Français III. * At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and...


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Français III

Les Souvenirs d’Enfance

Unit Objectives

*At the end of the unit students will be able to describe childhood memories and events.

l'enfance = childhood

les souvenirs d'enfance= childhood memories

un bébé = a baby

un petit enfant = a toddler

un enfant = a child

une mère/maman = a mother/a mom

un père /papa = a father/ a dad

un frère= a brother

une sœur = a sister

ADD: ainé(e) = oldestcadet (te) youngerbenjamin(e) =

youngestElle est ma sœur cadette.

Il est mon frère ainé.Je suis le/la benjamin(e).

une famille de cinq

1. le papa

2. la maman

3. le frère ainé

4. la sœur cadette

5. la sœur benjamine 1 2 3 4


*un voisin = a neighbor

*mon voisinage = my neighborhood

*un cousin = a cousin

*un ami = a friend

*unmeilleure ami = a best friend

*une grande personne= an adult

*un chiot = a puppy

*un chaton = a kitten

*mon jouet favori = my favorite toy

*un nounours = a teddybear

*(un animal) en peluche = a stuffed (animal)

*une couverture = a blanket

*une bouteille = a bottle

*un pacificateur= a pacifier

*un berceau = a crib

*une couche = a diaper

*un hochet = a rattle

*une bavette = a bib

*mon jeu favori = my favorite game

un canard en peluche

*au cache-cache = hide and seek

*aux jeux de société= board games

*aux dames = checkers

*aux cartes= cards

*aux cubes = blocks

*dehors = outside

*au ballon = ball

*à la poupée = dolls

*à chat perché= tag

*à la marelle = hopscotch

JOUER = to play…

*au cirque = to the circus

*à la crèche = to day care

*à l’école maternelle= to nursery school

*au cour de récré= to the playground

*à un parc d’attractions = to a theme park

ALLER = to go…

*des attractions = to go on rides

*de la balançoire = to go on the swings

*des châteaux de sable = to make sand castles

*des bêtises = to mess around (be silly)

*des farces = to joke around (prank)

*dodo = to go to sleep (baby talk for dormir)

*semblant (d’être) = to pretend (to be)

Faire Expressions

*un petit ange = a little angel

*sage = well-behaved

*timide = shy

*un petit diable = a little devil

*bavard(e) = talkative (chatty)

*vilain(e) = naughty

*pénible = annoying

*ennuyeux/ennuyeuse = boring

être= to be…

*regarder des dessins animés = to watch cartoons

*lire des bandes dessinées = to read comics strips

*chanter une berceuse = to sing a lullaby

*grimper des arbres = to climb trees

*sauter à la corde = to jump rope

*raconter une histoire = to tell a story

*taquiner = to annoy

*gronder/être grondé(e) = to scold to be scolded

*baver = to drool

*pleurer = to cry

*crier= to scream

*collectionner = to collect

*marcher à quatre pas = to crawl

*démurer = to reside (live)

*déménager = to move (houses)

*ressembler à= to look like (someone)

*se graduer de = to graduate from (nursery school)

*s’amuser = to have fun

*s’ennuyer = to be bored

*Quand j'avais _____ ans = When I was ___ years old.

*Quand j'étais petit(e) = When I was little

*Quand j'étais plus jeune= When I was younger

*je m’appelais = I was called /I used to be called

*j’avais= I had/I used to have

*j’étais= I was/I used to be

*il y avait = there was/there were/there used to be

*en général = in general

*d'habitude = usually

*normalement = normally

*autrefois= In the past

*toujours= always

*tous les (jours) = every(day)

*tout le temps= all of the time

*rarement = rarely

*ne…jamais = never

*souvent= often

*chaque= each/every

*de temps en temps= from time to time

*le (lundi) = every Monday/on Mondays

*lundi = Monday/on Monday

*(lundi) dernier = last Monday

*une fois = once, one time

*hier = yesterday

*hier matin = yesterday morning

*hier après-midi = yesterday afternoon

*hier soir = last night

*le weekend dernier = last weekend

*le mois dernier = last month

*la semaine dernière = last week

*l’été dernier = last summer

*l’année dernière = last year

*il y a + time frame = AGO

*il y a cinq minutes = five minutes ago

*il y a deux heures = 2 hours ago

*il y a trois jours = 3 days ago

*il y a une semaine= a week ago

*il y a deux mois = two months ago

*il y a cinq ans = five years ago

*il y a plusieurs jours= several days ago
