Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator The … · happened in the put and juat what is...


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Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension

File No. 362

1930 January 18

New York City - NY State Bar Association -Water Power

.At Dinnn ot State Bar Aasociai.icm.; In York CiV Janua.r;r 18; 1930 Propos ad Legisl.&ti n Act to Declare the PollCT ot the state

1.a Respect to Ita Water Power Resources

I nnt to olrtJ..ine to 70u tonight a subject which, CD ita !ace, 1• not contiDed to

the interest ot the legal profession. You, banTer, with the other citbena of the

State, have read of the proposal made & few d.Q'a ago bT legielatin leaders which makes

po:usible the ternrl.nation of a ten-Tear deadlock on the subject ot the development ot

state-owned water power.

That the tut.ure ot the great public vt1lit7 known aa electrlcitT aut be of acc.e

interest to the legal profession may be illustrated b7 an uperlence I bad l.aat 7e&r in to tind an appointee to the Public Serrlce Coamission from a cert.ain district·

in this state.

In nol'fing a list of names o! approximatel;r ti!'ty lavers ot real stan~ in

their profession in this district; I came; on inveatJcation; to the discovery that nerr

one of these gentlemen n a in :!!OIDO ah&pe; manner or form the legal representati"Ye of

some utility cC~~~~p&JV or ac:.e utility interest. I do not mention tbia aa being deroga­

tory to the titness or lavers as a whole to represent the pWllic interests in this

particular field, but mere!J" as an illustration of the tact that the legal proteasion is

verr much coraceroed with the gBDeral problems of the de"Yelopment of utilities.

It ia interesting, also, that during the past tin dqs I have discussed with at

least one hundred people the nn proposal tor the developnBDt ot the st. Lawrence power

and onl,J' one of these individuals had even read the proposed law. 111 of the other

ninet.,o-nine bad baaed theJ.r· opinions eit-her on the statements of political leaders ......-. -

on the accomt a which th87 had read in the public press.

Vq I , therefore, present to you aa a •brief• a abort account or just what baa

happened in the put and juat what is propoaetd tor tbe tuture.

1. The Hiatoi"J' ot tbe St. Lawrence

Wore than twentT 7ears ago, certain ta.r-seeinB gentlemen applied to tbe Legislature

tor a State franchise to develop the water power on the St. Lawrence River in what ia

kno1111 ae the •tntemational Section• at the Long Sault Rapids. That these genU...a.

asked tor a legialatin charter was proof conclusive that the state baa a Vei"J' deti-

nite interest in the propert7. This charter was sranted b,r the Legislature; but a

tn years later, with the growi..Dg knowledge o! what tbe Leeialature bad given


an;r without campenaatioa to the State; another Lecial.ature repealed the charter uct

8Tef7 ri&bt that it eoa.ternd.

For a nmaber or 7eara there waa no ope effort au the part or printe oc:.paniea

or or the state t~ denlop t he latent water power of the St. Lawrence. Gradual.J¥, how­

ner, an iaaue na joilled betnm two schools ot econoadc and social tboU«ht, the one that the denlopment of electricit,.- should be m:J.dertaken whol..lJ' bJ' private

capital.; the other holding th&t th.ia great natural reaource was or such tremendou ia-

portanee to the future population ot the State th&t ita coustant control should nenr

paaa trca the banda or the State.

!'he next step was the paasage ot a water power act b7 which certain State ottieiale

were given the right to leaae the State power properties, and 'YI!Ir'7 soon an appl.icatiOD

waa made bJ' the Frontier Power CO!Ip&l'q" tor a l ease of the St. Lawrence ri&hta tor a

te:na or ti.tt7 TUI"•• This in itself eeemed to be in t he natv e ot a eomproadse otter

b7 tboae who had hitherto been w1l..l.1ng to han the State actuall,r sell ita rights.

Thie echoo1 was w1l.l1ng to that the ultimate tee or the title should remain in

the state; but at the same time insisted that the !ee could be leased tor long periods

o! tille erlendin,g into the dJ.a, distant f"ature. .A.a TOU all know, the e!!ort to o~

tain this long-term lease was blocked by 'f1f,;f predecessor not ~ on the technical.

g round that the lease actua.l.]J- proposed was illegal, but on the broader c ro\lld that it

was contra.%'7 to a sound public pol.i¢7.

For a number or ,-ears the two schools o! thought remained at complete loggerheads.

O!lej represented by the Republican Part7 and-ttlpubllcan plat!orm.s, wu lf1ll.1ng to grant

leases !or all or the state's rights and properties !or lCilB periods, though admittinc

that the noainal ownership should rest in the state. The other achool o! thought, rep-

resented by the Democratic Pa.rt.7 and its platforms, asked tor the actual ph;raieal de­

nlopment or the electrical eners:7 on the St. Lawrence through a State agency and the

retaining or the ptv'sical manutacture or electrieit7, and posaiblT its transmission;

in the hands or the State agmq at all times. 'fhia was the aituation wheD. I took

office a year .,o.

2. The Preeent Situation

1'be next step, and the one which baa brot~£ht the question tinal.l7 to a head;

wu the definite proposal ot a law which I 8'Ublaitted in llarcb to the Legislature


ot 1929.

The principlee of thb plan can beet be u:plained b7 eoapariDg its purpoee with

the blll introduced laet Mondq 1n the Legislature of 19)0. BT eo doing we can arr:t.n

at a whol.l.T fair utimate of what the new legisl.&tive offer actual.l.7 ia.

The Bill Itael.t

1. '!'he title of the new blll b 1n iteel.t important~ for 1t ia called; •An Act to the policy of the state 1n respect to ita water power reaoureea, and to p~

rtde tor the appointment b7 the Govemor or a cOIIIIiaaion. •

Please note that the title it.elt seta up a polley.

