Fight like an Elite Soldier: Win ANY Hand-to-Hand...


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Fight like an Elite Soldier: Win ANY Hand-to-Hand Combat

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I. Self-Defense Survival Patterns ....................................................................... 3

Self-Defense in a Post-EMP World ........................................................ 5

What is Self-Defense?.......................................................................... 6

Your Body as a Weapon..................................................................... 10

Self-Defense Tips & Guidelines ........................................................... 11

II. Hand-to-Hand Fighting ................................................................................ 15

Offensive-Defensive Techniques ......................................................... 17

Target Areas of the Body ................................................................... 21

Disarming an Opponent ..................................................................... 26

III. The Will to Win ........................................................................................... 29

Fight like an Elite Soldier: Win ANY Hand-to-Hand Combat

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I. Self-Defense Survival Patterns My shield is with God, Who saves the upright in heart. (Psalm 7:10)

The certainty of your morality is a powerful weapon; everyone has the right to defend

him- or herself against physical attack. Bearing this in mind will have a huge impact on your

behavior in any life-threatening situation. But “why is self-defense so important?” you might


Well, the first step to learning personal safety is accepting the fact that we live in a

dangerous and violent world. To think otherwise is both naive and, to a certain extent,

irresponsible. In the world we live in today, you actually have only two choices: forget about it,

cross your fingers and hope for the best; or accept the responsibility of learning to protect

yourself and your loved ones from the realities of violence that surround you every day.

The large picture alone should make you become aware of the danger - cities are

overcrowded and most people’s physical abilities are neglected to the point of non-existence.

Many people, particularly the young, are trapped in dead-end jobs, alienated from discipline and

regular physical activity. They are also fed a TV diet of violence, where the role models are

often muscle-bound supermen, and the major motivation are greed, rage and revenge.

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Many don’t realize that what they might be left with in the end is a set of non-values

that have nothing to do with the real life scenario they are about to experience. And since our

world as we know it is sure to suffer some dramatic changes, many will perish because of their


Jesus said there would be a great falling away of believers. You may be one of them

when things get tough, especially if you are caught off-guard both spiritually and physically.

There are no promises of a "Get out of Tribulation Free Card." But you should know the truth

and be ready for what is coming! The Revelation was written to prepare believers for the end

time, so we would not be taken off guard.

These warnings are for believers, as well as they are for unbelievers. Hang on to your

faith, do believe in the Bible and be not misled by false teachings and false prophets. You

shouldn’t be a part of the great falling away when the masses realize that they will go through

the tribulations.

Since many in this nation would not even consider returning to God as an option, those

of you who will hear God must prepare yourselves for a great journey. Believe that this is a

near possibility, and make sure you are ready.

All EMP experts say that such a catastrophic event could wipe out America's urban

centers, due to their total dependency on critical infrastructures for electricity, communications,

food and water delivery, oil and gas, transportation, automated banking and financial

institutions and even emergency services.

I have dwelt on this matter in my book

Survive the End Days (in the chapter What

Exactly is an EMP? – p. 22); however, for the

purpose of the present book, I would like to

draw your attention to some general aspects

related to the effects of an EMP. A major EMP

burst wouldn't just force us to reboot

everything. It would require physical abilities

and psychological strength in order to survive.

Fires and explosions could burst in public

places, as well as in your own home.

For months, huge numbers of people would have no power, food or transportation. It

would all soon come down to an incredible sense of insecurity and thus, to the fight for survival.

Within hours you’d have to defend yourself from looters and basically anyone trying to steal

from you or harm you in any way. But how prepared are you to face this nightmarish scenario?

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Thinking about your defense comes pretty natural, don’t you think? First, let’s deal with

firearms and then we’ll take a look to some special survival skills that can guarantee your


Self-Defense in a Post-EMP World

Most firearms would not be affected in any way as far as their basic function is

concerned, but many newer firearms could absolutely suffer after an EMP. Considering the

current trend of integrating microelectronics technology into firearms, the likelihood of future

designs being affected is certain. Here are some firearms technologies that most certainly could

be affected:

Firearms that use any form of biotechnology to prevent discharge by anyone other than

the owner

Laser sights

Tactical flashlights that use LEDs

LED-based optics

Night vision optics

Thermal imaging optics

The tracking point line of “smart” rifles

Firearms with electronically actuated triggers.

Weapons systems that rely on laser rangefinders for range estimation.

Weapons paired with a ballistic computer or combination of ballistic computer and

sensor technology to make accurate adjustments for precision shooting at long ranges.

Weapons systems firing proximity-fused ammunition.

But there’s another aspect to it: even if you do have a simple mechanical firearm, lack of

ammunition (or having difficult time procuring ammo) may become your biggest problem in no

time. Moreover, then you would have to deal with the real threat - using other equipment which

you don’t know how to operate.

