Frankenmuth United Methodist Church


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Sermons for June Sermon Series: “Pastor’s Farewell Tour”

The Pastor’s last 5 Sundays cover important subjects that he wants you to know before saying Auf Wiedersehen.

Sunday, June 2 (Family Sunday, Holy Communion) “God’s Secret Source of Wisdom and Power” John 15:1-11 Going to the YMCA on a regular basis, eating healthy foods, and having a regular Quiet Time together with family and individually on my own all seem like a daunting task. Actually, God’s source of wisdom and power is not a secret. It’s a commitment we make every day to draw closer to God. The “secret” is to let it sink in just how important God’s wisdom and power are – that it’s worth the effort, like breathing. Sunday, June 9 (Pentecost Sunday: the birthday of God’s church) “Come to Jesus Once Forever” Acts 2:36-41 On the birthday of the church an uneducated fisherman made one of the clearest, most powerful explanations ever given about coming to Jesus. About three thousand came to Jesus that day and the church was born, and it would last forever. It also works on the individual level. This is the greatest thing that could ever happen to anyone. So we want to make sure that it’s done well. Sunday, June 16 (Father’s Day) “The Love of God” I John 4:7-21 “Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Athe-ism” by Catholic psychologist Paul Vitz says that “intense atheists” throughout history (Neitzsche, Voltair, Madalyn Murray O’Hair) had absent or rotten fathers, and that damaged their ability to form a relationship with the heavenly Father. Conversely, many notable believers (Renaissance man Blaise Pascal, Anti-slavery activist William Wilberforce and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, et al.) had great relationships with their dads. One of the best ways to love your kids is to love God…and vice versa. Sunday, June 23 “It’s Show and Tell Time” James 2:14-26 Elementary school had special times where children brought things to class to show and tell to their classmates. The “telling” was greatly enhanced by the “showing.” The church’s witness is greatly dimin-ished when we have little or nothing to “show” along with our “telling.” Even if we don’t have large crowds or the latest in audio-visual production or whatever, there is still plenty to “show” when we experience God. From helping the poor to miracle-healing answered prayer to being filled with God’s Spirit, such small beginnings add power to the “telling.” Sunday, June 30 (Pastor’s last day, “handoff” to Rev Wenburg at end of service, pot-luck after service) “Whatever Is Good” Philippians 4:1-9 This is a reflection of all the good that God has helped us do together in the past 20 months. No tears. No regrets. Seamless tran-sition. Powerful future. Be the Flame that draws people to Christ Jesus.

JUNE 2019












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Pastor Ryan grew up in a small farm town in Nebraska. He has one younger sister, Keri. Beth grew up in Gladwin, Michigan. She came from a family of 5 kids. They met in Gladwin and were married in 2004. Pastor’s dad worked for Monroe Auto Equipment and moved the family to Michigan in 1988. Pastor Ryan attended High School in Dundee. After graduation he studied at Central Michigan University and as an exchange student at the Univer-sity of Groningen in Europe. After serving 14 years as Legislative Assistant, Chief of Staff for 2 State Representatives and Director of Legislation for a Sena-tor it was time to finally answer God’s call and head to semi-nary. Ryan left his career in Lansing and Beth surrendered her role as the office manager for a large property management company.

The family was called out of Pilgrim United Methodist Church in St. Johns. They moved to Kentucky to at-tend Asbury Theological Seminary for four years. They left with 3 kids and returned with 4 to serve at Hart-ford U.M.C on the west side. The church grew in many ways and Ryan was ordained as an Elder in the United Methodist Denomination in 2018. Christian is 13. He currently participates in football, basketball, and track. He plays several instruments but prefers the trumpet. Elijah is 11 also plays football, basketball, music, and track and is learning the saxophone. Anna is 8 and likes to dance. Isaiah is 4. He loves people and is full of energy. Isaiah also has some special needs. The Wenburg’s are still searching for a diagnosis after years of trying to find some answers. Global delay is probably the best description. His abilities don’t match his age. He can be a challenge, yet even in the midst of struggles God has blessed this family with this boy. Beth spends her days caring for Isaiah now and managing a growing home instead of an office. The kids are looking forward to sports, dance, and youth activities at the church. And Pastor Ryan is excited about the ministry Christ has planned for their family in Frankenmuth.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, accord-ing to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

BAG LAD IES Our flannel blankets are finally done and at last count we have over 50 youth blankets ready to go to 3 or 4 area organizations for distribution. We are working on bags made from our special upholstery material. They are beautiful, you should see them. We can use a non-sewer for a short time so come on down. We are also working on our once a year apron project for a cou-ple weeks. Coming up next will be shorts and dresses. For more information contact Gretna Van Fleet at 989-652-8538 or Karen Jennings at 989-274-0331.

