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“How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that.” Psalm 139:14, NIrV

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Ask a kid: Would you rather spend 24 hours drawing, writing, painting, designing a robot, or solving brain puzzles? Ask a parent: What’s the first creative thing you remember me (your kid) doing as a toddler? (Did I ever draw on the walls?!)


While walking to the park or heading to the pool, encourage your child to observe and appreciate all of the nature around them. Ask them about what they see, what they like best, and have them expand upon why in each instance. Take time to point out the things you notice as well and remind them that God made everything!


Our children will learn to embrace the way God made them by watching how we, as parents, handle the gifts God has given us. The compari-son trap we fall into amongst our peers is just as real for our children as it is for us adults. Living in a constant state of comparison is poisonous and can keep us from truly seeing ourselves as God sees us. If you struggle with this, take a personal-ity assessment to rediscover your strengths and celebrate them. God created each of us with a specific purpose in mind and when we embrace the way we are made, our children will learn to do the same!


BED TIMERead Genesis 1:1-2. Look around. Every single thing you see is made by God or made out of something made by God. The mind-blowing thing is: God made everything from nothing. God’s voice, imagination, and being are so powerful that He simply thought up every single thing that exists and spoke it into being. He gave human beings the imagination to take the things He had made and create new things. Brainstorm together several ways that you can use what God made to create something new this week. Then pick one and plan to do it! Together, ask God to help each of you to use what He has made in new and creative ways.

MORNING TIMESometimes it’s difficult to recognize the unique qualities God has given us. Help your child better understand his or her amazing qualities by highlighting one each week and writing it on their bathroom mirror. As opportunities arise throughout the week, give them examples of the ways you’ve seen these qualities shine through them, and remind them that God loves watching them make the most of the gifts He designed specifically for them.

Creation StoryPart 1Genesis 1:1-25

BOTTOM LINE:God made everything.


Creation StoryPart 2: Adam & EveGenesis 1:26–2:1-25

BOTTOM LINE:God made you.


Adam’s First JobGenesis 2:19-20

BOTTOM LINE:God made you to imagine.


The FallGenesis 3

BOTTOM LINE:God made you to know Him.



Before broccoli or rainbows or rocky mountains or anything—there was God. Out of all that nothingness, God decided to get busy CREATING. So let’s start at the very beginning.

On day one, God made light and dark. He called the light “________” and the dark “_________.” That means that morning and evening were God’s idea. And it was good.

On day two, God made sky and water. All those miles and miles and miles of endless blue, punctuated by puffy white clouds. It was all part of God’s design. And it was good. What a creative God! And that’s just the first two days!

Creation BoxTo keep track of all this creating, let’s make a CREATION BOX. Find a shoebox and cover it with fun paper and title it with a creative name. This week, you’ll need to fill your box with items that represent the days of creation. For day one, you might put in a small flashlight or glow stick. For day two, you could put in a cotton ball (like the clouds) or a blue piece of paper to represent the sky. Use that creativity of yours to fill your box this week.

THANK God for creating everything—especially day, night, sky, and water.



On day three, God made land, plants, and sea. Majestic mountains, vast oceans, giant sequoias and tiny grains of sand, all created with care. Seeds, tiny plants and trees, rivers, lakes and oceans and land! But God wasn’t finished.

On day four, God created two great lights to give light to Earth! You can probably already name them. God created the sun, a light so great and hot you cannot even get near it. The sun’s surface is roughly 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit! He placed the sun in the sky to rule the day, and the small light, the moon, to rule the night. This was God’s way of signaling morning and evening. Oh yeah, and God also threw in about a trillion stars.

Grab your creation box from yesterday. There are LOTS of options for day three. You might collect a small amount of dirt in a plastic zip-top bag, or a seed or a leaf. For day four, you could put in a pair of sunglasses or draw and cut out a star. Get creative as you fill your creation box!

ASK God to help you appreciate His amazing creation all around you!




Have you ever been to an aquarium or a pet shop with fish? Ever peered into the tank and tried to identify a few of those amazing creatures? God made them all—dolphins and belugas, shrimp and octopi, jellyfish and barracuda. All those amazingly creative water dwellers showed up on day five. But God wasn’t finished!

Have you ever watched the birds from your window as they tweet out a tune or gather sticks to build a nest? That’s right, on the same day God created all the fish of the sea; He also created the birds of the air. What an amazing amount of creativity God displayed on this day!

Grab your creation box to add things that represent day five. You might choose a feather or a plastic fish or a drawing of your favorite bird. Whatever you choose, try to find at least two items that represent both fish and birds.

LOOK for ways to thank God for all that He created so many thousands of years ago.



If you think the first five days were amazing, and they were AH-MAZING, guess what God made on day six? Animals: dogs and cats, giraffes and ferrets, polar bears and anteaters! They all showed up on day six. But God wasn’t done.

