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Monday, May 3, 2021 Saints Philip & James, Apostles 7:00 A.M. †Robert Martinez by Gene & Eileen Montoya

†Ernestine Garcia by Chuck & Theresa Radosevich

6:00 P.M. Mass in English — Live stream on Facebook

Living & Deceased Members of the Aragon, Maes-Lopez Families by Evelyn & Michael

†Genoveva P. Vigil

†Jim Martsh by John, Jen Fresquez & Family

†Paul Martinez by Holy Family Coro (St. Anne’s) by Alice Lucero, Celadora

†Luis (54yrs) & †Benigna Maestas by Mary Naranjo & Family

†Andrea Fresquez-Baros by Ralph & Sadie Alarid

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 7:00 A.M. †Robert Martinez by David & Sharon Redman

5:00 P.M. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 P.M. Mass in Spanish — Live stream on Facebook

Bendiciones de Cumpleaños a James D. “Jim” Bryant por Leo Wink y Audrey Hargrove-Wink

Familiares y Amigos Vivos y Difuntos de Manuel y Erlinda Quintana

†James Martsh por Steven & Mabel Jaramillo

†Andrea Fresquez-Baros por Gene y Eileen Montoya

†Donelia Ortega por Liz Beckman y Rose Vigil-Silvus

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 7:00 A.M. Ordination Blessings to Fr. Julio Gonzalez

†Robert H. Martinez by Floyd & Naomi Archuleta

†Jim Martsh by Peggy Suazo-Romero

6:00 P.M. Mass in English — Live stream on Facebook

Mass in honor of the Holy Family with Anointing

Living & Deceased Family Members of the Lopez & Anaya Families

Living & Deceased Family Members of Millsap, Serrano & Romero Families

†Jose Melicendro Naranjo by Susan P. Weichman

†Olivia Gurule by the Family

†Sabininaño & †Esther Gurule by Lester & Loretta Gurule

†Raymond C. Martinez by Christi Olguin

Thursday, May 6, 2021 7:00 A.M. †Clorinda (12yrs) & †Ramon Fresquez by Paul & Barbara Fresquez & Family

6:00 P.M. Mass in English — Live stream on Facebook

Health & Well Being of Manuel Martinez, Family & †Tommy Lovato by Lovato Family

†Clorinda (12yrs) & †Connie Ortiz by Chris & Renee Fresquez

†Jimmy “James” Martsh by Paul & Lisa Redman

†Andrea Fresquez-Baros by Johnny DeVargas

†Robert H. Martinez by Angela Garcia & Girls


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“Discipleship is the process of be-

coming who Jesus would be if he

were you.” — Pope Francis —


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Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things

and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramen-

tally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already thee and unite

myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen

Comunión Espiritual

Creo Señor que estás presente en el santísimo sacramento del altar. Te adoro y te amo con todo mi corazón. Te pido

humildemente perdón de mis pecados. Deseo recibirte en mi interior, mas no pudiendo, ahora, sacramentalmente,

ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón, y, como si ya hubieses venido, te adoro, te abrazo y me uno íntimamente

a ti. No permitas que jamás me separe de ti. Amén

Maria Sophia Manzanares Age 86 December 4, 2020

Raymond G. Lujan Age 89 January 1, 2021


The friendship walk is ready and in need of some rose bushes! If you are interested in donating

a rose bush in memory of a loved one contact Noelle at the parish office as soon as possible.

The roses will be planted as soon as they are received. Thank you and God bless you!

Thank You to all who have already donated rose bushes in memory of their loved ones, which are listed be-


†Nora Roybal & †Regina Armijo

†Samantha Davis

†Candie Valdez

†Mary Lou Salazar

†Lourdes Maestas

†Karla Montoya

†Danelle Garcia

†Ernie Maestas

†Armando F. & †Roberta Montoya

†Jeff Patton

†Robert J. Patton

†Jennifer & †Joseph Salazar

†Manuel Valdez

†Lucas Randall

†Roland & †Brandon Garcia

†Tony Suazo

Pray for our Nation

and for our Troops

“Be joyful in hope, pa-

tient in suffering, faith-

ful in prayer.”