The point is that there is always something you can do about the EMP and your survival

becomes a matter of awareness and access to knowledge. In the present book I want to

highlight the idea that anyone interested in learning self-defense should improve their general

fitness. But remember that you don’t need to be a black-belt master to learn the instructions in

the upcoming chapters.

As far as your mental attitude is concerned, learning defense skills will boost your self-

confidence, help you think clearly and quickly, stay away from potential danger and focus your

energies if the time comes for physical action. You also have to know the mentality and

probable physical limitations of your attacker.

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What is Self-Defense?

Nothing feels better than knowing that you can take care of yourself mentally and

physically. Being able to protect yourself in all situations can be very reassuring. In fact,

everybody wants to be a better version of themselves, but many people think they simply don’t

need self-defense skills. Statistics say there are several reasons why people overlook self-


Fear of the unknown.

Negative attitude – “I can't do it!”

Common belief that the police will protect them.

Lazy personality.

Is naive or oblivious to the real world.

Claims they don't have time.

The truth is most people rely a lot on technology and would have to make some major

changes in order to make a living without it. However, there is one main aspect that you should

take into account: train without technology before you train with technology, which

means among others:

Learn how to use a map or compass and then a GPS (and even if the EMP catches you

completely off-guard, you have access to my book Conquer the Unknown without Using

Maps or GPS; the world is full of possibilities and you can also learn how to become a

natural navigator to save yourself).

Go through the standard operating procedures from a post-EMP paradigm. (For

reference, consult Survive the End Times, Chapters: Planning in Advance: Preparing is

Vital – p.45; Life-saving Techniques – p. 127; Security: When the Fight for Survival

Becomes Real – p.169). Walk through these procedures step by step, imagining what

could go wrong if an EMP had occurred and analyze your options.

Keep others away from competing with you for the same resources.

Learn how to defend yourself.

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The answer to “what is self-defense?” will vary to a great extent. For some people it

means learning how to throw a punch or going out to the gun shop and buying a gun. There

are others who think that martial arts are viable solutions. The unfortunate truth is there's a lot

more to personal protection.

First, personal protection can best be understood in terms of three related qualities:

psychological, intellectual and physical.

1. The psychological aspects involve your understanding and acknowledgment of the many

criminal threats that exist. But self-defense also means taking responsibility for your own

personal protection and well-being. This acceptance is not as easy as it sounds. You are

conditioned to expect that someone or something else will protect you from criminal

violence and aggression. But if this ware true, the statistics on violent crime would look

much different. Not to mention the fact that in an “every man for himself” scenario,

relying on someone else would be suicidal.

2. Then, there’s the intellectual aspect of self-defense - the same kind of intelligence that

makes the dangerous attacker so effective at what he does. Among many other things,

you have to know who is most likely to be the victim of a violent criminal attack, who

will most likely attack this victim, and where and when this attack is likely to take place.

3. Finally, there is the physical aspect of self-defense. Essentially, you need a wide variety

of skills or fighting techniques that can save your life. Physical self-defense is divided

into two categories:

Unarmed fighting: involves the use of various techniques to protect yourself or

a loved one from physical attack (the main concern of this book).

Armed fighting: requires using various hand held weapons such as firearms,

knives, sticks, pepper spray and everyday objects which you can use of


First of all, an improvised weapon should:

be an item that is not automatically viewed as a weapon.

be strong enough for its purpose.

be better than an unarmed option.

be able to be used quickly.

be available in context.

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If you need to use force in a real self-defense situation, grab anything you can, and hit

your attacker with it. The biggest benefit with using improvised weapons is the element of

surprise. Here are some examples:

1. A pocket of loose change

This is a simple and basic projectile

weapon. A bunch of loose change thrown really

hard straight at an attacker will likely trigger a

flinch in them. Just get the change out and

throw it really hard. An alternative would be a

suitably small rock or rocks. To conserve ammo,

throw the coins one or two at a time.

This improvised weapon can take an

attacker by surprise; it’s quick to get to and

provides enough time to call out for help or

adopt a fighting position.

2. A bottle of drink

A bottle of drink (glass or plastic), a hot

coffee, a can of soft drink, etc. can all be used

as excellent improvised weapons. They are

cheap and you can have one anywhere. They

can be used a number of ways and some of the

benefits are simply amazing: you can carry a

drink almost everywhere. Hot fluid can be used

to scald, whereas cold fluid can be used to

distract and regain initiative. Half full or more

bottles and cans, as well as glasses, can be

thrown as projectiles.

You can use it as an impact weapon with many sharp edges. However, you should

master some fighting skills, because you can injure yourself with broken glass. You should also

consider that a full unopened can is a solid impact weapon, especially when thrusted straight


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3. Flashlight torch

This is an excellent, solid impact weapon

that can be used tactically as well. I have had one

for years and it will always feature in my self-

defense strategy. It comes along with some great

befits, since flashlights can be used as impact

weapons, too. They are strong and can be used

both for offense and defense.