God wanted someone more like Himself, someone different from the fish or birds or animals. So God made man in His own image and put man over all the rest of His creation. That means that we are more like God than any other created thing.

Creativity is imagining what you could do because you’re made in the image of God. God is creative and He made YOU to be like Him, which means YOU are creative. You have the ability to use the mind He gave you to do something NEW, something different, something CREATIVE. How awesome is that?

Grab your creation box and add two items to represent day six. You might choose your dog’s favorite treat to represent animals or a picture of yourself to represent people. Once you’re done, find an adult and show them all the things you’ve collected this week.

KNOW that God made you in His image and He loves you very much.



BOTTOM LINE: God made everything.

Read 1 Timothy 4:4

W EEK 1K-1st

God made everything! Take a walk around your back-

yard or ask an adult to take you to the park. Collect

something that stands out to you. Find a spot in your

house to display this part of God’s creation. KNOW

that God made it and you should thank Him for it.

Take A Nature Walk

With the help of an adult, search the Internet for pictures of national parks. LOOK at all the beautiful things that God made. Pray the following to thank God for the world in which we get to live. “God, You have made a wonderful world. Thank You for allowing us to live in it. Help us to take care of what You give us. Amen.”

National Park Search

God made all of creation. And we get to appreciate it.

Grab some paper and draw your favorite thing that God

has created. Is it a bug, a certain flower, or an animal?

Whatever it is, THANK God for all He did when He

created the world.

Best of Creation

In Genesis 1, in the Bible, we get to read about all the things God created. Find something to

write with from around your house. Below, each picture represents a part of God’s creation.

Figure out what day each item was created then write the number you chose next to the

picture. Hint: The numbers will be from 1-7. If you get stuck, you can look for help in the Bible.

For reference:

Day 1 – Light and darkness

Day 2 – Sky (wind) and water (waves)

Day 3 – Land, flowers, trees

Day 4 – Sun, moon, stars

Day 5 – Water and Air Animals

Day 6 – Land Animals and People

Day 7 – Rest

LOOK at all the things God thought of when He made the world. Thank God for all He created.

Creation Match Game

READ GENESIS 2:7; 20-22

Check out today’s verses to answer the following questions:

How did God create Adam? _____________________________________________________________________

Why do you think God made Adam? _____________________________________________________________

How did God create Eve? _______________________________________________________________________

Why did God create Eve? _______________________________________________________________________

God saw all that He had made those first five days and He longed for something more like Himself. So God made people. Fast forward thousands of years and people later and God made you, too. You are more valuable to Him than a vast ocean or majestic mountain or a sky filled with stars. You were made by God for a relationship with Him.

THANK God for taking the time to make you special.



Grab a lump of Play-doh®. Ask an adult to call out an easily recognizable item (like a cup). Have that adult set a timer for two minutes as you form it out of Play-doh®. How did you do?

You know, you’re kind of like that Play-doh®. The Bible tells us that God, the ultimate creator, formed and shaped you just like a potter shapes a vase or bowl. His hands made ALL of you. He painted those freckles across your nose, placed those crazy curls on top of your head and gave you those long limbs.

But that’s not all. God made your insides too! He gave you that sense of adventure and curiosity. Your love of dance or sports or reading, all comes from Him. There is no one else in the world exactly like you, even if you happen to be an identical twin. God made you, all of you and He did a really good job.

ASK God to help you see yourself as His special creation.




Ask an adult if you can borrow their phone to take a selfie. Snap a pic and take a look. Here’s the truth. You are MORE than your outward appearance. God made ALL of you, including what’s on the inside that really makes up who you are.

What’s inside your body? Bones and a brain, muscles and lungs, arteries and a heart. All of the millions of cells that make up your body were knit together before you breathed your very first breath. But you are more than organs and arteries. God gave you a soul. That’s the part of you that feels deeply, that loves and cares for others, it’s the part that makes you, well, you.

God knit all of that together and your soul is unlike anyone else’s. Your soul is imprinted with the image of God. It’s what makes you different than the animals or trees or oceans or any other part of creation. Who you are on the inside is the most important part of you.

LOOK at your picture and thank God for making all of you, even what’s on the inside.



Do you know what the word comparison means? When you compare two things, you look for things that are similar and things that are different. We all tend to compare ourselves to others. Sometimes we look at a friend in class or the kid on our team and think, “if only I looked like that girl,” or “how come I’m not as quick as that kid?”

But God didn’t intend for you to spend any of your time comparing yourself to others. How He made you is truly amazing and wonderful. God didn’t create you to be just like that girl in your in class or the kid on your ball team. He took extra time and care to make you uniquely you. And God didn’t make a mistake.

