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nova gorica

14. mednarodno srečanje saksofonistov v Sloveniji14th International Saxophone Meeting in Slovenia

28. junij – 3. julij 2010 June 28 - July 3, 2010

Poletna šola saksofona & festivalSummer Saxophone School & Festival

Ime / First name: ________________________________________________

Priimek / Surname: _______________________________________________

Datum rojstva / Date of birth: ______________________________________

Naslov / Address: ________________________________________________

Pošta in poštna št. / City and Postal Code: _____________________________

Država / Country: _______________________________________________

Telefon / Phone: _________________________________________________

E-pošta / E-mail: ________________________________________________

Možnosti izobraževanja (izbira) / Course selection (choice):

5 individualnih lekcij samo klasične glasbe 5 individual lessons only classical music

5 individualnih lekcij samo jazz glasbe / 5 individual lessons only jazz music

3 klasične 2 jazz / 3 classical 2 jazz 2 klasični 3 jazz / 2 classical 3 jazz

Glasbena delavnica / Musical Workshop:

Izjavljam, da se bom poleg poletne šole udeležil brezplačne glasbene delavnice pri Ladu Jakši (30. 6. 2010). Apart from the Summer School I will also attend the free workshop with Lado Jakša (June 30, 2010).

Prijavljam se samo na glasbeno delavnico z Ladom Jakšo (30. 6. 2010). I will attend only the music workshop by Lado Jakša (June 30, 2010). Dosedanja glasbena izobrazba in profesorji: Musical education and teachers: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

prijavnica / registration form

Obisk koncertov je brezplačen. / Admission free.V primeru slabega vremena bodo koncerti v veliki dvorani Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica / In case of bad weather the concerts will be relocated in to the Great Hall of the Arts Center Nova Gorica.Organizator festivala si pridržuje pravico do spremembe programa / The organizer of the festival reserves the right to change the program.

Mentorji Kenneth Tse je eden izmed vodilnih svetovnih saksofonistov za klasično glasbo. Leta 1996 je debitiral v sloviti dvorani Carnegie. Od takrat nastopa kot solist na petih celinah ter je posnel deset odlično ocenjenih solističnih in komornih zgoščenk. Kot zagovornik nove glasbe je krstno izvedel številne skladbe, ki so mu jih posvetili najopaznejši ameriški skladatelji. Deluje kot profesor saksofona na Univerzi v Iowi in je podpredsednik Mednarodnega odbora za saksofon.

Christian Wirth je po študiju v razredu Clauda Delanga, na pariškem konservatoriju zaključil tudi študij saksofona in komorne igre. Za ugledno založbo Deutsche Grammophon je posnel Beriovo Sequenzo za saksofon pod umetniškim vodstvom skladatelja. Je član Pihalnega orkestra Republikanske garde in priznanega kvarteta Habanera, snema za Francoski radio ter za televiziji Arte in France 3.

Maja Lisac je po diplomi na Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajočo umetnost na Dunaju, študij nadaljevala pri Marcusu Weissu na Visoki šoli za glasbo v Baslu, kjer je leta 2007 magistrirala. Je članica dua saksofonov Escapades, tria Tango Mistico in kvarteta saksofonov Zure ter nagrajenka in štipendistka fundacije Friedl Wald, kantona Pokrajine Basel in koncerna Novartis. Septembra 2010 bo kot asistentka Marcusa Weissa začela poučevati na Visoki šoli za glasbo v Baslu.

Dejan Prešiček je po diplomi na Glasbeni akademiji v Frankfurtu, študij nadaljeval v razredu Jean-Marie Londeixa v Bordeauxu ter prejel zlato medaljo in častno nagrado mesta Bordeaux. Je član Tria Slavko Osterc, Kvarteta saksofonov 4saxess in soustanovitelj Glasbenega društva Saksofonija. Snema za RTV Slovenija ter tuje radijske in televizijske hiše (BBC London, državne nemške postaje, Radio Lizbona). Njegove posnetke najdemo tudi na številnih zgoščenkah. Je v. d. direktor Konservatorija za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani, kjer poučuje saksofon in komorno igro, honorarno pa poučuje tudi na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani.

