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D i s t r i b u t i o n Waste Shipment Engineering . Project Title/Work Order Waste Shipment Engineering Data Management Plan

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Waste Shipment Engineering

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WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100 0 Waste Shipment Engineering Data Management P1 an

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Document Number: WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, REV 0

I Document Title: Waste Shipment Engineering Data Management P1 an

Release Date: 5/4/95

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WHC Information Release Administration Specialist: - May 4, 1995

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A-6001-400.2 (09/94) WEF256

SUPPORTING DOCUMENT I 1. Total Pages 5/' 2. T i t l e 3. Nunber 4. Rev No.

Waste Shipment Engineering Data Management Plan WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100 0 5. Key Words 6. Author

Data Management , activities, process definition, PIN files, data user, and logic diagram work flows.

Name: D. L. Marquez

krnu-. Signature

I Organization/Charge Code 7C410/N13A1 7. Abstract

This plan documents current data management practices and future data management improvements for TWRS Waste Shipment Engineering.

A-6400-073 (08/94) WEF124


Uncl a s s i f i ed

Waste Shipment Engineering


May 1995

WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 1

Prepared For Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC)

WHC Tank Waste Remediation System Division ’

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This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi- bility for the accuracy. completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom- mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

- Prepared- B Y -~ ~

Waste Shipment Engineering


Uncl assi f i ed WHC.SD.WM.PLN.100, Rev . 0 Page 2

Waste Shipment Engineering DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN

Revision 0


Sect i on Page Number

1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 BUSINESS FUNCTION & WORK FLOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 '2.2 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 WorkFlows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.4 Organizational Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.5 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7



DATA MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS . . . . . 3.1 Data Descriptions . . . . . . .

3.1.1 Data Flows . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Data Drivers . . . . . . 3.1.3 Concerns/Constraints . .

3.2 Data Life Cycle . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Data Collection . . . . . 3.2.2 Data Maintenance . . . . 3.2.3 Data Di ssemi nati on/Access 3.2.4 Data Retention . . . . . 3.2.5 Data Control . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

PLANNED IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.1 Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.2 Current Year Implementation'Activities . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.3 Outyear Implementation Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.4 Implementation Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 DATA MANAGEMENT ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 7.1 Appendix A. Logic Diagram Work Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7.2 Appendix By Process Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 7.3 Appendix Cy Data Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

. -.

Uncl ass i f i ed WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 3


This data management plan shall address the processes by which data a c t i v i t i e s a re used and managed by the Tank Farms Waste Shipment Engineering (WSE) Group. The spec i f ic dr iver for this plan is the Data and In fo rma t ion Management Po7icy, WHC-CM-1-1.

t h a t the data collected for the business u n i t will be managed cor rec t ly for current and fu ture applications. Specifically, this data management plan i s prepared t o address the common planning requirements o f managing data t o achieve the following objectives:

This data management plan is intended t o provide the necessary assurance

0 Ident i fy work flow processes tha t will be used for gathering system requirements and evaluate ways t o streamline the data o r information.

0 Identify the .da ta tha t are used f o r decision making throughout the

Ident i fy and define improvements t o administer safeguard pract ices

work flow processes in order t o accomplish a task.

t h a t protect the data in tegr i ty , maintenance, completeness and e lec t ronic f i l e protection.


0 Document WSE current data management practices and ident i fy

Minimize the cost of computer system development and operation.

improvement tasks. 0

The higher-level plan is the Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) D a t a Management P7an, DOE/RL-94-94.


The business function tha t i s covered i n this. plan is the Tank Farms Waste Shipment Engineering Group. discussed throughout t h i s document as interfaces are:

Other business functions t h a t will be

0 Environmental Waste Operations (EWO) Analytical Services/Sampl e Data and Laboratory Administration (AS/SDLA) Sampl e and Mobi 1 e Laboratories (SML)

0 Sol id Waste Acceptance Services.



The Tank Farms Waste Shipment Engineering i s chartered t o : 1) Ensure t h a t tank farm low-level radioactive, radioactive mixed, hazardous and non-regulated wastes are generated and prepared for disposal i n a manner

Uncl assi f i ed WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 4

that is safe, efficient and in compliance with applicable state, federal, and DOE-RL requirements; characterization of tank farm low-level radioactive, radioactive mixed, and hazardous wastes that will ensure accurate characterization, waste categorization, waste designation, waste analysis, waste storage and disposal, and waste shipping support. realized through:

2) Prepare and implement an effective program for

Successful completion of the group charter is

0 Providing timely, technical and scientific solutions to ship routine and non-routine waste.

e Establ ishing and maintaining programs that support tank farm sol id waste characterization, certification, and forecasting.

0 Providing technical services for special tank farm disposal

Devel oping and imp1 ementing plans for non-destructive and

projects involving both long-length, in-tank equipment, and mi scell aneous surface equipment.

laboratory analysis in support of waste disposal projects. 0

0 Issuing waste shipment documentation.

0 Performing waste designations and compliance inspections.

Preparing plant operating procedures and waste status reports.

Maintaining a waste record retention system.



2.1 Scope

Throughout that provide data is these groups (

the document, there are many references to the interfaces collection services and data packages to the WSE group.

i .e. , AS/SDLA, 222-S, and the SML) that usually collect the data (sometimes EWO collects the data), prepare data packages, control data custodies, and overall manage the data up to the the information is distributed to the WSE group.


The Waste Tanks Administration Manual, WHC-IP-0842, Section 16.2, speci f i es the Management Survei 11 ance of Sol i d Waste Shipments responsibilities for Waste Shipment Engineering as: radi ol ogi cal characterization; prepare Low-Level Waste Storage/Di sposal Record and Hazardous Waste Disposal Analysis Records; review Package Identification (PIN) file documents and verify that these documents are correct, complete, signed and dated before the ECO review; and keep track of the ECO inspections.

Prepare chemical and

Uncl assi fi ed WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 5

The Waste Tanks Administration Manua7, WHC-IP-0842, Section 16.2, speci f i es the Management Survei 11 ance o f Sol id Waste Shipments responsibilities for Environmental Waste Operations as: Radioactive Shipping Records; perform any required chemical or radio1 ogical sampl i ng; inspect the integrity of containers and verify 1 abel s , markings, and container cl osures in accordance with appl icabl e Storage/Di sposal Approval Record (S/DAR) prior to ECO inspection.

Prepare manifest and

The Waste Tanks Administration Manua7, WHC-IP-0842, Section 16.6, specifies the Hazardous Chemical Constituent Characterization Plan for 200 East and 200 West Tank Farm Waste Streams responsi bil ities for Environmental Waste Operations as: Manage solid waste for tank farms; control distribution o f waste containers; document tank farms solid waste activities; review documentation before shipping; inspect waste containers; and transport containers to a designated storage location once the containers are full or will no longer be used.