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Lunch Bunch program for this month will be presented by a speaker specializing in Senior Concerns. Are your “Ducks” all in a row? Join us for lunch June 18 and find out. This also will be Pastor Mark’s last brunch with us as our pastor. Bring his favorite dish to share with him!! See you then at noon.


Cancer—Now What? is a book for those with cancer and also for their loved ones. The books continue to be available in the narthex for you to give to those who could benefit from this helpful guide. Remember, this is a way to show that you care and that FUMC does too!

Eve Friendship Circle assembles Layettes for new mothers who do not have necessary clothes for their newborn baby when they leave Covenant Hospital in Saginaw. We can certainly use help in purchasing some of the needs. Following is a list of what we can use: one-sie’s, sleepers or gowns, crib blankets, and disposable diapers. All items need to be for Newborn babies. The items can be placed in the big white box that is labeled “layette’s” in the Resource Room. Thank you so much in advance for any help with

this project. If you have any questions, please contact Joyce Scholz, 989-652-2667.


BOARD OF MIN ISTR IES NEWS BY SANDY KARLS Thank you Church Council for authorizing us to form. We are excited to work together & hear God speak to us. Our April BOM meeting produced a brochure listing all growth groups & service opportunities to date. Our common purpose is to execute the church mission of making disciples. Charlie Graham (Council Chair) & Denise Bartlett (Membership Secretary) joined the BOM for better cross-communication with administrators. Denise is our central communications and the Book of Disciple is our by-law book. We established a planning calendar & a flow chart. At our second meeting, May 21, we hope to design the process by which we can all work together to propel spiritual birth, growth & leadership.

Don’t forget to bring those Box Tops you’ve been collecting. The Mission team is sending them to the Red Bird Mission who then redeems the labels for items or cash for their School. You can find Box Tops on hundreds of products such as General Food cereals, Ziplock food storage, Betty Crocker mixes, El Paso and Progresso products and many prepared snacks. Just clip the Box Tops from each package. Bring the clipped Box Tops to the church collection site, which is on the wall in the coat rack area in the nar-thex. Thanks. This small effort on your part will bring huge returns to the Red Bird Mission School.


Summer Office Hours begin Tuesday, May 28th. The office is open Monday thru Thursday 8:30-3:00 and Friday’s 8:30-12:30.

VOLUNTEERS FROM CHRIST’S FLOCK June Greeters—9:30 Coffee Hour Hosts

2 Norm & Mary Remington Worship Team

9 Carol Cline & Mary Reindel Missions Team

16 Duane & Darlene Gerstenberger Administrative Council

23 Stan & Sharon Tuckwell Staff-Parish Relations Committee

30 Pat & Taylor Arvilla Trustees

June Altar Flowers Scrip Table Hostess 2 Darlene Gerstenberger

9 Martha Halverson

16 Amy Wales

23 Karen Dukovich

30 Cindy May

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1. Bev Wright Garrett Rezmer Lauren Somerville 2. Betty Jo Fowler 3, Norm Remington 4. Jenna Phillips 6. Bill Coulter 9. Marcia Sadowski Charles Allport

10. Jeff Wales 11. Amy Wales 13. Jean Lichon Megan McDowell 19. Mary Remington 22. Jan Palmer Mike Alsgaard Steve McCallum 24. Ed Allport

Don Lichon Adam Piesko Alec Martin 26. Pearl Geiger Kay Goff 27 Joey McDowell 28. Yvonne Jensen 28. Lyle Hartl 29. Gloria Snidersich

If we have missed your birthday, we are so sorry. Please notify the church office so we may update our records.


