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Form 1




I Basic Information

Sl. No. Item Details

1. Name of the Project : ACCORD ENERGY CORP ORATION


Proposed Modification - Coal Based Thermal

Power Plant

2. S. No. in the schedule : 1 (d) – Category < 500 MW Coal based Power


3. Proposed capacity / area/length/ tonnage

to be handled /command area/ lease area

/ number of wells to be drilled

: As per Existing



Proposed Change

2 x 150 MW

(Yet to Start


2 x 180 MW

4. New/Expansion/Modernization :

5. Existing Capacity / Area etc. : 160 Acres

Existing Environmental Clearance vide letter

# J-13012/107/ 2009-IA-II (T) dated 18/05/2011

Copy of Environmental Clearance is enclosed in

Annexure I & Minutes of Meeting of the 34th

meeting of re-constituted Expert Appraisal

Committee (Thermal) held on 10th & 11th

October, 2011 Copy of which is enclosed in

Annexure II.

Issue of Consent to Establish by TNPCB is in final


Construction will commence after obtaining

Consent to Establish from TNPCB.

6. Category of Project ie. “A” or “B” : Category “A”

7. Does it attract the general condition? If

yes, please specify.

: Yes. ( The plant site lies within 10 km of the

Interstate boundary- Tamil Nadu and Andhra


8. Does it attract the specific condition? If

yes, please specify.

: No

Form 1


9. Location

Plot/Survey/Khasra No. : Please refer Anneuxre III

Village : Sirupuzhalpettai

Tehsil : Gummidipoondi

District : Thiruvallur

State : Tamil Nadu

10 Nearest railway station/airport alongwith

distance in kms.

: Railway Station - Gummidipoondi – 5km

Airport - Chennai – 50 km

11 Nearest Town, City, District

Headquarters alongwith distance in kms

: Town - Gummidipoondi – 5km

District Headquarters – Thiruvallur – 39 km

12 Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad,

Municipal Corporation, Local Body

(complete postal addresses with

telephone nos. to be given).

: Gummidipoondi

13. Name of the applicant : ACCORD ENERGY CORPORATION


14. Registered Address : #29, Thilak Street, T Nagar,

Chennai - 600017

15. Address for correspondence : ACCORD ENERGY CORPORATION


#29, Thilak Street, T Nagar,

Chennai - 600017

Name : M. Viswanathan

Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) : Senior Project Manager

Address #29, Thilak Street, T Nagar,

Chennai - 600017

Pin Code 600 017


Telephone No. 044- 28346505

Fax No. 044 - 28341447

Form 1


16. Details of Alternative Sites examined, if


Location of these sites should be shown

on a topo sheet.

: Not Applicable.

The present application is for augmentation of

capacity from 2 x 150 MW to 2 x 180 MW, the

Environmental Clearance for 2 x 150 MW has

already been obtained. Issue of Consent to

Establish by TNPCB is in final stages.

Construction will commence after obtaining

Consent to Establish from TNPCB.

17. Interlined Projects : None

18. Whether separate application of

interlined project has been submitted

: -

19. If yes, date of submission : -

20. If no, reason : -

21. Whether the proposal involves

approval/clearance under:

(a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

(b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

(c) The C.R.Z Notification, 1991

: No

22. Whether there is any Government Order

/ Policy relevant / relating to the site?

: No

23. Forest land involved (hectares) : No

24. Whether there is any litigation pending

against the project and / or land in

which the project is proposed to be set


(a) Name of the Court

(b) Case No.

(c) Orders/directions of the Court, if any

and its relevance with the proposed


: No

Form 1


II Activity

1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions,

which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use,

changes in water bodies, etc.)

S.No. Information/Checklist


Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities /rates, wherever possible) with

source of information data

1.1 Permanent or temporary change in

land use, land cover or topography

including increase in intensity of

land use (with respect to

local land use plan)

No Proposed augmentation of capacity from 2

x 150 MW to 2 x180 MW within the existing

premises, for which, Environmental

Clearance was issued vide letter # J-

13012/107/ 2009-IA-II(T) dated

18/05/2011. Copy of Environmental

Clearance is enclosed in Annexure I.

Issue of Consent to Establish by TNPCB is

in final stages.

Hence, No Change in Land Use, Land

Cover or Topography.

1.2 Clearance of existing land,

vegetation and buildings?

No Photograph enclosed in Annexure IV.

1.3 Creation of new land uses? No -

1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g.

bore houses, soil testing?

Yes Soil Investigation Work has already been


1.5 Construction works? Yes Construction is yet to commence.

Environmental Clearance was issued by

MoEF vide letter # J-13012/107/ 2009-IA-

II(T) dated 18/05/2011.

Issue of Consent to Establish by TNPCB is

in final stages.

Construction will commence after obtaining

Consent to Establish from TNPCB.

However, the proposed power plant will

have boiler house, turbine hall, ACC,

Switch Yard etc.

1.6 Demolition works? No -

1.7 Temporary sites used for

construction works or housing of

construction workers?

Yes There will be total of 600 construction

workers including Fabricators, Erecters

etc. accommodated in 100 rooms with

facility for bathing, sanitation etc., at the

time of construction.

Form 1


1.8 Above ground buildings, structures

or earthworks including linear

structures, cut and fill or


Yes Plant Layout enclosed.

Please refer Annexure-V

1.9 Underground works including

mining or tunneling?

No -

1.10 Reclamation works? No -

1.11 Dredging? No -

1.12 Offshore structures? No -

1.13 Production and manufacturing


Yes Please refer Annexure VI

1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or


Yes Please refer Annexure V

1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal

of solid waste or liquid effluents?

Yes Please refer Annexure VII

1.16 Facilities for long term housing of

operational workers?

No There are no facilities proposed within

plant site or outside.

1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during

construction or operation?

Yes The present application is for augmentation

of capacity from 2 x 150 MW to 2x180MW.

2 x 150 MW that had already been cleared

by MoEF, New Delhi.

Coal will be transported from Ennore Port

to site by Road for the first 4 years from the

commencement of power plant.

From 5th year onward, the coal will be

transported from port to site by rail.

The Increase in traffic due to this present

augmentation will also be very marginal in

comparison to the original proposed with

respect to 2 x 150MW.

1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or

other transport infrastructure

including new or altered routes and

stations, ports, airports etc?


1.19 Closure or diversion of existing

transport routes or infrastructure

leading to changes in traffic



1.20 New or diverted transmission lines

or pipelines?

Yes A 230/400 KV Transmission line connecting

to Thervoikandigai substation at 6.5 km

from site.

1.21 Impoundment, damming,

culverting, realignment or other

changes to the hydrology of

watercourses or aquifers?

No -

1.22 Stream crossings? Yes Araniyar River, which is 7.5 km in SSE from

the Plant Site.

Form 1


1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water

from ground or surface waters?

* Reduction in Water Consumption

due to

- use of Fin Fan Coolers for

Turbine Generator.

Yes Ground Water/ Rainwater Harvesting

Clearance from Central Ground Water

Authority has already been obtained for

drawl of 1300 KLD of Ground Water. Copy

of which is enclosed in Annexure VIII.

Water Consumption

for 2x150 MW

(As per Environmental


Water Consumption

for 2x180 MW

(Daily Make-up)

802 KLD 150 KLD*

150 KLD is the daily make-up after recycling

192 KLD of treated waste water.

Water Balance Diagram is enclosed in

Annexure IX.

1.24 Changes in water bodies or the

land surface affecting drainage or


No The present application is for augmentation

of plant capacity from 2 x 150 MW to

2 x 180 MW within the project site for which

environmental clearance has been obtained.

