Find. 'N - Wayne Newspapers Herald...


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THE highway fI'O~~'WaYn toOmaha I is all pay and e

one from here to inCOlnr",paved v.rith the excebtion 0 • afew graveled miles. These '11

;h~:I~~J~~ p~~~ ~~~Yi a~hard-surfaced highw* dire tly'north, and plans lookihg to atimprovement are expected t berealized during 1939, Increa edconvenience in reaching Wa newill contribute to local groand enlarged trade. More b1;1si­ness wil,l mean greater capaiityU? serve. It will mean $tirtrul tedvalues for the surrounding erLritory. Faciliated travel to

Wayne will bring more Stud~t"to the. Teachers College 11 retand more students will rna ­ially strenljthen northeast e­braska's leading educational in·stitution. Wayne has made on·siderable headway in l1igh. ay ;improvements the last f te w,years, but is now anxi~usjforhard~surfaced extensions ntoareas still in the'mud whfn rain,

.,happens to fall. , I, I ,




; E'S ..te HO\1." Find. B\1.Yf ieers Looking After\1 lie Affairs and qon~ , I

i :e~:s .~i.~~~:fH~o~: ~ifTYS}'; ,~N'I'H Yj!;_ ':te=~~~I-=~-==~-= _C-------WA~NEBRAS ~1I.lJ!t~Ay, ~~U~liy:i~~i9·3-~--

I~r ~~:s;~l:o::S::~:~~ A~ILEN ICOOK I , 'S~~I~!:*:pr~{~y . CONICORD ~A~' TOR cribr;;~~;:::; Bank

a enls .This Month. EW ,'ClUB EAD F'ROM' infonnatiQn at hu '1' to 0IES SAT DAY J·;;,~;~r;;u:~~yO!ev;nai~~,ll;nv~:e~ll1tPI \ l<;,wcd tile state hawse I date we Judge rul'mg oy ~. R. 'Scribner of W~nslde, to

it colJ~ briefly SatlU'day, and beans may advantag usl di- I __ I ,ana~ the Carroll Gooperative

.~ t~~~~~~\:~:~:-::~~c~~~~t~~~ Di~ectors Are Chose and versify crop production, ut Rev. C. T. Carl~on Served ~~~at ~~hG~~i~~:~;.rl.J~.a~~;i~=Committees Named 'for I that (they are not an~de tjate Cdncordia Cht'reh for .... t k chat-ge Wed1'esday' andn -GovernOl' William E. John- bstft f 1 ~lf <:".

" \ hu IS n Wayne product, is Coming Period.' We ~n~~erst~~dCO~~y °b a~ lal~~ c ,_ I Twelve Y ars. I ill m ve to Carroll uteI'. Mr.n ho,ld of the reins of leacter~ d th . t t . if' cribn, I' also bought th~ insurance

1"l cummendable fashion, His Dean AlI~n Cook, 'vic rOUt 'l'jCSiS


t, requ~ e a om- Funeral services w~re conduct~( usine~s which Mr. Wi~llams had

dellt of Wayne Businessl Men's para lVe y s or grow g.s ason Wednepdny afternoOlh. for Rev. C. ad at Carroll: 'etH'Y, MiSS Geraldine Gamble, club the pas.t term, succ eded to and ar,e1 gOO~ for,:he t.Oll. The T. Carlson, 67, LuthJran pa::;.tor. at

er of Mr~. Franlc Gamble of the prctiidency. Rl"v. W. Dierk- S?y bean vallety IS rat d de- Concord for 12 years, who dIed,expressed delight over her mg, AI. Ketn, Prof. M. !. Bloss, ~Irable supplemental c ·op. ~ut ,Saturday afternoon in· a Sioux a Iy Settl'er

\·t-lt'>o; tn which she is plainly Prof. J 'h n R. It must be f~d madera ly....ylth City ho~pital after about a month's\\ a look to see Johnson flm- KeIth <llld J. T. corn to :lvold pro,duc ng >toft, illness I Rite5 were h

1d at the Con- b

11'tIfy popuLAr confitlcnce by Bressler, Jr" are flabby. meat. The yield per acre cordIa Lutheran ch reh in CQn- i l·eS I·n Wayne~g qU.l\ltICS of fltne::;s to a new dll' tors of and pnce per boshel malH:: laJ~S cord with inter,men in the con-j1dg lldnlC. the club, ~nd the less profItable t.han cor 1 m ~Ol- cord cemetery, Rev. A. L. Petet- I

,I,' [,' [)',~C"t:,,-;{'dePlltY "['tte terms ,0' Dean :nal corn growmg years.. th- son of Wakefield, conducted the Funelial Services Conducted~ - .;>. Cook ani F. B. m.g seems t9 eq,ua~ COln ~ ,the services Wlt~l Dr. A. P, Westerberg

J11 11 tl'll:il'll I, 1>0; the usual d;yna- Decker,h ld over. PloductlOn of. solid, p rh. land of Sioux qty, delivering the ser~ I Monday Afternoon forr. u,..,etul endcuvor. He knows ,I. beet and l1othl~g gIve gr ater mono OIther pastors participating I Mrs.. Louise Sydow.

rmlY by hIS first name, and The ,b 0 a I' d propnlse to agncultu th t.. a were Dr. C. O. Gulleen of Fre.. : . .

q;body 1... 110\\".') him. He is in c~ose PI" ~. Keith favQra~le sliason for .c rn, a mont, Re\'. Phliemon Smith of! Mrs. LOUIse SYd~w, reSIdent ofyl\ dcrn;llld for information and v Ice .p eSldent s~ason H: w~llch luxur! nt fulks Wausa, 'Rev. P. Pearson of Wayn~, IWayn~ c~unty for 0.5 years: passedlit' , ~llld he IS kE'pt bUSier Ulan ~n~. ~I.. ],Decker filled WIth golder,t e Irs 1ave Rev. N. H. Pearson of Bristow, an¢! laway . In Wayne early Satur~ayP '0\ erbwl c-l"<Jnberry merchant. )e~I et"ny, Com- surmounted all perris 0 th ele- Rev. Lloyd Peterson. of Concord. ~orn!~g, .January 14, after b~lng

'0 11lgh legnl"d he expresses for Dean Allen 'Cook mttees ~l a m e d ments and reached ull ma- Chl'lstopher Theodore Carlson m falling health for a long hme.a)'l c pelllJle lS fully reciprocated. for the term arc as ~!OllOWS: tw-ity 111 the autumn. S ~y eans was born April 1,*, 1871, at AIr IS?C reached the age of 88 ye~rs,

.x- * * En~e;talnm7~t,. Prof. Ru .sel (\n- ~oUld. seem wort? wh Ie ~s a mesakra, Smoland, Sweden. At th~ 3 months and 1 day. Funeral n~esJ'1!l"lL'~ l\1cI~tlchen who, also be- d~r.s6n, chanman: Gayle I' ChIlds, Side hne. but eVident y lhey age of 16 he left his parental home' iwere conducted Monday at 1.30;1 - '.. d'l ·ct ' PrtDf. John R. Keith, G. A. Renard; cannot take the place 0 c ~n. and alone 'made hi'" Iway to Am... Ifrom ~e BeckenhauEl:r chapel andlloS to \\ ,lytle, an \\ 10 preSI ~::r publlcltv Homer Smother' chair- '..'1' 'at 2 fr m Grace L~theran church

wr the Itqunr comm1SSIOn, has a man, D.' S. Wightman, 'f:' ,J.< R. ~~~~~i~eac:do~~ed~:'~dwayutg~S~~~ IWith ev. Walter Brackensick mUrJillls i"Uom whe]'e h.e holds con-. Johnson; membershIp, PI" f. L. F. d '!.' P,.. ~ j'Charge! Burial was in Greenwood

'rel~C"l's lind l1e3l"lngs He says ~h: Good, chalrman, C, L. W 19ht, L. Roads Imprn e. cOIDleegcecalis'ctdd swema~~nOu:dYa'I'nc' into the cemetery.lon~ whIch 1,.., bIg enough fOl a WEIhs mter-club relat ons 01' i ..;> 4- . Mrs~ Sydow whose maiden"l('ll~'(" 1:-- lWlll.' too large to ac- S 'A' L~tgen cha1rman .Ar'I;1and • Th. S ~ t holy mimstry of the 4.-ugustan~ name' as Loui~e Caroline H~u!;e- Decision Is Giv. D.

lll"liltod<lk glOUp::; U1<Jt frequently HISCOX C L Plckelt ' v J A. 10 IS e ~on synod June 11, 19~5, at rta;~r'I!iIOWSk was born at Greifenhagen vudge tewart last ri'day af-PPC'lll' "* .J(• .,{_ Wijllt~~n, civI~ enterp IS~, . L. ~:nat. ~~v~ ~:~\s~~:~:e: pione:~ Iverma 'YI October 13, 1850, ~s ~n~ fit'med th decision of th compen.-

t,W, McNatt, chamnan, Pr f. F. G, W C -- Sh I • in the field and ol'ganized the First ,pf thr e daughters. As an mfant ,sation co4rt in the actio filed by

.JII hUlltCIS <It th: c~~l.tol arc Dale, C. E. Nlcholaisen, Wlllard arne ounty r S In English Lutheran Ij:hurch of that fih: w s baptized in the Lutheran Mrs. Amelia \ Lessma againsttim IUll~. Young per:::oons al.e lured Wiltse, SOCi~11 welfare, PI' f. K. N. Work Done on Hig ays place wbich now stlmds as an en- ralth t whIch she adhered all her Wayne county and the mployers

jllto' olltt('S beciluse t~ley fl~ure lt Parke. ('hallman, Walter S. Bres- for Year Just P~. dming monument tp his name. "', ~ife. • ' Mutual Casualty Co. ofD sMoines.affn "a sort of pleasIn.g glam~ur, slcr, Dr C A. McMaste, J. H. While serving at preai Falls, tic II Wlli:!: 21 y~ars ~ld deceased Georg~ILessm;andied ecember;:Ind 0ld~tcr5 often see~ PO~ltl?al MorrIson; receptIOn. R '. J. A. Northeast Nebraska h morc was united in marbage to Klm-a came ~erlca, gOln.g to ~ater- 24~ 1937, land Mrs. Less an fibdJll"E~f nncnt becausE' of the dlmH1- Whitman, chuirm"m, Haro Id Finth, road impmvemcrlts mad 'during L' BI . t f Shelley town, 105., where immediately adion claliming that his eath wasl:-hl g d{'m~ind for U,ell' serVIces it) R. K Kirkman; auditill J. T. 1938 than in the year prevo I~u~se S ~mbll~ 3 0

1908 F u1: upon er arrival she was married d~e to a ' illness which evelopedpIn tc fleld~.. Efficiency. and Bressler, Jr., chairman; R '. W. F. cording to report made b chfld~:en ~e~~b~~n to this' cou~lel t~ Chr stian Sydow, who had ar- because f injuries sustai ed Sep-('con ~rny In pllbllc places j.0Jld be Dirrkll1g; resolution, F. B ,Decker, Engmccr J. B. Martin of two daughters Theodora and Ju- !rJve? rom. Germ~my somewhat !.ember 2,1936, when op rating aamat-l'Ilgly ad\anc~d If th e WNe ch~lrman, Dr. R. W. Cas ~r, L. B. Waync county's share incl dith, and two ~ons, Philip and Ar"'i ,earlier ThIS marrmge tool\: place tractor fIr the county in roadlL'ss :playlllg POlJtlCS and more MtClure; constitution, L, W. Ellis, mat on nin£' miles on h1gh thur. Arthur, the younge~1:. pre... Oc.tob r 10, 1871. Two of the 11 worle 0 e judge in com ensationllt"lllllcli ilttclltlun gl\cn to td:>ks chairman. Burr DaVIS; ilghways 1.'5 soutll of W<lyne to Joi ceded his father in death. Child: ~ were .born at Watertown, court he rd the matter n AprilIII hllnd " ;)lld roads. Dr Walter enthaclc, cast of Pilger, surveying No. 15 Leaving Great FBlls, Rev. Carl- Marti ; ~ho dlled w~en a year old, and Ol'df 'ed dismissal of he case.

, -1(. ,J[. * , c1Wll man. W. C. Coryell. m. Mc- north to No. 20, five miles f grad- son sCI'ved ~t Scandia, Kan., and ~1.lIam, who died at th? age A seconti heariI}g before 11 threewt' dropped 111 on J. E.. Law- E"dchen, H. E. Ley. C r' Stirb.; ing, gravelmg and drama i strul'- Shickley, Neb., Bethphage Mission !Of 2. ' judges '.Iv 05 asked and in ptem-

ITlltJ" UlIl'Y and cCl.pable editor of Agncultuxc, D. S, ~glttman. tUle$ on No. 92 sButh'JOf W ~efield, at 1o..xtcll, Neb., Tolley, N. D'j

II In 1873 the Sydows came to bel' the C mpensation court grantedthe .111('ulll Star. LIke the average c1\lairman, C. R. Chum, : E. Ley, extensIon of grading und g vellng Clearbrook, Minn., Roseau, Minn., !?o?ge cou~ty, Ncb., where they Mrs, ~e~ man the full am unt aI~cellI 1 -unly un Utl enlm~g~d scale Orville Tuskind, Prof. Minc. Blo~s; and 'a IWW bridge north Cut'- and the lill't 12 years at Concord. :res1de untt.I.18.84 :-vhe1 they ~ame lowed 1ft uch cases, $15 a eekfor- -h pel fonn..<; mOl'e sei vlce that tr~de relations, L. E. Bro n, chalr- roll. and regravelmg of hi hways On December 13 deceased wat :to AU na VICinIty m Wayne CDlln- 325 weel s, $150 funeral xpensemea 11' nu monetary reward than man, John C, Carhart, AI iLueders, in the county. II suddenly stricken by his first ill; ity. Ai r 34 years. ~dear Altona and $109 ?octor bill, a ,tota of $5,-1I1.1j whIch comes WIthIn the A. L. Swan, H, E. Wed e, N. H. In DIxon county a s pndary ness in 34 years of ministry'. Death. Ithey Dved to WmSi e. In 1931 134. ."ph Ie of p81d duty. Fr0m every- BJlugger; pljojec1, Dr. L. . Perry, roadi was made from Pan '1 to the came Saturday afternoon, Janua..t:Y Ithe h me waS hroken" up by the The m company ppeal-",he 'e 1I'1 the state pou: request5 ~hairman, i L. E. Brow J C, E. statE! park, this including t 6 miles 14. . \<, death Qf Mr ~SY:.ctpw. ,T\vo oth~r ed to t1 distt'lC cqurt. ~u e St~:for peeches, letters askmg advice Nicholaisen Prof. Raym d Cher~ of grading and graveling I Eight Betides his wife and three o. ~ • 1'4r~SYdoYt~~R wart.h a'd.,the matten'm" ecem.,.',or \ ""mting recommendations. On "1')1", L. w. McNatt, G. 'A'lenara. 'miles of highway No', 12 tween dren, deceased is survived by one I " ~na Nu b~rge.r, In ber and ook it,under adVi ement',pub l(" boards he has seli .red. with A report made by Hen y E. Ley Pone-a and Willis were g en bi- sister who is residing in Sweden. 1~02, ,.nd .}1 Sydow, .m 1927. affi~~I the compensat~Ol courtdl::;t !lc-til!ll1 and ?f cou,rse 'WIthout show~d ~atisfactory re~u ts on th~ tuminous mat. Smce 932. Mrs. SYdOl has declslon ast w~ek. The,ll1 urpnceuth compensatIOn than the con- pre-Chnstmas celebratlO . for StantOll county thr mileS EntertamO Masons her home 10 Wayne. company may appeal.~ClOf._blll'S~ of work well done. Be- E. O. St;!ratton annou ced the of gradmg and gravelin were MrSJ ,Sydow leaves f ur daugh- ..;.j-------f~ld('t. he 1"ll1ds tlme to supply edl- Pl'e:sident's birthdFlY ball I~OI' Janu- done south of Stanton. F e mlles f N h L d ,ters, MrS' Helene .Erxle. en of n~artllll.l p<lbulum [l)t· the 5t* and to ary 30.' of No. 24 in Stanton COU~l y wcre 0 ,ear y 0 ges Wayne Mrs. LOUise Tl~les of Wm-elll\.; t the> polley of that newspilper. ,given OJ1 mat surface. I ' __ Side, Mrs. Danora Bo~e qf Concord,

* "", * ' ]' R Odl Grading.. gravelll1g and drall1agc I . and Mrs. Hermancle IWolff of- - 'd ~ ornler eSI nt Istructures were completed Ion two OffIcers Are Installed and Rosalie, and three SOItl~i William\\1:l( II L<i\\lcnee - Icare 10 I • C' 0 MI" 0 . J..

lk.dtllll'-Clliulled III the UnlVcr- f W M', mllds wc:-;t of West Point ill. Cum- SiOUX tty e 0 ays of Wmside, tto of Sj\.Iencer, and',l Ilit T\'ebraska 'Hound thirty 0 ayne rrleS ing county on No, 32. t" Put on Work. .Alfred I~f Wayne. TIhere are ~3~ e~1 0, he had no SlIver spoon, __ 1'our and a half miles 0 No. HI grandchIldren, 26 great grandch11-• 11" 't Nt· D II D I 'd f nurth of Norfolk were gl"a ed and More than 100 Masons from Nor- dren and three' great g!reat grand-~~~~tl t~)f _lJI311~~1 ~~:I~~ c~~~e a~~~llv~ ISS 0 Y uno S rl e 0 dr<Jinage slructures built, ,his bc- folk, Sioux City, Ponca, Allen, childrer. AI.l the children were

j. d Roland M. Jons n on ing lt1 Madison county. R,wdolph Wmslde, Carroll and here exceptmg Mrs. Wolff.

fUll '~:t'I~~lbU~l~e~e~~~~d a~~e f~= New Year's E ,e. In Cedar county the pro I'l'ts in- y.rakeflel~ were g~ests of. Wayne Pallbearers, six grandsons, we:ey. y p eludcd two miles of grad mg and lodge F'nday evening for lllstalla~ Harry and Alfr~d Bdse, Austm

en Cln hl!l"ltagl' of success guaran- Mr. Roland Milford ol1:>on of gravelmg on No. 23 east f Hart- han of officers presentation if a Erxleben, John Jacobsen, WernertICe to eo.'cI·y yo~th who pos:ess~s IHemct,·CaJ1L, son at MI' and MIS. 1ngton, bndg('sjemd appro'che~ on degree by Sio'ux City DeMolay' and Wilbur Sydow. itll(' talenL and metal to ,gO.fUI wald I..~::; Jonson, formerly t W<lyne, Nos. 12 and 15 east of Ford ce, two team anti luncheon. I I Among those here from out ofd('~ Itl' <\11 unfa'.orable wmds. W~ Iajnd MISS !?UllY Dunn, d ughtei' at: bridges on No. 20 bctwee Belden Officel.·s installed at the hall !town for the rites were Mr. andhLl~t1 a SUSpiCion th~t Lawrence ~r, and ,M~'s, J. l. Dun, .ot Bell- and Laurel. . are' G. W. Fortner, masteq Dr. IMrs. Oho Sydow, Lester and Wil-"t(Jqe", m~lI1Y Jewels Jt1 heaven by flower, Callf., were rna "ned New Knox county road impl'o ~ments Walter Benthack senior warden; 'bur of Spencer, Mrs. Van1 Cd ott of hl.s \\.lI1dly s~mpathy and Year',s eve at the ho e of the have included gradi

tand gravel- L. W. McNatt, ' junior warden; Cleve of Atkinson, Alfred Bose of

II t" pubbc SL'I"'Ice. Certa1l11y he bnde s .parents. Thlrt relatives iog No. 59 east of ausa, reIoca- Judge J. M. Cherry, secretary; L. Ponca" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bose\\ il Ilut!be adequately le\varded Iand fnend.s were pres nt at the tion of No 12 two iles West of B M CI t . F uk land fatuily of Dixon, Mr. and Mrs.11\.:1 " .. " *" Iwedding and receptIOn hich fol- Verdel With grading and gIaveling, K~rff, ~en~re'de:;oa~~~,R. ~:es- Herman Bose of Emerson, ~r. and

, 7C 7<" : • • lowed. 'gradll1g and graveling No. fl south sler, junior deacon; W. H. Buetow, Mrs. 301m Jacobsen and family and" . l\clh Is Crltlcal.... .. , wP~;~~~l~I;~:~e~~~~~~~'~~~: o.f Verd1gre With. plans fo 'exten- tyler. R. W. Bartels, outgoing mas- iMW~' anti Mrs. John Nuernberger of

Iidt H. G., hlstollan. so.ys I '. ,. " Slon to No. 20 th1s year. tel', was in charge of installation. I, he n1~1tt('r w1th England IS A .t110, Mr::;s Mlldred B lI:er, MI~ Sioux City DeMolay team which IpI b:\bly \vfwt IS the matter tn LOIS F~,l~ll~e,r and M1 ~ G:eorgI?, M h f W 1 has won honors in Iowa, presented G P' ·1'" y,"g d"gl-"'" w,th other "oun· ?unn, sdng Sweethe,~ F~~ever, ot er 0 ay Ie th( degree work at the auditorium' I rammar Upl StIl .';.,lnd glt~llPs.. larg.e .and small. ~~~~~~~l~~,~gy~~~l~~a,~de~~~t~ l\ian Passes I"vay Aftet the DeMolay work th~ IHv ~dY:-; !::llltlshelS have become .. I group returned to the Masonic hall N' d "D IItU( mdlf;t'erel1t and too well satls- ilead the .x.narrwge ~lne~., 1 i' W where supper was served by ame on 1\,011C A:-; u consequence, other n~- Ch'~~nbI~~~v~o~er~;U ~~htst~e~~ Rites for Mrs. Elm 'Teed Wayne lodge. with W. S. Bressler~ I,J __

tlO l~. hd~c ~urpassed England 10 length and tnmmed in hite lace, Are Held Saturda in L. W. !toe, H, B. Crav'en, Wm~ Many, Students i~ WaynelUI age ~nd achl~vement. B~t for sequins and a rhineston clip. Her Ponca Church. Beckenhauer and H. E. Ley in

~:~ c<:ldC~~l:Cit~;~~~nns~~~~h;h~~~atccessori~S w~[e ;i~e. iss ~e~en ; charge. Cij;ttt~~~~n;:~:~o~:~ebe n on the lOSing sl~e in ~he u~n a: ~ft~l'~~O~ dre ~r o/~ue:~ F R"d Siouw lid \\'~ll He renews hiS :varnmg l~e. Both wore should r corsages i ormer eSt ent Marl yn Stratton of We seventh

~l~' ;nga\~~d"'~~/(~~:lIo~~o~~~a~~t~; f gardenias and lilies ,f the val~ Dies in Des Moines :~~~:~~I :a~n~o~cht~o: r:~~~~~gr ater r, ffon and irnprov;cd lead- ,e~he bridegroom and 'Li;-atten~ Oscar Anderson, nbout 50, form1 work. thers on the junior highcr~rp i.l. ~ er resident of Wayne, died of ,. honor' '011 with an average of 1, ': * 7(' 7(' ant, Walter Bailey, Jr." ore con- heart atta:ck the day after Thankst to 1.5 with no grade below 2 are:

aturt seems to have !provided b~~~~~;i~r~~~e suits nn gardenia givmg, according to word received Sixth J!!fade, Patty Love, Richard

tho t people must be alert and ac- The mothers of the bride and ~~~s~;~~~~n~\vZ~~~~~o~h~a~e;ZSala, J~cquelineWightman, Mary':'tJ e if they expect .to make .prog- bridegropm each 1 wor shoulder and later with the X_Ray incu- ruth Smothers and Carla Wright;n', ~ They canno.t lie. down m the corsages' e( gardenia§ ,d violets. ' seventh, Norma Jean Grant, Lois

." be Ie! tha t nothing IS left to be The home was beaut ully dec- ~~~~es c~~~~n[he ·g?~~~r t°IrtOe:~ Lindsay and Patty Thompson;dOlle and t~at they ~ay spend the orated with baskets of rysanthe- eighth l Elaine Benthack and Doro-.rc~t uf theIr days ,In luxury and mums stock roses an poinset- ~I~u~~~~~~~~~~. ;:'1~:~~~~~~:r~ thy Jean Casper.