Boštjan Simon je diplomiral jazz saksofon na Konservatoriju v Amsterdamu ter filozofijo (mentor prof. Lev Kreft) na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Glasbeno nadarjenost je potrdil na številnih tekmovanjih (solistično ali v komornih zasedbah) ter kot dirigent big banda. Sodeloval je tudi pri izdaji treh zgoščenk (Matevž Smerkol & Sax Of A Kind: Birdribird; Vanilla Riot: Stitch; Velkro: The future of the past).

Korepetitor Zoltan Peter je študij klavirja pričel v razredu prof. Arba Valdme na Akademiji umetnosti v Novem Sadu , zaključil pa na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani. Kot solist, komorni glasbenik ter klavirski spremljevalec mnogih vrhunskih glasbenikov mlajše ali starejše generacije nastopa v Sloveniji in tujini. Z obsežnim repertoarjem sodeluje na domačih in mednarodnih mojstrskih tečajih in tekmovanjih. Poleg koncertne in pedagoške dejavnosti vodi seminarje za učence in učitelje klavirja ter korepetitorje.

Mentors Kenneth Tse is widely recognized as one of the leading classic saxophonists in the world. In 1996, he made his debut in Carnegie Hall. Since then he has frequently appeared as a soloist across five continents and has subsequently released ten critically acclaimed solo and chamber music CDs. As an advocate for new music, he premiered scores of music dedicated to him by notable American composers. He is currently the professor of saxophone at University of Iowa and Vice President of the International Saxophone Committee.

Christian Wirth attended Claude Delangle’s classes at the Paris Conservatoire, where he completed his postgraduate studies in saxophone and chamber music. He has recorded Berio’s Sequenza for saxophone with the renowned Deutsche Grammophon under the artistic direction of the composer. He plays with the Harmony Orchestra of the Republican Guard, and he has also performed on Radio France and on French television channels such as Arte and France 3. He is a member of the recognized French Habanera Quartet.

Maja Lisac graduated in classic saxophone from the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and continued her post-graduated studies on the University of Music Basel with Marcus Weiss. In 2007, she obtained her Master’s degree from the University of Music Basel. She is a member of Saxophone Duo Escapades, Trio Tango Mistico, and Zure Saxophone Quartet. Canton Baselland and Novartis Concern awarded her a sholarships, as well as the Friedl Wald Foundation. In September 2010, she will begin to teach as Marcus Weiss’s assistant at University of Music Basel.

Dejan Prešiček graduated from the Frankfurt Music Academy and continued his studies at Jean-Marie Londeix’s masterclass in Bordeaux, where he had obtained the Gold medal and the Prize of honor of the City of Bordeaux. He is a member of the Slavko Osterc Trio and Ensemble 4Saxess, and a co-founder of the Saksofonija Music Society. He has recorded for RTV Slovenia and various radio and television houses (BBC London, state German stations, Radio Lisboa), and has participated in recording numerous CDs. He is a director and teacher for saxophone and chamber music at the Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory. He is a part-time lecturer at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana.

Boštjan Simon graduated in jazz saxophone from the Amsterdam Conserva-tory of Music as well as in Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana (under the tuition of prof. Lev Kreft). When taking part in several competitions, he has proved to be a gifted musician either as a soloist, chamber music performer, and as a conductor of the Big Band. As a performer, he has taken part in releasing three CDs (Matevž Smerkol & Sax Of A Kind: Birdribird; Vanilla Riot: Stitch; Velkro: The Future of the Past).

Piano accompanistZoltan Peter began his academic studies in the class of Arbo Valdma at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. He completed his piano studies at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. As a soloist, chamber musician and piano accompanist for all generations of top musicians, he has performed in Slovenia and abroad. He is one of the finest chamber and piano accompanists who has mastered an extensive repertoire. He takes part in national and international masterclasses and com-petitions. Apart from teaching and giving concerts, he gives seminars for piano students, teachers and piano accompanists.