The Waste Tanks Administration Manua7, WHC-IP-0842, Section 16.6, specifies the Hazardous Chemical Constituent Characterization P1 an for 200 East and 200 West Tank Farm Waste Streams responsibilities for Waste Shipment Engineering as: coordinate activities of the EWO, AS/SDLA, and SML so that sampling efforts proceed on a timely basis; determine and approve Data Quality Objectives (DQOs); ensure that the waste characterization program is accurate and consistent, leading to correct waste designations.

The Waste Tanks Administration Manua7, WHC-IP-0842, in various parts of Section 16.0, also outlines the responsibi7ities for AS/SDLA, SML, and Solid Waste Acceptance Services. own controlled manuals in which their business scope and responsibilities are discussed.

Identify waste containers in need of sampling and analysis;

Each of these business functions also has their

2.2 Description

The document that establishes the interfaces and responsibilities between Tank Waste Remediation System and the Solid Waste Disposal Division for waste management is the Interface Contro7 Document Between the Tank Waste Remed i at i on System and the So 7 id Waste Disposa 7 Division , WHC-SD-WM- P I CD-008. The specific business processes related to WSE are discussed in 2.3, Work F1 ows .

2.3 Work Flows

The work practices and processes define graphically the sequence and dependency of major activities within the business function that ultimately produce the deliverables. The logic diagram work flow processes are located

Uncl assi f i ed WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 6

in Appendix A , Logic Diagram Work Flows. t ha t summarize the work f low information are located in Appendix B y Process Definitions.

The process def ini t ion descriptions

The work flow processes are discussed from the point o f view of what data are needed, required, and used t o form a decision in the process. The purpose of this i s t o identify which processes and data have the most in common. This will enable WSE t o identify the pr ior i ty data.

See Section 3.1.1, Data Flows, for the sequence and dependency of data through the business processes.

2.4 Organi zati onal I4appi ng

As mentioned, the other organizations tha t interface with the WSE group are: EWO, AS/SDLA, SML, Solid Waste Disposal (SWD), Solid Waste Acceptance Services, Pacif ic Northwest Labs (PNL), and WHC Radiation Physics and Shielding.

The EWO manages sol id waste for tank farms, controls d i s t r ibu t ion o f waste containers, documents tank farms sol id waste ac t iv i t i e s , reviews documentation before shipping, inspects waste containers, and t ransports containers t o a designated storage location once the containers are f u l l or will no longer be used. The EWO group also co l lec ts non-protocol samples. The procedure t o do the sampling i s Perform Sampling and Repacking o f Low- Level Waste, Radioactive Mixed Waste, and Hazardous Waste, TO-100-053.

The AS/SDLA coordinates analysis o f samples a t on-si t e and off-si t e 1 abs and i s the central point o f contact for the labs. ver i f ies analytical data received from the labs. original , hardcopy lab data.

AS/SDLA validates and AS/SDLA also maintains the

The PNL performs the container assay and sends the r e su l t s t o WSE. The WHC Radiation Physics and Shielding group performs the dose r a t e t o cur ie and computer modeling of waste containers.

The SML hand1 es the sampl i n g procedures , coll ec t s the sampl es , prepares the samples for shipment, maintains a f i e ld logbook, prepares chain-of-custody records, and ships the samples.

The Solid Waste Acceptance Services determines the hazardous and non- regulated shipping and storage specifications for the sol id waste and i t s containers. cer t i f ica t ion methods used by WSE in the Low-Leve7 Waste Certification P7an, WHC-SD-WM-EV-081. The low-level waste and radioactive mixed waste shipping and storage specifications for the sol id waste and i t s containers are determined by the EWO shipper.

This organization also ver i f ies the characterization

Unclassified WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 7

The organizational interfaces defined in the work flow. processes coincide with what is discussed in this section.

2.5 Resources

The primary resources for WSE data activities are: personal computers, printers, software, hard and soft copy files,’process knowledge (historical documents and databases) , training manuals, and the Hanford Local Area Network (HLAN).

These resources are managed by EWO, WSE, and the HLAN support personnel. At this time, manual methods of managing data are used more frequently rather than automated methods. The manual methods are files and records management. The management and accessi bi 1 i ty of these resources are discussed throughout this document.


At this time, there are no data management procedures specific to WSE. Seventy percent of the data management operations are manual. As a result, the manual methods become files or records management of documents. The other thirty percent of the data management operations are electronic. These operations include: calculation(s) determining waste categorization/codes, procedure writing, and various documentation preparation. Both the manual and electronic operations will be discussed in the following processes:

1. 2.

3 . 4. 5 . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


Waste P1 anning Process Container Request, Acceptance, and Generator Certification Process (Process Definition only) Low-Level Waste Shipping Preparation Process Hazardous Waste and Non-Regul ated Waste Shipping Preparation Process Radioactive Mixed Waste Radiological Characterization Process Radioactive Mixed Waste Designation Process Hazardous Chemical Characterization Process Sampling Authorization Form (Initiated) Sampl ing Authorization Form (Collect/Receive) Sampling Authorization Form (Review/Distr.ibute) Request for Special Analysis (Initiate/Collect/Receive/Review/Distri bute) Container Preparation Per S/DAR Specifications, SWITS Data Entry and Shipment Process WSE Faci 1 i ty Compl i ance Assurance Process

Appendix By Process Definitions, discusses the objective, data used, and process descriptions.

Uncl assi f i ed WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100 , Rev. 0 Page 8

3.1 Data Descri p t i ons

The Data Management P7an Temp7ate, WHC-SD-GN-UM-3008, Rev. 1 , out1 ines categories f o r data descriptions. group i s Environmental /Waste Management. as: those systems whose function i s t o manage quantitative and qua l i ta t ive representations of components of the Hanford environment including data describing the ef fec t o f ac t iv i t i e s on the environment or related t o i t s protection or improvement; those systems whose primary function i s t o manage products of operations tha t are subject t o ident i f icat ion, characterization, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal, often under regulated conditions.

The data description t h a t best f i t s the WSE This category description i s defined

Within t h i s broad category are additional categories of data used by For example, the his tor ical data are referred t o as ''process knowledge". WSE.

And, information relat ing t o waste types per tank farm i s referred t o as "waste streams".

3.1.1 Data Flows

The spec i f ic information inputs and outputs t o the logic diagram work flows are detai led in the Appendix B y Process Definitions. Definitions out l ine the process name, description, s ta tus , primary objectives, time, information inputs, information outputs , major del iverables, major t r iggers , and rules/pol ic ies .

The Process

Many of the data flow interfaces are database systems. The following are the database systems used by WSE:

Solid Waste Information and Trackinq Svstem (SWITS):

SWITS has been ident i f ied as the data repository containing information about each waste package of in te res t t o Hanford. I t supports "cradle t o grave" tracking and suppor t for management of radioactive, hazardous and mixed solid waste generated a t the Hanford s i t e as well as waste received from other Department o f Energy (DOE) s i t e . SWITS i s intended t o s u p p o r t generators, shippers, transporters, and storage f a c i l i t y per'sonnel .

