Field Study 06-Inc


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Field Study 06: On Becoming a TeacherTemplate 4

Name of Student Bingcang, Rea P. Section BSED 3BAssigned School Claro M. Recto ICT HS Name of Teacher being observed Mrs. Myrna D. GuintoGrade/Year Level and Subject Ist year/ Filipino

Specialized Knowledge

Interview the teacher you are observing and supply the needed information to complete the profile in the next page and answer the questions below.

How is the teacher’s educational background helping him/her in teaching most effectively?

How is the teacher’s pre-service training helping him/her in teaching and/or in doing other school assignment?

How are the teacher’s attended trainings contributing to his/her classroom teaching and/or other school assignment?

Mrs. Myrna D. Guinto Assignment (Teacher of Filipino among 1st and 2nd year students)

Claro M. Recto ICT High School

I. Educational AttainmentBachelor’s Degree BSEd major in T.L.E.Graduate Degree (or units earned) Presently enrolled in master’s classPost Graduate Degree (or units earned) ______________________________

II. Pre-Service Training Please check the kind of organization you joined as a student. You may check more than one.___ Leadership/Student Council or Government___ Journalism/College or University Paper___ Sports ⁄ Performing Arts___ Art-Related___ Religious ⁄ Community Service/Socio-Civic-Oriented___ Major/Area of Specialization-Related___ Others. Please specify _______________________________________

III. In-Service TrainingPlease check the nature of trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences, summits you often attend as a teacher. You may check more than one. ___ Major/Area of Specialization Related___ New Curricula___ Teaching Strategies___ Student Advising___ Classroom Management ⁄ Information Technology-Related ⁄ Educational Management___ Others. Please specify. _________________________________________

IV. Other School AssignmentPlease check the nature of other school assignment you have or have had. You may check more than one.___ Club Moderator/Adviser/Animator Club: ____________________________________ Student Council/Government Adviser___ School Paper Adviser___ Academic Contest Coach___ Non-Academic Contest Coach___ Faculty Moderator/Officer___ Others. Please specify. Assistant librarian

For Ma’am Guinto having a degree in education, particularly BSEd, is an armor that equips her as she do her work and when she facing different challenges as a teacher. The knowledge, values, skills and experiences she had for her four years of taking the course enable her to keep going, along with her stronghold of her faith in God.

Her pre-service training or internship in teaching first year high school students at Pampanga Agricultural College (PAC) was a rewarding experienced. It gave her an overview on what to expect in the field of teaching and prepare her from different tasks especially handling different types of students.

For her the contribution of attending trainings is that trainings provide her additional knowledge and skills for professional and personal growth. Also trainings gave her different strategies and techniques on how can she manage the whole class.

ReflectionAnswer each question with two to four sentences.

Picture of the teacher

How important is it to you to be assigned to the appropriate level (elementary or high school) when you teach? Why?

For me as a future BSEd major in Filipino it is very important to be assigned to the appropriate level and that is high school level because I spent almost my entire college year in specializing Filipino and focusing using different approaches and techniques in teaching high school students. I do have the basic skills or knowledge for the general subjects but still it is not enough for me to teach in elementary because as far as I know elementary school teachers follow different approaches in teaching their perspective learners. And it is important to practice what you have learned in your field of specialization to be fair to yourself and to the students.

How would you adjust if you are assigned to an inappropriate level?

If that is the case, I will adjust as soon as possible because the students are not going to wait for me. I will adjust especially to the needs of my students because elementary students are different form high school students such as to their behavior, interest and learning habit. I will adjust to the different subjects if incase I need to teach all the general subjects and try to give more focus on them because I might over teach my area of specialization.

How important is it to you to obtain a graduate (Master’s) or post-graduate (Doctorate) degree? Why?

Now a days having or obtaining graduate degree is must requirement in applying to different schools and for what I have observed many graduate students aim to comply their profession by having a Master’s and Doctorate degree. And as for me who will be graduating in the near 2013 I think having the said degree is very important, why, it is because soon enough DepEd will required all or most of the teacher to have or to finished not only the bachelor degree but also the have master’s or doctorate degree as what the CHED required for the tertiary level to assure the quality and readiness of the builders [teachers] of youth. Not quite possible because our country is competing for a good quality education.

How prepared are you to accept other school assignments (advising, coaching, etc.) if you were offered such? What other school assignments may be given to you based on your credentials?