Program dela in splošne informacije• 5 individualnih lekcij • glasbena delavnica z Ladom Jakšo • delo v komornih skupinah • priprava in študij skladb za zaključni koncert • delo s korepetitorjem • spremljanje koncertov v okviru festivala 14. mednarodnega srečanja saksofonistov

Programme and General Information• 5 individual lessons • workshop with Lado Jakša• work in chamber ensembles• preparation and study of compositions for final concert• work with piano accompanist• attending concerts within the framework of the 14th International Saxophone Meeting




27. 6. 2010 ob / at 21.30: Bevkov trg / Bevkov Square, Nova Gorica Tomaž Nedoh & band Projekt Bonaca / Project Bonaca

28. 6. 2010 ob / at 20.30: dvorana Glasbene šole Nova Gorica / Nova Gorica Music School Hall Maja Lisac saksofon / saxophone Sodobna glasba za saksofon / Contemporary Saxophone Music gosta / guests: Bojana Šaljić Podešva živa elektronika / live electronics Matjaž Drevenšek saksofon / saxophone

29. 6. 2010 ob / at 21.00: Amfiteater Gradu Kromberk / Amphitheatre of the Kromberk Castle Boštjan Simon saksofon / saxophone Zlatko Kaučič tolkala / percussion

30. 6. 2010 ob / at 21.00: Domačija Klinec v Medani / Klinec Tourist Farm in Medana Lado Jakša Multivizija / Multivision

1. 7. 2010 ob / at 20.30: Dvorana Frančiškanskega samostana Hall of Franciscan Monastery, Kostanjevica, Nova Gorica Kenneth Tse saksofon / saxophone Zoltan Peter klavir / piano gost / guest: Matjaž Drevenšek saksofon / saxophone

2. 7. 2010 ob / at 21.00: Grad Kromberk / Kromberk Castle Kvartet Habanera / Habanera Quartet

3. 7. 2010 ob / at 17.00: Velika dvorana Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica Great Hall of Nova Gorica Arts Centre Zaključni koncert udeležencev poletne šole Final Concert of the Summer School Participants

3. 7. 2010 ob / at 21.30: Bevkov trg / Bevkov Square, Nova Gorica Big Band GD Nova

• Matjaž Drevenšek (SLO), umetniški vodja / artistic director

• Kenneth Tse (ZDA / USA)• Christian Wirth (F) • Maja Lisac (CH) • Dejan Prešiček (SLO)• Boštjan Simon (SLO), jazz

• Lado Jakša (SLO), glasbena delavnica / music workshop

• Zoltan Peter (SLO), korepetitor / piano accompanist M







Poletna šola saksofona / Summer Saxophone School

Sponzorji / Sponsors:

Medijski sponzorji / Media sponsors:

Vsak udeleženec ima na razpolago pet individualnih lekcij ter možnost dela v različnih komornih skupinah. Pri individualnih urah lahko izbirate med klasičnim repertoarjem, jazzom ali kombinacijo obojega. Ne spreglejte tudi možnosti udeležbe na glasbeni delavnici z Ladom Jakšo. Za udeležence poletne šole je glasbena delavnica brezplačna. Vsak udeleženec poletne šole mora kljub temu na prijavnici označiti, da se želi udeležiti glasbene delavnice!

Razporeditev lekcij je v izključni domeni umetniškega vodje poletne šole! Urnik dela bo sestavljen glede na število udeležencev in objavljen neposredno pred začetkom mednarodne poletne šole. Lekcije bodo potekale v GLASBENI ŠOLI NOVA GORICA, Cankar-jeva ulica 8, in v KULTURNEM DOMU NOVA GORICA, Bevkov trg 4. Udeležencem bodo na voljo sobe za vadbo.


Cena poletne šole 250 €

Glasbena delavnica z Ladom Jakšo(30. 6. 2010 ob 9. uri):

50 €

Število prijav je omejeno. Veljal bo vrstni red prispelih prijav. Zadnji rok prijave je ponedeljek, 14. junij 2010 (velja poštni žig). V primeru naknadne odpovedi organizator zadrži 20 % vrednosti kotizacije za povrnitev administrativnih stroškov.

