F.L. Smidth A/S - syseng.dksyseng.dk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Reference-01-FLSmidth.pdf · F.L....


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F.L. Smidth A/S

Effektivt overblik over teknisk design

Rådgivning om kodning og klassificering af design information baseret på internationale standarder inkl. vejledning om anvendelse i hverdagspraksis. Projektet Som førende leverandør af komplette fabrikker og udstyr til den globale cement- og mineralindustri arbejder FLSmidth med store og komplicerede tekniske anlæg. Virksomheden havde behov for at etablere et nyt kodesystem for klassificering af design information i deres forskellige anlæg. Det var et krav til systemet, at det skulle være baseret på internationale standarder og være fleksibelt over for fremtidige udvidelser af systemernes design. Ydelser Systems Engineering A/S har rådgivet FLSmidth om strukturerne og de fundamentale principper i et nyt kodesystem i henhold til ISO 81346. Kodesystemet gør det muligt for interessenter fra forskellige domæner at identificere tekniske objekter entydigt på tværs af forskellige IT systemer og dokumenter når design information skabes og udveksles i de forskellige livsfaser for en fabrik, helt fra tilbudsgivning til endelig drift. Kodesystemet blev implementeret igennem workshops og praktisk vejledning i anvendelse inden for forskellige discipliner. Kundeværdi

Et internationalt anerkendt kodeprincip.

Support for systems engineering discipliner

Nemt og ligetil overblik over fabrikkers system-arkitektur på tværs af hele virksomheden.

Consultancy on coding and classification of design information based on international standards incl. guidance on application in day to day operations. The project As a leading supplier of complete plants and equip-ment to the global cement and minerals industries, FLSmidth is working with large and complicated technical systems. The company needed to establish a new coding system for the classification of the design information of their different plants. The requirements were that it be based on international standards and have the flexibility to meet future extensions of the systems’ design. Services Systems Engineering A/S provided consultancy service on the structures and fundamental principles of a new coding system in conformance with the ISO 81346 standard. The resulting system allows stakeholders from different domains to unambiguously reference technical objects across different IT systems and documentation, as design information is created and exchanged in the life cycle stages of a plant, all the way from initial offer to operations. Implementation in the organization was achieved through workshops and guidance on application in practise for different disciplines. Customer value

An internationally recognized coding principle.

Support System Engineering discipline.

Excellent overview of the plant architecture across the entire company.

Efficient overview of technical design

Foto: FLSmidth, Cement Plant, Sinai White

Systems Engineering A/S www.syseng.dk