2. Section 1 of the bill is 1n veey definite tei'IU the enunciation of the pollq

called for by' the title to the Act, and because it uaes the idmtical la.nguage, word

tor word, with th& la..nguage of DCr bill of 1929, I hope that evecy citizeo or tbia

Stat e will read it. It i a a s follows:

•The natural water power sit ee in, upon or adjacent to the st. Lawrence Bi.Yer;

owned or controlled b7 the people 1 or lrhieb 1114¥ heraa!ter be recovered. 'o7 thea or ccae

within their ownership and control, shall remain inalienable to, and oWD.erahip and.

control shall remain alwqa veeted in the people. •

It is a simple !act that thie ke,- clauee has been incorporated in identical lan-

guage without the or a l etter or a qll.abl.e taken di.Not}7 !rom 111¥ bW. or

l ast Je&r. In this !act Uea .the jutlli catim !or the ai..-pl.e, unequivocal stat.aDt

that thia new bW. of 19)0 1a a ccapl.ete conversion to lllf polic7 on the part of the

l eg18latfie I e& a, ana. ie an acceptinC'i'Or the ·prmcipl e tor lddch I han fo116'ht. ao ·- -

) . '!'be new bill in Section 2 directs the Govemor to appoint tive cocaissionera to

bring in a plan or plana . It c&ll.a these five gentl~~raen •cc.aiaaioaere• instead or

•trutees• aa I had suggested., and remons the requir•ent or the ccnaent or the

Senat e to their appoint.IH:nt.

4. The third aectica of the new bW. covers the scope or the iAq\drr and ia in p'CU"­

poae and l.&oguage aubstantial.lJ' ll1m:1lar to the correaponding part or laet 7e&l"1 a bW..

!hie section baa the additi on ot a new eentmce which atatea that in the event that

the comdaaionera determine that the denlopment b7 the State, through a State agency

- 4 -

ia not feasible or practicable, the;r shall deteradne whether an alternative tor d ...

velopm.ent or distribution of power would be more beneficial, and ab&ll report such an

, altemative plan. It ia, ot course, obvioua to ~ reasonable person that I could

have no objection to this aentence, tor, aa a matter of fact, there was nothing to have

preTalted the comminionera Sllggested mder Jq plan last 7ear rro.. stating per!ectlJ"

franklJr that they eoul.d not bring in a taasible state agency plan, or from nggeeting

an alternative plan or plana.

5. The fourth section of the new bill. relates to a technical superseding of prior

provision.! ot law and is identical in langW~&e with lut year' 11 bill.

6. The ti.rtb section of the new bill is ident~eal. with DV bill o! last year, except

that it appropriates $200,000 instead of $100, 000.

7. The next. four sections of the new bill are of the utmost importance because they

bear direet]J on the declaration of poliey 1n the first section of the bill. These

last four sections constitute a tentative s etting up of an instnmentalit;r of the

State, a body" corporate and politic to be known as the •Trustees of the water power

resources on the St. Lawrence River.•

In l'IIJ" bill the language set up this State agenq- i.Dnediatel,y, bat l'IIJ" bill pro-

vided, of course, that &IV'" actual work of electrical developnent b,.- this state agenq-

should be dependent upon ratification b;r the foll< Legislature of 8D¥ plan proposed.

In other words; I set up the agency but made it impossible for them to start &QY con­

struction work until the Legislature had given its approval. The new bill merel.T puts

this in different language;

•If a development by a state Authority is reca::mended in a plan which is approved by the Legislature; it shall be a corporate municipal instrumen.tallt:r of the state known as the Trustees or the Water Power Resources on the st. Lawrence River. •

From there on, the new bill i s identical in principle and practic&.l.lJ" identical in

language with the bill of laet TSar, conferring upon the proposed Trustees of the Water

Power Resources the essential dut;r, rights and legal authorit;r to carry on t heir work

ot actual engineering; construction; financing and sale of power.

It ia true that the new bill omits a nUIJiber or sections of l ast year's bill which

were intended to elari..f'Y and simpli.t,r the work of the proposed c0111Dis81oners and make

their t ask more fd.m:pl.e. Yost or the provisions which have been oaitted relate to

details, but I call 7our attentioo at this time to the oadesion of one deolaration of

- ~-

purpoee I believe to be of illportanee and which I 11ee no reason to leave out i.b

aJ'O'" atatema'lt of pol.iey. I refer to the toll01idJI& paragraph of la8t :rear' a bU1 wbieb

has been omitted this ;rear. It reads as follows:

-The development of the said power sites and the generation, transmiaeion

and di.tribution or power tberetrom s~ be made in sueb manner and on such tet111.8 aa to aeeure fair and imp&rtial treatment of all corumnera at the low­est r ates cOCDp&tible with a f&ir and reaaccable retum on the actual cost

thereof. • ·

Let the people of this State r ead and re-read that paragraph. I hope they wUl.

Let them ask the simple queetion: Does that paragraph state !}¥ and clearl.J'" the

purpoae of the development of the state•e electrical resourcea? ~ it was omitted I

do not know. I am certain that the people of thie State wUl agree Yith me that th111

paragraph should be put back into the present bill, for it carries with it a

truth, a simple expectation, and a clear di.rection to the cOI! that the power

must be developed prima~ tor the good or the consum.ers and at fair and impartial

rates. It will be ditticult tor anr person to defend the caission of this s1.m:ple

statement from anr bill.

I shall be interested in what valid reason can posdbl.J" be advanced !or

the oadssion of this important principle.

Such is the surmnaey or the language and the principles of the new bill which

opens a new era for the industries and the homes of the people of the state of Kew

York. Let me briefq recapitulate:

Firat, the bill a ccepts, word for word, the same paragraph of state policy which I aeked tor last year.

Secood, the .uJ. creates a ~ ot five citizens whose prima.r;y dut;r

shall be to bring 1n a workable plan based oa that polic;r. Third, the bill sets ttp a permanent state ageney which will becin to

t\mction in the actual work of the devalopunt of electrical power juat

as soon u a Legislature has approved ot the plan sW:aitted.

This does not ditfer in &nT essential of basic principle traD. what so ma..r:tr

citizens of the state have d-.nded in the past.

'!'he Ulportant dut7 of every citizen ot the state-lalf)'ers, business men, the press;

thugricultural interests, and the anrage •man in the atreet"-is !rca now oo to work

wholeheart.edlJ' for the c&rr71ng out of the proposed poliey and the plan whiehj I aa

confident, will result tbererroa.. This is not the time for us to pq heed to carp-

1llC objections ae to detail) to monkey wreaches which aoaae people '11'«1" t17 to throw

- 6 -

into the machin•l'7J to the ~ or dittieul.Ues which can be 8\tniiOWlted. if n

ban the w1.ll to S'lll'mO'CD\t th-. I - ecn.tidmt that the gl"'Nt -.jorltT or citisen.a

ot the State want to eee -etbing done, bell.eve that 1t le practicable to work out

a state agenc;r •tbod ot dnelopaent ot our gre&t natural electrical reaources 1D

aueb a wq that the control of these resource11 will nner paea tram. the ownership

or the state it.elt.

