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 Foróige  Youth  Citizenship  Awards  in  Partnership  with  Aldi  Ireland  

Foróige Youth Citizenship Awards in partnership with Aldi Ireland, 2015  

Blog  Guidelines    

As  a   young   citizen  of   this   planet   you   can  make  a   real   difference   to   the  world  around   you  by  using   your   skills   and  idealism  to  make   it  a  better  place.The  Foróige  Youth  Citizenship  Awards   in  partnership  with  Aldi   Ireland  recognises  young  people  who  have  been  actively  involved  in  their  communities  or  tried  to  improve  the  world  in  some  way.  The  Awards  celebrate  the  positive  impact  young  peole  have  on  the  quality  of  life  and  wellbeing  of  others.    

 If  you  are  taking  the  citizenship  challenge,  having  a  blog  is  where  you  tell  the  world  about  it,  what  you  did  and  how  you  have  made  a  difference  .  If  you  haven’t  done  so  yet,  start  looking  at  the  needs  of  your  community  or  a  world  issue  you  want   to  address  and   submit  a   series  of  blogs  as   your  project  progress.   If   you  are   still  working  on   the  project,  submit    blogs  as  you  go  along.  If  you  have  completed  your  project,  just  submit  the  blogs  about  the  different  elements  of  the  your  projects.  Adult  volunteers,  mentors  or  staff  can  support  you  in  your  project  –  but  not  do  it  for  you  –  this  is  your  chance  to  shine.  

Projects  should  be  submitted  through  a  Tumblr  Blog.  Share  your  citizenship  project  through  a  series  of  Tumblr  blog  posts  which  can   include  text,   images  or  videos.  Use  your  talents,  creativity  and   initiative.  Remember  to  share  your  blog  with  us  to  be  judged!  Closing  date  for  your  submissions  is  the  15th  of  September  2015.  

The   Foróige   Youth   Citizenship   Awards   in   partnership   with   Aldi   Ireland   Showcase   will   celebrate   the   work   of   your  project.   The   Showcase   will   take   place   on   Saturday   24th   October   in   the   RDS,   Dublin.   Details   about   this   exciting  Showcase  will  follow  at  a  later  stage!    

Creating  a  Tumblr  Blog  Creating  a  Tumblr  Blog  is  fun  and  easy  and  it’s  FREE.  This  is  the  perfect  way  to  show  others  the  fantastic  work  that  you  have  created  or  just  to  talk  about  the  work  you  will  be  doing.    Creating  an  account  is  easy.  Follow  the  next  few  steps  and  you  will  be  up  and  running  with  a  Tumblr  Blog  in  no  time  at  all.  

Step  1–    Go  to  and  click  on  the  Sign  Up  button    

Step   2   –   Fill   in   your   details   (email,   password   and   username)   and   click   sign   up   again.   You  may   need   to   try   a   few  passwords  (max  of  8  characters)  before  being  accepted.  You’re  almost  there!      

Step  3  –  Enter  your  age  and  tick  the  box  to  accept  the  terms  and  conditions,  then  click  on  done.  

Step  4  –  You  will  be  asked  to  follow  five  blogs.  If  you  are  not  familiar  with  Tumblr,  it  is  good  to  follow  a  few  blogs  so  you  see  how  others  do   them.   If   you   type“foroige”   into   the   search  box  on   the   top   right  of   the   screen  you  will   get  several  other  Foroige  linked  blogs  that  are  good  to  look  at  or  follow.  You  can  also  learn  more  about  Tumblr  on  their  help  page.  

Step  5  –  Adding  a  Picture  

To  add  a  picture,  click  on  the  pyramid  shaped  “Avator”  and  upload  a  picture  of  the  club  or  project  group.  For  privacy  and  security  reasons,  blogs  by  a  single  individual  shoud  not  include  a  face  picture  here,  use  an  image  of  your  area  or  something  to  do  with  the  theme  of  the  project  instead.  Should  groups  or  clubs  prefer  to  use  an  image  of  your  area  or  town  –  that  is  okay  too.  