However, Waterbodies & Drainage Map is

enclosed in Annexure X.

1.25 Transport of personnel or materials

for construction, operation or


Yes The existing transport facilities will be made

use of, to commute employees / workers.

Transportation of coal by road upto 4 years

of commissioning of plant and thereafter by


1.26 Long-term dismantling or

decommissioning or restoration


No -

1.27 Ongoing activity during

decommissioning which could

have an impact on the


No -

1.28 Influx of people to an area in either

temporarily or permanently?

Yes About 600 workers during construction and

about 50 direct & 25 indirect during


1.29 Introduction of alien species? No -

1.30 Loss of native species or genetic


No -

1.31 Any other actions? - -

Form 1


2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water,

materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply):

S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities /rates, wherever possible) with

source of information data

2.1 Land especially undeveloped or

agricultural land (ha)

No The present application is for augmentation of Capacity from 2 x 150 MW to 2 x 180 MW within the existing plant site for which Environmental Clearance has already been obtained and construction is yet to start.

2.2 Water (expected source & competing

users) unit: KLD

* Reduction in Water consumption due


- use of Fin Fan Coolers for

Turbine Generator.

Yes Source of water will be Harvested Rain Water

/ Ground Water. Sufficient draft is available

the total water requirement for 2 x 180 MW

on daily make-up will be 150 KLD.

Clearance from Central Ground Water Authority has already been obtained for drawl of 1300 KLD of Ground Water. Copy of which is enclosed in Annexure VIII.

Water Consumption

Water Consumption

for 2x150 MW (As

per Environmental


Water Consumption

for 2x180 MW (Daily


802 KLD 150 KLD

150 KLD is the daily make-up after recycling

192 KLD of treated waste water.

Water Balance Diagram is enclosed in

Annexure IX.

2.3 Minerals (MT)

* At heat rate of 2341 kcal/kwh

Yes Coal Consumption

for 2x150 MW for 2x180MW Additional



(ie from 300

MW to 360


3600 TPD 3815 TPD* 215 TPD

2.4 Construction material - stone, aggregates,

sand / soil (expected source – MT)

Yes Predominantly Steel Structures

2.5 Forests and timber (source – MT) No -

2.6 Energy including electricity and fuels

(source, competing users) Unit: fuel

(MT), energy (MW)

Yes Auxiliary Power Requirement of the Plant

will be met from its own generation

2.7 Any other natural resources (use

appropriate standard units)

No -

Form 1


3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be

harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived

risks to human health.

S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities /rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

3.1 Use of substances or materials, which are

hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human

health or the environment (flora, fauna, and

water supplies)

None This is a coal based power plant and

hence does not include any chemicals

listed in MSIHC rules.

3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or affect

disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne


None -

3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. by changing

living conditions?

Yes Betterment in the socio – economic

conditions of the areas surrounding the

plant site and improve availability of

power. General improvement in

standard of living.

3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who could be

affected by the project e.g. hospital patients,

children, the elderly etc.,

None -

3.5 Any other causes No -

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning


S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities /rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes No -

4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and or

commercial wastes)

No -

4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous

Waste Management Rules

No -

4.4 Other industrial process wastes Yes The solid waste will be in the form of

Fly ash & Bottom Ash Solid


For 2 x

150 MW


Form 2

x 180




Quantity of





Fly Ash 259.20 274.68 15.48



64.80 68.67 3.87

Total 324.00 343.35 19.35

4.5 Surplus product No -

4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge from

effluent treatment

Yes Dried Sewage Sludge from Filter Press

of STP – 0.2 T/M.

Form 1


4.7 Construction or demolition wastes No -

4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment No -

4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials No -

4.10 Agricultural wastes No -

4.11 Other solid wastes - -

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr)

S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities /rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

5.1 Emissions from combustion of fossil

fuels from stationary or mobile


Yes There will be twin flue single chimney,

the characteristics of which is given in

Annexure – XI

5.2 Emissions from production processes Yes

5.3 Emissions from materials handling

including storage or transport

Yes Fugitive emissions due to transport of

coal and ash handling. The coal will be

transported in covered trucks and

stored in closed shed. Coal will be

conveyed from storage area through

closed conveyor.

Ash will be brought directly to silo in

dry form and then disposed to cement


Please refer Annexure XII

5.4 Emissions from construction activities

including plant and equipment

Yes Emission from diesel operated pumps,

concrete mixers, vibrators and

excavators. However these equipments

will be maintained properly to ensure

minimum emissions, more-over

construction activity will be for a short

duration of period.

5.5 Dust or odours from handling of

materials including construction

materials, sewage and waste

Yes This is a coal based power plant and

hence will not have any odour nuisance,

however dust suppression by way of

sprinklers etc., is proposed as in

Annexure XII

5.6 Emissions from incineration of waste No -

5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in

open air (e.g. slash materials,

construction debris)

No -

5.8 Emissions from any other sources - -

Form 1


6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat

S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities /rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

6.1 From operation of equipment e.g. engines,

ventilation plant, crushers

Yes The main sources of noise in the

proposed Thermal Power Plant are

noise generated by the turbine, blowers,

air cooled condenser, pumps and

loading/ unloading activities of different

power plant processes for producing

power and all the noise generated will

be within the stipulations of the OSHA


6.2 From industrial or similar processes Yes Same as above.

6.3 From construction or demolition Yes During construction, operation of

construction equipments will result in

intermittent noise.

6.4 From blasting or piling No -

6.5 From construction or operational traffic Yes Noise due to movement of trucks

carrying raw materials/products.

6.6 From lighting or cooling systems Yes Cooling tower fans-90dB(A)

6.7 From any other sources - -

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into

sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea

S.No. Information/Checklist


Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities

/rates, wherever possible) with source of

information data

7.1 From handling, storage, use or

spillage of hazardous materials

No There are no hazardous materials used or


Form 1


7.2 From discharge of sewage or other effluents to water or the land (expected mode and place of discharge) * Reduction in blowdown due to

- reduced water consumption due to use of Fin Fan Coolers for Turbine Generator.

No Waste water generated are Boiler Blowdown, & D.M. Plant regeneration waste other than Domestic Sewage.

Parameters Boiler Blow Down

D.M. Plant Regenerant


Permissible limits for

discharge on land for


PH 10.0 – 10.5 5.0 – 9.0 5.5 – 9.0

TDS (mg/l) 200 5000 2100

Temperature, ºC 85 Ambient -

Free Available Chlorine (mg/l) - 0.1 0.5

Suspended solid (mg/l) 50 50 100

Oil & Grease (mg/l) - - 20

Copper (total) (mg/l) - - 1

Iron (total) (mg/l) - - 1

Zinc (mg/l) - - 1

Chromium (total) (mg/l) Nil Nil 0.2

Phosphate (mg/l) 0.1 - 5.0

Waste Water Generation in KLD

For 2 x 150 MW For 2 x 180 MW

Boiler Blow Down 675 285*

D.M. Plant Regeneration Waste

50 55

Domestic Sewage 1.6 1.6

7.3 By deposition of pollutants

emitted to air into the land or

into water

Yes The sources of emission are process

operations. These operations are provided

with adequate measures to have least impact

on the ambient environment, the details of

various air pollution control equipments are

given in Annexure XIII.

7.4 From any other sources No -

7.5 Is there a risk of long term

build up of pollutants in the

environment from these


No -

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human

health or the environment

S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No

Details thereof (with approximate

quantities /rates, wherever

possible) with source of

information data

8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires etc

from storage, handling, use or

production of hazardous substances

No -

8.2 From any other causes Yes Details Enclosed in Annexure XIV

8.3 Could the project be affected by natural

disasters causing environmental damage

(e.g. floods, earthquakes, landslides,

cloudburst etc)?