SCRIP Cards If you are a Meijer or Walmart shopper, how about pre-ordering your weekly or monthly grocery cards? The church stocks a wide variety of retailers & restaurant gift cards as well. Stop by the SCRIP desk (at the entrance) on Sunday morning and see what is available or what we can order for you. The church receives a percentage of sales that helps to support our youth programs.

Just a reminder the church office is open Monday thru Thursday from 8:30-3:00 and on Friday’s from 8:30-12:30.

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Thank you for your contributions to the May Bread Pan Offering that was taken for the Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti. At this time the amount is $671.82 The Bread Pan Offering for the month of June will be taken for New Heart United Methodist Church in Saginaw, serving low-income families in the southwest area of the city. Under the leadership of Pastor Melene Wilsey, New Heart Church is operating a food pantry, clothing closet, a center for teens, a tutoring program, and a summer sports camp. The church is a hub of community support. In Pastor Melene’s own words: “We believe that Church should represent Jesus in the community. We strive to be a place of safety, hope, & love for those in our neighborhood. We are passionate about building meaningful, lasting relationships with our community. Our mission is to transform our community with a NEW HEART and a new spirit!” Please join us on the third Sunday, June 16 for the Bread Pan offering!


Save the Date for the annual Strawberry Festival on June 18th from 3:00-8:30 pm at Community Village. Many volunteers are needed to make this spectacular day a success. Or just come for live music, games, prizes fresh strawberries and of course, DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE! If you would like more infor-mation, please contact Sandy Yerion (652-6874) or Jenny Deweese (752-6051, ext. 122). City Rescue Mission of Saginaw is looking for kitchen volunteers who would like to come once per week for a few hours to cook, bake, wash dishes, or prep food. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Jenny Deweese at 989-752-6051, ext. 122, or Thank you!


E1 NEWS Summer is around the corner & school is going to get out soon. Kids are still waiting on the final day of school. Those darn snow days! Things have changed a bit at E1 as we are no longer meeting here on Thurs-day, but meet at the Library instead. Kristy has invited all the kids to come Wednesday evenings this summer at 6:30 p.m. for “Rooted”, which will include a Bible study, some games, and lots of fun!

First off, we would like to thank everyone who supported the pancake breakfast last month. We raised $602!! The money will be used by the youth to participate in One Week One Street in Saginaw on June 27th from 9am to 4pm. I think this would be amazing for us to do as a whole church. If you aren’t available on June 27th, One Week One Street is happening all week. All help would be greatly appreciated. A sign up sheet will be in the narthex for those interested. Lisa Woodke and I are working on Wednesdays with the kids during the summer. Our plan is to do a Bible study, some games and play outside. Fun on Wednesdays, 6:30pm! Come join us. More information will be coming soon about attending Rock the Island in July.

