From A to Z



Javier Hurtado Salinas 6 IM2

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Javier Hurtado Salinas

The best drink you have eaten during the period of

vocational and blueberry flavor is the most flavorful

and I like most all other ; is a drink that makes me

very good and I like taking it with my friends

the shorty was an

important person and

friend to me even though

we were only three

semesters lived with her

big moment, good and

bad times, and we get

angry very often but I

love her and always very


this woman is someone

very important to me, at

first I saw my friend and

was very good and

supported me in

everything, we laughed a

lot, I owe much everything

he has done for me, but

after I saw her with

different eyes and just I

can say that woman is evil

and makes me so happy at

the same time, and is the

only that makes me feel

what I feel and I try but it

does not change, I love that


elisa I can say is my best

friend I am very grateful

for all he has done for me,

all the funny and happy

moments spent with her.

is someone I enjoy

spending time, whom I

can tell everything

without me judged, who

gives me advice and

wants the best for me, and

everything she knows and

has lived with me things

that nobody else knows. in

a nutshell is my sister.

like my other friends, she

was someone important to

me because as all support

me, and that sometimes I

get angry because the

annoying lot, but that's

because I love her, and

often not the case is

someone we do special.

the institution where I learned to be part of

something, where I learned the union,

companionship, being proudly Politecnico

my king, he is one of

my best friends I

have in my career,

I've been with three

years of high school

and have spent so

many funny

moments with him,

we went to parties

where both good just

bad, he knows almost

all about me, spotted

me in a state

problem, in short

many stories with

him, is my brother.

they are all my friends where I live and have lived

with them since childhood, most have grown up

together, played as children and now we take each

Friday, they are the ones that I spend my time

here in my house

is the team I play soccer on weekends, to me is

something important and that's where I can take

all the stress that I have accumulated in the week,

where I can work out at something I enjoy doing,

and especially that occurs occurs within the field

she is my friend but I get as I get with a man, we

have gone we conducted our funny moments when

social service, it was so funny that it supported

only by the service, also always understands me

and supports me is someone special.

social service that was very interesting experience

I had during high school, do my internship taught

me many things but the basics I think it was to

make more responsible and obey orders and see

how life's work

this kind of music is my favorite and I like hearing

that all day, this music makes me very good and

makes me forget the problems, I also make you

want to dance, to me is the best genre of music


he is for me one of the best techno DJs out there, I

love your work besides that most of their songs are

the craziness, I also like techno for your channel

has to be the 1605, a channel where they spend

the good techno and never get bored listening to

their tracks

is the school where I studied high school, I am very

grateful this since I lived here about three

wonderful years, where known friends, love,

addictions, fellowship and most importantly gave

me the tools to fight for my future dreams and


was one of the few places where we went as a group

and my friends was fun