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Serena GrahamBard,Variant to 12Gestalted Fighter to 6

Str 26 +8

Dex 26 +8

Con 24 +7

Int 22 +6

Wis 20 +5

Cha 23 +10 3/2/2/1/1/1/1

Cha with Bardic Music

34 +12

HP 72 Initiative +10 =+6 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative

AC= 33 +15 Natural, +6 Dex, + 8 “Armor” bonus, +2 Shield bonus

+12 Deflection when using bardic music

Fortitude +17

BAB +10/+8 Reflex +19

DR 5/- Will +19

Attack (handheld)

+12/+10 Grapple +12/+10

Attack (missile) +12/+10

Regen 20 if fully fed, 7 otherwise

Natural AbilitiesChange appearance at will

Changing Forms- She has mist, bat, white wolf, and mako shark form.

Domination- She may target victims at line of sight for visual, 120ft for voice. Will Save 10+Level+12, +4 if using both.

Feeding- Fang and touch, may pull blood through the air 30ft

Claws 1d12+Str, 18-20,x3,considered adamantine. Bite does 1d4 +12,19-20,x3

+10 Natural Armor bonus to AC

Healing Factor- 7, if fully fed Fast Heal 20

Control other Vampires- 10th-13th Gen= No save., 7-9th DC 30, 5-6 DC 27, 1-4th DC 25, +4 to Difficulty if they are blood bonded or if I can feed

from them.

Force Attack- Break light stone, glass, or wood 1d6 per level in a 20ft radius. If angered, this kicks in at DM’s discretion

Ice Control-

Small Freeze (one tiny item) Freeze instantly, or grab an opponent,

Freezing Line (10ft line) Str check DC 25,

Ice Attack- Ranged blast Ice Flurry 9d6, gains 3 dice at every 3rd level.

Fire Control

Instantly melt own ice to steam and create a fog cloud

Fire Spirits- 8 small balls that float around head, each inflicts 2d6 and can fire 3/round up to 60ft away.

Fire Wall/Line- 10ft high and long per level.

Fire Attack- 1d6 per level flaming burst. Long range.

Call of the Allies- 1 mile radius allies of alignment or one removed in either direction will come to aid her. Animals, vamps and people.

Enthrall- Anyone changed or bound to Me (have to be fed twice by me). Anyone bitten that escapes may make a save to avoid becoming a wild


Stats- Str+10, Dex +6, Con +6, Int & Will +4, Cha +6

Use blood to up abilities , 1 point grants 3 pts of ability, can spend 3 pts per round for up to 6 rounds.

Preemptive Celerity- 1 BP to get a burst of speed for 2 rounds

+10 to Balance, Perception,

Skills +30pts

Perform: 34 (Sing, Dance, Act, Flute, Violin, Piano,

Striptease, Opera, Storytelling)

Balance: 33 Spellcraft:+15

Intimidate:+18 Perception:+33 Knowledge (Arcana): +21

Endurance: +22 Stealth: +23

Healing:+14 Drive:+17

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency:

Serena is also proficient in all martial weapons and armor.

Spells: House-ruled, exchanged spell levels for feats.

Bardic Knowledge: A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to her bard level + her Intelligence modifier to see

whether she knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks

in Knowledge (history), she gains a +2 bonus on this check.)

Bardic Music: (Bard level+Cha mod/day for Cha mod # of rounds) All allies within a distance of 20 feet plus 5 feet per bard level (including the

bard herself) gain a +1 to attack/saving throws, +1 per 5 levels.(Standard Action).

Countersong (Su): Target replaces Will save with bard’s Perform check to negate/reduce effects of sonic/language dependant magical attack.or

grants another saving throw

Riff (Su): As bardic music for action time, DC= 10 plus ½ the bard’s Hit Dice + her Charisma modifier.

Serina can do sound burst, shout

Opening Act: Improved Initiative

Evasion (Ex)

Break the Silence (Su): Immune to the effects of the silence spell.

Limelight (Su): Deflection bonus to her Armor Class equal to her altered Charisma modifier while using her bardic music ability.

Center of Attention (Su): +2 bonus to Charisma/+2 every four levels afterwards when using bardic music.

Skilled Performer: + 10 Perform at 12th level /+15 at 18th level.No longer makes Perform checks to continue bardic music ability.

Allegro (Su): At 6th level, the use of the bard’s riff ability is now a move-equivalent action.

The Sound of Music(Su)- During bardic music, is immne to mind effects

Powers of the Four:Item of Power, Serena’s Item of Power is a massive scythe. 2d4+12, 18-20 x8

Telepathy within reach = each of the 4 can speak to each other as long as they are within 100 yards of each other

Meet each other for Fun and Games, each of the 4 can teleport to each other as long as they know where the other is,

ex: Tana could get to Cass in Transylvania if he was there and she knew it even from her plane.

