 9:30

11:30 4:15 6:00

† Deceased members of the Honniball Family For the Purifica on of the Church Chris Coyne For the people of St. Thomas Aquinas Por los matrimonios en Crisis

Monday, February 18—President’s Day

9:30 † Tommy Gerome

Tuesday, February 19—Weekday

7:00 12:10

† Steve Brockavich Tacchino Family

Wednesday, February 20—Weekday

7:00 12:10

† George Tsilivis † Tommy Gerome

Thursday, February 21—Saint Peter Damian

7:00 12:10

† Theresa West Brother Ben

Friday, February 22—The Chair of Saint Peter

7:00 † Dr. Carl Herrera

Saturday, February 23

8:00 5:00

Marilyn Johnson † Grace Lorena Wilson



Office and Bookstore Will be closed

Monday February 19.






Our Skate -A-Thon is a fun & fit activity for students, with all participants striving to give their best efforts. Students are to set realistic goals for the length of time they will skate: not laps but hours. Pizza and drinks will be provided. GOAL: is to help raise at least $10,000 for Eddy House to fund their Reno homeless youth program. We are aiming for at least 100 participants, but will accommodate more. Involve your friends & participate as a team effort. If each participant raises $100, we will achieve our goal. Thank you very much for your participation! RULES: Students may start collecting pledges immediately. Copy & Print as many pledge sheets as you need. Pledge forms are available in our vestibules ∗ Each sponsor making a pledge should write their own name, pledge amount and phone and email. All donations made must be by check (NO CASH). All checks should be made out to “Nevada Interfaith Association.” Students may collect the pledge in advance, but must keep pledges until all are collected. ∗ On the day of the skate-a-thon event, students will skate for 1-3 hours to meet the pledge requirement. ∗ Upon completion of the skate-a-thon, students may then collect outstanding pledges. NIA leadership will work with you to get everything collected.

Please bring pledge sheets & any advanced payments collected to the Skate-a-thon event with the checks written to Nevada Interfaith Association.


We’ll be announcing the results and presenting a check to Eddy House at the Nevada Interfaith Breakfast, Wednesday, April 10th. We look forward to all our participants having a great time! For questions, concerns or to volunteer, please contact Pat Meidell at 775-741-2723 or 775-357-3396 or email: pfmeidell@sbcglobal.net.

WORLD WIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Upcoming Weekend: April 5-7 in Reno. Marriage Encounter strives to facilitate the development of strong, faith-filled rela on-ships and reduce the number of marriages that enter the path to marital crisis. To register/more informa on visit: h ps://www.sacramentowwme.org or contact Terry & Janet at applica ons@sacramentowwme.org or 916-489-3464.

HOLY CHILD EARLY LEARNING CENTER I 8- - . For 75 years Holy Child has offered children a quality & caring learning environment. We offer tui on assistance, offer an early head start program, provide a daily hot lunch & snack pro-gram in our cafeteria and to name a few benefits. To schedule a tour and learn more about our program and our tui on rates, please contact Center Director: Nicole Koehler-White at (775) 329-2979. Located at 440 Reno Ave., Reno.

WOMEN OF SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS NEWS Save the Date We would like to invite the women of the parish to join the WSTA on Thursday, March 14, at 6:00 PM in Righini Hall for a St Patrick Potluck. Elec ons for Officers will be held and a presenta on of WSTA Bylaws by the Bylaw commi ee T Y C is making shawls for nursing home residents. Shawl dona ons are welcome, plus yarn and supplies (crochet hooks, looms & kni ng needles) are appreciated. Dona ons can be brought to the monthly mee ngs or dropped off at the Parish Office.

FEBRUARY WSTA PARISH CALENDER Nursing Home Prayer Circle 10:30-11:30 Thursdays, Hazel Michaud Yarn Circle Bean Paulson Prayer Circle February 18 at 6:00pm, Pam Bell

PROJECT RACHEL We pray for all doctors whose advice is abor on, thinking it is a helpful solu on for pregnant women. God is compassionate, loving, merciful, and forgiving. Find out more about Project Rachel visi ng www.renodiocese.org, Click on Our Works, scroll down, click on Project Rachel. Please contact our confiden al, nonjudgmental help line 775-324-4325 or email KarenM@Catholicreno.org.

THE LITTLE THRIFT SHOP S S Visit us at 94 E Glendale Ave., in Sparks near the corner of McCarran & Glendale

Open: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 11:00 AM—5:00 PM & Saturday: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

For those of you who have visited the shop you know that we are not your ordinary thrift shop. We have new and gently used items plus antiques and collectables. Don’t miss this opportunity to find great val-ues in every category.

Pro Life Walk 2019 A note from Edward (Ed) Lantis, Grand Knight of Council 978 of St Thomas Aquinas .

I was the bus captain for the St Thomas for Pro Life group. Our fantastic start was launched by Father Chuck Durante who gave us a great sendoff prayer. (I can't believe he got up that early. Thank you, Fa-ther.) Special thanks to Petra Gonsalves for all her efforts in registering parishioners.

The Reno area, well represented with five buses and a little over 250 people, headed to San Francis-co. Suzanne Revak from Fernley and her group of 17 (with two babies) were also on our bus. Suzanne is a Walk for Life veteran of 9 years. With all that experience she was promoted to Co-Captain. On the road we had coffee, muffins (that I made the night before), as well as sweet rolls and granola bars. Then we let everyone rest or sleep for the next two hours.

We arrived in Sacramento and were introduced to many key players. Then a nice surprise followed: I had gone to casinos and other businesses and received a lot of donations—cards, key chains, pens, candy bars, chips etc. The “Goody Bag” was loved by all.