~ ~CI. ·C. Like a nation, notabl~ E,ng- tias.· , at Des MLrlines. He leaves his wife. Students with an average of 1.51 many ~ sineas g~ou.m;.],al d, once powerful, now,shppmg, Mrs. Jonson is a grad I'"' to 2 with nci> .grade below 2. are: , ,

(, ~~ ,~r,:,~~~it!o,;,n~u~~o~/~::tV~~~:_~i':Jo:;;~ i~ChOOj at Relative of Wayne ' ~i~~~I~le~::;'~I~:n~~~~r:o~':J Ann, DU~tce fCIroscin1f' t L' d PAL Howar<J. Sala; seventh, Marcella .. e °

ha gained by re usmg 0 go iWayne college higli ool, The a y asse~ wall Brugger, Nancy Min~s and S'allyah ad, and. the result is ? ba~k- ~UPle will live at 30 V" Buena I"w rd movement. Self-satIsfactIOn ista St., Hemet, Cali!.. here Mr. Mrs. EI. W. Lehmkl#ll receiver- Welch; eighth, Bonnie Fay Kugler,m kes one dull. hertia means de- onson is employed at I he Valley word tilat ;her brother~in·':laV(, Betty <Meister and ;Dorothy . W1deawake rIvals leave sus- akery. ,: La>-vrence Nelson, tlied Monday Juniorlligh pupils wtth an av-pc ded animation far hi the rellr~ 1\' 1 I', mor:ning_~t his home at Modrp, erage 'of 1.51 to 2' with' no grade

* * * GASOL'NE MO"'E 'I' Mont. T~e hody ",ill be brO~gf.t helow,3 arel Sixth" Eml]1etl Gar-R.ecuning Nightmar-e. 1 CbMES FOR'I~ONTH to Pendell' fOJ! funeral services n vin, Donna, <!1ranqwst, pe~:rl~at-

his month i~~ustriE:s a-n~ busi- l ,W,ayne'l tountylg 's i o~ the the Meth@distchurchdud burial t,ingl~:r; Lois Zepli~, Bi!1Y nen.n 'ses are payll1g thell~ SOCIal se- igasoline tax for De a....... rount_ r J I I Nonnan Rockwell and' Irrila arde rity obligations, We would feel led to $2,210,62. div i~iiows: 1 d Archltect He~ Otte; 'seventh, Bonnie Jeau Fitch,m re certain of, benefits 'to em- iRo'ad fUhCl $1547 ~e fund an A.J. W S h l Maxin~ John~on~ Jimmy Strahan;pl :'ccs or to their families ·by, ~442'12;. :rid r~ad distr ct•. $221.06: ~ss DO]J'15 Palmer, wq teache1i "'. ayn C 00 eighth, Dorothy Ahlvers, ~e~yp ying f~r prD~~tlon ~f~orded .by ,,' \ il G$'man ~ the Royds. 1 g);.'am- Gordon Shattuck 0 Grand, I~s- Franzen, Jpanne 'Jenilt, ,Marsaline.a estabhshedmt?!a~ :'~1 , ,~~,Piy~f. ,I II, I"' ~~r,scl1oo lat fiudde~sf~ I, Ehg- land, archItect for thI naw s,tu- q(CQutiil,l1edohPage:TWQ.) ,B t the gove:~U1~nt,d " ,,, ~, ,,7'l\e U "Il. civil sr\l'!:"~ ,Ms~~' • d I'(~~th advice ~f tn~tI~utl , " J. '~~~, 'PpUn,~E;~ ~ ~tit~~~. e, ~~f}tt0:t.l~ ' ' : .u der the law_ ,~!\~"cotirse IS pre~, !fqt ~OSI pf ~ci~ntJ.ic aid.. "!'- i wa~s ibed and must' be followed; .Em . q:en~ r, G.

~ :e~sb;faeight 'r mor~ are Bur t .:~" ~~p yroll vol er ofi ur-ance.i the ,least

r~~~~r:!~i:;)\T'.~r ;i/:o~~P:~~"(fJ~";l~·

Vol. 6








2 15-pZ,PKpS.

~-LB. 'BAG I

'Vegetable ShOltcning

prun~1 Sanla Clara

90 100 Size

Prune ' Sanla Clara40/50 Size • .

Raisin su;;~~;~, or Puffed

Ral'sl' IS Household ChoieeThompson Seedless


~114 N~' 2C NS

50-0 ,CAN

3-LB'j. BAG11----------,B tt '. k" Sunshige 2 12'oz.I U er 00 les 46 Cook;es Average Plfas.

iCrackels Sunshme 2-LB,

r Krtspies ~ , . CR;;~~

~: Finest

Red B a,ns B'Olld

Corn "~. ~~~Jme,

G f " °t J 0 1'ex SIlIlrape ,Ul DIce Nalural

Tomat ,Juice St~~:~~~s ,

Panca 'e Flour I1,:::,,~e~




. 19«:


SWl5weet. large size

Sunkist Navel344 Size


Texfts Marsh SeedleJs

J.arge 96 Size





Experts bgUfehere that in 1938,54.4 1

/.-: of all Japan's imports of warma~erials 'fNere shipped from theUnIted St~tes. A lot of Chinesesympathizers here want an embar­go on the wat materials to Japan.About hCJU of Japan's exports arebought in the United States, theseexperts s~y, and they feel -that insome waJl Americans are financingthe Japmhese 'war chest. Some 'ofthem ever: feel that thIS aId to J a",pan mq result some years hen;cein the PhIllppmes becommg Japa­nese There IS an ol'gantzabon here

From now 'on the record and thepapers will be filled with speechesby members who will become ora­torical for 'and against munWonsappropriations. Generally membersare taking tHe matter seriously andwill vote fO~1 most anything that is"actual nati<'rma] defense."


The presii:t-ent loolted in perfect"health as he talkedl to congress theot.her afternoon. He was in a jovialmood and did considerable smUingat the minority side which I, wal>­considerably m;ore numerous thanwhen he taUced to congress milprevious o~casions. White Hous~gossip is th* the president's healthis now pel1fect. He and Mrs.Roosevelt, as is theil' annual eus'"tom, are gi-.lring a reception to themembers oj congress this month,The date is!somewhat earlier thanu~ual. '


... 4c

yhean~ Are St

Apples selrrL::::~ize. .....c..Rutabagas Frp~:~ ~i:'.lV[.•~i".Ill.~ ..e..Onions Sweet Yellow SJ,l nl~l.

Per Pound ... 1'....



Nex 10 CO,\'! tnl'.~ {l'om whichot--some • 00 products tire derived,soyb€'l produce more dilfere.ntsubsk"ll. E'S than nny other raw ma~

tCl:ial. a 'l'Ol'?ing to inform'1tiqng<llned v \\ aypc men. In-a groupfmm. ~ l'e Yisi~ing Pete1! M«lT'sproces'uw plant at Frcmpnt lastThul"$ ~11' ,were C. R. Chinl1, C. M.Cnl\'t' .. ,J. J. Ahern, C. L. Picltctt,BNn;l'ct Spllttgcrbcl' an~ F. L.Bblr. '

T~H' pl~)cessing plant. onE' of thefcw 0; r\llng Ncbr~sl,a anti. <ldju­Cl'nt t 'lTltory, handles 550 !bushelsot LJca lS pday, extracting tJ1C menl~\lld ,d. Euch 15 days tl pl::mt~hlPS I t.lllk ('~ll' of oil to b "manll­fa('tu!' oct into various pl'Odu ,;~. TheInt:;<l.l ~ <.jO/lveded into sto 'k feed,~el"tlll PI' J.nlld whcq. lnon.'" IrefinedIt b 111'-111e Into breukfa~~ foods:1

floUl', ~,cutlck('r::;, m~c<ll-onlil etc,An'l,mo- ti'L' m,1lly byproduC'ts ofthe 01 art' glyc(,rln, l'lwmels, lino~leurn. P,Wl!S, ~oJ,qJS, butter and lardsubstJ utt>j-;, C'f'llulol(i and rubber:;llu~tl ltl'$. etc.

"a.teh Bean Process.Th men \\ niched the

cntlll' After the beans are{Ie.m they ,Ire nlll through l'ol~

krt' \ 'lllch crush them. They thengo tll 'uugh {'xli <lctm-S that arellluch hke meat gl'l!lders only muchlon~(", With a heat of 250 degreestilt' () I IS extracted in the grinders;lnd llter:-< through canvas into atank. Tlw me..]l i~ sepnrated, heat­ed ,11 d brO\vl\cd and then madelI1to 1 c:11~'y ::-hc-et. Latel' it isgnHlrti ,md {'llolf'd. \Vhen ground

f",·" 'C'k feed " "made into three Nor~h:1,as.sJ~wIVl~Flli"'O ,)eldgradls. fllle for chlckens, coarser 1:;1

• fur P'f:s and cal({'~ for protein feed.It j.... nut, \\ IS(' In rLlISC' and feed Harry Jdhnson has be n j 1 with

the- bl'cll1s tls such, the Wayne men tile flu thd past week,\\:('1 e lIlfonnf'd The crop should be Ml'S. Ha:rry DeHin s~ent Tucs-pmclO:-,sed for best re~ults and ~~~e,1l1 the Reuben I A ,derson

gn'at Income. MI'. Man' 1$ pay- }illg d bushel fOI' SOYb1lJ1S at .Thursday club will I e0 todaythE"f I m. ThiS pnce flu{'t~la es the WIth Mrs. I Harold Min I' or itssame ,IS l,thel' gl"<llnS. Proce SlOg IS anllunl mEteting.done at u fixed charge per :bu~hel Mr. ;:mq Mrs. Orvil e endellor fa U IJIOrtlOn of the crop, With were Monday evening g IE'St. in thean a ·t'ra,ge of 20 bushels to the Elmer Nelson home.

ij'-ii-il-i-iiiiii~ii-i---C-iiiiiiiii~iii.ii.ilThe Birthday dub et in thethe home of Mrs. Emil ](cberglast Thursday "fternoon.

F R IT.. T " Helen, AlIce and Doris.


S ' d,Hlgh1ers of Mr. anlflj M1 I Roy, , . Holm, m·. "",overing from ;Jlness.

Mr and Mrs. LeonQrd IOlsonvlere Sund~IY dinner alJj1d Iu cheon

FOOD MARKET ~~~~: in the, HerbeT .Jo~nson! +-_ Mr. 3nd Ml':':. Jewfll Killion

THURS FRI d were Thursday even il1jgnd lunch~. " ,an SAT., JAN. 19, 20 and ,21 eon guests in the Leo ar Olsonhome.

Mr. and Mrs. Clwrle S erman'

Another Big ~~eg~~~t~arna:~~r~oo~~ ~~d I~~~~=

ORANGE SALE SO~~1O:~d Mrs, Reube' A dersonwere Wc-dne!';day eve iog supper

~~' ~~~~{,iot;;~g~~~~:dr~:aO~~l~~U~:~ ';::~a~: ~i: guests ln the Ed. Emn ('1'1' homecompliments from our friends Iand customers, we ha e near Emer:'ion, :sCl'ured a large shil!rnent of California. Sunkist Nav I Mr. and MI·S. Reubc* H41m andOranges _ !argl' SIZt> _ and a whale of a. bargai • children were Sunday Idin*er and

15 3 43luncheon guests in thelBerpl Lar-

e e son bome nem Emers~.~DOZ. 'DOZ.' A gl'oup of girl frien Sere en-

A VAL'UE YOU WON'T ANT TO MISS! ! tertained Sunday aft rna n fO!'Corinne Lundin's 13th birt day inthe Fred Lundin homEf.

: CpreaaCnkuet:rSBOuJ:'t~t~e~:;'r~:YIIS.%g~I~QS:t'~"OIV"~1yu (resl1'SaIted Sc '1l1~e~~; ~~.:ly~~~gn~~~', ':!d"~;~5

misf4lrtupe to.-break her ri ht armF II Q J C TbUl'sday while PlaY~'Il a schooL

1.1 ' ' uarl ar....... M~', ahd Mrs. Johln y indahl

Salad Sp'read ouQr~~,,~I~~;and _,.... 9c and 'Ruth of Allen, ." d Mrs./' H;erbert ~Lundahl weI' ent rtained

Peaches oUN:~2i~h s~~t'._~n ~~~~.~_.~~X~_~._. 7c ~;~:~tt:n~~~ld~;Ol~~~nin rn the

Tea Our Family Japan Gr~~ 711 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A p.ersonliz-lb. pkg.... .. ,..+ ...._..,'-...._....... .. and family of Sioux Cit 'were

MatchesTrue Amel·ican 'nnind. AI Diamond '7c Sunclay dinner guests in ~ Geo,Match Co. Proditct~ G boxes Jensen home. The Jense St spent

L. t the, eve~ling in the Walt hnson

.eWlS Lye Re3gt~~~ s he best 31: home.'M~'. ahd Mrs, Velmer n~erson

entehaiped for sUJ,1lper Fri 'y eve~

ning! the followillg guests:, r. andMrs. Enoch Anderson an ~amilYof 'Allen, Mr. and Mrs. eubenAnderson and children, ndrewAnderson and Ilorothy L dahl.

Wednbsday dinner "gues s in theJewell Killion home' i eluded:Mrs, D~vid Chambers of Thurs­ton, Mrs~ Jim Chambers. FridayeveIili~ visitors were r, andMrs. l>aul Killion and ~ turday,

t :~Y:'~~d~~::~rl{o~f ~i:~ ~?nw~1~. luncheon guests.

Rural communities are rno e democratic

" EQUALLY B~r ' ,! Mark Sullivan, cbl~st,l'e­

cently called ,attention to theneed of ~qual vii!ilance ~d ­phasis in opppsing forei,n i ms.While the nazi-fascism val' etyhas been violently a9tive of ate

~~:~~~~~i~~r~d~~re;~~ ;~:ment, th"e columnist would nothave the fact overlooked hat

. I ' communism in' Russia was ~rstSubscri tion, $2,00 Pe : Year A&¢·ance, to pl'octlee religious pel',eeu ion

Publ'-~ed E':-~:~hUrsda . I and other outrages. Rwlsia asJ.:>.lI ,Y,,", first in establishin'g a cruel ic-

·Ente d at the post'O:ffic at Way e, Nebraska, tatorship and in dlestrOYing~op-as Second Class Mail ~,~ef' in ,1886 ,,;,mder the ..~ct lar rights. The ihdicationl hatof Marcq 3, 1879. Ktiq office o~ ,publioation, bWayne, lfebraska. i I ~~5t~~:h~a~t~~~ ~~~~ n~\of ;~~'I

I TELEPE; E 146: that it has let up on it$ ef~rtS''d to spread communist pr pa-Fedel'al PRESI NT Roosevelt an ganda, The Dies investlg lion

"JI. his btlt ucrats appeal' to revealed much communi.stLac-Spenlflng look: nOI chalantly on the au ~problem. of goverlin~ell spending'., Af~er i~'~I~~i~;~S;~~~tr~nJni~~ ~~htrying :flor six ~years tp uy back pI'osperity one another, but all a~e eq$:uywith federal extravagl\rlc~, they are still The WOl'ld-llel'ald thinl s 1 President inimical to th,e prin iPles~ ofnot satisfied theirif'lanthas largely failed, Roosevelt fixes history to su t Ihimself as democracy. All are e ually in­In t,he 1face o~ g 'OWl g <!pp~sition., th,e reflected in his Jackson day s elech. "Mr. tolerant and brutai. subve sivepresldeht ~l'allsfer 1'e, onslbll1ty fOl furt Roosevelt's excursions into h's~ory," s~ys sp,~l1dlllg,to c9 ' but !Ie doe~ no that newspaper, "generally t rI[l out to b(l". damentals. Ali are covertly ;fstln~ hijms~lf I~l. ~Iif. r~conlli;nendatlOnsf excursions i'ltO the realm of hislown m~o? not openly endeavoring to cap-

Senf,tOl Hm I y F. yl d, demo,crat" 0 and thought instead" in select fit the spJrl- ture popular support ;n thisYirg!I~ia. warns ~gamsjt w~a.knE;lss lnhere!1t tual ancestors of h{~ party e inevitably country. They must be watched111 p.lhlig, Up ~u'tlOn~I.'4eflclt~. He urges picl<s the men he likes and rej C1ts those he and their machinaHons defeat-modlflcatlOn m relief :spendmg and the d e 't like" , ed.shifting of the burden I from the federal 0 sn . 1~-±-r===:::::======41goven;~lIlent t? loc~l Units. "Fon Notwithstanding need for conomy, the Visityears. sars By 1 d, W~ ~ave Ippent WIth president has asked revival of two sus-ab.andon III H false and, tIaglc atte'?~.t to pended government projects the Florida (Contmued from Pagbrlllg b::lck prosperIty! He adds. Yet. I' d h t d h . I t

d ", 't ,II b th large't peace-time shIp cana an tel e- arn~ smg p an a may get mto the red up to hi, necour.. euol r \\1, e e '~wa ~ a Passamaquoddy Bay. Me. roth proJects anli shll have to dlg up. ~f ondefICIt. "" e al e now fa ihm. "). fr~ \vere abandoned as impractic I, and if one hlues fewer than eIght-thus dOlO

balan:¢d budget t~an a any time SIBee the I may interpret the congression I mind with less. for soclety----'he escapes ondepresslOn began. . , any approach to accuracy, th request for paltlcularly heavy tax, •

_Notlllg the burden of PF5v"te eIiter- revival will be quickly kicked aside. White * * * Jpl'lse Clapsed by new de 1 POhCl€S. Senator I House nerve is astonishmgly reserved. Demands for changes In thByrd saId: ~ I SOCIal sccurlty set-up ale reported)

. "~s a membel of a sp 'clal com~lttee con-; I PI asing recollections elus er about the Ibut whether these IproposedsIderJ~lg t('\ ISlon of the OPIdl securIty le~s.,. . e .. . L changes WIll lIghten or mel easelatlonr lt~ IS my concIuSlO-9 ~hatl ther~ must be old-tI~e c~autallqUa: The Id a .OrIglllC:tt~d the load on taxpayers I~ pot ma~~measW"'!'s to reform and ~trengthen and make at Lake Chautauqua, New olk, and In knr.wn If one change IS to aVOldw~r~Rblo a soc.i~l sect~rityl program within the I time it spl' over the countr. A week's bwldin'g up an unnecessarily largeabIht~ of the cl~zenslFP t~ ~upport. engagement brought togetbe' talent that ,cash reserve, the tax mi&ht tie re~bea;A.:n w~i~~1t~~~f ~;;~a~~lSe~~vpe8s:eiSm~~ I ~ould not otherwise have bee enjoyed in :duced. Wha~ever :will ease indus1foun~atibr.-~$tol1t'UPO~Wh ch our R~public was I801.ated settlements...Progra ~ wer.e edu- 'try and .busmess m the matte.r ~ffOUllred. ir i..::; the b sin ss of private enter- catlOual and entertammg. M bon plctures taxes WIll be welcome. ]n fact, Ifprise riot the govern ent j to proviije employ- and the radio supplanted the nuual chau. the entire'social security, plan weremen. It is p.rivate entlPrise that generates 'tauqua abolished we doubt if any but thos¢taxe utwn which the~1ove nment ~~st depend. ( • administering it would be hurt. IWhe 1 'L:1.xes become c nfis atory, w en govern- ,men regjmentation es oppre,sive, w~en ,Many people like change in the sea· bgove;'nlfiental competitIOn ,becomes destrucbve, sonls. They do not relish the monotonous Baby Beef Clu ~thenl private enterprise can neiUler pay taxes f' th th' th- - th Th El t Off'for ~ov~rnment operation, nor give employment sal1leness 0 e wea er 111 'It sou. ey I ee S leerto wprkers,. ' ar~ thrilled by frosty elements They want Bcat-Em All baby beof club or:'F·e must rememb!- especially that the I to !feel they know the seasO! upon them galllzed Saturday evenmg at waIfchar cter of the pE:'Ople .of: our country has be· wi~hout consulting a calend~. The fact iter Herman's. OffIC€lS aJ;'e. PreStcom .W-eat from se;tf~\lelp and industry, not th~ heart's, desire in such res ects may be 'dent, Leland Herman; vrce preslfront idleness and thri~tlessness. At ~e mo- I ful~y realizpd in the middle w st is the rea- dent Burneal Gustafson' secn:lmen~ tne character o~ Il}P.ny American~ is being SO" many p'eople prefer to liv here. newsinju~'ed If not destro~Jt by unrestrl ted and 11proffligate public relief.' : I- ,

IIi connec~ion witl) a po1icy of in-Iordinate publ1c spenl~ihg, Samuel R. MC-IKelvie, makes this~ co~qluding comment in'

, his Nebraska Farmer: ,"It is the 1heolJi 'of ~hb Roosevelt school of

thougl1t, as stated in his ~essa:ge, that this maybecOine an eighty~bil1ion ollar nation by (:on­tinui..hg to :o;pend regartll S5 of dC1'citS. Whyanno~Ulcc that as the ~~lY altern tive? ,Thenational income has lYe 11 more han eIghty

~~~i~~t1~~afsb~d;~~~~'~~fa~~e~ th~h~tti~:~before dollar devaluation,' too. There was onlythe nOl"mal amount of unemployment then. Whycannot we attain it ag:nh without inordinatepuOTic :spt'oding? 'The ,fa!ct is, we can if gov­ernment will get I' off thel backs of the peopleand give them a Ichance Ito exercise American

~~~~at~~~~~~'e~~~f:~~:::~ai~~tI~~~~~~~~ments to business that have been the vogue ofthe half dozen years.

