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I I;:I~ ,I.



I • ",


, I


!,! i

134 4f>

:1792 725.~

401b61 ~

1033 58204 2~

~ 4r4!J. 25

I,II· ,


~hr, D ' ! U'',d df'",f: : !i :,1i" 0 you us, Pto a e

'\:"W"I,. ~~, ,;' StATI~NfRV?'- \~":f 'Y';i;~'o,:: ;' I' We can sup*\LyOU . ith, .' I

,.~ " The Fl est Quah~y-- '{ . ; ~r J The L.at~st in :;;~le.~-- I~--- -.. 11lfr ~~t ,~lec n

I, YoS.ends Judge you by your S tionery. t, (;et the right kme! "t , I

'I ' i, I



'fLRNli R~r:Tij maKf room fqr alcar Ipardlof :!

Furditure which will arrive abqutFebilluarY·1Sth, we, IWil~ ma~e: Je. ,:duc~?no~ all Futnit~r,e ~,~r~pg ·r,• JA~"UA~X AND, fE~:RUA~Y 'I


, , '

" kvery f(:~:~;l ~~ ;;l~:::i any icon-1.lderable amount ot hay should II pur­~ha.Be a h!lY presf'. ..... ceptlng the ,very~Irnlted lJ\nrket Ithat Is right at liomethr.re 1~ 110 market I t all r~r un~aledb1~Y. A hay press 1 abies tarmer~ toPI~t theIr huy Into 110 one fOl'nt In~jllCh it can :fllwaYB e ~Oldl

Baled hay I:Jrlrl!bJ\ n. 11('tter prjee thanU Ds.IM, liny, I The t Itl'lu'en~tl I~ noL

.mfrC1Y the rost of I allln~ Farmersw 0 are Ilrellnrprl to to their Own bal·In c110 np;ur(~ on: Hb~ral comp~nsaUonfo their work ::lInt! i~tlll have a niceOJ lrgth of profit 1 on 1their ~l!tled hay

°Vier what they WOUld l"(;cctte for It

II ~n~~~~ raise ha~. r market. be pre.Jred to hale' It DO~ t count your hay"~ade" until you! h. e put it In thpcolnrlltlon ~n wht91l au can certain}:;market It and ge~ t~ highest marketprice for it' I

Manufactul'era rUllf ODe and ~wo·, I I, 'I 1

I '" I


1 I




I ! Every


\yarnWH.ile e~ery articlet in our stbre is a ba~'ain a~y ay of the yeat.le sh~l; fr~~=

hold a SPECIAL BARGAIN ALE every atuJday a ternoon. For thjt purpose we,shat! puton a special table levery Satur ay afternoon sp clal I ne of goods tht nee olf which is everyNwhere else at least 25 cents, 0 '"llOre, and shall el'l th In for 10 cents e ch, with a lImit of one Ito a customer, 17he Ime of go ~s will be cha ged very Saturday an~ the special price, w.tlhold gobd for that Sat\lrday 0 lYi' As usual firs com rs will ge! first Ich~ice itor '

,N:m 'T'SA' JR]J)~j~",'we offer ycju f9r I,b ce~ts a lot f/JAPANESE C INA CUPS A~d Sf.¥:ERS,:of the latest de­sign,s and th-e be~,t quaFty. e po this to male you more acquaint~d,llwith tHe 5 and 10 cent

departrpeht~qf O~.'I st~re and t e.gpeCial bargainSjin it. Y.'au wiH ;~IW.aystnd .s.om.ething ne.wa..ndattractive there. l!\rtides whi you need every aya tl maybe miss eve ,',day, ahd worth the lastnickle or dime' in your oocket. '! : I I I I I .

. ,,' I! 'I I' . r' I . ; I ~ ,Apart,lromlthe goOd,S on 0 r ~ and 10 cent t ~res e Qffer you a la ge v,ariJty. of articles of

different, but always lat rock b t~om prices. in Tinwar , Enameled ware, W ode" ware' Hosiery",r-, I ' I 'Notions, ,Ch1ra, O~ockery. and t, er lines. ~:. I! ' I •

, ' I :1 I I '~I I ~ , II I' JD~ ,no~t.~~,in~lfOrt"'" ,minute t ,~t,our .l{oods sr "inte i~r "~o ot~e~s beFru~e w,e,offerjthem ,,~l So

low a. fi.j{u.,rel.a.,~. "'.r~ d.,.. 1 The re ,5 ~n.."WhY they aref~9 u c?n1monl.)~ I~w P~;9ed is n...&t. t. hat they "19., n.~'of less good !quaUty ut becaus iWe we only ,keep the f s,t sellinr; lines ~n;d are th,refore enabledto '1" cdntlmted '~lt1 a smaller ~rollt, . ' ./ '. : .