Način plačila: na podračun Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica01284 – 6030358603 pri UJP, urad Nova Gorica

Prijavnico pošljite na naslov:Kulturni dom Nova Gorica, Bevkov trg 4, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenija

Ali po faksu: 05 335 40 19

Prijavnici priložite kopijo dokazila o plačani kotizaciji.

VSI UDELEŽENCI POLETNE ŠOLE BODO OB ZAKLJUČKU SREČANJA PREJELI POTRDILO O UDELEŽBI. Organizator ni odgovoren za morebitne nesreče, izgube, kraje ipd. med bivanjem udeleženca šole saksofona v Novi Gorici. Uradna jezika sta slovenščina in angleščina.

Glasbena delavnica z Ladom Jakšo‘Oslikane partiture’Sreda, 30. junij 2010, ob 9. uri v mali dvorani Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica

»Glasbena delavnica bo temeljila na sprotnem ustvarjanju glasbe na osnovi likovne, grafične, foto-multivizijske predloge. Glavni izziv bo umetniška kreacija solistične in skupinske glasbene so-igre, soustvarjalnega dialoga, odkrivanja novih zvočnih možnosti, sinestetičnih fascinacij in sozvenenja večplastnih umetniških sfer. Nekaj ustvarjalnih izzivov za namig: ‘Črnobela partitura’, ‘Barvna partitura’, ‘Navdih alikvotov’, ‘Zvočne pokrajine’, ‘Sax-off-fon’, ‘Sax-of-phone’, ‘Rad-ost-zvoka’, ‘Dah-dih-duh’ ...« Lado Jakša

Lado Jakša je svobodni umetnik, glasbenik, skladatelj in umetniški fotograf. Ustvarja glasbo, ki je sinteza jazza, eksperimentalne in ambientalne glasbe. Piše za film, televizijo, gledališče in umetniški ples. Izdal je trinajst samostojnih zgoščenk. Sodeluje s priznanimi domačimi in tujimi jazzovskimi glasbeniki. Predstavlja se z glasbe-nimi in multivizijskimi projekti tako doma kot v ZDA in po Evropi. Imel je več kot 60 samostojnih fotografskih razstav doma in v tujini, njegova avtorska dela so v zbirkah številnih galerij po Evropi. Vodi tako fotografske kot tudi glasbene delavnice in se udeležuje tovrstnih simpozijev.




a p



ba info

Instrument / Instrument:

sopranino / sopranino tenor / tenor sopran / soprano bariton / baritone alt / alto bas / bass

Navedite največ tri pripravljene skladbe za poletno šolo: Please state a maximum of three prepared pieces for the Summer School:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ne pozabite klavirskih not! / Do not forget piano music!

Član Glasbenega društva Saksofonija (10% popust)

Način bivanja / Lodging:

Dijaški dom / Student Hostel Drugo / Other

Datum / Date: Podpis / Signature:

______________________ ______________________

Za mladoletne udeležence Kulturni dom Nova Gorica ne prevzema odgovornosti. For underage participants Nova Gorica Arts Centre is not taking of responsibility.

Podpis starša / Parents signature: ______________________

Prijavnico pošljite najkasneje do 14. junija 2010. Closing date for the registration: June 14, 2010.

Prijavnico pošljite na naslov:Kulturni dom Nova Gorica Bevkov trg 4, 5000 Nova Gorica ali po faksu: 05 335 40 19

Please send your registration form to:Kulturni dom Nova Gorica (Arts Centre)Bevkov trg 4, SI-5000 Nova Goricaor by fax: + 386 5 335 40 19

Poletna šola saksofona / Summer Saxophone School







D Music workshop with Lado Jakša

‘Depicted musical scores’ Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 9 a.m. in the Small Hall of the Nova Gorica Arts Centre