Yes -

Form 1


9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to

environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned

activities in the locality

S.No. Information/Checklist


Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

quantities / rates, wherever

possible) with source of

information data

9.1 Lead to development of supporting

utilities, ancillary development or

development stimulated by the

project which could have impact on

the environment e.g.:

• Supporting infrastructure (roads,

power supply, waste or waste water

treatment, etc.)

• housing development

• extractive industries

• supply industries

• other

Yes Increased power supply to

state grid

Increased commerce and

related infrastructures

Development of New

Ancillary Industries.

9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, which

could have an impact on the


No -

9.3 Set a precedent for later


Yes Station Heat Rate has been

optimized from 2650 to 2341.

Use of air cooled condenser for

water conservation.

Use of finfan coolers for Auxiliary

Cooling System.

Use of low ash and low sulphur

content coal

Use of entire ash for cement plant.

Proposed to develop 33% of land

with greenbelt

9.4 Have cumulative effects due to

proximity to other existing or

planned projects with similar effects

Yes The baseline status does indicate the

ambient levels of various

environmental attributes are far

within permissible norms.

Form 1


III Environmental Sensitivity

S.No. Areas Name/


Aerial distance (within 15

Km.) Proposed project location


1. Areas protected under international

conventions, national or local legislation for

their ecological, landscape, cultural or other

related value

No -

2. Areas which are important or sensitive for

ecological reasons - Wetlands, watercourses or

other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres,

mountains, forests

No -

3. Areas used by protected, important or sensitive

species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting,

foraging, resting, over wintering, migration

No -

4. Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters Yes Araniyar River – 7.5kms in SSE

5. State, National boundaries Yes Tamil Nadu-Andhra Pradesh border,

which is 7.5 kms away in North..

6. Routes or facilities used by the public for

access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim


Yes NH – 5 -4.5 km in East

SH-52 – 3.5 km in SW

Southern Railway – 4.752 kms in East

7. Defense installations None -

8. Densely populated or built-up area None -

9. Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land

uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship,

community facilities)

Yes Please refer Annexure XV

10. Areas containing important, high quality or

scarce resources (ground water resources,

surface resources,

forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism,


None -

11. Areas already subjected to pollution or

environmental damage. (those where existing

legal environmental standards are exceeded)

None -

12. Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could

cause the project to present environmental


(earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion,

flooding or extreme or adverse climatic


Yes The area falls under Seismic Zone – III

IV Proposed Terms of Reference

for EIA studies

This application is requesting for


Form 1


“I hereby given undertaking that the data and information given in the application and

enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of

the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project

will be rejected and clearance give, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost”.


Date : 17/10/2014

Place : Chennai


#29, Thilak Street, T Nagar,

Chennai – 600017.

Signature of the applicant

With Name and Full Address

(Project Proponent / Authorized Signatory



List of Annexures Annexure I Copy of Environmental Clearance Annexure II Minutes of Meeting for Amendment in EC Annexure III Location Map (TOPO MAP) Annexure IV Site Photographs Annexure V Plant Layout Annexure VI Process Description Annexure VII Method of Disposal for Solid and Liquid Waste Annexure VIII Copy of CGWA Clearance Annexure IX Water Balance Diagram Annexure X Drainage & Water Bodies Map Annexure XI Stack Emission Characteristics Annexure XII Fugitive Emission Control Annexure XIII Air Pollution Control Annexure XIV On-site & Off-site Emergency Plan Annexure XV Administrative Set-up Map



Annexure – I




















Annexure – II










Annexure – III


Annexure 30




Annexure – IV


Annexure 32



Annexure – V


Annexure 34

Plant Layout



Annexure – VI




Process Description

Upgradation of capacity of the power plant from 2 X 150MW (MCR) to 2 X 180MW (MCR) Accord Energy Corporation India Pvt. Ltd at Sirupulalpettai Village, Gummidipoondi Taluk, Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu was originally finalised as 2 x 150MW – Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) with a capacity to produce 2 x 180MW at Valve Wide Open condition (VWO). The power generation at VWO can be achieved only for a few hours in a year, as per manufacturer’s prescription. Accordingly the equipments were sized as given below:

Sl.No. Description Parameters

1 Boiler and its auxiliaries 535tph with a reheater capacity of 477.4tph.

2 Steam turbine generator 150MW (MCR);180MW (VWO) Heat rate: 2125 Kcal/kWh (MCR) 2135 Kcal/kWh (VWO) Generator sized for 150MW.

3 Air cooled condenser 370tph of steam flow

4 Generator transformer 176MVA

5 MS, CRH and HRH piping Designed to carry steam equivalent to 150MW

6 Boiler feed pumps Sized for a steam generation of 580tph.

During the technical meetings with the turbine suppliers,BHEL/Skoda/Siemens, it was understood that the turbine could be modified to generate 2 x 180MW on a continuous basis with a heat rate of 2015Kcal/kwh, by redesigning the turbine and upgrading the generator equivalent to 180MW. This has the following advantages:

a. Keeping the majority of the systems same, there is a possibility of generating 30MW more in each.

b. Much lower heat rate to generate higher capacity with less coal consumption c. Time required is the same d. Better utilisation of the investment made on the transmission line e. The clearances already obtained, will remain the same except an amendment for augmentation

capacity at 2 x 180 MW

Hence, it was decided to go ahead with this proposal. The increase in capacity necessitated the following changes: Sl.No. Description Parameters for 2 x 150MW MCR Revised parameters for

2 x 180MW MCR

1 Boiler and its auxiliaries 535tph with a reheater capacity of 477.4tph each

580 tph with a reheater capacity of 510tph each

2 Steam turbine generator 2 x 150MW (MCR);180MW (VWO) Heat rate: 2125 Kcal/kWh (MCR) 2135Kcal/kWh (VWO) Generator sized for 2 x 150MW.

2 x 180MW (MCR): Heat rate: 2015Kcal/kwh Generator sized for 2 x180MW

3 Air cooled condenser 370tph of steam flow each 400 tph of steam flow each

4 Generator transformer 176MVA each 220MVA each

5 MS, CRH and HRH piping Designed to carry steam equivalent to 2 x 150MW

Designed to carry steam equivalent to 2 x 180MW

6 Boiler feed pumps Sized for a steam generation of 535 tph each

Sized for a steam generation of 580 tph each



Annexure – VII




Waste Water Treatment Process

The wastewater will be originating from Boiler Blow Down, D.M. Plant regeneration, and

sanitary effluents from plant. All these wastes except sewage will be treated in ETP/RO and

recycled, and the treatment system will consist of

1. Neutralization pit for pH adjustment of the DM Plant regeneration waste.

2. ETP/RO Management System to enable achieve the specified standards for reuse.

3. Minimize waste water generation to as much as possible, and ensure maximum


Neutralization of D.M. Plant Regeneration Waste

The pre-treated water, after filtration would be demineralised using ion exchange resins.

These resins are regenerated periodically. This would produce regeneration wastes,

expected to be around 55 cu.m/day. The concentration of total dissolved solids in the

regeneration waste would be about 5,000 mg/l. Moreover, a wide variation of pH is

expected in this water. The pH of the water would be adjusted in a neutralization pit using

suitable acid or alkali & further treated in RO plant to make it suitable for reuse.

Domestic Sewage

Domestic Sewage will be treated in Septic Tank and then dispersed through dispersion

trench within the plant site.