, W~ 'h;'v.e re<:~Iv. ~ this we k~ a ~ull line 01 PO T ctRDS, T~ey are lile best :in desi~o, ,,<'Int.,·. lng, an.d ...ntlme~t, ~RICE N~ CENT E.~CH, \' 1 ! J

Co,~e ne~t ~"tuird~Y whet Jr you wish Ito b y or lot. but b~i~g'~ Jih,11e aJOI~lg, fot" you nui;­wan~ tb take 'ho~e With you 0 Jof tho~ C~ps aid ~a~cers when you .c;~e them~

.'(Thfi :'W i'ynei: ~briet)llii'Store , .:1 : I " i' OPPositel Th I 1

'~ OU

31 62

4855462523 45

l.~ 00h UI)I ou

lR 00:{ 7i

l~ (HJ


• 811:4L 21 6"

21 Hl!246 H22X 20

4 86H.68 27 20415 55

28-00lR 40

28 20

22 t:O

t! 80

:27 60zn 80~O 002" Oil20 ~O

:32 Oil~S) 1()2(1 HO




, I




I 1







-'--"-- I \ \ \ - -- - --jB-' . p' l~ dO- a $ ! J W JOhhson went to bncoln} M Henr)' I..~.rJ W8'l~ ~-::<;fw:r-=-For- ~;;k -~en good Improved Dr. ~U-;;;Il~ Ph}skian and Sur~ Fire! .. 'Firr!i Fireh!!' GOoP- ,:fire'" R~ I argo inS llano an rg n • F . . "h business I for S, llX City Wellne>lu,n mOl I) II:! (farm:::; from )61) acres upward, at gean Ph.on~ 'i<l c\t~ aUd Coun- wood. .at. one.idOl/ar a\Ioad. S4... WdU.st..' [R' (t .JOHNS N & ~,FURNITURE co, rJ ay morm g, 0 ' " \ ! $% per acre and up hy the owner . , , , at $1 2;; a :Ioad Can at tHebij!

LB "~ I, 10 J. j 'th' t t u r rs A J BI'eg er and daughter TI 11,,)\tl't 1""1,, 1'111<'11 ,11" 1'\"11 A " Clark Wa' Nb k' try calls pro pth an"~ered. t 'fi'M ~'I ' th fC' .")! '" 1 n nu a e coun y reas re , '" 'I' ' D, , yne. e ras a, ' f!: ove ,'0 I es nor 0 ,oneorl 01'

~ ,DEU1S¢H,z1 ha1 0 h $49'~r'r' A ,tidYIPa line, were OV, r Sunday ~isitors 1I1~~1 0 h",,' "" ~," tel ,ai, ,,,,<I '"I~1 )', Lumber $ 0 to $:!O a ~hOllsand, ~ast of \'lam eL '. :

~'.1 ~ , tm I I I wi Randoldh irl nds I pe, I I . J Slahs $12;; $200 I Wo d'--'~"-""""""'~"""" '1-..4+ I I I _ 8'j' . CockereJ~ fotl S8~e • , .' 0 • a oa . 0 ,', I ' ,

i II I I I W.. \e:r \~II a n~ ~out.ty'~ he Pr~byteri:n -peo'Pte at Har~ C fl. S'tallsRlltn and (ll1fdIC~ :lrl' .) I $1.\)\) to :$2 nD a load ,aw (lust wa~ne' Superla..ourJ.t'gh Son 10 erse r ~ he oor for the year tin ton are Planling, to build a new here rom om'h'I"-""'" "'['I"" I havo a fe" !dn~let Barred Ro,k $Lz" a h," 1'0>', 12, certs each. ,. . .... '.' ..' . '. I".

" I, ~" I ,f[ I p I, ' pa nage,' ~ "od l,eOdS. ,! co:kerels at from $2,50 to!$lO, , En- Tall hay POS!s$l,OO aplec~. Call at bve'.$ .70 per s'ilckr",I ;,w lr o. J ~I I I. Bib}JStudy eml!' ",n llJt'ltillun'e-ofmeatthl~office the big grove five mlleslnorth of' ~ 1 k' $14i'::; J~-~Al TER \ J J wli J, ros will bel:eounty phy- . rs. Chas. Sh,?lthl s was a p~en- at t hom~' of • r:-; FortlH'rll1l'xt IC. F WHITNEY. Concord and east tlf Laurel ~no:'W a e - r-r-, I'

:, !,",I FA ,ERR RS s~cian orl h year,191O~his bid for ge for. SIOUX Clt1

y ldaymornmg, Wf:. e~day~h.ClllnIH I n_ - _ f j _ _.. j +_ '--4' S __._.!?-±2r,,':/W n~ I ebraska ~uch r.vl heingth.,owes(" on Ibusmess, , 'th' k '(' ]I TIH'obalu "I L"""i"l ,~,' __ ._ _ __

ay , I ,f, j<; H; ord i. to ~urnish what I' rs, W, I", Rajnse~ IS on e slcd Ill,,; la, I< '""oot Ill' 1"",h'lr' '1' I ,i ' ,--r- Ii ., I '!.t

