Fri 10 July 02.00 pm AEST€¦ · • store electricity chemically into fuels to enable more...


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Webinar Series Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44

Fri 10 July02.00 pm AEST

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Amy PhilbrookAustralian representative on IEA Bioenergy Task 44

and a board director of Bioenergy Australia

Richard GormanCEO of Kalfresh, a vertically integrated

vegetable farming packing and marketing business

Rasmus EistedExperienced senior expert on Circular Economy and Waste Management in the Danish

Environmental Protection Agency

Ian RoweTechnology manager within the bioenergy technologies

office at the U.S. Department of Energy

Fri 10 July02.00 pm AEST

Flexible Bioenergy and System Integration

Amy Philbrook

Webinar Series

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44

IEA Bioenergy, also known as the Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) for a Programme of Research, Development and Demonstration on Bioenergy, functions within a Framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Views, findings and publications of IEA Bioenergy do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual Member countries.

Task 44Flexible bioenergy and system integration

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector

Amy Philbrook Australian representative on IEA Bioenergy Task 44

Bioenergy Australia and IEA Bioenergy Tasks

Task 36: Material and Energy valorisation of waste in a Circular Economy -represented by Daniel Roberts

Task 37: Energy from Biogas - represented by Bernadette McCabe

Task 39: Commercialising Conventional and Advanced Liquid Biofuels from Biomass - represented by Steve Rogers

Task 42: Biorefining in a future BioEconomy - represented by Geoff Bell

Task 43: Biomass Feedstocks for Energy Markets - represented by Mark Brown

Task 44: Flexible Bioenergy and System Integration - represented by Amy Philbrook

Task 45: Climate and Sustainability Effects of Bioenergy within the Broader Bioeconomy - represented by Annette Cowie

Member states Australia Austria Finland Germany Ireland The Netherlands Sweden Switzerland USA

IEA Bioenergy Task 44:”Flexible bioenergy and system integration”

• operate as a key element in the coupling of different energy sectors;

• provide low-carbon energy to complement wind and solar (residual load and grid stabilisation);

• store electricity chemically into fuels to enable more efficient use of wind and solar;

• provide sustainable fuels for sectors where other decarbonisation options are not available or exceedingly expensive;

• provide high temperature heat to industry, and low temperature heat for buildings (and sanitary water) during dark and cold seasons;

• coproduce heat, electricity, fuels and other products in a single high-efficiency processing plant.

Fri 10 July 02.00 pm AEST

Kalfresh Bioenergy Facility: transforming agriculture through anaerobic digestion

Richard Gorman

Webinar Series

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44

Case Study: Transforming Agriculture through Anaerobic Digestion

Richard Gorman - Kalfresh Pty Ltd

Presented to Bioenergy Australia Webinar Series – 10 July 2020


DIVERSIFICATION & REGIONAL SUSTAINABILITYThe Precinct will create a hub for value-added food & beverage production in the Scenic Rim.

Access to rural industrial land where the raw ingredientsgrow

Faster turnaround from paddock to plate Delivers Renewable Energy to precinct tenants Reduced Food Miles Operational Efficiencies Agricultural Diversification Greater Demand for Australian-grown produce Export Opportunities



Kalfresh Case Study: Transforming Agriculture through Anaerobic Digestion


WONKY CARROTS & UNRELIABLE POWER Australian horticulture faces some big challenges• Operating costs are rising. Margins are shrinking• We must do more with less• Food Waste due to out-of-spec produce - a growing and real problem• Consumer Trend is for prepared, ready-to-eat vegetable products• Processed vegetables require sophisticated machinery + stable power

HOW CAN WE FARM SMARTER?This question led us to Anaerobic Digesters in Europe and America.