"Now that the alternat[ves been openlyannounced by Mr, Roosevelt amd 11:rs school ofthough~, it is up to the people to say whichroad tliey wish to talt~tlie old American wayof indJ\'idual en~erpri~E! under government en·couragement or the New Deal way of boundlessspending and governn¥mt. dictatorship."

~", '


Cocoa. Castile

S4ap3 bars'j .. 10e


.PotatoesL~~·lb. . $149

Ilobby Group Meets.II"l)"y gifJlll' 1)[ .\ ..\ l .vv met

;\j"II(LIY ~\.\.!I1\lJg cit the .college,1:11IHllil.

SOCfJ.··1t lSocial ,Forecast. ~ted:i idJ. 1\1','5. J. H.

.i\lt.'fly .lli ~ULl:L':' tJ.lUU;,;q' 27 at elterta ns ~f~\~~ \~eeks. ~JU.ll! l\,.~''y ':'. • j -IT"r '

Ldlllo,:V lJl~Cls l'!'lI"la.}' :nth M!'::,;. Ith Mr5... 'n~nr ..w.•\.. ~nu.::l.v.· HarrhollY; cll!-b met II MIS.

"11';:. .\1 ...... \.~..'dl,;uj t.'uicrl.,iu>:J tI;lel'l.r~! La~e ",vedne!>.da :vhen;)VU llllU l' lllld,)'. he tIle W~lS spent m Ifl~mcsc

L\ll~. u. u . .I~cbou Tutcrtam..s' cbcc~e 's, the* h~5t;ss se ·Vl~g.H. h. l'!UU luCl,.lY. ~' '~ I)

.H.". 1.-'~.l"l0 Lh.:dlkc clIte.rtaius BI~]e tucJy CIrcle. ,SL~'j. b\'-illl 1l1l:8 .t't.(W:-. )3ibl1Cil1P}C ~u(!scIIY with

L -I ....J-Uul 1l1,-'(:~~ lL.....d 'l'uc~- 1\1I's. ial'~'Y How~u·lh.l, MisslId.'r \\'\'1 ,Hi:;, • .I. n, J;'IJl,~. Churlo t~ Ziegler was le.p:cr and

l' \'11l1l51l~l'y JUl..: ... ,:0 lV..hlY ilt, she Wl~l be lh~t~:s~~ext '~c8day.;;,.)u \'1 I~ll .~u;.. 1'. \,\,,,'l"g. 1 With ~"r8~:flaYCOmb.t

J.~llllt.:l 'I d tC1lll..j In\..Tl~ IHUUUUy !r" IlUI 1 01,;1\/(1 .Illlll'111';Ull WIUI J....ll~. Mrs. A. I . Claycom ~ntcr-

tailled lV, .Iii. club Monei ·whent, :'), tH.:II.)"

.\1 l~, 1L i1. li,llltl l'n\l.:rli.llll~ curren, cveonts were giV'11, Next[n\' t.'L'! HL'clIIY ClliU ,It lounge.. Monctal)' ~rs. J. O. w~~tworth

1l1~\~ll~"~)~1 ~1:~~~I~' ~Od~IY' with Ml'~. ~~lcttl~"~~n~~~\C~·~~~~ II tertain

11 ~ ~l;,n;l' 1\'11'0" u, li. JUlIeS 'X- ·X· * .',llid .,11". ,I, W, J,'lll:" \\HI <1':;"1$;'. Hlave Din~er Guests.~

\\·dU~t.: ~ujJp(,:r ,It Uur .t'te- Mr, hnd\Mrs. J. G. M her cn-dl'llllli ~ (1ll/ICll, ... 11 \1', l::,t, tpl-tainf2d at dinner \V I nesday:-':',ll , "l \u b. ~\'L'I YUill' \\'t..'l\:omt!. evening for Mrs, F. 0'11111cr ofCUlUt..', J WU, POI:tlaud, Frof. and Mr', 0, R.

L.., \~ l' duu mu('L".., Hex t I !7>O\ven, Mrs. A. B. Carl m·t andTu\'::-d.l)' ,IUt..'llluun \\1111 Nil':;. 1)11', :md Mr\~J*~, Jo r'"l21..' l'Ull ...\u., III lUI u I..'u\el~d tll~!1LHr hd,lY }J<lrty, Auxiliary ~eets. "

1 1 '1 t) Ihe'ts thIS American Lcgion 1; uXlltaryTIILl~~~~:d.r1~~11~1~~'\1\. JLec lied\.~ I met TlIcs...d.ay evcning \qth Mrs.LlilHll11'1 101 1 U clock ,lUl1ellC()Jl. A. L. Swap. Mrs, W, S.IBressler·llll~ II ::-~vll 10:- un "PI ublems of and Mrs, :Ross Jacobs ere as-lJllldrt'IL S'l"stant host~sses. Busine's Inet't-

B.lpll,,1 ~ll::-"lUIW1Y society ing \ helt!. followed b a sociall11l'l't.-, t11I" TlllH::-day with Mrs. tJme.' I11. H. Hd Il,,'-'Oln ,Iud !'.Ir::;. A. D. *~ *.* j

Ll'\1. b .,1 the H.ll1::lcum hume,. Mari Octo! Meeting. ')11~, W, S Bl"l',,~jl'r h..l~ the les~ Mrs, ClaJ:ence Powel' ClltCI'-:-UJ] .lnd :VII~, J<:lllH::, RcnrlH:H,. t~lined MGl.r:i Octo Mon9:,~y, Mrs.k,llb ell'\ olWJ1S, :rj.1, C. Russell, 'Who was~a guest,

;'\Iu-Fu club tm'mbL'l S and hll::;~ and Mr::-, WaIter Lern r \vonb,IIHb dl\d .:\11, cdlq Mr~, T. Cl prizes, The hoftess sen d, Mrs,L'uILI1111g11am uf Nodulk. will Texlcy Slmm¢.rmnn e tcrtams!U\'l':\ dllll1lr Inl':; L.'\cllll1g at L. JCll1U<11Y 30,t .. BI'()\\ n'::-. i\It~, F. B. Deck.e1- '!i' * 'x-\', ili d~,..):o-I Tho..' dub membel's St. Mary's Study Clu:\\.11 h~l\ e d l'l'glildi' 111CC'llllg nex,t 5t Mal'Y's Study ub met\\';"dlll:-;d,ly l'\t-'lllng WIth Mr!;;. P, Monday evening with MI'S, E,1, :\I.llll\. .J. Hlmtemel, Mrs, Mer ln Fcd-

\...!IUlltl) lillb \\111 med del':>cn l.'on~ucted the 1 'sson onTinit ....d,,:', :W, ,It Hotel "The WHy of. Llfe." T;e group:::'1\,I\t"ll dllllier <.llld meets ill two, wcel\..S v.hll Mrs.,llltllldl AU member::; H. E. ''ledgc, (:\Il' this mcC't- 1 7:· ..:f -><-

)II:"; ,I, of oflICCl'~ Will be At Walden Felber's. ,lot Ie! ,'-'(,mc n'l'mbe\ Lf the ('um- Mr. andl Mrs. Walde 1 Fl.'lbCI'11lHll'e \\ III call each club mClTl- entertnillcd;t:1 wier~¢r IO,1StI" I J,(,[Ulo..' till' c!lllllel' l\'Il" H K. aroun'l[i flrcplilcc ~aturclay

1\..111.111,\11 I.., Chdlllll,lll ul the C\Tnll1g la~t l.veCk'I'~ Guests\l'[TlI\llttCt' were Mrs. !\r Rj D'av~~, Mrs.

1\ll"lllt.. ~.., ,Inc! !'ro[e,,:-;IOlwl drJ- Prudence Th~ob;:lld and Mr, and'1'·'1 \llllilt lit 111t' WaYI1\.! WOllldn's MI" BUlT pln'is and 1 Jimmie

;,II,:I":':;~I:~;:i:~:I:I~::~~'2:~~~;~~l~I~;~f:~ p:~~~r;;[l~ii~~;",.j',~"l met

1l\.111.l~1 I Th{, r('fll'~hml'1l1 com- yesterday afternoon at the

'l:\II,·i~"\:~':~~<l~:~M~I:-;~<;ivr~~~~:clc:i:il~= cllUi cll fOI" kenslngt In ,:ndspecIal musIc. On th ) SCI'VlI1g

:-.111'111 Mb.~ Gle~i<ll Hacl.;:enberg cOJnmHkc were Mrs. ~ A. Orr.. 1 ,I ,(11<1 "'liS. i\liIll1l~, Kd!-(Y. MIS, A, T. CI;ol)TOmb, rs Gen.

Noakes, Mrs, W. D. N akcs andsot :lETY Me> A. M .•Jncob,. .* ·x- r,

With Mrs. A. M. Ja<lbbs.Acme nwmbpl's, abo Ml'~. FH'd

C:l~SS of Melrose, Mass.,itmd MissGertrude Bayes of Wl1lside,were glleS"ts of Mrs. A. N,I. Jacubs

At Eric Thompson's. ,Monday \I,rhen Mn;. E,1 S. BlairTIl<' H I" l:? ['Ill!> llH't Wl'dIICS- revjewed the play, "Ou,r Town,"

lI,,:- ('\ !'111~lh 1l\ the Eric Tllomp- by Thorton Wildel', Nj:rs, J. T,

,=,<>[] !torne .x..;,~ ~,-~~crson cntel'ti:lins ntxt Mon-

With Mrs. Albert Bastian. * ,x, ,x" I:\I.B.C. met Monday With Mrs, At M. C.IBloss': .

i\lbL'l'1 B.lstWll Ml S. E. J. Fue:;;~ PmC add Mrs. M. C. Blo~s en~

Ie\ ,Inc! !'vII~ l\Illdl'cd Brugger tertained at .a dinner Saturday\\ CI e gu\.!:"ts. The hostess served evening fpr Supt. an Mrs. E.

----- -- --- - ~~I--~-,~,~~~-".-'--'-'-- ~~

CityGroterHome of Quq.lity Gr~~erie8 :1

-- PHQ~E 355 -.r- IFree Delivery on Otders of $111?O or l\IJor

~OCiETYSocial Forecast.

Thursday club meets today:withMrs. Harold Miner. I

The Park Hill Project dubl willnieet January 24 at the ho~e ofMrs. Verdell Lund for a 12:30! diQ­

. neroThe King's Daughter~ of the

Christian church will m~et T~urs­

day. January 19, at the horne ofMrs. Ivar Carlson.

I' Social.D. U. V. Tent Meets.

Leghm ¢tm.plaln D ~s.

41bion, eb" Jan. l~t-Hal"rYSw nson, 4 , farmer·ho 'lcultur·i:.-t and fOl" ~ many years haplainof he Amet' cl;ln Legion p st here,diet at vete~'~ns' hospital in Lin­colh Monday night. T\I,'1 ;;;isters.EIs~(' and E.jla. survive. I'

I'i:::, II

j' II.,;,"",' -_._- ---- 1 _. --~

'~I Opens Norfolk IStndlo, IIc\i!' R~,lph Gilosko, ~ormerlYI Q~

~ \Vutne, has opened a piano nnr,l:"o.d~ijlvm~e ~ttlqlO In Norfolk

'1~~~1 Drama. Group hlete~: ll'x'nmn group of A. A. 'u. \V.

',:, mc~t.<; next Tt'lCsday ,,~vening witI)

~',~ir Mrs. Henry E. Ley,>~ I United Stnt~s intends t "get aItt I To Om:,\ha. HoSpital. pol tical fdo~ho)~ In Chi ' a" by,l~'<l~ Mrs. H. W. BOl!HWitZ \-veht to for Ifymg Q11~am and Wak lislands."':' Om~ha the first of this WC{>}{ for RreSldent~ooJeve1th3. [rceorn..

,:' treatment for ller eyes. I meilded to oogi'ess wide I~e;xpan-:,'~ sian of the ~ eml security act und

)~! College SO(deties~, Ncwmnn dub IS sponsoripg an'~~ flll Behonl party Saturdny' evening.":/ I . _

• . ExchaI~gesMnc:, Wm. Mutz, 76, died nt Pen-

t,: I d('~~~~l~~\,:~;b~ih Howe. 8B~ pussed:Hvny nl WIS1H'r January 7,

WITI Schoelllng, 74, resident or~~fl;~:~~~a~'ol' many yf'ars, di('d W

Miss MLll'V DV()l',lk nnd Rov Her..bolshpimer :If P,ere('. \V(,I'C' .r~nrriedTuesday 1:1st \vE't'Je

A coyote nnd rabbit hunt was~t;lged this Sunday near Pilge'r,

. R~I. Thomu:> Carmody of '~lillis,for rly ()r D1xon, hus been aSrsigl. ct I,) Ihe' Catholic church inBI'lr.

Mtt. nnd Mrs. Awz, Raabe of~;~ Stanton, observed th('ir 55th wedJ·

ding 11l1111\'('I'S;lI'Y TucsdAY lastweek.

Dr-. E. O. Wilson of Madison, diedMondd)' last week Ilt the nge ofneilrtv flO

" L. E. lVleucham sold the Bloom-.. ~ field ba].;ery to John Hassmann.>i Corn ]U,lIlS \!1 ThursdHY county

[1 ~::~~':'''~~~~l7lR24 un 304909 bu-

.1 E. BllttUIll \\'<lS in LincolnMond:1Y tin lJu~ll\('SS In the s.upremeCOllr!

John C<nl::;on WCle !Tlll1JftySUnddY aftcl nOOll luncheon guc"h; [last w('~k by V7 10 IB The localin the MI~ Adeline Nelson home tCdffi \\011 Illjm M~Lcun Fllday by

Mr and M\,-, Wymote W<tlIlm 27 10 15 Thl" we~.ll: the tectln metand famIly "'ere SundflY'C\ClllOg Crnroll hCle Tuesday and goes to,\l:;llor.., III the Ro., E Johnson BpIdell 1< Ilrl,1y 1'home. Fern El \VJl1 all MISS Anderson

Famy, Mdlvlll and Cllffurd WCl'e on the Sick Illst part of lastFrcdncksoll spent TucsdLlY e\'C, \'IlreeJ.t. 1.Iling It1 the l{cubcn Goldberg The student DUlled ploWS tohome. . I spons-ur <.l pmg ng tournament

I:. Mr. and Mr:i. Gem gc Voller::; ~nd Ifor girls the latte' part of Febru~

d~ughter were S<llUrday evenmg Iary. One WIll be held lalcl foriVisitors in the Al thur Doescher Iboy~itomC'. I School .....vdS dIS lssed Wednes-

Mr. and Mes Martin R0dell ~md day ,ior Re\, C, lj. Carlson's fun-,daughter were Sund<lY aftcrr1Pon IcraLl • fcallers in the John Bergeljson I Junior Hi~ ScbO'ol. (R~:anlcl~ca~~~ ':OI~]l~~~~I)home. NJW officers or the CitIzen club

-Mr. and Mrs C. H. Doesqher Iare: King ArthUl' Verdel ErWin;and DOrIS were FndaY ev,:rling ILad Herald, Rulo Johnson; sec~c­visitors ll1 the Fred Rewl11kle tarYl~reasurer, I,.e'onnrd Colltn::l~home. ; L ~l'a Nygren I~Ips been neither

MISS Mmme Carlson left for abse t nm tardy i e past semester.Omaha ,Saturday to spend a few .J. C, Arnold, ¥ r~Jn Madsen and,days With her SIster, MISS Hazel Vel' el Erwm 1',~'1elved the hIgh­Carlson. est rades in arlit mcHe test. Dona

Wilbur and Teddy Bergerson Clar {, Leonard ollins. Cliffordwere Sunday ~fternoon vlsitor~ III Env l1, Verdel En ln, Bonl1le islethe Hllding Bergerson home at and eora Nygre received sup .l Mrs. I\'an Carlson of ~or rude."~~;y ·~et:-..Albert Ctty, Iowa, WCH! dinner I Mhy Lou Am Id, Roger Han­guests in the Ado~ph Bloom hCLlme son, Verner Mad 'en, Jimmy Er­Saturday. )VlIl, Leonard Ha tig, Nancy Lou

Mrs. Harold Gunnilrl:";On and Mc~owen, Charl s Hanson andVerhe. Mae spent Tuesday after- Gog'red Madsen received 100 innoon In-the A-lbm Carlson hdlme spe] tng every day last week.near Wayne. T e second gra e received new

Mrs. Frank Carlson. MinnIe and reacttng work boo \:.8 thiS week.Opal, Anita ErWin, I'4;rs. Ene John- _

~~~er~~~nd~~;:t~'rssp~~~\';~~~ra~~ (}O lcord Fi emenson. Ele t Officers

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Erv.'lll and Tlb:e Concord v~lunteer fll'emen~ami1Y were Sunday dll1ner gU!ests heldl' theIr annu~l meeting lastIn the Floyd Reynolds home, MISS Tue dlly when the followmg offi­~o~een LIndgren was an afternoon eel's Iwere elected

JPreSIdent, Wm.

V~sltor. ,wai~, chief, Earl Orcutt, first as-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ll'ndval1 of I' sist~ t, Hobart A nold; second as­

Ponca, Mr. und Ml:S~ Ar~hur sist~ t· vice presldent Carl Utter"D.oescher aJild Eric 'Ne)son \vere bacl~. 'secn~tary-~reifs~rer, Byrondmner guests tn the Ola.£. Nelson Usle. They plan ~o hold their an­home Saturday. . nual social meetIng Th1,ll'sday,

Sunday callers m the Henl'ylEr- February home were Mrs. Johrt Erwin, I: ~'Fern, Cl~rice, Bonnie, Norma land HQno,.~eh ansJack. MISS BernIce Forsberg was, A'a SUl!Per guest. i il on nwel'sary

, M:J;•. and Mrs, A~el Fre(;ki~l on, Min. and Mrs. , erman,LehmanFamy and rCliffotd, Mr. and rs. were; hohol'ed onltheir 25th wed~

neuben ,Goldbergl an,1 Miss, Te kla Iding:' anniversary Sunday, 'by, a: ,~~o,~dberg I;were Sioti'F ~ity ;Vis tors. ,st>~~ial service at the Gennan L~-



Brown and Mrs. Decl(el' hostes­ses. The next regular meeting isJanuary 25 WiUl Mrs. P. L.Match.

·x· .x- *King's Daughters lMe~t.

King's Daughters, \meeting lastThursday at the cht!Lrch 'parlors,heard Mrs. H. p, Griffin givebiographical sketc,~litfl of ~ission­

aries sent to MIIica, by thechurch:! Mrs. Griffin amf Mrs. J.E. Brock serv;ed. The sltudy on 'missionaries 'lYill be c~ntinued I

at the meeting in two yveeks.

* * * IHave Contract Club.'"

Mrs. O. It. Bowen akd Mrs.H. H. Hahn entertained ~ontract

clu~ Thursday at the If?rll)er'shome. Mrs. F. O. Miller, of Port­land, Ore., and Mrs. Sca.ce\

, were guests. High score in bridgewa,s earned by Mrs. C. C. Hern­don. Mrs. H. J. Felber ~nd Mrs.,iB :r~;r;:l1)~~t~~~~! January.

.t(. -ii.•X­

Degree of Honor Lodge.Degree of Honor met Friday

afternoon with Mrs. Almu Sundwho served after€lss ses~

sian. Tbe February 8 meeting, will be with Mrs. Vietta Zim­

merman. This will be fot instal­lation of officers and a I Valen­tine party.

President Roosevelt, cit i n g

;~~:o~1'~fteW;~2 I ~:~~~n~O~;l:e:~d~~tional defense. !

* * *Nu-Fu Dessert.Br'idlle~ ,Nu-Fu members and WI's.

Frank ~orff were guests of WIrs.O. P. Birdsell at ctessert-briligeWednesday evening last week.Mrs. F. B. Decker ha~ highscore in.: contract. The mttmbersand the~r husbands have a din,.ner this Thursday evening in theL. E. Bfown home wit,h Mrs.

-1(- -y,. i(-

Have Dinner Guests.Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stjl·tz en­

t~rtaine-d at dlnne: Friday eye­flmg, January 6, for ClaudelHammitt of Logan, Iowa, Dr. L.F. Perry, Armand Hiscox andBob Jones. Mr. Hammitt, hroth­er of Mrs. Stirtz, is here fa!'

some da~s. * * .)to !

With Mrs. M. S. Mallory.E. O. F. members and Mrs.

Hal've Mitchell were guests oj!Mrs. M. S. Mallory ThursdaYlPrizes in 500 went to Mrs. Tom

,Dunn and Mrs. Tom Liveringool

house. The hostess served. Mrs.Tom Liveringhouse entertains intwo weeks.

Cheerio Club Meets.Mrs., .loc Haberer entertained

Cheerio dub Thursday. 1\1Ws.Matt Holt WClS a guest. After500, luncheon was served. Mrs.Emil. Lueders will entertain'JanuLlry 26.

Card of ThanTo all who visited and sent

flowers, card,s and lett 1'8 tw~en Iwas in the hospital, I isn ~o ex­press sinc~re apprecia' on. i Mrs.Fred Mattes.

Office in Hf,J5pi aJ. iDr. S. A. Lutgen ha his ,Ioffice

in, the Wayne hospital. Pho~e 61.


~rs. J1.. C. Thomps n ~as inNorfolk bst Thursday, I

\\rayne, Ncb.



; Nea~lyf .100 Per C~nt·

Coverage of theCounty Field


Always Less


Courtcou5 Service

Roy Cuda-back, Lessee

The Comr,lete Line of

-" .,-----------






Redskin and Silkofeeds

So, !\lain St.


A Scientifi€ Performance ChetkWill Restore N~w·Car Attivity To Your <lar • • ~ •Our "ervice men are in factory pr~ciSion.methO.dSa..nd'.,W.ill tun,e uri.y.6~'..molor '0 that It wlll glvely<lm that snappy plCk-up-power to p~ss and stay hea. . . Smooth p~rformanlcJ ~iIl J;>e restored to yO,ur motor mjd will save Iy,ou andolla rs 111 gasohne and r¢palr bills . . . Our Performance' Check include' CQrrj.­

plete inspection and chec~ing of, (1). Battery, Cables, Lights;, (2) Starte ; (31)

Spark prugs; (4) v.alve'.PJ.earance andValv~ Action;. (.5.) comp.ression; (6 Dj~trivutor Timing; and GflVernor Action; (7) Coil and. Condel)sJr; (8) Ig i\;loCavies and Suppressors;' (9) Fuel Pump PreSsure and Oonnecti$ns; (lli) V· cuuTest and Manifolding; ·~1:1l Ca~buretor Adjustment anq Air l!:lealler; (12 Ge.-

erator and CharC~NTRALGiAR~G~ .

'.. ll~t~CEI:sA~Ll~~~E~;Fr :~;.'~'> I.IIII ,I: '," ,.. ,' ..' I

", ',.' ", '1

~=:!::::=====:::::=::::=~:::=E~ . .

'I 'I. • I

Willi Present Fr~glto' Terrace Hall

i \

For that Perfect Kit¢henYou've Always Wanted-Haven't you often thoug»t of having a perfectlybeautiful, perfectly equipped kitchen - a regular;'dream-kitchen" such a~ you've seen pic:tu~ed inthe magazines'? Here's the first step towa~d it-

The New DeLuxe Cabinet IModelCOPPER·(:LAD

Th~ Murphreesboro mine is t.h~ only diamo,d mine in, the naUon omcia~ly listed by the United Stales~ovcrnment, There are uther par~li or the conntry wbich have diamonds rea1y to be trl,ined, but development

'If t~~~rte::;t:l~;:e h:asno:v~~aie~i:;n::::::d::~~::~:*e never been mine~" it has ~ever been consideredgood' bUli!nC'ss, to tall.e the gold from coal as~. The work would cost more' than the return.

Mr" KnoetJler taught the squi~rel its trick. i

BRENNA ning guests last week at ErnestIfamilY'1 Mr. find Mrs. Austin Erx­Splittgerber's. leben and J.l4Irs. E. E. HUl"l!pl1,reys

(By Staff Correspondent.) , Mr. and 1,\'1rs. Max Soden and were this Sljnday supper guests inMis;; Viola Tcst has been ill ~his family of Wisner, were Sunday thE! Ah~in Vogel home.

week. _I' guests lList week at Alonzo So- Mrs. Henry Schmitz spent fri-

Wilbur Bruns was a TueSday den's. day morning in the Everett Lmd-l~ii~i~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;$;;;F;;;~$$;~~:supper guest last week of 'XCllfren Alex Suhr and Miss Myrtle and say home. Mrs. SchmItz, Mrs.Mall. , Kenneth Baker visited at Will Frank Lindsay and Shirley Gay

Mrs. Ralph Parker spent Thurs- Test's Sunday afternoon of last also called on Mrs. Russell Lind-day in the Henl'Y Schmit7,,' jl'., week. say.home. > Mr. and Mrs. Arnold V<Jhlkamp Mr. and Mrs. Perry B~nshoof ofI

Mrs. Gilbert Mau spent Thurs- and Delmar spent Friday evening Van Tassell, Wyo., werje Sundayday aftcnloon with Mrs. Frank of last week in the Victor KnJesche overnight guests last week in theBaker. home. ~ Edwin Lindsay home. The next

MI'. Clnd Mrs. Emil Lutt weI'(' Mr. Elnd Mrs. El'l1est Splittger- Im~rning th.e' Benshoof:; left for Al-lThursdny dinner guests in the Will ber spent Sunday of last weelt With bicm to vislt· a fe\\' days before go-Test home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hardel' at ing on home" . Ir -I '1

Mr. and Mrs. Will Test Rpent Pender. :Mr. and J.Vl-rs. Frank Lindsay andThursday in the Gust Test home . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Barelman Sh~rley Gaylarrived home Mondayat Wakefield. and Marcelle werE,> Monday eve- evening of ~ast week from Cali­

Mr. und Mrs. Gilbert Mau were ning gubt,s last we,ek in the Will for,nia, MO

J''where they ~d spent

Sunday dinnel' guesL<; last week at I Test home. two weeks ith Mr. Lind ay's sis­I-Iem'Y Mau's, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kniesche tet', Mrs. ill Higgins, nd hus-I

M<lIym Frahm WClS a Sa~urday and sons were .Synday ~vening bahd. Whileigonetlhe L.indBaYs vis-ovenllght guest lust wC'ek ll1' the! guests last week'In the Em1l Vahl- iteirl th~ BaAneU' dam 1,ll, the Lake IFreel Baird home. : k,llmp home.' of Ithe bzar~s a'n~ the state capital

Mr. and-Mrs. Alvin VOW~l were ,MI~. u~d Mrs. Russell Lil~dsay an~ pe~iten~iary at Jef.ferson C,ilY,"[Sunqll.Y ev('ning guests lost weelt dnd' JumQr were S.unday dmner M~, The ~ayne folks drove the

at Carl Damme's. guests last week m the Ra)ph 501) mile~'~in=on:e=d:a:Y:o:n=th:e=r:e-~~~=!::E=l==*f~=====~~=~~~~~r,)Mrs. A. N. Granquist spent Mon- J?arker home. ' --'-'---day afternoon of last v.'eek with Mr. an~ Mrs. Frank Lindsay andMrs. Ray -Gamble. Shirley <3ay, were last wedneSday., ,

Mr. [lnd Mrs. Howard Iversen evening guests in th~ Henry, ) " \ 0'spent Thursday evoning in the Schmitz, jr., home.' ere~s R' ...., ,'IC<Jr!, Troutman home. Mr. and Mrs. Adplph Baier and J/IIEJJIIJ.'

M·r. and Mrs. Alvin Vogel weli'0 family Were Sunda;t afternoon and I.... f !~. i .