" ---IJflice up I es al'e n~dded by the hs, bad c~ld op the lungs an \Va., 0 ,,01 i" ,,,, "I""" -n"" 1.",'0"" t: IS. .-

RIY Al e"unt d~ i 1i1 tHe year 19]0 th eatenedw1thpneumoma ",,/1' I XCUR ION:'Edl (m I ) onog-raph and Hecord:; man. who hutirle~ so fast that he I S IA Ilaw 1\ r' tl~'ll' d t" hi, I !I''lllll' " I

I tors~e I I Ih n't time) to ~e,~areful, WIll aI-j,1l Jllaha WI.dJl{'~!~l~llU()\"ln~1 .dllli ' \I J? r;sp &Bro~n lurnitut:eCo.1W Sbebe1md'11th~hiswork' la~l iIW(WkK!'l~ll\\jlthhl"':-il.. tl'ljl;:\ll~ I ~. I '

,Ii ~tlE Rl=lThewn n'sF~rel MIs.'u'onaryl hurstoncounty ill:eceive$6?ORIHIIIH I I I I;, 1'1; ,II L :~~I~II~!. ~ :":~u~hg~I~~r~d:~laTt:~,: il~~ ~,tht~, ~i~te:~ a P~~i;gW~~k I,~: ilin: 11:~~:':d·';'\~(~Il(.Lrll\~;:;:~, '~::,j!:~~~'c::~ TO HE I I

I I, ~()Ol~ I I ~I Be 001s. ~ I (~I J J I ...LlIld and not the IJl1~llllcr~ I

I , EIN I, ~, hiE IB ~u g went to Ban- 1('ol! ,rp I'" W(> .. t,tt (lla~t \VIi k I I01> ·t>"Vl? ENING Th l~ I s of the apttst chUTe ev....... 'I r I I I.'

I,~f I P.A( I iwm erv chid~el ie supper atlcr ft, Neb~.,Sa rd y mbrningfoT I ) lIt..J H~ KI')lJp '\PIlI til IJlllrnlln G' C -r+ ..MATINEEE YISATUR~lthe ase ntofihCturCh Thurs·'l a over sUnJla


y ,w"1",.,a,,, """"I"c '0 """il t1,~1 ulfl oast Country of Ilexas II I II b tl I I h 1 roe l I I lllf'l'tlll" nf lhnld ~l1p(llntrlJd I I " 'I,I DA','V. A'P" lEi ON Idaye eni January t. lise 00 I I I ('Ill HI' ,,~11 If' Hill S,tt\lId,lH I I I I II II II • II~i(ri J I, > • I Ge I 0 nberget od wife left I • H. P~rry. who recent y moved I I '

'CHAN E 0 GRAM last 'id' for t~elr home 10 South If~ m Carroll to DFnver, folorado, II' \ H ,J,. ""\ ""I :1'1 I L,"" i I: 'I TH,t,!E ITI E~ I WEEK Dako a, '. fer a two w~eksvisit with h's now moved from there to Cald~ (h (ll \Ii lit to ~IO 1:\ (If\ \\ I dll! "'<~<l\ I I i I .

I .u hiS I ffhey I~~re accompan- w n Idaho. ! 111I1f I' llll~ III ,lLtcnl th~ Pl'! "tmlk tlld T I' d F b 1 tII I I I I ~ I ied r Ernes~ml Dornherger., 0' A Daniel~on, who has been I poiltt\ 1.;\1(1\1 IlIl, lOll/ill "j ,j'~\'" I u~s ayes' I

I Opera ~J.,(!llrs lek:h!tc Fans Fme I J "Satan S III finds some "t 'f K L ounty I Hml" \\ dlj'llJJ . 11111" 11111 \Ih" B,I.... I'1rh ' ~ I t:J ' ,j Th c unty rea"urer (, no.,.. c " 1'1 ~ ,VentilatJp . BeS dft:,1 s. Courte· mi c r

ief ,r lllie hands to do. at t east four ,Jar. WIll ~mbark In II'" .:" I,,, "II<. i"I <I" f" ", l' , ' I 'i', I _I /. ,o~s Treat~ent, IW'fU AttentIon I rp e t e but If he 6as been hang~ Pb ract b~SIn:~ at C~nter. Ill, k.I \\ (\I.' ll~,H 1\ ,I,ll III' ~"I' ~I.:t I

i;1 j Ir~ I I. I· l' J thisoffi~ekhe pastweek ,t ea st Ip,1 t\1l1~.l'lIfll\\('('l('''lll.l\ .JIIl1t\If\~... II, AIJII'LI ~RE : II COME II ~nelh IOn tfound anYllidle hands. I It's a.n easy 'thl hg to_lite!' Wdhatl "'i'; ~ Jj LU~t!(,ll 1:-; ('1I]tI~II}g ,j : II