 Foróige  Youth  Citizenship  Awards  in  Partnership  with  Aldi  Ireland  

Step  6  –    The  project  title  

Click   on   the   “Title”   and   give   it   a   name.   It   can   have   a   maximum   of   50   characters.   All   titles   must   start   with  “foroigealdi2015”  and  include  the  category  you  are  entering  e.g.  So  your  project  can  be  “foroigealdi2015thesmurfs”  for  a  club  or  project  entry  or  “foroigealdii2015jamesmurphy  for  an  individual  entry.  

Note:  Password  Protected  Blog  

You  may  be  asked  to  give  your  blog  a  password  so  that  only  those  with  that  password  can  see  it.  You  should  skip  this.  

Step  7  -­‐  Your  Details:  Email  with  your  details.  We  need  to  know;  

Name  of  your  blog  so  we  can  follow  you  

Name  of  Club,  group  or  individual    

Number  of  people  involved  

Lead  volunteer/staff  

Contact  number    

Address  for  correspondence    

Which  of  the  following  you  are-­‐you  can  pick  only  one;  

Foróige  club/café/youth  club/interest  club  for  12  to  18  year  olds  

Foróige  Juniors/Club  for  maily  under  12’s    

A  Foróige  project  group  

A  jounior  individual  entrant  ages  12  or  under  

An  individual  entrant  aged  13  or  more  

Another  group  such  as  Comhairle  na  nÓg,  uniformed  group  etc.    

Name  and  contact  details  of  the  adult/volunteer  /staff  person  who  completes  blog  4.    


Can  you  let  us  know  if  :    

we  can  send  you  text  message  reminders?  

you  would  like  to  attend  the  awards  event  and  have  your  project  judged  as  part  of  the  awards  or  if  you  would  just  like  to  attend  the  awards  event?    








 Foróige  Youth  Citizenship  Awards  in  Partnership  with  Aldi  Ireland  

Step  8  –    Now  you  are  ready  to  post!    

You  should  see  a  blue  pencil  symbol  on  the  top  right  of  the  screen  once  you  are  in  your  blog.  When  you  click  this,  a  line  of  symbols  will  open  on  your  screen  with  options  such  as  text,  image,  video,  chat,  quotation  etc.  Click  on  the  one  you  want  to  add  .  The  click  ‘post’  and  it  will  be  added  to  your  blog.  

Made  a  Mistake:    By  clicking  on  the  wheel  at  the  bottom  of  the  blog,  you  can  edit  or  delete  the  post.  

What  should  be  included  in  your  Blog-­‐  You  can  use  videos,  phots  and  text  in  your  blog  but  you  must  answer  the  questions  under  each  of  the  headings.  The  Citizenship  Blog  gives  you  the  opportunity  to  describe  what  you  did,  how  and  why   you  did   it   and  what   you   learned   from   the  whole  experience.   Please   complete   it   in   your  own  words  and  style.  Read  the  questions  carefully  and  answer  clearly  –  give  as  much  detail  as  you  can.  Show  the  judges  how  great  your  project  is  and  how  others  benefited  from  it  

Blog  1:  Awareness  -­‐  is  to  be  filled  out  by  the  young  people.    

Blog  2:  Action  -­‐  is  to  be  filled  out  by  the  young  people.    

Blog  3:  Evaluation  -­‐  is  to  be  filled  out  by  the  young  people.    

Blog  4:  Adult  Perception  -­‐  is  to  be  filled  out  by  an  adult/volunteer/staff  member.    


This  doucment  outlines  the  questions  that  should  be  answered  in  your  blog.  It  also  give  you  helpful  tips.  Please  read  everything  carfully  to  make  sure  you  include  everything  you  need  to  in  your  blog!!!  







 Foróige  Youth  Citizenship  Awards  in  Partnership  with  Aldi  Ireland  

Blog  1  Awareness:    

Awareness  is  about  developing  your  understanding:  -­‐  understanding  of  others  in  society;  understanding  of  your  community,  its  needs/issues/resources/people.  

Please  include  the  title  Awareness  Section  for  the  your  blog(s)  

Important  in  writing  up  this  section  

Ideally  young  people  would  look  at  the  needs  of  their  community  but  sometimes  you  do  a  project  because  someone   suggested   it   to   you.   That   is  OK,   but   you   should   note  what   research   you   did   to   find   out  more  about   the  situation  or   to  undertand  the  problem.  However,  higher  marks  may  be  given   to  projects  who  carry  out  awareness  first.    