In June o f 1994, WSE began t o input the waste package information in This input e f fo r t suppor ts Solid

The custodian of SWITS is Solid Waste. A t

SWITS per a verbal management direct ive. Waste in generating an Annual Dangerous Waste Verification Report t ha t i s requested and required by DOE. t h i s time, the data ownership of the data in SWITS has n o t been resolved (reference internal memo number 7C410-95-097).

On March 13-17, 1995, two representatives from the WSE group attended a SWITS Value Engineering Session. The workshop session discussions have been

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document d i n an i t rnal memo, Subject: T r i p Report f o r Solid Waste Information Tracking System Workshop, Number 7C410-95-097.

Sample Trackinq System:

T h i s database contains information related t o sample requests and their associated s t a tus . group has requested. samples and not results, i t i s non-quality affecting software and complies w i t h Software Prac t ices , WHC-CM-3-10. underway f o r the Sample Tracking System.

I t is a database spec i f ic only t o the samples t h a t the WSE Since this database only t racks information about

Currently, there are desk instruct ions The custodian of this system is WSE.

Requl atory F i 1 e Check1 i s t Trackinq System:

This database contains information related t o the regulatory f i l e checkl is t and their associated reference information. I t i s a database spec i f ic the WSE group. about regulatory f i l e s and t h e i r locations, i t is non-quality affect ing software and complies w i t h Software Prac t ices , WHC-CM-3-10. this system WSE.

Since th i s database only t racks reference information

The custodian of

The data systems t h a t are used for process knowledge reference are:

Inventory o f Tank Farm Eaui pment Stored or Abandoned Aboveqround Database :

This database includes an inventory of accessib1.e above ground contaminated equipment w i t h i n Tank Farms f a c i l i t i e s . T h i s inventory i s focused on equipment t h a t has potent ia l ly been i n contact w i t h tank waste and will not necessarily be reused. Inventory of Tank Farm Equipment Stored o r Abandoned Aboveground, WHC-SD-WM- EV-098, Rev. 0. Engineering.

The database inventory report i s avai lable i n

The custodian of this system is TWRS Environmental

Track Radioactive ComDonents (TRAC):

T h i s database contains information re la t ing to chemical and radionuclide content of tanks based on t ransfer data. Although these data have been designated as non-valid by the custodian, the data are continually used f o r general analysis. custodian of this system is Tank Farms Characterization Engineering.

WSE use these data f o r reference information only. The

Hard Copy Documents (Manual Data System) :

The manual data systems are f i les. The f i les are hardcopy documents containing information re la t ing t o his tor ical data o r references. T h i s could include any tank farm documentation, reference manuals, reports , l e t t e r s , complete sample r e su l t reports (data packages) , complete PNL assay r e s u l t s ,

Unclassified WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 10

and other miscellaneous information relating to the specific tank farm operations. its improvement activity is discussed in Section 4, Planned Implementation Activities.

The need for a Master File Data System has been identified and

3.1.2 Data Drivers

Company Data Drivers

An integral part of Hanford's success in accomplishing its mission depends on the information used for making decisions. utilized must be derived from a reliable base of data that is comprehensive, accurate, secure, and accessible. The Hanford Site and its contractors have established guide1 ines and practices for data management. These established practices form the platform for the data management strategies of this project in its mission and provide a mechanism that delivers quality information.

The information

DOE Order RL 1330.1D and subsequent communications describe the Site and Contractor Data Administration mission. This Order and the Hanford Site Data Administration Guide describe the way the U . S . Department o f Energy, Richland Field Office (RL) intends for the Contractor to manage the data resources required to do the work at the Hanford Site. At the time of this writing, this particular DOE Order may be canceled in the move to streamline DOE Orders.

Westinghouse Hanford Company's vision for data management is to provide

Therefore, WHC must strive to ensure: an environment where every person will have the information needed to optimize their specific expertise and time. The right information gets to the right people in the right place at the right time in the right form at the right cost.

Data Management at WHC is administered by Contracts Data Management and Integration (CDM) in coordination with senior management and the Data Administration Council (DA Council). CDM is the functional organization responsible for establishing the data management infrastructure and practices. The DA Council is composed of representatives from each WHC division or department and is accountable for providing a company perspective to data. Currently, the DA Council is pending until alternatlves to the DA Council functions have been identified.

Components of the WHC data management infrastructure include:

0 The Data and Information Management Po7icy, WHC-CM-1-1, and the Data Administration Standards, WHC-CM-2-6, establish an environment for effective management of data and set company direction and focus.

Uncl assi f ied WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 11

e The Software Practices, WHC-CM-3-10, provides System/Software Life Cycle Methodologies, discipline, and standards for activities and del iverabl es throughout the devel opment of a system.

e The Strategic P7an for Hanford Site Information Management , DOE/RL-94-69, communicates the vision and a policy for data management, provides strategies for work to be accomplished, and describes the current business data base1 ine.

e The Guidebook o f Data Management Practices, TRAC-0696, provides an overview of data management concepts , defines specific data management processes and activities, and describes the WHC data management resources established to accomplish the activities.

Speci f i c Data Drivers

Specific data drivers that relate to WSE are data quality, data life cycl e , and data compl i ance requirements . requtrements are a1 so discussed.

Record keeping compl i ance

Data Qual i ty Requirements

Data quality requirements include activities relating to quality objectives, data pedigree, data security/sensitivity, algorithms, and maintenance specifications. The only data the WSE group use that would fall under this category are the sampling data.

their charter. a Sampling Authorization Form (SAF). If protocols are requested, then a SAF is utilized and the Sample Mobile Labs perform the sample. If protocols are not requested, then a RSA is utilized and the Environmental Waste Operations is requested to perform the sample.

requirements in place. Labs or the Environmental Waste Operations, they are forwarded to the 222-S lab located in 200 West for analysis. Other sampling efforts that are sent

Laboratory Administration. Either way, the 222-S labs are the responsible party for analysis or preparing the sample to send it offsite via AS/SDLA. the case of the SAF, the Sample Mobile Labs are responsible for the paperwork associated with the sample to ensure data'integrity throughout the entire process. Some o f the offsite labs that AS/SDLA interfaces with are Quanterra Labs, Pacific Northwest Labs (PNL), and Los Alamos National Labs. these labs is also required to have a quality assurance plan that coincides with the AS/SDLA quality assurance plan.

The WSE groups request various types o f sampling in order to accomplish The request is made on a Request for Special Analysis (RSA) or

Per DOE Order 570O.6Cy the sampling process is required to have quality When sampling is performed by either the Sample Mobile

' offsite are coordinated through the Analytical Services/Sample Data and


Each of

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The 222-S 1 abs f o l low Samp7e Management and Admin is t ra t ion , WHC-CM-5-3 , as well as the Qua7i ty Assurance Manua7, WHC-CM-4-2. The Analytical Servi ces/Sampl e Data and Laboratory Admini s t r a t i on f o l l ow the Hanford Ana7ytica7 Serv ices Qua7i ty Assurance P7an (HASQAP), DOE/RL-94-55. The HASQAP provides a technical basis for Hanford S i t e analytical services t o meet the requirements of 10 CFR 830.120 and DOE Order 5700.6C for a qual i ty measurement system. The WHC Radiation Physics and Shielding group who performs the dose r a t e t o cur ie and computer modeling o f waste containers follow Qua7i ty Assurance Pro jec t P7an, QAPP-MCS-032, Rev 2.