I I I I I . Y urnelghbor'sou ttO()lomor er I I J II ~r'J'1

Pf • T.i.I. t f you rp Jroingo to raise some-I . .l.d1f tl\1 t With II .llII'l,. f (I ~ ~ -,,~ ~.-'- .:-:.+-_+-__-----

. "IC~ .. en S' th' ~ t 'something a t be right, It IS qUito ~ , eren '"I '1,'>1",,, ~dn ,·k" '1'1", I" "I I..I' I' I I IiI

~" 1,1 I' n~wI nho ra~~e I d ItingtOqotheriglItthin~YOutseILI~I,JIX<"I~lj"'\'III"\\"d""'d"in"I""· 1 I 'II ,, I II lIt 1 et r t an s eone e se oes. I h' 1 ,... I ~-~1I~: • I I - T a is treason hy C, F, Whit·' Some ~l1rmers sell their corn s el' I 'I>"1 I IS· I IRdR.

I ~~tle lio als n ~ '~r 'e' $" afiece for Rarre,l I ,I and others ,hsposo of ,t ,10 the ~II<' I:n", II" 0'2'"'' ,. "k,,,, ' peCI~ e u~ed ate urslon~, I. .~.Jhl, I ' I PI HIt Rock e idkr>ns. See th<' r, but .westC'rn far~~rs find It \ \j1l10l1 Ilip til,'" OIH III -, 11111 111 '11 (1 II ' ./

(Jet a I nch at w; ~ er '" I· ? 08t pn,htable to sell It In the hog. It \ WIT "tlllt" 'II P~tl.1\ III \\ H:lpl.l, I r· I' i,l~ 'd • Pin, , , - -, I ' 'I I Ispfda~, wry I sil' VI msI e ovel

ll lOW that iS~IJrge enough and i~inot;rco:~~~~ni,s s;~et~~~ui~th,: I,,: ;';"~'h:';"" ,,' "" "I , ' "",1 ':", ,e,I ~ ~ J ! tl

· Newlc,?rnmo' atl~ eFeed Mill , ~ ?i~n gh fo tmantoearn hIS ry soft and the wheat IS nicely I "dil,,,,, \1"11,)1 "hn ",- '''''',.,ed' Con ucted by C'I f, T eobald, pte Star 1,1'Jn~t recel~d' I I II In III 1 good e ough for him to I roteeted WIth fiv~ or SIX incht;!s of ,[ LpXIII~t()l1 'h~S()1l11, fill rC\\ - N

I \tr~ IW alep,l h~tl rinks and b y is rovisi?n In. If he does: ~ ow. I h~' - <fI,,, ,,'1\ ,,,·d In \\,,"'H' ~"th Real Estate Co, of incoln ,ebr ska,I Il1nches~I' hgb st~te, In t hI so, I::iot~~eandhlstown. d f fSh l llhl :-:i)JlJdptlH' I.tlt elf l.t ... t \\('ckl,wd I r" J

. IG 1 1~$ l , d b I w u d b better off itr his tent were WIll Dockenburg an WJ e 0 ~ e .. \ l!} h.l\i JtOIH to !l(lll"( kt t'p1ll4 {ll I I I,~et uf1 Y \; e amme Y


pic ed the pra~ries, '11 on, Iowa, who had ~envisiti~glltl A X ~athlll\ hOllli', \\hhhithey 'III I ~) I' )

D, Lut ~n fo ~ Ii se . I d' J ' ' is sister, M

J'S, C" pragu~, 10 " I ""'III'YI""" 'I"'''g Th,., ,IT!'I ~' , I 1 ' 'I

ry ~ e An ,10 II Gain Co, for D i J, ,Mo JS~~t , of SI?UX City, I ayne, retur ed to thei home SatJ I c ("med i'~ h, ,,,.I, "".I "I 11 ,"i. A compa y of Wayne ,count+ farmer and business en 0 n a large tra;t I in'h ,1 ' f I h 109 :l5 P Y Ical Irector fthe Y, M. C, A, I rday mornin jl I ill I I ,~r~ :~1' sL

o. tRc f d nef " . tit ~t ty, islto b~ in W~yne next F Sale january 17th 7 miles II'I~~ Ih,' H~I "/..,\'111

1:: \ :;' "'~":I'I ;'~ the heart of the orange and cotto belt, a out'60 miles from he gulf, Th c



~rcm m,..s ~1 WI e spen S n a . d w~1l sp~ak in ~he after.. I arm ~ . ~(U \\ell~1 ~.l l I. ,.. ( I I I I I