Solid Waste Management

Among the solid waste likely to be generated from the proposed Thermal power plant, ash

will be most important. The total ash generated will be 343.35 TPD and out of this 20 % is

bed ash and remaining will be fly ash, i.e.274.68 TPD of fly ash, and 68.67 TPD of bed ash.

Fly ash collected in dry form from the ESP hoppers will be stored in ash silo, unloaded in

trucks and same will be sold to potential entrepreneurs mainly manufacturers of brick,

cement and Asbestos cement sheets. The thrust will be given to ash utilization to negate the

disposal problem.

The proposed Unit shall employ dry bed ash handling system wherein the bed ash is

collected dry from the Boiler bottom using conveyors of stainless steel material & stored in

silo. This ash can be sold to cement manufacturers since the unburned carbon content is

within limit and it is collected dry.



Annexure – VIII








Annexure IX


Annexure 44

Water Balance Diagram

All Values are in KLD

Total Raw 342

Boiler Feed

D M Plant

Coal Dust Suppression /

Ash Quenching

Blowdown 285

Neutralization Pit

From Bore well / Rain Water Harvesting Reservoir

Reject Tank


ETP/RO 340

Septic Tank

Dispersion Trench


192 Domestic



2 1.6 1.6






Annexure X


Annexure 46

Drainage & Waterbodies Map



Annexure XI




Stack Characteristics

Stack Emission Characteristics

2 x 150 MW 2 x 180 MW

Single Chimney

Twin Flue

Single Chimney

Twin Flue

Material of Construction RCC


Stack attached to Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 1 Boiler 2

Stack height (m)

220 220

Flue diameter (m) 3.8




Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)

234.0 234.0 280.0 280.0

Velocity of flue gas (m/s)

21.0 21.0 21.21 21.21

Temperature of flue gas (oC)

140 140 150 150

Flue gas specific volume ( kg / m³)

1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2

Fuel Consumption (Kg/s)

20.84 20.84 22.08 22.08

Sulphur content (% w/w)

1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

Emission rate – NOx (g/s)

187.5 187.5 198.7 198.7

Emission rate – SO2 (g/s)

500.00 500.00 529.85 529.85

Emission rate – SPM (g/s) 11.7




Stack Height as per design calculations will be 166.18 m per flue. However, it is proposed

to install the twin flue stack with a height of 220 m as the gross power generation will be

360 MW.

The daily consumption of coal for 2 x 180 MW is around 3815 Tonnes with imported coal

The rate of SO2 emission due to usage of coal is calculated as given below

Sulphur content = 1.2 %

S = (3815 x 1.2 /100) = 45.78 T/D

SO2 = 45.78 x 2 T/D

= 91.56 T/D =3815 kg/hr

SO2 emission = 3815 kg/hr = 1059.72 g/s



Stack height calculation:

H = 14 Q0.3


H = height of the Stack

Q = SO2 Concentration in Kg/hr.


H = 14 x (3815)0.3 = 14 x 11.87 = 166.18 m

The stack height proposed to be constructed is however 220 metres, after considering stack

lossess, available draft etc at chimney bottom with reference to minimum gas velocity of 21

m/sec at the top of chimney to design the height of the chimney.



Annexure XII




Coal Handling and Feeding System

Coal is received in rail wagons / Trucks and unloaded using wagon / Truck tipplers. The coal

handling system is capable of handling coal at the rate of 330 tonnes/hr from wagon / tippler to

coal stockyard in double stream (2 x 100%) of conveyors. The coal handling system beyond coal

stockyard is of double stream (2 x 100%) of conveyors, which has a capacity of 215 tonnes/hr. It

is designed considering that coal of maximum 300 mm size can be received at the site.

Therefore, single stage crushing is employed to crush the coal to a size of 25 mm as feed to the

mills of steam generators.

Reclaiming, Crushing and Bunker Feeding System

Coal from the stock yard will be dozed in to the reclaim hopper by using dozers. Coal from the

reclaim hopper will be reclaimed through belt feeder BED-1 & 2 and conveyed to the vibrating

screens provided in the crusher house through conveyor. The oversize coal (+ 25 mm) from the

screen shall be fed to the suitable crusher for reducing the size to (-) 25 mm as required at the

mills. The (-) 25 mm size coal from the screen and crusher out let shall be fed to conveyor

through belt feeder BED-3. One number of screen and crusher will be provided. From the

crusher house the crushed coal will be conveyed to the boiler bunkers.

Ash Handling System

The fly ash collected at the air preheater hoppers, economiser hoppers, ESP hoppers and stack

hopper shall be gravity fed into individual transmitter vessels provided below each hopper. On

initiation of dry fly ash collection system, the inlet valve shall open and allow the fly ash to be

fed into the transmitter vessel for pre-determined time after which the inlet valve shall close.

Afterwards, the compressed air shall be allowed to flow into the transmitter vessel by opening

the air inlet valve. Once the desired conveying pressure is reached inside the vessel, the fly ash

shall be conveyed to the fly ash storage silo through transport piping. The hoppers are connected

to a common conveying line along the gas path for the easy clearing. The clearance from any

hopper shall continue cycle after cycle till ash in the hopper reaches to low level. Removal of fly

ash from any particular hopper shall be initiated whenever the level of ash in that hopper reaches

predetermined level. This level is fixed in such a way that the volume of ash collected will be

adequate for conveying in one cycle. Thus in this system, the fly ash hoppers are always kept



empty. Therefore the removal and conveying of fly ash to the fly ash silo shall be done in cyclic

manner on a continuous basis. The dry fly ash collected in storage silo will be disposed into

closed containers through conditioner/retractable chute in dry form for utilization in nearby

cement plants. 2 nos Fly ash silos and disposal equipment will be provided. Bed ash will be

collected in dry form in bed ash hoppers and will be sent to the silo through a belt conveyor.

Two reciprocating compressors, one standby, one operating for two units during normal

operation and both operating for both units during rapid evacuation will be provided to meet the

conveying air requirements of fly ash handling system.

Ash handling system equipment will be designed considering maximum ash content of 40 %.

The ash handling system proposed envisages belt conveyor system for bottom ash disposal from

steam generator and pneumatic type system for fly ash removal from ESP, economizer and air

pre-heater hoppers. Dry collection of fly ash and bottom ash in separate ash silos has been

planned. Fly ash to the maximum extent possible will be utilized. Bottom ash and balance fly

ash will be transported by trucks to ash disposal area.

Bed ash Storage Silo

There will be one bottom ash storage silo. The silo will be sized to store bottom ash generated in

about 48 hrs’ from both the units. Bottom ash collected in the silo will be loaded into the open

trucks through feeder for further disposal.

Fly ash storage silo

There will be two fly ash silos. The silos will be sized to store fly ash generated in about 48 hrs’

from the unit. Fly ash silo will be provided with two outlets. First outlet will be used to load ash

into the open trucks in conditioned form for further disposal. For this purpose a rotary feeder

and ash conditioner will be provided. The other outlet will be used to dispose ash in closed

containers for utilization. This outlet will be provided with rotary feeder and a motor operated

retractable chute.



Annexure XIII




Air Pollution Control Devices

The following environmental protection or pollution control systems have been proposed to be

installed for mitigation of impacts on Air Environment.

220 m tall stack proposed to be provided to ensure wider dispersion of pollutants.

ESP for control of particulate emission to less than 50 mg/m³.

Optimum air fuel ratio to limit excess air for control of NOx emissions.

Low sulphur and low ash content fuel, proposed to be used.

Green belt development in and around the plant proposed to be undertaken.

All the internal roads asphalted to reduce the fugitive dust due to truck movement.