At night, you can turn light on in attacker’s

face for further effect. Such items as the ones

described here may offer a more solid and less

forgiving striking surface or weight. Remember that

a good improvised weapon should give you a clear

advantage over a good unarmed response.

Of course, any object can be of help, but it’s best to think about the ones most

available. Wouldn't an unarmed knock-out blow to the chin be more effective at stopping an

attacker? A flashlight is great and keys may be impressive when fighting back, too. Your

umbrella may also become a useful improvised weapon on occasions. For a weak defender, this

kind of objects may inflict a lot of damage.

If you cannot use an improvised weapon well, it will likely be largely ineffective. It may

even be taken off you and used against you. If you identify a good improvised weapon, you

should learn how to use it. Consider one to three moves and practice them again and again.

Know where it will be, know how to go for it and know how to utilize it.

A bad improvised weapon will just break as you crash it over an attackers head or even

break as you begin the swing. Do not annoy the attacker with an ineffective improvised

weapon. You will just make the attacker more committed and determined in his attack when he

realizes you are attempting to fight back with a weapon. So he will likely go further with his

attack. There are times when an uncommitted attacker will flee but don't chance your luck by

assuming that will be the case.

An improvised weapon could offer any number of advantages. It may offer a more solid

and less forgiving striking surface and/or weight. It may be completely unexpected and provide

the element of surprise. It may offer us a sharp edge for us to cut or stab if you need to. It may

be able to be used as a shield, which would be especially useful in an armed attack.

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Your Body as a Weapon

If you ever have to use self-defense in a real situation, you are likely to be scared and

under a lot of pressure. So, it’s got to be a fast and natural reaction to a violent stimulus. You

basically need to adapt without thinking, so that if you, say, miss with a kick, you don’t stop,

but rather switch into another technique. But these features come with practice and the right


Your body is designed to help you, but first of all, there are several interconnected

aspects that you should take into account:

1. Practice Put as much time into learning self-defense techniques as you can. If it’s only one hour

a month, that’s better than nothing. You can get useful practice outside the martial art club.

You can hang a punch bag and practice on that. You can also practice at home (safely!) with a

friend. Get them to attack you in different ways, so you can practice a wide range of self-

defense moves.

The ideal is to train with as many people as possible; this way you will end up facing

people of different heights, weights, age and strength, so your reactions will improve.

2. Mental training You should also practice mentally. You can always go over the basics in your mind even

while waiting for a bus. You can “play through” different situations, analyze potential threats

and working out how you would deal with them.

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When I am going on any expedition I do a lot of travelling and spend hours at airports.

Rather than waste this time, I play games with myself. Wherever I am, I look around the room

everywhere, and try to figure out the safest place to be.

After taking up martial arts I have learned to always check out the environment

thinking: “Ah, if I sit in that corner there and if I watch this or that, then I’m safe”. I also look

around at other people, analyzing them and their actions. “Is he a member of security? Is he

thinking like me? If I am attacked, where’s the best escape route?” So all the time I am aware

of what’s going on around me, working out the best reaction to any potential danger.

3. Mental Agility

You don’t need to be an elite soldier to benefit from a mental training like this. And

while you don’t want to bring on paranoia, you can do similar exercises in your daily life. For

instance I may be standing at a bus stop. “Who’s behind me? What are they carrying? Look

upon these exercises as being fun – they will ensure your mental agility in any self-defense

situation. And remember self-defense is for everyone, no matter how old or young or big or

small you are.

But perhaps what is most important is to avoid becoming a victim in the first place. Here

are some defense tips and guidelines that are meant to help you avoid direct confrontation.

They are intended to help you in most circumstances.

Self-Defense Tips & Guidelines

1. Familiarize yourself with your usual travel routes.

2. Be particularly alert at red light, stop sign, and gas station.

3. Always look under and inside your vehicle before you get too close to it.

4. If your car breaks down, raise the hood and stay inside with the doors locked.

5. Never accept a ride from a stranger.

6. Never leave your driver's license in your car.

7. Always remember where you park your car.

8. Always walk with confidence.

9. Never pull into a parking space next to anyone loitering or sitting in a parked car.

10. Familiarize yourself with ambush zones on the streets.

11. Avoid high-crime areas.

12. When walking the streets, constantly scan your environment.

13. Avoid entering dark environments.

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. (1 Corinthians 16:13)

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You should also know that most parts of your body, if used correctly, can be used to

defend yourself from an attacker. With the proper training and knowledge you can call upon

your personal arsenal to beat off and escape from violent assaults.

The Correct Stance If trouble is about to start you need to be in a stable stance: one that is well balanced,

but allows you to move easily in any direction. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart (no

more than 18 inches/45 cm), with your weight evenly balanced on both of them.