S hdayll ith ,t J "n and familYI y Y MAT t' at I outheast of Wa~ne, In hor",s, 4~ I ,,~,c ,H' ,,' ,," t "," 1,,1 ""I'"'' (I"'" mate is superior to Southern California. :rhe soil is Ul\~qual d lor qualitYr

andIW' ~' d 'I I n 0 ~a he '1 t . .,ee mg 1 ead of tattle 166 hogs I farm mal. II' HOlll(' (,:>.Itr,l (110d ,lIlllll,!!" III 11 ... (' 1 1 1 T

krIa'l In e, I "t east ch9rc ndin,yheM,E., h' hou";'hold gOO~", Lunch'l1thI'IlH"! '1"1.1\(' tl,,' IIPI, "r Iproductivenes~,an~caJ!.be,farmedeVerYlmonthin the Ir-ear. It is 1.xcee~.in.glY

·'ran P. Tr y Ih 'been recom- c u h 'the,erenng, I tmerY'1 E ~ ANDER~PN I h'1\ (l.l"~lllIJlthl'" "cIllOll 'j·hplt· I Ir" Il1 nde Ifor re '" int ent as pOSl'r 0 ys t~atltldoes ~ot pay to noon, I ' 'Neal'h' ~ateriallj.1 ill ,<I,,, I", , I,t "I "tl;(', h,,,' ~,,,' k healthful and,pletsant Plaule to lire, A Rarty ~f t,his c~jnpan are taking f triP.,

I nj'l"ter lat 'flo q' I ' , I 'k e 'q s1 f' flansen, I2. miles i d~~~t~~~:e Ifghting faCilIties of, ;;1.1::, 01"1'.1...01 I"I B, ,Ill' rI", to this tract tuesday, Februarx l'st, an~theY mV1te yo~ to g along. As al sVec-,'rhe X·Ray I u~ a 0 Company ~. s ut e ,has Iitel eowsJhat have, the postoflice and Iobb" by haVing I r, I ' ' I' , ,I., h lid'

hothertlr over ~ e n In.atrival r yie ed im $4:14,68 from he sale of I' nd I er ele \ric lights 111",,,,,, ,ll b"i" H,'I ~o",d "I 11.1' ial inducement, and for a limited'time th y offer the ciice 0 these. tic al,l ~ a~J • I, I I f _ a g. I I ),SCllli'rltoj the B"'r)tl~l .I1111Hlt 011 I I I I '

materia proml, rl oV.r a month ~g~ u r t t t e W yne utter ac 10 It IS a deCIded and appre'l l, d ' ! I 'k II I $15 00 per acre and on easy terms al'lroad fare eturn d to purchas


l. of,.I, I." .. ' /I' or th at ar! Besidefl this the : ' 1 ,1\ £l\ell1n!! 41 t 1110: \',pc If Ie". ' •

All Ids fo ~ urrushmg f P Y 1 I, I ed Improv ment, I .. Jl "ct thell' ~;\8tel hOlllll't:-; tfl llHl(,ll I. • • • I

t, al!d make nl iBj

cMrtnli ioners n fh It are nee~1 h Ji~. b~*lt ~: ~o:''';,ett~:~ enable you ~. s ve a Icertaln per Plo~'M" '1, '°"1' a"" "'a",,,",' .W" vestment thalt is sure fo double in the nJar future. I' 'w~i} b~ bought h t e pen marke~ a e .:1 I I cent of; your In orne. jDeposlt all rdlCflhlllCI ~": w JI he flel\ cd "J t ()I I l II I I11 J I h: h t s II I you save ih th irst N tlOnal Bank ,1,tl W\ltlllOll " cxtpnded to J iii In I I I I 1 ~.... ,:1

F'IIaVI~: tad' he age~:~ tf ~ e c ty oflicia S h~d Ithe water of Wayne, N r, wh r it will work ,.,I"n,. 1~;'dJ\\\'" , ~nnd Illn,' ,dn", Call andl ee, or write C. F

1Theoba 4, Wayne, Nell,raska or a.erm~n ~e*ny",

°rne.vj, me ~ e you I y a~ e amined Friday, with the for you day and ighl,

I 0.:\011 (. 1" .. I , I \~". ~ .'~' I~qTe t call ,g it he house ,~r e Itl t at ei~htlof the.h west of I Lut en! h' . a~oJt:ltJ cllses of J Th,' I.. ,;" " ,I .. 1i,Ii ",,, I,. "I Theo. Duer! , F~ed PhIl eo, R. h111eo, r S, R. Theo,b ld, ho a!e. officer~ land,., .. 'prtdne 12.; I ,0 ~ T LINDF.CKl~~~ . I t o/er~ fro7.~n up not Dr. g ~ ..I \f,lVIIl' !oi11l1hll~ ~'H'llUol g.I\(' tli l

