Fire Prevention Facilities of Building 1 Civil Engineering Department Safety Promotion Project


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Fire Prevention Facilities of Building 1

Civil Engineering DepartmentSafety Promotion Project

Basic Rules for a safe campus life

Have the emergency contact list at all timesThe contact numbers during injuries or fire are stated in the list.During an accident, the initial actions taken (within the first few minutes) are very important.Having a copy of this contact list at all times will help in saving your own life, the lives of your friends and the people around.

Take up the student insuranceIf you are not in the student insurance, participation in the experiments and field trips provided by the department are prohibited.

Emergency Contact List

Equipments for fire extinguisher and prevention of No.1 building

Details are explained in the safety briefing by your laboratory.

Equipment Location

1. Auto Fire detector     All buildings

1. Emergency broadcast   All buildings

1. Indoor fire extinguisher   All buildings

1. Emergency telephone   All buildings (Indoor fire extinguisher box)

1. Protection wall against fire   All buildings (with smoke detection machine)

1. Evacuation leading light All buildings (Battery continues for 20 minutes)

1. Sprinkler     All underground rooms

1. Gas detector underground experimental rooms, the place where you spend too much gas

1. CO2 Fire extinguisher Library’s stack at 3rd floor of Architecture building

1. Fire extinguisher   All buildings

Auto Fire Detectors


Differential spot type fire detector

Smoke detector

Equipment for emergency broadcast

Broadcasting will begin in all buildings after machines detect smoke or heat.Listen to the broadcast carefully, and evacuate immediately.

When the smoke is detected, the fire door will close automatically.

Fire Door

Following the above picture, open the small door within the fire door to evacuate.

Fire extinguisher Powder Type Fire Extinguisher ~ Feature ~

The powder type fire extinguisher is useful to the fire such as normal fire with woods, papers, clothes, etc and oil fire with kerosine, gasoline, etc and the fire with electricity.

This Extinguisher can put out the fire immediately, but sometimes the fire can not be put out completely even it seems to be not burning. Therefore you should pour water after using fire extinguisher.

Powder type fire extinguisher has smaller effective range and less spraying time. So aim the source of fire and spray it.

Be careful when using this extinguisher in a small room. The powder may interfere your view.


①   Take off the plug

② Hold the hose and aim to the fire

⑩ Hold the lever and spray it at the fire

In case of fire

Safety first at all times !

                  Fire station   Tel - 01191. Call for help

       Campus   Tel - 119 (ext)

                  Fire extinguisher           1. Put off the fire, if possible      

Auto fire detector and equipment

1. Exit the area quickly          Evacuate from the area (Fire door)