Ticks many Boxes Vegetable Waste management Reliable baseload power Energy crop revenue for farms Digestate to replace synthetic fertiliser


Kalfresh Case Study: Transforming Agriculture through Anaerobic Digestion


WHY CO-DIGESTION?The Bioenergy Facility is pivotal to the commercial success of the Agricultural Precinct

Delivers renewable energy to Agricultural Precinct tenants

Low-cost Grid Connection in Regional Area

Power that’s independent of geography & season

Baseload Power 24/7

Waste Diversion: Urban & Agricultural

Multiple Revenue Streams

Waste Receival + Fertiliser

Reliable Supply at peak times

Scaleable as Precinct is fully developed



Consumes excess CHP Thermal Heat

Captures beneficial bacteria

Custom, crop-specific pellets

Simple to dose

Low-impact, reduces ground compaction & wages in


Beneficial bacteria works 3 to 4 times better when

delivered via pellets

Multiplier Effect: Allows stabilised bacteria to colonise

the soil to further enhance carbon

Allows farmers to provide crops with more nutrition than

they could normally afford

Creates opportunity for regional jobs & investment

AGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONWhile what we are proposing is happening overseas, it is new for Australian agriculture.


Co-Digestion & Fertiliser Model unique in Australia

Diverts urban & agricultural waste

Closes the Loop of waste streams

Generates affordable renewable power

Adds Value to digestate, an AD waste product

Utilises Heat output

Marries bacteria with its food source

Efficient, low-impact delivery

Bespoke organic nutrient


Kalfresh Case Study: Transforming Agriculture through Anaerobic Digestion

The Digestor / Fertiliser Model is attractive as it delivers multiple benefits to rural & regional Australia.


The Carbon Abatement potential of our proposal delivers innovation to the Australian renewable energy landscape.

Opportunity for significant reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Co-digestion removes grease trap waste from urban environment

Bio-fertiliser replaces synthetic fertilisers made using fossil fuels

Carbon capture in soil + above ground biomass

Reverses soil degradation

Returns farmland to a healthy, productive state

Decarbonises food manufacturing


Kalfresh Case Study: Transforming Agriculture through Anaerobic Digestion

Webinar Series Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44

Fri 10 July02.00 pm AEST

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Fri 10 July 02.00 pm AEST

Regulation and monitoring of physical impurities in biomass

Rasmus Eisted

Webinar Series

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44

Regulation and Monitoring of Physical Impurities in biomass

Bioenergy Australia Webinar

Rasmus Eisted10 July 2020

Denmark - Basic Numbers

• Area: 16,600 mi2• - 440 islands, 70 inhabited

• Population: 5.8 million

• Households: 2.5 million• Registered businesses: >420,000

• 5 regions• 98 municipalities

• 5 largest cities• - Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Vejle

/ Environmental Protection Agency21

Danish waste plans and strategies

14 March 2019/ Environmental Protection Agency22

Waste prevention& management plan

2013 2015 2015 2017 2018



The Danish waste model

- Following the principles in the waste hierarchy

- State tax on waste:• Tax on landfill: $ 70 per tonne (2020)• Tax on incineration: $ 49 per tonne (2020)• Tax on recycling: No tax

- A combination of administrative measures and regulations as well as economic measures such as taxes and duties.

/ Environmental Protection Agency23






The Danish Waste Model

/ Environmental Protection Agency24


















WasteTreatment Output


Service sector




Private collectors


pulping, hammer mill





Secondaryraw materials


Separate collection of organic waste (from kitchen)

/ Environmental Protection Agency25

Municipalities that had separate collection of organic waste by November 1st 2017

No collection of organic wasteSingle family and apartments (composting)Only apartments (biogas)Only single family (biogas)Single family and apartments (biogas)Mandatory municipal

collection scheme for source separation and collection of organic waste from households by summer 2023.

App. 50 % of the municipalities have separate collection of organic waste.

Feedstock Quality

Farming manure – no physical impurities

Food waste from service sector – some physical impurities

Industrial food waste – few physical impurities

Households – the challenge…..