I _. .. ~"- ._ t OOl _..,.,. a •'JN' •teto, • Ue t.M, Sa

H'll -I'S-.4 "' .W lne-t o/ tbo :a-8111. .,.MC'Mel•• lllll, lo-r, wi*

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n to ..,.__lac. 11111o, ... , ..,.... •• put tt" ..,. x -

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t . n. eaxt flow •••lou ot iloa ~ b11.l "" et

... •""'""'' ~- -:11- u..;, lot<.r d1t'H\q •• b ~-lull·

,_ _,, •• _ ......... - ... \!.,. --~ la!l t - sa.v.­-MlitJ' ot - " te, • ...., .. .,_..,._ •A peUIJ.o .. 1loo

-- ...... ,.,.._ v ... ..... - .. .-..... "'*

,_llatoll:)<, wt • llill ;>NY1W, ot ....... , ta•' ""' u-.111

-~ .. r al.Otav1~ ...,.,.....,, 'Ill •'"' '""'.., ~·r -ul4 lit

._....,tlellt .. - r .. tsriootlo• bJ' ~A~oo r .. u-~ I.AI4ialat,... oT.

oJ,>OII jiOIO~• 1a fti>IP -U, l 0•11 U> tL• ...... ,. bt4t

_.. U .__.tblo nor t.• • at..n •1 ..,.,._Hem •rll

uUl tile uo.:t.Lz~• - ·'"*" Uo a;.;>....U. -n. .,.,. 1>111

•.-.LJ' J~Ut• lllliJI b .U'!'t •nn 1~, ..,1Jis,

•tr • .a.o.uos-~ ItT • ato~.w •tta.n•,. •• - .... lJl • pl.a lob s. ·~ ..,. •• lAipala ...... , " &al.l ... " .. .,......-w -tel;~al iu\_hll_. ~ Oe '-• - •• .. Two•• u a~~o awr r oa ~-- ·' · 1.11"""" ••r•

"""" - . . ...... kll le iff•t1ea1 b . 11"1G·

et.,U ,..,. ..,,...t~aallr _,leoll 1e ~· lai~ •• 111U et

lut , ....... oo:U•l'I'U. IQGil u.e pepOaeA truo~-• ot - ator

- ~~--·- -111111 4>1. • ft ......... l<>pl ""'"' li'I'F

• Olin?' .,. tlll>U' .ott< or u-' ~q, -- lan, n.-­e1aa _. a.le at powr.

lt la ...... ... • .... w.u -- ....... , -"-

ac 1.ut ,_.., •• llill •so ·- l»aa«M 11a elU'l «) - •1al!llt7 ... - ,., ......... --u.s.-· ....... 1. ...... -

- I ~ ! I f • ' r ! t ~ l ; ~ ! r i r • : I • '•·~· tl>'•l I

i 1 • ; r f , ~ ~ i r t 'il_:lr c : 1- J 1 • J . i M ~ 2 • 1 ~ I t t : J ~ ~ l;l~,tJ ~ ~ . I J I

J t • I .. 11 i I " ~;"'"f :ti I • ~ S:: ~ r : I t .. • f r ' ~~·~t • • ' # ~

I r f £ .. i e : i ~ . i : ~~~-~~~ M E ! ! I ! r 'f f • F ... • : • f I ... c • t s J I ....

& I I t 1 'l I .. ~ i .. 1- f .. , •lll i . 1: :;' • I ~ , .. : • ~ , • .. ~ , i; ·~ .. ~ • • e ~ • ~ • : ~ I • ~ F f ~. . f ~ f I ~ , ~ • t I ! 'i. ! . § 1 i l: ; . .. z I, 8., f i I • I I 1

f ; ~ } 5 ; ~ • • ~ p ~~~r • • - • • I B • . ~ ~ ~ • [ • f : ,~~~~ I I ! ~.· f" i i I • } J • r J"'l .... ~ J •

! E : t E i ~ J ~ li ! I l fJ· !~l i ; I l f I ~ f • M ~ : ... f ~ ~.f,S~ ; ~ t • : f • • ~ f • , f I l f~ ; l ~

i .. i ! ~ f f i ! 1 ~ .... 1 !IE ii l I I : ~ ! • ' ". 1 I "_ i' f J ( • •u ~ J ~ ~ .. 1 1 r r r 4 ~ 1 • • .. l 1 i i I I· _ ~ ~ ! i 1 ! : '· 1 r ~ ~ • ' i•l' '·' .. ... , .. ~ i I f I .. -

.... ... ,. •• ~ ot ... 1 .......... - ........ ,;;11>. ttl

1111 ,.... ili.U w."" ·~ • - rw - w...wt .. e - "- • ., - .-.,. ot • .. ot ... llol$: . Let '"-"117 -gitoalatel

.DIJI1. ... IIUl .... ., • • , ... ,., .. wril, .... - - ..

&J'I'..olo ttl' •"'"' • ., ... t~ I ...... 011' 1>1An ,_..

_"l!!llilif., \Ill> at 1-t ..,.,..-. ,. 1»4.;> ot ttn elti.t;eu !t·­l'l'Ur1'7 ~...,. ~. b" .. !J'itlul 1:) ....... ~ .!>1..14 ~ ...

t.'l .. t ;o:U.Or·

.t,t!. t:... !all .. ,.... 'V ~ ..,.._, •Wo~ .._._,... 'I'.IJ.Oll

•U11 lw>i1 w ~t~<n> 1n 1iloo ... .-~'tl o.r "'" I!Oftl.o.-•

or el. .. 1Vl"'l. ~ ...... 11 ;oa - u " """""''11 .. IA,;,L-s.l.&~

...,. 19 ~ <:t ~ , 1.::> JNl:atn.o:!,.

'1':\le ,_ ~ ~~1" "" 1n 4111T ......... ,.ial .. r buS. .. M:wti>l• ,._

" ""' .. -1 sUl:lloQ o.t' CMo • w ft ~ 111 11.• ·

~ ~' ~,, ., --r c.\ts.z• ! ......... - 1.,....,

'lll$ft- -· •• p-nea, tlloe qri<llllP&l illt.\a'MIU, 4 \!<a _.. ...

