Franklin County Environmental Conservation...


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Franklin County Environmental Conservation Franklin County Environmental Conservation Franklin County Environmental Conservation Franklin County Environmental Conservation ProgramProgramProgramProgram

Working Together to Reduce our Ecological Working Together to Reduce our Ecological Working Together to Reduce our Ecological Working Together to Reduce our Ecological Footprint.Footprint.Footprint.Footprint.


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l1 In considering Franklin County's internal Energy Conservation initiative, we were awed by the wealth of environmental conservation resources and development that existed in Franklin County's communities. It occurred to us, should we pull these resources together, making them available to anyone with interest, we may be able to facilitate and streamline County conservation efforts.ljmcclure, 10/13/2009




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l2 As good stewards, Franklin County would like to promote environmental conservation through information sharing. By pooling the knowledge and experience of County resources, together we can make a positive difference in our work and community environments.ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Program GoalsProgram GoalsProgram GoalsProgram Goals


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l3 Franklin County's Environmental Program Goals include... 1) Reducing the County's ecological footprint, 2) Conserving environmental resources, 3) Reducing energy-related costs, and 4) Establishing an educational program that will benefit our communities and county now and well into the future. ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Steering CommitteeSteering CommitteeSteering CommitteeSteering Committee


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l4 A Steering Committee is currently being selected to include business, communities, environmental resource agencies, government, and schools. The steering committee sets the direction of the program and coordinates efforts to ensure it's success. ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Identify successful conservation programs.Identify successful conservation programs.Identify successful conservation programs.Identify successful conservation programs.


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l5 Before we can look at what may be needed in our communities, we must first identify the successful conservation programs and efforts already in place. You can help us achieve this objective by completing the survey found in your event packet.ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Share the benefits and means of the Share the benefits and means of the Share the benefits and means of the Share the benefits and means of the successful programs.successful programs.successful programs.successful programs.


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l6 ...probably our most important objective is sharing the benefits and means of the successful programs identified within our communities. We hope to provide information to the public concerning these initiatives, the resources available, along with implementation guidelines, and accomplished results.ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Facilitate through Education, Facilitate through Education, Facilitate through Education, Facilitate through Education, Activities, and Events.Activities, and Events.Activities, and Events.Activities, and Events.


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l7 ...another program objective is to facilitate environmental conservation by promoting community programs through education, activities, and events.ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Establish an incentive and Establish an incentive and Establish an incentive and Establish an incentive and recognition initiative to acknowledge recognition initiative to acknowledge recognition initiative to acknowledge recognition initiative to acknowledge successful conservation efforts.successful conservation efforts.successful conservation efforts.successful conservation efforts.


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l8 ...the County plans to offer an annual recognition event to acknowledge local environmental conservation efforts utilizing ingenuity, creativity, simplicity and ease of implementation. Exceptional programs would receive an award with on-site visit by the County Commissioners; media coverage; and the opportunity to share the program model online with other communities, businesses, and individuals.ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Provide a forum to share environmental Provide a forum to share environmental Provide a forum to share environmental Provide a forum to share environmental conservation efforts.conservation efforts.conservation efforts.conservation efforts.


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l9 on-line information sharing site is planned for use in promoting the various community programs, conservation resource agencies, and individuals committed to making a positive impact on our environment. The public would be able to contact these resources directly by link from the County site. The site could also be used for promoting related events, education sessions, and activities. ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Franklin County invites you to Franklin County invites you to Franklin County invites you to Franklin County invites you to join us in making this dream a join us in making this dream a join us in making this dream a join us in making this dream a reality.reality.reality.reality.


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l10 For this environmental resource sharing and recognition program to be successful, we need your supportand participation. Please take time to complete the survey in your packet, return it to me today or the Commissioners' Office over the next two weeks. If you are interested in serving on the steering committee or know someone that would be a good fit, let me know. As the program grows and information becomes available, please share it with your environmental staff and community programs. ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Together, we can position the County as an Together, we can position the County as an Together, we can position the County as an Together, we can position the County as an environmental conservation leader by environmental conservation leader by environmental conservation leader by environmental conservation leader by reducing our ecological footprint.reducing our ecological footprint.reducing our ecological footprint.reducing our ecological footprint.


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l11 In Franklin County, sharing what we have neighbor to neighbor is who we are and how we continue to thrive. This is an exciting opportunity for us to develop lasting programs and relationships for our children and their children. We hope you'll agree, Environmental conservation is necessary to preservingour way of life.ljmcclure, 10/13/2009


Questions ?

Contact Information:

Loretta J. McClure

Franklin County Risk Manager

425 Franklin Farm Lane

Chambersburg, PA 17202

(717)261-3819 or Fax (717)264-3413