~~~t :V~i~n;~~:: he;~~:ng callers 1n ~~fl~~r J~~~~ ~~~i, week in the : for JPo ii','IIw'.-Bernard Rudebusch was a 5at- Mr. -and Mrs. Rl1l;sell Pryor and WdV~

urday overnight guest last. week in Mr. and Mrs. Gi~bert Da~gberg

the Henry Reeg home. spent Sunday of 19-st weel< In theMr. and Mrs. Henry Brinkman Carl Troutman home.

spent Tuesday e\·ening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grone, :Ed-in the Wl1l Test home. ward, Alice and A~hur were Sun-

MI'. and Mrs. C<:Jlbert Shel'er of d8Y afteJr:noon gue. ts last week inHoskll1s, spent l<lst, Wednesd8y the Adarn Reeg h me.evening at Carl Troutman's. Mr. a~d Mrs. . N. Granquist

Mr. and Mrs. Albert J3rader and and family were Sunday dinnerfamily were Sunday evening guests and supper guests last weel\: in thelast \"'eelt at Dale Lindsay's. Mrs. E. Granquist ihome..Mr~. Wm. Erxleben and Miss Mr. and Mrs. GeDl]i~e Bruns and

Natalie. were T.hursday supper family helped Ed. Bruns celeb-rateguests m the AIv~l1 Vogel h~me. his birthday last Wednesday eve- ,

Mr. and Mrs.. Everett Lmd~ay nino" at his home (0 Pender. I,'::~~ i~u~h~ai;a1~n~~dS:~e~~sm:st ~r. and' Mrs. Efvere~t L~ndsay

Mr. and Mrs.', Bernard Meyer pnd Mr, and .M~s.~Edwm LI?d~aycalled in the Henry Reeg home visited Harry Lm say at WmsIdeSunday afternoon of last week. Sunday ~fternoon ,f last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. "bi,. C. Jorgensenspent Monday afternoon of last and Miss Emma 'Itinning of Wis­week in the Herbert Peters home. ner, were Sunday ~inner and sup­

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nelsen and per guests last we~k in ,the Ch<;iS,daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Gil- Baird home. ':bert Dangber~ were Friday eve- Mr. and Mrs, Al~red Sydow and




urancein pies.kin pie

January 20 and 21

Crisco 3·LB. CAN ..The pure vege.table shortening thatfor fine pastries and deep fat frying.

Navy Beans , Fan4~L~~c~l~n 14c 'Ma,ny considerl ihese Ismail, Michigan p' a be.tns

.the finest for ""up ana- baked beans. Th is youropportunity to buy beans for the winter t a low .price.

Chocolate Stars POUNDWarfield's chocolate stars are a delie ous andwholesome cOnjfection. Made from sw et milkchocolate.. Try them at the special price

S' on h Morning 2 ' 23Pi ac Light NO. 2\', CAN \' .. , CFor a delightful menu change serve a atter ofMorning Light spinach garnished with ,lices ofhard boiled eggs. This combination a ,so callsfor ~ little First Prize apple cider vinega '

M~caroni and t't'~~~;LLOBAG. I 13cYour budget d<!>es Jlot-suffer when you, rve theendless v:ariety' of delightfu~ food com, inationsthat include tlli\c'aroni or spaghetti.

Bulk Sausage Pound IIc \Fried sausage along with Robb Ross buckwheatcakes is the ideal Sunday morning breakfast.

Beef Roasts Pound 1ge andBefore deciding on the meat course for the Sundaydinner you should inspect the fancy roasts on saleat Council Oak. Roasts cut from mature corn fedbeef. Roasts that are tender and fine flavored,

The luscious tropic goodness of field ripened pine­apple sealed in the can for your enjoyment. Buya supply at our special prices.

PINEAPPLE GEMS. 14-02. can lOcPINEAPI'ILE JUICE. 212-02. cansl7c

Fresh Jowl Pork PouodExcellent popular priced meat to boil or bake withbeans. Sliced to fry at the same price,



Gems and Juice

Spam pec~~~ci~r ~~NwecI,-end I 29cSo ~'a"Sy 0 'prepare a -:lelicious meal thaj~ fit for'in Place two thin slices of Spam n toast.

\ Cover with a thin slice of Velveeta. Pia in ovenuntil Velveeta melts. Add sliced onion orli,pickle,

Royal and De Lux !Sandwich Cookies 2 POUND' 25cThese dainty assorted sanHwich coo ies areespecially nice to serve at bridge partie ':'and fora change in the school lunch.


Superb Pumpkin 2 NO 2 CAN 15cThe well known "Superb Brand" is your aof perfect texture and flavor of the pumpBuy pumpkin for the balance of the purn

", :seatlOn at the "p~cil'lprice.

:'1; tCnuncudift' Bread :YJ'~~nt, h;at5c"t: Council Oak bread is always fresh, Yo will he~, ·deligh d with its light, fluffy texture an lits rich,':' ,satisfy. g flavor. Try a full pound loaf f Coun­~':F cil ~ak ite of' whea~ bread at our regu lar price.:~ of ;)e.

What's Tbe Price?'Thrifty shoppers consider pri~, but price is notall iJnportant. Of most vital i~portance is "whatyou get for the price." This is one of many reasonswhy so many families buy pr~ctically all of thefoods for their table at their nearest Council Oak

., ~tore.




~S~P~GUl'rWl~0 tW tr,--r-:;~ul'Ss~nda~:I;m;~!we;es\1ayafternoon 0 Tltrs~aY.--... on leas , a e lust week. Iat Martin Holst's"

(By Statf Correspond. nt.) Mrs. George Fox visited at EmIlI Mr find 1Vhs Anr n eI~en L":::'::;::':"'::=-=L."::":::'':''':::::'_~~~~;;=~':'::=i-==-=:::;:'-:''-H---:''!----_..J, Bmebpdu's Tuesday ,lfternoon of were m the Charles yen home'-"I 'llle, J~h.n Lutts were at ~ last weelt, . Monday last week..' J.l}~d() s FrtdltYl i Mr. Dnd Mrs. J. H. Clnussen Mr. and Mrs. John Hem mann

1,\\' (he- ,John C. Bresslersiere F~i- $pent Fnday afternoon at Adolph spent I;hUlSday eve mg 111 sUflper guest~ at Ed nda~ S ClaussEin's. Lloyd Powels home., ,Mr nnd ~"S. Elmer IHarnson Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spllttgel"" _ Mr and Mrs Otto S ul an~ farn­\.. en~ 1;1 SlOUX CIty Inst Wedne$- ber ~pent Thursday evenmg ut Illy spent Sunday eve mg ~ lastd.l} Emmett Bau'd's weeki at Albert Dumm 's

T1H~ EI nest Frevel ts hnd Sunday M:~ q.nd MI'5 Herman Obt~lme,Y- Mr and Mrs AI t Lon e and]:1~t week supper 111 the Otto MeHn er were- Sunday dinner" guests ,1t Lynelle Gay Visited It. E round'hllmE.'. , , J{)hn Eienjamin's: Longe's Thursday ev mng.1 {

'rht:> Petel' Jorgensens visitEld MI'5. Albert Fuoss ~pent Tues- Mrs. MHry Cm'Iso . an! <Mrs.Thursday last week at Hemy Bi'uw dny evening of last week wlt,h ChuS. ,Meyer vl:;ited rlday nfter-rligH~: Mrs, 1'1'1. C. Lower, noon with Mrs. Ben is~el.

Mt·, ~nd Mrs. Martin Holst and MI'. and Mrs. Carl Lorenzen and Mr. :ind Mrs. Ceo ~e F x andLanily and Mr. tUlQ Mrl'l. Chl'is Mr. and Mn;;. Ferdinand Neubau<'l' son were Sunday aft~rnoo~ guests

JlliJ~t, the bst of J{ooper, visited DenIson, Ia., spent from l~l~t IH:>,t w£'ek,- ut A,llen S~Ck"e~",

~~=~~!~!~!~~=~~~:~~~~~~~Ifl Mr. Hnd Mes. Carl Blch 1 andfamlly were Sunday e\ enm guests ~

Inst week at Edmund Longe's. ~

Mr. nnd lVII's. Pete Jor~ensen::;pent Sunday <Jfterno n lal5' weekWIth Mr. Clnd Mrs. A t Me er.

1\1)' and lVII'S. Arth 11' Odegaardand faml1y wcre Sat rday supper ~

gupsts bst we~k Ht ~en Nissen's. ~"

ML and Mrs, GeOljge F x andI f8.ll1Jly were Tuesday 'veni g ViSl-

11tors lust week at Her 1e H nsen's.

Mrs. M. C. Lower aJ d Jail wereIII Norfull~ Sunduy Of, l~lst \+eek toSt~C Mrs, George Plat In tl1e hos-

])1 t:I 1. It"<ltl~r. and \1l'~p~~'~li~e~~~~:~~'~

\vt'ek <1t Hett'1' JOrgell:"

]vl1', llnd MI's. Adol! h Cl~lllssell,Mal'llyn ,1I1d Gene ~er(' ~t I LyleGamblc's :YJ.oTJd~lY f\"etlll~f:l last I\v('ek;. I' ,

J.VII'. und Mrs. Ed nund I Longe<mel daughter were IVIonday eve­lllng gU{'sts last w€'ek bt Art Hage-n1Dn·s. i

Mlj'. and Mrs. Emil aarelman andfamily wert' guests ThUl'sd.ay eve­ning III Ow ,john WllX !1()me <1t

['l~<~:;is()n brothers c\tid Mi~s Mar-Itha 1'ilU]son were Stmday after­noon guests la~t wt1ek a~ John(iE'ewe':-.,. I

;\th'. and MI"~. Ch<~'I('S ¢;ilder­~lee\'e ~lnd MISS Hel n called inthe Emmett H<lll'd ome Fridaymur/1111g. i

Mr. and Mrs. chhs Hlolst ofHooper, spent from Sunday untilMonday I,,:.t \vpe!< J~ the :MnrtinHulst home. I I

I Mrs. Kill Bl'l1lwttr iJlld I Evan\'I,:-.,itcr! .:vIr". Aden AU~till Ddct lVIr::;.H~Jlph Austin Tue~dhy 'If.~cl'noon

ot ljlsl \\,('ck.NIlI'. ~l!1d Mt·s, Al\'1n Vogel and

:V11'.]<llld Mrs. Lou Bnir1' ;';lwnt Sun-

~~:-::J ~~;::~~Il~~~s.l~lst wf('k wlIh the

TIl(' Otto famdy spent 5un-d,ly w£jek <.1t AlbertDamnw':. Wectnefday ('v('nll1g~It Adam S,rul's.

Mr. ~lrHI Mrs. Ray Nichols :md

LlITIlly w{ re ,sund<.lYj'd, inne,r g'",e,sts1::1:-;t*1week ll1 the ' lmo Nich.91shOI e.ub. No~fotk. .!', ;"."

T c Art.hUr Ode :aard. fanuly

~;~r..tsSl;~~t~~~t:r~~?nt~~d ~f~~~PUll sen hom~- at Di$n,

J r. and Mrs. Fra k Brudigamsp.el! t Sunday evertl11 of last week:"'ltJIl Mr. and :\1rs. Jnll~ce Meyerm the Peter Nelsen orne.

I0r. and Mi'S. Pe l' Ne,~sen andElv.jin and Mr. and IMrs. Wallacel\1c~'ej' we, re sundaY't'dinner guestslastl week <Jt Bill Br digam's.

Jphn Benjamin's ,ncle, AugustR04mph of Clarks.: Neb., visitedfl'orr Tuesday t~ Wrdnesday last\.'.'01J\ 111 the BenJDm!n home.

Mr. Llnd Mrs. Pett}r Nelsen andEIWlfl and Mr. and :Mr5. WallaceMejrer last Wednesday sup-

pe~Iguest:,; FranktrUdigam's.r. ::Ind Mrs. Ha Ty Granquist

and Gilbert, ~lI1d ;sverett Wittewe c \Vednesday las weelr::>suppergHe"ts in the Lyle amble home.

1\ r, and Mrs. Fr d Thompsonnnd! Mr. and Mrs. P ter Jorgensenwelle ~unday aftem on guests lastwe~k lnl.the Art Me er home, andMr.! and MI"s. Emil Bargholz andCh1\t·<; ,spent the eve iog there.

llI' .. and Mrs. He ry Brudigaman~dpUghters, Mr. nd Mrs. Wm.Br digam and sons, Mr. and Mrs,F're Aeverm*nn anq Harvey wereSat rday eveJ\!ing gujest"s last ~eekat eter Nelsen·s. I

iFor 25 neighbo s and friends

~h: ~~~:t~~ ii~~~~~ ~ :;~~~~grvi;Holst celebrate hIS irthday.

, .For Mrs, Cbre~ee Longe4

uests last Wedn~sday eveningin he Clarence La ge home forMr . Longe's birth ay were: Mrs. George 'ickhoff andEla. ne, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Test and,f ily, Mrs. Lizzie Longel Edwin ia~ Alvin, Mr. and, Mrs. Herbert I

Ec tenkamp and Be line, Mr, and IMr . Alfred Test, M l and Mrs, Ed.! I.

Fr ert, Mr, and Mrs. AugustBr digam, Marvin nd Marcella,Er est Henschke, laITY Eickh¢f.nn Miss N~lda Br ldigam, Pri*esin 00 went! to Mrs' Lizzie Longean Mrs. Otto Test. uncheon vJ-asser: ed,



, II

• Thara ~ no down pa,

UDder.this plan. 'You rent IthG

~;t:~:i~e:ss~:t:o=~i~:tho end 01 a. yollt you dotfJciQ

whothot v-ou wanl to keef 11or aot. U 110t--onl it COttlOI5o

U rou keep il the anlDunl roub,(n-e pa\d in tental wiD be

appUed co ilia pu:cbaee.'

Ask AboutOUf



,EOI'ly Days In ~ Mrs. Rny ~o~nson- of sup r guests lustiweelC in the, e couh~y court room in Wayne, is one ye r from sai 13th day of Woehler H rria 'arid hu oantI,' G':lil',~'January 14.11923. Hel'lnian Geewe 110 e. ~d showl crcuse why the prayer of January. 939. nett Harris' HatTY WO~hlerj Fran tW.avfte Cotul~fv Eugene Bp-nthall has Th~ John HoI' tmans visited he petiU!er shQuld not be grant- Witnes my h~nd a d the seal o( Wachlel"; il~al'Y0eh er and W,il~'

.r 1.1 pointed postm'astcr at Thul'flday evening at Chas. Fran- d; ~nd ttl at notice of the pendency said COUD

rcourt. th s 13th day of Ham. Woehl r, adntinis rator of th."

E<l.dy Days' from the 'Vuyhe succeeding Lloyd RUhlow zen's, I I r s~ld tltlOn and the hearmg January. 939. estate of Fr nk Wo~hler, deceased,Hcl'tl.lct for Ja lmy 18, 1923: signed. The' post office MIS. Maiit Stringbr called Tues- hereof, be gIVen to all pelsqns m. (Seal) J.. CHERRY, aJ,'C defend nts, ~ wIll £lO o'clock

s, l"ox, 84, ivtl war vetcnl11, moved to the drug store day ektemIll~ rost week on Mrs. Joe rested 111 said matter by ptibllsh~ j19t3 ~ I oimty J, udgc. A, M" on tl e 231jd day ,Of Januar:sr,,'suffered mjuri l> \vhen he was CliC- south of the banlt. Corbit. I lng ~ copy of this order m the A. D., 1939 ~t t'w dOD of ~e ~f\o,cidentally stnf \. by a car. Early DU::)ls from the Wayne S~nta CIa s, In~" famo s as a The Geo. iMUl'te,bs I~pnilY had WaY~le Herald, Uweekly newspap- .N.OTl~E TO eDITORS. lice o~ the cIeri\. of t~. dlst~1t

The Malone & Erwin stvn:~ ,at H~~'ald fur J'am.HU'y 22, 19 3: Peter ChrIstmas ·t offIce, g.ot· pres- Sund' dinn~r in the \fm. Mar- cr pldnte~ 1I:j, said county, t!u'ee In the Idistric COlrt or Wayne court In th COll~t hOU~t 1U Wayn •Concwd, wa~ l' cd of mercl - Henkel's house was ent 'ed and ent of its ow this Yuletid n all tens ~~me I succ~ssiv6 wee!es prior to said day county, l'Itebl'ask . yvayne cou 1,ty, e~rasta, ..offer f rdi::;e-'-vulued at $250 person who so:rp.e pork taken .,' .. G. . Need~ boom. I'MI" and'Mrs. Alvin RoelJer spent of hearing. State of Nebrasl..a, ex rel., C. A: ~ale at PI;l lC aue lOU, the foU'r '7,IF---::::---+...".--d'::+'=gained entl'ancc Uu:o h bmjcw ha~ sold his residence at inside Thursday evening in tile w. G. (Se~l) J M CHERRY Sorensen,11 attorney gfnel'al. Plain-! mg d.e~cr1b d la~ds and tenem~nt ,meut window, to Rollll Fish ... Mr, Cr en un- Ci~yil~~r~;~,t:fC~;J?~c~:a::~ .;~.~~ Echt~nh:amp :home.; j19t3 ~ l 'Co~ty Judge: tiff, v. ~rmers Sta e Bank, Al.. tOT~lt.!S ~ Hailf j(l t~l So th-

Edward Chancur, 71, early rc.:t;i~ den-vent an opcru'tion in Omaha 1 ']'he Amosl EcMenl\.ar(1ps were - , tona, NelJraska, efe dant. e ~ 4L e u. Ident u[ \V<lytle,' wa.s fatally injurl?<1 . , . Thomas Hill will g to Mis- tect'llhe chil ren-dl"ive car fully- SJnd~y after1100n quests ,last week ~STIMATE OF EXPENSES To all c~editol" of id de~endant ,east "'l a I.' ~ e l' o~ SectH:~nin a L'ar llL"L'ldentlil \Vashingtpn souri to 10t1ate ... Jol) Neely :~~tsafelY' is onc of t~, rncs~ atWJH.Rachel'balUner's. State of Nebraska, Wayne bank::I' Twent 'v-/lJV~~n ,:\0~~:r~~1~t<'ltC, , wqnt to Ames to a~tcnd c lege... ,Mr; and l\t.1s. Albert Bastian visiw county. ' You an~ each of y},u are hereby Twenty- I ,: R gt . .' ,