We had very strict orders from Bishop Calvo to pray the rosary at 9:30 AM. We did just that. This was one of the highlights of the trip.

We finally got to SF. Another exciting moment for me was several people from our parish drove on their own and joined us. It made me very happy. I heard that there were between 50,000 and 60,000 people at the rally. The walk was about two miles. On every block there were three to five law enforce-ment people. (In years past there were a lot of confrontations.)

On the way back our fun continued with singing.

We made good time coming home (8:15 pm). Then one last “Goody” treat— a bottle of wine distribut-ed to each was received with a lot of smiles and “Thank You”s.

Let’s do this again next year! God Bless from Ed Lantis and Suzanne Revak

ENTRADA Cristo está conmigo, junto a mi va El Señor;

me acompaña siempre, en mi vida hasta el fin.

Ya no temo, Señor, la tristeza; ya no temo, Señor, la soledad: porque eres, Señor mi alegría, tengo siempre tu amistad.

Ya no temo, Señor a la noche; ya no temo, Señor la oscuridad: porque brilla tu luz en las sombras, ya no hay noche, tu eres luz.

Ya no temo, Señor, los fracasos; ya no temo, Señor la ingratitud: porque el triunfo, Señor en la vida, tu lo tienes, tu lo das.

Ya no temo, Señor, los abismos; ya no temo, Señor, la inmensidad: porque eres, Señor, el camino y la vida y la verdad.

Ya no temo, Señor, a la muerte; ya no temo, Señor, la eternidad: porque tu estas allá esperando que yo llegue hasta ti.

SALMO Dichoso el hombre que ha puesto su confianza en el Señor


En ti mi Dios, mi amparo y mi refugio, en ti pongo mi confianza.(2)

Dios te libra del cazador, del lazo que busca destruirte. Te cubre con sus alas divinas y será su plumaje tu refugio.

No ha de alcanzarte la tribulación, ni la plaga caerá sobre tu casa. Dara a sus ángeles la orden de cuidarte siempre en tu camino.

Me llamaras y yo responderé, estaré contigo en la desgracia. De días sin fin te colmare y hare que veas la salvación.

COMUNIÓN Entre tus manos esta mi vida Señor entre tus manos pongo mi existir.

Hay que morir para vivir entre tus manos confió mi ser.

Si el grano de trigo no muere, si no muere, solo quedara pero si muere en abundancia dará un fruto eterno que no morirá.

Es mi anhelo, mi anhelo creciente, en el surco contigo morir y fecundar será la simiente, Señor, revestida de eterno vivir

Y si vivimos para El vivimos, y si morimos para El morimos. Sea que vivamos o que muramos somos del Señor, somos del Señor.

Cuando diere por fruto una espiga a los rayos de ardiente calor. Tu reinado tendrá nueva vida de amor en una hostia de eterno esplendor.

SALIDA Todos los pueblos de la tierra, confíen siempre en Dios (2)

Descansa mi alma en el Señor, porque El es mi esperanza; es mi roca y salvación, no vacilaré.

De Dios viene mi salvación y con El está mi gloria. Es mi roca siempre firme, es mi refugio.

Pueblo, confía siempre en El, denle su corazón. El será nuestro refugio, vivian siempre en El.

No confíen en la opresión, no se ilusionen en el robo y aunque tengan riquezas, no pongan ahí su corazón.


L M 6:30—8:30 PM.

S M Vigil-Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 4:15PM & 6:00PM (Misa en español) W M 12:10PM (Monday); 7:00AM (Friday) 8:00AM (Saturday) 7:00AM & 12:10 (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) R 11:35AM (Tuesday through Thursday) C Thursday 5:30-6:30 PM & Saturday 3:00-4:30PM or by appointment M Contact Parish Office at least six months prior to se ng date B Contact Parish Office at least two months prior to se ng date A Contact Parish Office A B Thursday 1:00-6:30PM D M Thursday 3:00PM M M P Monday 1:00PM L T S 775-240-0328 — SMC@STACathedral.com 94 E Glendale, Sparks, next to Juicy’s at S. McCarran Blvd Open: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 11:00AM-5:00PM & Saturday 10:00AM-5:00PM P R P -A H M . WWW.HOPEAFTERABORTION.ORG. HELP LINE, NONJUDGMENTAL & CONFIDENTIAL: 775-324-4325.

T C R / . T :


LET US PRAY FOR… / OREMOS POR… US Servicemen & Women, Julianna Holland, Emilia Villegas, Julianna Strauss, Anna Wolf, James Becoat, Sharon Caron, Jack Hallsted, Chris McMullen, Jordan Wingate, Patti Beer, Jovita Mendoza, Steve Tucker, Rafael & Patty Tellez, Gary Blount, Heidi Gibson, James Czeck, Billie Batek, Marlene Teschera, Fr Chris,

Joan Hanson, Manuel Estevez, Dorothy Donovan, Douglas Todd, David Rincon Lopez, John Vicars, Charlie & Linda Gill, Sayra Gutierrez, Margarita Aguirre, Maureen Flynn, Ed, Maria & Rick Slaughter, Bob

Buschine, Patrick Coyne, Kristen Monibi, Anna Buchanan, Monet Rodriguez, Kriss & Zenaida Janoski, Glen, Sarah & Monica Munns, Ed, John & Vangie Elordieta, Ed & John Korphage, Douglas Dolbow,

Donald Babione


Date 1st Collec on 2nd Collec on 2nd Collec on To Benefit February 3 February 10 February 17 February 24

$7,808 $6,088 $ $

$2,684 - $ -

Loan Payment No Second Collec on CORRECTION PRIEST’S RELIEF NOT Long Term Repair No Second Collec on

V Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Readings Breaking Bread Pages #71—73
