
DESCRIPTION is a mega online store and with different skinny tea and 14 day and 28 Day program.

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BEFORE BEGINNING THE LIFESTYLE PLANWhile our teas offer excellent results by themselves their effects are greatly enhanced when following thediet and lifestyle guides. Make sure you keep motivated and up to date with the latest info by following...

THE AIM OF SKINNY TEA HOUSE DETOXThe aim the STH Detox Program is to cleanse and nourish your whole body. This is one of the oldestdocumented methods of weight loss and has been used for thousands of years with great success.Detoxification speeds up the body's natural process of removing toxic build up from our environment viathe bowels, lungs, kidneys and skin. All bodies are different and results may vary but the benefits of thisprogram are endless. Some benefits include ...

Vitality Increased Energy Reduced Bloating Improved Skin Better Sleep Happier & less angry Decrease water retention Weight Loss


The Life Style Guide

This guide offers some practical advice that will greatly enhance the Skinny Tea House Detox Program. In this guide you will find some advice on topics such as

Getting Prepared …............................ 4

Movement …...................................... 5

Sleep …............................................... 6

Stress ….............................................. 7

Hydration …........................................ 8

Combating cravings …........................ 9


Getting PreparedFailure to prepare is preparing to fail!

This is one of the easiest yet most effective ways to successfully complete the STH Detox.

You know yourself best, and you know what your weaknesses are when it comes to food and drink cravings. In this step you must get a garbage bag and clean out your fridge and pantry. Any chocolates, soda's, chips, cookies, ice-cream, alcohol MUST GO! Throw out all your junk food. If your not sure weather to throw it our or not, just throw it out!

Some people find it hard to throw out their alcohol, if this is the case give it to a friend to look after. Alternatively keep all your booze warm so you cant just grab a coldie out of the fridge.

Don’t be scared to throw things out, you can always drive to the local shop if you really must have something. However this takes much more effort and you are much more likely to skip the unhealthy snack all together.

After reading the STH diet guide you will have plenty of food to restock the fridge so don’t be worried.

If you're at home, get off the computer and do it NOW!



Movement is extremely important during the STH detox process. Moving allows your nutrient rich blood to reach all parts of your body and helps regenerate tissue. It also aids in the removal of metabolic toxic build-up and helps burn fat.

You don’t have to join a gym or go for a 30 minute run. If you already have an exercise regime then good work keep it up!

What we want is for you to just move as much as possible. This is a fool proof way of losing fat and detoxing the whole body.

Take a look at some of your tips below.

• Always park in the furtherest car park from the door

• Take the stairs – no excuses – if your running late, still take them.

• Set a reminder on your work computer to get up every hour and take a walk around the office/block

• Go for a walk on your breaks, you don’t need any special clothes or equipment, just get outside and enjoy the world.

• If you live close to shops think of something you need and walk over to the shops.

• If you live near a cafe, walk over there for a coffee and read the news paper.

• Find something you enjoy listening to such as a new album, talk back radio or a podcast and listen to them while taking a walk.

• Get a friend involved, tell them you have a goal to walk X amount of times per week and ask if they want to join. This goes for work to, get a work walking crew together for lunchtime walks. If you have a good boss they may even give you a little extra time.

Once you get moving it becomes enjoyable and you will notice huge improvements in your mood. From here you can start to experiment with new activities such as bush walking, jogging, cycling or even joining a gym.


SleepScience undoubtedly proves that less than 8 hours of quality sleep a night significantly increases fatproduction by lowering your ability to process sugar. Its technical but trust us, sleep is critical.

With busy lives we know it can be tough to get enough time to wind down after work and still get to bedearly. If weight-loss is your goal then you must find a way to get a minimum of 8 hours sleep per night. Hereare some useful tips below.

Switch the TV offWe know its relaxing but the bright lights and noise at night reduce the amount of sleepy hormones you produce. If you must watch your favourite shows then buy a TV recorder.

Read a bookThis relaxes the mind and reduces TV time, its also a good way stimulate the creative part of the brain.

Have a shower This is a great relaxation technique and leaves you feeling fresh, clean and relaxed.

Turn the lights downSwitching off or dimming the lights signals to your body that its night time. A darker house at night will significantly increase the amount of sleepy hormones your body produces.

Develop a routing Routines are powerful tools that works on everyone. After a few days your body realises its bed time andswitches on all of your sleepy hormones. An example would be having a shower, reading a book and goingto bed.

Just get to bed If your not tired, its most likely because your watching TV. Switch it off at a certain time each night.

HerbsThere are many herbs that are excellent at giving you a good night sleep. Our favourite is Valerian root closely followed by Passionflower. All health food stores should stock these, get the strongest one available, or try our Sleepy Tea.


StressStress is a fact of modern living and unfortunately for us its also a factor in weight gain. The body cant decipher between different types of stress, weather its running late for work, working on a tough project or running away from a tiger. Each time you’re stressed the body releases adrenalin in case you need a burst ofenergy to run from that tiger. Your body then releases another hormone called cortisol to replenish your energy stores in case you need to run again. These extra stores of energy end up packing on a lot of weight.

For most of us we don’t need to run from anything but our hormones don’t know that. We have the same hormonal response to any stress. This is why we need to reduce all stress in every part of our life. Have you ever noticed stressed businessman are all overweight?

If you get stressed in traffic, at work, doing house hold chores, with your partner or at any other time then we need to work on reducing those stressors.

Here are our favourite tips for reducing stress

• Light exercise or walking for 25 minutes has been shown to have the same effect as a mild tranquilizer. Have you ever noticed people who exercise seem happier than others? This is a big reason why.

• Leave home 10 minutes early so traffic doesn’t effect you.

• Don’t worry about changing lanes in the car, just stick to the lane you need and enjoy the ride.

• Wake up 15 minutes earlier each day so you have more time getting ready.

• Avoid alcohol, cigarettes or any other toxins. These put your body under huge amounts of physical stress.

• Get at least 8 hours sleep.

• Listen to calming music

• Call a friend to and to talk about the situation or take your mind off of something

• Try taking up Yoga

• Acknowledge when your getting stressed and take a break

• Visit your health food store or try our Calm Me Tea, there are some excellent herbs for reducing stress.



Keeping hydrated is one of the keys to detoxification. Your body excretes a lot of toxins through your urine. Experts believe for maximum detoxification you should aim for 1.5 – 2 Litres per day. Keep a water bottle next to you at all times, and know how many bottles you need to drink to hit 1.5 -2L. To add some flavour you can add lemon juice or whole pieces of fruit or cucumber.

If you get sick of water you can always have organic herbal teas. For more information on drink ideas checkout our diet guide.


Combating Cravings

Oh boy – these are the worst! But there are some simple tricks to help stop you reaching for the chips and chocolate. The STH team sat around and came up with our best tips for beating and reducing cravings. Have a read below.

• Drink you Skinny Day Tea

• Make sure you don’t have any junk food lying around the house

• Eat small frequent meals at allocated times – check out meal timing, in the diet guide

• Chew some chewing gum

• Eat a carrot or an apple – they are full of fibre and will fill you up

• Get up and go for a walk, cravings usually come from boredom

• Have some water or a cup of tea

• Keep healthy snacks at work and in your bag. If a craving hits at least you havesome healthy options

• Have lots of protein in the diet. Protein is slow digesting and keeps you full forlong periods of time

• Check out our Craving Busters in the diet guide