Kristy Haskell, youth coordinator


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ADMINISTRAT IVE COUNCIL MEET ING HIGHLIGHTS MAY 14, 2019 Children & Family Discipleship – Lisa Woodke proposed changes to the Safe Sanctuary Policy. There was some discussion; it was decided to table it and vote on the changes next month. All volunteers that use our church and work with children will need a background check. Student Discipleship – Kristy Haskell reported that the E1 After School program is not meeting at our church after school on Thursday because she does not have a volunteer to help her. They have approval to meet at the library. The pancake breakfast spon-sored by the youth raised $602.00. The youth will be participating in One Week One Street on June 27. The Frankenmuth Police asked Kristy if our church youth would like to do a school supply drive for students in need. There would be a box set up in our church, the library, and the police station to collect school supplies. Kristy made a motion that our church would work with the Frankenmuth police to collect school supplies for students in need. Sandy Yerion approved the motion and Lisa Woodke seconded. All in favor, none opposed, the motion passed. Adult Discipleship – Sandy Karls is recommending that our church start two annual leadership events. One would be a fall off-site vision and goal setting retreat. The other would be a January leader development day. All leaders for the coming year would receive their job descriptions during this January meeting. Sandy Yerion moved to approve two annual leadership events. Shannon Pringle seconded . All in favor, none opposed, the motion passed. Sandy Karls is also proposing that we streamline Council which would cut the number of members on Council from 40 to 23. Pastor Mark asked if the proposal could be tabled until next month. Missions - Pat Arvilla reported that the offering for Native American Sunday brought in $751.00. The offering taken for the Gide-ons in remembrance of Bill Varney brought in $1300.00. The May breadpan offering will be taken for the Grace Children’s Hospi-tal in Haiti. There are three couples planning on participating in the God’s Country Cooperative Parish mission trip. Stephen Ministry – Judy Dale reported that they are asking members of the congregation to fill out a short survey about the aware-ness and ownership of the Stephen Ministry program in our church. United Methodist Women – Sandy Yerion reported that the next UMW activity will be a June 6 picnic. Worship - Cheryl Weirauch shared that during the three summer months there will be a worship service on the last Wednesday of each month. They will be musical in nature and one of them will focus on the musical talent within our own church. If you have any input regarding worship services, you can contact Cheryl Weirauch. VCI – Charlie Graham reported for Steve Arnold. The team needs to start thinking about goals for year 2020. Steve is thinking about the purpose / mission for the annual offsite. Finance – During the finance team meeting, Bill Coulter reported that the giving is a little shy of the budget. Craig Banes, the church treasurer, is ready to step down and we need to start looking for a replacement. The new sound system should be installed the first week in June. Memorial – Darlene Gerstenberger reported that the memorial fund had recent contributions of $45. Scholarship – Connie Coulter reported for Steve Jennings. The scholarship process will be discussed graduation Sunday but the individuals who received the church scholarship will not be announced. The recipients of the church scholarship will not be an-nounced until Honor’s Night and Connie will be there to present the scholarships. SPRC – Roger Yerion reported that the moving van for the new pastor will be coming June 14. To welcome the new pastor the congregation will be doing a welcome pantry. Details about the welcome pantry will be in the next newsletter. Roger encouraged everyone to attend the listening sessions. Trustees – Connie Coulter reported that the new roof on the church is moving and grooving. Updates on the parsonage are coming along. Some help on the parsonage will be needed from the congregation and Connie will keep the congregation informed of what and when via e-mail. The dollar amount reported in the church budget for insurance was short. Also the trustees met with Larry Michael and it was decided the church is under insured. After some discussion, the trustees are asking for an additional $5000 for insurance for 2019. Lisa Woodke moved to approve an extra $5000 for insurance. Sandy Yerion seconded. All in favor, none opposed, the motion passed.

Attention Ladies of FUMC, the June 6th UMW meeting is the date for our Annual Potluck Picnic! This year we are gathering at Memorial Park at 6 pm. The tables we plan to save early are west of the new Splash Pad directly behind the football field. Restrooms will be open in the Splash Pad pavilion. Drinks provided. Bring your own table ser-vice, dish to share, and a folding chair or blanket for the music program pro-vided for us by Jennifer Naegele (our speaker in January) after dinner. Since we

had not begun to collect a love offering in January for our speakers, please remember to bring your wallet or check book if you wish to donate to Girls on the Run program. All women of the church are welcome! Come join us for good food & fellowship. NOTE: In case of inclement weather, we will meet at the church instead. An email & Facebook post will no-tify you if that is necessary so if you don’t get these, ask a friend to notify you by phone.


All ladies are invited to meet at DaVinci’s on June 20th at 1:00 p.m. for lunch and fellowship with the Eve Friendship Circle ladies.


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STEPHEN MIN ISTRY NEWS Periodically, evaluation of effectiveness is necessary for any organization and that is what Stephen Ministry will be concentrating on for the next couple of months. Sunday, May 19, 2019 we made an announcement that encouraged everyone to pick up a survey and fill it out, returning to the office by Friday, May 31st. Through this survey we hope to discover what our strong areas are and of course find out the areas we need to work on. Thanks a lot for taking the time to fill out that survey. If you didn’t have a chance to pick up a survey, but have something you would like us to consider, feel free to write a note. Leave it in the office with the words Stephen Ministry on the envelope. Oh, by the way, Stephen Ministry will continue to serve our church and the surrounding community by bring-ing God’s love to hurting people during this time of evaluation. If you would like to know more about receiv-ing a Stephen Minister, to help you through one of those challenging times we all face from time to time, call one of our Stephen Leaders: Linda Mawer, 989-780-2115; Pastor Mark Karls, 989-652-6858; or Judy Dale, 989-295-4696.