For me to be offered such task is a big compliment in my part to think that they trust my ability to handle such assignment. I am prepared 100% to accept that school assignment aside from teaching. As a teacher you should

not lock yourself in the four corners of the room but you should know how to deal with different activities in the school. I know myself very well if I know that someone is better or fit to that assignment I will try to ask him/her to guide or help me or ask/suggest them to give the assignment to him/her but still I will help them and support but if I know I can do it I will give my 200% to fulfill that task. I can coach a student who would like to compete in the dish gardening competition as a former contestant and champion of cluster and division level.

Field Study 06: On Becoming a TeacherTemplate 5

Name of Student Bingcang, Rea P. Section BSED 3B

Assigned School Claro M. Recto ICT HS Name of Teacher being observed Mrs. Myrna D. GuintoGrade/Year Level and Subject Ist year/ Filipino

Standards, Beliefs, and Values

Ask the teacher you are observing to rank the following standards among teachers according to their importance to him/her as a teacher. Tell him/her that number 1 is the most important and that number 10 is the least.

2 Education Degree1 Teacher’s License/Civil Service Eligibility3 Continuing Education (Master’s, Doctorate, Diplomas, or Certificate Courses)4 Attendance in Seminars/Trainings/Conferences/Summits5 Membership/Officership in Professional Organizations6 Membership/Officership in Religious/Socio-Civic Organizations8 Authorship of Instructional Materials7 Conduct of Research or Study9 Speakership in Seminars/Trainings/Conferences/Summits10 Receiving of Local/National/International Nominations/Awards/Recognitions

Why did the teacher choose number 1 as the most important standard?

According to Ma’am Guito, “Many teachers now have an education degree but they dont have a license and cannot or have choose not pursue taeching as a career. A teacher or a graduate of any bachelor degree can study to get units to apply for a license and be a professional teacher.”

Why did the teacher choose number 10 as the least important standard?

According to Ma’am Guito, “Ateacher doesn’t need all those recognitions from the society in order to be called a great teacher.” And for her what is more important is that she can share and teach her students very well because what you contributed on their success is more rewarding than a piece of paper.

What does the teacher consider as other important standards? Why?

For her she considered becoming a member of any organization conducting community services/ extension services as another important

standards because the true meaning of teaching for her is to share what you have to those people that are unfortunate especially to the young one who want to learn.

ReflectionAnswer each question with two to four sentences each.

Do you agree that number 1 is the most important standard? Why or why not? If you disagree, what for you is the most important?

No, I disagree that having a license is the most important standard among teachers because even a graduate of another course or profession can obtain it by completing the required units. And for me the most important standard among teachers is to have an Education Degree to add and to enhance your educational experiences and knowledge. To obtain an Education Degree you can be a certified teacher.

Do you agree that number 10 is the least important standard? Why or why not? If you disagree, what for you is the least important?

Yes, I agree to her that the least important standard is that receiving of local/ National/ International/ Awards/Recognitions because as a teacher you are not tested on your recognitions but on how you are in the field. Yes it is good to receive recognitions to be acknowledge but still it is you are not measured by that.

What other important standard is not in the list? How important is it for you?

Another important standard that a teacher must possess is s/he should be flexible or the ability to roll with the punches and not let the little things get him/her down. And there's no such thing as an average or typical day in teaching. Students come and go, clocks and other machines break, parents drop in unexpectedly, administrators have reports to file, meetings are scheduled at the last minute, , the film you ordered didn't arrive or the person you ask to set the LCD didn’t arrive, and a hundred other things can — and often do — go wrong. However, if a teacher is flexible — the one who doesn't let these inevitable “roadblocks” get in her/his way — that survives and teaches best in the classroom. Yes, there will be “surprises,” unanticipated and unplanned events, and problems along the way. But if you are willing to compromise, bend, and adjust, you will give yourself an incredible opportunity to succeed.

How well does the teacher you are observing meet the stipulated standards? What may be motivating or hindering him/her?

As what I have observed my cooperating teacher met the following stipulated standards but still there are times that she cannot meet some of them. She always tries her best to fulfill the specified standards among teachers even though she cannot teach her field of specialization due to some circumstances. She still practices what she have learned in her Bachelor Degree, as what she have said, “Even though I’m not a graduate of BSEd major in Filipino I still apply and use what she learned in her four years of college to meet the expectations of the other people especially my students.” I think what motivated her is the challenge itself wherein she need to teach a subject that she doesn’t take as her major and also her students who always support her in time of their classes.

How important is it for any teacher to meet all the stipulated standards? Why?