Bcrmu:d. Meyer has bought Hl:~l. W,'U Wdgl)t has mov to U1C - i' ted 'l!'ucsday, evening last week 1, L. W. Needham, CQ,unty clerk notified that th un ersigned re- East. ~f he ;Sixth ,Prmcipal!. I I' 'l. Gerard L'mbcrt, a big usiness ....·Ih ',Ihe Ra" Rob,'nsons, I MerIdIan Wall7ne county Ne-'ry K<IY's mtcrcst 1Il tIe \.HY ..~ holll>C recently pccupie by the .....T of Wayne county, Nebraska, do ceivcr ha~ Wed his report No.6 b ka I' '.

l3ichel implement [11'111, C.,ok' f"ffi"ly", M","n Mrs. E. eXllcutive, i' tile newest overn- Mr, and Mrs. Jq'hn Bli ker visi- hCl'eby ce,'II'!Y Ih t t gul of his ad inistr Honfof said trust ras. I J_' IU U ment $l.a-~ear]manwho as as a a a, a re ar.. . Given u der. lrrty hand this 21st

1\11'. and l\lrs. 1. W. Alter, yio- H., Gould celebl'ated t 'eir 15Ul hobhy the im.t>roveme.nt lof low teq Wednesday at ptto aul's and session of the board ,of Wayne msaId cqrurt ; th t sa d r?pol't and day of De mb~r A. D~ 11938.ncers of Waynt'. eelebl'dted th¢ll' w.:.dding anniversary Ja ,tary 10, Tliur~day at Harry Bak~r·s. county commissioners,! held on all previQius re arts Will be re~ 'JAMiS H PILEEoldell W~\idUlg annn·crsary J;:H1IU~ 1903 .. , Chris Hanson nd Miss cost hou8in. ' Ml"'. and: Mrs. Her~an Geewe January 10, 1939, the; following viewed. b~ said. o~rl, at the court d22t5 I 1" Sherl£f:iUY 71 HJ~;J, In Hollywood, Calif. Cll1TIC Larson were marr d Jnnu~ A., Ind,",.n m o " w's,,'t !peC".. I- spen~ Tuesday evenIng of Ins~ weel\. ¢stimate of expenses wa:s made for h'ouse m'lthe dl trle court rooIn, " I---+-~"""+"""'::::...j.i"""~

II ld .lU ~.... ... Ib 11 h Wayne county, Nebraska, fbr the W It t b ~I J uL' AleX!") Li.\Urk]' Qc~ Ci.UTU , ~d'o I" Jury 16. 1903. . L. Vi Has!tell ly surprised recently to se~ dande- inMt~,'" aGnidlb~~t.'sKr,la,'v,mnaBnarloemlse'alld ye"r 1939', a"ay

y2n4", e!"1311

9 Ya'.. 1..~,30r '{calo'cOI~ pa,nm.~, NOTi ,E'T CREJ)jITORS,'.jrar::;~\oelHlc \. o. a guur s lio~ of' Wakefield, hus bcen' pointed So' Uf u t l:: Th f N b I W I1 t t d ! g ' , 11'1 lions and v olet:> blooming in the family spent SUl,day afle.'noon 01 "ounty Cene""!,'Fund $6000000 Ihal theJeCrlivef wi! at that time e sta 0' eras ia, aYI ell. }:)a ell l' ur a mO\Vlll maCdHIC. ::>latc bankillg inspector .. r. 'I.' <f t

Cb1'll> \Vll>chhof dicd January 15, and Mrs, A. J. Ferguso left to winter but e was surprise to see last 'week ih U1e Marvin Victor County Bddge Fund 25'000'00 request -deI'S from the court for couln Yth' 5S·

X' It I th I t I

duc!{s going north. h . . , . the final I disp olitioj of cash on n e. a ~ 0; 'e es a e> 01923 1 <It thc age of 67 years. travel in the south du ng cold °Mm,,' and Mrs, Waite,' GI'ose alld County Road Fund 50,000.00 1 h John ~"e, dec as~d '

- , ,hand, fo the appro, a of is re- 'c,'ed'~ilorJ'of S'I'<[ es't~'t'e a.'e he're-Ml::>::; Marve1yn Nodon alld I-!:1I'- weather . , . J. T. Br slcr and ' I, Mother5 Pension Fund 2000 00 <l a\'Ly Meyer were llwrncd Janl,al'.Y SI,.. ,',I! Gnm~' Mears we to ,Lin- A Pennsy vania man w~mt to a family of Wakefield, spent Sunday Soldiers Relief Fdnd.... :: 2',000:00 ports,an for hlS dlfcharge., Y~u b I'f'e th 'I I w,'11 s,'t at t"el-~---+~-l-:-:.c:-,.

.. hospital for 'catment fol' lit spider ~r dl, t t 11 f d Y not I , ,1 III18, 19:!3. . coIn to atten a receptio for Con- even~g~ast week at the Geo. Mar- Cou1nty Fair & Agr. may app~ar an bcond: a 0 sal t ~'t'~om' W yne 'n'

Dl'. Jullll G. NClh<.ue!t llf B1',lil- suI D. E. T~~ompson w'o leaves ~~e'a:;~~~~ h:n~°io~~~~e~~ ~~~ tens aT· Assn. Fund 2,500.00 matters i~ R " . ~~~dn ~o~~ f,' ~~ theln

20thad~Y ~f

'So-Il, 1\lu., \\ lU appeal' at the 1.:01- soon for Brazil ... So any new was treated for three hern~s. lVhL. tIIud Mrs. Marvin Victor Unemployment Relief I! • • Ul ~ r, ~~e~vel, January aJ d th~ 20th day of April,.1l'gc Jwrc January :W 1Jl 1Ci.ldl.\,go; stUdents have enrolled a ,the c01- spen~ Saturday evening of last Fund 18,000.00 III Far rs Sate B .' 1939 to l' ceive and examine allfro~Il1' hI:" 1,lte puem::;. lege that J. ¥. Pile S'8YS hey can- * wcelf ih the George WackeT home In witness whereof, I have he1'e- ~, Alto a, ~e .~~sita., claims ali inst ~~idl estate,~th aHlry H.inncl"lch::;, Jr., had tv.o n0t be accommodated i : the five W;S~~~11~~~~~f j~s~l~:Ceci~m ~1~oj~~ near: Carroll. unto set my hand and seal this F. C. H.a~ke, Recelv IS, At~~~'l:r9 view ,to t eir atljuslrnent, a d al-! ;;.._...,--_-==.::c:~ta ';'5 of hay burned. dormitones .: .. John hel'bahn Mi'. and Mrs, Clares VOgel and 10th day of Janliary, A,. D. 11939. ~" J 10wadce. he time limited f r thecard mailed 22 years ago.. It was I d ' b·t d I::;on was burn to NIl'. and .!VIr::;. will soon ere~t a large s okestack 1 son, Mr. a 1 MIl'S. Joe Cor 1 an (Seal) L. W. NEEDHAM. NO ICE rtF PRhBATE., presen~a,ti n of!claiws agai t ~a~'d,W', J. Echtcnkamp January 1J, for his brick yards. The:cost will from a stor owner who a ked tJ:le son spent ;Wednesday ~vening at j19t4 COWlty Clerk. 'Y" I' estate IS tree' monlhs fr m t:ll~);). be $1,500 and the brick lant will company's alesman to v sit him C. .I{. Corbit·s. In the,l county cou~'t of Wayne 20th day 0 Janua"y, 1939, a d t e

A lL.luglltc1' \\.lS born tu Mr. <Jnd be the largest in north'~st Ne- Janu<lry 17,: 1917. M~ss Alijtl~a, Miss Beulah, Mar- LEG~ NOTICE. couQ.ty, ebraska.· ~ time limited foil"' payment 0 debts'1\11':;. Knl Kau:tzman of Stmltoa, braska .. First Nali 0.1 bank J - ~:i ian and Ivadelle Johnson were In the county court of Wayne In .the matter of he estate of is one yea from said 20th a~ofJdl1Uary l:l, HJ23. lVIl:'. K:ilutznWIl elected as officers J. M! Strahan, Three C1nese, held 771 duys in Frid~y evening gl;Iests in the Ray county, Nebras.\<.a. CharlIe ,McConp·Il, deceased. April, 193. , :. I! 'I J h' "C' ., d G Portland jai as witnesses i opium Robl'nson home, ~' 1 th M tt f Ih T t The stat. of Neb.r' ska., to all W,'tness my hang and the se"',' 0111----'-'="'1'''''''--'~if \~·~~yl~~:llll:cr .I.' I::;::; usep 1II;.' J: ox ~~;i.; M~~~ smuggling, Her being fre ·d, ask- Mi,. and Mrs. George H. Re tel' t<Jr~ ~n~lrOthe ~il~so~~;~d persons I terested 1l1! saId estate: said eoun court, this 3rd da;; of

\ 1; t l\1 l \1 li F 11 d F Wil ed permissi n to stay in ~ il until and Neal wcre Sunday aftern on H. Eehtenkamp, deceased. . You <lfe hereby fO~ified that January, 939. . ;i;'~ ::.on \\'<1:" l>l'lI lJ 1'. alH , l"::'. lor, Fral \. :u er an ,I" • their ship ailed. They 15 id they and supper guests last weel{ in the To all persons interested in the Sophron1 McConnel has filed a (Seal) J, M. CHE 'Y, l~L::~ll~':' ~i.:ll\l;~:l: ~~~1l1L;;~'vf SO~ayne Nlltion~)1 bank has nam- had never nown such lu udes. Herman Gleewe home. testamentary trust under the Will petition in said1caul' alleging that j5t3 County J ge.W ..ync COUlll,Y, died,at 11t'I' bLln·.c ed as ufficers W. E. Bl' v.m, P. L. j - ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Corbit, :Mr. of !Fred H. Echtenkamp, deceased: Charlie I MccJnne11bdeparted this il.cre January 14:, IV::!;). at lile <.Ige Miller, B. F. Swan. O. A. Klllg, A Boston 'epresentative, ho was and Mrs. Joe Corbit and son were tau and each of you are hereby life intes ate on or a out the 27th NOTI E TO CREDITORS;l.ll 85 years, J, G. Miller, J. W. Bart etC this year elected to. offic for the this Sunday dinner guests of Mr. notified that on the 10th (lay of day of D cember, 1988, and pray- The sta~e of Nebraslta, Wayne

D M I I ltd f 13th time, $-ays he alwa s leaves and Mrs. Clares Vogel. .! Jaj1Ua1~, 1939, Ernest Echten- in~ thatl ~in~ ,8. MdClure ~e a~- county, ssltl:"l'~S ~<~~~e~n~~ll~i;~t~I'~~n~. H~~b~~l'~ From the Ponca J urnal for his district ~uring a camp ign, be~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brudigam kalnp, "'trustee, filed a petition in pOlllted, dmlnIstrator of sald es- In the ~attel' of the estate ofC;l,lds, Vernon Ca~el, Elnll Lill- JEa"I~ll'aa,','Yd 9,/,nld87A9:!gThh~~n~tC\1b~w:i~'~ Heving his absence bri IgS him a'?d Mr. qrrd Mrs. Bill BrUdig~~~ the county court of Wayne county, tat~.. H.e~ring ~il1 b$ had on said Joseph H~nry MEl1ster, deceased.u H. T 0 B' Li ,~ more '!Dtes; than Ius spee h-mak- amd sons 'Were Thursday evem g Nqb.raska, praying that he be per- petJt~oth. ,be~ore .me ~t th~ county credito~ of said est~,te ~re l1ere-i.'~I::' Le~i:e ~~:~~~'11. \'o'Cll r<llncr tually ove1' and has res lted in a ing. I 1_/ guests in the Herman Geewe,ho e. miltted to resign as trustee of said court rD m In Wayne Nebl<lsk~ on by notifie I that I wlll Sit '\~:the

I\11~S ElfnC'da IIt'lel' and 1.:1111 trIumph for the Britbh . A tele- I - i Rev. and Mrs. Albert Carlson of trust; that he be rehe.ved from the 27th day of ,Ja ,uary, 193 at county curt room in Wayne, iVahlkamp \\Cl"e lllalTJec! JdllU~li gtC,','~leIJ.h" "t',',l~.' ld,ae,po'btce",n"dstrfhteChevdalbl;Y- Three Chu1'cago looy seO\~lts found Albert City, Iowa, left Wednesdlay further liability thereunder and 10 o'clod .. a. m. I said coun y, on the ~7th day o:JI+----"'="""17' 1923 "'. •. .... <.J violin lea ling against a,trec and after visiting since Monday l~st that Herman Lundberg or some ~Seal) J ..M. CHERR~, January; 1939, and dn the ~7th

C~lrl'l\1ddo,ell uuugllt tile Clll\\'lli House. Mr. Kirk will ~ pcrintelld to iU poli.ce stati+n. Soon week in the Albin Carlson home. other suitable person be appOInted J12t3 ,County Judge. day of A rU, 1939, at 10 o'cloci1 I 1 H F l' I II mes"<:Iges at Vullcy Hou e and ML the vlOlin ,,~as clalmed by!a young The Ca:rl Pedersen family abd trustee in his place and stead; and 'I a. m. eac day to receive and ~x-

\I~.,~· ~~O,n,'.l(,,;,~t:,'.'(,."\\t,·I"':"C'·l:'" (("l'("~ \,',"" .• ',,",.-_ \t~,~~~.oun'lei.~tot!htel.cdCoPldo~!':'S'I"'·OThneed wl,.,inlld~ woman wh forgot 'to put:it in the Miss Clara Sorensen of near C~r- said petition prays for such other OTICE OF ISALE amine all claim::; agaijlst said es". "-' .J'" U >.., i.:l , ij car when 51 C was movin~~ The in~ roll, were Sunday dinner &'1.lobts and fw,ther ol'ders as the court Not1ice i::> hereby ~iven that by tate, with! a view-,.to their adjust

g<llllzed 10 proll1ole impruvemcl'·.:" l",~~ ,ecaps;~.l~~d~~~~e~;. S~~:; l,a~e~Upf;~~~ stl'ument IS valued at $1,000. last weck in t)lC Harris Soren~en fiUy see fit to grant. virtua 0 an Order ¢If Sale issued ment, an a1l9wance. .The timr J It t J J \l J) I' '"' - i home. HearIng on said petition will be by the lerk of the district court I-:::====t~::;::::=====:::j!'... . un el11('1". ' . , . ! 1C1'1l. '... bUSIl1Cs::> h:1S vidually 'suspended A,n CX,.(;eu~e? Utal,) slaye, <1.11thor- Mrs. Chas. Franzen and Da1el,I had before the county court of of It)e I inth judici:al district of

~~,~~,~I;~~l ~l,f[':~,~;.s.·)· Il. KClllp \" CI'C ill nurtJ1el'n New York: Thus far izcd use of IllS eyes and ody for Dean, Mrs, Byron Ruth and rs. Wayne county, Nebraska, on the Nebraslil~, within and for Wayne\ !J I 1\1 1 ~1 l1udhcast N~!Jra::;ka.hU~ not had science. The cornea from ne of his C. K. Corbit spent Wednesday ft- 21th d~y of January, 1939, at ten countY,ltn an actionl wherein The

W;l1t~ll:I1D~~':I~S l~II~\'l~lIS:dl;'.':~:~ll:l<'ll,:~ enough ::>now for ~lelgh.iIlg .. A eyes will bp used 111 opel" tions by ernoOn la::;t week with Mrs. oe o'clock A. M., at which time and Linc6ln Joint Stock ,!Land Bank ofI II),") lK.'am ran through town' ilnd cord which 1t is hoped to giv sLght to Corbit. I ptace all pel'sons said LCian"cool,lnne' Nwebo'e'ah'l]e<,~.' i~, Ip,ldaoi~,t.,iff'DaOn,da

'~'. 1\11\\'11(.',111 ('lcl'- wood In the wagon wa~ scattered a 4-year~01d boy, n 25 year-old Mr. and Mrs. George Brammer tl1ust may appear and show cause w vv1t'd .-,~ 1lf!IIITo. !"rClIlk \' L.I from one end of Ihe sq'cet to the mall and a 165-:YC~Il'~01d w~mall., and Mr. and Mr.s. Theodore ljeiis- Why a' decree and o;rde:l' of the Woehler Smith ahd husband, FredSF" I C other, . Tcmperatul'l1s at some man and Ivanhoe were SUI)lday court s~ould not be made and en- SSm~it~h:";J·}V~'~·Il'.:ia~m~~w~o~,e=,h~!e=r:..;..!.A~n~n.".a~~~~':~::::::6~2i::ru;;Bi~:;:::~~~\~11~\:~)'de :llll(ill~~~l. D~'1~1<:~~. 11?1<l.CCS w]"Mre . the c~lde~tt .sdil~c: t186320 An lll'mles::> Ohio youtb! luok an, dinner guests la",t week at Elincst tared as prayed in said petition. -

Fr' J..i C' Y Id f 1 I It St. Pau, mIl,. lepm C U officcr for a 30_millute~ride to Brammer's, II IDated this lOth day'of Jap.uary,W ~~ .. t<J <II farm y .m()\I~~( 0 degrees below. The ;Red River pl"Ove that he can do as 1 ucll with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vieto~· ~,t- 1939.

~~'~:'I eSt:~'~:~n ~1d:r~~ell~~~r ,1 :~:'l~~ country registered 60 b~low. his feet as any0l1e with a ms. The tended th~ wedding of Hollis IWil- (Seal)1\(':-;:-- ~llliP Ill. till.': l-111l"lbcr~ ollllding 1 youth started. stopped an backed Iiams <:md Miss Esther Wheker jl2t3111 C:tlrlll1. lEXCl13JlgCS the car wd..h ea::;? and slgned his Thursday. They were also guests

hC;:;lllIJ1:)d hl,:'I'\\~I.:'ld 1l1:,1;~~~~~~1~~~~11\~(')1:: ElectriC lights wcre iI~"UJllcd in driving pCI"l11<t WIth u PCI held by at the reception in the even.i~llg. SJ[ERU~F"S SALE.lli)r.~('h<ll'k WJH'll the flr:-,L 11;H1wd tilt' [-'tlllt'a st;:lte Jl;:ld~ bljlH~hngs. his toes. Mr. and Mrs. Frcd Victor Iwere tp ~:e ~~:~~~~e~~i~~e~I~;rtl~;2i.:~~'~·rlc. \\"i.ilklllg {'<l~t of l·;ll.... oill Aft£'r ],(,~l('IPt(,.[Gt'l,cB. NI;"I,],:~.,WclC'o',',:,CnICuC'·"""tdy A baby girl with two heads. four :~~~id~~ t~~ft~~l~~i~ ~~~~;SI~O~~~: oC the District Court of Wayne

... '--' arms and one body died tn Russia M d MM' V· t ,~ C t N b k decree~~:~~f:)\~~H1I\<~':tl~~{,l;:;(1~:;~;.\"i~:l;~'~~ ~~::Jl: club. aftc1' living ovcr a year. The child atl~I~~~ \ficI~~r's ~~'~tl~~~~~~d~~re 11C~~~~;~d ~h~~:h:''a~P~~ea Ma~'ch,

11l('y \~"l'tll lill. rl'J~~;~;clJ~~~~l~o~~:X:~l~~'r~i~l~~O~l~~:~:;s~ ~~~e~~e~~ ~c~~:~ti~J;~ ~\~1~ De~~;~~lI~d,e~l~~~~~~~f~~~.~r;~ :~~~ j:~l~in~l~~s::~e~~~:t~1h~~i;~~~~~f \1.~ltlH'rfl)l"(1 AlIrler:-,11l1 u[ \\"akl:- were m<llTICd January 3. was awakep even though !thcy had supper guests last week in the El'~ eral Farm Mortgage Corporation,I~ (, "u/[C'l"ed 1 intern,ll j Rev. J. ,T, Kemper" Methodist a corrunon. bloodstream. !And one yin h{efti home at Coleridgp. They a corporation was plaintiff and

,\ Ie:) ,\ wyrac .. upset WIt 1 pastor at Center cburch near Pon- livcd 30 minutes longer Ithan the speM the evening in tlJ.e Ott John H. Beach, widower, et aI.,A o.lJll \\"<lS lHJl n to Mr. nne! Mr.';, ca, died J<Jllllilry 2 at ithc agc of othcr. . Hahne home there. Otl1ers at were defendants, I will, on the 13th

Walter Cable of Wakefield, J<'lIl11- 64. 'Hahne's were Mr. and. Ml~S. John qay of February, 1939, at 10ary H, 1923. J. M. Bannon of Emerson, was Girls at IWebb~ collcg~, Ogden, Mann, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. FrcrichiS Q'clock a. m., at the door of the

A daughter \',:as born to Mr. anc! elected president of Dixon county Utah, put Igood 1001\:s ,~the last and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Berti. office of thc Clerk of'said Court,

~l~~~J~;nl~, ~~I~'~l.UW of Wa[..cfield, ~~~~~:~~~',\va~O~~~'~en~~~~~~Sit~~~l~e 1~p~~~~~'e:~1.1t~t~~ct;)~e~u~~ M~l~~n~n~l~r~~h~er~~~w~ce;~~~eir~f~o~ruecl~atUsYI~t,stel~,!eo~fOseltl!O'~wm~~i~g:;:~SCCj,li,dbi:,.A daught~~v~~_~~~~_~~~~~~£lnd~~~~lL ~---------4---~ is ninth. Top quality, a reed the son::;, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. HammcI~ d • ~

.._ ... ..._ .......__.... .....~: coeds, is s~'centy, follow d by in- and family, Mr. and MrS, "Fred €Ild real estato, to-wit:

'I telligence, good manners sense of OUe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barg- The southeast quarte.l· of the

5AV E FURHACE FUIEL' humor, a bition, tact, g ncrosity, holz und family, Mr. and Mrs. I southwest quarter (except

, . 'I • ability to ~ance'-2 t Frank Henschke and son, Bernice ~~:uri~~~~n~ffa:~~/~~~th:~~~I 'I I Down lnt the lever n the lit- ~1~:~ :~~p~.a~~es~r~~~e~e;el~ corner of the south;west qUaJ:-

Itle red bo.· on a corner ,'n Sacra- the Ernest Geewe home. tel' of the southwest quarter of

" mento an six fire engiqes roared Section 27, thence due west 4

AS LITTLE AS up. No fi e. Perched ~In a toy Honor Bill Sieve1'S. rods, thence due north 801 rods,wagon wel'e two youngst l'S, a boy A birthday party ii;! honor of thence due east 4 rbds) thence I'3 and a ~irl 2. "What arc you Bill Sievers of Lancaster. Calif., south 80 rods to t~o }?lace of I$1 '0 0 youngsters, up to?" asked the chief. was held Thur:/; evening in the beginning, being part o~ the"Waitin' r our chewi g gum," Jo~n Sievells h e. Mr. and'Mrs. southwest quarter of the Ireplied th~ surprised chi ldren. Ot~o Nieman a family of Win- southwest quarter. also begin- I

side, Mr. and s. Otto Sievers and ning at a point 4 rods w~st of I'In an u~al'kedenveldpe placed family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl ,sievers the southeast corl~et of the IA MONTH In th~ eoll~ction plate atthe Chris- and family were guests, Luncheon soulhwest quarter of thel

tian church in Shenand ah, Iowa, followed 500. southwest quarter of Section j

i last week~lwere ten $10 ills with 27 . t f commeI1ce I

IN'STALLS' t a note th t the money e used to m~n~~t~e:~n 2~lfz feet dU~an A,utomatic N 'tural redeCOTate the chw·eh. he pastor Exchanges west, thence 18', rods, dUI

. , .' investiga d and lound that the ArabbIt hunt was held al Laure! norll>. thence 22'1.. fe~t du

C W ·t H giver was a farm labor w1?-o did Sunday. . east to a point 'due north a

a5 ,~ , e'r e~ er not want is name made puJPlic. Fred KljlOPs, 76, of Bloomfield" the place of cOffiJjO.encemen,I'll ali died Tu~sday last week. -thence due south to the p1ac

Syracuse, N. Y., poli~e hurried Mrs. M~ry Fleming, 79, resident of beginning, being a part i-to the sCe!ne when an a onymous of RandbljJh 4,2 years, died Wed- the southwest quarter of thphone cali informed the an au- nesday l~s~eek. I southwest quarter of Seclio'tomobile ~'with. the fro t covered Herman, ;Koch of Stanton, was 27) all in township 27. nor )with biootl il was standi g before reelected wresident of the Fmmers ran&,e "2, containing 37 acres,a downt<i~rn office bui ding. Pa- Tornado ~nsurance associatioh of more or less according to gOtV-trolman .If·rank Corbet I ound the Wayne ~a t M d' n p' e ernment survey. ~ast of t e"blood" Ito be raspbEi ry jelly. and actio' ;:go~~un;:e~S~t 'ithel~~~ 6th P. M .• Wayne County, N _"Just a l~ttle traffic ja ," he rc· nual meet ng in Norfolk. Fred Ul- bra.skjl, ~ Iported to iheadquarters. . l'lch IS ")Vayne county dmktor on to satisfy the aforesaid dCfl'ee',1 the

1 - the boaIid. amount due thereon beingj $2,~18.wF(}~ 60 rears Dr. Mc I1hams of 1 92 with interest and ,cost1audi ac-

M:Onl'Cel1~"N' y,. ch ged oniy NOTlCIlOF PROBATE OF WILL cruing eosts, 150c a VI It when trea l?g allmg The strite of Nebraska, Wpync Dated at Wayne, ~eb1",SltUI thispatients. eeause he Ived III a county s~ 1 11th day of January, 193. I.sffia.l-l ap~tment, charg, ~o little, At; C Wlty cOUlt, heltl at the 14-4872 JAMES a. ~LE'~fepared IS own prese bons and county 00 rt room, in and for saId i lZt5 ISh rIff.moVe a orse and bu ,.u:lends county of Wayn~. on the 13th day 1 ~--~...".-~.....-i-;-thought e was poveJ -stncken. <il'f Janual1Y 1939 NOTICE TO onED~R •~h~n he died it, was arned the In the ;n;.tter 'of tha estaie of T!]a stata of NebraSkar ayue

.c~or h d an estate If a quarter EUIs B. Qirton, deceased. county, 55.

