FiRST, Issue 1



Faculty of Science & Technology Research Newsletter Issue 1 Anglia Ruskin University

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Faculty of Science & Technology’s

First Annual Research and

Scholarship Conference

Pro-Vice Chancellor’s award: Ellen Mwenesongole

Ellen Mwenesongole, a PhD student

studying drug chemistry in The

Department of Life Sciences, gave

an oral presentation at the ‘Salford

Postgraduate Annual Research

Conference, 2011’ and was awarded

the ‘Pro-Vice Chancellor (PVC)

Research and Innovation Award in

recognition of outstanding innovative

research’ from the University of

Salford. Ellen is in the second year

of her PhD and is supervised by Dr

Lata Gautam and Dr Sarah Hall.

Dr Keziah LathamRecently authored –

Tabrett DR & Latham K. Factors

LQÀXHQFLQJ�VHOI�UHSRUWHG�YLVLRQ�related activity limitation in the

visually impaired. Investigative

Ophthalmology & Visual Science,

in press.

Faculty of Science and Technology’s

First Annual Research and

Scholarship Conference

The event was held on Friday

6th May 2011 at the AirSpace

Conference Centre, at the Imperial

War Museum, Duxford and was

attended by 112 delegates. The

papers and the posters that were

presented at the meeting will shortly

be available on the conference

website -


We hope that you enjoy these

SDSHUV�ZKLFK�UHÀHFW�WKH�GLYHUVLW\�DQG�depth of the Research, Knowledge

Transfer and Scholarship that is

currently being undertaken and

developed within our Faculty.

We are in the process of planning

the conference for 2012 and will be

sending information to colleagues


2 FIRST Faculty of Science & Technology Research Newsletter October 2011

New research collaboration on

environmentally friendly properties

Skanska, the large Swedish

developer, is part of the new

Great Kneighton development

in Cambridge and is partnering

with Anglia Ruskin University to

research how residents interact with

environmentally friendly properties.

The active engagement of residents

in the operation and every day life of

a development is critical to achieving

WKH�HQHUJ\�HI¿FLHQF\�WDUJHWV�DV�well as creating a vibrant and

active community. The new Global

Sustainability Institute (Aled Jones)

and the Department of Psychology

(Cathrine Jansson-Boyd) is engaged

in research projects that explore

how consumer behaviour impacts

on the environment and how the

environment impacts on resident


Skanska and Anglia Ruskin are

building a long term collaboration

DURXQG�WKHVH�LVVXHV��7KH�¿UVW�SURMHFW�seeks to address how the perception

of environmentally friendly houses

can be altered so that the houses

sold are seen in a positive light.

Residents should then be more

µLQ�WXQH¶�ZLWK�WKH�HQHUJ\�HI¿FLHQF\�and environmental aspects of a

development and will hopefully

achieve more of the anticipated

operational savings when living


There are tried and tested

techniques in psychology (e.g.

VSHFL¿F�ZD\V�LQ�ZKLFK�LQIRUPDWLRQ�is presented, how people respond

to gains and losses etc.) that can be

utilised to ensure that consumers

perceive products in a particular

light. Such techniques have not

previously been applied to pro-

environmental ‘products’. However,

there is research that seems

to indicate that the techniques

should work well when promoting

environmentally friendly products

and services.

Dr Cathrine Jansson-Boyd

Dr Cathrine Jansson-Boyd was the guest editor for a special issue on touch

for “Psychology & Marketing” that was published in March. Full detail of issue:

Psychology & Marketing, Special issue: The role of touch in marketing, Guest

Editor: Cathrine V. Jansson-Boyd, vol, 28, no 3, March 2011, pp. 219-307.

She also authored/co-authored the following papers for the above mentioned


�� -DQVVRQ�%R\G��&�9����������7KH�UROH�RI�WRXFK�LQ�PDUNHWLQJ��$Q�LQWURGXFWLRQ�WR�the special issue. Psychology & Marketing, 28, 219-221.

�� 0DUORZ��1���-DQVVRQ�%R\G��&�9����������7R�WRXFK�RU�QRW�WR�WRXFK��WKDW�LV�WKH�question. Should consumers always be encouraged to touch products and

does it always alter product perception? Psychology & Marketing, 28, 256-


Calling all postgraduate students in the Faculty of Science & Technology

Welcome to your brand new society – Grad Soc

Grad Soc will provide all postgraduate

students across Anglia Ruskin

University with:



�� WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�DWWHQG�D�UDQJH�of social events throughout the


Grad Soc is the umbrella

organisation which encompasses

the existing and independently run

support groups for research students

both in Chelmsford (North Group)

and Cambridge (East Group). We

hope to be able to add additional

support groups for Masters students

to the Grad Soc family in the near


Sound good? For more information

or to join us just email

I hope to meet you soon!