(Romans 12:12

“We must learn from Mary, and we must

imitate her unconditional readiness to re-

ceive Christ in her life.”

— Pope Francis —


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FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER: From Easter to Pentecost, each Sunday’s first reading is a passage from the Acts of

the Apostles. The second part of Luke’s writings, Acts tells of the early Christian church, working to fulfill its mission

to spread the gospel to all the world. It was not an easy task. Persecution, hardships, and disagreements often left the

disciples dispirited and adrift. So if Christians from that time were to hear that “the church throughout all Judea, Gali-

lee, and Samaria was at peace” (Acts 9:31), they might have concluded that their persecutors, such as Saul, who in the

previous chapter of Acts was said to be dragging people out of their homes, so intent was he on destroying the church,

had been defeated, or to use words from the Gospel, had been thrown into a fire and burned. But the Lord did not see

Saul as irredeemable. While the first Christians reacted in fear, Jesus showed mercy. Jesus saw in Saul/Paul a person

with the zeal and talent to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth, to bear fruit for the church. As Jesus remains in us

and we remain on the true vine, we too are empowered to bear fruit in answering the call of spreading the Good News.

How do you bear fruit in your words and actions?


for the months of April — June

Ryan Grainger, Matthew, Zachary & James Salazar,

Patricia, Joshua Garduno, Jake Alarid, Neil De-

Herrera, Susan, Pete & Xavier Trujillo.

We pray for physical and spiritual healing and



Would you like to consider your vocation to

religious life or to the priesthood in the reli-

gious community of the Sons of the Holy Fam-

ily? For more information contact us at holy-

COLLECTION FOR April 25, 2021

Church Collection: $............8,016.10

Building Fund: $.................53.00

School: $...............103.00

Catholic Home Missions: $...............915.00

By using your envelopes, you indicate your

attendance at Mass. What you put inside the

envelope is between you and God. Parish-

ioners are asked to include first and last name as well as

your mailing address on your supplementary envelopes.

Schedule recurring/offertory gifts or make one

-time donations. Go to our church website to

sign up today!

We now have laminated cards for online contributors

to use during the offertory. You may pick one up from

the book shelf or the table at the back entrance of the

church. When the ushers come around with the bas-

kets for the offertory, you may place your laminated

card into the basket. This will show that you are an

online contributor.


have arrived and may be picked up

at the Parish Office. Only the pa-

rishioners who took their photos last

year or submitted a photo are eligi-

ble to receive a Directory.


Video Broadcasting —The

Parish is needing volunteers to

assist with video broadcasting of events for Facebook and

You tube; such as Weekday and Weekend Masses, Funer-

als, Weddings, etc. Anyone who is interested is asked to

call the parish office for more information.

Assistant — The Confirmation Program is in need of an

assistant to help with paperwork and files. Anyone who is

who is interested is asked to call the parish office for more



POP TABS: Please continue to save Pop Tabs. Pop Tabs

are found on the following recyclable items:

Sodas, Energy Drinks, Fruit/Vegetable Cans,

Soups, Cat/Dog Food Cans and Canned Meats.

All Aluminum tabs only. For more informa-

tion contact Felice Gurule at 929-2955.

