Flora of India



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Scientific name :Curculigo

Family : Amaryllidaceae

It is a perennial herb with tuberous roots. Leaves simple, crowded in the base, short petioled, long, acute, lanceolate, often produce buds from the tip when it contact with the wet soil. Flowers bright yellow, fruits capsule, 1-4 seeded; seeds black and oblong.Medicinal Uses : Tuberous roots are used for skin troubles . Considered demulcent , diuretic and tonic . In combination with aromatics and bitters it is used for piles , diarrhoea , jaundice and asthma .


Scientific name : Emilia sonchifoliaFamily : Compositae

It is a soft annual herb grows up to 40 cm in height. Leaves simple, lyrate –pinnate with large terminal lobe; flowers purplish in corymbose heads, fruits oblong containing many seeds; seeds long, compressed, having terminal tuft of soft hairs for wind dispersal.


Scientific name : Biophytum sensitivum

Family : Oxalidaceae

Mukkutti is a very small flowering plant, which has only a few pinnate leaves with 8-10 leaflets on either sides spreading out from a common base. Each plant produces five to ten small flowers with yellow petals. Mukkutti is an important flower for the people of Kerala.


Scientific name : Eclipta alba/eclipta prostrate

Family : Asteraceae

Kayyoni is a small herb, traditionally used in Kerala as an important ingredient for coconut hair oil prepared at home. The herb has protective features against dandruff and pre-mature hair graying.The plant grows in swampy places. It is also found in dry areas where there is extended presence of water at least in the rainy season.


Scientific name : Cynodon dactylon

Family : Poaceae

The blades are a grey-green colour and are short, usually 2–15 centimetres (0.79–5.9 in) long with rough edges.[1] The erect stems can grow 1–30 centimetres (0.39–12 in) tall. The stems are slightly flattened, often tinged purple in colour. The seed heads are produced in a cluster of 2–6 spikes together at the top of the stem, each spike 2–5 centimetres (0.79–2.0 in) long.[1] It has a deep root system; in drought situations with penetrable soil, the root system can grow to over 2 m deep, though most of the root mass is less than 60 cm under the surface


Scientific name :Vernonia Cinerea

Family :Asteraceae

Infusion of the herb makes a useful combination with quinine against malaria . Juice given for incontinence of urine . Roots are bitter and used as anthelmintic . Decoration is given for diarrhoea and stomach ache and juice for cough and colic . Flowers is used for fever , rheumatism and conjunctivitis.


Scientific name : Ipomea maxima.

Family :Convolvulaceae

Thiruthali is a small climbing herb found in forests and areas of water proximity. The plant produces a bell-flower.

The juice of the plant has diuretic properties. Thiruthali stem and root are also useful in treating arsenic poisoning.


Scientific name : Aerva lanata Family : Amaranthaceae

A semi erect many branched under shrub grows up to 50 cm in height. Leaves are simple, alternate, short petioled, tomentose, and become smaller in the flowering twigs. Flowers are small sessile, greenish or whitish, often found in spikes. Fruits are greenish round compressed utricle, seeds kidney shaped and small.


Scientific name : Cardiospermum halicacabum


Uzhinja (Cardiospermum halicacabum), also known as balloon vine has different applications as an Ayurvedic herb. It is used to treat inflammations, itches, rashes, eczema, hives and allergic reactions. It is also used in the treatment of nasal sinuses. Ayurveda considers this herb as diuretic, emetic, laxative and refrigerant.


Scientific name :Evolvulus alsinoides.

Family : Convolvulaceae

A small perennial herb having a woody root stock from where the branches arise. Leaves –simple, alternate, elliptic-oblong. Stem and leaves are clothed with small hairs; flowers bluish in color, seen in pairs or sometimes solitary, axillary; fruits globose, 4-valved drooping capsules.