·- u •• ~ - .a bOll _, "" ., ..,_,. llt.>o:U.l\Q .n.u, to,. 'llbot

...... lrll.l ·~-\~ 'llw1'd<n..'\. ':::11• ,. , ... ~ 'lh• """" """' ,.. 110 .q -

W e lAc OllJ• U 1• U U to 4ft1JUI ID _..., 1ft'Ol>Ol.w1J ldliijll -

, 10»1;> ...., ft1 ~ ... \ lll"'llr 111'» \1.\l' """""""" '10 \lw it'/Ua ot

•ttN.tllll.~~ua 1fl110.':1.,. '\;,., OIUJnOQ!\tOC 1!' ""!"'" t!lol 11'1\1 ,. _.,,_,

~. 1 a a.u."l"•' b~ c .. .,.,..,., aaJnrity t1!' 111U..,. ~r 1lboo

un w:mt .., ,.., -tlWia .,.,.,, Ml..\IJ'nl • • U lo ;aet1Gallla W

•LMII;:oi#'\l -- Ia ~ a .,.1 t.•11 .,.Vel ot •- ,....

._. .nu- - tna •• ...... u et •• tate n..u.

I _.. 111 Oll'&lJM to 70<1 ""'"'"' a ..,,,.., wbtob , .. lh taM, le

...... n- ..... b ....... ot .,. :ka-1 ~,..r ... ,.,. tw, ~~-·· ...

tile a11o•r aUl-a of 1loa htot, !IAITO ...... ot &ba •I'WpotOU 4• a r.w &AI;fa

- '117 .k&iahU'h ie!OI!AoJ'II ""''" .Uoa pou1'11lo abo \erataaUoa or a - ­

rev «-4.loolr ., tloa a 'IIJ..,, of 'Ita bftll>,-, •t aten-•-• • tor ,.... ••

'rile\ '"" lllhr• 'fl: tllo .,. .. , ' "" le utUlty U.. • • •lAetrlel\7

_, "" or - u••- to -.. 1 • ...,. vrote•too - "" wu.-- -, • .. ,.. .. s.a .. I lid lAO\ ,.. 1a •*1 • tla4 Ill appola- te - •bl.le

....... c-t ..... ,._ .. .. ,. .... u • .,. .. ln ., • . '-· 1e .,..lYlq a llat ot ...... et epp,.XU.te17 t U'tf' la-o ot

real ..-.... 1a &~~all' pNt .. al .. h 'lila t.le...U•, 1 •-· • ...... u•­

noo, ao u.. u-... ., "' ~ .... ., - ot •- au- ... u - .,._,

_.,. "" .._ - 1aaa1 nj.11'0_.,._..,. ot - uuur .....,...., ... -

uW11r utolftet. I ._ •' -"• •u .. "" oleftC!Ot<b'J "' •• ru­

.... ot lAW"t.,.• u a eo~ te ... ,.,.._, ... po~Wlo lllteno&o Ia 1111a .,ar-

UalOl' tlolol , ""' lleJ:'el r u .,. ill,.rtralloa ot •• hot tba\ •• lapl

,...,.uloo 1e _, - - '11• •• .-oral loloou of tko ...

wu,...n at •tUtu ...

It lo leta-lac. al .. , ..... -~ ... put tlYO IQ'o I -"'To

. ... ,._ n.a. u 1aaot - ~o...arod .. Jl• 11>• .... pro,Mal l!tY t111a ...

Tel•-• AI t1lo ott . J.e-• ,_ ... •11 - at •- laU'f'ldloat. H4

- nat tlla pee.,.- lao, W at the Ml>Mr ll.lMt,. ....... lle4 ._ tMb

-le~ ~ 11&4 "" 1: 111• ,.llllllc .......

l , tiW~, ;;UMII\ \C 7""' aa a "• a ........... .t

J ... wiiOLt llaa "-- ~ ,.., - Jllol\ -· b ve..- ,... - "'""'•·

..... • tllo .IA,ihlatll,.. tl:or • tato fl'UOill•• .. ,.,..a., uw ...... -r • alto

.• t. L•-• hoi' So .... , to - u alto •IJltareaUoul , .ecuoa• •• ll>o

Le11C "-U ll!apUa. Tba' tl>ao ..,.,lc_ uke4 AI>' o lltf;l*l~Un ohanor

waa lftOf ooaellllln tba\ alto ''"'"' llot a .,..,. ufilllto llrtaPOon 1JI 1110

~,.,.....,. 'J'blo n >'tal' wu ....-.w lo1 tk• • qlela\un, lout • r.w x••n

la\OJ'. .s 11> '" vo•tn. bowl.t~ or •• \lao 14Col ••• """ • • ,

wt1bollt .....,..., • • uob to tho ht•, ••*•" :.a I.Jol•nn ra,.Uot \Ito e• -

.. ,. ""' .,..,. rlCM • •• a ooaror.-.4.

hJt * w8er ot , • ..,.. \Mi.r. , .... »O 0\'ft et'tot't & t.U ...,..rt t

.... s.,.to • ..,..,...too or c>t t.lla •hie • 4n*l.op tt.o lot .. , watu• JIO"U .r

tliO :.l\ o I.A.Wl'll800 o ar..tlllll!.lo ........... , a 10- ftl joinaG llot.. W.

ocllooa ..r """aGioio &4 -1.0 -.-u - \Ita oae hoLI~ 1!oat tllo •ani-·-• ot alHtrleH1 ooliOI&IA llo ....... ft ••Uy" rl't'atO Mjll\Uj tt.o

ot~u 1\Jol.tillc tllla •"''' aatunl ... ..,.._ ... c>t •all -• .... s-

..,..""'"" to "" r..t.. ... J>O..UUe or to toto \Ut Sh .. e•'-"' •• ~.,.1

lllbeul4 ,...,,. ruo r- \ho llMta of t!>o " ''''·

!'ho li!4A net wu •• ,.. ... ..r • ..... ·- ""' ., *''' .. rw.

;;ro>enuo, - ..,.., •- • OJpl.Matla wu •to -, lito '"'"'• -

e.p..., r.r • lo .... ot \bo ... .~..-.. rtttou totr . .... or t lt\)' ,..,..

ftlo, la ttoolt, - • 11o la-. •to• ot a -JO&Soo ottwlt 11r

.._ - llllt 111...,.. - wU.Ua& • ..,.,.. .. .. .. ••~1r ...u '"'

•IP"'· tau MbH1 ..u 111111 ....... u .,., *'• -.ltt-.• ,.. II# ••

tltlAt &0\IU ~ .. "' ........... llut • • \he ·- - wu... ' ..