I t i s under this direction tha t the qual i ty requirements a re met. The WSE are only recipients of these sampling data and keep a copy of repor t ( s ) sent t o them. Many o f these data will be used for future reference and are often referred t o as process knowledge.

Data Life Cycle Requirements

Data l i f e cycle requirements include a c t i v i t i e s re la t ing t o data generation up t o the point of archival and the change controls i n between. The data tha t the WSE group use tha t would f a l l under this category a re the information re la t ing t o the shipment o f the containers. located i n f i l e s t ha t are called Package Ident i f icat ion Number (PIN) f i l e s . These f i l e s a re the ending place for information tha t r e l a t e back t o a container. The information i n the PIN f i l e i s hardcopy information. A t th i s time, the management and maintenance o f these f i l e s are Environmental Waste Operations responsibi l i ty .

The l i f e cycle requirements for the PIN f i l e s t ha t contain bo th records and non-records are 1 ocated i n the Records Inventory Disposition Schedule (RIDs). The RIDs have information relat ing t o the media, storage requirements, and the qua l i f i e r of the data sheets. RIDs are under the management and responsibi l i ty of the Environmental Waste Operations where they are maintained, accessed, and controlled.

The WSE group provides hardcopy, signed documents t o these PIN f i l e s . These inputs a re discussed i n Appendix B y Process Definitions. An example of this information is the calculation r e su l t s performed on spreadsheet software applications. i s included i n the PIN f i l e . However, these electronic data are subject t o proper data re tent ion, format, and control. The 1 i f e cycle requirements for the calculat ions have not been established ye t , bu t the process improvement ac t iv i ty t o do so is discussed i n Section 4, Planned Implementation Act ivi t ies .

This information is

These PIN f i l e s and the

The hard copy o f these calculations is the o f f i c i a l record tha t

Data Compl i ance Requirements

The compliance requirements re la t ing t o business spec i f ic data management a c t i v i t i e s are located i n the Hanford So7id Waste Acceptance

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Criteria, WHC-EP-0063-4. The business rules relating the packaging identification numbering system is the only reference to data naming conventi ons .

A data value standard for the Secondary Package Identification Number has been completed and is awaiting approval via the Contracts Data Management and Integration group.

Record Keeping Compl i ance Requirements

The record keeping compl iance requirements relating to generator record keeping management activities are located in the Dangerous Waste Regu7ations, "Facility Record Keeping", WAC-173-303-380, and in Environmenta7 Comp7iance, WHC-CM-7-5. This WAC section does not pertain to electronic data retention requirements and computer system requirements. Both these requirements are located in WHC's controlled manuals and are followed according to Best Management Practices.

3.1.3 Concerns/Constrai nts

The following issues and concerns are currently applicable and impact the implementation of the process improvements discussed in Section 4.0, P1 anned Implementation Activities. 0


Funding issues have impacted 1) software acquisition and 2) software development activities. perform a feasibility study to determine the cost and strategy to implement a computer system for the WSE group is partially avai 1 ab1 e.

This fiscal year,.the funding to

The SWITS data ownership is an issue. administrators would like to have the owners of the data be the generators, but at this time, the.generators may or may not use SWITS. accomplish because once the generator has shipped a waste package and input the information into SWITS, they are "locked out".

The SWITS data *

Furthermore, data maintenance is a cumbersome process to


Currently under approval is a data value standard that imposes a business rule for the Secondary Package Identification Number. standard defines a naming convention, business rules, user names, format, and field definition for the Secondary Package Identification Number. value standard is not approved or changed, then it may become a constraint to the business.

The data value

If the data

Other restrictions that may impose constraints on data management are the 90-day and 180-day clocks. These are day "clocks" that count how many

Unclassified WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 14

days a container has been in a < 90-Day Pad and the 180-Day Pad, "clocks" there may be sample results that are not received in time from the lab and sample results may be received after a container has been shipped. instances like this, the sample results are kept as waste stream information or process know1 edge.

Due to these


3.2 Data Life Cycle

The data life cycle for eighty-five percent of the information discussed in Appendix B y Process Definitions, (see information inputs and outputs) eventually becomes part of a PIN file. The PIN files are kept internal, but the manifest documentation required to ship a container are subject to external distribution. The other fifteen percent of the information is process knowledge and is kept for future solid waste characterization. information is internal and is kept in filing cabinets.


3.2.1 Data Col 1 ecti on

The data relating to a container originates from the generator. primary data used are: Container Inventory Sheets, Generator Certification Form, Waste P1 anning Checklist, Tank Farm Container Request Form. documents have the most important information related to a container. data collectors of these forms are the generators and EWO.


The These

The EWO sampling data collection guidelines are located in the procedure entitled Perform Samp7ing and Repacking o f Low Leve7 Waste, Radioact ive Mixed Waste, and Hazardous Waste, TO-100-053. The SML also has procedures for capturing defined protocols during data collection.

Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) and Sampling Plans are other vehicles that are used that give guidelines to the data collectors. process is used to state the overall level of uncertainty that a decision maker is willing to accept in sampling results derived from the data.

The Sampling Authorization Form (SAF) process discussed in this plan is a method to request data collection (sampling). There are many different methods such as a Request for Special Analysis (RSA), DQOs, statements of work, and letters of instructions.

As needed, the DQO

3.2.2 Data Maintenance

Data maintenance for spreadsheet calculations is the individual's responsibility. been shipped, a Don't Say It--Write It (DSI) memo explains the new calculation. This new information is placed in the PIN File. The data maintenance for these electronic records have been defined as a process improvement that is discussed in Section 4, Planned Implementation Activities.

If a change is made to a calculation after the container has

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Data maintenance fo r the sample, assay, and dose r a t e t o cur ie r e s u l t s (data packages) received from the performing organization i s coordinated through them. When an e r ro r o r question a r i ses on the completed sample analysis r e s u l t , then the responsible individual will communicate w i t h the responsible organization t o correct the data.

Data maintenance for f i l e s management is via the Environmental Waste Operations. They are currently responsible fo r maintaining the PIN f i l e s , as we71 as updating the RIDS each year.

Data maintenance for data entry in SWITS is coordinated through the WSE i n d i v i d u a l responsible for data entry t o the SWITS data custodian. A t this time, data a re maintained, managed, and changed through the SWITS data custodian, b u t the owners of the data have been ident i f ied as t he generator (data entry person). A t this time, this is an issue tha t will be resolved near-end FY95 or when the SWITS Training Plan has been established; whichever comes f i r s t .

3.2.3 Data Dissemination/Access

The following data sources are used i n the processes discussed i n Appendix B, Process Definitions.