l' glll~ 1

~he Wayrte te ·ald nd Democ~ It r I , ~eee~c sSlye de~th of the measles und r is earJe. There ~re OJ! tli", ~I ole ,i d"h"ll t, ,11'10'1' I J,dl,\ I members of ' LA CI ~&E I;}AND OMPANY. • II I , Iht,~et~econ tfo'printinR' tl b 9f Jth hOlelthree ca~es m he Grse famly, SCIg-blld'1l11l1j,JIIWI'I"lPlllt} ,Il tire I I'"b~*nks ~nd s \0 eb or the co'~mlf ,~~~ ~Lto~~,~Ith:~;~~~~~ had, ~~~:t"~ ~~er~ s~ i~~~re ;~~i~;~;'~~ ~,:(,~;;'"'" :~d,I::. 'I';,',~',~d!;\: ',':: ,,::,,;1, I'~:::" • _ '. . I ,..._,.111(HO: also a t,nce dmgs ann le

l," Ib om stol>~ed ,up S\~ thaI. thc 1Randolph to eln care f~r them. Il1C11I,) (',)cnl1J~~ Thpl'p \WI!,I,lholll ,Ii,

Ida, nO~lccs, I I II IW e~ d d nottru11 dow1 out of the J H Kate w nt tol Carrqll last t 111t\-'OPVt'n nrltht'lll (lO\Hlt'd l!~tn 1\\117Mrli. Dr. ¢ISCnl'l g has alITjft Ul er ~ rt of ~he I 'fhlY were du ITh~rsciaY ev TIl g to be present at I oh,!.;\pd"l·l1Id fIIH'\ 110t onl) !l,ul 0\

rp('()vp.fprl fro ~er r cent iIInes ,a 0, wed IOU II and the defer the i~stallatl n f thejfficers of the IH lICit '-lIIt.[ lllO"t t IlJfl~,ddt' llll( fll

n\lld'1ttack , car~ t fever, ere i d, ~ I j f 'Odd F I s' Lad lIe I ,It till' ,(h'OI' hOIlIl', I It' '~' DI) ,1 'I ,I, , ,0 the e ow g~, I I -I ~- --_.• I I 'd(cto~ wlll, 10 reume hl~ U I he any ftien,sof tre family 1 'R'avethema ineresti gsple1,ashel 'I'llt'",l,l:- tIll' .\lllIPI\,[ ('I] ~ III\t I V aypractice, ha n benshutmf a yn will rerfuinly Isympathlz I always does w en he oesupthete.i 'JIb "1!',; :-1 1'1: LlIII!('11 \ (I~ III I ••• : ICOuPr.0fwe sorro reo ~I th meIf~kee~.andWifeoverth: B te' t I' 42 'nt CI(l~tHll-tr)jf)Il·11Il\\'ol"IPIHlf)t" Tilt1'1 I ~' " II utrlsramga cespe 'Ii l'1 111/ 11 I I I'rrh mill W F ers i all the fa 0.;1 d ath f 'the:r 't ree chlldren, a I d in Sou CIty Iand a grea 110"1 111~m p" I)'! 1',1 1Ilt' II I ~'I B:I R G'

rle!'l ate ag r vatin Iy slow this t ey ve,inless thankweek Wi~ ~:~~ofOel ar erme ndbutterin 1"1(\11"'~'" tIH'jlC\:l('WI

,,1 "II,OII'I~(:-;11 ! II 1:1

I ~ I I E'j~h l f th rttl ~~. i"nt :-; 11[('''....1''( ).:.1\ t 11 1\ 1 '"year. Ever I ayn hUltdmg flon~ ar t fever. '.11 ani 0 e 1 are being u'~dr But er i~ not nea )1If!('1 111111 i ,'( 11 !II"" u~,,('li 1)\ Illl

stru\'ted tie a t sea on was delayed I es as onJrsl~k abQut two day, that high m W yne, b t a good dea ~Itlh Ni'xt j\(~i'k the '111Ii I i,1 Clllb

b.Y..th..e tailu eo.. f t. e factor. ipL ..to s (.'w n . tha.. t It. 'Va~ th~ worst typ .more than t 1 ~mal q. antjty of but llll( ('b \.' ".h ~.ll '"' ],n \\ l th tIll t(l II 11\\ I I II' Ik..,e.;ep. :.~.h,elr. td., .. ust now. I.\"he i · . t, t a.t.li.all,,1 tl~~~ da~gerou ter substitu Bare bting, sold her IIlI!- 1'.I'O~.1'a1Jl~ Iw()rk d'nlthC' n L risbn resid-n.c(', s~a', s.. 'lihe ;famllt re~ldes, laI80. I" Roll UI'l!I~~;I~J'I'('llt E'·~III:-;. I

· ie.1aln\.. dst at. '. a.rids ill hecau~e In.ill I .?,dY ehra~t.~, ,and t~.e"th!.rd Chili.: " .' L. Ii F, H .Itz for jer tw.entY'n

v('hi}'1 1!.;JOI...'. '> ===:::=I:::=::#:=======l:i:F=1wbrk'd"es n 19ffie. ,I:' I led 0rdaYllnurHt. I I 0 'f ' 'f II' IFad~'."" Mr.,., III L\\,~""