- -.14 M laue4 ,_,. 1""' •WI• .r tl• -«hh t.o• - 41ll\ 41~t­

_, tlatv<lo ., yOil loll DW, 'lltA a~ .. 4M.ltt •t• 1-- - ~

a ~ llr., -••1' uot l&ly • tM -•••t - .. , -la<L• .. ~ ~ • ~1. ""' .... -·fl' 1'1>...., .... , lt

W I e"otnlY tel a IIOWioil ... bUe <.>11~,

ftr • --.r ot ;~e .... • - - -ool.e ~r ttl<>~~ "'

...... }At\40 l .-.,. - _., ftl'ft-tod ... , tt• Oj<l'llltiM ..,.~ U4 •·:e-

•ua .... 1-latrur-, 1dlUar ,_ f""U lMM• '''"' •1.U or "'' '*'•

All ~ ........... - f\>1" liM,; .. ,. .... , <il<AI,)I o.&o1\t ... , IO...aal -r-Al~ • ...U re:et s til• '"I ,, otlln -1 or ••~t, r e;ft-tod

bt \he ~ntl.e uti Wl4 U• ~tro..-, •llllt1 t•r lill• .. aau .~Ltaual

•-lo-1 ot 1111 el .. trlaal -~ 011 tlta t , -.o ~ • .,..,

_., ..,. U.• r tU!U or II>• ·ilpl•al -.Jll '""'' et el•trldty, Md

J~Matbl,y ... Wti-la•lOll, ... till ..... ..r .... ..... .., "' .u , .....

n.s. .... t~>• elt ... uOD *• r too~~~ fl#flCie • :.-•r -·

1.1 1:c1 a 1>1-1, •• ILo ••~tte --t.l ..r • l&w ••~ 1 .,.. ... ,._ ' "

.......... "" t:o• Ll,rlll¥ ...... <il£ ).;I;U,

'Dot l ..tA~t• ~ w .. • la - ~ u ""' 1~1 1••

... ""' -.. •JIIlAU.M<I ~, _.-sa; 1b ~ "'II - ~u latm-

lut _ ., Ute •• lailala-.... et 1110. 1J M I.S..C • ... • r ift at

a tllloll:f '"' .. u.a at_,-. ..... lealalllUwa ottw Mwalq 1e.

J1!e !ill l!Mlt,

1. l'lle \1\U et •• •• loUl te 1a UMlt .._..,..,,


a. • .,.., 'til na ...... • • .., ""'.,,... ... , .at flo ,.., ... hllr ..

' tt.a uu. l halt ana .., • ,oll•1·

a . MUDII 1 of •• \lU 1a Ia ftJ7 .. 11&1\e ._,_

,.._ -uU•"- ct tba ,.u ., wlMI<l fi>IP 111 t ba t 1U.a co \he, aa4 """ - lt -• •• 14&\laal UCW~~t•, woN to•

woN, wUit Ula ~ .... 1J<t _, IIUl et lift , I OJ>OI Ulat ..,...,

atu- ot 1111e ·""' nu ... .a n . a 1a u rouoea t

"Tlle M-al water _.., dtaa J..a, .. .,_, • at­

J••• to - Jt , 1.enoolloe PITN'0 -·4 tr -ti'OUat. "r tiM peo)le, .,. • • • .., llollraattar ... r.o't<IHII -,

~- cor - wl\IU& Ulelr 0-nJdp at OOJltftl, ah&ll .....W.laaliaa»a to , ad _,....,ill •4 -•:rol aall

-· &1..,. ..... ,.. • . ... , 1 ••

It 1a a .U.~le tut W..t llotJ' al._ U.e .....

lb..,"l' .... ..,. Ia 1-Uaall~ wltloout V.a ehM&lac at a

la'Uel' 01' a .,Ualole - - oll ... a\l.J' t.- Q 'lllU et lut JeU,

la .... tau llaa U.. juaUtUaU oa tor ilia a_,a, _,d.,

aH-t \hot tllla •• lll.U ot 1iaO Ia a ~lat.a ao...,.rat• ta

Ill' ,.u., aa 11la .,..n af - laalalaUft l-ara, •• 1a • aa-

a . 3<1 •• lll.U 1a et- I llr .. t a t lla -- -· " '" ,_,~ •--.~ ..... ,... 1 .. -.t ar ·-· • • 111M

et •• .-.w to· ..,,.la-t. 6. 'ftwo \ll1J'Il Motietl at •• MW lo! U .., ... ,.. • •

... ,. at •• l...,.St7 ..,, It 1a ,...,_ •• l•p,. •"•­

u.u,. aau.a" to ,.,. oorrea~~lq ,..., ot lut ,. • • a "-ll·

,., ..... uon lou 111!o .UU1oa ot o .,.. --oa oaloll atotoll

,., l ...... tlld ... ~ ............... 1 ... """' •••~• "" ""• 111•'"· ~ .. l'b .. ·hu ~~&•111, h ,.., ,_••11•1• or pueUoo'-la, til.,. ., .. u totoNlllo IO'balllu • &1-

tonu.Uft C\o:r 4rto1o-1. OP 41oVtllu.Uwo. ot .-r !Mild loa

..- .... t1e1JI.l, ,.. llbolJ H~OJ't .. olt. c &4\et'IU"lft ,•lao

a 1a, ot • .,.... .. , ows.o..a to .. ,. ... -~ _...._ tllat 1

.. JI.ld IMI'I'a .. "'J•n le \o &lila ..,_oo, ~ ... u • ""'* ot t at, ~ ..... aoilai q to l>lft _,_...,. tl>o

__.,."' ,.,..., ., .loa lut ,....,. ,_ ••·u~ .-mau,. fhall17 \bat "'-t O<IW.:I. DO' loriao1 1 ,_..llll.o ihto ....... ,

plc, .,. ,...... nc a Jl.ltoauin pUll '" jl)..olla.

t . ~ IWW'11l -1ua of' ltlo .... "-ll nlotoll to

• ... lllaleal. fi_.......u.,. ot ;.rle U'rl.aioM ot U• ua4 1e

1Coat1 ~ ill ~-.:• •1 tb laal ,..,.. a W l .

t . '1M t lnll -'"* ot •• •• 'loW ill ltaUool

w·uJa ow 'btU or laat .;•u, .... ,, tllo t u ~,..o,..lotoll taOQ,ouo

s ....... ., l lw,ooo.

f . X\ .,,.. -·~- of 111!a _.. 'lliU wo at

tbo ·-• ~- .._ tawr -.... taoot17 a -. •..uu.-

tow ~1 .. -.tU•w a --..u ...... ,u., .._. r oa IJURft·

-kl.l \J ot til• \ e w , • ~ Hrpore•• •• ~UtiA -. -...

ll:ftO'Ill •• Iilla . ,.,.., ... ot \M ,.,... ewr ••-n• ca tile

• · I.aYI'«toe ~tYel' . ..