Also, try to stay at an angle to a potential attacker, some 30 degrees or so. I prefer to

stand with my leg slightly forward- this gives you a good balance front and back, as well as to

either side. Stand on the balls of your feet, so you have your weight and center of balance in

the middle. Keep your knees slightly bent your chin down, elbows in to your side and your

hands up. Don’t form a fist – you have much more flexibility with your hands open. Also, this is

not a completely aggressive stance and thus you can still avoid an unpleasant situation.

Most importantly, whatever stance you choose, stick to it. Even professional fighters

don’t change stances from left to right, but stick to one and master it.

For most people, the only weapons they will have to hand in a self-defense situation will

be their limbs. But your body comes with an arsenal of other weapons that can be most

effective. But teeth can also be very useful in self-defense and so are knees or feet. You have

to realize that your body comes complete with a set of natural weapons.

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1. The Head Starting at the top, there is your head – a big bony structure. The hardest part of the

skull is the back, while the forehead and bone structure around the face is also fairly strong. For

a smaller person grabbed by someone larger, the head can be a devastating weapon. If you hit

above the eyes, this will probably cause a cut and many people feel completely defenseless if

they are bleeding (even though they should be able to see through the blood).

You always need to keep your chin tucked in to protect your neck and make sure you

don’t bite your tongue. If you are held in a tight grip and can’t move your arms and legs, the

head butt is a good opener to make him let go. It is also very effective if you are held from

behind. You just snap your head back into him, but you have to bear in mind that the top of

your head is vulnerable and a strike to that part of the temples can be fatal. You should never

strike someone in the temples unless your life is at risk.

2. Teeth

No matter how fit or unfit you are, a bite can cause an incredible amount of pain. This

can be especially useful for women: if an attack has a sexual motive, the attacker’s ear, or

sometimes hand - are going to be within reach of your mouth. So bite on whatever you can get

hold of, ideally the ear. And once you bite, don’t let go; bite into his neck, his throat; just bite,

rip and spit; this can and will save your life since you can make a quick escape.

3. Hands Most people think of using their hands to punch an attacker. However, it takes a long

time to develop a hard, accurate punch and without practice, you are more likely to hurt your

own hand without doing a great deal of damage. But what you can do is strike with the fingers.

If someone is coming towards you, one of the most effective strikes you can apply them is by

jabbing your fingers into the eyes.

The exterior side of

the hand can be used to

attack an aggressor’s soft

areas, such as the throat or

side of the neck. Just keep

the fingers straight and hit

with the lateral side of the


You can deliver a

devastating blow by palm

strikes and punches, too.

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But to get force behind a punch, you need to get your body into it. Twist forward from the

waist as the arm moves and before your arm is fully extended. Use the first punch or two to

distract your opponent. Open him up by making him block your attacks before you step in with

some finishing strikes.

4. Elbows Elbows are always hard, bony and pointed. They make excellent weapons at close range

and can deliver a surprising amount of power without requiring great skills. When attacked from

the front an elbow to the side of the head, face or up the chin can disorient the attacker long

enough to get away. If the attacker has grabbed you from behind, an elbow to his solar plexus

can knock the wind out of him.

5. Knees Your legs have some of the most powerful muscles in your body and the knee can

deliver incredible powerful strikes at close range. If you are comparatively light or small, you

can still deliver a blow without much effort. The dead leg involves driving the knee into the side

of the attacker’s thigh, halfway between the hip and the knee. If the threat is more menacing,

the same knee hard into the groin will most probably put your attacker out for longer, and allow

you to make an escape before he can even think about moving.

6. Feet A skilled martial artist can kick a door off its hinges, but you won’t see many trying such

techniques in real life situations. The one kick I would consider using is a side kick – if you turn

side on to an opponent you can thrust out with the sole of the foot. It’s best to keep the kick

low, preferably to the knees and bringing your foot back fast. The advantage of this type of kick

is that you don’t risk losing your balance if you miss.

Effective self-defense requires knowledge of how you can inflict pain upon the other

person. This includes knowing where to strike, and how to do it. As you can see, there are

many natural weapons that your body has and you can use them to save your life. Some of the

best methods for self-defense include:

• Preemptive counterattacks

• Using your opponent’s most vulnerable areas to your advantage

• Paying attention to possible escape routes

• Using common objects at hand for self-defense

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II. Hand-to-Hand Fighting Keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these

things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man. (Luke 21:34-36)

There might me some who will be shocked by the methods advocated in this book,

but to them I say: in war you either kill or capture or you will be captured or killed. You've got

to be tough to win, and you've got to be ruthless - tougher and more ruthless - than your

enemy. This is also one of the most basic principles of elite soldiers, which forms the core of

hand-to hand fighting.