If we are to be disciples of Christ, we must trust

Him and place Him at the very center of our be-

ings, Jesus never comes “next”. He is always



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FIRST Friday, May 7, 2021

7:00 A.M. †Harold (17yrs) & †Joan Brock by David & Sharon Redman

8:30 A.M. Holy Cross Catholic School — Children’s Mass

†Trudy Hodges by Rebecca Hodges

5:00 P.M. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 P.M. Mass in English — Live stream on Facebook

In Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

†Charlotte Gallegos by Theresa, Diana & Michael

†Alfredo & †Consuelo Lopez by Anaya Family

†Noel Madrid by Camilla Trujillo

†Robert H. Martinez by Manuel H. Rodriguez

Saturday, May 8, 2021

2:00 P.M. Wedding of Martin Gonzales & Kristina Parrack

5:30 P.M. In Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

†Ernie Maestas by Kaitlyn Sanchez

†Joseph, †Roland & †Brandon Garcia by Angela Garcia & Girls

†Roberta Montoya by Mary K. Maestas

†Remigio, †Diana & †Randy Martinez by Ofelia & Sons

†Carol Martinez (4yrs) by Armando Lucero

Sunday, May 9, 2021 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER

7:00 A.M. In thanksgiving to St. Jude by Cindy, Emilio & Roberta

†Sally Garcia & †Robyn Padilla by Cindy, Emilio & Roberta

†Zulema, †Biterbo & †Jerry Quintana by the Family

†Antonia Trujillo & †Mabel V. Duran by the Family

†Dolores “Dollie” Roybal by Pita Abeyta & Family

8:30 A.M. Mass in Spanish — Live stream on Facebook

†Christina Duran por La Familia Duran

†Natividad Montoya por La Familia

†Frances T. Atencio por La Familia Atencio

†Angelita Romero (4años) por La Familia Andrade

†Viola Martinez por Kathy y Family

10:30 A.M. Mass in English — Live stream on Facebook

In thanksgiving to the People of the Parish

Healing of the People & Land of our Community Health & Well Being of Lucy Vigil, †Ernestine M. Romero & †Jenny R. Chavez by Isabel Trujillo †Alice & †Lolo Maestas by Peggy, Richard Jimenez & Family

†Nakita L. Garcia by Dad, Mom & Family

†Adela Quintana by Marie Castañeda & Family

†Ernaldo (43yrs) & †Ignacia Medina by Romero & Trujillo Families

12:30 P.M. Health & Well Being of Cynthia Martinez, Winterbrooke & MaiTai Garcia by Angela Garcia

†Robert, †Estefanita & †Baby Matthew Montoya by Angela Monotya

†Bernardita (Bernie) & †Felipe Valdez by Albert, Angela, Sotero & Family

†Filomena Romero & †Grace Valdez by Leo & Theresa Valdez

†Thomas Derrick and †Lorencita Velarde by Tom Velarde

7:00 P.M. Health & Well Being of Angela Garcia by the Girls

Birthday Blessings to Danny P. Bryant by Leo Wink & Audrey Hargrove-Wink

†Renee Chavez (2yrs) by the Family

†Joy & †Ann Salazar by Salazar Family

†Josephine Alarid by the Family


Saturdays 4:30 P.M.

and 6:30 P.M.

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We Are Disciples in the Body of Christ is the lesson for the 5th Sunday of Easter during this

period called Mystagogia. The importance of being guided in the new faith for those who

were baptized, Confirmed and received their First Holy Communion is what the Church

does for its neophytes. It is a time of “taking it all in”-- of discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit which they

have been prayed over to receive and which we all can claim for ourselves. These gifts of wisdom, knowl-

edge, faith, gifts of healing, the working of miracles, the gift of prophesy, the gift of tongues, the gift of

interpretation of tongues, the power of distinguishing spirits are gifts we have and can pray that they will

manifest themselves as we use them for the general good.

During the entire 50 days of Easter, we are reminded of how the first Christians studied, prayed, taught and

shared their possessions with others. We read about our Christian history in the Acts of the Apostles. We

come to understand how our faith began with the Jewish people . . . . . they were the first Christians! Jesus

was of the Jewish faith. Peter himself had earlier denied membership in the new faith . . . . . The Way . . . . . to

non-Jewish people, the Gentiles. Peter came to understand through a vision that nothing can stop God’s will

to bestow grace and redemption upon every race and nation. God’s love and mercy are beyond any code or

system. Even though we struggle to include all people, Jesus doesn’t.