Ill., 'blll the l.t.a!D'A~o• Mt Ul *le ~-.. .. ._...,

-latelt, 1>\lt ., l>lll p,.,.,lft4, or ....... t11 ~ oar aotoo.u

1101'11: 9f •l••••l elll ...... l•-· b, tt>u uh\e -.;nor otUI\114 ....

.. ...,.,., U!*l :r Utlu Uoli "' ~ rouowlnc La&,lalat- or

•nlJ ~u1• tll.le 1e at rt•""' ••Pe:• • ..,,,.,

•a a t..,u...,_, "'a ate •"'~u, 1a -04 111 • " '• elol> w • .,..,...,. ~>r Ill• J.e;rlalatllra, 1\ &all be " eol"~""*"• ..,,el.,al lut-tallt:,r et 11la , te Jar.o• ••- orr--. .. ot ~· atar ..,.. r 1 aeo>U"C41a oa the t. ~ce Rl ... r .•

'"'" - - . ...... ~ll 1a 14• 1o ,.rio•

elpla .,.. .,nolkall¥ 1t•Ualll 1a ~· 111\11 111• l>lU at

elq •• aala at r.

u 1• - tilt>\ ...... lolll ...... - • t -"-

at lut 71tU''a l>lU •1e11. •- U..o.G tw dart<) •• as:.,

til• wn of tile -..-- -.lu1-ra •• -· ••11' "'* -•


·~· -· ot - , ...... hl- tllolelt. ....... - .. , ... -

ta• 11e towu-. '-' 1 •o.l.l y- ..--u- •• ~u tlM •

tiiiO ee..t• of ... &WlaAU • ot ~wpo• 11111111 l Mli..,. lie

11111 ot '-""'• •• *llh I ... •• ro- lie loa.,. old la

•r 1 '-' ot pollOJ. I ntor to tile tollodq ,.._.,Ill

ot laU Jt~U'a lolll 111ieb bolla ....... oaiU .. tl\11 ,_.., lt

l"M41 U tellWO I

" 'l'lle 4n•lo~t 14 •• ul.t ;owr lli• u4 iho -•ll'llU•, .........U..IlOD all autrl'l:uUoa 6f ......... br.:trv.l all&ll loe ...... lD ... h -IIU at ozo •Dill .. ,. ... "' ·-• tl11' ... , S.nlol ,.,.._, •t Ill ...,_.._ ... at 1110 .IOnat ntea • nil>" td.r •• ......... lol• ro\\lna •• "-• u\MI. ooat _....,, ,.

a ..... , ~~~~ a\Ate taSrl r ""' ole41'1J •• .,v.rp- ot ilt.o

ealt\all 1 flo ..,, ... ..,. 1 • oer\ala tJt.•t tile pMjllo ot t.'da

>bile •111 _.. wltlo • .... , tlllla; ~~~ uo..U M p•t bull

lnw - ..,..._, ~11, tor u aan"l<la n u. n a allopla Ulltll,

11lat IIIIa p<~war _, lol -•10_.., ~rl-11¥ tor lila 11'04 ot tlt.a

.... _,. _, •• tall' •• ._.1'$1111 ........ 1\ 11111 ... 41tt1eo&lt

tor _, ,~~~,... " ... ,.,, U.a ..s.u ot till• ala;lo • •-•

~ l!llT "'u. I 8liall 11111 latoHat ... l.D tauwlA& *"' 'f llll.t N­

- ,...slol:r "' --. ... ter •• ..tau .. or ~ '-""..-'


..,. s.. ., • ..._.,. or ~ 1-.-.. •• ~ l&ci,aa o1

--. .... W.ll na.h .......... - ftor ... ....... trt ..... '" 11.-• ot u.. .... ~of u.o .. lat. ot ._ton. L.t • VI.U:l7.,.. lwlato•

1J&I1, "'• IIU1 ........ -· tor -·· no - ...­

cr·~ Ill ... u ~.U07 IIUek I &llk~ tltr laot - ·

~ \lui bill .,.. ... o ~ or fiYo ouuno •­

oll'1M!'7 uv lllloll bo to 'br1~~~& 1o a worblllo pla1t. 'llol&e4 oa

u ... pol1o7•

!!!:11:!. tbo 11111 one "" • jiOI-· ~•.t• ·-G7 ftJoh

•111 b 1. .., tlmeU~• 1A \hlo o.ot....U ftdt or ~ 41iflllo-•

or ol.oovteol ,_ .. '""" ,.. - u a at09oH111C Lo.t1oll""re

..... "" :roftll ot .... ~l..m """'-'"'*'· 1!11o , ... na\ nrruo 11• fll47 ·-·ual of loulo .,rt.aoi;>lo tro.

wllat .., • lal' nU••• ot co ~•• \o hno ..,..,.. 1a \l:<o .,ut.

n. "-"""'' ti&OJ' of_., oltlHa ot U.o ...... • l..,.J'o,

'looulillooo -· "'• prooo , tho qrltul.\\a<lll lato• .. ••• •d tho _....,

· - 1a -.. • .-• - to n.. """ •• to ... a tholoho '1"torU7 to .. \llo

e&rJ'71Dc '""' ot l:llo .zo...- ~Uq a4 \lui pla lok , 1 • eoatt­

tat, Will nnU ..._ .. b'oa. No lo ""' Co U... tl>'l' • • ~ t.eecl

to .... Pial o' u to toto1l1 to IIOIUe7 -•lao• •1ah -

,..,pla .., U7 to ,_ l..ato tho -h112M71 to \ll.o of

Utt io>al.Uoa wltioh •• lao .... _... 1t wo !wfo u.. oill M ..._,

t111a. 1 a oollt14•t that tho &n•t •Jor1t7 or ous-. or \lao

~-.... .. -· .. - _ .. , .. eoao, Mllow ... 111 ,. ;>ru11oa\lo ..

- ... , 0 l toto ....,. _._. of tll'l'olo-t of 0011' po&\ M tolftl

oloovlol&l "•-• 1a •oh a WCJ ot ~ _, .. 01 o t til.- N•

•-• wU1 -1' puo flou tho ..... Ill) of 'hlo Into

At DinDer or State Bar Aaaociation, New York City, January Ul. ·- 1930 ..

r.u Governor Ditct~ .. e• Proposed Legialatir;e Act to 'D~l4re tAe PolieM oT au Stole i" Rt1pect to It• Water Potrlff Ruoureu

I want to outline to you tonight a 1ubjed which, on it. face, i1 not conftned

to the Interest of the legal profe11ion. You, however, with the other

f!~!!!~! ~!~~~~~.s~~~hha~:~:::d v!~~~~ ~~o:Ot':rlm~naadt'io~ r:r :·~~.~~rb>:t~: lock on the 11ubjed of the de,·elopment of State-owned water power. .