There are several things you should be aware of. Offensive-defensive hand-to-hand

fighting is a composite of boxing, wrestling, karate, judo, and even football. It’s easily taught,

easily learned, and extremely effective for offense or defense. In many situations, when

weapons are either not available or their use is impractical, the employment of the techniques

of hand-to-hand fighting is of inestimable value. It provides the individual with a most effective

means of executing a decisive attack or assault on an opponent, or of adequately defending


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Mastery of the art of hand-to-hand fighting will give assurance, confidence, and self-

reliance to anyone. Hand-to-hand fighting utilizes full strength and leverage against any

opponent's vulnerable, vital, or more sensitive areas, such as the arch of the foot, the knee, the

groin, the temple, the ears, etc. In this regard, when learning the movements of hand-to-hand

fighting you must be careful not to accidentally injure or immobilize those with whom you are


The basic principles which the hand-to-hand fighter must constantly bear in

mind are:

Be aggressive.

Keep eyes on the opponent.

Distract the opponent.

Vary the attack to fit the situation.

Turn the defense into an attack.

Feel superior to the opponent, regardless of the latter's size or demonstration of power.

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Offensive-Defensive Techniques

In the execution of the various movements from the OFFENSIVE-DEFENSIVE STANCE,

as a hand-to-hand fighter, you will move as follows:

To move forward: lift the left foot and move it forward about 14 inches; the right foot


To shift left and forward: step left and forward with the left foot, pivoting on the ball of

the right foot.

To shift right and forward: step to right and forward with the right foot, pivoting on the

ball of the left foot.

To shift left and to the rear: step back and to the left with right foot, pivoting on the ball

of the left foot.

To shift right and to the rear: step left and to the rear with the left foot, pivoting on the

hall of the right foot.

To move directly to the rear: move the right foot approximately 14 inches to the rear,

the left foot follows.

You would often hear of expressions such as “throwing a punch”, “take-down” or “neck

hold”. If you never thought you’d actually make use of them, then it’s time to plunge into the

real fighting. For instance, when an opponent attempts to strike with his left hand, the hand-to-

hand fighter will deflect the blow to the left with his right hand, or forearm, and grasp the

opponent's left arm with his own left hand. Does it make any sense? Well, first of all, you’d

have to get familiar with some notions.

1. Blows

You can deliver blows with the edge of your hand, or by forming a fist - fingers straight

and close together, about half-way between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist. Blows

can also be delivered with the head, elbow, foot (boot), knees and feet. Here are some general


1. Deliver the blow with a bent arm (never with a straight arm), using a chopping action

from the elbow, with the weight of the body behind it.

2. You can deliver this blow in two ways:

Downwards, with either hand;

Across, with either hand; the blow always being delivered outwards, with the palm

of the hand downwards, never on top.

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3. Attack the weak points (which will also be discussed in this chapter) on your opponent's

body, delivering every blow as quickly as possible.

2. Releases

You may be seized from the front by the throat or gripped around the waist or around

the chest. There’s always the possibility to be seized by the hair from behind and pulled back,

but no matter what, you can release yourself from the grip or seizure. Here’s what to take into

account and choose from, depending the situation you’re in; all the following movements must

be one rapid and continuous motion:

1. With your left hand seize your opponent's right elbow from underneath.

2. With your right hand, reach over his arms and seize his right wrist.

3. With your right arm apply pressure downwards on his left arm; at the same time, with a

circular upward motion of your left hand, force his elbow towards your right side. This

will break his hold of your throat and put him off balance.

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4. Keeping a firm grip with both hands, turn rapidly towards your right-hand side by

bringing your right leg to your right rear. Follow up with edge-of-the-hand blow on his

right elbow.

5. Seize your opponent’s testicles with one hand, causing him to break his hold.

6. Stamp on his feet with either foot.

7. Seize his little finger with your right hand, bend it back-wards, and walk out of the hold.

3. Holds

The thumb hold is the most effective hold known, and very little exertion on your part

(three to four pounds' pressure) is required to make even the most powerful prisoner obey you.

It is possible also for you to control him, even if resisting, as far as he is able to walk. You have

such complete control of him that you can, if necessary, use him as cover against attack from


First concentrate on making every move slowly, gradually speeding up until all

movements become one continuous motion. When you have thoroughly mastered the hold,

then learn to secure it from any position in which you have secured your opponent. It should be

understood that this hold is not a method of attack, but simply a "mastering hold”.

1. First, insert your right thumb between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand, your

fingers under the palm of his hand, your thumb to the right.

2. Seize his left elbow with your left hand, knuckles to the right, and thumb outside and

close to your own forefingers.

3. Step in towards your opponent; at the same time, turn your body so that you are facing

the same direction, simultaneously - forcing his left forearm up across his chest and

towards his left shoulder, by pulling his elbow with your left hand over your right

forearm and forcing upwards with your right hand. Release the hold with your left hand

just as soon as you have pulled his elbow over your right forearm, and hold your

opponent's left elbow very close to your body.

4. Keeping a firm grip on the upper part of his left arm with your right arm, immediately

seize the fingers of his left hand with your left. This will prevent him from trying to seize

one of the fingers of your right hand and also give you an extra leverage for applying


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5. Press down on the back of his hand towards your left-hand side with your right hand.

