Fp11 J Reyes


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Dog Food Ads

By: Jorge Reyes

The boat is representing the dog and how strong he is. Your dog will be as strong if you buy this food. The advertisement says “Extra performance for dogs”

The advertisment says “Makes small dogs do big things.” They are basically saying that after eating this food even a poodle will be able to hunt like a beagle.

This advertisment is comparing humans to dogs by showing the line in the dogs paw and saying it is a life line. They are trying to sell this product by making you think that by buying IAMS dog food that your dog will live longer.

Pedigree is trying to show you that if you buy this brand that your dog will love you so much he would want to hug you. I like this because it show the feeling that you get when you have a pet.

This advertisement is trying to show you that they put vegetables in their food to try and make you think that it is healthier for your animal.

This advertisement is trying to tell you that Denature sticks will make your dogs teeth stronger. So strong that he might even be able to open up this can off dog food all by himself.

This advertisement is saying that “new and exclusive recipe that combines the best of the natural ingredients.” So they are trying to show you that your food is so natural that your dog might even find it while he is hunting.

The advertisement says “Pluto, we still love you” and underneath it says “We’re for underdogs too” So they are trying to appeal to all consumers by making this statement like children, underdogs, and common people in general.

This is a simple represention about how strong this dog will be by simply eating Pedigree. He would be so strong that if he wanted to bury his bone in the cement he could.

“Your small dog will feel stronger then ever” They are trying to say that by eating this food even your Chihuahua will even feel like a Great Dane.

This billboard is one of the most unique adverisements I’ve ever seen. It represents the dog and owner and tries to successfully make the owner to want to buy the dog food.

“it does big things for small dogs” This ad is all about trying to make you think that because of this food your dog will be able to get any female dog it wants. Even if she is a poodle and twice the size.

Once again the representation of the human and the dog. Many people say that owners choose dogs that look like themselves so Cesar played off this by saying “she might look like you, but she doesn’t’ have to eat the same food”


• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ODC5e3AEa8

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk7tsp4wdVo

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpVpbBqECkA

“For the refined canine” They are trying to appeal to the more wealthy people who enjoy going out to bars and clubs.

This ad is for healthy digestion. They are tying to say that this food is so good for your dog and his digestion that it will make it so you can see right threw him. I find this advertisement a little strange and I don’t really understand where they got this concept from.

This ad is trying to appeal to owners of small dogs. By saying that it “makes small dogs do big things”

This billboard tries to make you feel that the dogs are innocents and are the best friend that you could have. Also telling you that Pedigree is the dogs friend.

In conclusion, all of the advertisements that I have presented are part of advertisements from dog food companies. All of them trying to make you buy their

food, saying that theirs is the best and will make your dog stronger. Dogs are awesome and they do deserve

the best food.