PASS ING THE BATON, JUNE 30 Our new pastor, Rev. Ryan Wenburg and his family will be with us for Rev. Karls’ last ser-vice on Sunday, June 30. there will be a passing of the baton between them at the end of the service, and a prayer of blessing over both families will be offered by Roger Yerion, chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Your attendance and support will be greatly appreciated.

After the morning service on June 30th, a potluck is planned to mark the end of the 20-month tenure of Rev. Karls in Frankenmuth. Our new pastor, Rev. Wenburg, will be here for the morning service, but he has opted not to attend the potluck so parishioners can focus on saying farewell to Pastor Mark and Sandy.


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CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2019! On Sunday, May 19, 2019 we recognized and honored our 2019 graduates. From left to right: Drew Martin, Michael Valone, Megan McDowell, Ryan Dukovich, Madeline Walter, Joby Ostrofsky, Tyler Somerville, and Pastor Mark Karls.

Congratulations to Zachary T. Putnam! Zachary graduated on May 11th from Saginaw Valley State University with his Bachelor of Science Degree in Me-chanical Engineering.

After the morning service on July 14th, a catered meal is planned to welcome our new pastor and his family to Frankenmuth United Methodist Church. He actually begins his ministry with us on July 1st and his first Sunday is July 7th. That first Sunday is also the 4th of July weekend, so we are celebrating his arrival the fol-lowing Sunday. Your attendance and support will be greatly appreciated.


Sunday Worship June 2nd—Communion June 9th—Pentecost (wear red) June 16th—Father’s Day, bread pan offering June 23rd June 30th—Pastor Mark’s last Sunday worship Summer Worship on Wednesday...Concert Series!! Please join us at 7:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of summer months for a musical worship experience fol-lowed by refreshments from our Kitchen Ministry Team!! Keep these dates open: June 26, July 31, August 28 and stay tuned for musician details. Next worship team meeting is June 18th at 5:45 p.m.


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Thank you from Sandy Karls I want to say thank you now as this newsletter is for June. Thank you for accepting Mark and me as your leaders under very difficult conditions. Thank you for your patience as we first thought we’d be here 3 months, then 6, then a year & a half. I appreciate your invita-tions to various groups & your homes, your acceptance of my leadership, your support for the Life in the Spirit weekend this winter and the Pathways to Discipleship blitz last fall. Thank you to those who’ve been in growth groups with me or us. God has taught me things while serving here, for which I am grateful. There are many reasons to expect more great things as I see signs of the Holy Spirit continually prompting you to do new, brave things for his kingdom. So even though there are 5+ weeks left in the saddle, I thank you now for the great ride. God bless you all in the next chapter & happy trails.

It is time to register for Summer Camp! Parents, please be aware that FUMC will help pay half of the registration fee for each child’s week at camp. Camp is a great time for your child to make new friends, begin building the foundation of their own faith and learn more about Jesus, not to mention have great FUN. Registration can be made online at any of the camps affiliated with the United Methodist Church in Michigan. For more information please contact our Camp Coordinator Susanne Niedrich.


With a transition of Pastors, the SPRC wants all to be aware of these dates: June 30 - Farewell Luncheon for the Karls July 9, 6:30 pm - Listening Session in the Lounge with Pastor Ryan July 11, 6:30 pm – UMW Listening Session in the Lounge with Pastor Ryan

July 13, 9:30 am - Listening Session in the Lounge with Pastor Ryan July 14, 10:30 am - Welcoming Event for the Wenburg Family July 16, noon - Lunch and Listening Session with Pastor Ryan