Today’s verse is a GREAT one to know by heart. Grab a dry erase marker and write the words of today’s verse on the mirror in your bathroom. As you wash your hands or brush your teeth this week, say the words of this verse to yourself as a reminder of how very special you are.

KNOW that God knit you together in the most amazing and unique way.



BOTTOM LINE: God made everything.

Read Psalm 139:14

W EEK 2K-1st

Draw a picture of yourself or make a

collage of pictures of yourself. At the

bottom of the page, write out the verse

Psalm 139:14. Place the picture or collage

somewhere you can see it every day.

Each day, read the Bible verse and look

at the picture. KNOW that God did

something wonderful when He made

you. Thank Him for all He has given you.


Think of all the things that God has done for you or created that are amazing and wonderful. Just like you!

Pick your favorite song, turn it on and turn it up. Have a dance party to THANK God for His creation and making you and the things you enjoy.

Praise to God

Talk to your family. Ask them some

questions about the way they look, like:

“How tall are you?” and “What color

are your eyes?” Then, ask them some

questions about their interests, like:

“What sports do you like?” or “What is

your favorite book?” Then, ask yourself

the same questions. THINK about all

the answers you heard. God made each

of us to be different and that is great.

No One is Just Like You

Stretch your fingers out and then wiggle the fingers God made. Look at your fingerprints. God made your fingerprints different from everyone else’s. Reach high up to the sky and feel the way that God made your ribs. Reach toward your toes and feel the back and legs God made. Look at your feet. God made your feet different from everyone else’s. ASK God to help you remember that He made you and He loves you.

How God Made You


What was Adam’s first job in the garden? God asked Adam to use his creativity to name all of the animals! Imagine Adam sitting on a rock as, one by one, he called out names like:

“Bettle!” “Ant!” “Honey badger!” “Hedgehog!” “Armadillo!” “Hummingbird!”

Adam was made in God’s image and used his imagination from the beginning. God made you in His image to be creative, too. In the space to the right, draw a picture of an animal of your own creation. Give the animal a name and write two or three sentences to describe what makes your animal unique.

THANK God for creating you in His image.



God made you in His image. God is our creator—the ultimate creative. And because you were made in His image, you were created to be creative. Still not convinced that you are creative? Maybe we need to take a look at what creativity actually means.

We’ve defined creativity as imaging what you could do because you’re made in God’s image. Maybe you’ve thought that in order to be creative you need to paint, draw, write, or sculpt something cool out of clay. But creativity isn’t just about those things. Creativity applies to LOTS of things.

It takes creativity to come up with a solution to a problem. It takes creativity to figure out a new way to complete a task. It takes creativity to imagine a faster or more efficient way to get something done. Every time you think about something, imagine what could be, and put that into motion, you are exercising your creativity!

What problem did you solve today? Did it work? Can you think of another solution?

ASK God to show you the unique way He’s wired you to be creative.




Your imagination is limitless. You can make something “new” every day. Why? Because you were made by God. Your ability to create something out of nothing is a gift. And that gift, given to you by your heavenly Father, can only be opened if you choose to use it!

Can you apply that creativity towards creating a new home? Draw up some plans for a new home. Want a slide from the second floor? Draw it in. A roof made out of a marshmallow cream? Sure! Use your amazing imagination to sketch your new house design on paper. Then use blocks to build a replica.

When you’re finished, show your house plans and replica to a friend or family member. Explain each part and why you’ve included it in your design. If you have time, ask that friend or family member to draw his or her own new house design.

LOOK for ways to use your creativity to make something “new” today.


READ JOB 12:7-10

What’s your favorite animal? ___________________________________________________________________

Have you studied this animal or learned something cool about its habitat? __________________________


God made everything including the animals! Your favorite animal came straight from God’s creativity! But, animals aren’t like people. They don’t have an imagination to create something new like you do because you were made in the image of God.

But guess what? Creativity is like a muscle. You have to stay active and exercise your creativity to keep that imagination sharp! So here’s a little exercise in creativity. Head to the kitchen and open the junk drawer, the one that’s full of all kinds of STUFF. Without thinking too much, grab an item out of the drawer.

The item you chose has a specific purpose right? In the space below, come up with two other things you could use this item for. Set a timer for ten minutes. If possible, ask an adult or older sibling to complete this exercise on his/her own piece of paper. After ten minutes, share what you came up with.

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

KNOW that God has made you to imagine!



BOTTOM LINE: God made you to imagine.

Read Genesis 2:19a

W EEK 3K-1st

Use your imagination to create a story

with your family. Each person should

think of a sentence to add to the story.

Once you are done, pray and thank God

for giving you an amazing imagination.

Imagine a Story

In the space below, use your creativity to invent a new animal. Draw what it looks like, sounds like, and what its name is. THANK God for giving you such a fun imagination.