'1Iion• On reading and f1J;ng the \>eli- In the matter of the esta " oftion of N~lie .An.ilis l Girton pray'" George Hofe1tlt. deceased,mg ,hat It e mstrumEfnt filed o~ the Creditors of said estate i;lre ere...13th dJy of Janu.a'rY 1939 and by notified) that I will sit a thep\U'portln to be th l~st wiiI and county court room inl VVayn , inTestamEjn of said ecl':a~d, may said 1county, on the ~d da 'ofbe prove and aUo ed as ~h# last February,r\'i~39,and 0Il th~ 3

,---.-,. \

At Don Brink lI'lll'iIe.Mr. and Mrs. D n Brink enter­

tained the pinoeh club Su ayevening. Guests we e Mr, an Mrs,Gus Paulsen, Mr, nd M . H. L.BredenfJeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Trautwein, Mr. ads. NickWarth, Mr, and s. Ed. Murrill,Mr. and Mrs. W . Littleton, Mr.'and Mrs. H. H. Ho ey. Prizes wentto the Littletons, B edemeye:rs andPaulsens. The host ss servel!l.

-IOfficers Installed.

Royal Neighbor officers instal­led Tuesday are the foUowing;Marie Apern, orac e; Lucy Hen­nessi}'", vice oraCle; Stella I Clark,chancellor; Nellie ones, phst 01'­

ade; Emma Davis recorder; AnnLove, rece!ver; Ag es DUfft,tTIar-.shal; Maxme Love inner syntinel;Irma Brink, outer sentinel; AliceBeyeler, manager; Susan I Loye,musician. Nellie Jo es was install­ing officer and M rian Holekampceremonial marsh 1. Covered.·' dishluncheon was serv d.

p,ow. Pupils h v~ Ie.arne tO I spell I

Carroll p'epart ,I eilt of' Thl',e Wayne,l Heral,d . 1':1Er£~~fo~0~e~iotth~q~~~~1, and a gerani~m pI t m a f~oweJ1'

I I I. 'pot is anothe~' bard r.Dorothy Huse Nybera: of the ~erald St ff is editor of thii depa,rtmen • She wdl visit Clirroll every Monday. Durmg storr hou pu fLls heardAny news contributions to tlleoe colum $ will lie gladly receivel! by er. She is also' &lIthorized to receive "The Adventures a Pete Cotton-new or renewal subscl"'ipton.'. tall:" i ~

I The 2nd gr~de lad a spelling..- tast F,dday OVC1" W rds 0 last se-

Ire~r J~nes and' . Olmste:sd had Ining with Mrs. G o. H~lelia p. Rosa~ker, Mtss Freda I Hoffmnn mesial' ~ ill 0 ed' Shop i

rime.. CA~. supper in the Joh!n Shadnon home Mrs. Ed. Murrill ntert<lins n xt Mrs. Edwlll Richards and M;is~ I OrvIlle BlaJk wo the 2 d grade

at Pierce. I, Tuesday. Majl'l1lan served.1 They wwre readmg conte~. i arroll S,oonM'r. and Mrs. dolph Hefti and blue and whIte aprons and caps. Helen Brud gam s ahead in the I Carl Ped rse1;). has rented part

Wilbur and Mr. ,and Mrs. Will ,-Celebrate J The brIde's colors of blule and wh~te \ 1st grade sent ce t ading contest. f the Texl y garage building for,M. S, Whitney was in Sioux tit'\~ T ' N 'ghb t t th Ltd t d th r t bl . I \ Ld . h H.> Kn~ll were at ermlln hun s elY orS wen 0, e eel' eCOra e e room. our a es! I I n Imp erne a~1 repa~r sop. e

Monday. Slmdayevening. , HofeldthomeTues ay evening~ast were set for the brida party and RepoJ·ts Giv n I ill handle the International J+ne, Worley Benshoof went to Nor- Billy and Mild I d Kenny spent week for cards and luncheon htj)n- immediate families. The bridal tt L Cl b I md Will. do~utorpObile and tr:ac-folk Friday. SntUlrday night a Paul' Broeker's. oring Mrs. Hofeldt on her birth- table was centered with a wedding l),OnS I It lor repmr ode The Pedersens

Wm. Loberg was. a Wayne .vls.i- Mr: and Mrs. Ed. enoy were there day. ' cake. baked by the bride's mother. Lions club ad a 1Jusine~s meet- Ian to mov to Carroll soon. Har-tor Saturday. Satul'day evenin ~ 'A miniature bride and bridegroom lng Tuesday eyenin~ last week to ld Sorense has bought the Jens

The Henry Rellekes spE'nt Sn.t- Mr. and Mrs. hris Tietgen and At Retlbwiscb Ho • were placed on the dke. Place- hear reports on thelpre-Christmas edersen 80 aclte farm which Carl\Jrday in Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. eRoy Thompson Pleasant Hour cl band famillies car1ds were used I for ithe bridal activities. The cl}lb meets next edersen Ii es on and plans. to

The Cal Hurlberts plan 10 rnove were dinner gues s of the Herman met at the Ed, R thwisch home taqle, and the bridml bouquets were Tuesday. , 'ent it,to the Beach property. Brockmans last e ening, ffiriday e\~ning for pinochle pa1'- pla~ed around the,cake' l All wrote --+ I I --

Gus Paulsen and Margaret Ann Mr. and Mrs. ohn Gaskill and ty. The group me ts this Thurs- naI\lles in the guestlboolc :Which was Goes to GeJ~~ny nnive saries AJ4ewere in Wayne Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ge . Gas.ldll were il~ day aftern.oon with Mr~. John Ru~ a gift of the minis~el', t S M th

Miss Mary Jones was home fl'om Belden Thursda to attend the debusch. 1'hose attendin~g,the reception 0' ee 0 er Obse vid SaturdayWayne for the week-end. funeral of John hrend. were Rev, and ,rs. Most and .Tohn Gramberg' who went to Mrs. John Hamer-eniertained at

Miss Irene Jon~s was home fl'om W. W. Garwo ~ has rented to lIave Evening Bri Faythe Anne, Mr. nd Mrs. George I New York to look f'for a position inner Sat day noon -for Mr.Belden for the week-enl!. Mrs. L'

IK. Christ~nsen 40 acres at Delta Dl;ljk mem ers and theil' Hoffman and famil • Mr. and Mrs.' some weeks ago, s Bed for Ger- amer1s 70t birthday. The oeca-

Mrs. W. E, Jones was in NOllfolk the northwest ed~ of Carroll (lnd husbands were ,ntertained at Donald Carlson, 1 Miss Fauneil many ~'ecent1y,on r cei~t o~ JWord ion was als the <l7th wedding an-from Tuesday to rhursday., will move there t~is spring. bridge Monday ev ing tn the Ed. Thompson, Mr. anld Mrs. Marvin that hIS mother wa qUIte 111:-' Mr. iversary of Mr. and Mrs. Hamer.

Billy Kenny lIS imptoving after Dale Franzen spent Friday night Murrill home~. Mr . Murrill, Mrs. Victor, Mrs. Leon~rd Bleke and Gramberg plans to teturn the first overs wer ,laid for the.jl.onoredbeing quite ill several days. and" Saturday wi~h Orville Parker. H. H. Honey and Mrs. Elgin Tuck- Fauneil of Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. of February jf his 'mother is im- 1 ouple, also Mr. and lVII's . .A;Ibert

The Nels Johnsolls and Mn~. Mnx The' Clifford P~rkers were at er were hostesses. Alex Stamm anci'-~amilY, Mr. and proved. enkins, Mr and Mrs. Frank Grif-f Ash werE' in Norfolk Friday. Franzen's Thursday evening, Work on com.ortf' Mrs. Reuben Sta~ and Garry of ith, Mr. an Mrs, Dave Hamer of

Leonard Sundahl \vas home Mr. and Mrs. lieonard Link and l' Randolph, Mr. ana. Mrs. Henry Leaving Today I ayne, Mr., Marietta MOrrS of

fr~~~~~~nf~~t~~~o~~ee~~d~l1 ~~l~v~o~:l~or~~su~~c:~:~'~n~~fd;~ Ge~~~~,Oh~rs.G~;leyM~~ns~~~~ ;'da~~:r~an~/a~;~~;~rJ:~~:1:~~ for California ! :;;'~I~~lV~[~ aen~;rsK~~~~th ~~~:d(ly Friday with Mrs. A. C. Sahs. e'vening at the LlOyd Morris home. Mrs. Ray Perdue, Mrs. Elhardt Davis, Mr. and Mr:s. EdWin Rich- Mrs. V. G, Williams and Sharon ev. and M s. R., L. Williams and

The Ben Leuken family of M,adi- Mr. and Ml'S. Wm. Brudigam, Pospishil and Miss 6ttia Bush met ards, Miss OparPhillips, Mr. nnd plan to leave tl1is Thursday by car I ewis John Mr. and Mrs. M. I.son, spent Sunday at Ed. Murin's. G d H 'w Friday afternoon ith Mr:'l. Basil Mrs Ward Willjatlns Wayne d with Mrs. Gly Dickson and Grif- wihart,·M ·S. Ann 'H'ughes and

Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Smith of 'tlin- Sl~~~a~n aft~~~~t)l~f m~Jne~u~~~~ Osburn. They tie three com- Orli~, Mr, and Mrs~ George Wn~~- fith Williams for Los Angeles, rnes-t Han en. The Hamel'S wereside, gpent Sunday at Olnf Swan- guests in the Gu~t Johnson home. fort.en:;. I er" Gerhard and Marian of Car- where they will m~ke their home. a:rried intIowa and came here Ison's, Nels Johnsorl, Clifford and rolt, and Miss Bi:'rnice Rosacker of The Williams house,ihold g~){)ds was any years ago. All their children

The OsCHr Swansons were in the Clm-ence wel'e in Fordyce Sl1tUl'- Mrs. A. C. Safhs, II Wakefield. sold Tuesday and the famIly 'spent x.ceptiJi.Z rs. Wm. Owens of'Vm. Swanson home Friday e\'e- day on bu.siness.~They stOPped in Mrs. A. C. Sahs entertained. E. The bridal couple received many a couple days with relatives and orth Dako a, were with them forni~{e Herman Brockmans were in Hartmgton to se Frank Carlson. O. T. last Thursda . Other guests niae gifts from friends and rela- friends.. he anniver ary. 1

Miss Lorraine IPetel'sen of Wy- were MI's. Henry urdeman, Miss tives. After a sho~t wedding trip -- 'I -- •

the W, O. SmIth home Friday ('ve- not, was home for the week-end. Anita Bush, Miss qladys Fork and they will make theh' home west of ' Plan Centennial sri w Falls Here.

ni~;s. CI<1rence Beaton is quar- Miss Paul of Co~C'Ord. was also a :~r;:~~~ ~~~t:bIO;~se f::~~~ CaiToll. Services in May [:i~~fh:n~no!;:i;e~O~e;:y.satllrd{lYantilned at hel' home beC'ause of :~~~~-end guest !at J. M. P~l!r- hostess who serVed~fterWard'lMrs. Ministers of northeast Nebr~ska i __

ilhM'·rs~.. E. G. Stephen". and "l'SS Mr. and Mrs, ~ug, Behrend were Geo. Reuter, jl"., e ertains F<ebru- met at Wakefield Sunday to plan' Impr ves F1innstead.., .-. Wl in Belden Thurs~ay for the fun- ary 2. The club als plans to meet for observance of the centennial I Ed. (Nieman is having improve-

L~lle Duffy \\ ere Il1 R,mdolph eral of the fOl'm~r's half brother, this Thursday, this spring. Rev. Walter ,Bracken- ents mad at the Elder farm he English s rvice at 10;45.Fr day John Behrend, v.jho died at Ran- sick of Wayne, was named 'chair- ought an will move to this Walthe Lea~ue me

on Lutt and MelvIIl Bruns, the dolph. ~ With Mrs. Wagnerj man, and he will be assisted by I pring. The basement of the: house! entertain theif parents;'9.1~erdOf Wclytlf', were 10 Laurel Mr. and Mrs.::Cliffo\·d Parker Woman's dub Imet Thursdayt ur ay and Orville wen!:·j Sunday dinner with Mrs. Otto Wa~er. Mrs. Levi

ave Jones and Leonard were guests in the C~Tis Maas home, Roberts was leaderlof the le:;;spn onThul'sda! suppel' gl.lests at Aug. IThe Maas family was at Par},er's faith with papers~ead by Mrs. C.Fl'anzen s', Wednesday. J. Woods, Mrs. Ch $, Whitne and

Mrs. AlIce HUrlbel't. spent a few Miss Bernice Honey came from Mrs. Joy Tucl{er. rs. Dave fheo-days th~ pa::;t week WIth Mrs, Em- II Allen Friday evehing to spend the philuf; had chargelof games, andrna Eddie, week-end. Mrs. Glyn Dickson of Mrs. John Owens nd Mrs. Lloyd

Mr. and Mrs. H~nry Hoffman Los Angeles, wat' a Friday nigint Morris sang a du t. Mrs. Nickspen~ ~,~nday c\'en ll1g at George guest of Miss Hjey. • Warth 0ntertnins Rebl'uary 9,Wac e1 s. . Mrs. Leonard ritchard Was in '

Mr. a)1d \Mrs. H~t-ry Kmdel' the Axel Smith orne from Mon- Mrs. Wagner, H~~ess.sp~nt ~~turday ('\,C'nlng nt W. H. day to Friday car ng for her moth- MI·s. W. H. Wagher entertainedWagnel s. er, Ml's. Smith, ho is improving We-Fu member~, ~so Mrs. H. L.

The .Johnsons called Tues- after an attack f flu. Bredemeyer. Mrs. Ed. Trautwein,day l'v~nlI1g last \Veek al \Ve,<;lcy Mr. and Mrs, . H. Wngner, Mr. Mrs. Elgin Tucker, Mrs. Tom Rob-Rubeck s, . I and Mrs. Emil ~Ogelen and Mr. erts and Mrs. Otto Wagner Fridny

Everett and. Bonnie Rees spent and Mrs. Elal'Y inehart were in afteqlOon. Prizes il cards went to~.hturd<lY cvemng at the IvaI' Mor- the W. H. Wagn rhome" Wednes- Mrs. H, L. Bredem er, Mrs. Wal-TIS home. t day evening last~week. tel' IBredemeyer . nd 1\11.1'5. Don

MI". and M1·S. "VI. m. Bodenstedt Mr. and Mrs. T 101'vald Jacobsen, Brinle The hostesi served. Mrs.spent S~nd[lY ('v('J1lng at Gus Bo- MI'. nnd Mrs. Fre Jensen. Mr. and Nicl{ Wrll-fh ent~rtains in twodenstedt~. Mrs. Chns Petersen and family of we<:ks,

Mrs. Vlclor Jnhnson ~p('nt Mon- Wmside, called 'Wednesday eve­day afternoon last \vpek nt wm'l ning last week at Leo Jen.seI1's.S,vanson's, . Mrs. R. C. Andersen and son of

Mrs. LeWIS Johnson and Leota Bancroft, spent last week here~~~;~~;r~~;~sday afternoon at Wm. with the form€~'~ parents, Mr. and

The Harry Nelson family spent ~~~ ~~~U~~;I~~~~~:. o~~rde;~~~Sunday afternoon _ ,It Herman day

Brockman's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank SturmaMr. a~d .Mrs.. Alfred Bruggelman were Sunday g1J~sts in the Nels

were FrIda! dillner guests, at Wm. Johnson home. The Sturmas leftBodenstedt s. . . .. ' Wayne Monday for Ansley, Neb.,

Mr. and M1S. Hollls WJlhams where they will 'go into the hotelhad Sunday supper 111 the John business.Rosacker home.

The Lewis Johnson family and Mr. and Mrs. C!'tas, Kempke ofAxel Smith were Sunday guests at Lyons, were su1ay guests in theWm. Pritchard's, Floy~ Andrews orne. Mrs. Pearl

H. C. Bartels who has been ill, HenrIckson, ,wh had been .here,is able to be up about the house returned Wlth them to VIsit apart of the time. month at Lyons.

Wilma Gemmell spent Tuesday Mrs, Donald Theophilus of At-night with Norma at the Rober lanta, Ga., and her parents, Mr.Eddie, sr.• home. and Mrs. C. A. Smith of Smithland,

Marian and Gem'hard Wacker Iowa, spent Sunday in the Davewere Wednesday evening viSItors Theophilus home. Mrs. Donaldat John Rosacker's. Theophilus came- with friends

Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Junek and from the south ~r visit in Smith-Me. and Urs. Aug. Franzen went land. ,to Norfolk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. ,Geo. Bartels and

Miss H'annah Mills of Winside; Barb~ra of Byrort, Wyo., Mrs.' Ottowas a Friday to Sunday guest in SmUt)' and Mrs, Florence Taylor of Marry Th rsdaythe Dowe Love home. Powell, Wyo., I arrived Sunday

The Wm. Sundahl family. had night to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. C. at Wayn ChurchSunday supper in theijNick Han- Bartels and other relatives a few i

sen home at Winside. days: The Geo. Ba~tels family went JMr. and Mrs. L.' T. Whalen and to yvayne Monda;y to see the Carl Mi5ls Esther W ker Is Bride

Virginia of Sholes, Visited Wednes- Victors.! lof E. H. Wi lliams of

d:~e~~a::' ~~<;~I~r~. Fredricksen ~ Near C rroll.called Friday on Mrs. Anna Stol- 0 I' I Er'Y Mfsd Esther arie Wacker,tenberg and Bus Otte ! daughtfr of Mr, a d Mrs; George

Miss Winifred C~llins spent ~ II WaCker of Carroll, nd-·Mr. EdwardTuesday afternoon last week with Social recast. Hollis Wllltams, ~ n of Mr. andMrs, Hans Rethwis'ch. Rebekahs plaIl

Ia party Friday /M~S W~rd WIlha s of Carroll,

Mr. and Mrs, Will Wischhof of evenmg. IW umted In rna iage Thursdl;ly,Wayne, were Friday dinner guests Goldenrod cluh meets this Fri- jJan ary 12, at 2 o'clockl at Ourin the A. C. Sahs home. day with Mrs dscar Ramsey. IRed meer's Luth ran church at

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rethwisch Men of the Methodist church Wa ne. RelV. W. F. Most performedwere Sunday dinner gUests in the plari to have an byster supper thIs the smgle rIng remony 1n theRobert Ed,die, 51',. home. evening. pr ence of relati es and friends.

Rev. C. iE. Fredricksen and fam.. Mrs. W~. rl;arson entertains T e bride was a tend:d by Missily were SUpper guests January 6 Happy Worlt.ers this Friday at COUSin of thein the Wa'yne' Thomas home. covered dish no it dinner.

Mrs. Allen Stoltenberg and Dale!Were at the Robert l!fcldie; sr.,hom. W.dndday last week. Juv.niles 1Il...1.

Mrs. V. G. Williams ana. fatnily Ro/'"a1 Neighb 1,' juveniles metwere Saturday evening dinnerl Tuesday after s hooI.guests in th~uS Paulsen, home.

;Mr. and : Lewis Johnson aild.LliOta were F iday ev.ning diriherguests in lh. Louis: Maas ,hoine.

, Mr. and MIis. H~llis :Williamsplan to move to the 40 a~s threemiles wes~ an~ one no~tl(of C~r..

.il:?ll· ..··1 ,. : .:, '·1' ": ".Miss Eva il1aulsen. of ~merl:lon)',

and,: Miss l~uqi1e Paulsib." of Os..-monq, Were I~ome, {or :th~ week..-

en~r. andl :Mi". Charl.S Nelson 01Winsid~, wer Sunday, last' r.ee1<

: ;:iup!>er ~h\l ev nlng·guestS'"at.Nels·,. ·'Jbfi~on·g.l, iii",' ' , ,!"