Jesus teaches us that he is the vine and our heavenly Father is the vine grower . . . . . we are the branches. This

is one of the most complete descriptions of oneness found in Scripture. We are so much a part of Jesus and he

is so much a part of us, that apart from him, there can be no life. When we are firmly rooted to Jesus, we can

bear much fruit. As we allow ourselves to be pruned of all that is not helping us to grow in love and under-

standing of Jesus’ love and sacrifice for us, we can bear even more fruit.

The Acts of the Apostles gives us a picture of the young church when it was growing rapidly and coping with

everything which came with it. Paul had just returned to Jerusalem to try to join the disciples, but they were

all afraid of him. They wouldn’t even believe that he was a disciple. Even though there were many struggles

in the early Church’s beginning, Acts teaches us that the growing numbers of believers were at peace with

each other and they worked together against their persecutors.

As we grow in our role of discipleship, the early Christian community

we read about in the Book of Acts can serve as our model for growth.

The difficulties we may encounter as we grow in faith will bring us

closer together in peace instead of dividing us into rival groups. The

peace Jesus calls us to in HIS church is the peace given by the Holy


To be a disciple of Christ is to be a follower of Christ . . . . . . when we

follow him our lives reflect that reality in all we do. Our lives bear the

fruit of what it means to be a Christ follower . . . . . a Christian. Those

who want to follow Christ more closely and prepare to receive the Sac-

raments of the Church can call Janet Ortiz at 505-455-7520.

Log on to the parish website: for vital information during this time.

St. Joseph Manyanet Catholic Radio

KSHF 96.7 FM


A lifelong process of following Jesus


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— SUNDAYS — Live Broadcast at 8:30 am in Spanish and 10:30 am in English

— WEEKDAYS — Live Broadcast at 6:00 pm (Holydays that land on Fridays, 6pm Mass will be in Spanish)

Facebook — Santacruz Espanola

You tube — Santacruz Parish Espanola

The Parish Office is open from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

In case of an emergency, please call the Rectory at 505-216-5005 or Fr. Javier at 328-4514.


Sunday Mass — 8:30 am in Spanish from Holy Cross Church (pre-recorded) — 3:00 pm on radio

5:00 pm in English from Holy Family Church (pre-recorded) — 5:00 pm on radio


Sunday Mass — In Spanish from Holy Family Church in Chimayo (pre-recorded) — 7:00 pm on radio

The School Office is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am — 12:30 pm.

PRE—K TO 8TH GRADE: We are now registering for the 2021-2022 School Year. Please

call the School Office at 753-4644 in interested

Guardians of the Blessed Sacrament: The parishes of Sacred Heart in Espanola and San Juan Bautista in Ohkay

Owingeh would like to invite people who would like to spend time with Our Lord before the Blessed Sacrament exposed

in the monstrance in their Adoration Chapels.

Sacred Heart Parish — Tuesdays: 12:00 am — 1:30 am, 3:00 am — 4:00 am & 9:00 am — 10:00 am

Thursdays: 12:00 am — 1:00 am, 1:00 am — 2:00 am, 2:00 am — 3:00 am & 10:00 pm — 11:00 pm

Fridays: 2:00 am — 3:00 am, 3:00 am — 4:00 am & 4:00 am — 5:00 am

Saturdays: 12:00 am — 1:00 am, 1:00 am — 2:00 am, 2:00 am — 3:00 am & 3:00 — 4:00 am

(1st, 2nd & 5th Fridays of Month for morning hours listed above)

Saturdays from 6:00 pm — 7:00 pm

Sundays: 1:00 am — 2:00 am

Contact Rosina Martinez at 929-0937 to fill in one of the time slots listed above.

San Juan Parish: — Mondays: 2:00 — 3:00 am Saturdays: 10:00 — 11:00 pm

There are many hours that could use a second adorer, assist someone alternating every other week or assist when some-

one can not be present at their hour because of illness. Contact Elsie Pacheco at 927-3026
