First United Methodist Church JANUARY, 2014 Volume 18 ... · PDF fileIf you find a penny,...


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First United Methodist Church



Volume 18, Number 1

Rev. Dr. Kenton D. Van, Pastor


Message from the Pastor

January is upon us. It is the first month of our calendar year. January is a time for New Year’s resolutions. It is a

time for new beginnings. It is a time when we have renewed our contacts with family and friends through the holi-

days. January is also a time when we begin to notice the lengthening hours of sunlight in each new day.

The greatest renewal we can have during this season, though, is the renewal of our relationship with God. No

matter where we are on our spiritual journey, we can always use a time to reflect upon and renew our relationship

with God. With all that is going on around us in the world, we need to be well grounded in a relationship with God.

It is that relationship – and that relationship alone – that can sustain us in these days.

God gives us the insight to see the world and its events in a new light and a new perspective. God gives us the

grace to see ourselves and others with compassion. God gives us the love to view our relationships with others as

brothers and sisters rather than as competitors or enemies. God also gives us the strength to live out those rela-

tionships as brothers and sisters – especially when things seem at their worst.

But first we must be in a right relationship with God. And that right relationship is something God seeks for us.

May we continue to answer God’s call all of our days.

Grace and Peace,


In this Issue

*Message from the Pastor *Sunday School Information *New Member Orientation

*Church Finances *End of Year Giving Statements *Birthdays/Anniversaries

*Expressions of Sympathy *Close of 2013 Church Offering Books *Activity for the Family

*Thank You *First United Methodist Hour *Church Calendar

First United Methodist Church 301 S. National, Fort Scott, KS 66701

(620) 223-1950

Church Finances In our membership vows in the United Methodist Church, we promise to uphold our local congregation by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. Our gifts can encompass a great many things. They include teaching, painting, washing dishes, cooking meals, sweeping floors, watching children and many other things done here in the name of Jesus the Christ. They also include our financial gifts given for the work of the ministry. All bless us with gifts through which the ministry of Christ is accomplished.

In November we held Consecration Sunday. As a result, we anticipate receiving $171,000 to support the ministries of our congregation. The Finance Committee worked on a bare bones budget and presented it to the Administrative Board. That budget is $221,717. That leaves us with an expected shortfall of $50,000. The Administrative Board discussed and then passed the budget with the recommendation that everyone be encouraged to cut wherever possible. Also, the Finance Committee will try to come up with creative ways to supplement our regular giving.

We are going to try to keep the congregation well informed about the financial health of our congregation as we proceed through the year. Please watch for this information. Also, please consider ways to increase giving to the church. We are open to new and innovative ideas. Please keep the Finance Committee in your prayers throughout the year. Prayers inspire and uphold us as we serve Christ and the church. If you find a penny, nickel, dime or quarter on the ground don’t pass it up. Pick it up and put it in the collection. Every penny counts! God will bless us as we persevere through this time. Grace and Peace, Ken

We Express Our Sympathy and Support To…

~Rev. Ken and Connie Van, upon the death of Joel


~Dr. Randy and Karen Nichols, Shannon Fletcher and

family, Dru Nichols and family, upon the death of

Sharon Drummond.

~the family of Dolores Cummings.

~the family of Helen Sailors.

~Margaret Friend and family, upon the death of Marie


“We believe in the resurrection of the

body and life everlasting…”

Sunday school classes... During the month of January, the kindergarten through fifth grades will be learning about the life of Jesus. We will be exploring the theme of our faith in God as we grow in age. There will be singing, story time and the always favorite craft time. All the teachers in this class are excited to bring the stories of Jesus to our children and we would love to have you join us. Submitted by Cindy Foxx

The Faithbuilders will be studying in the book of Luke during January. While we are Scripture-based, we have open minded discussions and engage in some thought-provoking ideas. We welcome you to come join us and add to our class. Submitted by Ron Wood The Homebuilders class meets weekly at 9:30 a.m. in the Parlor for Sun-day school. We are discussing the Twelve Parables of Jesus by Maxie Dunnam. Nearly 1/3 of Jesus’ teaching in the Bible is in parable. All are welcome to come on Sunday mornings to learn more about the mean-ing and message of His parables. Submitted by Clayton Tatro

Thank you everyone who has in any way supported

Feeding Families in His Name. We have served a hot

home cooked meal 134 Wednesdays and served

20,500 meals. Many children and adults have gone

home on Wednesday nights with a full tummy be-

cause of your energy, generosity and prayers. When

we started the program, I believed that we were doing

the Lord’s work by Feeding Families in His Name. I

am even more convinced of that today.

We are starting to have short, simple educational ses-

sions for the families that are attending if they are in-

terested. We have done coupon clipping and educa-

tional games for children. Feeding Families has end-

less possibilities. Thank you for your prayers and

support. Continue to think of us as groceries are

more expensive, as you well know; families are hav-

ing their benefits cut and we are serving more every

Wednesday. Many of our families are the working

poor. Thank you and Happy New Year!

Jean Tucker, Coordinator

End of year giving statements will be ready to be picked up

the first full week in January. They will be filed alphabetical-

ly, by last name, and may be picked up through January

26th. They will be located on the table by the elevator on

second floor.

The church offering books will close for the year 2013 on Sun-

day, January 5, 2014. If you wish to have your contribution

count for 2013, please be sure it is turned in by this date. Thank


Alice Ramsey, Financial Secretary

First United Methodist Hour is scheduled to be broadcast on the local radio

station, 1600 AM, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. on the dates below. You can tune in

to hear the Sunday morning worship services that are recorded live on these

dates and then broadcast during the afternoon.