LauraGrad Soc President (2011–12)

3October 2011 Faculty of Science & Technology Research Newsletter FIRST

Drivers of songbird productivity

Anglia Ruskin University

Research Student Conference

– Prize Winners

Congratulations to our research students who did extremely well at the recent

research student conference. The prize winners were:


Poster Joint 3rd: Helen McRobie

Poster Highly Commended: Oluwafemi Akande and Franziska Reisse

Poster Commended: Jonathan Kimmitt

Abstract winner: Helen McRobie

Abstract Commended: Diagarajen Carpanen

Paper presentation stream winner: Shabnam Sadeghi-Esfahlani


At the end of July Nancy Harrison

presented a paper in the ‘Landscape

Ecology’ session of the meeting of

the American Ornithologist’s Union

in Jacksonville, Florida – ‘Drivers

of passerine productivity in riparian

willow scrub: An important element

of matrix habitat?’ This was a

report on 18 years of research at

Cow Lane, a restored gravel pit

near Godmanchester and includes

analysis of the habitat matrix based

on remote sensing data (LiDAR).

A research sabbatical in semester

��RI�ODVW�\HDU�SHUPLWWHG�WKH�¿QDO�analysis and write up of this

work. This research has now led

to further collaboration with CEH

and the remote sensing group at

WKH�8QLYHUVLW\�DW�%RXUQHPRXWK��a proposal is in preparation to

NERC’s Airbourne Research and

Survey Facility – ‘Predicting the

consequences of habitat and

landscape change for woodland


4 FIRST Faculty of Science & Technology Research Newsletter October 2011

Successful completions in 2010/11

Thesis Title Supervisors

Amer Abu-Salem PhD “A hybrid cooperative caching strategy for

data access in mobile ad-hoc networks”

Mike Smith, Abdel-Rahman

Al-Zoubadi, Habtom Mebrahtu

Dipankar Choudhury PhD “Wear reduction in metal-on-metal hip


Paul Ingle, Robert Walker,

David Wilcox, Ayoub Shirvani,

Kevin Cheah, John Dowell

Carol Farley PhD “The role of appraised control as a potential

mediator of salivary IgA”

Matt Bristow, Rachel Cook

Alex Hamer MPhil “Internet business models for online news


Tim Reynolds, Allen Brown

Abdel Rahman Hussein PhD “A Stable and Reliable Cluster Management

in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs).”

6X¿DQ�<RXVHI��'U�$EGHO�5DKPDQ�Al-zoubaidi, Hassan Shirvani

Nina-Krystyna Januszewska PhD “Molecular systematics of dictyostelids:

the case for the single genus”

Alison Thomas, Denis Wheller,

Philip Pugh, Donalde Quicke

Julia MacKenzie PhD ³,PSDFW�RI�ÀRUDO�RULJLQ��ÀRUDO�FRPSRVLWLRQ�and structural fragmentation on breeding

success in blue tits (cyanistes caeruleus)

and great tits (parus major)”

Nancy Harrison, Shelley Hinsley

Zoe Maka PhD “Relational and Emotional Dynamics in

Methadone Patients and their Partners”

John Lambie,

Konstantinos Kafetsios

Sandra McInnes PhD “Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Biogeography:

Tardigrada and Antarctic Meiofauna”

Philip Pugh, Julian Doberski,

Nancy Harrison, Andrew Smith

Heidi Mitchell PhD “Evaluating the conservation value of three

large felid cooperative captive breeding

programmes: understanding the risks of

population genetics and species integrity”

Charlotte Nevison,


Phillip Richardson PhD “Acoustic analysis and tuning of cylindrical


Rob Toulson, Doug Nunn,

Geoff Batty

Daryl Tabrett PhD ³)DFWRUV�LQÀXHQFLQJ�VHOI�UHSRUWHG�YLVXDO�function of the visually impaired”

Keziah Latham, Rachel Cook

Robert Wickham PrD “Consistency in planning decisions for

housing proposals in England”

Robert Home, Ian Frame,

Peter Wynn

Rui Zhao PhD “Bcl-xL deamidation in oncogenic tyrosine

kinase signalling”

Peter Coussons, Alison Thomas,

Beverley Vaughan