The data from the sample r e su l t s are dis t r ibuted by the 222-S l ab personnel. reviewed by WSE, the data are dis t r ibuted t o the individuals who a re responsible for get t ing a container ready fo r shipment.

Once the sample r e su l t s (data packages) have been received and

The hazardous chemical characterization sample r e su l t s (data packages) are summarized by WSE. These completed data packages along w i t h the attached summary report are placed i n the PIN f i l e s . A t this time, there i s one appointed contact t o t rack and receive sample r e su l t s in WSE.

Waste Acceptance when the container has been shipped. Current, PIN f i l e information i s accessible via the Environmental Waste Operations personnel.

The data f o r the process knowledge and waste streams are accessible through the WSE group. A t t h i s time, there i s n o t a designated individual responsible fo r central iz ing and tracking this information for easy access. Many of these documents are i n individual ' s f i l e s . T h i s is another candidate fo r process improvement a c t i v i t i e s t ha t are discussed i n Section 4, Planned Implementation Act ivi t ies . These data are used i n various tasks discussed i n Appendix By Process Definitions.

Fi les management o r the PIN f i l e documentation a re d is t r ibu ted t o Solid

The d a t a entered into SWITS are accessible via SWITS. Many o f these data are made available t o external agencies through reports ( i . e . , Annual Dangerous Waste Report). A t this time, SWITS is not used by Environmental

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Uncl ass i f i ed WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 16

Waste Operations to track containers. The primary container tracking method for Environmental Waste Operations is currently performed manually on a white board located at Building 209E/200 East. The backup method is the Container Document System that is a database supporting only Tank Farm container activities and is used by EWO not WSE. methods for WSE is the WSE 90-Day Clock Waste Status Report.

A tool to assist container tracking

3.2.4 Data Retention

The data retention duration, qualifiers, and responsibility for records management for the PIN files are listed on the RIDS located at 209E. The subject of RIDs, management of manual data systems, and files management is referenced in Document Contro7 and Records Management Manua7, WHC-CM-3-5.

The data retention period for the electronic spreadsheet applications have not been defined, centralized, or recorded on the RIDs. The process improvement activity to do so is Section 4, Planned Implementation Activities. The retention and centralization will call for a new location of these electronic data in a shared area located on the Hanford Local Area Network (HLAN).

information is located on the RIDs managed by the WSE group. information are hardcopy documents that are stored in filing cabinets.

The data retention period for the process knowledge and waste stream These data and

The data retention period for the sample results and PNL assays are also located on the RIDs managed by the WSE group. These data and information are hardcopy documents that are stored in filing cabinets.' An improvement activity has been identified in Section 4, Planned Implementation Activities, to enhance the tracking, receiving, and storage of PNL assay information.

The soft copy of the PNL assays are discussed in Section 3.2.5, Data The electronic data retention period is six months on the shared Control.

area. The retention media will be 3-25" disks and the WSE data administrator will perform the task to remove the files from the shared area to a disk and store them for future reference.

The data retention period for the Sample Tracking System and the Regulatory Files Checklist Tracking System has been identified as tasks to be completed and is be discussed in Section 4, Planned Implementation Activities.

3.2.5 Data Control

The data control practices for the electronic information that are received through the HLAN and put in the shared area on the WSE file server (WHC266) have been assigned two types of privileges.

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The first privilege type is Read Only and allows a user to view the electronic data and copy from the shared area. With Read Only privileges, a user cannot copy files to the shared area and cannot overwrite files. The second privilege type is Read/Write and allows the WSE data administrator to view the electronic data, copy files t o the shared area, and overwrite files. The control of these privileges and the password protection is assigned by Boeing Computer Services and the responsibility of the WSE data administrator.

The data control practices for the PIN files are 'checkout' methods and the responsibility of the EWO. When WSE implements the Master Data File System, discussed in Section 4, Planned Implementation Activities, the control of these hard copy documents will be through a 'checkout' process as well.


4.1 Strategies

one) with the appropriate improvement activities as well as identify the data used in the processes. practices, and management. utilized within the WSE groups.

The strategy for data management activities is to establish a plan (this

This establishes a foundation for data handling, This plan acknowledges the importance of data

4.2 Current Year Implementation Activities

For FY95, the implementation activities include:

0 Prepare a WSE Data Management Plan that identifies the current data management activities and improvement activities. Estimated Completion Date: May 1995

knowledge and historical information documents. an index system and RIDS registration. Estimated Completion Date: TBD

e Create a Master File Data System to centralize hardcopy process This will include

0 Communicate data ownership issues to the SWITS data custodian and participate in the resolution discussions representing WSE. Continue to communicate and input to data value standards that are applicable to Tank Farms. Estimated Completion Date: On-Going













WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 18

Define and imp1 ement data retention and maintenance requirements for the Sample Tracking System and the Regulatory Files Checklist Tracking System. Estimated Completion Date: May 1995

Define data retention and maintenance requirements for various electronic spreadsheets and spreadsheet calculations master documents. Estimated Completion Date: September 1995

Maximize utilization of the shared area on the WSE file server to central ize, control , and share electronic data (any type). Estimated Completion Date: September 1995

Inventory PNL assay hardcopy information and implement improved tracking, receiving, and checkout methods. Estimated Completion Date: July 1995

Define preliminary software requirements specification to identify potential automation of business processes through the use of a computer system. Estimated Completion Date: TBD

Review 222-S lab reports that are sent to WSE to ensure quality assurance reporting requirements are met per HASQAP, DOE/RL-94-55. Estimated Complettion Date: September 1995

Outyear Implementation Activities

For FY96, the implementation activities include:

Update this Data Management Plan as needed.

Prepare the software requirements specifications and recommendations associated with software development.

Prepare the software development plan, costs, and schedules.

Imp1 ementati on Constraints

At this time, implementation constraints include Tank Farms funding and staffing. development activities may not be considered a high enough priority to receive funding to maintain existing activities and complete outyear activities.

As funding diminishes, the task of data management and software

Unclassified WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 19


The data management roles and responsibilities pertaining to information

Other responsibilities pertaining to data systems, SWITS, RIDS, PIN files, SML, 2224 Laboratory, EWO, and AS/SDLA are discussed throughout this document. management implementation activities are the responsibility of WSE.


40 Code of Federa7 Regu7ations, Parts 260 to 299, 1994.

Computer Software Management , DOE-HQ Order 1330. lD, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington D.C. , 1992.

Dangerous Waste Regu7ationsY WAC 171-303, Washington State Department of

Data Administration Standards, WHC-CM-2-6, Westinghouse Hanford Company,

Data and Informat ion Management Po7 icies, WHC-CM-1-1 , Westinghouse Hanford

Data Management P7an Temp7ate, WHC-SD-GN-UN-3008, Rev. 1 , . Westinghouse Hanford

Ecology, 1991.

Richl and, Washington, 1992.

Company, Richland, Washington, 1992.

Company, Richland, Washington, 1995.

Document Controi and Records Management Manua7 , WHC-CM-3-5 , Westi nghouse Hanford Company, Richl and, Washington, 1991.