/ Environmental Protection Agency26

The bio waste value chain

/ Environmental Protection Agency27






Pretreatment AnaerobicDigestion

Bio Fertilizer



Quality Control

/ Environmental Protection Agency28

Regulation on monitoring biopulp from organic household waste and food waste from service sector and industry. Statutory Order on use of waste on farmland, no. 1001, 27th

June 2018.

Guidance on sampling for physical impurities in the pretreated biopulp of 24th July 2018.

• Daily sampling mixed to monthly sample.

Content limits:

Plastic, glass og composite materials, > 2 mm: 0.5 weight % of dry matter

Plastic, > 2 mm: 0.15 weight % of dry matter & 1 cm2 / % dry matter in 1 liter biopulp.

Quality Control

/ Environmental Protection Agency29





Pretreatment AnaerobicDigestion

Bio Fertilizer




Thank you

Dr. Rasmus

+45 2091 7213

/ Environmental Protection Agency30

Webinar Series Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44

Fri 10 July02.00 pm AEST

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Fri 10 July 02.00 pm AEST

Flexible bioenergy solutions for increasing the carbon conversion efficiency of

anaerobic digestionIan Rowe

Webinar Series

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44

Flexible bioenergy solutions for increasing the carbon conversion efficiency of

anaerobic digestion

Ian Rowe10 July 2020

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Bioenergy Technologies Office

• Develop ways to use our abundant renewable biomass resources to make biofuels and biobased products which are classically derived from petroleum

• Feedstocks for making biofuels and bioproducts:• Non-food sources of biomass, such as algae, agricultural

residues and forestry trimmings, and energy crops like switchgrass and miscanthus.

• Wet wastes, such as biosolids, fats, oils and grease and food and animal waste

• Municipal solid wastes• Waste gases, such as CO2

Expanding view of renewable carbon resources

Bioenergy Technologies Office structure

• $240M in FY20 funding• Funds applied R&D work at DOE national labs

and in the private sector/academia

• Divided into 5 Technology Programs:• Feedstock Supply and Logistics• Advanced Algal Systems• Conversion• Demonstration and Market Transformation• Analysis and Sustainability

Opportunities for bioenergy in a low-carbon grid of the future

1) Dispatchable 2) Demand-side flexibility 3) Energy storage


AD providing dispatchability, demand-side flexibility, and storage

Anaerobic digestion




Demand sideflexibility



AD providing bioflexibilityAn Advanced Pretreatment/Anaerobic Digestion (ADAP) Technology for Increased Conversion of Sewage Sludge to Nio-Natural Gas in Small Scall Wastewater Plants -Washington State Univ (Birgitte Ahring, PI)

Two major innovations:

1) An advanced wet oxidation/steam explosion pretreatment of undigested solids from a primary AD to increase carbon conversion efficiency

2) An immobilized bioreactor for biomethanation of the CO2 within the biogas stream

End goal: 70%+ of carbon converted to CH4

AD providing bioflexibility

Novel and Viable Technologies for Converting Wet Organic Waste Streams to High Value Products – SUNY Albany (Yanna Liang, PI)

Three major innovations:

1) Thermal hydrolysis + sonication of waste stream to increase lability

2) Liquid/Liquid extraction of AD reactor to remove VFAs prior to methanogenesis

3) MFC + MES system to convert CO2 to additional VFA

End goal: 50% increase of carbon conversion efficiency

Biogas upgrading via biomethanation for energy storage

Contact us

Ian RoweTechnology Manager | Bioenergy Technologies Office U.S. Department of Energyo. 202-586-7720 |



Fri 10 July 02.00 pm AEST

Webinar Series

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44

Presentations will be circulated to attendees after the webinar.


Fri 10 July02.00 pm AEST

Webinar Series

Flexible bioenergy systems in the Ag sector with a focus on digestate utilisation

Supported by IEA Bioenergy Task 44