:1' '! '," 1:1-' l 'I 1. r~I·· : ~arsaresl en 0 ayne,'lnqw l : "I.'~'ljllr Ml'~IFnl'tll('r~ ,!':fh~.! a'tten J,ra. 'ce t the chu ~l1es', W S.; I~r IW,n,: one o~ 9ur gooP lf3ndolph, as greetilng m~ny fo ~ I ' 1,',11:, t.0l'~< . . ~ I''"'. LlOY'a~d ~~n~ay ~ hoo!. at the pr, ~~~t: ar, e ,:frIE:'. ,d~.':1 can:e If1I Saturda~ mer friends he e MOi3Y" and c~ e' I "T ,c, ----, i ",~ime" Qt"tE:'~t. It e fa t that ther is a fte oon to,renew hlsall~gtance ,~o in to r~ne i"S aile iance t;l? th S 1(. mo th Rotk Roo!it r!'\

•.. ,V.".t.•y..•...1 .. It.e,. IU... en.t bO'.d' y atte .~.,.".. n.g.. he, etald I~or lanQth r year. Ife valua.bleho e J.ourn. L !le.,saY~ e i'lo.. '." lei t 75 cen.tS.O*.~I' wellCl.,~.e... ,.N...


blr~,.'::S a. N.or .•a.1 the. I,.r se..11fit•... ' n.ci

'e tjy rr rna~ked hat he h~d enjoys read ng abOU$W3

yne and i bred iO~ s, ~ u. Mrs, E. T, indHey, Iter:'~'i I~ueh ,~Igerhan for ~~y ljr:ne fe tafingl the[pap r for'twent . ~e0l'!le fro •w ek tg eek, on r?uf 3,f one X 21. :, I .

tHlrlrt~ the f t y k It IS a 110- we ~r", A food long recor, Fait SA 'EiAt a argain if t k . I ! C' derella Flour I '. I .

spiriitJ sigh ,(see ~is. iar¢e ~m•. h b (,1 On eing aske,? if en soon Y en ro m hou~e wi h ~r ,,'\i ~ t th' flb.L tA

b . ' Ii I il I

b.•. ".,.. r.cJ..f1'inte.li1nty.u.n.gpeOPle."w.; eli isc alhusedhereple: 'ten cveall ickedup ad Wllgu~anee IS .ur U ,e 'iL.l "Th~ . h *'hil\g'lat .the 8h ine flearnlng ,gek: 'Y I'hav er b en caught t CIS r'l d It 11 bl'k 6 as oodlasa yflour that IS sold ,10 ia.[LOu~."store•.• '. ' tIS t.. ere.. as. n· y ou.r.,", . ,"'l""1 ' , . ba~n, oca on~ ' oc 'Wyne, B yasack.llsehalfof It, t d 't. t th Pin!t .ro~fit t selv for the,1f,t1ve It co Jhe fi Id at, thlSB a- Lake's ad. 0 Wa ne, Neb,;3e ~'1 if it dl} ·t prove to ~e "'" gO,od' , r,a.~, IS cons ~an y on 'te I!lC ,as ,~o;-du:tl "of II urth r on, ~ "I' I n t e y ar. your best ff r, R, M,UNSON as,any our you can buy I~ Wayne, pIe are beg[JI;1ni g to Tl3ahzell m . e and

~~,.. !~.,. , Lock bo 734, fberdeen, S, llj ~d~u:::,p~~ ~~~ke and YOU~'ICan have .m..ore.t,.hact.. SEliSOl makEilI no di.. 'er ,n.ce toll-l3-m L, • 1aYne Feed Mil, .us; tbia:' at all ti es o~ s toi 'i full of

Mr ,I Dr ke the inner emplo e ED, SELLE S, Pro, t 1'.1': '1 ' t t th rt f


"'ret'cIBel~vrerdetat &m allgYe's)Fhra'lrdda,::areevsetnone - II['I I

K-~ - IS ason \' e ~ ,ec ons; a qu 1 y 0

, It: e gj00ds I~( of : he bes,t aJl(~ t at the.1 lanno!jncin he de~th of his si~ r, , I ,}:lnceii> are ' I', ".M:rs'.lcarl . llenb

Ek atl Spo,k , , - I

I iWash ng n, Mr. ake was 10 h AI R· I 1·~.~~.I.~~:ean.ht~~sh~.Ckm~:.~ . ~ :. . . I,,,:' ····Wil'I".a~.S , J,gden .~nd gr at th~t he fell to t e f . I J t'hfloor ,n a fa nt~ b* so~n re.yi e , . ~ ~a ear . e ,'.. I' I '1

, Th~ ~lde(Hllenbeek also resill s n, 'I .' Ii'" The :sto~k in ur grocery, ",de artmel!lt

w.ayne, t.. e...a.mlly' haVing. re.ce ty.,.IU.~.. 'I~.N H' .'.t.. EL i;> fresh and 01 t~e best grades. We paymov~d b reJ:rom Bloomfield, i . '1 . , nighest pr]c$s f r .all kinds!of ~odlloe,