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Spring has finally sprung (as well as the weeds) and the church projects are moving along! The Trustee Com-mittee wanted to let everyone know some of the latest happenings..... Parsonage remodeling and garden improvements are coming along nicely. Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 9th as we hope to have the majority of the work completed and be able to offer a chance for our con-gregation to walk through the Parsonage after church to see the finished home before we welcome the Wenberg family on June 14th. It has been a labor of love and has taken many many people from the congre-gation to pull this project together in such a short time. THANK YOU for your contributions of time and financial support. Roof replacement is progressing too. A roofer broke through a board but was not injured. They are finding and replacing more sheeting than was expected. Good thing we decided to replace the roof now. An aerial view of the roof taken by the Harrington drone is on Facebook. Please remember our new chairs in fellowship hall need to be handled with care. We have been instructed by the manufacturer to only stack the chairs 8 high and to try and avoid pinching the fabric when stacking them. Stop by the Emmaus Room and see the updating that has been completed. It looks beautiful and is very com-fortable and functional. Thank you Theresa Sahr and family for completing this project. Enjoy gardening? Please join your fellow members in maintaining the church gardens. 1. Suzanne Schreiner and the Tuesday Bible Study ladies have adopted the front sign bed. 2. Barb Cunningham and the Choir have adopted the bed outside the youth room. 3. Vickie Horn, along with the Monday Morning Bible Study Group have adopted the north garden by the

“Halverson” entrance. 4. The bed outside the church office window needs a group to adopt this garden. Interested? Please let

Connie Coulter know you are taking over the responsibility for the garden this summer. What a blessing it is to Be in the House of the Lord as well as help to keep it beautiful and function for His Family. Amen!


You’re Invited

Farewell Potluck Brunch For Pastor Karls and Sandy

Join our farewell send-off after church on their last day, June 30, 2019

Please bring a breakfast or lunch item to share. Hot and cold items can be maintained during service.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

A=Asbury Room B=Bethany Room C=Cana Room FH= Fellowship Hall J/J= Jordan & Jericho Rms L=Lounge

N= Narthex O=Office R=Resource Room S=Sanctuary W=Wesley Room


2 9:30 Worship-S

3 7:30 Women’s Study–L 12:00 Clothesline Lunch-FH 3:15 E1

4 9:00 Bag Ladies—B 9:00 Staff mtg.—O 6:30 St. Ministry-C 6:30 Women’s Study-E

5 3:15 E1 6:30 Club Orange & Rooted

6 8:00 Women’s Study @ DaVinci’s 6:00 UMW picnic 6:30 Scouts CPR 7:00 Choir

7 8

9 9:30 Worship—S 11:00 Church Picnic

10 7:30 Women’s Study-L 3:15 E1

11 9:00 Bag Ladies-B 3:15 El 6:30 Team meetings 6:30 Women’s Study-E 7:45 Ad Council-L

12 3:15 E1 6:30 Club Orange & Rooted

13 8:00 Women’s Study @ DaVinci’s 3:00 St. Ministry-C

14 15

16 Father’s Day 9:30 Worship—S

17 7:30 Women’s Study-L

18 9:00 Bag Ladies-B 9:00 BOM-J/J 12:00 Lunch Bunch –N 5:45 Worship mtg-J/J 6:30 Women’s Study-E 6:30 St. Ministry-C

19 1:00 Frankenmuth Quilt Club-B 6:30 Club Orange & Rooted

20 8:00 Women’s Study @ DaVinci’s 1:00 Eve Friendship Circle-R

21 22

23 9:30 Worship—S _________________ 30 9:30 Worship-S 10:30 Karls’ Farewell

24 7:30 Women’s Study-L 7:00 Gideon’s

25 9:00 Bag Ladies—B 6:30 Women’s Study-E

26 7:00 Worship on Wednesday

27 8:00 Women’s Study @ DaVinci’s One Week, One Street

28 29

JUNE 2019

June Happenings

6th United Methodist Women’s picnic, 6pm at the park 9th Potluck before Bavarian Festival Parade 11th Ministry Night Team meetings, 6:30 pm Administrative Council, 7:45 pm 12th Lunch Bunch, 12:00 pm 26th Worship on Wednesday, 7:00 pm 27th One Week, One Street event in Saginaw, all day 30th Pastor Mark & Sandy’s last Sunday

346 E Vates Frankenmuth MI 48734


Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Phone: 989-652-6858 Fax: 989-652-0301