Should your opponent be a very powerful man and try to resist, a little extra pressure

applied by pulling his fingers downwards towards your left-hand side with your left hand

will be sufficient to bring him up on his toes.

4. Throws

1. Hip Throw

If you are facing your opponent, seize his clothing slightly above the height of his

elbows. Pull down with your right hand and lift up with your left hand, pulling him off-balance.

Simultaneously shoot your left leg as far as possible behind him, keeping your left leg rigid and

close up to his thigh.

Continue the downward pull of your right hand and the upward lift of your left hand, at

the same time bending forward and downwards from your waist towards your right foot. All the

above movements must be one rapid and continuous motion. Follow-up with a kick on his spine

with either boot, somewhere near the small of his back.

2. Wrist Throw

Because of the unusual manner in which your opponent's hand is seized at the initial

start of this throw, you should first learn the procedure as follows:

1. Force your left thumb into the back of your opponent's right hand, between the small

bones of his first and middle fingers, your fingers passing around to the palm of his


2. Bend his hand towards him by pressure of your thumbs on the back of his hand and

backward pressure on the palm and wrist with your fingers.

3. Retain your hold with your left hand, take your right away, and permit his right arm to

hang naturally at his side. (Remember, this is practice.)

4. Bend his arm, by a circular upward motion, towards your left-hand side, turning the

palm of his hand towards him; then force both your thumbs into the back of his hand.

6. Applying pressure on the back of his hand and on his wrist, force his hand towards the

ground on your left-hand side. This will throw him on to his right-hand side.

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Target Areas of the Body

As you’ve seen so far, your natural weapons - edge of either hand, the heel of your

hands, your fingers folded at the second knuckle, your boot, your elbow, your knees, your

teeth, your fingers and your fist are some of the most powerful weapons you can use. And

since you now know the basics of fighting, let me list for you the best places where you should

strike your enemy:

1. Temple

A sharp blow to the temple may cause instant death since there is a large artery and

nerve located close to the skin surface. If you give a medium blow to the temple it will cause

severe pain and concussion but a hard blow will kill the enemy instantly. The best way to strike

the temple is with the knife edge of your hand but if he is on the ground you, then you can kick

him with the toe of your boot.

2. Eyes

The eyes are also a great place to strike if you can, since a good strike in the eyes will

cause temporary or permanent blindness. To blind the enemy, make a "V" shape with your fore

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finger and second finger and stick them into his eyes while keeping your fingers stiff. Also, you

can gouge the eyes with your thumb.

3. Nose

The nose is another excellent place to attack him. Hit the bridge with the knife edge of

your hand and you will cause breakage, severe pain, temporary blindness and even death. Or

you can use the palm of your hand to strike upwards and push the nose up. If done hard

enough the nose bone may puncture his brain.

4. Upper Lip

The upper lip contains a lot of nerves close to the skin surface so if you strike it with

the edge of your hand it will cause great pain and even cause unconsciousness.

5. Mouth

If the enemy is on the ground, you can use the heel of your boot and strike him on

the mouth. Since there are a lot of veins and arteries in the teeth there will be a lot of blood

which will frighten the enemy and he will lose concentration on defending other parts of his


6. Chin

The chin should only be struck with the palm of your hand as you can break your

fingers on the enemy's chin. Use the palm of your hand and strike the enemy with a very strong

upward blow. This will cause extreme discomfort and destabilize your opponent.

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7. Adam's Apple

Usually the enemy will defend this part of his body well but if you do get the chance,

give it a sharp hit with the edge of your hand. If you hit it hard enough you will inflict a lot of

damage. You can also squeeze the Adam's Apple between your fingers.

8. Esophagus

If you have a chance to get a hold of his neck, press your thumbs into his esophagus

(located below the Adam's Apple). Pushing hard will be very painful and it will block the oxygen

flow to his lungs.

9. Neck

If you give a very strong blow to the base of the neck with the knife edge of your

hand you will usually break it. However, if it is not hard enough, the enemy might just be

knocked unconscious so be sure to hit him in the temple or twist his neck around to be sure he

is dead. The neck is the best place to hit someone if you want to be quiet as it is quick and the

enemy goes down without a word.

10. Collar Bone

The collar bone is an extremely sensitive part of the body. A sharp blow to it with the

knife edge of your hand or your elbow gives the enemy excruciating pain. Also, digging your

finger into the collar bone can bring your enemy to his knees.

11. Shoulder

The shoulder can be easy dislocated and it takes little strength to do. However, it

should be done quickly. Grab the enemy's arm and pull it behind his back and then jerk it

upwards quickly. You should here a popping sound which means you have dislocated the

enemy's shoulder. There are other methods of doing this, but this is the easiest.

12. Armpit

Although it is hard to get at, the armpit has a large network of nerves. If the enemy is

on the ground, hold up his arm and then kick him in his pit. This will cause severe pain.

However, it is not a very common place that will be struck in a fight but it is good to keep in

mind anyways.