To be a teacher or future teacher it is very important to meet all the conditions or stipulated standards to fulfill your mission and goals in your chosen career. And one of the most important reasons is to protect and enhance the quality of teaching and learning. Teaching standards give the profession an opportunity to play a stronger part in key decisions about quality in teacher education and continuing professional learning, on behalf of the public. So it is very important to a teacher to manifest all the said standards. Because you cannot give what you don’t have.

Field Study 06: On Becoming a TeacherTemplate 6

Name of Student Bingcang, Rea P. Section BSED 3BAssigned School Claro M. Recto ICT HS Name of Teacher being observed Mrs. Myrna D. GuintoGrade/Year Level and Subject Ist year/ Filipino

Standards, Beliefs, and Values

Ask the teacher you are identify his/her standards in teaching to complete the given prompts/sentences.

Classroom Discipline A good sign of students’ readiness to learn is when they choose to

listen and wait for what you’ll say. I know that a student is interested about the discussion if s/he ask

questions. I call students to have a heart-to-heart talk with me when they look

sad. I call for parent-teacher conference when students misbehave/ poor

performance. I usually reprimand students by calling their attention, giving them a

warning When students fight physically I make sure to be quick enough to

isolate/separate them rightaway. When students argue during class discussion I throw a joke of putting a

ring (boxing). Before I start the class, I usually pray and ask for God’s guidance. Before I dismiss the class, I usually give assignments then at my last

period, pray. One very important classroom policy to me is learn to respect the

rights of others.

Classroom Instruction I cannot teach without the guidance of the Lord and my lesson plan. I reteach when I notice that most of them failed our quiz. To make instructions clear I ask them if they all understand/ write

instructions first on paper. The assignments I give are usually preparations for the next lesson or

application on the last discussion. I usually tap students to lead when I notice that they have the ability to

lead I monitor group work by going to every group and observe how they


When students do not follow instructions, I keep quite and let them notice themselves.

When I notice students are bored, I usually give them an interactive activities.

Whenever possible, I usually integrate values and reminding them how God loves them.

Whenever possible, I usually instill the value of honesty and integrity.

Assessment Before giving a test, I usually review the class. I usually give grades incentives when I see that the student is diligent. Aside from content, I usually grade clarity and organization of

thoughts. I become happy with test results when most of them passed. During recitation, I require students to stand up and speak what they

know about our discussion. I think of adjusting students’ grades when most of them/many of them

failed and if they do or joined on different extra curricular activities.Reflection

Answer each question with two to four sentences each.

Which of the standards do you wish to uphold in your own classroom? Why?

Teachers play various roles in a typical classroom, but surely one of the most important is that of classroom manager. Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. If students are disorderly and disrespectful, and no apparent rules and procedures guide behavior, chaos becomes the norm. In these situations, both teachers and students suffer. Teachers struggle to teach, and students most likely learn much less than they should. In contrast, well-managed classrooms provide an environment in which teaching and learning can flourish. But a well-managed classroom doesn't just appear out of nowhere. It takes a good deal of effort to create—and the person who is most responsible for creating it is the teacher. And so before any standard I wish to first uphold the standard on classroom discipline to have an effective teaching towards adequate learning.

Which of the standards is too much or too strict for you? Why?

Among the said standards, classroom discipline for me is too much or too strict it just because of the word itself “discipline” the teacher have thousands of rules and regulations to be followed and strictly observed by the students. Classroom discipline somehow shows how good teacher are you especially in times of giving discipline on those misbehave students. And

that explain why classroom discipline is the strictest among the three standards.

Which of the standards is too low or too lenient for you? Why?

If classroom discipline is too strict assessment in the other hand is too lenient or too low because most of the things here are in favor of the learners especially in terms of giving consideration when it talks about their grades and how their performances assess. And basically assessment acquired easily than behaving the 45 students.

What top considerations should a teacher keep in mind when setting standards?

The teacher should always consider both parties in setting standards in his/her class wherein the said standards are beneficial to him/her and to the whole class. And always monitor if the classroom standards are appropriate or not so that s/he can adjust or modify them in able for him/her to catch his/her desired standards.

Should teachers compromise standards when in certain complicated/sensitive situations? Why or why not?

No, for me the teacher should not compromise his/her standards when unexpected circumstance occurred because this way the teacher can test his/her ability to prove that the standards are the things should be followed however the teacher should take some actions to solve that problem in which s/he should not humiliated the rights of the student. And the teacher should inculcate that the standards s/he sets are irrevocable and the students should understand that in able for them to meet the following standards.