Air Quality Monitoring: Regular monitoring of important and crucial environmental

parameters is of immense importance to assess the status of environment during plant

operation. With the knowledge of baseline conditions, the monitoring programme can serve

as an indicator for any deterioration in environmental conditions due to operation of the plant

and suitable mitigatory steps could be taken in time to safeguard the environment.

Monitoring is as important as that of control of pollution since the efficacy of control

measures can only be determined by monitoring.

Both ambient air quality and stack emissions will be monitored. It is proposed to undertake

continuous monitoring of SPM. NOX and SO2, to meet the statutory standards.

High efficiency Electrostatic Precipitator of 99.99% are proposed for limiting SPM concentration

in the flue gas to less than 50 mg/m3. The tall stack of 220 metre height based on SO2

concentration in the flue gas is provided for natural dispersion at high elevation so that ground

level concentrations are within acceptable limits.

The emission of NOX is reduced by burning fuel at a lower temperature and shortening the

throughput time of the fuel. NOx is also controlled by operating at low excess air.




At the ultimate capacity one stack would be provided. The height of the flue gas emissions point

shall be 220 metres above the plant grade level. The flue of the stack made of insulated steel

liners supported by a reinforced concrete wind shield at roof level. The internal diameter of the

flue at emission point will be 4.1 mts. approx per flue.

Electrostatic Precipitators

High efficiency electrostatic precipitators (ESP), will be provided to limit the outlet SPM

emission to less than 50 mg/m3, while the boiler is operating at its MCR, firing worst fuel with

maximum ash content. The ESP would be equipped with four parallel isolated gas streams with

gas tight dampers at inlet and outlet and microprocessor based control system. Pnuematic

conveying system will be employed for extraction of flyash from the ESP.

Dust Suppression

The dust generated at the fuel area, and stockpile area is suppressed using water sprinklers. The

water sprinkling system in the stockpile area is designed in such a way that the sprinklers are

focused in the area, where fuel is delivered to the stockpile so that dust can be suppressed. This

also reduces requirement of water, and no effluent will be generated.

Bag filters are provided at all the transfer points from one conveyor to another, and also on top of

bunkers. The collected dust is again taken back to the system.




Working Principle of Electrostatic Precipitator

Of all the devices used for solid-gas separation, electrostatic precipitator finds wide application

because of its inherent advantage over all other devices. Electrostatic precipitators can handle

large volume of gases from which solid particulates are to be removed. Their technical

superiority lies in low pressure drop, high efficiency for small particles size, and relatively easy

removal of the collected particulates.

There are four different steps in the process of precipitation:

(i) Ionisation of gases and charging of dust particles

(ii) Migration of the particle to the collector

(iii) Deposition of charged particles on the collecting surface

(iv) Dislodging of deposited particles from the collecting surface.

The electrostatic precipitator essentially consists of two sets of electrodes, one in the form of thin

wires called discharge or emitting electrodes and other set called collecting electrodes in the form

of pipes or plates. The emitting electrodes are placed in the center of pipes or midway between

two plates and are connected usually to negative polarity of high voltage DC source of the order

of 25-100 kV. The collecting electrodes are connected to the positive polarity of the source and

grounded. The high electric field in the vicinity of the emitting electrodes creates ‘corona

discharge’ ionizing the gas molecules. The dust particles entrained in the gas acquire negative

charge and experience a force, which drives them toward the collecting electrodes where they get

deposited. The collected material is dislodged by knocking the electrode by a process called




The collection efficiency () of a precipitator is given by an empirical formulas

= 1-e – (WkSCA)1/2

Where Wk has the dimension of velocity and is known as migration velocity

Total projected collecting area

SCA is Specific collecting electrode area = ---------------------------------------

Gas flow rate

This equation indicates that higher collection efficiency can be obtained by increasing the size of

the precipitator or increasing the total collecting surface area.

The migration velocity, Wk is influenced by the electrical power input, electrical resistivity of the

dust particles, dust burden, grain size distribution, temperature. This value varies from 15

cms/sec. To 50 cms/sec. Depending on the collection efficiency requirement, specific collecting

electrode area may vary from 50 to 120m²/m³/sec.

The performance of the electrostatic precipitator depends on several factors. The prominent

factors are:

(i) Characteristics of dust :

a. Particle size distribution

b. Dust loading

c. Chemical composition

d. Electrical resistivity

e. Adhesive / cohesive properties



(ii) Characteristics of gases :

a. Temperature

b. Chemical composition

c. Moisture content

d. Quantity to be handled

e. Pressure

Electrostatic precipitator finds its application in a number of processes and metallurgical

industries. This is because it can be designed in a larger number of types to suit the process


The precipitator can be basically classified into the following types:

(i) Dry or wet (irrigated)

(ii) Horizontal or vertical flow

(iii) Plate type or tubular type

For recovery of valuable material, dry type precipitator is normally chosen.

Design Considerations


An electrostatic precipitator is designed differently for different applications. Its height and

width are selected to suit the volume of gas to be treated. Its length and number of electrically

separated fields / zones are varied according to the collection efficiency requirements.

The basic data required for design of electrostatic precipitator are:

(a) Flue gas quantity

(b) Temperature of flue gas

(c) Inlet dust burden



(d) Collection efficiency required

(e) Coal analysis

- Proximate

- Ultimate

(f) Ash Analysis

- Particle size distribution

- Chemical characteristics

(g) Particle resistivity

Properties of Fly Ash

It would appear possible from physical and chemical test on coal and dust to obtain sufficient

information to predict at least broadly, the behaviour of a precipitator when used for collecting a

particular fly ash. Fly ash from fossil fuel burning varies markedly in composition depending

on the source of coal and degree and type of combustion. In addition to substantial quantities of

oxides of silicon, aluminium, iron and calcium, as many as 30 to 40 additional elements are

present in traces to significant quantities.

(a) Particle Size

The size distribution of the fly ash entering the inlet of the electrostatic

precipitators play a major role in the performance of EP.

(b) Resistivity

For temperatures below 160°C, the resistivity is dominated by the surface

conduction over the fly ash particles which in turn is greatly influenced by the

chemical composition of the flue gas (i.e H2O, SO3 etc.) At higher temperatures,

or in a perfectly dry atmosphere the fly ash behaves as semi-insulator.



Design of Precipitator for Fly Ash Removal

A fundamental task in precipitation technology is the design of optimum precipitator systems for

given applications. The basic design problem for precipitators is the determination of the

principal parameters for precipitators namely sizing, electrode arrangement and electrical

energisation needed to provide specified level of performance. Other factors such as rappers, gas

flow control methods, dust removal systems and

performance monitoring must also be considered. The collecting efficiency in actual operation

depends strongly on such quality factors as accuracy of precipitator electrodes alignment,

uniformity and smoothness gas flow through the precipitator, rapping of electrodes and the size

and electrical stability of the rectifier sets. The design incorporates certain features considered

essential or desirable when selecting the electrostatic precipitator for given application.

Construction Details

The major fundamental parts of the electrostatic precipitator consist of the following:

(i) Casing

(ii) Hoppers

(iii) Gas distributor screen

(iv) Collecting system

(v) Emitting system

(vi) Rapping mechanism for collecting system

(vii) Rapping mechanism for emitting system

(viii) Insulator housing




The precipitator casing is designed for horizontal gas flow. It is an all-welded steel construction,

assembled from prefabricated wall and roof panels using panel construction. The main part of

the fabrication is done in the workshop. This assures better tolerance and quality control.

The gas pressure and temperature and the wind load will cause the casing structure to flex.

Problem free precipitator operation requires that the electrode contained in and supported by the

casing remain perfectly aligned. Therefore excessive flexing of the casing must be avoided. The

casing design philosophy is to minimize distortion rather than using the maximum allowable

stress in the steel.