\: 'Mr. and Mt~"John d~sJ<n1



\ I

Grain andl:IHat I I

200 bus. Eilr1y Whit1Oats - II One' stac!k r~dder I

CO"'jencingat 12 :00 o'c1rk


l Te~~I" ",~~m~~.2! m~,'?~~"Sb"'mar; , smooth mouth, wt. 1400,' "

!, 'I ,

LII' ,I 'tif I I'

~~I'~~ ._.. --;~~-.

~' ='!=iSS==~~=.~i=·~=~.====f!;=I:e=H~a=~r=S!f=~=~d=F;~~OfO::::;:::::th!;::::=;d!:;::::::::pa~~'~;:::::;t.W;:::::::"~====;=~=!fcolumns from town or country wiII b" ,gladly ~eceited by her. I,

, ' 'I ,I

~the 1"8t of' Om"h", \"e,'. 'J,'u'ndoy] playing the,,ac~ompani~ents, The "I ~I.....

~, <lI '" " <> I 0 I d G ts f Ih hoUpay Friday, for eiUJ,Ei neith r

O dinne.r O'uests in til R i R I ,1 S ess sene" ues or ~ rI mussen t:>hQm~. e asm i as-, meeting were Mrs. Fred Eriq {son, abs('nt nor tardy d rin the so.

Mr "nd M' Ch' W' 11 d Mrs. W. R. ScrJbner and Mrs Ben, weeks term which closed that da .• Q. IS. rlS eJl;i e an I L . M M R d '11 A t Mrs. O. R. visit r

ClI':ll'les NepolVllll was in Nor-' family, Mr. and Mrs'. Wm.j Jank€] ~WI~, 1'8. ,,,,m'Y, ee WI ., er-, Thursday afternoon, I jfolk Sunday. and Talitha, MI'. and Mrs Steve! tam III two weel{s. Fifth"and Sixth G de ews.

1\1r. ,Ind MI·s. Ed.. Cnl'lson were Lieb :and Er\'in were SUl~dJy eyed 11 Norris Hansen wa~! eled-d

in (~tl~~r\.~~~II~~~~:r~pent thl} wC'ek- ~~~l~eguests in the Hernwnl StUb'1 Rites Held Fo ~:~~~e~i~~f F~~~a~~~\~~~J~~~iC: ;

end ill Siou.( City. Sunday dmner guest5 IIllhe M peA ' are: Vice preslden\, J.l,Orral e~ n J! Thlt"S "lWIlI Vh~dllb- B Barnel home \\Cl(' ~ r <In~ • nder' Christensen; secretary, ILorretja

cia) III SinllX City. lVh'-,,'" August Koch and fam ly, MI', •• Chlllstensen, h.!!:easurer, Arle e: LH1" Petel "I'll \\ t" III Not tolk and Mt5 FI ed Reeg and Ra mond j Cary Roll call was answered WI h

Tu\':,ddY PI' \;):« w~'{'l;; Wm dnd Armand Belelma lJ1 anq Winside Farmer, 77, p'sses a CUllent event Earl ISeldelS r -:\u,~\;~t Bnltl7:"'Il:-;l;;1 \\'(t~ in Sioux Ite\- ,md Ml~ H G. KnllU~. Aw-ayl from Injurie celved the feat11el for his desl\: s

~ Cli~1 r~:~l~i'~~I~f ~~;;l\ ~t~~'~~ wore 111 te~m:~~lt~~Snd;~I~~n;;e~~~U:;~j ~l reward for havmg the neate t

Norfplk )<~nd;lY ~lftf'IT1()\JII,' , were Augul<it Dangberg an SOlHlf_ fie\' H, 1\1 HllpNt \\'~l~ In Nor- Hem}' dnd Fled, Ml>:S Edna Swnn-

r fOI;lrT~:~~i~~'r~~f}:~~tH\~:::;~lf'iO <1nd I ~~~II~r~1 F:l~~kMI~e~:~~ 11 J::~! fan1ily wen' In W;l,vne FridelY g"t:'J <'Ind famlly, Ml nnd 1\1~S Emd~ :\brg;ll't't l\lil1lT .")Jf'nt lhe \~'N'l~- Dangbelg dnd Paul, MI al it Mrs

('nd \\"Ilh i\lIld' H.lIlSl'lb ill CalToll, \Vm Jdnl~e Talitha and "'Inert bel gel \-\dS <l"slsted by Re\\VLlroell uf L'llIrpl. spent AItf-lnoon guests wele 'an~ Larsen of Ldulel BUlldl \\r1,ls

\\ttl1 HO\\"~lrd Sllm- Ml<: Otto K"nt <'lnd Albclt, ,1C'gel Pleds81lt VIPW cemetery I~- P C Andel sen \\ ,18 borh 111 fust semester Flftlt, Jackelyn me,ls1es frl5 ,mother IS With h2m[

\\';I~ in Ldl1coln R D J I: Wendt, Harvey Nurnberg nnd J1k j

Thur;-:.d"ly 1;1."t OC lEY ~~:~;"e7d;:~~i~:;~~~I~I~a::~;f~";:I~;;~Fy~~I~OJ~a~~I~~~:lngNO~~~H~~lsebl~ M" ~~~R~~:iV~;~'lF;:;;:~" N, "

I\Jr" CabIN d t d h J~nsC'n. James Jensen and Hal' y;It Frl'd Sunday h:Y:d~~:'nl~~~;:e~;e~ell~~\~~ ~~ Lenni~ Mae Bol"ing broug1t Ijiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii$iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij

:111l! Rp\' HI, M Social Forecast. hl~ fell m Odobel 8 Ml A del- ~l~~~:S~~~sm;~~~~'11\V~~ s~::~~l ~~ II I 0 V E R 5 H O~'E 5 R E B'U I L T 'Cotelle club meets thiS ~aftel~lsen was llXlIlg somethlllg 0 the h' 1 ' l

Hllpc!'! \\'Pl"{' Itt i\'orfoJk Thursd,ly nnon \\llh MIS W R SCII nel [Iontlof the mowel when the team geog~~rdY'Grade" I 'nl~\I:~ln;~lld T\1l"" GC'{ll'.ge G<lbler \mel'lcnl1 LegIOn AUXlll ry wll~ oC h01Scs be~mlc fllghtene and Vernon ""Brader 'Was nbse t 'The best in ~~~c;:: ah:t~~~~~~:-soe r,e iring.

wen' In 1\'01"1'011, Tupsci:!y mornmg ~('~t FrldelV afternoon In t 1e Mrs I ,m ~\'8Y pullll1g the mowe over Thur5day aJternoon and Fdd~Y E LEe T RIC I', S £IIi 0 E Sr Neeh home With MI . Unll J 1\11 ndel sen ann (uUmg hlffi because of illness. i HI

of ];("1 \~'pel, Rhud,v ns hostC'ss, spverely on the back, I I I'J Bonita Cadwallader 'received t el~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11',' ",.nll's !\Iillt'r \If ~Ill' M,lClil"on I - . Mr. An~(,I,'s('n, <Jni\"cd attBlair highest grade for the week n

( ( \ 1:<llPn rel.tllvPs here Social, 111 the ~pnng of IHH2 and oved spelling, ----------, --- ,------;~ i

In ('I G. T. Club Meets. I to W<1yne COlililty seven years A project is being started on t1\Ie . Ul...1\_11', ;111d :VIr". Ed Li,ndberg G. 'f,' ,club met Fridayi:in the I;,ter" He was united in me1riage ld' E 'h Save Money qN Q f'oLITY CL ANING

\\"('1(' 0111 "lll't t R I It' M' N'l f K d wor s fair in geography. nc I AND PRESSING, "

II (']" h "s ,I \·I('h,lrle,.; l'ngl.'l' home, 0 j\~ISS ane Ie sen 0 e nar , t· b' t d llv ' 1 ', H, I - Api'll 12, 1904, Mrs. An

1ersen ~o~~s;~. IS emg repl'esen e r ; "

l\11 dl1C1 :\11". Otl.o Stf'n ri ('1' and O. ,E. S,' Chapter Meets. b: p,;I.SSed HW;ly Marc,h. 24.1930 Those who wcre neither Clbse~t Ladies' iplai/n Dr~ssel . ,. 75c:--i,lno,)" ('\'f'il1lllg" at () E S chapter ,met onoa)' Deceased Ii' Slll"\'lVed by two rial' tardy for the six weeks receiv~ fll: r

• I {'\'cning for :l re-giI1ar scs~i 11. slstprs anr! two brothers., Mrs. p I If d 1 I'd F'o [t Suits I 75eT\li ~ (h;ltl{'~ Rolwrt:-- ;llln ~on of. _ I Fred Jensen of WInside. Mr~. Nels ~bo~,la ay 1,01 Cly 1'1 aya er\ .] • r

Om:lh,l ~Pt'l1t the \\'('('k-('lln H1 the IRoyal Nt'ighbor DanC'E".' Hansen- of Flyn,: Denmmk l ! and First and Second 'Grades. PHONE 1463 F~R PRQMPT SEit"pICE1);:1\~'" Ilull)('. H.oY<11 NeighbOl' lodge enftlertain- And('l'~ Andersen and Sophus He-len HClnsen, Delmar Cadwal- i .

MiSS Bruggcl ~pel11 ll~t> cd :It ,I dance Friday evel1iHg \\'ith Ano€,rsen of .Copenh:1gen, lnen- lader, Oliver Likes, Jcnnne Lewis, S ... I'~~~'~II:I-;'nd li\i(lJ~;;:,kltb III the Ene ,1 good cmwr! nttending.' :(l~~~lt~~~l"(>(' Sl"tf'l',o, jll"('ccdC' him DOl1pJd LongnecRcr :and Betty oll~ma'~n :0 eane:fS

1\11" :\11" F('rdlll<ln~! Voss For f'lorine Grad. ! Mr, Anoersen w~s baptize nnd ~lu;T~~~~;\I~~~]~;~i~~~l~~al~e~r~~~I'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;'~~~~;~~;~1.;I~t :\'('dllC'~d:I,v ('\'l'llll1g ~lt Florine Gl',wf cf'lf'ur<lted 'bel' nth.1confl!'med in llH' 1,L1the-I'"nl faith attendance the P<lst :;ix weeks,\\)11 Kllf'pke .'>. , birthday Friday. A number of llttJ,e- Iwhen <.l boy. I. H$nor roll students :lre: Second

,1\lr .. ~l(i !'ITI: :\rlulph Rohlff :1lld spent ',j socinl ;lftcrnoOll with Pallbe:ll'crs \\'ere', Fr:d Enck- grndle, Patsy Collins and Helen~am'I,.v \\ ('n' S, llnd.l)" dl,n1l11' gu(',,,ts I Ison, Nels ,JurgenSf',ll' Chns J~nsen, Hansen; first grade, GeQrgia Annm Ihe Edgar Murotz homfi. Otto Nif'IcwTl, Peter Andel"seh and Bec]{ner and Betty Nurnberg.

1\11 ,mel :vIiS. Herman ~tocl",nlan Aid l\leets Wedn~dav.; Petf'r ("hn~tf'nsf'n Dfllmar Cadwallader, IJ~at..<;y Annand Wl'i"e Fr~o;lY The Luther~lIl Aid' Jnf't )Vf'dnes- I --~-,' coUjns, Helen Hansen, and JeannE:!glll:>[> ,11

11 tilt' ~~' ~', ~lllith ". I d:I,Y [It til(' chLlr~h with Mr$.. Henl'y I Selwol Hoard to l\f(.t't'j Lewis reccived 100 in spelling

I\TI .. Hi :VII, FllO Wlttlel ,111dI l'vT111cr ,Illd Mrs" F'J'f'O WlIII{'I", 111)";- Tlw Wlll,at!(' schonl honr< will FI'idny fllr the ~'ntire :;ixJ ,('R,)\ \\'('1'0 SlII10;IY aftcrn<)on ik:'N'S. 'hold It.,> I'cgll!;lr m(Jntldv n~cetil1g I'glH'''I'' til tlw Fred \~hlckcl' home, I ~ . MOllrl,lV "The rock garden, which was::

I\TI"" j\rL.J,l",.;arel MdlC'r ~pcnt Sat- N-eig-hbO'ring Circle. ' planted this week, is of great inter- 1M.

lH'd,~Y .:Jftt'l:n()~n nne! ~lIlld~:v 111 Neighboring Circle club Iml>t last N311:1(" Stndfl'nts i,1 est to the children, They en,ioy ::t~e 1.Tlt\e H<ms~n ~~oll~e <:1t C,<.11 roJ,I. ITI~lll"~day ?~tern()OJ~ ~v,i~~1 the gold fis~ bro~ght by~ SUp~. Ef J.M

MI <llld Mr~. chriS Jensen, .If'" ~1l1niE' Carstens. Afte,-l' If! ~ li R I] P. Wendt and the snuils given by::~~~:-t" 111 \~E'~~(~ ';l~~~~~;t\~p~\~(\~~~~~ tlmp, ttw hoo:~{'ss sE'I"\'rd ~ H On1nll~ I 4) Miss ElIl<llie,Brugger. '" :=

,11ld 1\11'>:. Anton Prtersen,llIavl:" Chili Sunp~. I P fAd R 1 d F ~U. k\'i· ••,lilt! :\1;lri-!:;ll'ct \\'('1"(' I Miss EuhtUe Bruggct· c~tpl'tall1-1 er eel tten anee ~cor armers nlOfL In ::

,jftt'I",tl()(ll1 gue,.;ts ;It, Cll'], ,ed the following ,It a Chl1f slipper Is AI~o ~nnounced at .- Annual Meeting ::1\1; ,'II1.n .Mr", C l~nl frOlltman and taffy pull WE'dnpsclay'-evcl1ing School. Fm'm{'l's' llTnion will hold its ::

:Illd \ II,gm],,' ,W{'l"(,' SUlldi:ty ,lfter-llaSL week: Mrs, E. P, we~,dt Mr5 Wlmi'de high :o;chool fir5t $emC's~ Cll1nuClI meeting Janwuy 31 in ••nll(':1 L;tl{'stS ,It ,J,lcob \Vilggoner's, Aronoel TI'autwein, MiSJ Glady~ tel' ended Friday with the fIlOW- Winside., Wm. Meyers is managet ::

1\1: ,tll(! M~.s. W, 0 SmIth, and Mettlen, Miss Harrlett Malone, Il1g students lim the honor roll: of the association, ::1 ,\ {'l (' , lIlHiay guest.-: 01 lVIr. Miss Alice Traum, Mi. s Alma Seniors, DelOl'es Pohlman, hirley , , ...

<Inc ,()LI.f sW",mson ',Jt CarrolL ILautetlbough <lncl Miss Gladys Loebsacl' E elyn Spengle Betty No One:lnJ·llred ::\11 dlld :\'TI.~ ]\Ial"1ll1 PlPlffer and Reichert. ! Wltt~, V:~le; Smith and r!~ rietta!\ "Ild )JOITIS WClble were _: V'lhlk'lmrrt'uniors TheOdOI~Witt i~ Car Mishap 55~~\1:~~,:~;' t! 11III ('1 ,gllbb ,Il Car} SO~ial. Cir~le Club. I A~dre;' Fa/ran, .i~l1lor Tra ltwei~ John Meyer, jt'., turned ove;: in ••

\1 " SOCial Circle club met l~st Wed- and Evelyn Walde' soph mores h,is car Fl"iday evening one mile ••••. I' :Ind l\'!rs, Wm Podoll of d 'th M F dB" ht S' ,," ,JBill "t d h Iw" nes ay WI 1's. re 1] f" IX- Mary Chllre ,Jordan, Ruth orm- elast and one-fourt.h mile south of _:

u<; lnp , VISI e, In t c, .I'"~erman teen members and two gu ts, Mrs. ley ,md Bernard Hansen; r fresh- Winside. No one In the car W<lS :.~;)d~)ll home f.1 um Tllul sday l,JB~ C. E. Benshoof and Mrs. R H, Mor- men, Joyce Sweigard and~ Billy injured but: the car wa~ badly ••••] S~.nda~'.. row, were present. 1\1t,s. Clint Podoll, damaged, 1 ••

:\Il,~. !' 11:. Koepke and Mrs. 't'mutman had high score$,n some- High school students wit per- __ I ••Heni y Cal'stens \\'('I'e Tuesday aft- 're'set. The hostess serve I In two feet attendanee . ate: Fre hmen, L th·L I,::ernil.111l \;.1.<;1 week Itl thE' \Vrn w('eks the c1IUb,WillmC€t \ ith Mrs. IMerl,in Fleer, Etta .Jensen, J,aCk It er eagl~e t! ..,Link" G. A. Lewis. Neely. Al"iene Petersen. JI.~enniS Elects 0 cers::~P(,lll i\~r\'(;il;11;"d<l.\' ..;' . - i ,Schellenberg, Joyce S f:>lgClrd, Ll6y d Meyers was elec presi-::

:\'lIsslOnary ~oClety M,eetsl" BeSSIE.' Wendt <Ind R,Ober~Wltte; dent of Ihe Luthel' LeaL. e, al a ••t)w :\11." \\1m KIlC'pke ,1I1d I 1 W ~ h ljlU ••

Cal'''tPll~ hOl11e. .'iOc:~;a~~~ iSnt~~~; s w ~~1Or;J~~ ~~~~o~~:~:~n,~~.81d~~r~~i h~~~d ~:~~.n~f~~~~s ~r~~r~~~:ll:;s~~~~~· ==MI"s Alma H<iIstl'um of Oak- Edward Ulrich. The pro ram was Pearl Suehl' JunIOrs Alfre Bron- J . T t' t M'l'.-

dale, from FI'ida)" evening or: the ~nission~r~ work ,in India zynski, Ets~l Seld~l:s nnd velyn d~~~o~Ch~~~te~~~~;.s~~~ ry~ndi~- ==~n;~~<l {'U'nlllg with \VIISS With MISS Chrlstl~e Ltjek;l', as; senIOrs, Shirley L~ bsack, secretary, Esther Rttzei ~asure:' ::

T\Ir ;il1d Worley Benshoof ~a~elr,.GMuestsFwedlep ~rsl. EdveMlett Chrlstme, Lueker, E~ther Nl ma~~, Harold Ritze. 'Officers hel a ~eet- ::e z el, rs, re us an rs. Delores Pohlman, El-leen R be and· ,T d I Ih r •

<:lno Kpl'mlt (11' r"",'nll, \"e,'e S"n· H B ' I f' N f II 'd d S h d ' mg ues ay a' e parso age. •day dllH1('I' gu('o,ls 111 the C E. M~'~~~y ~Ue:r~~I~~:, °Ehv~~ ~l~ M~h~e bas~e~·~:lle~~am was


,efeat-., --a ' ==.Benshl>l>f llOlllP rich, Mrs.' Samu~l plri¢!'1, Mrs, ed by the Wilmer team Frid yeve- SLiver W eddln~ I.

H C Mr and Mr~. E. B. August Br?nzynskl and M)ss Anna ning by, a score of 24 to 8, The Is Observe Here:: tL~-'()Il"; family and HatTV Bl'onzynskl. The hostess' served local quintet plays at smond ••LY(lI1,~ of Lame!. ~pent SundClY ;t luncheOh, FridaY. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Niemann::E, H SllmmE'r~'. Economics rIass is study ng the cele?rated their 25th I' w$dding ••

in ~]~:~II'~)I~~:'I~I~:~nd~:~~,~~~~e~:, FO;n~::~o~i(~~h~rs, Jacob' Miller's ~Oou;~~~jOl~h~[ t1~:~~~~~e~:iS:~; ~~I~~~S;;:w~~n~:~;i;:~~a~ay~~ 5avisit Mrs. Clrich's par('nls, Mr. nnd birthday Friday, evening guests in cla~ses are studying the 'velop- anq Mr~. Niem~nn wa~ffOrme~lY ••Mrs. T. F. Br,lckf'll her home were Mr, and Mrs. Ge9 '1 ment of Il<ltionalism <lnd democ- ,C.lara Sl{~vers. Eight chI dre?, fIVe ==

MIss Ad,illlle Princ'(' Clnd Miss Wagner and family, Mr. ~nd Mrs, racy. ~lrl~ and three boys, a e m the ::

Dorotllea L('wIS wert' ll1 WLlyne John Wagnel' and familY. Mr. and MUl,'Y Clairll!, Jordan, .~'Donald ,fa.~lIY' Except f~r,'b\."O rears"tbe ••Saturday and W0re guests In the Mrs. Ed, Mei.erhenl"Y an~ family, J\lgel, Ruth "Gormley and ildred Nlemanns have IlV¢i on the same ::Dean Hughe~ home. Mr, and Mrs. ReUben Puls ufld <;~l'istensen r~ceived A plUS in :farm. , ••

Mr. ,md Ml'S John Heseman; familYI Mr. and Mrs, emi Hinz- t~e World history test. T e class Supper guests f<J>r thr occaSIOn :=Kenneth Hnd Betty \'lsitE'd in the m~m, Mr, and Mrs. Al ed Car- is completing work on civ lization were Mr. and Mrs. J?h~ Newma,n, ._E. H Summers home Tuesday stens, Mr. and Mrs. He, ert Sy- and progress during the middle Mr. and Mrs. Ga7flel New~n r:-.cvcll1ng of 18st week. .. doW', Alfred Wagner a-pd Hazen ages, and baby, Mr: and.Mrs. FI',ad Nie- :

Re\'. ;md Mrs. H, M, Hilpert and B\lchanan. After a social time Helen Gerleman and jGOrdOn mann and MIS~ L~setta N'em~nn, •••Janice enrol and Luther Doctor luncheon was served. Fisher received A plus in Ameri- the ,lnst of ,Nehgh. ~ !I_were Sunday dinner gues1:£ in the can history. ' In the evening other e':its were iii:Supt. E, P. Wendt home. A* Wtn. Wade Home. Russell $anqers visited school 'Mr..and Mrs, Carl. Si vel's. and _:

Mr and Mrs, Frank Bronzynski, Tuesday evening l¥t week Thursday afte*noon. farmly, Mr. and Mrs. J ~"SleVElrs-.Adeline and Delores Pohlman guests were entertained fis a fare- Grammat· Room Ne s. 8?d family and Mr. an Mrs. Ott~, s-were Sunday dinner al"l!d supper WE~: .'lor Harold and Earl Wade, Freddie Loebsacl{ was elected SIevers, all of Wayne, Mr. and!=g-uE'sls in the Robert Piller home who left t~e next day for TUlsaj, president of thr Hobby clu which Mrs. Ed. Niemann fnd ~a~il~, Mr. •<-It Stanton. . 1Okla., and possibly Texlas. Those met Friday. E~.tty Lou eible is and. Mrs.. Augu,st -pr?ntyn:sltl apd .=