Power of the Four : If each of them get into the 4 corners of the map and begin chanting, they can pull their power together into one of 3 effects

1st – A cylinder of pure energy comes from the heavens and hits the target, ranged touch attack and anyone of them can roll for it this

attack does xd12 where x is the number of HD of all the 4

2nd – they can pull into existence a Spiritual Dragon, it is a super huge dragon that mixes each of the 4s elements within it, Marcus

(N)– electricity, Tana (S)– Fire, Serena(W) – Blood Magic, Cassidy (E)– Negative energy, it is capable of any of these elemental breath weapons

doing xd10, (X = All HD divided by 2) and doing claw damage based off the best weapons of the group each of the 4 can give the dragon one of

their abilities but they themselves cannot use it while it does

3rd – They can mimic one of 4 spells, Greater Teleport, Miracle, Astral Projection, Prismatic Sphere, all parts of the spells are adjusted

as if cast by a caster = to HD of the 4, all numerical boundaries stack as if each of you had cast it, (ex: you 4 cast prismatic sphere the range now

becomes 40’ {10 x4} and the area is 40’ radius {10’ x4} etc.)

Special Attack- Each of the 4 are given one power to call upon, it is taken from the BESM book and can be no more than 40 points worth, flaws

can be given to adjust point cost

FeatsSharp-Eyed +3 bonus to Perception checks.make acheck once a round as a free action. No penalties for distractions.(Move Action)

Perception vs Target's AC, if succeed, ignore Armor/Natural Armor to AC for next attack.(Accept -20, swift action)

Halve all vision-based Perception check DC. If beat foe's Hide check by10, ignore their concealment.Beat with -30

penalty, ignore total concealment. See through solid objects with a -20 per 5ft. Divide all distance penalties by 5

Blitz. While charging,lose your Dexterity Bonus to AC for one round, +1d6 of damage if you hit. Go "all out" add BAB to

damage, provoke AoO. Bonus attacks to BAB made with -2 penalty. IF damage foe in melee, make immediate

Intimidate check. Full attack as a standard action

Crit Fisher +3 to crit confirmation.Increase threat range by 1, after any multipilers, crit damage by 1. 50% to ignore

Fortification/Immunity to crit hits. If crit opponent, +2 to hit/damage for 3 rounds

Insightful Strike Use Wis instead of Strenth if higher. Has the Edge if foe'd Wis/Dex is lower. Mekee attacks have double crit range, crit

modifier doubled (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x5, and x4 becomes x7). Melee attacks made as if with weapon with

enhancement equal to your Wis mod.

Deflect Arrows Deflect 1 attack per dex modifier per round (must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed) Use any weapon or

barehanded, deflect for an ally within reach, including magical rays and exceptional weapons like alchemist's fire.

Skin Like Armor +8 armour bonus to AC.+1 for every 3 ranks in Endurance over 15 that you have. If proficient with unarmed strikes,

they deal damage as if they were one size larger. Skin AC applies to touch AC. Your unarmed strikes +1 enhancement

bonus, and an additional +1 for every 3 ranks in Endurance over 9 that you have.Ignore 50% of all critical hits/sneak

attacks made against you.Unarmed strikes are considered adamantine weapons for all purposes.


Fighting [Combat]

Off-hand attacks/AoO as with your primay weapon.+2 Shield bonus to AC when two-weapon fighting/not flat-footed.

Feint as a Swift action while fighting with two weapons. Add enhancement bonus of either your primary or your off-

hand weapon to your Shield Bonus to AC.

Celerity (x 4) Cost 1 BP, +120ft move, +16 to Defense and Reflex saves. Free action, May activate on another's turn.

FLAWSOverconfident - You believe that nothing is beyond your ability. You can do it all. If you want to take on a Red Dragon solo, you'd believe you'd

win. No doubts. Seriously.

Will save (DC 25) to back down from any challenge or battle. If fails, -2 on all rolls/checks due to embarassment until successfully overcomes the

challenge that cause it..

Benefit: Bonus Feat

Breed Obsession- You are too charming for your own good and people overly love you for it.

Effect: NPC must make a Will Save (10 + Character Level + Cha Modifier) if they can see the PC's face. If they fail, automatically becomes

obsessed/ will do whatever it takes to win the character's friendship--or more. The NPC, being so charmed and overcome by the character's good

looks, will even come to eliminating the character's traveling companions if that's what it takes to win the character's devotion; a stalker who will

follow the character with varying distances between themselves.

Benefit: Bonus Feat

GearRing of 5 Quickchange outfits Ring , Black diamond with her holy symbol as a permanent image