Each electrical section is available for inspection and maintenance through suitably located


To provide for heat expansion, the casing is supported by roller bearing supports.

The precipitator internals are suspended in the roof panels, which also carry all the equipment

on top of the roof. These loads are then transferred through the side panel columns and roller

bearings to the support structure. The casing is usually insulated with aluminum/G.I. lagging.

The insulation thickness is determined from case to case based on gas temperature, acid dew

point and prevailing ambient temperature. This insulation must cover the entire casing

including hoppers and side columns. The top insulation is covered by a checker plate roof. This

roof is walkable and is an ideal surface for maintenance work.


The hoppers are of pyramidal type. Also rough type and flat-bottom precipitators with scarper

conveyors are available for some applications. The valley angle of the hoppers (angle between

hopper corner and horizontal) is never less than 55° and offer more to ensure easy dust flow

down to the feed out flange.



All hoppers have gas baffles.

The upper portions of the two adjacent hoppers have a reinforced ridge to support the hoppers

across the precipitator width.

To ensure free flow of ash into the disposal system lower portions of the hoppers are provided

with electrical heaters with thermostatic control.

Gas Distribution Screen

The gas velocity in the precipitator is approximately 1/10th of the velocity in the ducting before

the precipitator. It is therefore essential that the precipitator has arrangements to give

an even gas distribution over its entire cross sectional area. A good gas distribution can not be

achieved solely through the design of the ducts. Special gas distribution screens are therefore

located at the inlet of the precipitator. The screens are of modular design and hang within a

frame work in the precipitator casing inlet. During the final checking of the gas flow pattern

additional deflector plates are added on to the screens, if necessary. A maximum of 20%

standard deviation can be tolerated for the velocity distribution in the precipitator.

Collecting System

The ‘G’ profiled collecting electrode is based on the concept of dimensional stability. The upper

edge of the collecting plates are provided with hooks, which are hung from support angles

welded to the roof structure. The lower edge of each plate has a shock receiving plate, which is

securely guided by the shock bar arrangement. This results in a stable collecting system similar

to the emitting system. In order to maintain the collecting efficiency at the design level it is

essential that the emitting and collecting systems are dimensionally stable.



The collecting plates are made of 1.6 mm steel plate and shaped in one piece by roll forming.

Rigidity is the main purpose for the special design of the collecting plate edges.

In order to assure the most rigid construction, taller collecting plates (10 m) are connected to one

another by transverse guides, thereby preventing any swinging tendencies.

Emitting System:

The emitting system is an important part of the precipitator. The emitting framework is

thoroughly braced and forms a rigid box like structure. The frame is assembled, adjusted and

welded to its final position inside the casing, which makes it possible to obtain and maintain

highly accurate electrode spacing.

The framework has a four point suspension effectively taking care of the expansion when hot gas

is entering. All sharp edges and ends of frame parts are rounded to avoid excessive flash overs.

Prefabricated sub frames, suitably sized for shipment provide the most economical design at

highest quality.

The emitting electrodes are spiralized from semi-hard stainless steel wire. The spiral electrodes

are sent to the erection site as closely wound coils with one hook mounted at each end. At the

erection, the coils are stretched and attached by means of a special stretching device between top

and bottom holders in each stage of the framework. The following are the advantages of this

type of electrode:

(i) Wire type electrodes give the best current distribution. Therefore they are the

ones best suited for difficult dusts with high electric resistivity.

(ii) They are self-tensioning. Therefore no weights are needed to keep them stretched

and taut. Such weights would have to be placed beneath the electrode system and



would require long wires (the entire precipitator height) which latter would have

to pass the lower collecting electrode edge (a spark erosion hazard).

(iii) Since no weights are used the wire can be sub divided in height. Short spirals

well tensioned (150-200 N) are much less prone to swinging than long loose wires

(50 –100 N) from weight. Spirals are easy to install with perfect and permanent


(iv) The taut wires are susceptible to rapping accelerations and to stay clean. It is

difficult to accelerate a large number of weights.

An essential part of the internal equipment in a precipitator is the design of rapping mechanisms

for both the emitting and collecting systems.

It is essential that these systems be thoroughly cleaned during rapping and the parameter, which

has greatest influence upon the cleaning efficiency is the acceleration of the electrode as a result

of the rapping action. In order to achieve efficient cleaning, the rapping systems have to be

constructed to provide the required accelerations throughout.

Rapping Mechanism for Collecting System:

Each collecting plate has a shock receiving plate at its lower end. The plates in one row of each

field are interfaced to one another by these shock receiving irons resting in slots in the shock bar,

thus maintaining the required spacings. The shock bars are kept in alignment with guides located

at the front and rear of each shock bar. Each collecting plate is hung on an eccentric positioned

hook to ensure that the shock receiving iron of the collecting plate is constantly resting against

the shock bar. In this manner the highest possible energy is transferred to the collecting plate

when the “tumbling hammer” hits the corresponding shock bar.

The rapping system employs “tumbling hammers” which are mounted on a horizontal shaft in a

staggered fashion, with one hammer for each shock bar. As the shaft rotates slowly each of the



hammers in turn over balances and tumbles, hitting its associated shock bar. The shock bar

transmits the blow simultaneously to all of the collecting plate in one row because of their direct

contact with the shock bar. A uniform rapping effect is provided for all collecting plates in one


It is of prime importance in any rapping system to avoid excessive re-entrainment of the dust into

the gas stream during the rapping procedure. With the tumbling hammer rapping mechanism the

plates are given an acceleration, which causes the collected dust to shear away from the

collecting plates and fall down in large agglomerates. These large agglomerates, which result

from a single shock shearing action greatly reduce the possibility of dust re-entrainment during


The rapping frequency should be as low as possible in order to minimize dust losses from

rapping. The frequency of each rapping system is adjustable within a wide range. There is

one set of rapping equipment provided for each bus section so that the frequency can be suited to

the conditions in that individual area.

All internal parts of the rapping mechanism are accessible for inspection, being placed in wide

access passages, before between and after the collecting fields.

All physical data essential for designing plate suspension eccentricity and rapping intensity for

this type of dust has been tested from full scale tests carried out in laboratory. The acceleration

in any point of a system similar to the one quoted has been determined. When judging the

effectiveness of the collecting system, it is also essential to keep in mind the total collecting area

being rapped at any one time. The higher the percentage of the total collecting area being rapped

at any time, the greater the re-entrainment of dust into the gas.

With the present day design of tumbling hammer rapping mechanism, a very small percentage of

the collecting area for each precipitator is treated at one time. This enhances the overall

efficiency of the precipitator and avoids puffing at the stack outlet.



Insulator Housing

Each electric bus section is supported from four insulators located in insulated compartments.

These compartments are provided with top opening covers to make easy access to the insulators

for inspection and service. There is special tooling arrangement for each insulator compartment,

which makes it possible to suspend the emitting system from a temporary jacking hook if the

insulator must be exchanged.

To keep the insulator temperature above the dew point of the gas, thermostatically controlled

electric heaters are provided in each insulator compartment.

A screen tube is installed immediately below and in connection with the support insulator. It

prevents fouling of the insulator by dust.

Rapping System for Emitting Electrodes

During electrostatic precipitation, a fraction of the dust will be collected on the emitting

electrodes and the corona will gradually be suppressed as the dust layer grows. It is therefore

necessary to rap the emitting electrodes occasionally. This rapping is done with a rapping

system employing “Tumbling Hammers” which are mounted on a horizontal shaft in a staggered

fashion. These hammers hit specially designed shock beams to which the intermediate part of the

emitting frame of each dust is attached. In this manner the shock energy generated by the

hammer is transmitted to the emitting electrodes.