That the future of the J;reat publi<' utility known as electricity muat be of some interest to the legal profeaalon ·may be illustrAted by an experience

I had Jut year in seeking to find an appointn to the Pv.b1ie Senlce Com·

miuion from a certain dhtrid. in thl1 State.



In e.volvlng a Hat of na.tratt of ap.Proxlmately fUt1 la"7trl of rul at.ud.

lng in tbe(r profeaslon in thll di11tnet, 1 came, on mveetJg&tion, to the lfil. covery that every one of theae gent.lemc.n waa iD 10me ehape, manner or form

the legal reprea.entative of 10me utility company or 10me utiUty intere.t. 1

do not mention thia •• being derogatory to the fttneu of lawyers u a whole

to reprf'aent the public inU rH ta in tbi1 partieu1a.r field, but u an

t~~~~~~~~::l 0~r~t1e:~toih~ethdee~:f:;!:::·~~io:u\~ti·:~ much concerned with It ia, &110, that during the put ftve dar- I han dltcuaeed

~~!b s:.t i::~~~~~~ ~~:~':!/~f~e ~~~~~~ of•;be::~=\d~:lat~~dd~~~P::!dtth~ proposed Jaw. AU of the other ninety-nine bad baAed their opinion• either

on the atatemHlt..l of political leaden or on the account. which they bad

read in the public pre. May I, therefore, preae.nt to you u a "brief" a Uort account of just what

baa happened in t.hc past and just what ia propoeed for the future.

1. The B"-to,_. of t'-~ St. L41Drt:-e~

More than twenty yean ago, ~rtain far-&eeing gent1em~ applied to the

Ugisla.ture for a State franehise t o de\"elop the water power on the St. !Awretu:e Rinr in what i6 known as the "International Section" at the Long Sault Rapida. That these gentlemen asked for a legislati,-e cbartt-r was

proof conclush·e that the State baa a ' 'ery definite intt-rest in the property.

Thia cbartt-r wu granted by the ~islature, but a few years later, with the

growing knowled::e of what the Le~iiiiAture ba.d gh•en away without com­penution to the State.. another Legislature repealed the cbartt.r and every

ri~bt that it conferred.

co~;~n~e:uo~~~ ~tere;;:tetb:;e d::e~o;0 t~~~a:e~~rtw:~:b;o:~ :l r:!vs~ Lawrence. Gradually, bowe,·c.r , an i11aue was joined between two echoob of economic and social tbouJ:bt., the one holding that the denlopment of elet':· tricity should be undertaken whoJiy by prh·ate capital, the other holding

that thia great natural resource was of aueh tremendous importance to the

:~!~et:eo~~~:!o:1 o:1,~g:::_u that Its constant control should ne,·er pa11

The next Atep wu the rall!I&Fe of a "'ater po11·er act by which certain State

officials were gh-en t h.- right to lease the State po11·er properliea., and nry soon an applie:Ltion wn.11 made by the Frontier Power Company for a leue of the St. Lawrence ri~htA for a term of fifty yean. This in itself eeemed to be in the natur.- of a compromise offer by those who bad hitherto been

wiUing to han the State aC"tually seJI itA rights. 'This ac.bool waa willi~J~[ to admit that the ultimll.te fee of the titl~ ahould remain in the Stale, but

at the aame time in~isted thAt the fee could be leaaed for long periods of time

extending into the dim. di8tant fut ure. As vou aU know, the effort to obtain this long-term lea~oe wae blocked by my predeas10r not only on the technical ground that the lease actually propotNI lii' U Ul~l, but Oil the broader

grou!ld that it wu contrary to a eound public policy. For a number of yean the two schooiA of thought remained at complete

log.c:!"erheads. One. represented by the Re~ubliean Partv and Republlcan

platforms, "'as willing to J!rant lf'a&n for all of the St.ate1a ril!ht• and prop­forties for long pe.riodf!, thouph admittin!l' that the nominal 011-ne.rahip ahould

rest in the State. The other ll('bool of thought, repreunt.ed by the Demo­cratic Ptlrt;\' and itl platforrrs, 1111ked for the actual phy&ical de,·elopment

of the electrical ener,ry on the St. Lawrt-nM throu2h a State age'!"Y a!ld

e:n:!~::!~~ i~f t~~e h~!~:1C::r1 tb:ns~a~tu::en~~ ~:c!ne~~~-ndc.~!r ;~: situation when I too"-.._ oftl.oa a year ago.


2. 7'.\e ·Preune 8iluaHo.

h~.e w0a~tb1eteS;n~i~ ~~~~!!t ':~1~ t~!' w'bi~g~t,J:!I~~t::\1!~~1 to toth:

Legielature of U128. ••

. ~e..rJ!u~~1'bnf1tnt~~!;: tC:.~ =d!; faP~~:t br..~:.f~~,v~~- PB; 10 doing we eau arrive at a wholly fair eetlmate of wfat the new legielaUre ofl'e:r actually iL

2'.\e Bill It•elf

1. The title of the new bill le in it&e:Jf Important, for It It called, "'AD Act to d~Jare the poJicy of the State in ro ped to ita water power ruo~ and to provide for the appointment by the Oo\·ernor of a eomml .. lou."

Pleaee note that the title itaelf eete up a policy.

2. Stttion 1 of the bill it in n ry deflnlte t ermt the enunciation of the J:zlicy ea1led for by the title to th Aet, and beeau1e It utet the ldenUcal

ev~~a~i~:~r:f f~;;i:St~iew~rn i! :.'r~:f!.:!: 1929, I hope that

Ri;~eo!~~,:~ ~~~;o1f:Jw~~ ~~~'V:Pt::O~ !bi::j~C:n~~e!r~rs~ !::!~!d by them or come withl.n their ownership and controf, thall remain loalien· able to, and ownerehip and control ahall remain alwaye vttted in the people."

