Florencia beauty and problematic



English content about Florencia Caqueta city of Colombia

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Florencia is a municipality and capital city of the department

of Caquetá, was founded on December 25, 1905 by the

Capuchin friar, Father Doroteo of Pupiales (1876-1959)

born in the town of Pupiales, Nariño, also known as Joseph

Ruben Vallejo before being ordained.

Caquetá department is the most important in the south

because it is known as "the Golden Gate Colombian

Amazonia", for its rich vegetation, fisheries, livestock and

many other elements that are part of the flora and fauna.

The department is located south of Colombia surrounded

by the departments of Putumayo, Guaviare, Amazonas,

Huila, meta and Vaupés, has been epicenter the Colombian

armed conflict and war against drugs in Colombia. During

the conflict, the region has been used by different illegal

groups to develop their activities, notably the guerrillas of

the Armed Forces Revolutionaries of Colombia that in the

decade of 1990 maintained a great influence on the region.

The be located in the Amazon region climate the

department is very variable because sometimes while the

sun shines initiates the rain which is one of the climates

more variables the country.

Economically, the country is rich in woods, resins, medicinal

plants and gums. Soils, especially those bordering the

mountains, are fertile, and prey with rice, banana, cassava,

cocoa and sugar cane. In the foothills, there are deposits of

tin and coal. But the main activity is the livestock

department with about a million and a half of owning cattle

fourth country's livestock population.

Also Caquetá is one of the departments that have had more

problems with the situation of paramilitary and other groups

outside the law, and the guerrillas FARC-EP (Revolutionary

Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army.) And the M-19

that at some time they are also part of the history of the


Because of this in the rest of the country all Caqueteño or

Caqueteña or leaving for work or to visit another

department in the rest of the country is called guerrilla or in

many other ways for our hard past, but in reality we are a

great people, friendly, workers, and we have natural beauty,

excellent spas, and beautiful women, and men did not stay


That's why we invite you to visit the golden door Colombian

Amazonia, its landscapes, its cities, its history and most

importantly its people.

In the history of Florencia found that between the rivers that

cross the city the River Hacha and the River la Perdiz

previously had one of the most important ports that was

located in the building Curiplaya currently Caquetá history

museum and cultural building, and was one of the most

important ports in the south of Colombia because Water

transport medium were supplied many cities of the


“This work is done with research in Wikipedia the free




The University of the Amazon is having administrative

problems and many other drawbacks that affect the

education and physical condition its installations, in

addition, all those people who wish to study for a degree

and be able to obtain a decent job, that is what they say,

but the reality is that in this society nothing is known.

The people are studying at this moment and are preparing

for a better future, do not really know what will be the future

for us, because for that a person can enter the public

education needs a godfather of politics or to pay the rector

in order to get a job and economical way to complete their

education and publicize their skills to the other people.

The people who come to occupy the position of director on

occasion they do for economic benefit and not for helping

make better of the university nationwide, but it's what we all

believe, because in reality we do not know if the rector of

the university who is to blame the surge in student

enrollments as they say, that the state is not paying for

college money to the maintenance the for the maintenance

of the structures of the university and also for payment of

contract teachers were hired and non-teaching structure.

These are the most important problems that occur more

frequently in public universities and is one of the main

factors for the students, take reprisals, stop their classes,

and this causes the other people are made partakers of

these events some because they are interested in the topic,

others for not attending classes and many other factors, this

is seen every year in the only two semesters that are never

semesters of six months because it is 3 to 4 months and a

half or so.

Sometimes classes are paralyzed for more than three

weeks and if we think on time we studied is very short and

very little to learn and get good knowledge, it takes more

time to study, better education, I say this because some

sometimes i say this because in sometimes the directors of

the universities prefer contract people recently graduated, I

think that it is good because it will providing jobs for people

who need but I also think that is not a good investment

because if you contract teachers with more knowledge will

be providing a better education and better learning.

If you want to succeed without making mistakes and without

obstacles in the path we need the support of the state and

the university administrative to lead because with their help

we can become better people and will have a better future,

and if the state provides necessary support to public

universities for support and security and freedom to the

students so that it can learn to love the study and have

motivations by the study, as in a morning not far away

having the right to study in a better manner with better

knowledge and better teaching.


The problem that is occurring right now between the state

and teachers is not just a departmental problem, is also a

national problem.

I think this is a problem that should be addressed soon as

this also produces to the cancellation of classes and loss of

time, money, this produces to many other reasons why

students and some teachers prefer to cancel their classes

and start to draw attention with marches and mobilizations

and other activities in the centers of country.

Some people say that teachers are state employees

because they are the ones with their teachings and

knowledge help to children, youth and adults acquire

knowledge and we were able to guide us to a better life.