One rapping mechanism is provided per electrical bus section. The driving arrangement for the

rapping mechanism is located either on the roof or on the side wall of the precipitator. The

operation of the gear motor for the rapping mechanism is controlled by a programme relay,

which is adjusted to optimum conditions at the time of commissioning. Subsequent adjustments

can easily be carried out during operation, should operating conditions vary.



Electrical System

The precipitator presents a non-linear load characteristics which again fluctuates with numerous

variables such as size, velocity and nature of dust particles, temperature in the precipitator,

humidity of the gases etc., for optimum functional efficiency of the precipitator, the supply

voltage should be maintained near about the flash over level between the precipitator electrodes.

This can be achieved by an electronic control system, which raises the output voltage to flash

over level and reduces it automatically by a small amount in the event of a flash over.

An additional increase in voltage beyond the normal operating zone produces a disproportionate

increase in current accompanied by heavy sparking and a rapid reduction in dust collection

efficiency. Experience has shown that the maximum dust collecting efficiency is related to the

amount of minor sparking that occurs on the electrodes. Thus the function of effective control

system is:

(a) to operate the precipitator by a current and voltage that will vary according to the

conditions in the precipitator, maintaining a high efficiency by controlling the

spark rate.

(b) to provide an inherent arc suppression by arranging for the power supply output to

reduce practically to zero for the duration of an arc.

(c) to provide back up protection against sustained power arc or persistent low

voltage conditions by means of an under voltage alarm circuit.

(d) To indicate when the power supply is inadequate or a power arc is sustained due

to fault condition by means of visual and audio alarms.

(e) Provision of manual and automatic circuits.

The rectifier-control cubicle provides all the modern controls besides a spark rate controller unit

which controls a spark rate of 5 to 10 sparks per minute to maintain optimum dust collection

efficiency. The rectifier system provides a smoother control of output current from 10% to

100% of the rated value and also maintains the constant current output.



Principle of Operation

S.C.R. Control

A.C. input is applied to the main high voltage transformer through silicon controlled rectifier

regulator. The regulator supplies controlled A.C. voltage to transformer rectifier set. This AC

voltage is stepped up by the transformer and rectified by silicon diode bridge. The thyristor

regulator along with different controls ensure the constant current output irrespective of the

changes in precipitator conditions. The thyristor, which has fast response and switching

characteristics, offers full control on voltage output.

The transformer rectifier set houses the high voltage transformer, silicon diode bridge rectifier

stack and a choke all immersed in insulating oil.

The electronic controller houses all the power and control circuits. Current feedback is taken

from the secondary of the transformer rectifier. The control system includes a number of control

cards which senses the feed backs and gives out suitable control signals to the SCR driver which

in turn controls the firing pulses of the main SCR.

Auxiliary Control Panels

The auxiliary control panels regulate the operation of rapping motors and heating elements of the

system pertaining to one pass of the precipitator.

Each auxiliary control panel consists of relays, contactors, master controllers, timers, switches,

indicating lamps etc., necessary for the control of:

(a) Heating for the precipitator hopper.

(b) Heating for shaft insulators of the rapping mechanism of emitting electrodes.

(c) Heating for the support insulators of the precipitator.

(d) Controlling the operation of the rapping motors of collecting and emitting




(e) Provision of potential free contacts for connection to external annunciation of the

tripping of rapping motors.

Heating elements provided on the hoppers ensure free flow of ash from the hoppers by

maintaining the temperature of ash above dew point.

The insulators are also provided with heating elements in order that the insulators are kept free

from condensation. The control circuit for the operation of the rapping motor is provided with

master controller and timers. The master controller and timer, control the sequence and

frequency of operation of the rapping motors of the collecting and emitting systems of the

different fields of the precipitator. During maintenance schedule the operation of the individual

rapping motors can be tested. For this purpose the respective toggle switch in the master

controller should be changed over to the continuous operation position.

Interlocking System

This system is designed for the safety of the personnel and protection of equipment during the

operation and maintenance. This system will not operate unless the operations are carried out


The system consists of rotary switches, interlocks and key exchange boxes. The exchange boxes

are located in control room and at prominent places on the precipitator casing.

In the interlocking system, the insulator housings, inspection doors, hopper doors, HV isolating

switches are provided with key interlocks.

Each key designation consists of numbers and letters representing the unit involved, type of unit

and its location.



Annexure – XIV





Incident Evaluation and Classification of On-Site Emergency Declaration.

Off-site and External Agency Notification (When required)

Implementation of On-site Response Actions

Implementation of Protective Actions and Evacuation.

Coordination of Response Actions with External Agencies.

Management of Emergency Resources

Responsibilities of On-site Emergency co-ordinators

Site Chief Incident Controller: Head (O&M)

Succession: Asst.Manager – Chemical Lab


The Site Chief Controller will assume the overall responsibility for the factory site

and its personnel.

Assigned resposibilities are :

Over all controller of the emergency

Liaise with other coordinators

Activate evacuation if required

Inform JMD about action plan and actions

Inform district collector about the emergency if needed

Release information to media in coordination with the welfare, media and transport


Declare off-site emergency when the effects of emergency threatens to enlarge


Interact with other coordinators and get first hand information for constant review and continuous


Activate emergency plant shutdown if required

Ensure implementation of evacuation plan at site if activated

Liaise with coordinators of emergency services(First aid, Security, Fire and safety)

Liaise with external agencies like TNEB/Metro water for uninterrupted power and water supply

Liaise with port authorities to stop coal receipt

Ensure stoppage of all hot works

Coordinate with chief incident controller to shutdown / isolation of units / sections

Coordinate for head count at the assembly points for safe evacuation

Ensure adequate water availability in both fire water storages

Ensure uninterrupted power supply for handling emergency – fire water pumps and plant site


Liaise with nearby available fire fighting bodies for help if needed

Evacuate all non essential personnel from affected area

Keep Site Chief Controller informed about the situation on continuous basis

External Resources and Communication Coordinator: Manager – Administration

Succession Coordinator : Senior Engineer - Instrumentation


Ensure catering facilities, transport facilities and resting facilities for employees and

emergency crew



Arrange to inform family members of employees as required

Liaise with press/media in consultation with chief site controller

Liaise with state , central govt and statutory bodies including police in respect of the

nature and magnitude of the incident etc in consultation with site chief controller

Arrange transportation for emergency use if required

Arrange for vehicles to evacuate people from assembly points if evacuation declared

Liaise with district / state transport authorities if required

Arrange for refuelling of vehicles

Liaise with medical coordinator for effective handling of medical emergencies

Security coordinator:

Prevent entry of unauthorised persons

Release security personnel to assist fire marshal

Direct the mutual aid vehicle to scene of fire

Control traffic at the site

Cordon off the incident site

Arrange to remove all parked vehicles out of site premises

Inform all key persons about the incident location



Senior Engineer – Electrical

Succession – Stores in-charge


Ensure availability of materials required by the incident controller

Enact emergency procurement from neighbouring industries or local dealers as


Arrange to man material issue counter

Arrange to stop all hot works and height works

Arrange to depute a team from mechanical to assist incident controller

Arrange to provide necessary mechanical and electrical assistance as required

Ensure all contract workers and employees not involved in fire fighting, moved to the

designated assembly point

If evacuation is declared ensure head count of people evacuated and coordinate with

welfare / media / transport coordinates for smooth boarding and drop of people to

designated rallying post

Ensure uninterrupted availability of proper communication facilities like telephone,