January 12 and 26; February 9 and 23; March 9 and 23; April 6 and 20.

New Member Orientation Classes

Rev. Van will begin a new member orientation class on January 12 at 9:30 a.m. in preparation for New Member Sunday. The classes are scheduled to last for five weeks. Topics on Methodism will be discussed. The classes are open to anyone interested in becoming a member of First United Methodist Church or those who would like to learn more about the church. The classes will meet in Fellowship Hall.


January Birthdays: 2-Leonard Carnes, Ethan Tatro; 4-Joyce Ashton, Han-

nah Ogden; 6-Logan Fancher; 7-Phil Norris, Holly Pyle; 11-Maurine Dunshee,

Gayla Croan; 12-Jacki Allen; 13-Al Ruddick; 14-Lorna Carlton, Brent Smith,

Aaron Swaim; 15-Gene DuVall, Pierce Rienbolt; 17-Doug Barlet; 19-Pat Har-

ry, Katren Rienbolt; 22-Haley Schmidt; 23-Emma Davis; 24-Margaret Friend;

25-Craig Hart, Dana Bowlin, Trenton Moots; 27-Dave Wood; 28-Cale Hedges;

29-Tim Culbertson; 30-Larry Swaim, Kelley Tucker.

January Anniversaries: 4-Gary and Judy Wise; 13-Ed and Liz Braun; 25-

Daryl and Nancy Swanwick; 28-Mike and Susan Carnes.

Activity for the


A New Year's Blessing

May God make your year a happy one!

Not by shielding you from all sorrow and pain,

But by strengthening you to bear it as it comes;

Not by making your path easy,

But by making you sturdy to travel any path;

Not by taking hardships from you,

But by taking fear from your heart;

Not by granting you unbroken sunshine,

But by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows;

Not by making your life always pleasant,

But by showing you when people and their causes need you most,

and by making you anxious to be there to help.

God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead.

—Author unknown

Thank you to those who provid-

ed food or helped serve the din-

ner for the family after the

graveside service for Helen


Barbara Wood, Linda Hessong,

Dorothy Kivett, Betty Ruddick,

Nolene Whiteside, Charlene

Sipe, Barbara Stuart, Bobbe

Ward, Betty Reed, Nancy

Swanwick, Jackie Warren.

SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT “The best angle from

which to approach any

problem is the try-


—Author Unknown

1 New Year’s Day

Office Closed

No FFiHN meal today


No T.A.S.K.

~4:00 First Thursday


~6:30-8:30 Fellowship

Hall is in use

3 4

5 Epiphany



~Sandwich Sales

fundraising event

after worship

~5:30 Sunday

Night Light-

Fellowship Hall


1:00 XYZ Club-Fellowship Hall


9:00-Noon Quilts to


7:00 SPRC meeting-


8 *Work Session

~10:30 F.S. Manor

~1:30 Reading Group-


~3:30-4:30 Parlor is in


~7:00 HOCROC meet-




3:00-5:00 T.A.S.K.




~9:30 New Mem-

ber Orientation



~ASP Fundraising

meal after worship

-Fellowship Hall

~5:30 Sunday

Night Light-

Fellowship Hall


14 ~9:00-Noon Fiber Fel-lowship-Parlor

~Noon Visioning a Healthier Bourbon County meeting-Faith Builders classroom

~7:00 Christian Educa-tion meeting-Parlor

15 *Work Session

~10:30 F.S. Manor

~11:30 H.S. Youth-

Lunch at Braker’s home

~1:30 Reading Group-


~3:30-4:30 Parlor is in


~6:00 Memorials & Gifts

Committee meeting-

Pastor’s Study

~7:00 Administrative

Board meeting-Parlor



February newsletter

items are due

3:00-5:00 T.A.S.K.


11:30-1:00 Friendship

Soup Lunch-Fellowship


1:00 D.A.R. meeting-

Bridal area


8:00-Noon Scouts Pin-

ewood Derby-Fellowship


19 Human

Relations Day

FUMC Praise


~9:30 New Mem-

ber Orientation



~5:30 Sunday

Night Light-

Fellowship Hall

20 Martin Luther King,

Jr. Day

Office Closed

1:00 XYZ Club-Fellowship Hall


9:00-Noon Quilts to


22 *Work Session

~10:30 F.S. Manor

~1:30 Reading Group-


~3:30-4:30 Parlor is in




3:00-5:00 T.A.S.K.




~9:30 New Mem-

ber Orientation



~5:30 Sunday

Night Light-

Fellowship Hall



9:00-Noon Fiber Fel-


29 *Work Session

~10:30 F.S. Manor

~1:30 Reading Group-


~3:30-4:30 Parlor is in




3:00-5:00 T.A.S.K.


Dates, times and

activities may

change. Watch the

bulletin for updates.

Jan 2014 *Each Wednesday-9:00 to Noon-Work session at

the church

>5:30-7:00 p.m. (FFiHN) Feeding Families in His

Name meal served in Fellowship Hall

Here’s your January, 2014 Newsletter from….

First United Methodist Church

301 South

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Phone: (620) 223-1950

Fax: (620) 223-6802

E-mail: OR

Uniting for ministry through the Bourbon County Cooperative Parish

Church Office Hours:

8:00 a.m.-Noon and 1:00-3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday

8:00 a.m.-Noon Friday

During June, July and August 8:00 a.m.-Noon Monday through Friday




Permit No. 16

Fort Scott, Kansas

66701-1397 Visit our

website at

The people of the United

Methodist Church—

Open hearts

Open minds

Open doors

First United Methodist Church

301 South National

Fort Scott, KS 66701-1397

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