Environmenta7 Comp7iance, WHC-CM-7-5, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Wash i ngton .

Guidebook of Data Management Practices, TRAC-0696, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington, 1992.

Handbook of Data Management, Barbara von Halle and David Kull, Auerback Publications, Boston, MA, 1993.

Hanford Ana7ytica7 Services Qua7ity Assurance P7an (HASQAP), DOE/RL-94-55, U. S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, 1995.

Hanford Site Data Administration Guide, RLO-ADP-1, Wagoner, C.F. , Richland, Washington.

Hanford So7id Waste Acceptance Criteria, WHC-EP-0063-4, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richl and, Washington.

Uncl assi fi ed WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 20

Internal Memo, Subject: Trip Report for Sol id Waste Information Tracking System Workshop, Number 7C410-95-097, April 11 , 1995.

In-Process Inspection of Active Waste Containers, TO-100-045, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richl and, Washington.

Inspect, Load, and Ship Radioactive Waste to the Intermediate Holding Area, TO-100-010, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richl and, Washington.

Interface Control Document Between the Tank Waste Remediation System and the Solid Waste Disposal Division, WHC-SD-WM-PICD-008, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Low-Level Waste Certification Plan, WHC-SD-WM-EV-081 , Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richl and, Washington.

Operate and Inspect Less Than 90-Day Storage Pads, TO-100-065,

Perform Sampling and Repacking of Low Level Waste, Radioactive Mixed Waste,

Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richl and, Washington.

and Hazardous Waste, TO-100-053, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Preparing and Issuing Waste Containers, TO-100-002, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Quality Assurance Manual , WHC-CM-4-2, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richl and,

Sample Management and Administration, WHC-CM-5-3, Westinghouse Hanford

Washington, 1988.

Company, Richl and, Washington.

Software Practices, WHC-CM-3-10, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richl and, Washington, 1993.

Strategic P 7 an for Hanford Site Information Management , DOEjRL-94-69, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, Richland, Washington, 1994.

Tank Waste Remediation System Data Management Plan, DOE/RL-94-94, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington, 1995.

Washington Administrative Code (WAC) , Chapters 173-303 , Dangerous Waste Regul at i ons .

Waste Tanks Administrat ion, WHC-IP-0842, Rev. 0, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richl and, Washington, 1994.

Unclassi f ied WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 21

Perform Waste Generation, Segregation, and Accumu7ation, TO-100-052, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Rich1 and, Washington.

Qua7ity Assurance, DOE-Order 570O.6Cy U.S. Department o f 'Energy, Washington

Qua7ity Assurance Project P7an, QAPP-MCS-032, Rev. 2, Westinghouse Hanford


Company, Richland, Washington, 1993.

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7.1 Appendix A, Logic Diagram Work Flows

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Lo w-Leve I Waste Shipping Preparation Process


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Hazardous Waste and No n-Regulated Waste Shipping Preparation Process

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Radioactive Mixed Waste Designation Process

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Hazardous Chemical Characterization Process

Sampling Criteria

Sampling Authorization Form (SAF) I nit iated

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Sampling Authorization Form (SAF) Collect/Receive


Sampling Authorization Form (S AF) Rev ie w/D is t r i but e

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Container Preparation Per Storage/Disposal Specifications, SWITS Data Entry and Shipment

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WSE Facility Corn plia nce Assurance Process

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7.2 Appendix B, Process Definitions

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NAME: Waste P1 anning Process

DESCRIPTION : The Waste Planning Process defines the tasks and interfaces associated with completing the Waste Planning Checklist. The Waste Planning Checklist is a tool that enables the work package preparer to think about the waste that could be generated during a field task. Once a task is identified that is in the field and during the work package preparation process, it is determined if waste will be generated during the task. If so, the Waste Shipment Engineering group is contacted for assistance in completing the Waste Planning Checklist.

STATUS: Manual.

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To gather information about a field task and waste information so that the WSE is able to promote waste minimization and assist the work package preparer follow the correct task requirements associated with waste segregation and in the field.

TIME: As required.

INFORMATION INPUTS: Field task Snformation. Material Safety Data Sheet information. Predetermination Report information. Predetermination Request information. Waste Designation Database information.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Waste P1 anning Check1 ist.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Prel iminary waste hand1 ing guide1 ines for the work package preparer.



Work package preparation.

Waste Tanks Administration, WHC-IP-0842, Section 16.1.



WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 38

NAME: Container Request, Acceptance, and Generator Certification Process

DESCRIPTION: The Container Request, Acceptance, and Generator Certification Process defines the tasks and interfaces associated with completing the Tank Farm Container Request Form, 90-Day Pad Container Acceptance and Tracking Checklist, and the Generator Certification Form. A container can be requested by completing a Tank Farm Container Request Form. When approved, a Package Identification Number (PIN) is assigned to the container. The correct size/type container is labeled and delivered to the generation source. When full, the container is picked up from the generation source and a 90-Day Pad Container Acceptance and Tracking Checklist is completed. After acceptance and delivery to the 90-Day Pad, a Generator Certification Form is completed by the generator. Generator Certification form is signed.

It is inspected and the file is reviewed once the

STATUS: Manual.

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To track the container and its contents from the time of the request to the point of it being accepted to the 90-day pad. process is the responsibility of the EWO.


TIME: As required.

INFORMATION INPUTS: Tank Farm Container Request Form. 90-Day Pad Container Acceptance and Tracking Check1 ist. PIN Logbook.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Container Inventory Sheets. Generator Certification Form.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Container information that will assist in container shipment preparation.

MAJOR TRIGGERS: Container tracking requirements. ~

RULES/POLICIES: Perform Waste Generation, Segregation, and Accumulation, TO-100-052. Preparing and Issuing Waste Containers, TO-100-002.

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WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 39

NAME: Low-Level Waste Shipping Preparation Process

DESCRIPTION : The Low-Level Waste Sh ipp ing Preparation Process defines the tasks associated w i t h receipt of the PIN f i l e (container documents) t o determi ne waste characterization , waste categorization, waste designation, waste analysis, waste storage and disposal, and waste shipping support. Assisting i n this process a re the 6-Point Survey and PNL Assay data.

STATUS: Both manual and electronic .

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES : To ensure t h a t the above tasks are performed adequately t o s h i p a container.

TIME: Less than 180-Days; once the l a s t item was placed i n a container and the container declared ful l .

INFORMATION INPUTS: Tank Farm Container Request Form. Container Inventory Sheets. Generator Cert i f icat ion Form. Waste Storage/Disposal Request ( i f necessary). PNL Assay request. 6-Point Survey resu l t s .

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Storage/Di sposal Approval Record (S/DAR) . Low-Level Waste Storage/Di sposal Record. Radioactive Shipment Record. PNL Assay resu l t s . Cal cul a t i ons.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Container shipment preparation.

MAJOR TRIGGERS: .. Proper storage and disposal requirements.

