FINAL Tolnai Newsletter Dec 2013.pdf


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  • 8/13/2019 FINAL Tolnai Newsletter Dec 2013.pdf


    By Cate Tolnai

    Recently, I watched a video about

    data-driven instruction in my

    preparation for this months tech-

    nology tool. I was struck by the

    idea that because of technology,

    we can no longer focus only onthe art and delivery of instruc-

    tion. With the addition of data

    and assessments that generate

    reports in real time, we are ex-

    pected to interweave this scien-

    tific information with the art of

    our instruction. We have access

    to assessment data that can tell us

    exactly what skills need attention.

    Its exciting and intimidating all

    at once!

    So the question becomes, How

    do I use data to inform my next

    steps in the classroom? Id like to

    say this is the easy part, but seeing

    as I spent 10 years grappling with

    this problem myself, I don't have

    the magic formula that, if fol-

    lowed, will result in the ideal

    lesson plan.

    Instead, I learned to keep my

    lesson objective in mind and use

    the data to make my life easier

    rather than more complicated.

    If I focused too much on the

    science, I lost the art. So I made

    sure to hold on to the following

    thoughts, and I encourage you to

    do the same.

    * Teach. Remember, you are the

    leader in your classroomnot the

    data. You know your students

    and your objectives. Dont doubt


    * Use the data to group your

    students. Once you decide what

    you are teaching, lean on the

    data to arrange the learning

    teams and build specific support

    for them.

    * Choose one or two reports that

    work for you and commit to

    learning them. Dont expect to

    become a data-expert overnight.

    In the end, remember that there

    is balance in teaching. Its not an

    option to avoid the data and

    science anymore. Instead, it is

    time to embrace it and see how it

    can infuse the excellent learningalready taking place. Be brave!

    Blending the Art and Science of Teaching

    Tools of the Month

    for January:

    I couldnt pack all of the

    Renaissance Learning train-

    ing into one month, so we get

    to spend another month

    uncovering the support availa-

    ble online. In addition to

    Renaissance Learning, we will

    use Internet4Classrooms to

    fill our toolboxes with CCSS


    L O O M I S U N I O N S C H O O L D I S T R I C T

    December 2013

    Volume 1, Issue 5

    EdTech UpdatesOngoing Instructional Technology Support

    Upcoming Technology

    Trainings This Month

    While being a short instruction-

    al month, we all know that

    December is best suited for

    flexibility and is a natural time

    to review content previously

    covered. Join me on the follow-

    ing dates to uncover some of the

    powerful tools within the

    Renaissance Learning Suite. I

    hope to see you there!

    Renaissance Learning Record

    Book and Core Progress

    Learning Progressions

    Dec. 10 (34 pm)

    Dec. 12 (3:154:15 pm)

    If you cant make thesedates, drop in from 3:00-4:30pm at the DistrictTraining Center onDecember 17. Ill be there!

    Which Renaissance

    Learning tools are

    easiest for you to

    start working with?

    Student Diagnostic Report:

    * Good For: Getting a snapshot

    of the students skills in all read-

    ing or math standards

    * Next step: Start to build your

    general intervention groups and

    quickly see what type of support

    is needed for the students.

    Instructional Planning

    Student Report:

    * Good for: Identifying actual

    standards/skills that the studentneeds to work on

    * Next step: Use the Core Pro-

    gress Learning Progressions for

    lesson ideas focused on those

    needed skills and offer that sup-

    port during RtI.

    Manage Groups:

    * Good for: Setting up your

    groups after analyzing the RenLearn test data

    * Next step : View the small

    group progress in Record

    Book and View Suggested

    Skills for that small group.

    Notice similar needs within that


    Get a Head Start on January Training!

    Check outwww.internet4classrooms.comto see a huge collection of sup-

    plemental resources organized by grade levels, content areas, and Common

    Core strands. Save the dates for hands-on training of this site and more:

    January 15 (3-4pm) andJanuary 16 (7-8am and 3:15-4:15pm).

    Join our Facebook Family! Check out the great resources!