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13. Solar Plexus

The solar plexus is located on the chest at the little "V" shaped point where the rib

cage ends. There are a large amount of nerves so a blow with the knuckle of your second finger

can cause severe pain and even unconsciousness.

14. Spine

A blow to the spine with the heel of your boot can paralyze or kill your enemy. The

lower spine between the enemy's kidneys is the best place to hit as that is the least protected

part of the spine. You will only be able to attack the spine when your enemy is on the ground

or if his back is turned to you.

15. Kidneys

The kidneys have two large nerves that are close to the skin surface. If you strike the

kidneys hard it can cause death. You can use a fist or the edge of your hand to hit the kidneys.

For women, a kick with the heel of your boot will work too.

16. Groin

The groin is a good place to strike if you get the chance. Generally, the enemy will

protect this area the most but if you have a chance, strike it with your knee in an upward

motion or with your fist. I'm sure you can imagine the pain the enemy will get from it.

17. Fingers

The fingers should be broken because the enemy becomes almost helpless with

broken fingers. Grab the enemy's arm with one hand and with the other hand push the fingers

upwards until they snap. It is only necessary to break the first two fingers. It is also helpful in

breaking a grip.

18. Knee

You can destroy the knee by kicking it with the side of your boot in an upward motion.

This will rip the ligaments and the cartilage. This will cause unbelievable pain and make it

impossible for the enemy to move around. Once a knee has been ruined, you will have a great

advantage over the enemy.

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But there are other equally important things you should remember when you are

fighting somebody.

Always look for a weak spot and attack it. Whenever he leaves a vulnerable part of his

body unprotected, attack it with all your strength. By doing this, he will then try to protect the

part of his body that you just struck, thus leaving even more unprotected parts open. Use any

available object that you can. By this I mean throw sand in his eyes, block his strikes by hitting

him with a large branch, or any other kind of available material that can be used as a weapon

against your attacker.

In a life or death situation there is no such thing as foul play and there are no rules

either. Although hitting someone in the groin is considered a cheap shot in high school, it is a

very effective way of destroying your enemy. Just hit him where you can and kick him when

he's down.

I have now explained to you the basics of fighting and the best places to attack your

enemy on his body. Of course, these methods may take some practice in order to do them

properly, but you can learn hand-to-hand fighting in no time if you stay focused and

determined. You also need to study it like a science. Studying instructional self-defense

techniques will certainly help you and it’s an important part of the learning curve that is often

overlooked by many people.

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Disarming an Opponent

Fighting unarmed against an armed aggressor requires a control over adrenaline rush,

an understanding of a weapon's effective field, and a capacity to go from zero to 100% in a

single burst. When facing an armed assailant, it is essential to remember that the advantage is

created when you initiate a clear plan of action before he realizes he is under attack.

Your plan of action should usually be to run. A knife-wielding assailant may pursue you,

but can't attack you at a distance. If you are cornered and have no means of escape, this

advice may apply. However, if you are not trained in disarming opponents, and even if you are,

attempting to disarm someone has a high risk of injury or death.

1. Knife Attacks 1. Assume proper fighting stance and

remember that a knife is effective at close

distances, specifically, at punching range. You

should firmly plant your non dominant foot

forward, with the dominant foot resting on its ball

slightly behind and slightly outward. You should

rotate your torso to face the opponent. Hands

should be up in front of the face with elbows

tucked in. Keep your fingers curled, but not in fists.

This will allow you to grasp, palm strike, elbow

strike, or punch.

2. Give yourself distance. The best way

to avoid a knife attack is to create distance. Thus,

a low kick to the knee, groin, or stomach is a very

effective way to counterattack while minimizing risk.

To counter a stomach to chest-level thrust, deflect the arm towards the opponent's line

of symmetry; this will help expose his back. You can then reach over the arm and pull back,

while simultaneously reaching around the neck with the other arm. You must then step

backwards at once to prevent your opponent from throwing you. Kick the back of the knees,

step on his ankles and kick his heels to help bring him down. Alternatively, you may apply a

choke hold.

3. Be quick and determined. For a low attack to the groin or legs, place your non-

dominant elbow (left if you're right handed, right if you're left-handed) at a 90 degrees angle.

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Use your outer forearm to block the trust. Step in and get close. At the same time, you must

perform the following three actions simultaneously. Put your arm over his knife arm such that

his elbow is in your armpit and clamp down to prevent him from attacking your kidneys. At the

same time, throw an elbow strike at his chin with your free arm. After the strike connects, grab

the crown of his head in a half clinch and pull it in. With your feel positioned parallel to each

other (do not let one foot move forward as you can easily be toppled to your left or right) begin

striking with your knees. Aim for the groin, bladder, and liver.