RULES/POLICIES: Hanford Site Sol id Waste Acceptance Criteria, WHC-EP-0063-4. Inspect, Load, and Ship Radioactive Waste to the Intermediate Holding Area, TO-100-010.

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WHC-SD-WM-PLN-100, Rev. 0 Page 40

NAME: Hazardous Waste and Non-Regul ated Waste Shipping Preparation Process

DESCRIPTION: The Hazardous Waste and Non-Regul ated Waste Sh ipp ing Preparation Process defines the tasks associated w i t h receipt o f the PIN f i l e (container documents) t o determine waste characterization, waste categorization, waste designation, waste analysis, waste storage and disposal, and waste s h i p p i n g suppor t . process are the chemical sampling data.

Assisting i n this

STATUS: Both manual and electronic.

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To ensure tha t the above tasks are performed adequately t o s h i p a container.

TIME: Less than 90-Days once a container i s accepted i n t o the 90-Day pad.

INFORMATION INPUTS: Tank Farm Container Request Form. Container Inventory Sheets. Generator Certi f i cation Form. Waste Storage/Disposal Request ( i f necessary). Request for Sample (Total Activity). Hazardous Analysis Smart (HAS) System. Material Safety Data Sheets.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS : Hazardous Waste Disposal Analysis Record. Cal cul a t i ons.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Container shipment preparation.

MAJOR TRIGGERS: Proper storage and di sposal requirements.

RULES/POLICIES: Hanford S i t e Sol i d Waste Acceptance C r i t e r i a , WHC-EP-0063-4.

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NAME: Radioactive Mixed Waste Radiological Characterization Process

DESCRIPTION : The Radioactive Mixed Waste Radio1 ogical Characterization Process defines the tasks associated w i t h receipt of the PIN f i l e (container documents) t o determine waste characterization, waste categorization, waste designation, waste analysis, waste storage and disposal, and waste shipping support. Assisting i n this process are the radiological sampling ( to ta l alpha, t o t a l beta, GEA) r e f e r t o the Request f o r Special Analysis (RSA) Process and PNL Assay Data.

STATUS: Both manual and electronic .

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To ensure t h a t the above tasks a re performed adequately t o s h i p a container.

TIME: Less than 90-Days once a container i s accepted i n t o the 90-Day pad.

INFORMATION INPUTS : Tank Farm Container Request Form. Container Inventory Sheets. Generator Cert i f icat ion Form. Waste Storage/Disposal Request ( i f necessary). 6-Point Survey r e su l t s . RSA request (Radi a t i on Sampl i ng) . PNL Assay request.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Storage/Disposal Approval Record. Low-Level Waste Storage/Di sposal Record w i t h RMW Attachment. Radioactive Shipment Record. Cal cul ations. RSA (Radiation Sampling Results). . PNL Assay r e su l t s .

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Container shipment preparation.

MAJOR TRIGGERS: Proper storage and disposal requirements . RULES/POLICIES:

Hanford Site So7 id Waste Acceptance Criteria', WHC-EP-0063-4. Inspect, Load, and Ship Radioactive Waste to the Intermediate Holding Area, TO-100-010.

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NAME: Radioactive Mixed Waste Designation Process

DESCRIPTION: The Radioactive Mixed Waste Designation Process defines the tasks associated w i t h receipt o f the PIN f i l e (container documents) t o determi ne waste characterization, waste categorization , waste designation, waste analysis, waste storage and disposal , and waste s h i p p i n g s u p p o r t . Assisting i n th is process are the Sampling Authorization Form (SAF) process and PNL Assay Data.

STATUS: Both manual and electronic .

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To ensure tha t the above tasks are performed adequately t o s h i p a container.

TIME: Less than 90-Days once a container i s accepted i n t o the 90-Day pad.

INFORMATION INPUTS: Tank Farm Container Request Form. Container Inventory Sheets. Generator Cert i f icat ion Form. Waste Storage/Di sposal Request ( i f necessary) 6-Poin t Survey resu l t s . SAF. PNL Assay request. Material Safety Data Sheets.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Storage/Di sposal Approval Record. Low-Level Waste Storage/Di sposal Record w i t h RMW Attachment. Radioactive Shipment Record. Cal cul a t i ons . SAF. PNL Assay r e su l t s .

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Container shipment preparation.

MAJOR TRIGGERS: Proper storage and disposal requirements.

RULES/POLICIES: Hanford S i t e So7id Waste Acceptance C r i t e r i a , WHC-EP-0063-4. Inspec t , Load, and Ship Radioact ive Waste t o the In termediate Hold ing Area, TO-100-010.

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NAME: Hazardous Chemical Characterization Process

DESCRIPTION : The Hazardous Chemical Characterization Process defines the tasks associated w i t h receipt of the PIN f i l e (container documents) t h a t i s l i s t e d on the 90-Day Clock Waste Summary Report. T h i s process defines tasks and c r i t e r i a t o determine waste sampling t h a t will a s s i s t i n waste designation. f o r present and future needs. Assisting i n this process a re the Sampling Authorization Form (SAF) process.

STATUS: Both manual and electronic .

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To ensure t h a t the above tasks a re performed adequately t o determine proper waste designation f o r a container.

TIME: Less than 90-Days once a container is accepted in to the 90-Day pad. However, past 90 days, sample r e su l t s are kept as process know1 edge.

INFORMATION INPUTS: Tank Farm Container Request Form. Container Inventory Sheets. Generator Cert i f i ca t i on Form. WSE 90-Day Clock Waste Status Report. 6-Point Survey resu l t s . SAF. Materi a1 Safety Data Sheets.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Tank Farm Process Knowledge. Raw Data Package. Data Package Summary Sheet.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Container shipment preparation.

MAJOR TRIGGERS: Proper waste designation.

RULES/POLICIES: Hanford Site Sol id Waste Acceptance Criteria, WHC-EP-0063-4. Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Chapters 173-303, Dangerous Waste Regulations. 40 Code of Federa7 Regulations (CFR), Parts 260 t o 299.



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NAME: Sampl i ng Authorization Form Ini ti ate/Coll ect/Receive/Review/Di stri buted

DESCRIPTION : The Sampling Authorization Form Processes define the tasks associated w i t h i n i t i a t ion , col lect ion, receipt , review and d i s t r i b u t i o n o f the sample r e su l t data. Once a SAF i s completed and approved? the Analytical Services/Sample Data and Laboratory Admini s t r a t ion are contacted and the Sample Mobile Lab personnel are scheduled t o perform the sampling. taken, the samples are taken t o the 222-S l a b for release o f f s i t e . When the sample r e su l t s come back, WSE summarizes the r e su l t s i n a report . These samples are tracked th roughou t this process t h r u the Sample Tracking System.

Once the samples a re

STATUS: Both manual and electronic.

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To establ ish a data/information s e t for waste streams.

TIME: Less than 90-Days once a container i s accepted in to the 90-Day pad.

INFORMATION INPUTS: Sample specifics/requirements. Sampling Authorization Form. Sample Tracking System.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Sample r e su l t s complete with data qua l i f ie rs (raw da ta) . Chain o f Custody. Sample Summary Report.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Sample Summary Report. Information s e t fo r establishing waste streams.