It ia a timpll!" fact that this key clause baa been incorporated in identical languap:e -.•ithout the changing of a letter or a syllable taken dir~Uy from my bill of Ju t year . In tbia fact liet the justification for the aimple, uoequh·oeal etat..ment that thia new bill of 1930 ia a complete cooveraioa to my policy on the part of the legislati\•e leaden, and it an acceptance of the pr inciple for wl1ich I have fought w long. ·

3. The new bill in Section 2 directa the Go\·emor to appoint five eomml• tlonera t o bring in a plan or plant. It eallt tbe&e ftve gentlemen ••commi•

!~o~~~t~~!t::~;~~'!s:=· ~~ J.!i~d a~~~~~~~nd nmo\•ea tlle requlreme:zat

4. The third section of the new bill con ra the acope of the Inquiry and ia ia purpose and language subatantially aimilar to the corretponding part of lut vear's bill . Thia atction bu the addition of a new &entenee which atatee that

~~~!~ tb\~~:~~h:tsi~:e C:lt~:~~ii~0~~~ 1:!!rhl~n!r ~~~t~~bte~,·~~~m~na~l blet~r~ mine whether an alternat i\·e for de\·elopment or di~tribution of power would be more beneficial, and t hai! report 11uch 11.n alternati,·e plan. It 11, of course, ob,·ioul! to any reaaonable person that I could ha\·e no objedion to thla 1entence, for, u a mtlter of ft ct, there wu notl1iog to ha\·e pre,•eoted the

tOmmiu ionera suggeeted under my plan Ju t r ear from stat1ng perfectly frankly that they t()uld not bring in a feasible State agency plan, or from •usrgeating an alternative pltn or plana.

prf~rTp~~:~~~;!: ::~~!0a~~ ~~eid~~7ic~1l1;!el:~:~:;e ~~~b~~~~; of

8. The fifth aedion of the new bill ia identical with· my bill of l&tt year, except that it tpproprlat.f>a $200.000 inatud of $100,000.

7. The next four section~ cr the new bill are of the utmoet tmportauee because thev bear directly on the deduatlon of policy In the first aection of

the bill. These lut four section• constitute a tentative aetting up of an ln1trumentalitv of the State, a bod:r oorporate and po1itic to be known u the "'Truat.Hs of t'he water power resource• on the St. X..wrenee Rinr.''

In my bill the lan,uasre aet up thia State agency immediately, but my bill

~~~~·!d::~no.':r C:b:~d ~a~e~~~d~~ttu~11p~0~~t~~c:\~~~~b~1 tt~\·~~if!ei~~ ~gl?t!~

ture of any plan propoted. In other words, I .et up the agency- but made it impoaaible for them to etart tny construction work until the Legitlature had

_:.._ -=~----~~------------


~;!,!ta approval. Tha nnr bill merely puta thl1 in dUI'ertDL ~

"If a development by a StaU Authority ia recommended in a plu whlell

~e~~r~i~;~,blta~hes~~~·~~'!:!· ~ ·~!t ~:.~~po!:~~u;:~r:: th~r:; &aoureu on the St. LaWTeDC. Rive.r ...

can:i.~~:,:11~l~~e tb~wbm1~l't~:te;~::.1 :nr::~~~;t:;,nnd J~·ct~~~~ ten of the Water Power Reaourcea the euential duty, right. au.S ltgal &lllhor­

ity to carry on their work of actual engineering, construction, financm, ud

ule of power . It. ia true that the new bill omill a nu.mber of Rcllona of Jut ye~r'a bill

:~!:~~~~~~ea~~te=~~~ ~e~~·r::k •!!r:i:\~~fl~. th:rC:~r!f ~teth;r!:~~~ .::b ~:;·~~S:io~m~;t:!e r:!:~,!~~!~~:~~u~ !~:cLo;~~!!:t~~n:~,th~~~..!: and which I &ee no reason to lea,·e out in any llalement of polley. I rt:fer

~.~~e :~~~:~~g .:a;~fo~~~ of Jut yu r'a bill which baa been omitted thia

"The del'elopment of the .. id power aiU1 ind the generation, trans­

mission and dlt tribution of power therefrom ahall be made in auch man­

ner and on IU«!h terma as to aaaure fair and impartial treatment. of all

ronaumera at the lowelt ntH compatible with a fair aad reuoa­

able return on the actual cott thereof!'

Let the people of thia State read and re-read that partgraph. I hope they

will. Let them ask the aimple queation : Dota that paragraph tt.ate fairly

and clearly the purpose of the de,·etoyment of the Stat e't eleetrical rNOurtH?

~~( ;~;:•w~' fh:~ ~bt. k;::·grapahm .::u~~n~h;~tthb.:Ofn~oo~~i;r:~ bill, for it earriet with it a aimple t ruth, a 1imple expectation, and a dear

u~~= !i ::: :~~!·:::•ae:: ~~a~.t~~::~:p~~~~~~a~~elofi!8f\~·~~t!a~~ for any peraon to defend the omiuion of tbia simple statement from any bill

I shaH be intereated in knowing what \'alid reason c-an pouibly be adnoced

for the omlu ion of thia Important principle. Such is the eummary of the language and the prineiplea of the new bql

which open• a new era for tbe indultriea and the homea of the people of the

State of New York. Let me briefty recapitulate:

Firat, the bi11 ucept.l, word for word, the aame paragraph of State:

po~~:d,~~::e 1bi~~~~ta~~ !'b!/;~~- five dtizena whote primary duty sbaJJ

bt i:i:J,i~nbl~l '::!'·~~e ap~e~~!:!tS~~t a~!!?· ..-hich wiU btJiD to

funetion in the actual work of the de,·elopment of electrical power just

aa IOOD u a Legialature baa of tbe plan tubmitted.

Thia doea not dllfer in any esatntlal of buic principle from wbaL so many

cit.;.be:~~~trtn~td~t~";{ :vee~n~~tzi: !~et~~iate-l~;.;,;r~;-buaineu men,

the preaa, the agricultural lnt.ertth, and the &l'erage "man in the street"-i•

from now on to work wholeheartedly for the carrying out of the propo!ltd pol·

icy and the plan v.-hich, I am conflde.nt . will r eault. therefrom. Tbia ia :DOt the

time for ue to pay heed to carping objectlone as to detail ; to monkey WTenchee

:fh~~~S:tl~et:C~1~ ':! ~rr.~::~~~ w~hta~:cr~:~fti :: !!:n!!ft1fl!: I am confident that the ~nt majority of citize.nt of the State want to Itt

:~~~~f te~~~~P~~=~eoft o~~ ~~e.~t ~~~~t;~~~~~~~c':frr~~~~. i~t:~cl, ·r::~ that the control-of t.beae ruourct:a will never put from Lbe oW"Mnhip of tile

State itMlf.

I ~+ '--~~-------------------
