Finalised PDF Year Book mock



PDF mock for year book.

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Do not stress out when the going gets tough, you don’t have time. The last thing you want to be doing is nothing, so keep calm and don’t give up. But most importantly have fun!

If I was a type face I would be Century Gothic, it’s my favourite.

My favourite Pantone colour is PANTONE 1505. I have the Orange mug to match.

So what’s next for me? I don’t like to think too far ahead because it scares me. Whatever I do I want to be happy.

I chose LCA because it’s in the North, everyone is so friendly up here and the college has such a good reputation.

My proudest achievement would have to be winning a YCN Commendation Award, a very proud moment.

KIRSTY HARDINGHAMBRANDING AND PAPER CRAFTING 44 (0) 7713487417Behance/designbykirsty




The brief was to design a new chocolate brand with a brand focus on flavour and a concept focusing on colour.

The brief was to design a range of greetings cards based on a running theme. The chosen concept was nature and sustainability.