Need f o r es tabl ish

Hanford S i t e S o l i d

ng waste stream

Maste Acceptance

nformat i on s e t s .

C r i t e r i a , WHC-EP-0006-4.

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NAME: Request for Special Analysis Ini ti ate/Coll ect/Receive/Revi ew/Distri bute Var i ous Sampl i ng Types

DESCRIPTION: The Request f o r Special Analys is Process def ines t h e tasks associated w i t h i n i t i a t i o n , c o l l e c t i o n , r e c e i p t , rev iew and d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e sample r e s u l t data. Once a RSA i s completed and approved, t h e Environmental Waste Operations personnel perform t h e sampling. Once t h e samples are taken, t h e samples are taken t o t h e 222-S l a b f o r analys is . When t h e sample r e s u l t s come back, WSE reviews t h e i n fo rma t ion and incorporates these r e s u l t s i n t h e processes p rev ious l y discussed.

STATUS: Both manual and e l e c t r o n i c .

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To coordinate, t rack, and manage the e f f o r t o f var ious sampling types.

TIME: Less than 90-Days once a conta iner i s accepted i n t o t h e 90-Day Pad

INFORMATION INPUTS: Sample speci f ics/requirements. Request f o r Speci a1 Analysis.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Sample r e s u l t s (raw data). I n fo rma t ion t h a t w i l l a s s i s t t o designate, e t c . waste.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: I n fo rma t ion s e t f o r e s t a b l i s h i n g waste streams. I

I n fo rma t ion t o a s s i s t i’n processes p rev ious l y discussed.

MAJOR TRIGGERS: Need f o r e s t a b l i s h i n g more i n fo rma t ion t o designate, e t c . waste.

RULES/POLICIES: Hanford Site Solid Waste Acceptance Criteria, WHC-EP-0063-4.

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NAME: Container Preparation Per S/DAR Speci f cations SWITS Data Entry and Shipment

DESCRIPTION: The Container Preparation Per Storage/Disposal Specifications SWITS Data Entry and Shipment Process defines the tasks associated w i t h receipt and agreement o f the S/DAR, SWITS data entry, and sending the completed f i l e t o Environmental Waste Operations f o r container preparation and shipment.

STATUS: Both manual and el ectroni c.

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To f i n a l i z e the paperwork for data entry and shipment.

TIME: Less than 90-Days once a container i s declared full and i s accepted i n t o the 90-Day Pad.

INFORMATION INPUTS: Storage/Di sposal Approval Record. Hazardous Waste Disposal Analysis Record. Low-Level Waste Storage/Disposal Record w i t h RMW Attachment. Low-Level Waste Storage/Di sposal Record. SWITS data entry.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: SWITS data reports. Completed PIN f i l e , sent t o EWO fo r shipment.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Information entered into SWITS. Completed PIN f i l e .

MAJOR TRIGGERS: PIN f i le /container requirements.

RULES/POLICIES: Hanford S i t e S o l i d Waste Acceptance C r i t e r i a , WHC-EP-0063-4.

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NAME: WSE Faci 1 i ty Compl i ance Assurance Process

DESCRIPTION: The WSE Faci 1 i t y Compl i ance Assurance Process de f ines t h e tasks associated w i t h su rve i l l ance and inspec t ions o f s a t e l l i t e accumulation areas and 90-day inspec t ion as w e l l as p repara t ion o f t h e t rend r e p o r t and c o r r e c t i o n ac t ions t o management.

STATUS: Both manual and e lec t ron i c .

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To i d e n t i f y de f i c ienc ies repo r t s w i th in each o f t h e tank farm f ac i 1 i t i es .

TIME: Q u a r t e r l y .

INFORMATION INPUTS: Inspec t ion Check l i s t f o r 90-Day Pad. I n Process Sate1 1 i t e Waste Container Inspect ion.

INFORMATION OUTPUTS: Reported De f i c ienc ies i n a Q u a r t e r l y Trending Report. Cor rec t ion Ac t i on recommendations t o management.

MAJOR DELIVERABLES: Q u a r t e r l y Trending Report. Correct i ve Ac t ion recommendations t o management.


RULES/POLICIES: Hanford S i t e Sol i d Waste Acceptance C r i t e r i a , WHC-EP-0063-4. Operate and Inspect Less Than 90-Day Storage Pads, TO-100-065. In-Process Inspec t ion o f Ac t i ve Waste Containers, TO-100-045.

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7.3 Appendix C, Data Dictionary

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Data Manaqement - The function of controll ing the acquisit ion, analysis , storage, re t r ieva l , and d is t r ibu t ion o f data.

Data Owner - The owner of data is generally a company or customer. The owner uses data as a resource t o s u p p o r t the missions, objectives, and goals of a company. The owner is responsi bl e f o r s t r a t eg ic p l anning and s t ruc tur ing and chartering organizations t o perform the business functions t h a t generate data as par t of their processes.

Data Steward - A data steward is any person who generates, maintains, o r uses and supports data. The data steward is responsible f o r maintaining the data with proper regard t o the r igh ts and requirements of the company and others.

Data Value Standard - Ident i f ies the u n i t of measure, coded or abbreviated name, or i d e n t i f i e r and other values tha t must have s tab le content and format across application system boundaries. I t must have the same meaning t o a l l functions o r systems tha t access i t .

Generator - Any person or group whose ac t o r process produces dangerous waste ident i f ied o r l i s t e d i n WAC 173-303-040, or whose ac t f irst causes a dangerous waste t o become subject t o regulation.

Interface - Assurance tha t current and correct information is transmitted from one organization or system t o another.

Material Safetv Data Sheet - Incudes information regarding the spec i f i c ident i ty of hazardous chemicals. Also includes information on health e f f ec t s , f i r s t a id , chemical and physical properties, and emergency phone numbers.

Packaqe Ident i f icat ion Number (PIN). - A waste numbering system used t o provide unique numbers t o a container. In SWITS, the PIN is equivalent t o a Secondary Package Ident i f icat ion Number. However, the generators only use the term PIN.

Process - A predetermined course of events defined by i t s purpose or by i t s e f f ec t , achieved under given conditions.

Protocol Standard - A standard tha t ident i f ies a method, regulation, agreement, o r external standard adopted f o r compliance.

Six-Point Survev - Used t o determine radiological characterization f o r a waste container.

Waste Container - A portable receptacle f o r waste, including any l iner o r shielding material t h a t i s intended t o accompany the waste i n disposal.

Waste Packaqe - The waste, waste container, and any absorbent t h a t a r e intended f o r disposal as a u n i t , In the case o f surface contaminated, damaged, leaking, o r breached waste packages, any overpack shal l be considered

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the waste container, and the original container shall be considered par t o f the waste.

Waste Stream - A waste stream i s any consistent set of waste material from a given process or s e t o f closely related processes tha t does n o t change i n i t s physical, radionuclide, o r chemical designation o r in i t s means o f packaging.