1\1r. aqd Mrs, LaWli'ence Hansen present were Mr. and. r4rs, W. E.! se~etary. Otl\ter officers will be, ~lSS Anna IBronzynskl and 1-:and Made and Mr. and Mrs, An- Werner, Lowell and Ke~prethj MisS elected at the Inext meeti g. Roll Wllhe Sleve:s. the last ~f Los 1:_drew Andersen and tlamily were Margaret ~cribner, Mi.$~ Marian call was ahsw~red by eac person ~ngelesj CalIf. :After a ~_cla: ~'je- ,;:Sunday dinner guests in the Peter Davis, Gusl and Miss Alice Nelson, naming ~ome 5uperstitio! saying m~g, luncheon.. w~s ":Iel'ved. Mrs.••.Jensen home. Raymond INelson, Johq:1 MeyersJ or action., ' I ~lemann receJve~ "<'runy lc.v,ly .=

Dr, and Mrs, R. E, Gormley and 'Henry and Darlene Grae~jMr, and ,Special reports were I s~lgned gIftS, : ' 1=-,Jluth Hnd Mr, and Mrs, Ed.: C~rl- Mrs. Earl Wade anq f1milY and each pupil fo~ ,geogl'aph of Ne- --:-r= I IIIW'n were in WayiT<!c Friday eve· Mr,' m1d Mr,,' Lyle Wad: brasl,a, the" lopic, 'being' ifferent Pioneer of ITown I, ••

,,-j.-un? The men attended the, Ma-"" - , ' ~, fruits and vcg\'ltables pro' Heed in, Obse,.rve~ B"' th~~J .;=~(jnIC meeting. "\Vhlside Women's Club. ! ' the state. '~ , ,lr Eli:, •

Rev:. and Mrs. H. M. ~peft ,,', ~:W~~Side," Women's 61ub me~ Sevgnth ~r:i e arithme ic class, Job!') Gabler, I3f J celebrated . ~ ==~ere in Norfolk Thursday' ~n4 ,1;'h,:,rs~ay ,wjt~ Mf1'i. H1r:I,en Wei~ has .. been: c~ tru~ting, ~ gles ofl 95th birthday,/.Ji.'l,nu~r:; _.Friday to see Norma Trampe, Y:'"hq' ,ble: M~S..R' M. McInty, e wa~" i.n different 'k~rda using, pr tractors: 14. Mr. Gabler haS! been a Tesid~n ==is in a Norfolk. hospital recove:rmg char~ of'~he pr~gram ~ Brltlsl). and compa~se$" ,Th~y h ve also~ of Winside since the '~Qwn wa ,••froni, an op?ration for ,app'!nqici, Isles, Engl'1nd wa~ Ihe, Iml'1ject bf ma,de rectangles, ,squares ,and tri-: ,Iarled: He is weiliand fery aelir , ==tis, , ,.: I Mrs, Mal'y Reed'. pape,~l'ead b1 angle,u,i"g I~e t',EverydaYhewal~s,dO'

Mr, and Mrs. HaryeYP~tl!tse~ ,l';f\'~, :u,s:~~~es·:'Mrs:':"l!'",ea~ ,Th~ph~lol, ,C?m~ LastW~dn;e~dafand son', Mr, aljd ,Mrs, Dave Nel,' ,t<!r.had 'one ,ot) a"d Mr '1l1~led 'the 1~6 ,Ii: Ihe!flrst ,e-I were enlerlaiJ;led'lliIthe'sen and da}1,ghter;J Mr., an,'" ,~s~, ~S~~!:rr~ .. ,~n: ,! , )~~a,~~s. ,~est~r.,R~~c;b < ~i.U, rep! ce it !orl ,Gab,~e;r',I1Qn:'~ fo:r' tQ~' :p~~James Nelson and E~die..~;"~~~~< ;f:ifl,~~ot;'al an~~~: c.oun~!,l~~ ~h:~ .sec~m9-i)s,e .~s~ex:." " :. :,! .Tp.eY·c"w~re Mr.:lanq M~s;.-Cl: Jacobsen,a'nd Peter R~~~~ were ~ung,w:~t .' c~apl, ,Eight pp-_I?~l ' recclveq. r _,a half

iG~bler, Mr.,af;l-d ~rs. 'George'<




19.35.00 3197

6.00 166




25"185"00 3030

11,002.08 3003








,C~1. E. J. Roddewill". Col. A, F. He


" "'qollNTX BO,"UtD, :', I . 1 'lne'~ridc ui~u e.;~ Ion of ItIi~Way,W, N~bl'a.ka, ~nual'Y 10, 1939, e po~*~

Bllard met In ,·elluJa.~ ."",,1011, ,1).11 membe," re.ent. \;j' e Ie. and prevent t~: I~This being tlie day 10l' the oP\1nlng of bl lion bool", ,ofpe~ us 'seases

supplies, statonel'Y' and blanks, ilil bids ~e,,,, jdel'ed opened ,l>>r 4 f health 0 any memJ:le~ el'eof may' en-.Ollllirman Elldeben, and after an eliammation of such bids, It wa~ tel' a~y within ihe' co orate liml~of{ouOd as f~li Ws: I Iaily elt~ he purpose of det<!rmhllng wb~tJiel' or ot

No bldstere submitted on boaks and office· supplies, and on any I~.ase ex~ts therein andl shali a opt sneiLl' le,,1~otion no f l'thel' advertismg is to be made. ;and the county of+ and or their wn con~rol and for Ith cah:¥ing utficers arc a)~cwed to buy such books and office supplies as ar~ and. en of the q ar;aq{inel rule/) and reg lations adoptedactl'ally needed upon the open market, by this ~Qatd a in t~ell' j i1gn'lent they lIlay dee-necessary and

The oaIT~l News had the best, lowest and only bid on legal shall I<cop a re OI'd of all their pl'oceedin!/s and I persons 'I4ar, Iblanks and s atlonery, and I ·a.ntln,ed. . I I I

On motio the contract fO!' the pl"1ntlng of legal blanks and Il. 'fhe exll nses of said board of health whlqh arl not p~op,the conb'act or the pl'int~ng of statIOnery for the year 1939 i~, lcrtly Icltai'gcal,lle to the ~l'sons aff~cted with SUChtcontagiOUS·awarded the a1"1'01I News. 1eases 01'1 person occupymg the tPremlscs Whc\,c ~ e ~~me e~ist

On moUo It Is hereby resolvel! that the ptlnung ,of t1)e de shall be paid fr m the connty treasur~ upon bills uly allowed, byJlnqucnt tax ist, It casul'cr's statements, comrn~ioncl'~' pl1tCc~d the boaxXl of C unty COn'1I~lssloners In the same ma~ner as ~he'Ings, Resolutiqns by County Board, road and bl idge l!oUces an other Indebte~ ~s against t\le COlf-ty. The comp<!nsa\lons of heall other notices ordered pUblished by the Board 01' County Clerk members of th. Board of Health ,shall be mileage at legal l' tebe let to the Wayne Hcralfl. Wayne News, Win de TlibunQ, an and for the ex inatlon and quarantine of each familY' $2100.

-Canon News, at full legal rate, one-fourth to e ch paper. They shall be al wed by the county board and paid frofll the cOlun·On motion I the Wayne Herald, Wayne News, inside Tdbune'l t.y treasury. in t e same manner as other bills agajnst the county.

and Carroll News are all designated as the Offici I County papers. The folJowin Rules 1 and Regulations in. regardl to DisinfectionOn motion the Wayne Herald IS designated las the otficial are hereby adop cd.

county paper for the pUbhshmg of all ~egal n~hces emanating .¥ j'DJSINFECTION". Itrom the DepuI1tment of PupIic Works at' Lmcoln,l (Nebraska, whlchl' The worJ( " rcmise," used .l.n. this st."Ction ::;~all mean allhas to do with State Roads and Bridges. " !\ placcs where it s necessary to dIsmfect.. ..1

On motion the Board hereby makes the folldwlng estimate of DISINFECTION iNCLubES:expenses for the year 1939. : (A) . ConcUl' cnt Di~infection. I

County General,Fnnd __ ". " $60,000"00 fB) Tel'mio I Disinfection" I'County Blidge Fund _~ " --- 25,OOO.0~ CONCURRENT ISINF,ECTION: Is required durhlg the existenceCounty Road. Fund 50,ooo.ob of any of the fo owing tliseases:Mot.hers Pension Fund ._________________________ 2,000.00 Chickenpox,' iphtheria, Influenza, Measles" MeningococcusSoldlers ReHef Fund ,~__ 2,OOO.O@ Meningitis, Mu s; Pneumonia, Polilmelitis, Rubella (GermanCounty Fair and Agr. "A~sn. Fund '_1___ 2,500.01 Measles), Scarle Fever, Septic sore. Throat, .Smallpox, Tuber¢ul·Unemployment Relief Fund +__ 18,000.0 osis (pultnbnary , Typhoid Fever, and Whoopmg ¢ough.State Insane Fund ._____ 6,000.0 CONCUR/l.ENT ISINFECTION: Is the collectlpg of the com-On motion Oscar B. Nerson is hereby apPoint¥ Janitor of the mUl}icablu disch ge of the patient :'during the course of the (lis-

Courthouse and Grounds for the year 1939. at a :salary of $65.00 ease, the burnin of same, or the ~pplication of a disinfectant

per month. I solution to rend r same inert. Concurrent disinfe~tion is o.f the,iiii~~~~i~i~i.jj~'i~~~~ii~~~~_~~~~~~_~~~~~~_~~On motion Paul Mines is hereby appointed ai Member of the gl'eatest impol'ta ce, 'for the organisms which caus~ communicableSoldiers' Relief Conunission for a term of three",y~ars. diseases are for he most part parasitic and depend upon their

$1,000.00 is hereby made the compensation fo~- extra cJerJc in residence in the 1.Jman system for thei~ propagatlon. Under thethe office of th~ County Clerh: for the yeav 1939, 'and $200.00 for usual conditions outside the body the b~cteria of human diseaseextra h'elp, ov<:l' and above the salaries of the CR~nty Clerk ,and will not grow an soon .die. The commuIjlicable discha~ges, there­his Deputy which arc fixed by law. Same to be Pfld by the B(j)ard fore, m.ust be co lected III covered recep~cles. Be~ lmens andthrough claim:5 and warrants to be drawn on the County General linens such as ni ht·gowns used by patie t should 'be changed atFund. least every forty· ight hours, where this ill not int~rfare with the

$1,000.00 is hereby 1.11ade ·the compensation fQ.r cxtr~ clcrlf in well·being of the patient, immediately PlatCd in a disinfectant so-.thl' office of the County Treasurer for ~e year 1939, and $20p.OO lution such as 2 e~ cen~ liquor c mpo.~d tr. s. r.. 5 :per­for extra help, ovcr and above the salanes of ute treasurer find cent solution car ol1c aCid, o~ an cqcllval n.t dismf9ctant ,solutiOn.his Deputy which arc fixed by law" Same to be paid by the B"",d TERMINAL DIS NFECTION: . ~I ,

through claims and warrants to be drawn on the County Gen¢raJ It is ,row ge rally accepted that tel' inal disinff:tiO~ is muchF'und. better and in TIl re accord with modern scientific resealrch than

$1,000.00 is hereby made the compensation for extra help or fumigatiPn. . 'I,Cletk hire in the office of the County Judge for the year 1$39, T~REFOREf, FUMIGATION IS NO; LONGEn. REQUIREDover and abovc his salary as fixed by law, said compensationl to IN THE FOhLOWING'DISEA.SES: '" "',be paid by warrants drawn on the County Gener~l Fund. Ch~lckenpox, t!iphthclia, influe~za, ~'easles, ~leningococcus

On motion 'the County Attorney, Burr DavisJ is allowed the menin17itls, l,Jlumns, pneumonia, PPlio~eli is, rubqlla (German.sum, of $400.(10 for extra help in his office,for the year 1939, ower measlqs) scarcletlfever, septic so~ throat,'smallpo"1, typhoid fev-and above hiS salary as fixed by law. cr, and WhOOPinlcough.." "

On motion. L C. Gildersleeve, CountJ· Assessol" is allowed the When a Boa d of Health having jUlisdiction is Isatisfi~d thatsum of $200.00 fOl" extra help in his office for the year 1939, oVer a· person who ha suffered froin any of the foregoiJ;lg named dis.and above his salaly as fixed by Jaw. cases is no long a SO\lfCC of dan~cr to others, 'it shall sec that

On motion Frank F. Korff, Clerk Dist. Court, is allowed the thc following pro. Cedill"e as to terminal disinfection ~s carried outsum of $720.00 for extra he1p· in his office for the year 1939, over before such pel's ns, or premises, is rcalcscd fr9m placard orand above his salary as fixed by law. quarantine.'

On motion the Salary of the County Superintendent for the First. The pa.tient and those in' contact shall bJ bathed withJrcar 1939 is fixed at $2,000.00. an anti::;cptic solution. This should be done by bath o~ warm water

On motion the County Superintcndent h, allowed the sum of and soap, then Vfashlng of thc body with a mild antiseptic seblu·$100.00 for cxtra help in his office {or the year 1939, over and tion: Bichloride qf mercury in strdngth of. 1 to 5,000 is rec~m·above hiol? salary a.s fixed by the county board. mended for this [purpose, cal'C being taken that patient docs· hot

On motion the County Superintendent is allowed the sum of get the same in JPouth or eyes.·$250.00 to help defray the expenses of the County Institute for the Second. Eve~'thing in the S.iC.k room or that has come in con..:year 1939, which is to be used only as an Institllte Fund, tact with the pat ~nt and that is of no special value (paper::;, mag-

On motion it is hCl'(:!by resolved that each rpember or the azines. clothes, 100den toys, eted should be burned. I

·board be and he is hel"eby appointed a committee of one to .n- Third. Before! 'removal from !patients' room, wa!:thable clothing',vestigate ~lalms of demand upon thp county for ,pauper maintcn- linens. used by pa.tient and by ~ose in contac~ shaH btr inuners~~anee, and for temporary relief, and also to invest!gate claims 80d in a 2 per cent ~'olution liquor Ilcresolis compound U. S~ P. 5 perdemands ~f any party on any c.ou~ty road and bdpge funds to ibe cent solution cat· olic acid, or an equi,valen~ disi~fectant, and reoexpended 111 the several road districts of the COUIlty. main in such sol tion for half an hour, th~n bOiled for half ah

Frank Erxleben Is hereby dil'eeted to act as, such cOIluhittce hour. 'in till:! First Commissioner District. FourUI. Blankets and other articles presenting free surfaccs

Mark 1. Swihart is hereby directed tu act as :mch cOlllmittee and not too thick' can be made safe by exposure in the open a,ir toin the Second Commis::;ioner District. direct sun rays for three or four days, or sufficiently IC?ng to get

Wm. J. Misfeldt hi hereby directed to ad Uti tiuch committee fully twenty-foul" houl's of direct sunshine.. Such articlc~ as rugs,in the T~ird Commissioner D.istrict. . carpets, etc. treated in the same way sho/-dd, in ad~ition, be

PrOVided, h?wever, that m case of emergency anywhere H1 brushed with a 2: per cent solution Ii.quor cil'csolis comp~und U. S.the county conung to the knOWledge of any of the commissioners P., a 5 per cent solution carbolic acid, 011 an equivaJlent disin.where it is necessary to give immediate relief to a pauper and np fcetant. .~ther commissioner, bein~ pre~~nt, th~ commission'cr 'prcse~t shall Fifth. 1'h~l'o~gh washing of tre woodi work, ~ood ~~d m~taJsec that the. necc!::lsary Ie,lid IS Pl'ovld~d. Each member shall re- furnishings Wlth~ot water apd soap, cOf/tbined With qlSmfcctlO1lp~rt .to the full Board. at ItS. next. me:etmg, and ~l acts pCl'f?rmeil through the usc f a 2 per cent solution ~iquor crc::;olis Icompoundby him as such committee WIth hiS recommendatIOns for actIOn by U. S. P., or a 5 p r cent solution carbolic ~LCid of door khobs, open.tbe Board. ~ll JustIce~ of the ~eacc and the County Clerk arc crevices, and sue roon1\ furnishings as may have com¢ in directhereby 10rbldden to give any aId whatsoever, C'xcept as stated be- contact with pall nts' hands or hands of attendants, may be reliedlow, and all persons l'e~uiring county aid, SU~h a.s me~ical attencl· upon to protect 1 gainst reinfection from the room. T~e need ofaoce, and other neceSSities, shall make applIcation direct to the repapering oald ining painting etc. is left to the w$cretion ofCommissioner of the district for which he acts. ~ the board. ' , "

Under this resolution the County Clfrk is given authority to WHO IS RESPONSIBLE: The County, City, or VillagJ l;loard ofcall the attending physicia~ for medical 'attendance in cmergenc~ Health within th~ jurisdiction of which the premises 1re, is pri­cases, when,ever he deems l.t n:c~ssary. . marily responsibl . The Board may use- -its "I discretion asto penuit­

. On mohon the County IS diVided into three draggmg dist ting this to be d ne ~nder ~he 5upervi~ion~of the ~tten 'ng physi.tncts as' follows:. ., . dciani provided, t at in aU cases the Bbar within who e ;urisdic-

Roa4 Draggmg Dlstrlct No. 1 Shall. com,prl~c all territo tion the case is as the right to supervise the disinfection:within the 1st Co:otmissioner District and shall ~.e under the su COST OF TERM NAL DISINFECTION: I Ipervision of Frank Erxleben~-- , I: TliIis is to be borne entirely by the people who re,ide'~ in the

Road Dragging District No. 2 shall COnlpri~t all territory premises. . '\within the 2nd Commissioner District and shall lie under the sl1" NOT NECESS TO DISINFECT .PREMISES FOR tH


pcmsion of Mark I. S~~rt. "i.. I CONTACT: '" -T Draggmg PI~trJct ~o. ~ slilall compl1~~ all terrltQrY Whenever anyone is to 'be "Quarantined Ilout" after h,lavi ,g bee'11 the 3d Comr~llSSlOner DIstrict and shall be~l;t.nder the supeli· in contact with al comI!\lUnicable di5ea~e it ifS not neces~aryIto dis­VISIon of Wm. J_ ~Is~eldt. " mfect the premises at that time; provided' that the dasease still

. Cc;mnty C~mmISSlOners a~ .Overseers of thel re.spccttve roa~ exists in the pI' mises. In. these cases, disinfection is only nee:dIagglf~g distl'lcts are to receive no extra compensatIOn. .' essary when the a~ent is to be released fq>m quarantine.

It. IS hereby resolv:d that the BOal"d ~Bow! the follOWing Report of J. . Steele, Co. Treasurer, s~owing arno~n.t of feeswages for. Road Dr~gmg ~or the year 1939. ' received by him or the quarter ending De~ember 31, ~938, in the

50c (fifty cents) ~er mlle for al~ road dragg~ng. amount of $25. 0 was examined and on motion puly ,*"pproved.When dragging WIth tractor weIght must equal 170 Ibs". The appoln' ent of He~ry Wendt as Justice of tilq Peace for~rltten con'tiract mus~ be entered ll1~O wi~ Ilhe county cOIffi· Hoskins Precinct as duly approved as of Jan. 5, 1939. !

mi~Slone~ of yo~r respective road draggm~ dlst~ct before a~y Comes now rank Erxleben, Commissioner df District No. 1c~aIms WlIl be aJ:lowed. ": report to be furmshed !lto the Co~f and appoints B n C. Ruth as Overseer of Road DiS~. N c1l. 43.ClOneI' after each draggmg and a monthly statewent to be fi~ d The followin official b~:md.S are .on motion ".uly pproved:on the 1st day Of every month on cards furnish~d for that pu . Byron C. Ruth, Overseer of noad Dist. No. 43pose. . Elmer P llIlps, Overseer Road Dlst. No. 23. '

It is hereby il'e~olvCd that the.Bo~rd allow thc', followmg wagC13 Earl Al1d rson, Oversee~ Road Dist. No. 30. !

for Road work*,01 the year 1939... 'The followh:l claim,s are on motion audited .and a~lowed and42c ,f~rty ~ nis} per hour for man and team: I wa Tants are or~red dra on the respective funds ~as heretiD50c (fl~tY-fl e cents), per hour for man.and two teams. Sh~wn War~ants to be a:hlable and. ready for i deliV1ry on Sat-~Oc (thniy nts) per hour for single man., , : • I'

And further that Overseers shall show theil'~ates the WOf'~ uruay, January,. I 1939. ,is dpne on the _~eceipts•. and also show location':! as' to where wor ' GENERAL li'1JND:is done, also s~ow just where all lumber purch ed by them i" No. Name hat for ! Amountused, also to a.lount fO". all ,?ld,'. . I 142 J. J, Ste~le Co. Trea.s., Express adv. for Co" CI~rk __$ .35

All oversee s are h¢rebY notified to purcha~e lumber fronjl . . 1. \ ..~ parly with Who the county has a contract, also sign for all Inm- 'R FE" UERS"

bel' before leavi g the yards. . : . , .•~~__....__,...+-_...",, ;_,In complian e with· SectIon 71-230~, tile Bcfard 10f County CoiI1- OH', BO'(~,' 0 I? Q:1-lE.,( '& ,

missioners of w.ayne County, Nebtas.k\" for the l1~rpose of cl'ea~' I • NlJTHIN'I LIKE)!>E.TT.ER"lmg... a. Board of!Health.f..o.r w.a~'Ile COjlnty, Nebraka., hereb~ aiR $~IMMIN' 'N' DIVIN' '''l'point· James H, !Pite, who as Sheriff,;'fIU be ~innan of" th;J, p".~.:'fiN' IK THE. WATERB..Qa.J1!1;., Dr,. "C'.' ~'. In~ham..,a.. s. Ph.YSiei'l.p, and F., B, Decker, Countx -'. II' A\.;\.A iTIME ! -'ISup~lintl!1l4ent, '\Viii' act 'as See.retllr;y of saId Boa d. ~ ..... ..1I'he ICoUnty BOard Ii~re)jy adlijlts the followln' rules and t~g : .. 1I:ill."atlo.1lS Ito pre~ent 't\le"l"trodUetl.on an..d spread 0 . eonta.glous, !.In . 'I •

fQct1~us :Ol." J]ria11gnant. diS.•. eas,~s., an~. ~or th~ p.u.rpo~e ·o.~. ~t\feguai! /" t/iug Ithe' public health ~d preveI'it~g nuisances n4 lUlsanita I: ~con~ltlons; " .. ' I I

1, 1hat a~oard' o~' Health forllithe County ~e appointed I,ythe COupty Boa d, the sarne, to consist of three I»ernbers, one plwhol)l shall be practicirtg ,physician. !,f \:i I

2, That alii Board ,bf Health bel and they ~ !heWby 'arc e~.ptlwered to enf rc~ such; regulations as may be ll.dolitell' by thjSbo"r~ to preve t the introduction ()~I contagio?11 infectious ~rnmU ant dise:a es into Ithe unipcorP,orted ternt r of the c01l:"P~

, nd ,to nfo ee, quar~ tor th purpose bjl·t~ =t~ q lilian b I t~e neces

pest Mus and stablished 11: 'I f f~~ ,,~,I i ,I '

'. I ~"'?iI ~'. <f ' " I