UHS, hand sets

Mobilise additional UHF handsets for emergency use

Safety coordinator: Manager – Safety

Succession: Officer - Safety


Monitor all fire fighting operations

Liaise with Fire Marshall for effective control

Liaise with nearby available fire fighting bodies for help if required



Ensure turn out of mutual aid at site

Organise relieving groups for fire fighting through shift coordinator

Ensure adequate resources for fire fighting

MEDICAL SERVICES coordinator: Doctor


Arrange first aid medical equipments at field as per site coordinator instruction

Ensure adequate medical facilities at emergency centre

Organise first aid team, using the trained personnel

Liaise with administration coordinator for seeking hospital services and transport of



Succession : Manager Projects


Coordinate all emergency management activities if project sites are involved in the


Liaise with different project contractors

Ensure stoppage of all hot and height works

Ensure all personnel are assembled at the proper designated location

Ensure closing of all fire water consumption points other than used for fire fighting

If evacuation is declared ensure head count of people evacuated and coordinate with

welfare/media/transport coordinator for smooth boarding and drop of people to

designated rallying post

Telephone Operator On Duty:

He/she will follow the instructions given by administration coordinator , time to


HEAD – FIRE CREW : Assistant Manager - Mechanical

Succession : Manager - Safety


Mobilise fire fighting team to the scene of fire

Advise on safe fire fighting distance

Advise on fire fighting based on wind direction and severity of fire

Coordinate with incident controller , to effect isolation of fire source /

equipment/other equipment

Organise standby crew for fire fighting and releiving arrangements

Coordinate and implement the instructions given by site chief controller / incident


Organise and advise the state / mutual aid fire team on arrival at site

Responsible to bring the emergency situation under control

inform site chief controller / incident controller on fire fighting needs

responsible for the safety of his fire crew during fire fighting operation





follow the instructions and direction given by site chief controller

at the scenario, keep the engine running and do not switch-off the engine as it may be

the potential ignition source

Always be ready with the vehicle anticipating emergency services


Analyze the emergency and decide on the emergency level warning.

Direct, coordinate and supervise the emergency response activities

Direct the shutdown (whole plant area, a particular unit/operation, as required), isolation of

valves, evacuation, shutting down of operations like unloading, transfer, etc. through Incident

Controller and if required, take any other appropriate action that may be necessary for the

emergency response.

Ensure accountability of On-site and Off-site personnel for protection, safety etc.

Ensure that the casualties if any are given medical attention and that the relatives are informed, if necessary.

Arrange for relief of personnel when emergency is prolonged.

Liaison with the off-site emergency response govt departments and organizations such as fire and police officials and other statutory bodies and advise them of all likely effects of the incident - outside the complex.

Ensure that the security staff at all the gates regulates traffic movement within the facility.

Issue authorized statement to the news media, if required.

Ensure preservation of evidence for inquiries to be conducted by statutory authorities. He should consider and take photographs to preserve the evidence and first incident record.

Also once the emergency is over then it should be ensured that the whole site is first videotaped and then fill in the Incident First Information report. This would not only help in identifying and preserving the evidence in a film but would also be of a great help to the investigating agencies and clean up agencies.

Authorize the termination of emergency situation by sounding of ‘All Clear’ siren, which will be a continuous, long siren for two minute.


Typically the person fulfilling this function should have good operational familiarity with the facility and its response organization - the shift in charge.

When deemed appropriate, the incident controller position may coincide with the site chief incident controller function and both positions assigned to just two person.

He shall

Take immediate charge of the incident site and arrange all rescue operation to control the emergency situation.

Be in constant communication with site chief incident controller and accordingly organize and direct the emergency response activities keeping in mind the safety of personnel and minimizing loss and damage to installation.

Formulate strategies and advise the site chief incident controller of the actions to be taken to mitigate the consequences of the accident.

Maintain direct communications with the members of the emergency response Coordinators team.

Coordinate the activities aimed at organizing, requesting, and obtaining additional resources (both as equipment and personnel) to support the field operations.



Check for casualties.

Arrange for rescue of trapped workers and those in a state of shock.

Get all non essential workers safely evacuated after stopping all those jobs, which are not required during an emergency and instruct them to reach appropriate assembly point.

Direct the shutting down of plant, unit, material handling operations (enclosing of valves, conveyors, etc.) and evacuation from the plant and call outside emergency service, if necessary.

Allocate predetermined and additional job to members of the emergency squad.

Report all developments to the site chief incident controller.

Preserve all evidence for use in the subsequent inquiry. ADMINISTRATION COORDINATOR:

Immediately proceed to the Emergency on learning about the incident or on hearing the emergency siren.

Immediately take out the list of all the people present in the plant (including contractor people) department wise.

Issue department wise list to all the sub departmental heads and ask for a head count.

Make a list of all the missing people, if any.

Generate a list of all the emergency response team members in the plant and keep it on standby to make it available to site chief incident controller, if and when needed.

Work as a liaison officer during the emergency and liaison with police, district administration, surrounding industries, factory directorate, and general public.

Arrange refreshment, lunch, dinner etc. for emergency team

Under the direction of the site chief incident controller handle police, press and other inquiries, receive reports of roll call from emergency assembly areas and pass on the absenteeism information to the incident controller.

Ensure that casualties receive adequate and immediate medical attention.

Inform the nearby hospitals and call for ambulance, if required.

Maintain prior agreed inventory of emergency equipment in the plant and make up for shortages.(coordinate with engineering coordinator)

In addition, this function has the important task of keeping chronological records of what is happening during the emergency, and preparing reports for the site chief incident controller and his staff. This includes.

1. Recording any change in the emergency action level status. 2. Keeping track of all external agencies notified. 3. Keeping track of emergency personnel intervening. 4. Keeping track of emergency personnel notified and arriving at the scene. 5. Keeping a record of all events affecting the emergency. 6. Keeping a record of all of the decisions made and emergency actions taken during the

emergency operations. 7. Updating maps and wall charts displaying the spreading of the emergency (e.g. units affected by

fire, areas affected by evacuation orders), and maintaining a record of them. 8. Recording the arrival of special emergency materials or equipment (this may be especially

important for later financial accountability). 9. Recording any fact of relevance occurring during the emergency.


Continue to handle the emergency as per the laid down procedures and as guided by the incident controller.

Avoid crowding of the affected area by unwanted personnel.

Stop all non essential jobs/unwanted operations.

Remove unwanted persons from the area to a “Safe Assembly Point”.




Promptly relieve the members of the team and direct them to rush to the scene of incident.

Those employees who may be in the canteen or toilet or any other place, on hearing the alarm, shall immediately rush back to the department/facility.

Act as per the instructions of the incident controller or your own plant shift engineer.

All the employees shall confine themselves at the place of work and wait for further instructions.

The personnel of the non affected area shall take adequate steps to safe guard important documents if the area is likely to be affected.

Contractor employees shall stop their work and report at the safe assembly points POSSIBLE TYPES OF MAJOR INCIDENTS The possible types of accidents/emergencies that could occur in the plant are : a) Boiler / TG Area / APH Fire & Explosion in the Boiler Fire in Coal Mills / bunker / feeder Fire in TG Area /APH / Lube Oil Tanks b) CHP Area Fire & explosion in tunnel Fire in Coal conveyors Fire in coal at coal yard c) Other Services Department Fire in Lube Oil Storage Area/PLANT/STORES/chemical lab/HFO, LDO storage/ MOT/ Electrical fires (DG sets/cable gallery/MCC/switch gear/switch yard/transformer/cable trays) d) Bush fire




Annexure – XV


Annexure 78

Administrative Set-up Map