Read  all   questions   in   this   section   so   you  know  what   to   include   in   your  blog  entry.   You   can  answer   the  questions  in  text  or  video  format.    

Question  1.    How  did  you  find  out  what  improvements  were  needed  in  your  community?  (Walkabout,  questionnaires,  someone  came  and  told  us  about  the  needs  e.g.  you  were  approached  by  a  member  of  the  community  and  asked  to  fundraise  for  a  particular  charity  etc)    

If  someone  told  you  about  the  improvements  needed  in  your  community,  ANSWER  QUESTION  1  AND  THEN  SKIP  TO  QUESTION  4    

Question  2.    On  researching  your  community,  what  needs  did  you  discover?    

Question  3.  Which  of  the  above  listed  did  you  decide  to  do  something  about?  

Question  4.  What  were  your  reasons  for  choosing  this  need?  

Question  5.  Did  you  carry  out  any  further  research  into  the  matter  before  deciding  HOW  to  address  it?  If  so,  what  did  you  do  and  how?  




 Foróige  Youth  Citizenship  Awards  in  Partnership  with  Aldi  Ireland  

Blog  2  Action:    In  order  to  bring  about  change  you  need  to  organise  and  carry  out  good  action.  This  action  also  needs  to  be  

based  on  a  good  understanding  of  what  is  needed.  Please  include  the  title  Action  Section  for  the  your  blog(s)  

Important  in  writing  this  section:  

The   more   detail   you   can   put   in   the   better:   Names   dates,   numbers   of   people   involved   in   tasks,   how  decisions  were  made,  what  happened  first.  How  did  you  let  the  community  know  about  your  project  e.g.  social  media,  local  newspaper,  radio,  newsletter?    Tell  us  all.    

Read  all   questions   in   this   section   so   you  know  what   to   include   in   your  blog  entry.   You   can  answer   the  questions  in  text  or  video  format.    

 Question  6.    What  did  you  do?  List  each  of  the  steps  taken.  

 Question  7.  In  a  group  project,  how  was  each  young  person  involved?  Specify  who  did  what.  

 Question  8.    Is  there  anything  else  you  want  to  say  briefly  about  the  “Action”  part  of  your  project?  


Blog  3  Evaluation:    

Action  on  its  own  is  not  enough.  You  need  to  think  about  what  you  are  doing  and  reflect  on  it.  In  this  way  you  learn  from  experience  and  increase  your  understanding.  Please  include  the  title  Action  Section  for  the  your  blog(s)  

Important  in  writing  this  section  

In  this  section  you  should  describe  how  you  reflected  on  and  discussed  your  project,  what  worked,  what  didn’t  work   and  what   you   learned.  Outline   how   you   evaluated   your   youth   citizenship   project   and  what  results  came  from  that.      

Read  all   questions   in   this   section   so   you  know  what   to   include   in   your  blog  entry.   You   can  answer   the  questions  in  text  or  video  format.    

Question  9.    How  did  you  evaluate  the  project?    

Question   10.    What   did   you   learn   from   participating   in   your   project-­‐   about   yourself,   the   community,  research,  other  people  etc?  

Question  11.  If  you  were  to  do  this  project  again,  would  you  do  anything  differently?  List  any  challenges  you  encountered.  




 Foróige  Youth  Citizenship  Awards  in  Partnership  with  Aldi  Ireland  

Question  12.  Who  benifited  from  your  project  and  how  did  they  benefit?  Give  details  of  any  evidence  to  support  this.    

Question  13.      Do  you  have  any  plans  to  continue  this  project  or  have  you  plans  to  do  anything  else?  


Blog  4:  For  the  Adult  Volunteer/Leader  or  Staff  person  to  Complete  

This  section  of  the  blog  is  for  the  Adult  volunteer/leader  or  staff  person  to  give  their  perspective  on  the  citizenship  project.  They  should  refer  to  how  the  group  or  individual  participated,  learned  and  made  a  difference  to  others.  They  should  ouline  how  the  community  or  organisation  benefited  or  reacted  to  the  

project  and  explain  how  they  feel  the  overall  project  went.    







