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Monday 4th May Dear Parents and Reception Children, 

We hope that you enjoyed Pyjamarama on FridayDeidre had so much fun!

The Reception Team really, really miss you all!

Lovely to see your wonderful work .

Take care and Stay safe!

Keep up the hard work at home!

We miss you all very much.

Missing you all Thank you for all the emails.

Great to see your lovely



This week we are reading the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Watch the author read the story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXHScpo_Vv8

The Hungry Caterpillar loves to eat food. Can you write a sentence and draw a picture to tell me what your favourite food is:

I like pink buns and red mango.

Phonics  We are focusing on these sounds again this week: k r l uWrite the letters on pieces of paper and attach to a wall. You can run and tap the letter sound when the adult says it or see if you can throw a ball at it like in the picture below.


This week we are going to be learning about patterns. Draw a caterpillar in your book and continue these patterns

Understanding of the World

This is the life cycle of a butterfly. You can use your body to recreate the growth of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly.

Log in to Busythings website> Class> assignments

To write about and illustrate the life cycle of a butterfly.

Expressive art and design

Simply tie some leaves/feathers/flowers around a stick.You can explore patterns and various marks. Why not dip it into water or paint to use for mark making activities.

Have a look at this website for playdough ideas

Send photographs of any of these activities to us via email tojryan15.309@lgflmail.orgjbadstuber1.309@lgflmail.orgdoleary1.309@lgflmail.org

Take care

The Reception Team

Julia, Jannine, Deidre, Caroline and Tina