4. Stay focused. For a downward attack with the knife blade pointing downwards (also

called "Dracula stab"), block the attack in a manner similar to the low stab but your arm will be

up above your face; the procedure is very simple and very effective. When his forearm makes

contact with yours, quickly grab his wrist. Then, as fast as possible, reach over his arm with

your free arm in such a way that his forearm is in the pit of your elbow. Then grab wrist. You

now have a powerful lock. Step towards him and use your back and torso to crank his arm

backwards at the shoulder. By taking a hard step forward you will knock him down.

2. Gun Attacks

Guns are effective at extended ranges, so it’s essential to reduce distance if attacked

with a firearm. Each of these techniques can be adapted for pistols, and also long rifles.

1. Reduce distance. If the attacker is pointing the gun at your face, it is essential to

redirect the line of fire upwards to reduce the chance of collateral damage. Do so by placing the

balls of your hands together and making a V with your hands. Your fingers should remain

spread, however, to ensure that you can grasp the gun.

Remember that your opponent is expecting some sort of reaction, so try to fuse this

with a feigned raising of your arms. Grasp the barrel of the gun from underneath with the

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aforementioned V hand positioning. Do not grab the handle or your opponent's hands. Push up

and then quickly pull down. As you pull down, step in and push your hands forward to crank the

opponent's wrist back and point the gun vertically.

2. Twist the gun sideways.

Being in front of your attacker will allow

you to take this measure. Doing so and

then quickly pulling back, should force

your opponent to release the gun by

hyper extending the thumb.

Imagine this situation: you are

held up with a pistol and ordered to put

your hands up. The fact that you have

not been shot on sight clearly shows

that your opponent wants to take you

as a prisoner or is afraid to fire,

knowing that it will raise an alarm.

Lead him to suppose, by your actions, manner, etc., that you are scared to death and

wait until he is close up to you. Provided that all your movements are carried out with speed, it

is possible for you to disarm him.

With a swinging downward blow of your right hand, seize your opponent's right

wrist, simultaneously turning your body sideways towards the left. This will knock

the pistol clear of your body. Note that the thumb of your right hand is on top.

Seize the pistol with the left hand.

Keeping a firm grip with the right hand on his wrist, force the pistol backwards with

your left hand. If you are strong enough, you may be able to break their wrist with

that move, which will help even more or you may be able to force the attacker to

drop the weapon.

3. Eliminate your attacker's ability to further attack. If no one is around but you

have pinned your opponent down, you have no choice but to make sure you can escape

without risking them pulling another weapon. Your life IS at risk, so assume that they want to

kill you at the first opportunity. Try to knock them out by applying swift, forceful strikes with

your dominant hand to the side of their jaw or temple.

If you are not strong enough to pin them down or they are overpowering you, put as

many objects between your attacker and yourself as possible. Buildings, trees, cars, people,

whatever it takes. Your life is at stake.

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III. The Will to Win I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;

(2 Timothy 4:7)

In many scenarios in life we are called to do battle. But how do you know what the best

way is to prepare? How do you know if you’ll be the winner? The answer may be far from

obvious. When it comes to being successful there’s a lot more to it than desire. A helpful place

to start answering these questions is within yourself. A winner is someone who recognizes his

God-given opportunities and talents, works hard to develop them into skills, and uses these

skills to accomplish his goals.

Protecting your life in a dangerous situation has a lot to do with knowledge. The more

you know about the dynamics and characteristics of hand-to-hand fighting, the greater your

chances of surviving and ultimately winning a fight - maybe the fight of your life. However,

simply learning how to use a fighting stance is not enough to win a fight. You will need to

remember to stick to the fundamental techniques of self-defense.

For example, always keep both of your hands up when fighting with your opponent.

Avoid the natural tendency to lower your hands when fighting. This will leave you wide open to

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a possible counter attack in a hand-to-hand combat situation. Remember, when executing a

punch or strike to always keep your other hand up to either defend against a counter strike or

follow up with another strike.

You should always assume that your adversary is an expert in all forms of hand-to-hand

fighting combat. You must always respond to what your opponent is doing in the fight and not

what he seems capable of doing. Deal with the “”here and now” and not the “what ifs”!

During an actual fight, you will be under a tremendous amount of stress. This shouldn’t

cause you to tense up and actually hold your breath as you are fighting. Breathing is one of the

most important and often neglected aspects of real fighting training. Proper breathing promotes

muscular relaxation and increases the speed and efficiency of your compound attack.

And remember, you have many body weapons (or hand-to-hand fighting techniques) at

your disposal at all times. When properly executed these techniques have the capacity to

disable and even kill your criminal adversary. Whenever you are squared off with a dangerous

adversary and there is no way to safely escape the situation, you must strike first, strike fast,

strike with authority, and keep the pressure on. A first strike is meant to interrupt the initial

stages of an assault, before it becomes a self-defense situation.

So there you have it. Be a winner. Stand up for your life! I've managed to outline some

of the most important concepts and principles you will need to study and master to prevail in a

hand-to-hand fight. They were designed for people who really want to learn how to fight,

people like you!