“The music workshop will focus on making music on the stage simultaneously on the basis of artistic, graphic, photo and multivision symbols provided in the background. The major challenge will thus be to artistically create solo and group music play, original dialogue, and nevertheless to find out new sonic possibilities, synaesthetic fascinating sounds in connection to harmonious multi-layered cultural spheres. Let us give you just a few challenging clues: ‘Black-and-White Score’, ‘Coloured Score’, ‘Aliquot Inspiration’, ‘Sonic Landscapes’, ‘Sax-off-phone’, ‘Sax-of-phone’, ‘Cheer-ful-ness of the Sound’, ‘Dah-dih-duh’ and so on.” Lado Jakša Lado Jakša is a freelance artist, musician, composer and a fine art photographer. He makes music /the synthesis of jazz, experimental and ambient music/ for film, television, theatre and arts dance. He has released thirteen solo CDs. He has collaborated with renowned jazz musicians from Slovenia and abroad. He appears in concerts performing music and presenting multivision projects in Slovenia as well as in the United States and Europe. He has mounted more than 60 solo photographic exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad. His pieces of art are exhibited in many galleries throughout Europe. He runs photographic as well as music workshops and he himself takes part in symposiums of this kind.

Each participant has five individual lessons available as well as the pos-sibility to work with various chamber ensembles. For the individual lessons participants can choose between classical repertoire, jazz, or a combination of both. Do not miss the opportunity to attend the music workshop with Lado Jakša. For participants of the summer school the workshop is free of charge, but all participants must indicate on the registration form if they wish to attend!

The distribution of lessons is entirely at the discretion of the artistic director of the summer school!

The timetable will be established according to the number of participants and will be available directly before the beginning of the international summer school.The lessons will take place at the NOVA GORICA MUSIC SCHOOL, Cankarjeva ulica 8, and at the NOVA GORICA ARTS CENTRE, Bevkov trg 4. Practice rooms will be available for participants.


Fee For The Summer School € 250

Music workshop with Lado Jakša (June 30, 2010 at 9.00 a.m.)

€ 50

The number of participants is limited. Places will be allocated according to the date of receipt of the completed registration form. The deadline for application is Monday, June 14, 2010 (date of postmark). In the case of participant cancellation the organizer will retain 20% of the participation fee to cover administrative expenses.

Payment method: Bank transfer to the Nova Gorica Arts Centre,Account number 01284 – 6030358603 at UJP (Public Payment Office), Nova Gorica Branch / IBAN: SI56012846030358603 / SWIFT: BSLJSI2X

Please send the registration form by post to:Kulturni dom Nova Gorica (Arts Centre), Bevkov trg 4, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Or by fax to: + 386 5 335 40 19

Please attach to the registration form a copy of proof of payment of the deposit.

ON THE CONCLUSION OF THE MEETING ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THE SUMMER SCHOOL WILL RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE. The organizer cannot be held responsible for any accidents, loss, theft, etc., that occur while participating in the saxophone school in Nova Gorica. The official languages are Slovene and English.

bivanje Accommodation

Za nočitev in prehrano udeleženci srečanja poskrbijo sami.

Priporočamo namestitev: DIJAŠKI DOM NOVA GORICA, Streliška pot 7, 5000 Nova Gorica(T 05 335 48 11, W www.info@ddng-si & www.info@hostel-ng.si):

Enota A (sobe 1/3 s skupnimi tuši in sanitarijami)• nočitev z zajtrkom: 17 € • polpenzion: 20 € • polni penzion: 23 €

Enota B (sobe 1/2 s kopalnico)• nočitev z zajtrkom: 23 € • polpenzion: 26 € • polni penzion: 29 €

V Dijaški dom Nova Gorica se prijavite najpozneje do 18. junija 2010 na elektronski naslov: info@hostel-ng.si.

Participants are responsible for their own meals and accommodation.

Recommended accommodation: NOVA GORICA STUDENT HOSTEL, Streliška pot 7, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia(Tel. + 386 5 335 48 11, www.info@ddng-si & www.info@hostel-ng.si):

Unit A (1/3 room with shared shower and bathroom facilities)• bed and breakfast: €17 • half board: €20 • full board: €23

Unit B (1/2 room with bathroom)• bed and breakfast: €23 • half board: €26 • full board: €29

Please register yourself at Student Hostel Nova Gorica by the June 18 to the e-mail address: info@hostel-ng.si

Krajevna skupnost Nova Gorica

Občina Brda

Partnerji / Partners:

Frančiškanski samostanKostanjevica v Novi Gorici