. I F1'omt el,arious Publicsales8. d ::....,~-- ,~-~,._.._LJci"-"'- pO\lltry and egg. We want, yo r trade

,I:~;~i~~~ ~d~r;r.:s.o,p;r~~~...~.:l~.1 ~ ~.. ~II.W..tlEVA.. T.OR Af ..:.liWAYNE. .~ndwill r~uik~ i~ an object ~o ave y<;JUsaid that th~. farmer IS prospe 10,' " I. , qall on us. ' I:

The high selling prices, which , h n e re ,nOW ~1,lrmg , I "I ' I " I' 1" Ioffered, relrSflllY.8ccepte<\ h walt Ig:r des ofp.eat, . I,

the. valuglvel\ thiS property ,'. f d I

farmer.s ~iO m~ke up thea~ repal1If t'\,VO ,I . ents I 'I' ,I ~ II IIbldd,er' a di~arilY milk co ~ at ,atlove, marketi :~rice

r$~e:~~u~(~::~::ts~;d$:g~ n~tolforsa' e. Have dump CU~IhOAr II D·, '&':' 1('.1."'",,,

~.i~~g:.: .ti.. f~,;~o~:.. arb.•~d~.:~~". ~ 'a.;.~.d.iI cal.~.s ...,.Of.: II.la,tes.t _1,;1, "'i'11I" uert: ~O

~.~'.!n.il.~; ~n~.:e..f."..:.t,r.e=.?n;;fr

:. ~.:•. r,.~...~.,. :: n:ris.o.::~C!.~.".Ji ! I , he 61

etore!! 1:. ibra~TablesJ i:;O~ Sl, etc: W:~:I~ant I " I! . ," 1'111'

~~~~~_~~J~~~+~+~~+ *~,~!~~~~J~~~~RI~+~~-~-~~~_~'_~I-~--~-~-~~~-~~--~-~~~I : II \ , .. ,11.11: III I.. ,. :1:.1.: i


I I &'aUt.e" ~O~ Twill. at ~G.J. N. Carmi M·et. a ad 76, who ltv

n~arl Frick, 0 la, CI~ms the QR"e be

gr ~tork arr:lvals Ih: the 8out~wes.e Is the lather o( twins, who arrive

I loath.' doy. ;1

ITrains OHn) cd .('in All Un~s. and

c~all Famine Jnay FOJl1W

i Blh,zaTd. I


;.! II,

-r-:-'Naltional Bdnk


Frank E. STRAHAN, Pres. jOH T. BHF:SRLf'~R, Viel' Pres., H.~. W LfON~ Cashier, H S}bNGLAND' Ass't Cashie~, i I

Capital.andl Surplus $lQO,OqO·;DIREqTORS: F'rank I~. Stra,hanj" ~. S. H.ingl~n(~, .George'Bog'art~' R. E. K! _ Mellor. John f. I ressler. H It. Wilson.J " I ' I

:~':~t;::r:'[: I""'~Htin-·l J :'-11'11'.'1, dl,~( 1,. i .,,:") ~ I

:', ',,:~ ~,-:: ',d:J IIC" II "_:,, .. ,', , .

.\I?\ I

Phone IiGI .'... If"f'n~, N1'I>1"~--'-J

0,6.. tEISENRINli, ,\t. D.~ur '(\fll\ ilndllil1Y::ill'lan

Stat,:· Ek,'t,:,,·d: II<:'! ('t"",',;,d~"I'Il" '''' ..'\ .. nl\",-:dllOlll"'t"',-!


F,I B GA~MB L:'I~'i ' (hll'opath: 1 I

•'omLc in M,dotl 1>1,,<'1, I'nrlT~~~it~.1qj· Nat l!h::nk I

Phohe, oj otlkc> 2:l!.ll'~Rid('n('J '11;I "I 1 ,

DR. I'd. Jriq:;.,l~E:I~N, I" 'I, 1

DeI1tist "

OtfiC(~O' eI'StaLt!,:L~llt Pho,1\' ;.>1 Iril I • ', , ~

w~. 4i f T F.; FB nueu ~h'tl'aClor!R alEstatif'rrd Lmuis IIn urallc~-(r(~ll('{'Uons

:l;i~'l '~:;~iI'~"~, \~T~:, I

:i';:jrt~,Lr lcJH~~l,11 ~ ,il ;~~f' ~,,~';I';:{

~:tHt;,,\·,.t,.rtl~'lr :T': I:1d(l()fsnlhhwhite hhr/l' pl1(~tl '~:i::

't I I

J~~,1,1 ""~. Soules.

W aJine, 1'(f3braskaI Rox f9~,

W--e-n-'-ll';",e-a~~­of Prln ing