Working with the state is one of the best choices, as they

have many benefits is what some people say, but if we

think very well at this moment the state is more

concentrated in the war with the groups acting outside the

law the army is very strong and well-armed as they invests

billions a year, and what really should care, education does

not receive necessary resources for which sometimes the

universities and public schools for lack of resources cannot

enroll enough students so many people do not have the

opportunity to enter schools and universities.

I think education is the most important thing that we have in

our lives because we can show our knowledge and swap

them with other people, being teacher, you can help to your

students and those people who need it, you ask how? or

why?, by means of teaching you can allow other people get

your knowledge and you can also receive, for that is the

best way to learn and we can provide ideas for mutual

improvement as in some cases "the teacher beats student"

, because they always want to investigate and try to stand

out or always try to participate in the development of the


I think if the state is proposed to help people so they can

study Colombia would be a better country because in some

departments due to lack of resources cannot study or can

meet their dreams that are they going to a school or college

for achieve their academic background and so help their

families and also to their people as in Choco and in many

other departments of Colombia.

As often happens in some departments so that children and

young people can study them must cross rough terrain with

emergencies of any danger, risking their lives to study and

so to change their future and not finish destroying their life

as some young having everything at home do not take

advantage to study and prefer to live from party to party and

learn things that do not will serve for future life only for his



To begin, I was working, it was 12:25 am on Sunday and it

was raining very hard and unexpectedly came a young man

on a motorcycle parking in front of the place where I was

and then ran like crazy, those that we were in the bar at the

time then we got scared because the young was delayed

and did not return, suddenly went to buy a hamburger.

I went to buy it and see a group of people approaching me

and I found out that two girls who were in state of

drunkenness collided their motorcycles in front and were

taken for emergency clinic, that was not very good because

the found comatose, and that guy who came on that bike

was the brother of one of the girls.

When you mix alcohol and gasoline has a good chance of

crashing your car or you can even lose your life.

I think that this is a situation that happens almost every day

around us and we are not aware of I think this is a situation

that happens almost every day around us and we do not

realize that whenever a person consume alcohol and then

drive your vehicle endangers your life and the lives of other


Alcohol is one of the main causes of accidents occur

because when drinking alcohol and then mixed with

gasoline to drive a vehicle will think everything is easier,

you are filled with adrenaline and accelerates as you get

more and more fast.

the drug is another cause of accidents and the worst is that

you can get them very easy and any person can buy from

the smallest children to adults, but should think more about

that if we could lose everything because if you become

addicted want more and more until you end up selling your

personal things, sell your life and your family.

I think if we try to help these people allowing them to

succeed in school, if they want it clear and also giving them

the opportunity to work for that may well meet their goals

and raised more goals for your life.


Of mobility in Florencia every day it becomes more chaotic,

not only for its insufficiency road, but the rapid and

excessive increase in its fleet, including an inordinate

increase of motorcycles, all of which adds our lack of

civility, lack of sense of belonging and community

engagement shortages permit us to locate a prominent

position Florencia city, as capital of our department and first

city of the Colombian Amazonia.

Drivers of cars and pedestrian act as if we have the

slightest knowledge of the reason for the zebras we have

no respect for pedestrians and it seems that we filled with

pride we allow small traffic signs and traffic lights damaged.

Until the police often violated transit rules themselves are in

charge of enforcing, the developing of a millionaire contract

signed between the Municipality of Florence and the

General Directorate of the National Police passed red

lights, driving at high speeds, parked on pavements and in

any public space, without any regard for the citizenship and

status as Agents of Order.

For a while now, the Police Department Commander

Caquetá, is coming hampering the free movement of the

race 11 and around the Police Command, making of

mobility more chaotic in the city, despite which Madame

Mayor, who constitutionally is Chief of Police, did not want

or could not or did not have time to enforce free transit on

this important area of Florencia and avoid capricious and

continuous closures and detours from the central road.

The city sidewalks are motorcycle parking, tables and seats

that put them business without any consideration or respect

towards passersby and pedestrians and to invade these

private areas vehicles for public use, without the police who

roams through the city in modern vehicles and high-

powered motorcycles, enforce current legal standards on

the subject.

The political parades, civic, folk, horseback riding or

teachers have to be on the periphery of the city and not by

their downtown and short streets, always performed by

local sectors burst in of mobility minority citizen of the vast

majority of florencianos with known consequences and

clear constitutional violations.

Serious, very serious is driving through the streets of

Florence. The improved the mobility is becoming more

distant. The fourth bridge over the gulch 'La Perdiz' carries

about six years to build and there is no hope to be in the

service. The motorcycles abound, legitimate daughters of

Japanese revenge, do not respect Signaling or pedestrians,

vehicles on the right forward and when the light goes to

'yellow', pluck as 'souls to takes the devil' and the horn

syndrome of motorcycles and automobiles, produces an

unbearable auditory contamination and tensioning.

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