FRIENDS OF RODLEY NATURE RESERVE …...ponds, a bird walk and a visit to the Fish Pass. There were...


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Registered Charity No. 1070744


NEWSLETTER Summer 2016

Leeds Birdfair - Saturday 25th June

To have a Leeds Birdfair had long been the ambition of Start Birding’s Linda Jenkinson. It seemed a brilliant idea but where to hold it? When Linda raised the idea with us we just couldn’t say no. Linda had an excellent response from the various organisations she contacted and all we needed was a decent day’s weather in what had until then been a very unsettled month. Fortunately, the weather was very kind to us, the inevitable rain not arriving until late in the afternoon. The main aim of the Birdfair was to celebrate the wildlife and green spaces of Leeds. We wanted everyone to learn about the people and groups who give their time freely to look after our green spaces; where these green spaces are; how our council is involved and highlight our local wildlife-related businesses. We also wanted local groups to be able to increase their membership through attending on the day and be able to net-work with other groups. It was also a great opportunity to meet and talk to like-minded people. Among those organisations and businesses represented at the Birdfair were the British Trust for Ornithology, RSPB, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Spurn Bird Observatory, The Conservation Volunteers, Swillington Ings Bird Group, Leeds Swifts, the British Dragonfly Society, In Focus, Bird Holidays, the Blue Barn, Calverley Beekeepers and Andrew Ramsey Photography. Activities started at 8.30am with the opening of the moth traps followed by a small mammal survey, a bug hunt, barn owl pellet dissection, dragonfly identification at the ponds, a bird walk and a visit to the Fish Pass. There were ‘guides in the hides’ to help visitors with their bird identification, a barbecue and a splendid range of home baking in the Visitor Centre. It really turned out to be a great occasion for all wildlife enthusiasts and a big thank you must go to Linda for having the vision and enthusiasm to make it all happen. A big thank you too to all our own volunteers who worked so hard on the day.

Rodley Robins

A Saturday morning club for children had been on the Friends’ agenda for some time and it has now finally become a reality. We wanted to form a club that would enable local children to discover wildlife. The vision was to help today’s children develop a love of the natural world. It has been proven that children are happier, healthier, have a higher self-esteem and are more creative when they connect

with nature. Children need nature and nature needs children. We wanted to allow children to do practical activities and also encourage them to embrace the natural world around them. We needed an area away from the public to allow children to ‘make it their own’. We also wanted to encourage creativity, self-led discovery and independence - all invaluable life

skills. But most important of all WE WANTED IT TO BE FANTASTIC FUN! In May this year our vision finally came to life - Rodley Robins were born! Rodley Nature Reserve provided the Robins with their own designated area where the children would be able to create a mini-reserve that could be managed by them and developed over time. Our club is for children aged 5 - 12 years and we meet on a monthly basis. At the end of every session we always make time to stop and enjoy orange juice and buns (baked by the children themselves) and to discuss what we have done and seen that morning. Some of the activities we have enjoyed so far have been a short walk around the reserve playing nature bingo as we walked; sowing wildflower seeds into our raised beds; making our own bird cakes and filling feeders with seed for the birds; planting up a sunflower alley so we can have a race to see who can grow the tallest sunflower and creating a wildlife pond. Future activities will include building our own bug hotels, moth trapping, a small mammal survey, identifying insects on a bug hunt, building a willow hedge and being junior detectives by looking at tracks and signs around the reserve to see what birds and animals live there. After only a few weeks many small toads and frogs have moved in under our shiny corrugated sheets to keep cool and we have counted at least five newts and many diving beetles who have moved into our wildlife pond! Ask any of our Robins and we are sure they will confirm that being allowed to create and manage their own mini-reserve is a magical experience. Denese Swann

Great Crested Grebe family on the Lagoon

A Bumper Breeding Season on the Lagoon

The new Lagoon Hide has really proved its worth in recent weeks providing excellent views of the many birds nesting there. It was a pity only one pair of Common Terns stayed to nest on the rafts this year but a pair of Great Crested Grebes nesting only feet way from one of the rafts was a bonus. This species has had a poor breeding record at Rodley with numerous failed attempts in the past so the appearance of four tiny youngsters in the latter part of June was a very welcome sight, albeit only two of these survived. The Terns too were successful, three chicks making their first appearance on 8th June, two of these surviving to make their first short flights at the beginning of July. Gadwall have had their best ever breeding season with as many as five families on the Lagoon and a grand total of 35 ducklings with a further family of 11 on the Duck Marsh. The Sand Martin Bank goes from strength to strength with 127 nesting holes excavated by 24th April and 187 by the end of June. The nest bank had seemed secure from predators but a very agile North American Mink was an unwelcome visitor on 18th and 19th June, climbing onto the corner of the bank and pulling out several chicks. We instantly made an adjustment to the sides of the bank which we hope will prevent the mink from climbing again.

Great Crested Grebe family on the Lagoon (top) Gadwall family on the Lagoon (lower)

For Rodley Nature Reserve Trust Matters: Trust Secretary: Peter Murphy Tel: 0113 2930188 Email: Visitor Centre Volunteers Coordinator: Claire Ducker Tel: 0113 2909365 Email: Friends Membership: Howard Smith Email: 2 Barkers Well Fold, Leeds LS12 5TR

Education Bookings: Sue Henderson Tel: 0113 2298919 Newsletter: Peter Murphy Chair of Friends of RNR Barbara Murphy Tel: 0113 2930188 Email:



Reserve Opening Times Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 9am - 5pm (4pm Nov– end Feb)

Visitor Centre Opening Times - 10am - 4pm Telephone No on open days - 0113 2040441

Remaining Events at Rodley Nature Reserve 2016

Date Event Details Notes

27th July and each Wednesday

In August

Moth Trap Opening Another opportunity to join Dave Nesham to see some of the many interesting moths around at this time of year

Meet at visitor centre 10am

6th August 9am

Small Mammal Survey

A walk round the reserve to find and identify small mammals

Meet at visitor centre

13th August 8.30pm

Bat Night Another chance to walk round the reserve to look and listen to bats

Meet at visitor centre Booking essential

20th August 11am - 3pm

Summer Fair Our annual summer fair with stalls and other activities -details to follow

25th Sept 9am

Bird Walk Join us for a walk round the reserve to see the species res-ident at this time of year

Meet at Car Park

8th October 2pm

Fungus Foray Join expert Mary Larner for our annual fungus foray

Meet at visitor centre

29th October 11am

Pie & Peas Our annual autumn event in the visitor centre.

Order your pie in advance to avoid disappointment