Invent an Animal

Pick your favorite color and search

your house for everything that is that

color. Use an app, like PicCollage, or

take pictures and print them out.

LOOK at all the ways God uses color

in His creation. Be thankful God gave

you an imagination like His.

Color Hunt

Read Genesis 2:19a and think of all the animals and birds it is about. First act like a wild animal. Imagine what that animal sounds and moves like and then act like you imagine it would. Now imagine what a bird in the sky moves and sounds like. Act like a bird!

ASK God to help you remember to be thankful that He made you to imagine.

Imagine and Act


God made us to know Him. He created us for a relationship. When Adam and Eve chose to break God’s one rule, it caused a break in our relationship with God forever. That choice to do things our own way instead of God’s way, lead to a forever separation from God. That’s what sin does—it separates or breaks our relationship with our creator.

But because God loved all that He had made, He put an amazing plan into place to fix that broken relationship. God sent the most precious, priceless gift—His only Son—to take the punishment for all the sin that separates us from Him. And when you choose to trust Jesus as Savior; when you recognize what He’s done for you—then you can have a relationship with God, forever.

Grab a piece of paper and draw a picture of the garden of Eden. Use your imagination to create a picture of what you think it might have looked like.

THANK God for sending Jesus to fix your relationship with Him forever.



Take a look at your Bible. Have you ever stopped to think about what an amazing book it is? But it’s not really one book. The Bible is actually a collection of 66 separate books in two different parts. The Old Testament tells us about how God made man in His image, how man sinned and how God put a plan in motion to solve that problem—a Savior, God’s only son. The New Testament tells of Jesus’ birth, His life, death and resurrection and the spread of the early church. The Bible tells one BIG story—God’s story.

God has protected His word from generation to generation so that we could know Him. The God of all creation, the one who gave you those beautiful brown eyes, and amazing sense of adventure has invited you to know Him. Pretty amazing, right?

In the space below, write your favorite verse. Why is this your favorite? If you don’t have one, ask an adult to share his/her favorite verse with you.

ASK God to help you study His word so you can know Him.



READ JOHN 1:1-3; 14Are these verses confusing? Maybe you’re asking yourself: Who was “the Word”? At the beginning, God was there. But he wasn’t alone. “The Word” in these verses is Jesus! Jesus IS God and was WITH God from the very beginning. Is your mind blown yet?

In the blanks below, write “Jesus” and then read these verses again.

“In the beginning, ______________ was already there. ____________ was with God, and ___________ was God. 2 ______________ was with God in the beginning. 3 All things were made through ______________. Nothing that has been made was made without ______________.

“________________ became a human being. _____________ made his home with us. We have seen his glory. It is the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father. And _______________ was full of grace and truth.”

Now here’s the amazing part. Jesus was born as a baby. He left heaven and put on a body—became a human person—like you and me. That’s what the “put on flesh” part in John 1:14 means. He was fully God and fully man and He came so that we could know God fully.

LOOK to Jesus and all that He did to show you a clear picture of who God is.


READ JOHN 1:18Wouldn’t it be AWESOME if you could talk to God face to face? What if you could sit across the table and tell Him your favorite joke or ask Him a question? Do you ever wonder why this isn’t possible right now?

Adam and Eve walked and talked in the garden with God. But that all changed when they chose to go their own way. By disobeying God’s ONE rule, sin entered into God’s beautiful creation. We were forever separated from our creator. But, God made you to know Him. So He sent someone to show us exactly who He is and to make a way for us to know Him intimately, reflect His character to others, and to experience a little bit of Heaven here on Earth.

Jesus came to show us what God is like and to fix that separation between God and man once and for all. When you trust Jesus as Savior, you have the promise of empowerment to live like Christ!

If you could ask God any question right now about anything, what would you ask? _____________________________________________________________________________________Write down your favorite joke: _____________________________________________________________________________________

KNOW that God sent Jesus so that you could know Him and spend forever with Him in heaven one day!



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WEEK 4 K-lst

Get to Know God

With the help of an adult, look up at least two verses

from the following list. THINK about what these

verses tell us about God and write it in the blanks.

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try to share with f; .

at t e words and :

Numbers 23:19 - God is _perfect

• . •.. f a am,ly memb h

it in to the 8·6/ er ow they :

1 e story. :

Deuteronomy 4:31 - God is _____ _

Psalms 48:14 - God is ____ _

Acts 10:34 - God is ____ _

•..• . •..•..

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Throw Away

•. . • • . . S N A K E T R J

. •..• .

Re-read Proverbs 4:\4-15. This verse helps us • • •••••••••••••·······


learn that sometimes people try to get us to do•• • • • • •. • • •

• • • • • • • • • •••• :

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from these people and listen to God instead. One G

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